Believe #flushyourmeds Scott Barry

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BELIEVE #flushyourmeds Scott Barry ;

By Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry ... ;

Lev. 18:22 Deut 13 Gen. 17:10 2 Cor. 4:4 (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)
(Exodus 22:17 NAB) (Leviticus 20:13 NAB) (Leviticus 20:27 NAB)
(Exodus 21:15 NAB) (Proverbs 20:20 NAB) (Leviticus 20:9 NLT)
(Leviticus 20:10 NLT) (Leviticus 21:9 NAB) (Exodus 22:19 NAB)
(2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB) (Zechariah 13:3 NAB) (Deuteronomy 13:7-12
(Deuteronomy 17:2-5 NLT) (Leviticus 24:10-16 NLT) (Deuteronomy 18:20-
22 NLT)
(Romans 1:24-32 NLT) (Numbers 1:48-51 NLT) (Exodus 31:12-15 NLT)
(2 Kings 2:23-24 NAB) 1Samuel 6:19-20 ASV) (2 Samuel 6:3-7 NAB)
(Isaiah 14:21 NAB) So this is why we are willing to maybe KILL ... ;
The fact about life : Everyone will disown you for not having
Everyone will disown you for not accepting Zionism, Everyone will
you for having a foreskin, Everyone will disown you for having
graphics on Computer, Everyone will disown you for Not wearing a Mask
getting vaccinated, Everyone will disown you for not accepting Global
Warming as Man Made and Happening, Everyone will disown you for not
Accepting the Holocaust, Everyone will disown you if you call
A Plagiarist Communist. FOOTER EOF ... ; Believe or GO TO HELL ... ;
It used to be Believe or DIE in the olden Days NOW IT IS GO TO
HELL ... ; Free Water ... ;
... ;
Graphics #flushyourmeds Scott Barry ... ; THE ****ING NEGATIVE
Gabriel Kron and James Maxwell and Richard Stallman already gave us
we are spoiled, we have luxury, life is pointless, then you become a
Telepathic Ghost ... ;
Einstein was a Communist Fraud Plaigurist Jew who Stole Works and was
Crazy ... ;
Einstein was a Crazy who was Possessed by Talmudic Jew Demons
Period ... ;
The Astral Beings told me Einstein was possessed by demons was
Plaigurist ... ;
Easily Hundreds of Thousands of Videos online showing Examples of
it ... ;
Information is Free, Do not waste your money on stuff that do not
work ... ;
Gabriel Kron gave us The Negative Resistor so we already have
everything and
also Ozone Cures Cancer and Fasting does the same thing as well, No
Water Crisis,
Already have Primary Water, No Global Warming, Holocaust is a Hoax,
nuff said ... ;
Masks and Vaccines do not work, COVID is just a PSYOP, everyone is
just crazy ... ;
So you are telling me James Maxwell, Richard Stallman, Gabriel Kron
Gave us everything and that nothing really matters and we become
Ghosts when we die and that life is pointless, now that says
something ... ;
Everything now has already been invented, Primary Water No Water
Masks and Vaccines Do Not Work, Global Warming Not Happening,
Holocaust a Hoax,
Cure For Cancer Fasting on OZONATED Water, The Damar Tantra, You Name
Free Energy aleady Made by Gabe Kron used at Rothschild Mansion and
Nothing new or special Talmudic Jews, Martians, Freemasons run The
Press ... ;

Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia

Gabriel Kron (1901 – 1968) was a Hungarian American electrical

engineer who promoted the use of methods of linear algebra,
multilinear algebra, and differential geometry in the field. His
method of system decomposition and solution called Diakoptics is
still influential today. Though he published widely, his methods were
slow to be assimilated. At Union College a symposium was organized by
Schaffer Library on "Gabriel Kron, the Man and His Work", held
October 14, 1969. H.H. Happ edited the contributed papers, which were
published by Union College Press as Gabriel Kron and Systems Theory.
Early life

Gabriel Kron was born in 1901 in Baia Mare in Transylvania, Hungary.

