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‫مالحظات عامة‬

‫الننم ن ن ن‬ ‫صنننننننن ننننت ف ن‬ ‫‪ -١‬ال ن نمنننن الننمننة ن نننن ت ن ا ن الننت نق ن ن صنننننننننن ت ال نت ن‬

‫خالل الع م الد اس ال ل ‪.‬‬

‫نننن ن نننن منننندة‬ ‫من‬ ‫نننن ت ن ا ن ق ن ا ات الننم ن ن الننت ن ب ن‬ ‫‪ -٢‬ال ن نمنننن الننمننة ن‬
‫ـدد األسئ ‪.‬‬ ‫المس بق‬

‫ى الب م العالم‬ ‫أ ًل م ثم ال ه ب لالةالع‬ ‫‪ -٣‬لالستف دة ُ َفضل ل ال م‬

‫الت مم أ ت ل ‪.‬‬

‫اللت ام ب ل قت الم دد له‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -٤‬لالستف دة ُ َفضل أث ء ل ال م‬

‫ل دم تم ك م ل بعض األسئ ‪ .‬م م اجع‬ ‫‪ -٥‬ل دا َ ل ت ت ف‬

‫ن ننى‬ ‫الننبنننن ننم مننعن فنننن ةن ننقنننن اإلجنننن بنننن ‪ .‬ننمن ن من اجننعنننن النننند س األفن نننن‬
‫الم ص د ال ج ‪.‬‬

‫‪ ،‬ل س المسنن بق المق ة لالمت‬ ‫تد ب لم اجع األف‬ ‫ه م‬ ‫‪ -٦‬ه ا ال م‬

‫ال سم ‪.‬‬

‫بم ص ش ة ‪.‬‬ ‫خ ص ب لمشت‬ ‫‪ -٧‬ه ه ال م‬

‫ل‬ ‫د أخة ء مةبع ه ا تم ل ضننننئ ل ت ج م ا ل التدق م‪ .‬أم ف‬ ‫‪ -٨‬ا تم ل‬

‫خالل ‪24‬‬ ‫صنننن ل لك فال دا ل ق‪ ،‬فقة جى رخب ب لك الق م بتفقد ال م‬
‫س ل تـأ د م تص ح أ خةأ مةبع أ ت ض ح رض ف أل رج ب ‪.‬‬


‫امتحانات الشّهادة الثّانويّة العا ّمة‬
‫‪2024‬‬ ‫الفرع‪ :‬علوم الحياة‬

‫مسابقة في مادة علوم الحياة‬

‫المدة‪ :‬ساعتان ونصف‬

‫يتكون هذا االمتحان من ستة تمارين‪ ،‬يجب اختيار أربعة منها فقط‪.‬‬
‫حدد اختياراتك‪.‬‬
‫ثم ّ‬
‫عام وشامل‪ ،‬ومن ّ‬
‫اق أر األسئلة كلّها بشكل ّ‬
‫تنبيه‪ :‬في حال اإلجابة عن أكثر من أربعة تمارين‪ ،‬عليك شطب اإلجابات المتعلقة بالتمرين الذي لم يعد من ضمن اختيارك واال فسوف‬
‫يتم تصحيح اإلجابات المرتبطة بالتمارين األربعة األولى غير المشطوبة على ورقة اإلجابة‪.‬‬

‫‪Answer four exercises out of the following six exercises.‬‬

‫‪Exercise 1 (5 pts) A Hereditary Disease‬‬

‫‪Exercise 2 (5 pts) A genetic mutation‬‬

‫‪Exercise 3 (5 pts) Cooperation during immune response‬‬

‫‪Exercise 4 (5 pts) Induction of specific immune response‬‬

‫‪Exercise 5 (5 pts) Contraception‬‬

‫‪Exercise 6 (5 pts) The hormonal secretions of the female‬‬


Exercise 1 (5 pts) A hereditary disease

Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD) is a rare metabolic disorder

characterized by the body's inability to break down certain amino
acids. This leads to a buildup of these amino acids and their toxic
byproducts in the blood and urine. The condition gets its name from
the distinctive sweet odor of the urine, similar to maple syrup. MSUD
can cause a range of symptoms, including poor feeding, vomiting,
seizures, developmental delays, and neurological problems. Early
diagnosis and treatment are essential to prevent serious
In a family, plasma amino acid profiles are performed on two different
individuals, and the results are shown in document 1.

