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Three-dimensional assessment of virtual

clear aligner attachment removal: A
prospective clinical study
Jeremy Dock,a,b Flavio Copello,c Iman Shirmohammadi,c and Jose A. Bosioc
Cincinnati, Ohio, and Baltimore, Md

Introduction: In digital dentistry, virtual attachment removal (VAR) optimizes clear aligner therapy by enhancing
efficiency for refinements and enabling prefabricated retainer production through the removal of attachments
from a digital scan before the clinical removal of clear aligner attachments. This prospective clinical study aimed
to evaluate the accuracy of VAR in the maxillary arch. Methods: A total of 110 teeth were analyzed from a sam-
ple of 54 maxillary scans from 25 subjects. Models with attachments were virtually debonded using Meshmixer
(Autodesk, San Rafael, Calif) and superimposed over the control group in MeshLab. Vector Analysis Module
(Canfield Scientific, Fairfield, NJ) was used to calculate and analyze 3-dimensional Euclidean distances on
the buccal surfaces between the superimposed models. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS
(version 23.0, IBM, Armonk, NY). The Shapiro-Wilkes (a 5 0.05) test determined a nonnormal distribution of
results. The Kruskal-Wallis (a 5 0.05) was used to determine differences between different tooth types and
the number of attachments. Results: The VAR protocol showed no statistical differences in the root mean
square between different tooth segments with an overall tendency for inadequate attachment removal. No dif-
ference between the groups was found regarding the number of attachments when used as a main factor.
Conclusions: The VAR technique is precise enough for the fabrication of retainers from printed dental models
in a clinical setting and is not affected by the number of attachments on the tooth. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial
Orthop 2024;166:15-25)

eeth have been shown to move hours after retainer as part of their retention protocol after clear
removing fixed appliances.1 Therefore, the reten- aligner therapy (CAT).7 For years, the traditional method
tion of the final tooth position is essential for for fabrication of Essix retainers was to take an alginate
maintaining orthodontic treatment results.2 This re- dental impression at the braces or aligner removal
quires the use of retention appliances, which can be appointment and proceed to make a plaster stone model
fabricated from many different materials and have used as a template to fabricate the retainer. This method
many different shapes.3-5 presents many inefficiencies and inconveniences, such as
Lately, the most used orthodontic retention appliance long or multiple patient visits, uncomfortable impression
is the thermoformed plastic (Essix; Dentsply Sirona, Char- procedures, messy laboratory materials, delayed retention
lotte, NC) retainer.6 A recent survey in Australia has found appliance delivery, distortion of the plaster model, and/or
that 92% of orthodontists include a thermoformed stone model breakage.8,9
The global integration of digital dentistry has spurred
a the adoption of intraoral scanning and 3-dimensional
Formerly, Division of Orthodontics, Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric
Dentistry, University of Maryland School of Dentistry, Baltimore, Md. (3D) printing for dental arches, transforming dental of-
Currently, Private practice, Cincinnati, Ohio. fices.8,10 This technological shift offers enhanced patient
Division of Orthodontics, Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry,
experiences, material and time efficiency, and improved
University of Maryland School of Dentistry, Baltimore, Md.
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po- infection control and eliminates physical storage
tential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. needs.8,10,11 This trend has fueled the popularity of
Address correspondence to: Jeremy Dock, Division of Orthodontics, Department
CAT,12-14 favored for esthetic appeal, dietary flexibility,
of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, University of Maryland School of
Dentistry, 650 W Baltimore St, Baltimore, MD 21201; e-mail, jeremydock@ easy maintenance, and heightened convenience.15 Or- thodontists are drawn to clear aligners for reduced office
Submitted, June 2023; revised and accepted, February 2024.
visits16,17 and the ability to treat a wider range of maloc-
Ó 2024 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved. clusions compared with past limitations of CAT.18 The

