The Maiden

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Mandlakazi walks in the
throne room

And everyone looks at her

She walks around the room

Like she owns it

Her dark aura just taking

The villagers are shaking

Feat written all over their


The king looks at his sister

As she waltz around his
throne room

Instilling fear into the hearts

of his people

No one moves , they remain

where they are standing

And no one says anything

She finally stops walking

And stands in front of the


She trails her long skinny


With long sharp stiletto nails

On the throne skin fur

The king moves from his


His queen looks at him with

begging eyes

Holding their new born

Cradling him , with her dear

Fearing for the life of her


More than that of hers

But the king has his gaze on

his sister
The queen closes her eyes

As a tear drops down her


Hoping and praying

The king doesn’t say

anything that will bring harm
to himself
Or the people

Outside thunder is rumbling

And the clouds are dark

It’s like dawn

When it gets dark , before

the sun breaks
But it’s really just midday

King Mahlubi : Mandlakazi

He says with a trembling


Mandlakazi turns around and

looks at him

She lets out a cunning smile

And sits down on the throne

King Mahlubi : you cannot …

She raises her finger and

places it in her mouth

Mandlakazi : shhhhh …

Quickly hushes the king

And he swallows

Knowing his council , and his


Even his people

Are seeing him this

Standing no chance against
his sister

The old woman , looks at the


Seeing how hope is slowly

disappearing from her eyes

And the way she’s cradling

the prince
She slowly moves towards

In motion , making sure she

doesn’t cause stares

Or get Mandlakazi's
attention to her

Mandlakazi : my brother …
She laughs

Mandlakazi : I told you this

day would come

She lifts her leg over the


Mandlakazi : you took from

She says with gritted teeth

That the king takes a step


Mandlakazi : this kingdom

was mine , and you stole it
from me . Just because you
were a boy , I’m the first born
and it was ….no , it is my
birth right . But you came
along , and you stole my

King Mahlubi : our father …

Mandlakazi gets up from the


And she walks towards her

Mandlakazi : do you see him
anywhere here ? He’s dead ,
and rotting . His flesh eaten
by maggots , now I have
come back to claim what’s
mine . If you think your cub
will survive to see another
day , and grow up to take
this throne from me like you
did . Oh dear brother , you’re
very much mistaken . All
these people , thinking
you’re their saving grace and
you’ll save them from me .
Are sadly mistaken , you’re
no match for me

King Mahlubi : these people

did nothing to you , let them

Mandlakazi : mhm …
She scoffs

Mandlakazi : always trying to

paint yourself , like a saint .I
don’t pretend , what you see
is what you get with me .
And guess what …all of you
here will bow to me

She roars in loudness

People bow their heads

The sight of her anger ,

scaring them to the core of
their hearts

The old woman , brushes the

queens arm

And she turns looking at her

Old woman : not many of us
will live to see this day , he’s
our only hope and the hope
to this kingdom . Let me
spare his life , and in time he
will come back to free his

Then queen looks at her

Tears streaming down her

Old woman : now is our only


The queen looks at the king

She knows he cannot stand

against his sister’s dark
magic powers
She looks at the people

And they know their fate and

what awaits them

She looks at the old woman


She has never seen her

Could she trust a stranger
with her son ?

Her only son

And only child

After so many years of not

barring any child

She finally does

And now she has to lose him

But what’s better ?

To watch the wicked

Mandlakazi take the throne

And kill her son

Or to trust this woman

And hope that someday

Her son will return

And he will not resent her for


She slowly moves back

without drawing attention
And the old woman , holds
her wrinkled dirty hands out

Her fingers look cracked

The queen looks at her son

And a tear drops down his


He opens his eyes

She hands him to the old

And turns around to see if

anyone is watching them

And no one is

The king is facing his sister

And the people are praying
for their lives

She turns around , and the

old woman is gone

It’s like she has vanished into

thin air

Like she was never here

There’s no sign of her

She wants to react

But maybe she hasn’t gone


And creating a scene

Might alert Mandlakazi

She closes her eyes , as tears
continue to stream down her

Mandlakazi : enough of this ,

I have come for what’s mine

She pushes her brother and

looks at the queen

She looks around

And sees no sign of the

Mandlakazi : WHERE IS HE ?

She roars

And everyone looks at her

The queen goes down on her
knees and wails

Mandlakazi strikes her rod ,

and screams loud

And lighting strikes

And rumbles and rumbles of

thunder sounds
Mandlakazi : you will not
spare him from my wrath

She grabs her rod

Mandlakazi : I will curse this

land , no womb will bare a
child . No grass will grow ,
and no rain will fall

She walks towards the queen

Mandlakazi : you have
started a war , sister in-law .
You don’t know how I am ,
and what I’m capable of

People scream as she hisses ,

and one long two spit
tongue shows from her
The king pops his eyes

He knew she carried

darkness within her

But this , he has never seen

Lelomo : how can you bring
us a descendant of Jonga
here ?

She asks the old guardian

Lelomo : this is not good

Old woman : relax , take a

breath child
Lelomo : this will bring us
nothing but problems

Old woman : I did this , to

save him

Lelomo : and put us at risk

Old woman : no one knows

he is here , it will remain our
secret . Even to the people

Lelomo shakes her head

Lelomo : what are we to do ,

when that woman finds out
we have the child with us ?
She will destroy this place ,
Mandlakazi is wicked and she
uses dark magic . We stand
such power , we cannot and
you know that

Old woman : she will never

find out

Lelomo looks at the child

She heaves a sigh at how the

old woman is calm
Lelomo : I hope you’re right

She sits down

Lelomo : how long do we

have to keep him here ?

Old woman : until he’s old

enough , and he will be able
to save his land
Lelomo : they have been

Old woman : and only he will

be able to lift the curse

Lelomo : and that is my

worry , that Mandlakazi will
seek him . Because he stands
against her , and her evilness
Old woman : evil doesn’t
always prevail

Lelomo : I don’t see how this

boy will adjust here

Old woman : like every other


Lelomo : I wish , I shared

your sentiments
Old woman : you worry too

Lelomo : as I should be , we
shouldn’t be inviting these
kind of troubles upon us

Old woman : he’s anything

but trouble
Lelomo : he is nothing like
our kind

She gets up

Lelomo : we don’t even know

how we’re going to deal with

Old woman : there is no

need for us , at the end of
the day we’re all mother
nature’s creation

Lelomo : yes , so we are

The old woman picks the


Lelomo : maybe only when

he’s come of age , and that’s
still quite a long road to go
Old woman : he will be fine ,
and some day . He will
liberate his people , and they
will have us to thank for

Lelomo : they will never ,

they have never known our
goodness nor shown any
gratitude for anything we
have done for them
Old woman : I know

Lelomo : at least , we agree

on something

Lelomo : but now , things are

different . We have
something of theirs , and
something they need
Lelomo shakes her head

Not showing the old woman

that she disagrees with her

And doesn’t think this was a

very wise decision

Lelomo : please , excuse me

Old woman : you’re excused

She walks towards the exit

Old woman : everything that

happens , is always for a
reason . Even that we don’t

She sighs
And walks out , shaking her
head once again

Lelomo : oh , she has started

with her riddles again
The king looks at his

It looks like a former shadow

of itself

The lightening that struck

Left nothing the same

The palace is old brick , down
to it’s knees

Most people houses are

burnt to the ground

The huts are left opened

As the grass covering the

roofs caught fire
Nothing says life in his

And it’s only been a day

He doesn’t have the answers

to his people

He doesn’t have a plan

He knows not what to do

He walks to the little hut

The only thing that’s

remaining of the palace

The queen is sobbing on the


Laying on a grass mat

His heart breaks

He walks in and sit down

next to her

King Mahlubi : I am sorry , I

wish I had stood up against

He says
Knowing very well , he didn’t
stand a chance against dark

King Mahlubi : we have lost

everything , I’ve even failed
to protect our child . And
now he is gone , I don’t know

She looks at him

Seeing her tears , it brings
emotions to himself

The queen wipes her tears

Queen Lilanga : it’s okay ,

one day our boy will come

He looks at her
She hasn’t said anything
since yesterday

And only now , she speaks

King Mahlubi : where is he ?

