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Journal of Function Spaces

Volume 2021, Article ID 4886197, 5 pages

Research Article
Boundedness for Commutators of Rough p-Adic Hardy Operator
on p-Adic Central Morrey Spaces

Naqash Sarfraz ,1 Muhammad Aslam ,2 and Fahd Jarad 3,4

Department of Mathematics, University of Kotli Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Department of Mathematics, College of Sciences, King Khalid University, Abha 61413, Saudi Arabia
Department of Mathematics, Çankaya University, Ankara, Turkey
Department of Medical Research, China Medical University Hospital, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan

Correspondence should be addressed to Naqash Sarfraz; and Fahd Jarad;

Received 17 June 2021; Accepted 22 July 2021; Published 16 August 2021

Academic Editor: Sarfraz Nawaz Malik

Copyright © 2021 Naqash Sarfraz et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

In the present article we obtain the boundedness for commutators of rough p-adic Hardy operator on p-adic central Morrey spaces.
Furthermore, we also acquire the boundedness of rough p-adic Hardy operator on Lebesgue spaces.

1. Introduction tions of p-adic analysis are seen mainly in string theory [24],
quantum gravity [25, 26], quantum mechanics [14] and
The classical Hardy operator for a non-negative function spring glass theory [27, 28].
f : ℝ+ ⟶ ℝ+ is given as Suppose p is a prime number, r ∈ ℚ, we introduce the p
ðx -adic norm jrjp by a rule
H f ðxÞ = f ðt Þdt, x > 0: ð1Þ
x 0 j0jp = 0, jrjp = p−α , ð4Þ

In [1], Hardy defined the above operator which satisfies where the integer α = αðrÞ is defined by the following
kH f kLr ðℝ+ Þ ≤ k f kLr ðℝ+ Þ , 1 < r < ∞: ð2Þ
r−1 r = pα m/n, ð5Þ
The constant r/ðr − 1Þ in (2) is sharp. In [2], Faris
integers m, n and p are coprime to each other. j·jp has many
extended the Hardy operator in ℝn by
properties of a real norm together with
1 n o
Hf ðxÞ = n f ðtÞdt: ð3Þ
j j ðBð0,jxjÞÞ jr + sjp ≤ max jr jp , jsjp : ð6Þ

In this day and age, the Hardy operator has received a We denote the completion of ℚ in the norm j·jp by ℚp :
relentless consideration, see for example [3–7]. Moreover, Any nonzero p-adic number can be written in series form
the publications [8–12] and the references therein will do as (see [14]):
world of good to comprehend the Hardy type operators.
The past few years has seen an immense attention ∞
towards mathematical physics [13, 14] along with harmonic r = pα 〠 γi pi , ð7Þ
analysis in the p-adic field [15–23]. Furthermore, the applica- i=0
2 Journal of Function Spaces

where γi , α ∈ ℤ, γi ∈ ℤ/pℤp , γ0 ≠ 0: The series (7) is conver- respectively, whenever

gent as jpα γi pi jp = p−α−i :
The space ℚnp contains all n-tuples of ℚp . The norm on ð    
this space is Ω jtjp t f ðtÞdt < ∞
Bð0,jxjp Þ
ð     ð14Þ
jrjp = max jrk jp : ð8Þ  
1≤k≤n bðtÞΩ jtjp t f ðtÞdt < ∞:
Bð0,jxjp Þ

Represent by Bα ðaÞ the ball with radius pα and center at a

and Sα ðaÞ its sphere: p,b
In [20], authors showed the weighted estimates of H Ω on
n o n o two weighted Herz-Morrey spaces. In the present article, we
Bα ðaÞ = r ∈ ℚnp : jr − ajp ≤ pα , Sα ðaÞ = r ∈ ℚnp : jr − ajp = pα : _ r ,λ
acquire the λ − central bounded mean oscillations ðC MO
ð9Þ p ,b
ðℚnp ÞÞ estimate of H Ω on p-adic central Morrey spaces. In
addition, we open up our results with a lemma which shows
Since ℚnp is a locally compact Hausdorff space, then there the boundedness of rough p-adic Hardy operator on Lebes-
exists the Haar measure dx on additive group ℚnp and is nor- gue spaces. Throughout this paper, we have no intention to
malized by obtain the best constants in the inequalities. The occurrence
ð of a letter C does not mean a same constant, its value may
vary at different positions.
dx = jB0 ð0ÞjH = 1, ð10Þ
B0 ð0Þ
Definition 1 [32]. Suppose λ ∈ ℝ and 1 < r < ∞: The p-adic
r ,λ
where jEjH denotes the Haar measure of a measurable subset space B_ ðℚnp Þ is defined as follows
E of ℚnp : Moreover, it is not hard to see that jBγ ðaÞjH = pnγ
and jSγ ðaÞjH = pnγ ð1 − p−n Þ, for any a ∈ ℚnp . ð !1/r
Suppose Ls ðℚnp Þð1 ≤ s<∞Þ is the space of all complex- 1
k f kB_ r,λ ðℚn Þ = sup  1+λr j f ðxÞjr dx < ∞, ð15Þ
valued functions f on ℚnp such that p γ∈ℤ Bγ  Bγ