16 Dock et al

growing interest in CAT is evidenced by the increasing Board no. HP-00098656. Informed consent and assent
number of options for both doctors and patients.12 were obtained from the patients and legal guardians of
Leveraging the benefits of digital dentistry, ortho- the participants in the study who met the inclusion
dontic providers can prefabricate retainers before treat- and exclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria were as fol-
ment conclusion using virtual bracket or attachment lows: (1) orthodontic patients from the University of
removal (VBR or VAR). This involves obtaining a digital Maryland School of Dentistry who were about to start
dental scan before treatment completion, followed by or end treatment and/or refinement with CAT, (2) pa-
the virtual removal of brackets or attachments through tients with bonded attachments on the maxillary arch,
computer software. VAR is widely used in many ortho- and (3) patients who agreed to take at least 2 intraoral
dontic settings, including clear aligner companies, scans. Exclusion criteria included (1) patients who were
dental laboratories, and private practices. Notably, VAR not being orthodontically treated with clear aligners,
finds frequent use in CAT refinements. In private prac- (2) patients who did not have any attachments or plan
tice, orthodontists can employ VAR through diverse op- to have any attachments bonded to teeth as part of
tions, such as Vivera (Align Technology Inc, San Jose, CAT, (3) scans that did not fully capture adequate anat-
Calif), offering VAR with retainer purchases,19 or using omy for superimposition or measurement, or (4) scans
software options with VAR capabilities such as EasyRx taken .30 days apart.
3D (EasyRx LLC, Atlanta, Ga), uDesign (version 7.0; The sample consisted of 54 maxillary scans from 25
uLab Systems, Inc, Memphis, Tenn), or Clear Aligner Stu- subjects, which equated to 216 teeth. Maxillary teeth
dio (3Shape, Copenhagen, Denmark) if retainers are were divided into 5 different tooth types for measure-
made in-house. ment: central incisors, lateral incisors, canines, premo-
VAR can be done at no cost with Meshmixer (Auto- lars, and molars. Central incisors were separated from
desk, San Rafael, Calif), a free computer-aided design lateral incisors because of the large difference in size
and manufacturing software that can be used for gen- and anatomy. First and second premolars, as well as first
eral 3D mesh manipulation.20 The accuracy of this pro- and second molars, have comparatively similar buccal
cess using Meshmixer was recently evaluated for surface anatomy that no differentiation was required.
traditional metal bracket removal and was shown to be A sample size calculation was run with a power of
accurate enough for the fabrication of clinical retainers 90% and a 5 0.05. For a statistically meaningful sam-
from 3D-printed models.19 ple, it was determined that 22 teeth in each tooth type
To the best of our knowledge, no published study has (110 teeth total) needed to be measured. Because the
examined the accuracy of virtually removing clear data were collected for 216 teeth with attachments, a
aligner attachments or VAR. These attachments are randomization protocol was used to identify the 22 teeth
auxiliary devices comparable to brackets and bonded per tooth type that would be analyzed (www.
to the enamel of a tooth similarly to help facilitate tooth
movement. However, unlike brackets, attachments come Each subject agreed to have at least 2 digital scans of
in many different shapes, sizes, and numbers per tooth. the maxillary dentition, 1 with attachments and the
With CAT commanding up to 20% of the global ortho- other without attachments. The maxillary arch was
dontic market and increasing in popularity, orthodon- exclusively used as its unique anatomic soft-tissue land-
tists should expect more retention of patients who marks on the palate allowed for easier superimposition.
were treated with clear aligners.20-24 It is important to Scans without the attachments comprised the control
understand the accuracy of VAR to analyze potential group, and scans with the attachments were defined as
factors that may lead to negative clinical implications the experimental group (Fig 1). All attachments were
during and after active orthodontic treatment. previously planned as a part of the digital treatment
This study aimed to measure the accuracy of VAR in the plan. The control and experimental scans were taken
maxillary arch and compare this accuracy across different less than 30 days apart to ensure minimal natural tooth
tooth types and the number of attachments per tooth. The movement.
hypothesis is that VAR will be accurate to use for the fabri- All digital scans were acquired with an iTero Element
cation of clinically acceptable orthodontic retainers. 2 (Align Technology Inc, San Jose, Calif), which is the
scanner available at the University of Maryland ortho-
MATERIAL AND METHODS dontic clinic. The scanner has been shown to have a
The prospective clinical investigation was conducted scanning trueness of 0.0435 mm and a precision of
at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry, Divi- 0.0512 mm.20 The scans were processed, automatically
sion of Orthodontics, under the Institutional Review uploaded, and stored on the servers of myaligntech.

