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Newsletter foundations

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Here’s what we’re going to cover:

● What is a newsletter (email marketing)?

● Goals
● Schedule
● Workflow
● How to grow your newsletter
● Research Methods & Tools
● Tracking

What is a newsletter?

A newsletter to its core is when we send email broadcasts to our list/database and share
helpful content, offers to schedule meetings, business updates, market opinions, client
results, research, new launches, freebies, etc.

The objective is to stay at the top of our niche/markets minds/awareness so that we

build relationships/rapport with them and gradually get them over the line as clients with us.

Pros: easy, free, effective & doesn't take too much time to manage

Cons: you actually need a list inside an email marketing software so you can run your

If you have an existing email list/database this is probably one of the best ways to create
demand for your services/products. You can do this by sharing valuable information.

© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Imperium Labs LTD. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs
LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.

1. Build an email marketing newsletter (We use ActiveCampaign)

2. Send out a MINIMUM of 3+ emails a week to your lists
3. Build relationships with your prospects
4. Generate calls & clients
5. Grow your Youtube channels & other socials
6. Grow your Facebook Group


● Decide how many emails you want to send per week, 3+ MINIMUM (use the content
● Schedule your ‘’sending days’’ out so you aren’t in limbo about when you are actually
sending. SOP it.
● Commit to sticking to the same schedule of sending for a minimum of 100 days.
● Always promote your Youtube videos to your list (a really effective way to get views)

Sending Workflow:

1. Start a new email campaign build on ‘’sending days’’

2. Select a topic & goal: get engagement, promote a YT video, book meetings, build
rapport, deliver value, etc
3. If you’re trying to book meetings make sure you have calendar spaces available
4. Use ‘’social content system’’ & ‘’content research’’ for inspiration
5. Go to your email software, create a new campaign & select ‘’entire lists’’. Don’t focus
too much on segmenting or splitting audiences too much, in my experience it has
never actually mattered and just makes things complicated and complex. Keep it
6. Use a consistent format for ALL your emails: same font, size, design, etc
7. Write an attention-grabbing headline/subject
8. Start copywriting: Short punchy sentences, small paragraphs, less is more, images
when necessary, bulleted/numbered lists, tie it all together with a conclusion, strong
9. Test the email & make sure everything is formatted correctly
10. Send it.
11. Redistribute the email/copy to your social media if relevant

‘’Efficiency is key here, don’t put more than 20-30 mins into your emails, from my experience
the more time usually put into making a newsletter email perfect the worse they usually
perform, Writing good emails is like building a muscle group, you have to train it with reps
over time’’

© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Imperium Labs LTD. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs
LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
How to grow your newsletter
● VSL - (Ex:
● Promote it on your website (Ex:
● Use it in your freebie campaigns (freebie funnel)
● Add all ‘’booked calls’’ to your list
● Running Ads (paid systems)

Research Methods & Tools:

Content Research: click here

Content Research Vault: click here
IA Content Examples: click here
Newsletter Vault: click here
Booster campaigns: click here
(5/5) Distribution System: click here
Copywriting & Content Creation: click here

Pro Tip: Join other people's lists in your niche and save their emails to a swipe folder in


Open rate: 48 hours after sending your open rate should be at MINIMUM 10%. 20-30%
open rates are really good

Clickthrough rate: anywhere from 0.5 - 3%

Calendar: did your email book any appointments (if that was the objective), this is the most
important thing to focus on

© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Imperium Labs LTD. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs
LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.

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