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Borromeo Street, Surigao City




Overview: This chapter presents the historical development and evolution of Security, concepts of
security and safety, and related laws in security and detective agency operations, management and

Intended Learning Objectives:

At the end of this chapter, students will be able to:
a. make a timeline on the history of security;
b. formulate own definition on security based from concepts of security and safety;
c. explain the different theories, concepts, and philosophy of security and safety; and
d. synthesize the related laws in security and detective agency operations, management and

Lesson 1: The Concepts Security / Development and Evolution of Security

A. Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
a. conceptualized the meaning of the term security;
b. apply the different concepts of security; and
c. identify the categories of security.
d. Trace the historical roots of security during the prehistoric times, the ancient period and the middle

Lesson Proper

Historical Roots of Security
The historical roots of private security agencies can be traced back to thousands of years when the
protection of life and personal property were up to the individual, and later on passed to tribes, and then
to cities.
In pre-historical times, man recognized the need to keep himself safe from both known and
unknown enemies such as animals, other inhabitants and to environment itself. He used different
methods to keep himself safe such as crafting weapons out of stone and metal, building fire toward of
animals, staying in caves or tree houses, and even staying in the middle of the lake for protection.
The Greek of the ancient period were the ones who organized the first police force in city states which
they termed POLIS. The Romans, on the other hand, established the praetorian guards known as VIGILES
who were tasked to be fire fighters.
In the middle ages during their invasion of England, the French formed a group of carefully
selected men called shires or sheriff to look after the peace and Order of the different regions.
The greatest influence in the history of security came from England. In 1655, Oliver Cromwell set up in
England and Wales police force that operated to capture and punish criminals. In 1748, London
magistrate Henry Fielding introduced the concept of crime prevention by organizing citizen patrols or
watchmen that not only chased criminals for felony and misdemeanor but also served fielding purpose
of preventing crime ahead of time with their patrolling function. Fifty years later, English home secretary
sir Robert Peel formed the first formal department.
During the colonial period in the United States, immigrants from England, Ireland and Scotland
came to American shores bringing with them British approach to policing. At the time, law enforcement
officer had no deal with rampant crime in US cities and had little time and resources left to deal with the
protection of private property. Hence, citizens who wanted protection for their private properties had
to depend on the armed immigrants who were prepared to deal with criminals. This watchman form of
security was to become the early version of private security practices that injure to this day (fay, 2006).

Brief History of Security in the Philippines

• The private security business begun on March 11, 1933 when the first formally licensed private
security agency “Special watchman agency” started operation.
• Later it renamed “Jimenez Security Agency” founded by brothers Juan and Pedro Jimenez;
• On May 30 1958, the Philippine association of detectives and protective agency operations
(PADPAO) was formally organized;
• RA.5487 was passed on June 13, 1969 thru the continuous lobbying of the incorporators and
officers of PADPAO, which set the standard and minimum requirements for operations of security
• PD.11 was passed on October 3, 1972 widening the coverage of security industry to include
security guard employed in logging concessions, agricultural, mining and pasture lands;
• PD.100 was issued on January 17 1973 broadening the coverage of security industry to include
employee of the national or local government or any agency who are employed to watch or secure
government building and properties.
• On August 1969, the Philippine Constabulary activated the security and investigation supervisory
office or SIASO to supervise and control the organization and operation of private security and detective
agency nationwide.
• Later it was renamed Philippine Constabulary Supervisory office for security and investigation
agencies PCSOSIA;
• With the passage of RA.6975, this unit was absorbed by the Philippine National Police;
• Later it was made into a division of the PNP civil security group and was renamed security agency
and guard supervisory division (SAGSD);
• It was renamed to PNP supervisory office for security investigation agency (SOSIA)


The word security is derived from the Latin securus which means ‘’safe’’ or ‘’without care’’ or from se
cura, wherein se means “free from” and cura means “care”.

A. Definition of Terms:
Security- defined as the state or quality of being secured, freedom from fear or danger,
assurance, or certainty. To secure is to make safe or be protected. It is the state or feeling of
Industry- the term denotes earnest or constant application to work or business, or a special
branch of productive work, or the capital or workers employed in it.
Industrial- defined as pertaining to or engaged in industry.
Management- this means the “skillful use of means to accomplish a purpose. Management can
also be defined as “planning, deciding, or exercising of control and supervision on some functions
of the organization(Corpuz & Delizo, 2011).
Industrial security- the term may mean: security measures applied to business industries, or the
business of providing security and protection to private individuals, business enterprises, or
government and non-governmental industries.
Industrial Security Management- the term could be defined, as “the skillful handling of the
security and safety measures of business enterprises and industrial establishment”.