Queen Lilanga : do you trust

me ?
He kooks at her

And understands that she

doesn’t want to tell him
where the prince is at

He nods

Queen Lilanga : the trust my

He says nothing

It’s hard to trust in what you

do not know

But they have been through

so much

They have a whole village of

people right now
Who are looking at them

Pressuring the queen right


Is not a good time

Lelomo grabs the bucket and
draws water
Her mind is filled with all
kinds of thoughts and

She wonders if the old

woman knows what she’s

By bringing that child here

But then again she’s old

And she thinks everyone can
be saved

What was she even doing so

far from home ?

That she entered that foreign


She picks the bucket

And places it on the river

And she takes another one

She crouches down and

draws water

Just as a helicopter noise

engulfs her ears
She lifts her head and looks

She can’t see clearly

And it goes over her head

To somewhat the middle of

the river
A man stands by the
entrance and throws a bag in
the river

And the helicopter fly’s away

The splash is big enough to

make sounds

She gets up and looks

But it seems the bag is just
going deeper

She quickly ties her skirt

around her thighs

And she gets in the water

She heads where the water

seems to be sinking the bag
And she goes down

Her hands reaching in the


She gasps at the heaviness

As she grabs the straps of

the bag

It feels to be very heavy

And the fact that it’s wet now

It doesn’t help

Also , why does it feel so big


Surely even a human can fit

in here
That’s just how big the bag

Luckily , the river is not that


And she’s able to drag the

bag to the shore

With a struggles
She sighs and coughs going

Feeling her chest burning

And crawls closer to the bag

She breathes high and she

opens the bag

She lets out a scream

As she looks at the man
inside the huge bag

Lelomo : what in the Gods

name is this ?

She looks at the man

And she realises he’s

It will take time to run to the
caves for help

She takes it upon herself to

help him

She feels his pulse

But he’s unconscious

And she’s not that strong to
carry him back to the caves

He’s heavy

Me : ncedani …..(help)

She shouts

And shouts
But no one seems to be
around to hear her

The man coughs and water

comes out of his mouth

He slightly opens his eyes

And she’s quickly to try and

get him to
Lelomo : do not close your
eyes , otherwise you will die .
You have to help me here

With the little strength he

still has

He tries by his might to help

her carry him
He’s tall , and she’s definitely

It doesn’t help that he’s also


And she’s just a petite


But slowly , they walk

through the veld
Headed to the caves

With the man holding on to

his last breath

In hopes that he makes it to

where he’s being taken

And he can live

As thy approach

Two of the heard boys see


And they run towards them

She looks at them

Lelomo : take him to my hut ,

please hurry
They herd boys , waste no
time carrying the man

And they run to Lelomo’s

ancestral hut

And she runs behind them

Wanting to not waste any

If the man stands a chance to
be alive
Lelomo : put him there

She instructs the herd boys

And they do as told

Placing the man on the grass


They walk out

And Lelomo quickly grabs

her black and white leopard
She looks at the man

And he seems to be
unconscious again

Without hesitation

She unbuttons his shirt , and

looks at the wounds that are
still bleeding
He’s clearly lost a lot of

But the wounds are still fresh

And by looking closely , she

sees that the bullets are still

She grabs two of her herbs

And the mixing dish

She has never dealt with

such before

But this man has entered her

sacred hut

She can’t do anything right

But to help him

She turns and grabs a box of


And lights up all her seven

white candles

And she puts on her white

head wrap
And she pours river water
into a mug

And she starts praying

Lelomo : I call upon the great

heaves and you heavily
father , guide my hand and
see upon this man . That
healing comes upon him ,
using me as your vessel .
Father , I ask that you bring
back life to him . In the name
of the Father , the son and
the holy spirit . Amen

She opens her eyes

And looks at the man

She better hurry

She grabs the herbs and the
mixing bowl

And starts mixing the herbs

Then she pours some of the

river water she prayed for in
the bowl along with the
Lelomo : Great Gods , and
my ancestors please shine
light upon this man

Twice she claps her hands

And she burps

As she takes quite a

generous amount of the
And she applies it on the
bullet wounds

Gently and softly

Hoping this will take the pain


And stop the bleeding so the

bullets can be taken out
Lelomo walks in her sacred

She look at the man

It’s been a week taking good

care of him
She was able to take out the

As soon as the blood was


And she sew him

Closing the bullet wounds

He seems to be recovering
And she hopes one of these

He will wake up

Because now she can’t do


Her job has become to take

care of him
She walks out and bumps
into the old woman

Lelomo : why are you

carrying him on your back ?

She asks the old woman

Who’s carrying the prince

Old woman : just to get him
sleep , he’s quite a difficult

Lelomo : he’s a species we

don’t know , maybe you
should have thought of that
first . Before you brought
him to us

The old woman smiles

She understands how
Lelomo feels about this

But given a chance

She would do what she has


Her heart is in the right place

Old woman : mhm , and what
of that random species you
have in you sacred hut

She says mocking Lelomo

Word made rounds around

the Magudu caves

That she found a man not of

this land
And now , she has the man in
her hut

Lelomo : I do not like your

assumptions , anyways ….I’m
only nursing him back to life
, nothing else

Old woman : me and you

child , we’re not so different
from each other . The same
you’re doing , so am I . I’m
just giving this little boy , a
chance . A chance to live , so
he can liberate his people
and save his land

Lelomo : of course

She turns and walks to her

She grabs her basket

That she had already

prepared before time

And she walks out headed to

the shore of the river

She places her basket down

And takes out the items she’s
brought with

She lays down her white


And light them up

And she closes her eyes

Asking for strength and

When she’s done

She claps her hands twice ,

and starts speaking to the
gate keeper of the water

Asking for permission to pick

healing herbs from here
She gets up picking up the

And she stands closer , just

slightly to the waters

She throws the coins in the


One by one
Just as she continues to keep
on asking
The king walks in their hut

He sighs looking at his wife

It’s been a week

But she looks like she’s been

in poverty for years

She has aged a few years

The wrinkles on her face

The dark spots under her


King Mahlubi : I couldn’t find

any fish by the river , it
seems to be drying out

She says nothing

He sits down on the bucket
of water that’s empty

Frustrated , he sighs into his

hands rubbing his face

He takes a deep breath

King Mahlubi : the land has

died , and water is drying out
. Soon we will have nothing
to harvest and eat , because
we can’t even plant or grow
anything . It’s too dry

Queen Lilanga : it’s okay

He looks at her

King Mahlubi : how is it okay

Queen Lilanga : I don’t know
how to go on without my
son , I thought I ….

A tear drops down her cheek

Queen Lilanga : how do I eat

, when I don’t know if he has
eaten ? I don’t know if he has
anything to eat
King Mahlubi : you sound
like someone who has no
clue , where the prince is at .
I thought I am supposed to
be trusting you , and trust
that one day he will return
home . Now …what am I
supposed to think ?

Queen Lilanga : an old

woman took him
King Mahlubi : what old
woman ?

She shakes her head slowly

Queen Lilanga : but she

promised me that he will be

She lifts her head and looks

at the king
Queen Lilanga : I am human ,
and I’m only being a mother

King Mahlubi : I understand ,

but I’m supposed to be
trusting you . If you yourself ,
you don’t seem like you trust
yourself . It makes me worry
and question your word
Queen Lilanga : worry not

She wipes her tears

She feels like she has been

robbed more than anything ,
and it’s painful

She doesn’t know if the old

woman should be trusted
If really her son is safe

And will he ever really return

back ?

She worries , if he’s still even


If he’s being taken good care

It’s hard not to worry , when
you’re just a first time mom
The man opens his eyes
And he kooks around

Trying to read his


But nothing looks familiar

It does feel like he’s in and

strange environment
He closes his eyes

Swallowing , trying to wet his

dry throat

It’s like his mind refreshes

As she recalls the day he was

at the soldiers camp

Where he caught two bullets

Trying to save his friend

The same friend who

happened to be the one
firing those shots at him

Emotions overwhelm him

Thinking of how he had been

By someone he trusted

The door opens

And he opens his eyes

Lelomo looks at him

And crouches down next to

Lelomo : you’re awake …

She says amazed by the

looks of this man

Now that he has opened his


Lelomo : what is your name ?