[1] In 1919 he graduated from the gymnasium. By that time
Transylvania had been ceded to Romania. Kron's older brother Joseph
returned home, which he had left when he was ten years old. Joseph
wished for a professional degree, but had no schooling after grade
five. Gabriel tutored Joseph, who passed various exams, culminating
in the high-school exam in 1920. In December of that year the two
left home for the United States. The brothers earned their living in
New York City with odd jobs such as dish washer, bus boy, or working
machines in garment factories.[1]

In the fall of 1922 the brothers had saved enough money to enter
engineering school at University of Michigan. They continued
supporting themselves with casual employment. Gabriel found digging
ditches more congenial than dishwashing. He coined the motto: "There
are only two occupations compatible with human dignity. One is the
study of atomic structure. The other is digging ditches."[1]

In 1925 Gabriel graduated and started on a trip around the world. He

planned to walk and hitch hike as much as possible. He ran out of
money when he reached Los Angeles, where he worked for the United
States Electrical Manufacturing Company. He then transferred to the
Robbins and Myers Company in Springfield, Ohio. In 1926 he set out
again. From California he took passage on an oil tanker bound for
Tahiti. In Sydney, Australia he ran out of money. After saving 35
pounds from work at the Electricity Metering Manufacturing Company he
set out for Northern Australia.

In Fiji he had finished, and buried, Treatise on Differential

Equations by Forsyth. In Sydney he searched for a worthy successor,
settling on Advanced Vector Analysis with Application to Mathematical
Physics by the Australian C.E. Weatherburn. During long hikes in
Queensland, Kron saw that vector analysis would be a powerful tool in
engineering. Sea voyages took him to Saigon via Borneo, Manila, and
Hong Kong. Hence overland to Cairo and Alexandria by rail,
supplemented by many hours of walking. In the spring of 1928 Kron
arrived in Romania and stayed with his family till the fall.

After his return Kron was employed as electrical engineer for brief
periods with several companies the last of which was Warner Brothers
in New York. They closed his department while he was on a continuing
highly paid contract.[1] He economized by living with his family in
Romania. There he studied the mathematical tools of the general
theory of relativity and conceived his method for applying tensor
analysis to electrical power engineering. This was described in a
paper entitled "Non-Riemannian Dynamics of Rotating Electrical
Machinery" printed in Romania and distributed to friends. In 1933
Kron returned to the US where his paper had been well received. He
worked at General Electric from 1934 until he retired in 1966.

Kron was awarded the Montefiore Prize of the University of Liège,

Belgium, for the paper written in Romania.[2]

Kron's career developed within the General Electric corporation and

has been described by P.L. Alger[3] Alger explains that Kron made a
positive impression at an AIEE conference held in New York in January
1934. The behavior of an electrical network was described as a
dynamical system confined to a Non-Riemannian space. General Electric
vice president Roy C. Muir "invited Gabe to join the staff of the
Advanced Engineering Program under A.R. Stevenson." Furthermore,
Philip Franklin of Massachusetts Institute of Technology approved
Kron's paper for publication in MIT Journal of Mathematics and
Physics, May 1934. "The paper instantly provoked widespread
discussion and controversy. Many mathematicians derided his work: it
was just for show, it was needlessly complex, or it was of no
practical use."

According to Alger, Kron "worked with fifteen different managers

while with General Electric." Alger explained, "Kron’s value was
largely in the inspiration he gave to others and in distant
objectives that seemed to business managers to be merely dreams."
From 1936 to 1942 Kron published primarily in the General Electric
Review. In 1942 John Wiley & Sons published his A Short Course in
Tensor Analysis for Electrical Engineers. As recalled by Keith
Bowden,[4] "In the fifties, when Kron’s ideas were first introduced,
controversy raged over their validity." Banesh Hoffmann was one
academic that supported Kron's initiative.[5] Hoffman wrote the
Introduction to the second edition of Kron's book, now titled Tensors
for Circuits (1959), distributed by Dover Publications.[6]

In 1945 Kron suggested an approach to Schrödinger's equation with

networks.[7] The same year he used equivalent circuits to solve
differential equations.[8]

Kron proved to be a versatile employee: He worked in the Large Steam

Turbine Engineering Department (1942), contributed to the control of
atomic reactor piles (1945), and collaborated with Simon Ramo, Selden
Crary, and Leon K. Kirchmayer on power systems. Alger notes that Kron
"was a pioneer, not an educator. He used to imply that hard work is
necessary for the mastery of any subject, and it does no good to make
the way to understanding too easy." In 1951 Kron published Equivalent
Circuits of Electrical Machinery. While continuing with laboratory
and turbine assignments on weekdays, Kron began to prepare Diakoptics
on his own. His vision realized with publication, in 1963 Kron was
assigned to Analytical Engineering Division with H.H. Happ. Together
they reviewed Kron's theory, and after Kron's death Happ published
Diakoptics and Networks (1971).

A bibliography of Kron's writings is given as an appendix to Gabriel

Kron and Systems Theory, pages 165 to 172. An earlier bibliography
was compiled in 1959 and appeared in pages xiii to xviii of his book
Tensors for Circuits.

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