1. Pick out from the text one symptom of MSUD.

2. Determine the amino acid that is not broken down by the
affected individual.
3. Justify that the allele responsible for MSUD is recessive.
Document 1

An electrophoresis concerning the gene for MSUD is performed on three

unaffected individuals. The results show that each of the two alleles of the
gene can be associated with one DNA fragment, and they are shown in
document 2.
4. Specify, based on the results given in document 2, the fragment that
corresponds to the mutant allele of the gene for MSUD.

The gene for MSUD is not located on the homologous segment of

chromosomes X and Y.
5. Show, based on document 2, that the gene for MSUD is autosomal.
Document 2

Mark and Lara are both normal. They belong to a population where the proportion of heterozygous persons
for MSUD is 1/200, and they are worried about having a child affected by this disease.
Based on the analysis of the pedigrees of their families, a genetic counselor determined their risk of having
a child affected by MSUD. He got a risk equal to 1/160000.
6. Justify that neither Mark nor Lara has a family history for this disease.

A prenatal diagnosis is made for Lara to determine the real genotype and
phenotype of her fetus. An electrophoresis for the fetus and the parents is
done, as shown in document 3. The fetus’s karyotype shows a normal
number and structure of all the chromosomes, and two sex chromosomes,
X and Y.
7. Explain, based on all what precedes, the importance of the
performed prenatal diagnosis in the treatment of Lara’s child.

Document 3


Exercise 2 (5 pts) A genetic mutation

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a recessive genetic disorder characterized by progressive muscle
degeneration and weakness. It primarily affects boys and is caused by a mutation in the gene responsible
for producing dystrophin, a protein crucial for muscle function. As DMD progresses, it leads to difficulties
in walking, breathing, and eventually, heart problems.
One of the most common cardiac complications associated with DMD is cardiomyopathy, where the heart
muscle weakens and becomes unable to pump blood efficiently. Cardiomyopathy can manifest as
symptoms such as shortness of breath, fatigue, and irregular heartbeats. It's a significant concern because
it can greatly impact the lifespan and quality of life for individuals with DMD.
Document 1 shows a pedigree where a boy is born affected by DMD.

1. Show that the gene responsible for DMD

is located on chromosome X.
2. Specify the genotypes of individuals 3, 4 Fetus
and 5 in this family.
3. Justify that individual (1) of this pedigree
is certainly heterozygous.
4. Determine the risk for couple (5, 6) to
have a child affected by DMD.

Document 1

DNA analysis shows that the mother (8) has two different alleles of the dystrophin gene and that the fetus
(9) has inherited only one of the two alleles from the mother. The sequence of a part of each of these alleles
is given in document 2.

1 5 10 15
GCTCTCTCCCAGCTTGAT… control - normal
GCTCTCTCAGCTTGAT… first allele of the mother
GCTCTCTCCCAGCTTGAT… second allele of the mother
GCTCTCTCAGCTTGAT… the only allele found in the fetus
Document 2
5. Specify the type of mutation that led to the formation of the mutant allele of this gene.
6. Establish the diagnosis of the child to be born concerning DMD.

FISH technique is applied on the cells of the fetus to confirm its genotype and phenotype. The obtained
results for the father, mother and child are shown in document 3.
These results reveal that an error in meiosis has occurred in one of the parents.

Document 3
7. Schematize in the concerned parent the error in meiosis that led to the state of this child.


Exercise 3 (5 pts) Cooperation during immune response

In the immune system, some organs cooperate, and some cells cooperate as well. Is the cooperation between
the organs actually a cooperation between the cells that they prepare? The following experiments are
performed to answer this problem.