He tries to get up

Lelomo : take it easy , I didn’t

work miracles on you . You’re
still hurt

He chuckles

As he starts up straight

Him : my name is Tatenda

Lelomo is taken aback by the
deep voice

Tatenda : thank you

She clears her throat

Lelomo : no , don’t thank me

Tatenda : you saved my life

Lelomo : it’s what anybody
would have done

Tatenda : I don’t know

anyone who would

She moves back

Lelomo : I will go get you

something to eat
He wants to ask that she
stays a bit

But he doesn’t know how

he’ll explain his request

So she gets up and walks out

Lelomo : the man is awake ,
he says his name is Tatenda .
I don’t know how much help
he still needs , but maybe he
will be ready to journey back
where he comes from . He
just needs to eat , to regain
his strength

Old woman : leave so soon ?

Lelomo : soon ? He’s been
here for a week , that’s a
long time . And it’s definitely
not soon , he’s awake isn’t he

Old woman : yes he is , but is

he healed ?

Lelomo : no one heals in a

day , he should be thankful
for the gift of life . That’s all
that matters

Old woman : don’t be so

quick , he will leave when
he’s ready

She shakes her head

Old woman : tonight , he will

move out of your hut . But
we will offer him a place
amongst us

Lelomo : you think we’re just

a refugee camp , I hope one
day you don’t bring us
trouble . Because we have
been living in peace for years
, and we like it guardian
…just this way
The old woman says nothing

She knows Lelomo means


She’s just heavily guarded

King Mahlubi : I am worried
about this woman

The queen looks at him

King Mahlubi : how do we

know we can trust her ?
When we don’t even know
her ?
Queen Lilanga : I question
my decision everyday ,
please don’t make me feel

King Mahlubi : that’s not

what I am doing , Mandlakazi
seems more powerful than
ever . What if she found
them ?
Queen Lilanga : your sister
would have long came here
to gloat

King Mahlubi : all that I am

saying is that , we don’t
know anything for certain

She looks at him and sighs

Queen Lilanga : and we will
never know , until our son
comes back home

King Lilanga : will he even

know us ?

She looks at him and say


This talk about their son

Just makes her feel anxious

King Mahlubi : and when will

that be ?

Queen Lilanga : can you just

stop ! He’s my child as well ,
and I just did what I thought
best at the moment
She breaks down , tearing up

The king looks down

King Mahlubi : I wasn’t

blaming you

Queen Lilanga : it feels like

you are

King Mahlubi : I am sorry

Queen Lilanga : this will live
with me forever

She gets up

Queen Lilanga : I don’t need

you , to remind me of what I
did . I ask myself way too
many questions , and I have
no answer . Right now , I just
want to believe in what I
hope is the best thing I did m
and that he will eventually
come back

The king nods

King Mahlubi : we will try and

navigate life again , I won’t
bring this matter again
Queen Lilanga : I am not
saying , don’t voice what you
feel . But please , don’t
burden me

King Mahlubi : you are right ,

and I understand

He gets up

And holds in front of her

He takes her hands into his

She closes her eyes

King Mahlubi : right now , life

has changed insane for us all
. We need to find balance ,
and find ways to survive this
Queen Lilanga : our people
need us , and looks where we
are staying . It’s just shame ,
we can’t even offer them
food or shelter

King Mahlubi : we will find a


Queen Lilanga : I hope so

He brings her closer

And they hug

He heaves a sigh

King Mahlubi : I hope the

Gods and ancestors are with
us , and they will see us
through this time . And make
way for our people to live
and survive

Queen Lilanga : we will

survive , even if it means we
have to live from hand to

King Mahlubi : you’re truly a

She smiles laying her hand
on his chest
Tatenda looks at Lelomo as
she draws water

He chuckles , seeing how she

carries the bucket out of the

She will be very upset with


For leaving the caves

And coming here

She’s very strict on his


He walks closer

And she grabs another

bucket drawing water
When she picks it up and

She screams dropping the


Tatenda : I am sorry

Lelomo : k'theni ngawe

…ufuna nton apha ? (What is
it with you , what do you
want here)

He picks the bucket up

And crouches down washing


Lelomo : what ?

He shakes his head

Tatenda : I’ve already said
sorry , please ..

She sighs

Lelomo : you’re supposed to

be recovering

Tatenda : I am
Lelomo : by walking here ?

She looks at him shocked

Tatenda : yes

Lelomo : oh , if then that’s

the case then you should
excuse yourself . You’re
clearly fine
Tatenda gets up and places
the bucket next to the other

Tatenda : only when I’m next

to you

Lelomo frowns

And he walks closer to her

She breathes high

Tatenda : the only reason I

will not leave this place , is

He slowly tilts her chin

And she brings her eyes

Avoiding eye contact with

But he cups her face

And she looks at him

Tatenda : I have never seen

such beauty in all my
Her heart beats fast

And she gets lost in the eyes

of this man

Tatenda : I don’t know what

will I have to do to win your
heart , but I will

He moves back
And grabs both buckets

Lelomo looks at him as he

walks away headed to the

She smiles to herself

In all her life , she has never

felt like this
All she’s ever done was to
serve her gift

Be a maiden of the Magudu


Being their healer

Even when they were

growing up
Boys never looked at her

Because she was different

from the other girls

From a very young age

They knew she is the healer

Boys stayed away from her

Others were scared of her

Some were just mean

Just because of the gift she


She got mocked a lot about


Even was called names

But knowing herself

Knowing who and what she


That just made everything


She didn’t pay attention

Could Tatenda be that one ?

The one she has been

longing for

Hoping and praying

To a point that she gave up

And made peace

That maybe , she will never
be with any man

She looks at him

And takes a deep breath

She turns to the river

And kneels down

Lelomo : all I have asked for ,
was a child . Someone who
will take over my first ,
because I love and
appreciate what I am and
what I have . I wouldn’t want
to leave this world , and take
what you have bestowed
upon me with me . I want it
to live long , and continue to
heal nations
She picks the damp soil

And starts building a shape

of a body with it

Lelomo : you God all mighty

know and see everything

She looks at the shape of a

baby she had created
Lelomo : to the great water
spirits , if this is . I ask for
nothing , but just this one

She gets up and draws water

with her hands

She pours drops on the

shape of the baby
Lelomo : give life

She closes her eyes and says

a prayer
Tatenda looks by the river
And still no sight of Tatenda

Old woman : she won’t be

back any time now

He gets startled by her

Old woman : you don’t have

to worry , God knows and
see everything
He smiles awkwardly

Old woman : I may be old ,

but I see how you look at her

He clears his throat

Why is this woman being this

awkward !
Tatenda : she is a remarkable

The old woman smiles

Old woman : I am glad you

realise that

She pats his shoulder

And walks away

Tatenda is left in his

Does he stay here and try to

build a life ?

Or does he go back home

Try to fix what is ruined

And mend what is broken ?

But what does he have left ?

His parents are dead

His siblings despise him

He turned to this life of crime

Because he has no one

He thinks to himself

What’s the point of having

an education

If it proves to be useless to

With two degrees , and still

can’t find work
Either he’s too educated

Or they can’t afford him

They don’t even want to give

him a chance

At first chance seeing his

documents , they don’t even
give him hope
His friends were all he had

But now , a mission gone


And the same friends turn on


And he lands in the hands of

the enemies
And almost dies at the hand
of his friend

What is home now ?