July 2024  Vol 166  Issue 1 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Dock et al 17

com, in which they could be exported as standard tessel- was unselected. The align tab was selected in the toolbar,
lation language (STL) files. These files were de-identified and the first scanned digital file was “glued” in place so
from patient information and saved to a digitally en- the second digital file could be superimposed over the
crypted folder. top using an iterative closest point algorithm. To in-
The VAR protocol is nearly identical to that in a crease the likelihood of accurate alignment, 7 points
similar study that evaluated VBR using Meshmixer.25 were selected each time, although the software only re-
The experimental group scans were uploaded to Mesh- quires 4 points. These points included 4 on the teeth (ie,
mixer. Each attachment was selected via the surface molar, premolar, canine, and incisors) and 3 points on
lasso or brush selection tool. If extra composite or flash the soft-tissue palate (left, middle, and right rugae).
was seen on the scan, it was also included in the digital Points were selected on the basis of their ease of identi-
selection. The boundary was smoothed using the smooth fication. For example, the greatest convexity of rugae
boundary tool. The content inside this boundary was and distinct occlusal anatomies were frequently used
erased using the default program values of the erase (Fig 3). The STL files were frozen in MeshLab to maintain
and fill tool (Fig 2). Teeth that had bonded buttons for positional vertices for superimposition, saved, and up-
intermaxillary elastics were sometimes present. In this loaded to the Vectra Analysis Module (VAM) (Canefield
instance, the buttons were virtually removed for super- Scientific, Fairfield, NJ) for 3D assessment of VAR accu-
imposition, but those teeth were excluded from any racy. In addition, VAM was used for the validation of su-
future measurements. Only the teeth with attachments perimposition using color-coded maps (Fig 4) and by
and buttons were manipulated in Meshmixer. After measuring the surface difference at a nonspecific spot
completion, a new file was created and renamed to on the lingual surface of a central incisor. Superimposi-
acknowledge the completion of VAR. tion differences ranging 0.0-0.1 mm were accepted.
Superimposition of the control and experimental The VAM software measures the surface difference
VAR STL files was completed and verified with MeshLab between the superimposed control and experimental
(version 2022.02)26 using the iterative closest point al- group digital models. The surface differences were
gorithm with an accepted error of \0.1 mm. The super- measured 1 tooth at a time. It was sometimes difficult
imposition protocol was very similar to that in another to determine which areas of the teeth had attachments
study also using MeshLab.27 After uploading the STL removed, so the entire buccal surface of the tooth was
files into the software, the option to “unify all vertices” selected for measurement with the paint area selection

Fig 1. Workflow of VAR procedures. Mx, maxillary.