Related Concepts
Understanding the concept of security requires further definition of other related concepts such as
asset, risk, threat and vulnerability.

Asset is anything tangible or intangible that is capable of being owned or controlled to produced value.
If it has positive economic value it is considered an asset. Or more simply, if its value can be converted
into cash.
Risk is the uncertainty of financial loss, the probability that a loss has occurred or will occur, or the
possible occurrence of an undesirable event. The end result of risk is loss or a decrease in value. e.g. loss
of life of your love once.
Threat is anything that could adversely affect assets; it can be classified into natural hazards (such as
floods), accidents (chemical spills), or intentional acts (domestic or international terrorism).
Vulnerability means weakness, flaw, or virtually anything that may conceivably be exploited by a threat;
examples are holes in a fence, an out –of-date key system or the introduction of a computer virus.

For a threat to be effective, it must interact either directly or indirectly with the asset. To separate the
threat from the asset is to avoid a possible interaction. Therefore, it is possible to have total (100%)
security if the threat and the asset are completely separated from each other. Otherwise what you have
is safety of the asset which is provided by the controls you put on the asset or the degree to which you
lessen the impact of the threat.

1. Physical security - pertains to al physical barriers employed or installed to secure assets.
2. Personnel Security - refers to the procedure followed, or inquiries conducted, and criteria applied to
determine the work suitability of a particular applicant or the retention of a particular employee.
3. Document and Information Security -refers to policies regulations, doctrines, and practices enforced
to safeguard the contents and integrity of any classified information or document from compromise or

Types of Security

In the field of industrial security, various types of security are applied depending on the installation and
the security needs of the installation such as:
1. Industrial security- a type of security applied to business groups engaged in industries like
manufacturing, assembling, research and development, processing, warehousing and even
agriculture. It may also mean the business of providing security.
2. Hotel security- a type of security applied to hotels where its properties are protected from
pilferage, loss, damage and the function in the hotel restaurants are not disturbed and troubled
by outsiders or the guest themselves. This type of security employs house detectives, uniform
guards and supervisor and insure that hotel guests and their personal effects are safeguarded.
3. Bank security- this type of security is concern with the bank operations.
4. VIP or Personal Security- a type of security applied for the protection of top-ranking officials of
the government or private entity, visiting persons of illustrious standing and foreign dignitaries.
5. School security- a type of security that is concern with the protection of the students, faculty
members, and school properties.
6. Supermarket or Mall security- a type of security which is concern with the protection of the
stores, warehouses, storage, its immediate premises and properties as well as the supermarket,
robbery, and bomb detection and customer relation.
7. Communication security- it is a protection resulting from the application of various measures
that prevent or delay the enemy or unauthorized persons in gaining information through the
communication system.
a. Transmission security- a component of communications security that results from
all measures designed to protect transmission from the interception, traffic analysis,
and imitative deception.
b. Cryptographic security- result from the provisions of technically sound crypto-
systems and their proper use
8. Document security- a specialized type of security that focus into the protection of documents
and classified papers from loss access by unauthorized persons, damage, theft and compromise
through disclosure.
9. Crises security- this is part of VIP security involved in hostage and kidnapping of VIP’s.
10. Operational security- this is type of security that deal primarily with the protection of process,
formula, patents and other industrial and manufacturing activities from espionage, infiltration,
loss, compromise, or photocopying.
11. Air Cargo security- this is applied to minimize of not prevent, losses of cargo during in transit
storage or transfer.
12. Computer security- this type of security is focus in the computer use and in the digital world,
this security is more concern in the information which is store in the computer that is connected
in the internet.

Lesson 2: Related Laws in Security and Detective Agency Operations, Management and Administration

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

a. Explain the right to security of person guaranteed by the United Nations; and
b. Identify provisions and relevant laws to security in the Philippines.


Man instinctively protects himself and those he holds dear (may it be property, freedom or loved
– ones) from danger or threat, with or without help from others. This is the supreme law—the law of
self- preservations.