I finally get to the top of the

And I sit down on the rock

Looking down by caves

And it looks so peaceful

There are kids are playing

Women by the fields

It’s a sight

Everyone just seems to know

who they are

They know their place

As for me

It’s a different case

I take a deep breath laying


Being an orphan is not even

the worst of finding my
I remember when I was 5 or

And my mother would

always keep me by her side

She’d tell me stories about

my dad

How I am the spitting

imagine of him
Unfortunately , he never got
to meet me

He never got to hold me in

his arms

She would always smile when

she tells me how they met
And one would think , it was
a tale

A foreign man she saved

from the river

And didn’t even know where

he originated from

And when he was healed

He didn’t want to leave her

And so she made a request

to the God and the Gods

All she asked for , was a child

From there , the two became

And they never let go of
each other

Unfortunately , he didn’t live

that long

She said , the same people

who tried to kill him

They sent divers to the river

After months of not hearing
anything about his body
being found

And that caused a stir in the


Having foreigners parade our

land and river
That’s when they learnt of
our village

And they found him

After an attempt to hide

But he didn’t succeed in that

So that is how his life was

They shot him , right in front
of everyone

And he died

While my mother was still

pregnant with me

It pains me
At times I wonder how life
would have been like

If he was still alive

But I was still okay

Because I still had my mother

But that wasn’t for long

Because she got sick

And she never healed

Just a month after falling sick

Death took her

I’m here in the caves all by

Even though the old woman
is still here

And she takes good care of


But I’m just an orphan child

Who longs and wonders

about her parents daily
I wish I knew more about my

I wish I had met and known

my father
I look at her

I know she’s hard in thoughts

when she starts being like

It looks like a peaceful sight

But that’s not the case with

She’s always alone

She keeps away from


She doesn’t play with the

other kids

Just like her mother

She possesses the gift of the

And gracefully so , she’s

taping into it

She’s an awkward one

And most kids don’t regard

her as their age mate
Just because she holds the

But that is not what I see

when I look at her

I see more than just a

beautiful young maiden with
an ancestral gift
One who can see beyond the
physical eye

One who can tap into both


She’s more than that

Anyways , that’s how I see

I see someone ..who
completes me from a

She doesn’t even realise

I move closer slowly

Making sure not to startle

She lifts her head

And I move back

Slowly she gets up

And she looks around

I turn back and run down the

back of the mountain
heading to the woods
Old woman : you have been
gone for long
I could just lie

And say I was looking for


But she would just know

I sit down

Me : I was up the mountains

Old woman : something
happened ?

Me : like what ?

She smiles softly

Me : is it about that boy

who’s not really a boy ?

She frowns
I just look at her

Without flinching or moving

an eye

She must not think I am


I know that boy is more than

just human
His eyes say it all

And the way he acts

That’s not normal human


And he’s always watching me

like I’m his prey
At first I used to be scared

But now , I just pretend like I

don’t even feel his presence
The king looks at the queen
busy watering the vegetables

Only small portions have

managed to bloom

But the whole of the field is

just dead

It’s been a fifteen hard years

Without any prosperity in
this land

Plants refuse to grow

The land is dry

The grass has burnt

For the past fifteen years , it

has been dry season
Not even drought looks like

Not even a desert is as dry as

this land

He takes a deep breath

And walks towards his frail

He stands next to her

She looks at him

And smiles , it doesn’t even

curve her lips

Or reach her eyes

Queen Lilanga : it’s better

She says with a soft tone

Queen Lilanga : yes , it is not

much . But it will feed a few

The king nods with a smile

His heart breaking

Even in these times

The queen is always putting
her people first

Always making means to

keep them alive

Even if it means they sleep

with just water

But not her people

She plants for them

And if there’s enough even

for them

Then they share

But every bit of her hard

work , it goes to the people
King Mahlubi : it has been
fifteen years

She brings her eyes down ,

darting away from his gaze

She knows exactly where this

conversation is going

And she’s never ready for it

She doesn’t even think she
will ever be ready

She takes each day as it


And she tries very hard

Not to think about this

And she avoids the talk

The king knows exactly how
she feels

King Mahlubi : I do not mean

to hurt you

He takes a deep breath

King Mahlubi : I am just

saying , I don’t know how
long we will have to wait .
We have been waiting this

She sighs

King Mahlubi : even

Mandlakazi has disappeared

Queen Lilanga : witches

never die
King Mahlubi : but they
perish , maybe she met her

Queen Lilanga : no !

She raises her voice , lifting

her head

Tears on the brink of her eye

Queen Lilanga : I’m well
aware it’s been too long , but
it doesn’t mean all is over .
We don’t know where
Mandlakazi is , it doesn’t
mean the threat is gone . We
don’t know what she will do
when she returns , it’s the
throne she wants and this
King Mahlubi : look around
you …there’s no kingdom left
, there’s no life here . We’re
all suffering and living in
poverty , the people have
lost hope in me . I’m no
longer a worthy king in their
eyes , this is not life

Queen Lilanga : you may

have lost hope , but I haven’t
She stands up and faces him

Queen Lilanga : and I will

never lose hope

King Mahlubi : look at us , we

have aged . We live in that
mud hut , that can fall on us
anyway if it were to rain

She chuckles
Queen Lilanga : aren’t we just
in luck , because it will never
rain . And maybe this is what
we needed , so we can make
better choices for our people
when we get redemption

It’s the queen

Always seeing the better

Even in the worst times

King Mahlubi : it will take a


He says

Avoiding to touch the name

of the prince
He’s long lost hope

That one day he will ever see

his heir

And the queen cannot stand

to hear about his name , or
to talk about him

Because not a day goes by

And she doesn’t blame

Where she doesn’t question

her decision

And ask herself questions

If she did not make a mistake

by giving away their son
Queen Lilanga : my son will
come back

The king looks at her

Shocked that she said the

words out of her mouth

And she walks past him

Going inside their hut

King Mahlubi : I feel like the
Gods have abounded us , the
ancestors have turned their
backs on us . And God
doesn’t hear our prayers

He says to himself

King Mahlubi : I wish I still

had your hope
He closes his eyes as
emotions overwhelm him
Old woman : I see you and
Thabile are getting close

I chuckle

Because I have no idea what

this woman is talking about

She’s so old

She’s like a living ancestor

She’s raising us

And to this day , we still

don’t know her name

Everyone just addresses her

as the guardian

Me : you mean the maiden ?

She smiles

Old woman : yes

Me : I don’t know what

you’re seeing , but there’s no

Old woman : has she said

something to you ?
Me : I have barely even said
two words to her

She says nothing

But her silence is worrying

Old woman : I think it’s time I

tell you the truth

Can this be ?
What I think it is ?

I’m be sixteen in two weeks

Yet I’m one lost boy

I don’t even believe I know

who I am
A lot of things about me
don’t make sense

I feel like someone is not

telling me something

I’m experiencing a lot of


And all by myself , I can’t

even tell anyone
I think they will not believe

Old woman : that maiden

seems to know a lot , I can’t
have her have a slip of the

Now I am eager to hear this

Old woman : I am sure you
have seen you’re different
from our kind
That’s not hard to spot

I don’t behave like how the

cave people do

But I think I’ve adapted

Since it’s the only life I know

But I always feel out of place

Like I am misplaced

Old woman : you’re not from


Me : but I grew up here

Old woman : yes I know that

Me : so then what do you
mean ?

Old woman : you’re a prince

and heir to the throne of
Jonga kingdom

Me : what ?

I knew maybe something like

this would come up one day
But I didn’t think this

Old woman : I took you when

you were just a baby

Me : you stole me ?

Old woman : no , your

mother gave you to me
I frown at that

Me : why ? Didn’t she want

me ?

It doesn’t make sense to me

Old woman : years ago , your

aunt came to the kingdom
and wanted to fight your
father for the throne .
Mandlakazi , is your father’s
sister . She believed the
throne was hers , as she was
the first born . But your
father was crowned , she
grew up with that anger .
And she vowed to avenge
herself , even after their
parents had died . And it is
believed , she’s responsible
for their death . When she
heard you were born , she
came fuming . And she
wanted the throne , and do
away with you …

Me : you mean kill me ?

She nods

Me : who kills a child and

why ?
Old woman : because she
knew you were going to be
crowned king one day , she
knew she didn’t stand a
chance to sit on the throne .
Because a son was born to
your father , and she wanted
to fight

Me : where is she now ? And

my parents ?
Old woman : no one has
heard from her ever since
that day

Me : my parents ?

Old woman : still living in

Jonga kingdom

Me : and they know I still live

Old woman : they expect you
home one day

One day ?

When is one day ?

Me : all these years , why did

they never come back or
come to see me ?
Old woman : they couldn’t ,
because they don’t know
where you are

Me : but you said my mother

gave me to you

Old woman : she did , but

she doesn’t know where I
came from or where I took
you . They had no way to
come here

I heave a sigh

Old woman : I took you away

to spare your life , so one
day you can return back to
your kingdom and redeem
your people
Me : redeem them ?