ð !1/s
r ,λ
∥f ∥Ls ðℚnp Þ = j f ðxÞj dx < ∞: ð11Þ where Bγ = Bγ ð0Þ: Interestingly B_ ðℚnp Þ reduces to f0g for
−1/r > λ:

In what follows author in [29] introduced the Hardy Definition 2 [32]. Suppose λ < 1/n and 1 < r < ∞. The p-adic
operator in the p-adic field as for f ∈ Lloc ðℚnp Þ, we have _ r,λ ðℚnp Þ is given by
space CMO
H f ðx Þ = n
f ðtÞdt: ð12Þ ð  !1/r
jx jp Bð0,jxjp Þ 1 r
_ r,λ ðℚnp Þ = sup  1+λr
k f kCMO  f ðxÞ − f Bγ  dx < ∞,
γ∈ℤ Bγ  Bγ
For better understanding of Hardy type operators in the p
-adic field we refer the publications [12, 29–32] and the refer- ð16Þ
ences therein. From here on, we discuss the rough kernel ver-
sion of an operator which is also considered an important Ð
where f Bγ = 1/jBγ jH f ðxÞdx, jBγ jH is the Haar measure of
topic in analysis, see for instance [20, 33–37]. In [10], Fu Bγ
et al. studied the roughness of Hardy operator in the real Bγ .
field. In the p-adic setting, the rough Hardy operator and
its commutator are defined and studied in [20]. Suppose _ r,λ ðℚnp Þ is reduced to CMOr
Remark 3. If λ = 0, then CMO
f : ℚnp ⟶ ℝ, b : ℚnp ⟶ ℝ and Ω : S0 ⟶ ℝ are measur- ðℚp Þ (see [29]).
able mappings, then
ð   2. Boundedness for Commutators of Rough p-
p 1
H Ω f ðx Þ = Ω jtjp t f ðtÞdt Adic Hardy Operator on Central Morrey
j jnp B ð0 ,j x j p Þ
p,b 1
H Ω f ðx Þ = ðbðxÞ − bðtÞÞΩ jtjp t f ðtÞdt, _ r,λ ðℚnp ÞÞ estimates of H pΩ,b on
In the present section ðC MO
jxjnp Bð0,jxjÞp
central Morrey spaces in the p-adic field are obtained.
ð13Þ However, to prove the result we need few lemmas.
Journal of Function Spaces 3

ð !1/s
_ r,λ ðℚnp Þ and i, j ∈ ℤ, λ ≥ 0. Then
Lemma 4 [32]. Let b ∈ C MO  p    ð    s
H Ω f   −1 
Ls ðℚnp Þ
≤ Ω jy jp y  f ∣y ∣ p x  dx dy
  Bð0,1Þ ℚnp
n   o !
  λ  λ ð  
_ r,λ ðℚnp Þ max jBi jH , B j H :
bBi − bB j  ≤ pn ji − jjkbkCMO
≤ Ω jy jp y jyj−n/s
p dy k f kLs ðℚnp Þ
ð17Þ Bð0,1Þ
ð !
= 〠 Ω py p j
dy k f kLs ðℚn Þ
Lemma 5. Suppose 1 < s < ∞ and 1/s + 1/s ′ = 1. Then the j=−∞ S j

inequality !1/s ð !1/s′

0 ð
  j  s
 p  ≤ 〠 p −jn/s Ω p y  dy dy
H Ω f  ≤ C k f kLs ðℚn Þ ð18Þ j=−∞ Sj Sj
L ð Þ
ℚnp p
 k f kLs ðℚn Þ :

holds for all f ∈ Lsloc ðℚnp Þ and Ω ∈ Ls ðS0 Þ. ð23Þ

Proof. Firstly, we set We handle the first part of sum as follows

ð ð ð
    j  s
~f ðxÞ = 1 −1 Ω p y  dy = jΩðzÞjs p jn dz = Cp jn : ð24Þ
f j x j ξ dξ, x ∈ ℚnp : ð19Þ
1 − pn jξp j=1 p Sj jzjp =1

Hence inequality (23) takes the following form

Obviously ~f ðxÞ = ~f ðjxj−1
p Þ. In what follows we take this
function a radial function on p-adic Lebesgue space. It is H Ω f  ≤ C k f kLs ðℚn Þ , ð25Þ
Ls ðℚnp Þ p
not hard to see that

  which completes the proof of a lemma.