Experiment 1:
Antigens are injected into many lots of mice under Lot Conditions Result
different conditions. Two weeks later, the serum is Ablation of thymus at
taken from these mice and mixed with the same type 1 birth then injection of No agglutination
of the injected antigen. The conditions and the antigens after 3 months
results are given in the table of document 1. Ablation of the bone
2 marrow then injection No agglutination
1. Specify, based on the obtained results, the of antigens
organs responsible for the reaction of Control mice having
agglutination. bone marrow and Agglutination of
2. Name two other organs of the body that may play 3
thymus and injected by injected antigens
a role in the immune response leading to the antigens
agglutination reaction. Ablation of thymus at
one year old then Agglutination of
Knowing that B lymphocytes mature in the bone 4
injection of antigens injected antigens
marrow and T lymphocytes mature in the thymus: after three months
3. Formulate a hypothesis to explain the result
obtained in lot 4. Document 1

Experiment 2:
Many cultures of immune cells are made using Marbrook chambers in the presence of SRBC, as shown in
the table below.

Culture 1 2 3 4 5
Upper BL BL and
M and TL TL TL and M
chamber and M TL and M
- M BL TL -
- Interleukin - Interleukin
Results Interleukin and and
antibodies antibodies
Document 2 M = macrophage Document 3

4. Determine the mode of communication between TL and macrophages needed for the secretion of
5. Schematize the mechanism of recognition between the macrophage and the TL.
6. Justify the cooperation of T4 with BL occurred similarly in both cultures 3 and 5.

Experiment 3:
The obtained antibodies are incubated with SRBC in two culture mediums. Complement proteins are added
only to one of them. We obtain an agglutination of SRBC in one of the two tubes and their lysis in the
7. Explain the obtained results.
8. Show, based on all what precedes, that the cooperation between the bone marrow and thymus is actually
a cooperation between the cells they prepare.


Exercise 4 (5 pts) Induction of specific immune response

The main function of the immune system is to

eliminate foreign antigens, whether they are
harmful or harmless.
In order to study the mechanisms involved in the
elimination of some antigens, many experiments
were conducted.
Culture medium A Culture medium B
Experiment 1:
After the immunization of a mouse against an After 5 days
antigen, TL and macrophages are isolated and
cultured under different conditions. The
conditions and the obtained results are shown in
document 1.

1. Describe the experiment schematized in

document 1.
2. Interpret the obtained results.
3. Explain why, in the absence of
macrophages, no proliferation of TL will
take place.

Experiment 2:
The TL obtained after proliferation in experiment 1 are used to prepare three cultures as shown in the table
of document 2.
Culture Proliferated TL BL SRBC Hepatitis virus Results

1 + + + - Production of anti-SRBC antibodies

Production of anti-hepatitis virus

2 + + - +
3 - + - + No production of antibodies

4 + + - - No production of antibodies

Legend: (+) presence, (-) absence Document 2

4. Deduce, starting from document 2, the condition necessary for the activation of BL.
5. Specify the type of TL responsible for the results obtained in cultures 1 and 2.

The antibodies obtained in culture 2 are injected into a mouse, which is then injected with the hepatitis
virus. This mouse survives, while other mice injected only with the hepatitis virus die.
6. Explain the role of antibodies in the protection of the mouse from the hepatitis virus.


Exercise 5 (5 pts) Contraception

Three biological processes are necessary for a successful pregnancy. One of

these processes is shown in document 1.
1.1.Define the process shown in document 1.
1.2.Indicate the fate of the ruptured follicle in the case of pregnancy.
1.3.Name two other processes needed for a successful pregnancy.