Old woman : when

Mandlakazi realised you were
gone , she lost her mind with
anger and cursed the whole
village . Fire of lighting struck
, and it has been in shambles
since that day . Even a desert
is not dry like that land
Me : but …what will I do ?

Old woman : you’re one kind

of a child

I take a deep breath looking


Me : I …I don’t think I can

ever go back , maybe they
will not want me or accept
me . Is there a way I can stay
here ?

Old woman : this , has been

your home . But your parents
and your people , they will
welcome you

I shake my head

She looks at me
Old woman : what’s there not
to accept ?

If only she knew

When this first started to


I didn’t even know who to

Or how to explain it

I was scared

And I thought maybe they

will burn me

Or kick me out of their land

So I kept quite
Me : I am different

Old woman : we all are

Me : you don’t understand

Old woman : I think you’re

the one not understanding

Me : you don’t ….
I take a deep breath

Old woman : I know enough

and I understand you have a

Me : I am not …

Thabile walks in
And she looks at me

Thabile : stop telling him

tales , he’s not human

I pop my eyes out

How the hell does she know

that ?

Its impossible
Old woman : Thokoza , stop
listening to things that do
not concern you

Thabile : I wasn’t listening , I

just happened to hear . It’s
not my fault , I have sharp

She scoffs
Old woman : well , I wish you
were death

Thabile : then this land would

perish without a healer

And with that she walks out

Old woman : do not mind

her , she doesn’t know when
to close her mouth . It’s a
problem , she’s just like her
mother . Ohhh , Lelomo
ruined this child . Whatever
Gods and ancestors have
come upon them

I get up and walk out

I spot her heading to the

I take a deep breath

Battling with what to do

Do I follow her ?

Or just ignore what she said

in there

But how can I ?

Clearly she knows more than
anyone knows about me

Maybe even more than the

old woman

Could it be she was shown

by her guides ?
Or maybe she saw me
This boy

He must be thinking I’m too

naïve to see him
Or know what he gets up to

I look at him

As he comes behind me

I ignore him

And continue with my walk

Until I reach the river

And he diverts a bit

I dip my feet inside the water

Moments later

He emerges from the trees

And he just keeps on walking
towards me

Me : remain there with your

filthy and hairy feet , this is
sacred grounds . Show some

I look at him

He looks so ugly
Me : your fair is very ugly , at
least your eyes are stunning .
And that’s the only thing nice
about you , and you stink

His silence is annoying me

Me : what ? Humans can turn

into dogs , but they can’t
speak ?
And just like that

It’s like with a snap of the


And turns back to his human


Thube : are you this mean by

nature ?
Me : it’s called brutal honesty

He comes closer

Me : stay where you are , you

have a scent

Does he listen ?

Hell no !
He comes over and stands
near me

Me : this river has power to

swallow you up

He chuckles

Me : you think it’s a joke ?

Thube : I know all about
sacred places Thokoza

Me : mhm , then you better

be smart and save yourself

Thube : see all this , one day

I’ll remind you of this day

Me : what ?
He grins

Thube : yeah , and that day

will come sooner rather than
later . When you find yourself
in bed with this filthy stinky
hairy dog

I pop my eyes

My jaw drops
I try to say something

But my words fail me

I can’t believe this boy

And gets up and walks away

I walk in the old woman’s
cave fuming

Me : you will not believe

what that boy did …he…

Old woman : why are you so

cruel ?
Me : what ? Did he come
here running to you ?

She heaves a sigh

Me : did he tell you what he

did and said ? And the nerve
to turn into a dog , at the
sacred river …
Old woman : Thokoza , that
is no way to talk about
another child

Me : what ? It’s the truth isn’t

it ? He’s a wolf , and they’re

She stares at me

Like she’s in shock

Me : what …you didn’t know

She quickly gets up and

rushes out

Me : ah , great !

I throw my hands in the air

Even that slight anger I had
is gone

I do not hate Thubelihle at all

And I would hate it

If my big mouth gets him in

trouble with the old woman

I would really feel bad

Me : eish !

I can be a lot at times

Old woman : I know how
Thabile can get

I sigh

I really don’t mind her

I know she’s a lot at times

And I don’t take what she

says to heart
She’s a loud mouth

And she speaks her head

Without even thinking twice

Old woman : she said

something …

Me : she told you about me ?

She nods

Me : I think now my life

makes sense , I know I am
not like any of you here . And
maybe that’s because where
I’m from , there are people
like me

Old woman : I believe it’s you

Me : you mean , just me
alone ?

Old woman : I believe so

Wow !

Me : see why I say they will

not accept me ?
Old woman : you’re one of
their own

Me : I turn into …

I take a deep breath

Old woman : when did this

happen ?

Me : just a few months ago

Old woman : I cannot even
start to begin and wonder
how that must have been

Me : I was scared

Old woman : you could have

talked to me , but I
Me : it was the fear , I
thought maybe it’s a curse .
Or that maybe you’ll kick me

Old woman : why would I do

that ?

Me : maybe thinking that I

will hurt you
Old woman : you’re one of us
, and I believe you know how
to control the beast inside of

I nod slowly

I am not even certain about


Maybe I can , or I think I can

I don’t know

But I can’t say that to her

Because it just happens


It only gets worse and

overpowers me
When the moon is full

And then I have to feed and


I can’t tell her such things

Old woman : I think it’s time

She can’t be serious

What will I even say when I
get there ?

Will they really accept me ?

What if they have made

peace with my
disappearance ?

Maybe they live in peace

The woman came because
she wanted to kill me

That Mandlakazi

So then what if I go back


And she hears I’m back

And she comes for me ?

Will she not kill me and

cause my parents pain ?

Maybe I’m better off just

being here

I don’t want to go there

And disrupt their lives

I really feel bad

I know I tend to talk a lot

And a lot of times I just open

my mouth and speak

Without thinking or counting

my words
I don’t even consider the
next person

I don’t know what that

makes me

The kind of a person I am

Thubelihle has been keeping

to himself
And the old woman said he’s
found himself

Whatever she meant by that

I don’t understand her

Or maybe it’s about his roots

His home where he comes

And his family

And how he ended up here

Being raised by the cave


I didn’t need to be told

I see what the naked eye
can’t see

And I hear what others can’t


So I know all about him

I spot him sitting by the

I have not seen him since

I take a deep breath walking

up the mountain

Only he can go there

I know because it’s close by

to the woods
And that’s his place

I’m mostly by the mountain

Or by the river

If I am not in the sacred cave

, I use for healing

He looks at me as I approach
Me : I come in peace

He says nothing

I sit down next to him

Me : I have been looking for


Thube : I was never lost

Me : lose the attitude

He scoffs

Thube : and look who’s


Me : well …

I shake my head
Thube : well , you have found

Me : I am sorry

He looks at me

Me : I know I talk a lot , I

should learn to keep my
mouth shut
Thube : what makes you
think I am bothered

Me : I can admit when I’ve

done wrong

He looks away

Me : I ….I may look like …

Thube : please , not
everything is about you . I
came here to get peace , and
just think . Some of us have a
lot going on

Me : okay

I get up

He looks at me
Me : if you ever need to talk ,
I am here . I’ll listen , even if I
might not have wise words

I turn to walk away

Thube : I’ve just found the

truth , that I don’t belong
here . That my own aunt
wanted to kill me , and she
has cursed my father’s
kingdom and it’s people .
And I was taken away , so I
can go back and save them .
I am sitting here , being a
coward battling with my
emotions and fears . While
they’re in suffering and pain,
living in misery awaiting me
to come save them

I sit back down

Me : what scares you ?

Thube : I turn into a wolf ,

what if I return and they
reject me ?

Me : but , they’re waiting for

you . I am sure if anything ,
they’re praying daily that you
come back . Why would they
reject you ?

Thube : wouldn’t you ?

I take a deep breath

Thube : I am asking myself a

lot of questions

Me : like ?
Thube : are there any wolves
there ? Or it’s just me , and
how will they accept me
when they know what I am ?

