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JUNE 2024



These marking guidelines consist of 10 pages

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English First Additional Language / P1 2 MDE/ June 2024
FET-Grade 11 Marking Guidelines

 Candidates are required to answer ALL the questions.

 Candidates’ responses should be assessed as objectively as possible.

Marking the comprehension

 Because the focus is on understanding, incorrect spelling and language
errors in responses should not be penalised unless such errors change the
meaning/understanding. (Errors must still be indicated.)

 If a candidate uses words from a language other than the one being
examined, disregard those words, and if the answer still makes sense, do
not penalise. However, if a word from another language is used in a text
and required in an answer, this will be acceptable.

 For open-ended questions, no marks should be awarded for YES/NO or I

AGREE/I DISAGREE. The reason/substantiation/motivation is what
should be considered.

 When one-word answers are required and the candidate gives a whole
sentence, mark correct provided that the correct word is

 When two/three facts/points are required and a range is given, mark only
the first two/three.

 Accept dialectal variations.

 For multiple-choice questions, accept BOTH the letter corresponding with

the correct answer AND/OR the answer written in full.

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English First Additional Language / P1 3 MDE/ June 2024
FET-Grade 11 Marking Guidelines

1.1 The writer means that the queen did not travel with the group of
people. /The queen was not chaperoned/accompanied by a group
of people. (2)

1.2 1.2.1 She had been invited by members of Faweswa.

DO NOT AWARD MARKS if the candidate has quoted the

following quotation verbatim:

‘Nozizwe was in the country at the invitation of the Forum

for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) who were
holding a gala dinner’/ ‘Her majesty was the chief guest at
this event.’
1.2.2 Her (Queen Nozizwe’s) mother, Prof Lydia Makhubu, a
professor of Chemistry, started Faweswa with other
women educationalists. (1)
1.2.3 To show how old/reputable/successful Faweswa is. (1)
1.3 1.3.1 She has many jobs or roles. (1)
1.3.2 She holds a master’s degree in law and a master’s in
business administration, MBA. (2)
1.3.3 B/Master of Business Administration. (1)
1.4 Queen Nozizwe’s father is Zambian and maybe he went back home or
did not marry her mother, so she had to be raised by her mother’s
people./ Her father could have separated from her mother.

NOTE: Accept other suitable responses provided they are grounded in

the text. A candidate can score 1 mark for an answer that is not well-
substantiated. (2)

1.5 She was firstappointed as a bank secretary and then went on to

be a legal advisor at Standard Bank before being appointed the
managing director of Eswatini Bank. (2)

1.6 She got the inspiration from her parents who were both in the sciences.
/She felt compelled to pursue medicine because both her parents were
in the sciences. (1)

1.7 Queen Nozizwe failed her first year in medicine.

She was was good at talking and reading. (2)

1.8 Open-ended. Accept a suitable answer, e.g.

Women are more sensitive/intuitive than men. So, they add value to the
organisation by helping the management to be more sensitive to the
needs of its employees.

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English First Additional Language / P1 4 MDE/ June 2024
FET-Grade 11 Marking Guidelines

Women are weak and vulnerable. They are a huge liability and should
not be given leadership position as they do not add value in

NOTE: Accept other suitable responses provided they are grounded in

the text. A candidate can score 1 mark for an answer that is not well-
substantiated. (2)

1.9 1.9.1 She means she feels safe, loved and cared for at Faweswa.
She can freely talk and share her feelings with other women at
the organisation.

NOTE: Accept other suitable responses provided they are

grounded in the text. A candidate can score 1 mark for an
answer that is not well-substantiated. (2)

1.9.2 She still covers her hair with a headscarf, respects her in-
lawsand goes out to the maize fields and works just like
other women.

NOTE: Accept ANY TWO suitable responses. (2)

1.10 Open-ended. Accept a suitable answer, e.g.

The title is suitable because the article is about Queen Nozizwe who
wears many hats. She has worked as a bank secretary, legal advisor
and is now a managing director of Eswatini Bank. Above this, she is a
patron of Faweswa.