In order to study the mode of action of some contraceptive methods, the

hormonal levels are measured in two women: the first is using an IUD, while
the other is using a combination pill. The obtained results are given in
document 2, compared with those of a normal woman. Document 1

160 Progesterone Normal woman and

(pg/mL) woman with IUD
2. Represent the data from Woman under
120 combination pill
document 2 in a table.
3. Interpret the obtained
results. 80
4. Explain the effect of the 60
combination pill on the 40
progesterone level.
0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (days)

Document 2

Microscopic observations are made for the endometrium of both the normal woman and the one using the
combination pill. Document 3 shows the two states obtained.

Secretion of glycogen No secretion of glycogen

Document 3

5. Match each of the two states of the endometrium to the corresponding woman. Justify your answer
based on the results obtained in document 2.

In the case of using an IUD, the endometrium appears similar to that obtained under the combination pill,
with fewer tube-like glands and persistent inflammation.
6. Explain how the effect of these contraceptive methods on the endometrium help in preventing


Exercise 6 (5 pts) The hormonal secretions of the female

We can study the effect of each female hormone on the progression of the sexual cycle through various
experiments involving ablation and hormone injection in female monkeys.

First experiment: From 1 to 14 days Cross-section of the

Lot From 14 to 28 days
After the ablation of the after ablation uterus at day 24
ovaries of four female 1 Estrogen A
monkeys, we injected 2 Estrogen Progesterone B
them according to the 3 Estrogen Estrogen + Progesterone C
table in document 1. 4 Estrogen + Progesterone B
Document 1
The results A, B and C
of the cross-section of the uterus are shown in
document 2; section C is the section of the uterus
obtained in a normal female monkey at day 24 of the
1- Specify, starting from documents 1 and 2, the
roles of estrogen and progesterone.
2- Draw out the conditions of the normal
development of the uterus.

Second experiment:
- Ablation of the pituitary glands in female monkeys results in the atrophy of their ovaries and uterus
and the disappearance of ovarian and uterine cycles.
- Grafting the pituitary gland in the pituitary area restores the ovarian and uterine cycles.
- Grafting the pituitary gland in another place of the body does not restore the ovarian and uterine
3- Interpret the obtained results.

Third experiment:
We measure the rates of estrogen and progesterone in two female monkeys after the ablation of the pituitary
gland under the following conditions:
 Case 1: Female monkey A is injected with FSH and LH, then after 14 days, it is injected with a high
dose of LH.
 Case 2: Female monkey B is continuously injected with LH and FSH.
The results are shown in the graphs below.
160 amount of estrogen progesterone 160 estrogen progesterone
140 hormone 140 of hormone
120 in a.u. 120 in a.u.
100 100
80 80
60 60
40 40
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
Case 1 Time (days) Case 2 Time (days)

Document 3 Document 4

4- Explain the results of estrogen secretion obtained in female monkey A.

5- Justify that in a normal female, the ovary is the origin of the LH peak.
6- Establish, starting from all what precedes, a functional diagram that represents the relations between
the pituitary gland, ovary and uterus.