Me : what if you’re the only

one ? And you’re different
because you have to save
them , from what they can’t
save themselves from ?
Thube : it’s been fifteen years
, maybe that woman is long
dead . Maybe even my own
parents are dead , maybe the
kingdom doesn’t even exist.

Me : and the only way to

know the answers to your
questions , is to go there and
see for yourself
Thube : I don’t know , I am
conflicted right now

Me : I understand

He looks at me with a frown

Thube : you do ?

I chuckle
Me : yes , it’s a lot to take in .
I am not that bad

He laughs

Thube : you’re nice when you

want to

Me : I’ll try being nice more

Thube : no , just be yourself

Me : can I say my two cents

on this ?

Thube : go ahead

Me : we’re all beings with

guides and souls from the
universe , that we carry with
us where we walk and within
us . No one is without a
purpose and a destiny , and
no one is just a vessel
walking around . We have a
duty , to the beings of this
world . And sometimes
letting fear get in our way ,
doesn’t only hurt those who
trust in us . But also us ,
because we’re holding
ourselves back . You’re
fearing the unknown , and
that’s understandable . But
what if your fear is the one
thing holding you back ?
You’re scared to go back
home , but your parents and
your people are awaiting you
. Through their suffering and
pain , they’re still holding
onto hope that one day you
will come back . Even if this
woman ….your aunt has
passed away , the curse still
remains . And what if you’re
the one to uplift it ? Should
they continue to suffer all
these years , all because
you’re scared they’ll reject
you ? How does one even
reject what he needs the
most ? Please , by all means
take your time . But while
you’re thinking of yourself ,
please think of them as well
I get up

Me : I’ll leave you to think , I

am sorry once again . And
for intruding

He nods slowly

I take a few steps

Thube : please don’t go

He says so fast

I swear , it’s like the words

just escaped his mouth

And it’s not what he was

going to say

Me : what ?
He sighs

Thube : I’ll understand if you

have to go

I let out a smile

Me : you can just ask me

He sighs

Thube : please , don’t go

Me : that wasn’t so hard

He chuckles

I sit down again next to him

And we just stay in silence

I don’t mind

Because I mostly prefer the

Queen Lilanga : you might
have lost hope , but I haven’t

She says walking in their hut

Looking at King Mahlubi

He doesn’t even bother to

look at her

Because everyday she speaks

of not giving up

But their son will be twenty

in a few days
And still there’s no sign of

It doesn’t seem like he will

come back anytime soon

More like ever

He has lost that hope

Twenty years is a long time

Of not knowing where he is

If he lives or not

If he knows of them or where

he comes from

It’s hard to keep on hoping

and believing
Queen Lilanga : I will hope
for us

King Mahlubi : please stop of

this , it’s been twenty years .
Just give up

His tone is cold

Queen Lilanga : I will not ,
that old woman promised

King Mahlubi : an old woman

you do not know , and you
do not know where to find .
Or where she took him

The queen swallows hard

Queen Lilanga : giving up
means , giving up on this
land …

King Mahlubi : the land long

died , we have been in
misery for two decades if you
haven’t noticed

Queen Lilanga : the people ,

what about the people ?
Your people , if we lose hope
what will become of them ?

King Mahlubi : we have lost

so many people

He heaves a sigh

King Mahlubi : it’s only a

matter of time , the few left
leave us as well . I have failed
my people , and they know

She sighs

Queen Lilanga : then I am

not giving up for our son ,
because if we give up it
means we have given up on
him . And that’s the most
failure , one I refuse
The king looks at her

Queen Lilanga : I am sorry

She walks out

And he looks down as tears

burn his eyes

They’re in their old age

They have aged so much
over the years

Not only because their age

has advanced

But because the land has

And there’s no life left as he
sees it

They have been praying and


And nothing has happened

The Gods have deserted

They speak no longer

Their forefathers have

forsaken them

He sees no point in holding

on this faith
I knock on the door softly

He doesn’t answer

But I know he’s inside

Because he hasn’t gone

outside today
And he’s laying down on his
grass mat

I take my shoes off

And walk towards him

I lay down next to him

As he looks to be deep in
He tilts his face looking at

I let out a fade smile

I can see he’s deep in


Me : I worry when you start

doing this
He blinks

Me : did ….the dream again ?

He sighs

Thube : no

His voice is carrying so much

in it
Thube : I haven’t had the
dream in a week

Me : okay

Thube : I’ll be twenty


I smile
And he slides his hand to

Intertwining our fingers

Me : yeah

Thube : which makes it

twenty years of my father’s
people living in sorrow ,
while I hide here . Wishing to
close a cheaper of my life , I
haven’t even begun to open

Okay !

I think now I know where this

is going

In a while year

He’s just been living his life

Not saying much about his

Or what he knows of what

happened to their kingdom

A lot has happened

And he’s grown and changed

a lot
In just a year

He’s still a part of Magudu


And it’s people

But he has built his own

And navigated life around

His hut is still not far from

the caves

Just a walk of few feet

Thube : I have been a coward

I don’t like this

He’s a lot of things yes

But a coward is not one of


And I don’t like hearing him

beat himself up

Me : no , don’t say that .

Because you’re far from
being a coward , and you will
never be one

Thube : look at me , a whole

year gone by

Me : you just chose to do

things differently , and you
didn’t fall into pressure or
give in . No one can fault you
for this , you’ve dealt with a
lot as well . And whatever
happens , a lot more is still
go be dealt with

The silence engulfs this hut

And I just decide to keep

quite as well

Thube : you have kept me

He says after a while of

Me : is it time ?

I feel like I am asking a

question to an answer I
already know

But he says nothing

And brings my head to his

I lay my hand on his lower


Listening to his heart beat

I look at him

And I can tell he is bothered

I don’t know how he’s feeling

It cannot be easy

And I don’t want to make

him think much

I lock the door

And he turns looking at me

I let out a fade smile

I walk towards him

Thube : hey

I get down on my knees next

to him
Thube : what’s going on ?
Are you okay ?

I nod with a smile

From that awkward edgy

fifteen year old boy

To now a nineteen year old

young man
He’s changed so much

I lean over kissing him

And he doesn’t waste time

kissing me back

I pull his t-shirt off

And he pulls my dress

He flips me over and pins

I part my legs , and he settles

in between them

He pushes my panty to the


And lowers his pants , taking

his hard member out
He rubs on me slowly ,
intensifying the moist

He slides in

And I moan louder

welcoming him in

As he thrusts in slowly
Just tapping on the sweet
soft spot

I pull out of the kiss

Moaning in pleasure

As he grunts and thrusts on

top of me
I hold tight on him ,
scratching his back as I feel
pleasure gushing through
out my body

Feeling his member twitch

inside of me

And he leaves his seed inside

of me
He tilts his head

We lock eyes

He places kisses all over my


Thube : I love you

I smile , with sleepy eyes

Me : I love you

He pulls out of me

And gets off of me

He lays down next to me

And slides me over him

As he cuddles me
And I place my hand on his

Closing my eyes
I am scared

I don’t want to lie

I don’t know what awaits me

I am not even sure about my

decision right now
Old woman : all will be well

I nod with a smile

But heave a sigh

Old woman : you have my

blessings with you
Me : thank you , for

Old woman : this will always

be your home

Me : thank you

She looks at me

And I look down

Old woman : what’s the
matter ?

Me : I would ….I have an ask

Old woman : I am an old

woman , I may die any day
now . But whatever it is , if I
can help I will
I swallow hard

She is old yes

But no one is even thinking

that she will die

Not anytime soon

She’s all the people have

here as an elder
Me : I would like for Thokoza
to accompany me

I say looking down

I don’t know what she will


And I’m afraid if she will not

Old woman : Thokoza is the
guardian of these caves , this
is her home . And I hope you
understand me

I nod

But my heart is aching

Me : I do , I understand
I get up

Old woman : she can only

accompany you , but her
home is here

I look at her with nothing but

Me : I promise , she will be

Old woman : safe travels

I breathe out

Feeling a bit of relief

I have agreed to accompany

And he’s happy the old

woman agreed as well
Even though he knows I will
have to come back

The cave people wouldn’t

survive without me

So I cannot leave the caves

and move

I don’t know what that

means for us
For this relationship

I didn’t see it coming

Nor did we anticipate it

But it happened

And now , I feel like a

complete puzzle
But he’s leaving

And I’m certain he will not be


But I will have to

Thube : don’t look so worried

, my parents will love you . I
am sure about that , even if it
might be awkward at first .
Considering I don’t know
them and all

Me : what will happen to us ?