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18 Dock et al

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tool. The color surface by distance mode was used for the Table III. When looking at the minimum values, the
generation of a color-coded map (6300 mm visualiza- central and lateral incisors had the largest absolute
tion range) on the selected buccal surface (Fig 5, D). minimum values of 0.266 mm and 0.243 mm,
The following values were automatically calculated: respectively, indicating too much VAR. The canine had
minimum difference, maximum difference, and root the largest absolute maximum value of 0.815 mm, indi-
mean squared (RMS). These measurements were re- cating not enough attachment removal.
corded and secured in a Microsoft Excel file (Microsoft The sum of the raw data measurements was used to
Corporation, Redmond, Wash). compute the total values of both positive and negative
A calibrated author (I.S.) was trained on how to use surface changes as an absolute number. From there,
all 3 software programs and was completely responsible the proportion of each type of change was determined
for virtually removing attachments in Meshmixer, as a percentage. Overall, 75.7% of the surface change
superimposing the control and experimental groups was due to insufficient attachment removal, whereas
in MeshLab, and analyzing the surface differences in 24.3% exhibited unintentional tooth removal.
VAM. Intrarater reliability was assessed by remeasuring
30% of the teeth in VAM 2 weeks after the initial mea- DISCUSSION
surement. There has been a significant increase in the use of
CAT, and expected growth is projected to reach $16.11
Statistical analysis billion by 2029.14 Recent data indicate that 93% of or-
Minimum, maximum, and RMS values were all re- thodontists have incorporated this treatment modality
corded and analyzed. Descriptive statistics were per- into their practice, representing 25% of their overall
formed with SPSS (version 23.0, IBM, Armonk, NY). caseload.7 Given this trend, it is important to examine
Intrarater reliability (Cronbach a) was determined. The the potential benefits and challenges of CAT, including
Shapiro-Wilkes test determined a nonnormal distribu- the use of VAR, to enhance the overall treatment effi-
tion of results, and the Kruskal-Wallis (a 5 0.05) was ciency and effectiveness.
used to determine statistical differences between Immediate fabrication of retainers after debonding is
different tooth types and the number of attachments. desirable to limit the chances of immediate tooth move-
ment1 and to avoid the need for a separate retainer de-
RESULTS livery appointment. With the help of VAR, retainers can
The intrarater reliability was determined to be high be prefabricated and easily delivered immediately after
(.0.98) for all 3 measured metrics of minimum, the orthodontist removes the attachments from the
maximum, and RMS. The medians and interquartile teeth chairside. Several companies, laboratories, and
ranges can be seen in Table I. The Kruskal-Wallis software programs possess VAR features with different
(a 5 0.05) showed P values all .0.05, indicating that options for pricing and processing time requirements.
there were no statistically significant differences between The most seamless option would be to outsource the
different tooth types in the minimum (P 5 0.282), retainer fabrication to an outside company such as Align
maximum (P 5 0.493), or RMS (P 5 0.425) values. Molar Technology, Inc, the manufacturers of Vivera retainers,
teeth had the largest median values for minimum or ClearCorrect from Straumann. Many laboratories or
( 0.090 6 0.096 mm), maximum (0.279 6 0.270 companies will provide VAR for free with the purchase
mm), and RMS (0.095 6 0.101) (Table I). of retainers. This may be a good option for orthodontists
Of the 110 teeth measured, 98 had 1 attachment, and owning an intraoral scanner but not a 3D printer.
12 teeth had 2 attachments. Of the teeth with 2 attach- Orthodontists with 3D printers have more options for
ments, 8 were central incisors, 3 were canines, and 1 was VAR. Offices with in-house aligner programs typically
a premolar. The Kruskal-Wallis (a 5 0.05) showed no possess software tools capable of generating digital
statistical difference between teeth with 1 or 2 attach- treatment plans, including advanced functionalities
ments in minimum (P 5 0.638), maximum (P 5 0.73), such as VBR and VAR. Offices or laboratories using
or RMS (P 5 0.508) values (Table II). SprintRay 3D printers have access to their exclusive soft-
The range and distribution of values for minimum, ware, RayWare (SprintRay Inc, Los Angeles, Calif), which
maximum, and RMS can be seen in Figure 6 and has a built-in tool to remove brackets and attachments.

Fig 2. VAR in Meshmixer: A, Intraoral scan with attachments; B, Attachment selection using the sur-
face lasso tool; C, Smooth boundary tool; D, Virtual removal of the attachment with the erase and fill
tool; E, Completion of VAR.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics July 2024  Vol 166  Issue 1
20 Dock et al

Fig 3. Superimposition of maxillary arches in Meshlab: A, Macro view of side-by-side comparison of

experimental group and control group in the align tab in Meshlab; B, Close-up view showing selected
points on the cingulum of the canines. This is 1 of 7 areas used to superimpose using the iterative
closest point algorithm; C, Final superimposition.

Meshmixer is another viable option for virtually clinically acceptable on the basis of several previous
removing brackets, as shown by Marsh et al,25 with ac- studies determining the clinical acceptability of ortho-
curacy ranging from 0.12 mm in the central incisors to dontic models to be #0.3 mm.28-31 If the observed
0.33 mm in the molars, which was determined to be clin- differences fall within or below the level of significance
ically acceptable.25 Virtually removing attachments can established for orthodontic casts, this indicates that
also be completed with Meshmixer. In this study, the ac- the accuracy aligns with conventional methods of cast
curacy of VAR using Meshmixer was deemed to be fabrication devoid of VAR for retainer production.