The title is not suitable because it suggests that the queen is multi-skilled
but the article reveals that Queen Nozizwe only has a master’s degree
in law and a master’s in business administration. Therefore, the title
is deceiving as the passage is about the queen’s background and not
about her versatility.

NOTE: Accept other suitable responses provided they are grounded

in the text. A candidate can score 1 mark for an answer that is not
well-substantiated. (2)

1.11 The two speech bubbles portrayed in visual 1 show that there is a
dialogue between two characters. This resonates well with the idea of
career conversations. (1)

1.12 1.12.1 A book/Paper/Notepad (1)

1.12.2 People around/looking at the globe. (1)

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English First Additional Language / P1 5 MDE/ June 2024
FET-Grade 11 Marking Guidelines

1.13 Emotional Quotient/emotional intelligence/(the ability to understand,

use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve
stress, communicate effectively, empathise with others, overcome
challenges and defuse conflict). (1)

1.14 Open-ended. Accept a suitable answer, e.g.

The text succeeds in conveying the different stages of career

development. The presentation of the information in a doughnut
chart further supports the progressive nature of career development.


The text is confusing and the visual used are vague. It is very difficult
to understand the exact message conveyed by visuals. Terms such
as MBTI, Belbin learning and EQ further adds to confusion.

NOTE: Accept other suitable responses provided they are grounded

in the text. A candidate can score 1 mark for an answer that is not
well-substantiated. (2)


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English First Additional Language / P1 6 MDE/ June 2024
FET-Grade 11 Marking Guidelines



The following points form the answer to the question:

(NOTE: Candidates may phrase
the facts differently.)
1. ‘So, it is advisable to choose higher 1. Base your meals on higher fibre
fibre or wholegrain varieties, such starchy carbohydrates
as whole wheat pasta, brown rice or
potatoes with their skins on.’

2. ‘… eat at least 5 portions of a 2. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables

variety of fruit and vegetables every daily.

3. ‘Aim to eat at least 2 portions of fish 3. Eat more fish, including a portion of
a week, including at least 1 portion oily fish.
of oily fish.’

4. ‘Too much saturated fat can 4. Cut down on saturated fat.

increase the amount of cholesterol
in the blood, which increases your
risk of developing heart disease.’

5. ‘… regularly consuming foods and 5. Reduce the intake of sugar in your

drinks high in sugar increases your diet.
risk of obesity and tooth decay.’

6. ‘Eating healthily, regular exercise 6. Eat healthily and get active.

may help reduce your risk of getting
serious health conditions.’

7. ‘The government recommends 7. Do not get thirsty. / Drink enough

drinking 6 to 8 glasses every day.’ water.

8. ‘A healthy breakfast high in fibre 8. Do not skip breakfast. / Eat a

and low in fat, sugar and salt can healthy breakfast.
form part of a balanced diet, and
can help you get the nutrients you
need for good health.’

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English First Additional Language / P1 7 MDE/ June 2024
FET-Grade 11 Marking Guidelines

Marking the summary:

The summary should be marked as follows:

Mark allocation:
7 marks for 7 points (1 mark per main point)
3 marks for language
Total marks 10

Distribution of language marks when candidate has not quoted verbatim:

1–3 points correct: award 1 mark
4–5 points correct: award 2 marks
6–7 points correct: award 3 marks

Distribution of Language marks when candidate has quoted verbatim:

6 – 7 quotes: award no language mark
1 – 5 quotes: award 1 language mark

Word Count:
Markers are required to verify the number of words used.
Do not deduct any marks if the candidate fails to indicate the number of words
used, or if the number of words used is indicated incorrectly.
If the word limit is exceeded, read up to the last sentence above the stipulated
upper limit and ignore the rest of the summary.


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English First Additional Language / P1 8 MDE/ June 2024
FET-Grade 11 Marking Guidelines



One-word answers must be marked correct even if the spelling is incorrect,unless the
error changes the meaning of the word.
In full –sentences answers, incorrect spelling should be penalised if the erroris in the
language structure being tested.
Sentence structures must be grammatically correct and given in full sentences/per


3.1 People who love to drink Pepsi. /Pepsi lovers. (1)
3.2 3.2.1 To add to the suspense of something lurking in the dark. / draw
the reader’s attention to what may be happening in the
background/to capture the idea of the looming danger.  (1)

3.2.2 frightening/fearful (1)

3.3 Pepsi  (1)

3.4 The Pepsi can is donning a frightening costume - a cape that cleverly
mimics the branding of its competitors, Coca-Cola. This suggests that
Coca-Cola is as horrific/terrifying as a scary Halloween experience. 