I am not concerned about his


Wether they like me or not

That’s definitely not my

Thube : I love you , and that’s

something that will never
change . Not even distance ,
even if you remain here and I
am there . You will forever
and always be my queen

I let out a smile

Thube : nothing is ever going
to change

I don’t know how these

promises will be fulfilled

But surely there’ll be a way

My guides will never lead me

I prayed about this man here

And I was not shown

anything to scare me off

Or anything that will hurt me

If he does , it will most

definitely be his choice to
Maybe this sounds crazy

But as much as there seems

to be no life in this place

And everything seems dead

The huts are worn out

The roads are all gravel

There’s no building that
stands out

The grass is all dead

No tree is visible

It looks like there’s been

drought for years and years
I feel like I have stepped into
my forefathers land

I feel like I belong

Like I know who I am

I take a deep breath and look

at Thabile
She walks over to me with a
smile on her face

She was asking the first

people we have come across

Thabile : we’re on the right

path , they say at the end of
the road . There’s a hut there
, that’s where we are headed
Me : we have been walking
for long , maybe they can
help you with a glass of

She shakes her head

Thabile : I will have water

when we get to the palace

I chuckle taking her hand

And we continue walking

Me : you said they said a hut

Thabile : they did

Me : but you just said the


She laughs
Thabile : this is a kingdom
Jonga , and however it may
look . With or without a place
, it’s still a kingdom . And
where ever the queen and
king reside , even if it’s a hut
it’s a palace

I smile
Me : you never cease to
amaze me

We continue walking

And I turn back feeling


And to my surprise people

are following us
Me : what nonsense is this
now ?

She looks back as well

Thabile : strange

Me : more like creepy

Thabile : we’re outsiders ,
maybe they think we will
harm their king and queen

Me : do we look like we can

harm anyone ?

She shrugs

I heave a sigh
And we continue to walk

Until we reach the end of the


And we see the hut

More of those people have

followed us
King Mahlubi looks at the

And she looks at him

King Mahlubi : you hear that

She says nothing and walks
to the door

She opens it

And pops her eyes

As the people bow their

And her eyes trail to the
young man and woman

Tears burn her eyes as she

locks eyes with him

She tries to take a step

But her feet are locked

She opens her mouth to say

But a lump gets stuck on her


She goes down on her knees

As she feels weakened

And she wails

The king comes to her aid

And holds her

But she points

And lifts his eyes

Looking at where she’s

With his now poor eye sight

He walks closer a bit

And he gasps in shock

King Mahlubi : oh ….it can’t

be …

He walks back to his wife

And helps her up

They walk to the young man

and woman
I ma feeling sorts of
emotions right now

But more pain and regret

I could have come back

when I found out the truth

I look down

Feeling tears burn my eyes

Queen Lilanga : you …you …

There’s nothing but pain in

her cry

Me : my queen …my king

I feel arms just engulfing me

And I can’t help but tear up

What a beautiful and
amazing reunion

I mean , one couldn’t help

but be emotional
Even the people have
welcomed their prince back

These people are suffering

And they clearly have


But they have done all they

can to make him feel
They brought what they have
from their homes

And they have given to the

royal family

Small festivities

But it’s huge to Thube I know

When someone gives purely
you know it

When they give from the

little they have

Or their last

And you cannot help but

appreciate such
His parents are very nice

You can tell they had Thube

in their late years

I am just happy he came

back , and they’re still alive

I was scared of what we

might find
It has been a day
And my parents have been
gushing over me

The people spent their day


And it was all nice

I didn’t think I’ll receive such

a welcome
I am glad Thabile came with

Knowing she’s here

It just made everything

better for men

The sun has gone down

And I am taking a walk
around the village with the
old man

Thabile is left back with my


Those two seemed to get

along like a house on fire

My heart is in pain
Seeing how much suffering
these people are living in

Even settlements don’t look

like this in this day and age

Me : if I knew things were

this bad , I would have come
back a long time ago
I am battling with my

They have accepted and

welcomed me

But they still don’t know me

Who or what I am
It’s making things hard to be
at ease

Because they might still

reject me once they know

So far everything has been


And I didn’t even expect that

we’ll get along like this
Like we have always known
each other

Yet I’ve only just met them


I don’t even remember them

one bit
Considering I left here as a

I have no memory

Dad : you’re here now , and

that’s all that matters . I had
lost the hope that you will
ever come back , but your
mother kept the hope and
faith . She said knowing
you’ll come back , is what’s
keeping her going . She’s a
very strong woman , and
seeing her strength kept me

I clear my throat

Me : I know what happened

He looks at me

Me : is the woman still alive ?

He sighs

Dad : I don’t know

I nod slowly
I don’t know what awaits me

I just hope I wasn’t taken

away for nothing

And now I am back

Hopefully , I will be what they

have been waiting for
Hoping that their hope won’t
go to waste
Feeling the tension in the
As soon as Thube got back
from their tour with his

I decided to excuse myself

Their hut is so small

I am sure they were just

wondering how they’ll
accommodate us
If only they know where we
come from

We might have our own

space and privacy and all

But we still come from

humble beginnings
And we most certainly do
not look down upon anyone

I am roaming around this


When I stumble upon a well

by the mountain

I look around
And it doesn’t seem like
anyone knows this well

It’s directly from the ground

There’s nothing shielding the


I ponder on my thoughts

I don’t understand
Unless ….

Could it be that this is a sign


This well is not far from the


Surely by now someone

should have long noticed it
I look around

And there’s no one in sight

It’s already getting dark

I may be thinking too far and

pushing this a stretch
But I’ll never know unless I

I don’t believe in

And nothing happens in this

world without a purpose

I lean down getting on my

I draw water with my hands

And close my eyes looking

up to the heaves

Me : I hope the rain queens

heed to my plea , and the
Gods look at this village
again . And their forefathers
recognise what once was
theirs , that they shield their
people . I pray the God
almighty , finally hears the
cry of his people . And he
answers into their prayers ,
and according to his word he
gives unto them just as he
can take . The lands were
created , so life can be upon
them . And rain fall on them ,
so grass and plants may
grow . What is difficult with
men , God you do within the
blink of an eye .

I take a deep breath feeling

drops of water dripping
down my face
I know Thabile left because
she felt uncomfortable

Looking at the situation with

my parents

Their hut is very small

And definitely would just be
awkward having to share it
with them

But she’s been gone for a

while now

And I want to go look for her

Walking out the door

I am shocked seeing people
flocking here

Don’t these people sleep ?

But what gets to me

Is the rain

I look up
And indeed it is raining

Me : mom , dad you gotta

come see this

We can’t hear the rain inside

the hut

Because it’s all worn out

grass on top
They both walk out

Queen Lilanga : it was all true

She looks at me

And I know she thinks it’s

because of me coming back
that there’s rain

Me : I have to find Thabile

If maybe they had a river or
dam here

I would know exactly where

to find her

But I’ll look through the

night if I have to
It’s morning now

And everyone hardly slept

People were just happy to
have rain after so many years
of dryness

And I can understand

It goes to show much we as

people take for granted

And these people are just

grateful for the little things
I swear it feels like change is

They’re out here forming


And the women are planting

Creating new gardens that

were dead
It’s a sight to be a part of

It rained throughout the


To an extent even their river

is is flowing

And somehow the grass

seems to be changing
It’s a shock

After so long

With just rain over the night

Life seems to be picking up

It’s not as bland as it was

yesterday when we got here
I watch as Thube walks to me

He found me by the well last


And we just came back here

Thube : hey

Me : my prince
He laughs

Thube : stop with me


I chuckle

Thube : thank you

Me : for what ?
Thube : I know all this is you ,
and it has nothing to do with

Me : don’t go telling people


We laugh

Thube : I know what I know

I smile and he pecks my

I am happy to see him happy

I for one hold no power

But it’s all because of God

And the guides who trusted
me enough to carry their
souls within me
It has been a great day