July 2024  Vol 166  Issue 1 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Dock et al 21

Fig 4. Superimposition accuracy confirmation in VAM using the color surface by distance tool. Blue
hues indicate positive surface change, red hues indicate negative surface change, green hues indicate
little or no surface change, and white hues indicate surface changes .0.3 mm in either direction.

Fig 5. A, Control digital model group of lateral incisor without an attachment; B, Same lateral incisor
with an attachment before VAR. Notice the position of the attachment is not in the center of the tooth
and the extensive amount of excess composite flash extending in all directions; C, The surface of the
tooth after VAR. There is a noticeable protrusive bulge from in which the attachment and flash were
removed; D, After VAR, the entire facial surface of the lateral incisor is being measured in VAM using
the color surface by distal tool. A color-coded map is generated with a visualization range of 6300 mm.
Blue hues indicate positive surface change, green hues indicate little to no surface change, red and
yellow hues indicate negative surface change, and white hues indicate surface change .300 mm.

In this study, Meshmixer was the software of choice measurements in the VAM. This was validated by a
for measuring VAR because of its ease of accessibility, high intrarater reliability (.0.98) with 30% of the mea-
no cost, and ability to compare results with Marsh surements taken 2 weeks apart.
et al,25 which demonstrated that the accuracy of virtually VAM compared surface differences after VAR by
removing brackets was independent of the technician measuring the 3D Euclidean distances on the buccal sur-
using the same Meshmixer protocol. It is important to faces between the control and experimental superim-
note that this protocol did not alter any of the default posed models. The color surface by distance mode can
values associated with the erase and fill tool in Mesh- display a color-coded visualization spectrum that corre-
mixer. Thus, only a single technician was used to com- sponds to surface changes between 2-dimensional and
plete both the VAR and the surface difference 3D digital meshes. Red hues indicate negative surface

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics July 2024  Vol 166  Issue 1
22 Dock et al