Exercise 1 (5 pts) A Hereditary Disease

Part Answer Mark
1. Poor feeding, vomiting, seizures, developmental delays and neurological problems. (One 0.25
symptom is required.)
2. In the affected individual, the amount of amino acid histidine is 25 a.u., equal to that in 0.75
the heterozygous individual. However, the amount of valine in the affected individual is
100 a.u. higher than in the heterozygous individual, who has 25 a.u. This indicates that
valine is not broken down by the affected individual.
3. The heterozygous individual can break down valine despite carrying the allele of the 0.5
disease, this means that the allele of the disease is hidden by the normal allele in the
heterozygous individual; thus, it is recessive.
4. In document 2, one of the normal individuals has only the fragment 244 bp, while the two 0.5
other individuals have two fragments of the MSUD gene: one 244 bp and one 388 bp.
So, the 244 bp fragment corresponds to the normal allele, and the 388 bp corresponds to
the mutant allele.
5. The gene for MSUD is not located on the homologous segment of chromosomes X and 1
If it is located on the non-homologous segment of chromosome Y, the woman will not
possess any alleles of this gene. However, this is not the case, since the normal woman
in document 2 has both normal and mutant alleles, indicated by the presence of fragments
244 bp and 388 bp.
If the gene is located on the non-homologous segment of chromosome X, the man will
possess only one allele of this gene. However, this is not the case since one of the normal
men in document 2 has both normal and mutant alleles, indicated by the presence of
fragments 244 bp and 388 bp.
Therefore, the gene responsible for this disease is autosomal.
6. For two parents with no family history, each one of them has a risk of 1/200 to be 1
heterozygous that is equal to the proportion of heterozygous in the population.
If both parents are heterozygous, each has a risk of ½ to give the mutant allele to the
child. So, the risk for their child to be affected will be: 1/200 × 1/200 × ½ × ½ = 1/160000
that is equal to the risk calculated by the genetic counselor. So, none of Lara and mark
has a family history for this disease.
7. The fetus’s karyotype is normal, with the normal number of chromosomes and the two 1
sex chromosomes X and Y. The fetus has only the 388 bp fragment, meaning that it is
affected by MSUD. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to prevent serious
complications, so it is important to make a prenatal diagnosis to determine if the fetus is
affected and initiate treatment to prevent severe complications.


Exercise 2 (5 pts) A Genetic mutation

Part Answer Mark
DMD primarily affects boys, so its gene is not autosomal and is not located on the
homologous segment of X and Y chromosomes.
If it is located on the non-homologous segment of the Y chromosome, Boy 7 will have
1. the genotype XYd, inheriting Yd from Father 4, who should also have the genotype XYd 0.5
if affected. However, Father 4 is normal. So, this is not the case.
Therefore, the gene for DMD is located on the non-homologous segment of the X
Female 3: XNXd, since she is normal having XN and has an affected son to whom she had
given an Xd.
Father 4: XNY, since he is normal with one normal allele N on his X chromosome.
2. 0.75
Female 5: XN//XN or XN//Xd, since she is normal and the normal allele is dominant and
can be expressed in homozygous and heterozygous forms.

Female 3 is certainly heterozygous since she passed an Xd to her son 7. This woman has
certainly taken the Xd from her mother, as her father is normal with genotype XNY.
3. Therefore, Mother 1 is certainly heterozygous since she is normal with one allele of the 0.5
Female 5 is normal with XN, but her mother 1 is heterozygous, so Female 5 has a risk of
½ to take Xd from her mother. This woman also has a risk of ½ to give Xd to her child if
she is heterozygous.
4. Therefore, if the child is a boy, he will get Y from his father and has a risk of (½ × ½) to 1
get Xd. So, his risk to be affected is ¼.
If the child is a girl, she will receive XN from her father and will be normal, since the
normal allele is dominant, and her risk to be affected will we null.
The control allele and the second allele of the mother have the same number and
sequence, so the first allele of the mother is the mutant one since its sequence differs from
the control one.
The nucleotides from 1 to 8 are the same between the control allele and the first allele of
5. the mother. Also, nucleotides from 11 to 17 are identical to nucleotides from 9 to 15 of 0.75
the first allele of the mother. So, the two nucleotides CC of positions 9 and 10 are
suppressed in the first allele of the mother. Therefore, the mutation is a mutation by
Document 2 shows that the fetus has only one mutant allele. So this child will be affected
6. by DMD. 0.5

Scheme of abnormal meiosis in the mother.
(Note that the fetus has inherited two mutant alleles from the mother; an error in meiosis
II in the mother alone can lead to this result).

Normal disjunction of
homologous chromosomes
during meiosis I

7. 1

Non-separation of Normal
sister chromatids separation
during meiosis II

n-1 n+1 n n


Exercise 3 (5 pts) Cooperation during immune response

Part Answer Mark

After ablation of the thymus at birth or ablation of bone marrow followed by injection of
antigens into mice, there is no agglutination of these antigens by the serum. In contrast,
1. when the thymus and bone marrow are present, agglutination occurs. This means that 0.5
thymus and bone marrow are responsible for the agglutination reaction.

