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In general, the term open channel is used
to define all natural streams and artificial
canals having surfaces exposed to the
pressure of the atmosphere. All forms of
closed conduits which flow only partially full
are also in the category of open channels.
The flow in an open channels depends
upon the slope of the streambed as well as the
slope of the streambed as well as the slope of
the water surface.
The main types of open channel are :
(a) natural streams or rivers
(b) artificial canals or flumes
(c) sewers, tunnels and pipelines not
flowing full

The cross section of an open channel may be

of any shape, from regular geometric figures
to the irregular forms of natural channels.
The essential properties of uniform flow in an
open channel are:
(a) uniform depth, or d1 = d2 = depth at any
(b) uniform area, or A1 = A2 = area at any
(c) uniform velocity, or V1 = V2 = velocity at
any section
(d) equal slopes of energy gradient,
streambed and water surface, or S = So = Sws,
S = hf/L (slope of the energy gradient)
So = the slope of the streambed,
Sws = the slope of the water surface or the
hydraulic gradient
Prob. Example 4-1:
Water Flows uniformly at a depth of 1.50m in
a rectangular canal 4m wide, laid on a
slope of 1m per kilometer. What is the
average shear stress at the sides and
bottom of the canal? (t = wRS)

d = 1.50m
b = 4m
S = 1/1000
A = bd = (4)(1.5) = 6.0 m2
P = b + 2d = 4 + 2(1.5) = 7m
R = A/P = 6/7 = 0.857m
S = 1/1000 = .001

t = wRS
t = (9810)(0.857)(0.001)
t = 8.41 Pa or N/m2
Example Prob 4-2:
What uniform flow will occur in a rectangular
planed-timber flume (n = 0.010) 1.75m wide
and having a slope of 0.0010 when the depth
therein is 1m, using (a) Manning’s C (b)
Kutter’s C?

b = 1.75m d = 1.0m
S = 0.0010 n = 0.010
Req’d : Q ((a) Manning’s C (b) Kutter’s C)
A = bd = (1.75)(1.0) = 1.75m2
P = b + 2d = 1.75 + 2(1.0) 3.75m
R = A/P = 1.75/ 3.75 = 0.47m
(a) Manning’s C
C = R1/6 = R1/6 = (0.47) 1/6 = 88.18
n n 0.010
V = C(RS)1/2
Q = AV
= (1.75)(1.0)88.18[(0.47)(0.0010)]1/2
Q = 3.34 m3/s
(b) Kutter’s C
C = 23 + 0.00155/S + 1/n .
1 + n/R1/2[ 23 + 0.00155/S]
C = 23 + 0.00155/(0.001) + 1/(0.010) .
1 + 0.010/(0.47)1/2[ 23 + 0.00155/(0.0010)
C = 91.71
V = C(RS)1/2
Q = AV
= (1.75)(1.0)91.71[(0.47)(0.0010)]1/2
Q = 3.48 m3/s
Example Prob 4-3:
At what depth will 4.25 m3/s flow
uniformly in a rectangular channel 4m wide
with rubble-lined masonry and laid on a
slope of 1 to 4000? Use n = 0.017

Given: Q = 4.25 m3/s

b = 4m
S = 1/4000 = 0.00025
n = 0.017
Req’d: d
V = C(RS)1/2 = 1/n R2/3 S1/2
R = A/P = bd/(b +2d)
Q = bd 1/n [bd/(b +2d)]2/3 S1/2
nQ = bd [bd]2/3
S1/2 (b +2d)2/3
[nQ] 3/2 = [bd] 3/2 [bd]
S3/4 (b +2d)
0.305 (4 +2d) = d5/2
1.22 = d5/2 – 0.61d
d = 1.327m
The optimum open channel section or the
section with the greatest hydraulic efficiency
(also the most advantageous or most
economical section) is the one which, for a
given area A, slope S, and roughness
coefficient n, will provide the greatest
discharge Q.
For a given constant area A, maximum
discharge Q means maximum velocity V or
maximum hydraulic radius R. Maximum R
implies minimum wetted perimeter P. Such a
section is known as the most efficient for the
given area.
On the otherhand, if S is solved from the
Chezy equation:
S = V2
it is evident that for a given flow Q (or
velocity V), the channels’ bed slope S is a
minimum by making the hydraulic radius R a
maximum. This is the criterion for the most
efficient section for the given rate of
discharge Q.
Example Prob 4-4:
A planed- timber flume is to have a
rectangular cross-section of best efficiency.
The velocity is not to exceed 2.4m/s on a
grade of 1 to 1000. What should be the
dimensions of the cross section and the
capacity of the canal?
Example Prob 4-5:
A channel having a rectangular section
and base width 2.5m carries a flow of
5.5m3/s. Find the critical depth, the critical
velocity and the critical slope if n = 0.011
(a) discharge per meter: q = Q/b
(b) critical depth : dc = [q2/g]1/3
(c ) critical velocity : Vc = [g dc]1/2
(d) Critical Slope: Sc = n2 Vc2
Example Prob 4-6:
With the given in example problem 4-4,
determine whether the flow is at upper or
lower stage.

q = Q/b
dc = [q2/g]1/3

since d> dc, therefore flow is at upper

Example Prob 4-7:
A rectangular flume of planed-timber
(n = 0.012) is 1.5m wide carries 2.00m3/s
of water. The bed slope is 0.00060. At a
certain section the depth is 1m. Find the
distance to the section where the depth is
Example Prob 4-8:
If a discharge of 1.2 m3/s per meter width of
the channel has a velocity of 4.4m/s, to what
depth could it possibly jump? Check the
critical depth.
(1) d1 = q/V1
(2) From 2q2/g = d1d2(d1 + d2), solve d2
(3) Solve dc from dc = [q2/g]1/3

Problems: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20,

24, 28, 32, 34, 35
Pages: 482 - 485

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