And I keep getting amazed

by these people

They all need houses

But here they are bringing
bricks they formed to my

They’re pledging to build for

my parents

Then they will build their

own houses
It goes to show the kind of
people they are

And the kind of people my

parents are or rather were to

I am glad Thabile came with

Surely this is her doing

And I am certain

When I told my parents

about that well I found her at

They had no idea whatsoever

about it

I don’t think they were right

to think I’ll do anything
She’s the one who has
healed this land and not me
As the sun goes on to rise

Suddenly out of nowhere

thunder rumbles through out
the land

The king and queen look at

each other
Eveyone at their homes

They know this sound very


And they can never forget it

As they flock to run out of

their homes heading to their
king and queens home
They stumble upon
Mandlakazi by the gate

She just looks at them

And the fury in her eyes says

it all

It’s like Twenty years ago all

over again
The door opens

And the king and queen look

at Thubelihle

Queen Lilanga : deal with

your sister , I am not loosing
my son all over again
Mandlakazi : so the brat has
come home

King Mahlubi : please , it has

been years . Just give this up

Mandlakazi : look at you

brother , old and slowly
reaching your end years
King Mahlubi : your fight is
with me , leave eveyone

Mandlakazi : today , I will not

make the mistake I did
twenty years ago . I will kill
all of you , I am not sparing
She says walking towards

Queen Lilanga : Mahlubi my

son …

Thubelihle looks at his


And the fear in her eyes and

voice strikes him
He looks at Mandlakazi with
sharp eyes

Mandlakazi : did you think I

will not know he’s back ?
There has been rain on these
lands , and you ….I
underestimated you .
Bringing the healer and
guardian of Magudu caves
here . Smart move , look at
her . Just by stepping foot on
this forsaken land ,
everything has taken it’s

She looks at Thabile

Mandlakazi : and she has

brought a child with her
Thabile moves back placing
her hand on her stomach

Thubelihle looks at her


He didn’t know this

But she seem like she knew

Queen Lilanga tears up

After all this time

And the Gods have favoured


Is this how they lose it all ?

Mandlakazi : I will reap your

cub from your womb and
feed ….
In a split second Thubelihle
transforms and turns into a
human life size back blue
eyes wolf

People gasp

While others scream

And the king pops his eyes in

The queen quickly grabs

Thabile and shuts the door ,
shielding her

Mandlakazi : what ….it can’t

be …
She grabs her rod , and aims
to strike it

But the blue eyed wolf

charges for her

And jumps for the rod

breaking it into little bits
Mandlakazi staggers back in

Trying to gather herself

She is brought back to , my

the sharp pain she feels on
her neck

As blood gushes out

She looks at the blue eyed
wolf , in shock

Quickly , without even giving

her a chance

The wolf grabs her head and

rips it off

Without hesitation
And he runs off to the wild
with the head

Her bloody body left on the


With people just in shock

Inside the hut

Thabile gets away from the
Queens grip

And she quickly grabs a box

of matches and paraffin

Along with a few packs of


She runs out as the queen

tries to hold her back
Eveyone is still in shock and

She doesn’t mind them

As she goes on to pour the

peppers on the body

As well as the paraffin

She lights up the matches ,
and the body just catches fire

Eveyone looks at her

Still digesting what just


And now this

As the body burns to ashes

She turns back and walks

inside the hut

She closes herself in

Thabile : be safe , and return

to us
She says as tears stream
down her face

Placing her hand on her flat

It’s been three days
And Thubelihle is nowhere to
be seen

He has not been back

Even I am now starting to get

I am not worried that
something might have
happened to him

But I am scared if he will

never decide to come back

I know this was his biggest

fear more than anything

That he will transform

And they will reject him

I have gone to the mountain

But there’s no sight of him


I don’t know how far he

could have gone
Queen Lilanga : do you think
he’s safe ?

I look at her

She looks so much better

And that’s understandable

Everything she was holding

Has come to pass

And this land has taken out

it’s beauty

It’s like nature just restored

itself to how it was

Me : he is scared
I want to just say he is safe

But they need to know the


So that when he cones back

they’re prepared

If not , I am taking him back

to Magudu
He has served his purpose

And lifted the curse by killing

that woman

I look at them

Me : one thing the prince has

always been scared of , is
coming here and he
transforms and you reject
him . Or turn your back on
him , he is safe that much I
know . But I don’t know if he
will come back , because of
the fear he has

King Mahlubi : we didn’t

know of these powers of his ,
but he’s our son . And we
love him , just as he is . He
just saved all of us , and he
has taken care of the threat
to our land . We will never
reject him

I heave a sigh

I hope he was here to hear


A knock comes at the door

The king opens up

And he kooks at us

We get up and we all walk


It’s the people

They bow their heads in

One of the man walks
towards us

Man : my king , we are here

to ask if the prince has come
back ?

I look at him intensely

But I see he didn’t come with

bad intentions
King Mahlubi : unfortunately

Man : if the royal house

permits us , we would like to
go out and look for him .
This land is huge , but if he’s
still around here then we will
find him
Me : are you not going to
hurt him ?

He looks at me

Man : he is our prince , he

saved us . And has soared
our land , we just want him
back so we can thank him in
person for what he has done
to us
Seeing his pure heart I just

King Mahlubi : you have the

blessings of the royal house

Man : my king

He walks back to the others

And they all nod with smiles

The man don’t waste time to

thank the king

And they all leave

The queen and I walk back

I smelt them a mile away

And I don’t have the urge to

So I wait until they reach me

And they bow down

I nod in acknowledgement

One walks to me

Man : my prince
Me : I bring no harm to your
land , and I don’t want a fight

Man : nor are we , but the

royal house is in distress .
The queen and the Magudu
maiden , are all in worry of
your safety . Remember you
have a cub coming , we need
you back . You have restored
what was taken from us ,
now allow us to serve you
I look at him surprised

I didn’t think people would

sing my praises

Even what they witnessed me


I am defeated
I was clearly scared for no
The old woman walks to the

Making sure no one is seeing


And she walks inside the


She lets out a smile

Old woman : now our words
can become one , and they
can shield each other . Two is
always stronger than one ,
even the good book says so .
I have done my job , and
now I can rest in peace .
Knowing I have played my
part , three generations I
have served . It’s time now , I
just guide from the other

With her heart at peace

She walks deeper to the

middle of the river

As the portal of the

guardians underneath opens
And welcomes her
I wake up panting ans

I look at him looking at me

I am not aware when I fell

Because I have been waiting

for the men to come back

I must have fallen asleep


And he didn’t wake me up

when he got here
Me : that is creepy

He chuckles

Thube : you want to share

you dream ?

He must have been watching

me for a while
Me : the old woman is with
the other guardians

Thube : you mean ?

I nod

Thube : I am sorry

Me : thank you
Thube : I am sorry I left , I ……

He takes a deep breath

Me : I more than anyone


He smiles and walks over to

Me : now I have to return
back , the caves are without
protection . I cannot gamble
with their lives

Thube : I understand

He holds my hand

Thube : how far along are

you ?

Me : three months
I have been keeping count

I kept it to myself

Because I didn’t know how to

tell him ?

Thube : we’re one now , and

that means our people are
one . We have something
that ties us all together , and
we don’t have to be separate

Me : you will be king , you

have people to lead . I have
my destiny remember ?

Thube : and we can do all

that together , my people
need a queen . Your people
need a guardian , why can’t
we combine and just be one

Me : you mean …our people

become one ?

Thube : yes , a united nation .

As much as Magudu is your
home , its also mine . And I
don’t want to be here at
Jonga without you , I just
can’t . I have big plans for
this land , and I need you by
my side

I let out a smile

Me : what plans ?

Thube : I will rebuild this

kingdom , not to it’s former
glory . But to new heights , I
will head to the big cities
from hereon . And I will hold
alliances , and we will rebuild
what we lost even better

I look at him with a smile

This is the first I hear of this

But if we can pull it off

I am in support of his plans

Hopefully the guardians give

me their blessings

Combining our people as


I didn’t anticipate this

He never hinted
I wondered how we will be
able to co exist

But seems like everything will

fall into place together

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