The RMS medians across tooth types were all below

Table I. Descriptive statistics of the results given as
the threshold for clinical significance of 60.3 mm with
median 6 IQR
a range of 0.071 6 0.088 mm in the incisors to 0.095
Tooth type Minimum Maximum RMS 6 0.101 mm in the molars. No statistical significance
Central incisor 0.068 6 0.058 0.182 6 0.201 0.071 6 0.088 was found between the different tooth types; however,
Lateral incisor 0.063 6 0.077 0.199 6 0.171 0.077 6 0.072 an overall trend of increased RMS values was found
Canine 0.060 6 0.041 0.212 6 0.294 0.073 6 0.133
moving from the anterior incisors to the posterior mo-
Premolar 0.069 6 0.065 0.188 6 0.154 0.078 6 0.050
Molar 0.090 6 0.096 0.279 6 0.270 0.095 6 0.101 lars. A new study with a larger sample size would be
P value 0.282 0.493 0.425 beneficial to evaluate this potential trend. Marsh
Note. There were no statistically significant differences (P \0.05) et al25 found significant differences between tooth
between groups in the table as determined by the Kruskal-Wallis types, which may be explained for several reasons. First,
test. posterior teeth tend to have gingival margins that cover
IQR, interquartile range. more of the tooth surface, which limits the amount of
tooth structure Meshmixer can sample with the erase
and fill tool. Second, the buccal groove of the molars
Table II. Descriptive statistics of teeth with 1 or 2 at- is frequently covered by attachments, bonded buttons,
tachments given as median 6 IQR or excess composite flash, making it difficult for Mesh-
Attachments Minimum Maximum RMS mixer to predict and sample correctly. As a result, the
1 0.070 6 0.71 0.214 6 0.252 0.077 6 0.094 software replaces the buccal surface anatomy with no
2 0.063 6 0.047 0.214 6 0.133 0.074 6 0.048 buccal groove. This is the source of increased RMS and
P value 0.638 0.730 0.508 maximum values in the molars (Fig 7).
Note. There were no statistically significant differences (P \0.05) No statistical differences were found regarding the
between groups in the table as determined by the Kruskal-Wallis number of attachments per tooth. There were 12 teeth
test. out of 110 with multiple attachments on the buccal sur-
IQR, interquartile range. face, and 8 were central incisors. The RMS values were
comparable to those of the incisors with 1 attachment.
changes, suggesting excessive removal of attachments Caution should be taken when interpreting the RMS
and accidental removal of tooth structure, whereas values as they may not fully capture the clinical signifi-
blue hues indicate positive changes, suggesting insuffi- cance of the findings. Although only 3 individual teeth
cient attachment removal. The green hues indicated no (2.7%) showed an RMS value more than 60.3 mm, there
change in surface morphology. This feature enabled a were several instances in which some teeth exhibited a
rapid visualization of the entire arch to confirm the su- minimum or a maximum surface difference surpassing
perimposition (Fig 4). 60.3 mm. Among the 110 measured teeth, 35 teeth
The entire buccal surface was selected for the mea- contained a maximum positive value .0.3 mm. In
surement of each tooth because of challenges in distin- contrast, none of the teeth demonstrated minimum
guishing areas subject to VAR. In addition, the flash was values exceeding the clinical threshold. Some of these
frequently sprawling, asymmetrical, and sometimes extreme measured values could potentially have a clin-
covered most of the buccal surface (Fig 5, B). Therefore, ical impact. For example, teeth with higher maximum
the measurement of the entire surface was necessary to values because of incomplete attachment removal can
ensure all areas were included, thus increasing the result in looser fitting retainers, thus enhancing patient
chance of reproducibility. comfort and minimizing potential areas of higher force
VAM can calculate the largest minimum and application that could result in inadvertent tooth move-
maximum surface differences, RMS, median, and stan- ment. Conversely, teeth showing increased minimum
dard deviation values for the selected field. However, values could result in a tight-fitting retainer that may
median and standard deviation were excluded because fail to seat fully, potentially leading to unwanted force
of the lack of significance to this study. This research application and unintended tooth movement. A recent
focused on RMS, which is a quantitative measurement thesis showed that increased pressure on the lingual
reflecting the degree of deviation of 2 sets of data side of clear aligner trays correlated with an increase in
from 0. It represents the overall magnitude of surface thickness and surface area of excess composite flash
change regardless of positive or negative direction. It is on the buccal surface.33 A large minimum value has
regarded as the standard for the evaluation of scanning the potential to mimic this same effect and could rotate
accuracy in many studies31,32 and enabled direct com- or move the tooth lingually or intrude teeth depending
parison to the Marsh et al25 study results. on the location on the tooth surface. Overall, it would

July 2024  Vol 166  Issue 1 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Dock et al 23

Fig 6. Box and whisker plot showing the distribution of RMS values by tooth type.

Table III. Range of measured values (mm) by tooth

Tooth type Minimum Maximum RMS
Central incisor 0.014 to 0.266 0.582-0.033 0.272-0.026
Lateral incisor 0.008 to 0.243 0.450-0.110 0.204-0.033
Canine 0.006 to 0.195 0.815-0.086 0.331-0.033
Premolar 0.005 to 0.131 0.681-0.070 0.339-0.036
Molar 0.015 to 0.210 0.741-0.029 0.297-0.040

be better to have insufficient attachment removal rather

than too much removal. Future research should examine
the fit of retainers after VAR or VBR.
The overall net positives and negative surface
changes were calculated at 75.7% and 24.4%, respec-
Fig 7. Buccal surface differences measured in the color
tively, whereas Marsh et al25 calculated 91.1% positive surface by the distance tool in VAM. The white hue over
and 8.9% negative surface changes. A reason for this dif- the buccal groove was a common finding with VAR, as
ference might be attributed to the surface area measured Meshmixer was not able to replicate the original anatomy
in the VAM software. As outlined earlier, the entire if VAR was completed in that area.
buccal surface was measured in this study, whereas
Marsh et al25 only measured the center of the tooth in
which the bracket was removed. A larger selected surface Weckman et al34 found that excess flash ranged 7-21
will tend to have a lower RMS as the magnitudes of the mm2 around clear aligner attachments, whereas Arm-
positive and negative peaks and valleys will be averaged strong et al35 measured flash to be 10.5-15.7 mm2
by the areas not affected by VAR. around metal brackets. This is due to the ease of
A trend of large areas of flash around the attach- removing flash-around brackets before the composite
ments was observed in this study. The samples were adhesive is light-cured, which is not possible while
derived from different residents who were inexperienced bonding attachments.
with CAT. Residents were not trained in a uniform way This study found that some teeth contained little
on how to bond attachments, which might explain the flash around the attachments, whereas others showed
variation in the amount of flash noted. However, excess generous amounts. The teeth with the largest maximum
flash may be a common finding with CAT in general. values well above clinical significance tended to have the