2. Spleen and lymph nodes. 0.5

3. Hypothesis: Maturation of TL occurs during the first year of age. 0.25
In culture 2, when macrophages and TL are cultured in separated chambers, there is no
secretion of interleukin. However, when they are cultured together in the same chamber,
4. 0.5
interleukin secretion occurs. This means that interleukin secretion requires direct contact
between macrophages and TL.
5. Recognition of HLA-II on macrophage by the TCR of the T4 cells. 0.5

6. T4 cells secrete interleukin 4, which activates BL to proliferate and differentiate into 0.75
plasma cells that secrete antibodies.
If T4 and BL are in the same chamber as in culture 5, this activation occurs normally.
Similarly, when they are separated by a membrane permeable to molecules but not to
cells, as in culture 3, since interleukin 4 is a molecule that is able to cross the membrane
and activate BL.
7. In the tube where only antibodies are added, these antibodies bind to the SRBC, causing 1
their agglutination. In contrast, after adding complement to the other tube in the
presence of antibodies, the complement binds to the constant region of the antibodies
already bound to SRBC. This triggers the complement cascade, resulting in the
formation of a membrane attack complex on the membrane of SRBC, leading to their

8. T4 and BL cooperate in order to produce antibodies responsible for agglutination. BL 1

mature in the bone marrow, while T4 mature in the thymus. Therefore, the cooperation
between the thymus and bone marrow in agglutination is actually a cooperation between
T4 cells prepared in the thymus and BL prepared in the bone marrow.


Exercise 4 (5 pts) Induction of Specific Immune Response

Part Answer Mark
We performed an immunization of a mouse with an antigen, then, after 10 days, we
isolated macrophages and TL form it.
Later we put the antigen, macrophages and TL in culture medium A and TL alone with
1. 1
the antigen in culture medium B.
Finally after 5 days, we obtain proliferation of TL in culture medium A and no
proliferation of TL in culture medium B.
The culture of TL with macrophages in the presence of an antigen results in the
proliferation of TL. In contrast, the culture of TL without macrophages in the presence
2. 1
of the antigen results in an absence of proliferation of TL. This means that the
macrophages activate the proliferation of TL.
The proliferation of TL occurs after the recognition of T4 lymphocytes by the TCR on
the MHC-II non-self-peptide complex on the surface of macrophages. In the absence of
3. 1
antigens, there is no non-self-peptide associated with MHC-II, no recognition is done for
T4 cells, so no proliferation is obtained.
Antibodies are produced by activated BL in mediums where proliferated TL are added in
the presence of an antigen (hepatitis virus or SRBC). However, no antibodies secretion
4. 0.5
is observed if either the proliferated TL or the antigen is absent. Therefore, the conditions
for the activation of BL are the presence of proliferated TL and an antigen.
T4 lymphocytes are responsible for the results, since activated T4 lymphocytes are
responsible for the secretion of IL-4, which is necessary for the proliferation of BL that
5. 0.5
have encountered the antigen by binding it to the membrane antibody receptors. These
BL then differentiate into plasma cells responsible for antibody secretion.
Hepatitis viruses infect hepatic cells by binding to cell membrane receptors via their
attachment sites, to penetrate and infect them where they multiply. Specific antibodies
bind to the attachment sites of the viruses, covering them and preventing them from
6. binding to hepatic cells receptors. This is the neutralization of the infectivity of the viruses 1
that prevent them from infecting the target cells. By this neutralization, the mouse
injected with antibodies is protected from the hepatitis virus survives, while those not
injected with antibodies become infected and die.