H Ω ~f ðxÞ = H Ω ð f ÞðxÞ:
p p
ð20Þ Now, we turn towards our key result.

Theorem 6. Suppose 1 < r 1 < ∞, r 1 ′ < r 2 < ∞, nð1/r 2 − 1/r 1 Þ

In [29], it is shown that k ~f kLs ðℚnp Þ ≤ k f kLs ðℚnp Þ . Therefore, < n/r 1 , 1/r1 + 1/r 2 = 1/r, −1/r 1 < λ1 < 0, λ = λ1 + λ2 and 0 ≤
λ2 < 1/n: If r1 ′ < s < ∞, then the below inequality
 p   p ~  p,b 
H Ω f  H Ω f s n H Ω f  _ r,λ ≤ C k f kB_ r,λ1 ,
Ls ðℚnp Þ L ðℚ p Þ ðℚnp Þ ð26Þ
≤   : ð21Þ B ðℚnp Þ
k f kLs ðℚnp Þ  
 ~f  s n
L ðℚp Þ
holds for b ∈ CMOmax fr2 ,sr1 ′/ðs−r1 ′Þ,λ2 g ðℚnp Þ and Ω ∈ Ls ðS0 Þ:

This implies that ~f = f providing f is a radial function. r ,λ

Proof. We suppose f ∈ B_ 1 1 ðℚnp Þ: We also take γ ∈ ℤ and
Consequently, the norm of an operator H Ω along with its without any brevity we consider kbkCMOmax fr2 ,sr1 ′/ðs−r1 ′Þ,λ2 g ðℚn Þ =
restriction to the function ̂f have the same operator norm. p

So, we assume f to be a radial function in the rest of the 1: Applying Minkowski’s inequality to have
ð  !1/r
By the change of p-adic variables t = jxj−1
p y, we have 1  p,b

 1+λr H Ω f ðxÞ dx
Bγ  Bγ
ð  ð  
s !1/s
 ð  ð r !1/r

 p   1  1  1   
H Ω f  s n =  Ω jt j t f ð tÞdt dx =  1+λr  n Ω ∣t ∣ p t f ðtÞðbðxÞ − bðtÞÞdt dx
L ðℚp Þ n jx j
n p  Bγ   x
Bγ j jp Bð0,∣xjp Þ 
ℚp p Bð0,∣xjp Þ H
 s !1/s ð   ð  !1/r
ð ð     r
    −1   1
≤  1+λr

Ω ∣t ∣ p t f ðtÞ bðxÞ − bBγ dt dx
=  Ω ∣y ∣ p y f ∣x ∣ p y dy  dx : Bγ  Bγ jx jp Bð0,∣xjp Þ 
ℚnp  Bð0,1Þ  H
ð  ð   r
1  1   
ð22Þ +  1+λr  n Ω ∣t ∣ p t f ðtÞ bðtÞ − bBγ dt dx
Bγ  Bγ jxjp Bð0,∣xjp Þ 
= I + II:
Now by using Minkowski’s inequality and Hölder’s
inequality ð1/s + 1/s ′ = 1Þ, we get ð27Þ
4 Journal of Function Spaces

For the evaluation of I, we make use of Lemma (5) which For II 2 , we use Lemma 4, inequality (30) and Hölder’s
shows that H Ω is bounded from Lr ðℚnp Þ to Lr ðℚnp Þ, inequality to obtain
ð1 < r<∞Þ: By Hölder’s inequality ð1 = r/r 1 + r/r 2 Þ, we have
ð !r
!1/r2 ð !1/r1 C
γ k
ð  r 2 II 2 =  1+λr 〠 pknð1−rÞ 〠 ∣ Ω p j t f ðtÞ bB j − bBγ dt ∣
 −1/r−λ    p r 1 Bγ 
I ≤ Bγ H bðxÞ − bBγ  dx  
H Ω f ðxÞ dx H
k=−∞ j=−∞ S j
Bγ Bγ γ
" ð #r
!1/r2 ð !1/r1 C k
ð  r 2 ≤  1+λr 〠 pknð1−rÞ 〠 Ω p j t f ðtÞðγ − jÞBγ H2 dt
≤ Bγ H bðxÞ − bBγ  dx j f ðxÞjr1 dx H
k=−∞ j=−∞ S j
Bγ Bγ γ
" ð #r
C k
= Ck f kB_ r1 ,λ1 : =  1+λr 〠 pknð1−rÞ 〠 ðγ − jÞ Ω p j t f ðtÞdt
ðℚnp Þ Bγ  k=−∞ j=−∞ Sj
" ð !1/s
ð28Þ C
γ k   j s
≤  1+λ r 〠 p knð1−r Þ
〠 ðγ − jÞ  
Ω p t dt
Bγ  1 k=−∞ j=−∞ Sj
In order to estimate II, we proceed as follows H
!1/r1 ð !1/r1′ −1/s #r
ð  ð 