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics July 2024  Vol 166  Issue 1
24 Dock et al

largest amount of excess flash around the attachment. refinement stage or completion of treatment. Further-
Conversely, teeth with the smallest amount of flash more, the RMS values could appear artificially lower
showed the largest minimum values; however, none ex- because of measuring the entire buccal surface rather
ceeded clinical significance. than the precise location of VAR. Future research on
Visually, there appears to be a correlation between the VAR should focus on measuring RMS only in the areas
size and location of the attachment and/or flash and the in which VAR was performed. Finally, it should be noted
accuracy of VAR in Meshmixer, which could be from that the VAR results in this study apply only to the Mesh-
Meshmixer’s inability to sample a sufficient surface area mixer software.
for the erase and fill tool. This phenomenon is less likely
to occur while virtually removing brackets, as the brackets CONCLUSIONS
are in the center of the tooth, providing the software with This prospective clinical investigation demonstrated
a plenty of surface to sample. Future research could that VAR is precise enough to be used to virtually remove
examine the correlation between the accuracy of VAR attachments on the maxillary dentition for the fabrica-
and the amount of flash-around attachments. tion of orthodontic retainers from printed digital
If clinicians decide to use either VAR or VBR in-office, models. Notably, the accuracy of VAR was not affected
they can choose from many options, each with its advan- by the number of attachments on the tooth or the
tages and disadvantages. Meshmixer may come at no different tooth types. However, the accuracy of VAR us-
cost but may not be the best software for VAR. On ing Meshmixer may be influenced by the size and loca-
average, it took around 5-10 minutes to perform VAR tion of the attachment, as well as the amount of excess
per arch. composite flash around the attachment. At a clinical sig-
It is important to note that many of the software op- nificance of 0.3 mm, this study’s findings align effec-
tions that can virtually remove brackets or attachments, tively with those of Marsh et al25 concerning VBR.
including Meshmixer, come with a function to manipu- Additional research is needed to compare different soft-
late the model further with sculpting and smoothing ware programs that use VAR as an option for CAT. Over-
tools. These tools trim away any remaining defects after all, the results of this study demonstrated the potential
the virtual removal process (Fig 5, C) and smoothen the benefits of using VAR in orthodontic practice, particu-
transition to the natural surface of the tooth. However, larly for the fabrication of orthodontic retainers from
too much sculpting has the risk of unintentional virtual printed digital models, with implications for enhancing
enamel removal. The results of this study showed that clinical efficiency and patient satisfaction.
insufficient attachment removal is more likely; therefore,
the use of the smoothing tool could potentially be bene- AUTHOR CREDIT STATEMENT
ficial. In this study, none of the tools for manipulating the
model after VAR implementation were employed, as stan- Jeremy Dock contributed to conceptualization,
dardization would pose a challenge. Nevertheless, methodology, data curation, visualization, original draft
exploring the effects of such manipulation could prove preparation, and manuscript review and editing; Flavio
advantageous for future research. Copello contributed to formal analysis and supervision;
Despite the importance of VAR during refinements, Iman Shirmohammadi contributed to investigation;
no published data are currently available regarding the and Jose A. Bosio contributed to supervision and manu-
accuracy of different software or companies. Future script review and editing.
research should aim to address this gap and focus on
comparing the accuracy of virtually removing brackets
and attachments on different software options, 1. Reitan K. Principles of retention and avoidance of posttreatment
thereby guiding clinicians in making the best treat- relapse. Am J Orthod 1969;55:776-90.
2. Padmos JAD, Fudalej PS, Renkema AM. Epidemiologic study of or-
ment decisions. thodontic retention procedures. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop
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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics July 2024  Vol 166  Issue 1

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