NOTE: Accept other suitable responses provided they are grounded

in the text. A candidate can score 1 mark for an answer that is not
well-substantiated. (2)

3.5 A/cape (1)

3.6 The use of the word ‘Halloween”/Halloween is not popular in South
Africa.  (1)

3.7 Discretion. Accept a suitable response, e.g.

Yes. The advertiser has cleverly reveal that Coca-Cola is "scary", in other
words, not a good soda. /I don’t want to experience any frightening
experience from drinking Coca -Cola. So, I am tempted to buy Pepsi.

No. I don’t like fizzy drinks and Pepsi is one of them. /I am addicted to/
only drink/ prefer Coca-Cola and nothing can make me stop drinking the
NOTE: Do not award a mark for Yes or No. The above are merely
examples. A candidate can score 1 mark for an answer that is not well (2)


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English First Additional Language / P1 9 MDE/ June 2024
FET-Grade 11 Marking Guidelines

4.1 4.1.1 To show contraction (1)

4.1.2 D/blonde hair (1)

4.2 4.2.1 Dagwood’s feelings are revealed as follows:

Visual: His eyes are wide-open (showing that he is excited). /His
eyebrows are raised. /He is smiling. 

Verbal: He says that beauty is in the eye of the beholder (meaning

that he loves what he sees/the sandwich makes him happy). 

4.2.2 In Frame 2, Dagwood is sitting (at the table). /His arms are
relaxed. 

In Frame 1, Dagwood is standing (near the table). /He is carrying

a sandwich. 

NOTE: Accept ANY other suitable answer provided that the

contrast is clear.
Award 2 or 0 marks. (2)

4.3 4.3.1 Dagwood has eaten the sandwich.  (1)

4.3.2 Lounge/sitting room.  Dagwood is sitting on the couch.  (2)

4.4 Open-ended. Accept a suitable answer. E.g.

In Frame 1, Dagwood tells Blondie that the sandwich is too beautiful to
eat, thereby creating the impression that he will not eat it. However, in
Frame 3, Blondie is surprise to discover that Dagwood has finished the
sandwich. The humour is further intensified by the play on the proverb:
‘Beauty is now in the stomach of the beholder.


There is no humour in Dagwood’s greed. He is just a wasteful
glutton who eats as if there is no tomorrow.

NOTE: Do not award a mark for Yes or No.

The above are mere examples. A candidate can score 1 mark for an

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English First Additional Language / P1 10 MDE/ June 2024
FET-Grade 11 Marking Guidelines


5.1 5.1.1 (a) livelihoods (1)
(b) to (1)
(c) these (1)
(d) know (1)

5.1.2 Artists are celebrated by South Africans when the global

stages recognise their hard work and effort. (1)
5.1.3 Tom said that hecelebratesartists when they excel in their

NOTE: Award ONE mark for each underlined change and

ONE mark for correct punctuation. (3)

5.1.4 didn’t we/ did we not? (1)

5.1.5 Accept a suitable response e.g.

Orlando Pirates scored eleven goals in the last two matches

and they're really on a roll.
Let's roll out and get some fresh air!
I don’t like bread roll. (1)

5.1.6 (a) - (watch) - verb (1)

(b) - (umpteenth) - adjective (1)
5.1.7 You cannot/can’tguarantee our unwavering support for
international artists. (1)

5.1.8 Not only do we need to honour our artists, we also need to

criticise them where necessary.

Not only do we need to honour our artists,we need to
criticise them where necessary too/as well.
NOTE: The underlined phrases are interchangeable.
5.2 5.2.1 reduction (1)
5.2.2 annoyance/anger/displeasure/frustration (1)
5.2.3 Does the man protest against increased fuel prices?  (1)
5.2.4 lower/decrease (1)
5.2.5 less/more expensive (1)

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