 r × j f ðtÞj dt
1  1   
II ≤  1+λr
 n Ω ∣t ∣ p t f ðtÞ bðtÞ − bBγ dt dx Sj Sj
 Bγ  Bγ jxjp Bð0,∣xp Þ  γ
" #r
!r C k  λ1 +1−1/s
γ ð ð     ≤  1+λ r k f kB_ r,λ1 ℚn 〠 p knð1−r+r/sÞ 
〠 ðγ − jÞ B j 
1 Bγ  1 ð pÞ
≤  1+λr 〠 p−knr ∣ Ω jtjp t f ðtÞ bðtÞ − bBγ dt ∣ dx k=−∞ j=−∞
 Bγ  k=−∞ Sk Bð0,pk Þ
H γ
ð !r C
γ k
    ≤  1+λ r k f kB_ r,λ1 ℚn 〠 pknð1−r+r/sÞ ðγ − kÞr jBk jðλ1 +1−1/sÞr
=  1+λr 〠 pknð1−rÞ 〠 ∣ Ω p j t f ðtÞ bðtÞ − bBγ dt ∣ Bγ  1 ð pÞ
 Bγ  k=−∞ j=−∞ Sj H
H γ
ð !r C
γ k
   =  1+λ r k f kB_ r,λ1 ℚn 〠 ðγ − kÞr pknrð1/r+λ1 Þ
≤  1+λr 〠 pknð1−rÞ 〠 ∣ Ω p t f ðtÞ bðtÞ − bB j dt ∣
Bγ  1 ð pÞ
 Bγ  k=−∞ j=−∞ Sj H
ð !r C
γ k
    =  1+λ r k f kB_ r,λ1 ℚn pγnrð1/r+λ1 Þ = Ck f kB_ r,λ1 ℚn ,
+  1+λr 〠 pknð1−rÞ 〠 ∣ Ω p j t f ðtÞ bB j − bBγ dt ∣ Bγ  1 ð pÞ ð pÞ
Bγ  k=−∞ j=−∞ S j
= II 1 + II 2 :

where we notice that 0 < λ1 + 1 − 1/s together with λ1 + 1/r1
For j, k ∈ ℤ with j ≤ k, we have + 1/r2 > 1/r 2 > 0 = λ1 + 1/r: From (28), (31) and (32), we get
ð ð  
  j  s
Ω p t  dt = jΩðzÞjs p jn dz ≤ Cpkn : ð30Þ  p,b 
H Ω f  ≤ C k f kB_ r,λ1 : ð33Þ
Sj jzjp =1 B_ 1 ðℚnp Þ
r,λ ðℚnp Þ

To evaluate II 1 , we apply Hölder’s inequality together

with (30) to get 3. Conclusion
" ð !1/s We mainly focused on the boundedness for commutators of
C k   j  s
II 1 ≤  1+λr 〠 pknð1−rÞ 〠 Ω p t  dt rough p-adic Hardy operator on p-adic central Morrey
Bγ  k=−∞ j=−∞ Sj spaces. Besides, we also obtained the boundedness of rough
ð !1/r1 ð !1/r2 #r p-adic Hardy operator on p-adic Lebesgue spaces.
 r 2
× j f ðtÞjr1 dt bðtÞ − bB j  dt
Sj Sj
( )r
Data Availability
C k 1/r +λ +1/r +λ
≤  1+λr k f kB_ r,λ1 ℚn 〠 pknð1−r+r/sÞ 〠 B j  1 1 2 2 No data were used to support this study.
Bγ  ð pÞ j=−∞
≤  1+λr k f kB_ r,λ1 ℚn 〠 pknð1+λrÞ =  1+λr k f kB_ r,λ1 ℚn pγnð1+λrÞ
Conflicts of Interest
Bγ  ð pÞ Bγ  ð pÞ
H H The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
= Ck f kB_ r,λ1 :
ðℚnp Þ
ð31Þ Acknowledgments
The authors extend their appreciation to the Deanship of
The convergence of above series is eminent from λ1 Scientific Research at King Khalid University, Abha 61413,
+ λ2 + 1/r 1 + 1/r 2 ≥ λ1 + 1 − 1/s > −1/r + 1 − 1/s = 1/r1 ′ − 1/s Saudia Arabia for funding this work through research groups
> 0. program under grant number R.G. P-2/29/42.
Journal of Function Spaces 5

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