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Human behavior is the collection of behaviors exhibited

by human beings and influenced by culture, society,
values, morals, ethics and genetics. In the field of
criminology, the study of human behavior is significant in
order to discover recurrent patterns and to formulate
rules about man’s social behavior.
Modern criminologists regard crime as social
phenomenon: meaning – an individual’s
criminal behavior could be attributed directly
or indirectly with his experiences and
interactions to his social environment.
Thus, one’s knowledge of human behaviors
will give him better understanding as to the
causes of normal and abnormal behaviors
which eventually lead to criminal behaviors.

Psychology – is the totality or sum of all actions,

attitudes, thoughts, mental states of a person or
groups of persons, it is the science dealing with
the mind of human being including animal

1. No two people are alike.

2. Men differs from women - qualitative
differences; and
3. Physical differences people differ from day-
to-day activities.
Nature of differences:

1. Physical
2. Ability/skill
3. Personality
4. Intelligence
Application of psychology in law

1. Psychology in public relation

2. Psychology in investigation
3. Psychology and group control
4. Psychology and alcoholics
5. Psychology and the courts

Psychology is worthy of particular attention. Moreover, a

deeper understanding of the psychological principles and
their application to the field of law enforcement would
indeed be of assistance to police officers. Most successful
police investigators attribute their achievements on their
practical knowledge of psychology.
Psychology is the science pertaining to the
mind, the sum of all human actions,
attitude, thoughts, and mental states.
Common sense is the commonly health
notion where truth is not dependent on
judgment which is based purely on
observations, thus it lacks the organization
of thoughts and jumps to conclusion
1. Overt behavior: this behavior is such an obvious act or
behavior. It is a behavior that is observable by people.
Based on my research, the perfect example of person that
has its is a racist. Racists have no trouble of expressing
their feelings, views and thoughts. What they have in
mind, they speak openly. Overt behavior may
include walking, singing and other examples of bodily
2. Covert behavior: opposite of overt
behavior, covert behavior is a type of
behavior that is an unobvious manner and a
type of behavior that is being disguised and
secret. It is any kind of action that can't be
easily observed by other people. This
behavior includes lying, praying, thinking
and dreaming as an example of covert
3. Conscious behavior: is a type of behavior
is conscious or aware. It is an action you do
from what you really wanted to do. Example
of this is making breakfast. You make and
eat breakfast because you are hungry. It is
like you know what you're doing or action
with purposive conduct.
4. Unconscious behavior: A type of behavior
where the person is unaware of what he’s
doing. It is because of the automatic
response of the body such as breathing and
the beating of our hearts. Unconscious
behavior is doing anything without thinking
of any motivation because it is
automatically done. Screaming because
of cockroaches, spiders of females are like
examples of unconscious behavior.
5. Rational behavior: A type of behavior
that is reasonable and used to explain
the choices that people make with regards to
achieving satisfaction. It is like, people would
rather be better off or have more than less.
For example, a person is more likely to buy
an item at a lower price like items on sale
because they believe it is better.
6. Irrational behavior: it is defined as
unreasonable behavior or having no clear
objective or meaning. Example of this based
of what I've red is, you want to have a good
day yet you punch the mailman in the face.
It is senseless and meaningless.
7. Voluntary behavior: behavior that a
person is naturally contributed to an action.
It also means that you have a free will and
able to make a decision to take a specific
action. Taking a walk down the street is an
example of voluntary behavior.
8. Involuntary behavior: behavior that can't
be controlled over. Example of this is when
being emerged into bright sunlight from a
dark place, we usually blink several times
often without even knowing it.
1. Overt behavior – behaviors that are observable.
2. Covert behavior – those that are hidden from the view
of the observer.
3. Simple behavior – less number of neurons are
consumed in the process of behaving
4. Complex behavior – combination of simple behavior
5. Rational behavior - acting with sanity or with reasons
6. Irrational behavior – acting without reason/ unaware
7. Voluntary behavior – done with full volition of will or an
act of will
8. Involuntary behavior – bodily processes that goes on
even when we are awake or asleep
1.Intellectual aspect – way of thinking, reasoning, solving
problem, processing info and coping with the environment.
2. Emotional aspect – feelings, moods, temper, strong
motivational force with in the person.
3. Social aspect – people interaction or relationship with other
4. Moral aspect – conscience, concept on what is good or bad.
5. Psychosexual aspect – being a man or a woman and the
expression of love.
6. Political aspect – ideology towards society/government.
7. Value/ attitude – interest towards something, likes and dislikes

1. To describe behavior whether normal and acceptable norms

or its abnormal and a deviant behavior.
2. To identify factors that can predict behavior, e.g. Depressed,
unrealistic and unreasonable.
3. To understand and explain by identifying causes that bring
about certain effects, assemble them which are common facts or
gather facts and define principles.
4. To control and change behavior as a result of the prediction.
1. Neurological - emphasizes human actions in relation to events taking
place inside the body, especially the brain and the nervous system.
2. Behavioral - focuses on those external activities of the organism that
can be observed and measured.
3. Cognitive - concerned with the way the brain processes and transforms
information in various ways.
4. Psychoanalytical - emphasizes unconscious motives stemming from
repressed sexual and aggressive impulses in childhood.
5. Humanistic - focuses on the subject’s experience, freedom of choice
and motivation toward self-actualization.

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