Exercise 5 (5 pts) Contraception

Part Answer Mark

1.1. Ovulation is the release of the oocyte II from the graafian follicle into the fallopian tube. 0.5
In case of pregnancy, the ruptured follicle turns into a yellow body and persists for three
1.2. 0.5
1.3. Fertilization, implantation. 0.5
Table showing the variation in the amount of progesterone in a normal female, a female
under a combination pill, and one using an IUD.
Time (days) 0 13 14 22 25 30 43 45
2. Normal woman and 0 0 40 150 130 0 0 40 1.5
Amount of
woman with IUD
Woman under 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0
combination pill
In the normal case, with the use of an IUD, and under a combination pill, the amount of
progesterone remains constant and null from 0 to 13 days. While it increases to 150
pg/mL by day 22 in the normal and IUD cases, higher than that obtained under
combination pill that started increasing at day 14 to reach 20 pg/mL. This amount
3. 1
returns to null in all three cases, but under the combination pill, it returns to zero by day
25, whereas the other women reach this value by day 30. This indicates that the IUD
has no effect on progesterone levels, while the combination pill reduces progesterone
The combination pill acts by exerting negative feedback on the hypothalamo-pituitary
axis, inhibiting the secretion of GnRH by the hypothalamus and FSH and LH by the
pituitary. This leads to the absence of follicular development and ovulation, preventing
4. 0.5
the formation of the corpus luteum. Since the corpus luteum is responsible for the
secretion of progesterone, the maximum progesterone level will be very low (20 pg/mL)
compared to the normal case (150 pg/mL).
State 1: normal, State 2: under combination pill.
Since the combination pill reduces the secretion of progesterone, which is necessary for
5. 0.5
the development of tube-like glandes and glycogen secretion.

Under the combination pill and in the presence of an IUD, endometrial development is
reduced, there is no enough formation of tube-like glands, and no formation of uterine
6. lace and glycogen secretion. On the other hand, the IUD provokes inflammation of the 1
endometrium. These actions of contraceptive methods on the endometrium prevent the
implantation of the embryo and thus prevent pregnancy.


Exercise 6 (5 pts) The hormonal Secretions of the Female

Part Answer Mark
The role of estrogen is to stimulate the development of the endometrium. This is evident
because when progesterone is injected alone from day 14 to 28 in Lot 2, we notice that
the thickness of the endometrium remains unchanged from before day 14. However,
when estrogen and progesterone are injected together during this time interval in Lot 3,
1. we notice an increase in endometrium thickness. 1
The role of progesterone is to form the uterine lace; since when estrogen is injected alone
in Lot 1, there is no formation of uterine lace, but when estrogen is injected with
progesterone in Lots 3 and 4, the uterine lace appears.
The conditions for normal uterine development are the presence of estrogen alone at the
2. beginning and the presence of estrogen and progesterone together afterwards. 0.5
The removal of the anterior pituitary gland in female monkeys results in atrophy of their
ovaries and uterus and the disappearance of the uterine and ovarian cycles, indicating that
the anterior pituitary is responsible for the development of the ovaries and uterus and
their cycles.
The transplant of the pituitary gland into the pituitary space restores the ovarian and
3. uterine cycles. This shows that the pituitary gland acts on the ovaries and uterus through 1
the blood.
The transplant of the pituitary gland to another location does not restore the ovarian and
uterine cycles. This shows that the pituitary can only make its action on the ovaries and
uterus in its area.
After the injection of FSH and LH, there is an increase in estrogen level from 20 to 120
a.u. during 10 days, caused by the development of follicles stimulated by FSH, since
follicles secrete estrogen.
Another increase in estrogen levels between day 14 and day 16 from 60 to 100 a.u. is
observed after the injection of a large dose of LH on day 14. This is caused by the
4. 1
secretion of estrogen by the corpus luteum, which forms after ovulation caused by the
peak of injected LH that triggers the transformation of the ruptured follicle into the corpus
The estrogen level decreases between day 16 and day 28 from 100 to 5 a.u., du to the
degeneration of the corpus luteum, which stops secreting hormones.
In a normal female, at the end of the follicular phase, the graafian follicle in the ovary
5. secretes high amounts of estrogen, which exerts a positive feedback on the hypothalamo- 0.5
pituitary axis, leading to the LH peak.
Title: Diagram showing the relationship between the pituitary, the ovary and the uterus.

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