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Forman Christian College

(A Chartered University)
School of Management

BUSN 170 ‐ Principles of Management

Fall Semester 2021

Class Schedule Tuesday & Thursday 09:30 AM to 10:45 AM

Instructor Aneeq Javed

Course Objectives

Principles of Management enables students to have outreaching understanding of various management

concept and how these concepts are practiced in organizations. The course shall investigate the different
functions of management, including planning, organizing, leading and controlling. The course will explore
management in context of global environment especially managing diversity in workplace, managing
innovation, planning and leading. In addition, the course shall briefly touch on issues such as organization
structure, technology, innovation, ethics, corporate responsibility, organization culture, the competitive
environment and customer‐focus influence managerial decision making. The coursework shall be
complimented with case studies to have a better understanding of the relevant topic.

Course Grading

Class Contribution & Attendance 10%

Quizzes 10%
Midterm Exam 25%
Assignment 10%
Presentation / Course Project 20%
Final Exam 25%

Course Policies

The following rules will apply in my class:

1. Minimum 85% attendance is mandatory.

2. Students who arrive late to class will not be admitted.
3. Assignments which are submitted late will not be accepted.
4. A retake of an exams can only be retaken for genuine medical reasons (or family bereavement) if
the faculty member is informed prior to the examination.
5. There shall be a zero tolerance policy on cheating & plagiarism and will immediately award an F in
the course.
Text Books Recommended

Primary Reading
• Robbins, Stepehen. P. & Coulter, M., 2010. Management. 11th ed. s.l.:Prentice Hall.

Secondary Reading
• Bateman, Thomas. S. & Snell, Scott. A., 2014. Management: Leading and
Collaborating in a Competitive World. 11th ed. New Delhi: McGraw-Hill.

Course Plan

Introduction to Management
Week 1
Management & Organization
Constraints & Challenges in Management
Week 2 The External & Internal Environment
Management in Global Environment
Managing Diversity
Week 3 Social Responsibility, Ethics & Sustainability
Managing Change and Innovation
Week 4
Decision Making – Assignment (Due in 6th Week)

Foundation of Planning
Week 5
Strategic Planning

Organizational Design
Week 6
Adaptive Organizational Design

Management in Public Sector

Week 7
Managing Government, Governing Management; A paper by Henry Mintzberg.

Week 8 Midterm

Managing Human Resource

Week 9
Managing Teams – Course Project (Due in 12th Week)

Understanding Individual Behavior

Week 10
Managers and Communication
Motivating Employees
Week 11 Managers as Leaders
Managing Operations
Week 12
Assignment (Due in 14th Week)

Week 13 Presentation

Strategic Management
Week 14 Managing the Whole Firm
Introduction to Advanced Management Topics

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