The universal declarations of human rights, which was adopted by the United Nations on 10 December
1948, guarantees such instinct to protect in article 3, which states that “everyone has the right to life,
liberty and security of persons” (United Nations, 1948, emphasis supplied.)
The international covenant on civil in political rights, a multilateral treaty also adopted by the United
Nations on 16 December 1966, further recognized these rights to security of person in article 9 (1). Which
states that: “Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. No one shall be subjected to
arbitrary arrest or detention. No one shall be deprived of his liberty except on such grounds in
accordance with such procedure as are established by law” (United Nations Human Rights 1966).

1987 Philippine Constitution enunciates the first and foremost duty of the government which is to serve
and protect the people.
• Article II, section 4. The prime duty of the government is to serve and protect people. The
government may call upon the people to defend the state and, in the fulfilment thereof, all citizen may
be required by law to render military or civilian service.
• Article II, section 5. The maintenance of peace and order, the protection of life, liberty, and
property and the promotion of general welfare are essential for the enjoyment by all people of the
blessings of the democracy.
• Article 3, section 1. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, and property without due process
of law, nor shall a person be denied the equal protection of laws.
• Article 3, section 2. The right of people to be secured in their persons, houses and papers, and
the effects of unreasonable searches and seizures of whatever nature and for any purpose shall be
inviolable and no search warrant or warrant of arrest shall be issued upon determination of probable
cause to be determine personally by the judge after examination under oath or affirmation of the
complainant and the witnesses he may produce, and particularly describing the place to be search and
persons or thing to be seized.

Statutory Mandates
• Act 3815 (revised penal code (RPC), as amended). The RPC also ensure security and safety of
the people by prohibiting and penalizing certain acts such as: Crimes against the fundamental law of the
state (arbitrary detention, delaying release, expulsion, violation of domicile etc.), crimes against persons
(Parricide, murder, Homicide, physical injuries etc.), crimes against personal liberty and security
(kidnapping and illegal detention, unlawful arrest, etc.), crimes against property (robbery, theft, etc.)

• Private Security Agency Law (RA 5487 as amended) Republic Act No. 5487 or "An Act to
Regulate the Organization and Operation of Private Detective, Watchmen or Security Guards
Agencies," is amended by Presidential Decree No. 11 on October 3, 1972. In this particular law, the
security guards, watchmen, private detectives and the security officers are considered as force
multipliers of the Philippine National Police (PNP) because of the role they play in times of disaster or
calamities. The chief of the PNP or the mayor of a certain municipality or city may deputize them to assist
the PNP in the performance of the police duties for the duration of such emergency disaster or calamity.

• Private security personnel „are called Protection Specialists because in the present concept, the
law enforcement and crime prevention are not solely charged to the PNP. The five-pillar concept in
criminal justice system calls for the involvement of the private sector and the community to which much
of the success of law enforcement depends. Private security forces play a vital role in this regard as they
are a potent force in crime prevention. They have contributed to the improvement of peace and order
and the protection of lives and properties in all areas of the country.

• The scope of the law covers originally promulgated and newly introduced rules and regulations
designed to professionalize the security industry. Revisions were made to make the security business a
more credible and reliable sector in our country. New provisions include the rule on the utilization of
security personnel in certain types of services. The training program for private security personnel was
also expanded in order to develop skills and knowledge suitable to current and future applications.

• Presidential Decree No. 1919 (Amending RA 5487 and PD 100)

• Presidential Decree No. 1919 amended further The Private Security Agency Law on April 28,
1984 with the following changes:

a. Defining watchman or security guard to include those from government entities

b. Specifying the employment of a minimum of 200 and a maximum of I,000 licensed security
guards for any private security agency

c. Specifying 30 to 1,000 company guards for company guard forces.

• RA 5487, as amended the private security agency law which governs the organization, operation
business and activities of private detectives, watchmen, or security guard agencies. Known as “The
Private Security Agency law”.

• PD. No. 11. As amended certain provisions of RA.5487, such as section 3 (d) which defines a
watchman or security guard, watchman or security guard agency, section 4, specifying person who may
organize a security or watchmen agency, and section 18

• PD.No.100. amended sec. 3d, section 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, and paragraph 3 of section 16 of RA.5487

• PD. No. 1919. Amended section 3d, section 18, paragraph 3 of section 8, paragraph 1 of section
16 of RA.5487.

1. Montojo, Felipe G. Security and Safety Management. National Bookstore. Mandaluyong City. 2006.
2. Peckley, Miller F. Industrial Secuirty Management Review Handbook for Criminologist Licensurre
Examination. Wiseman’s Books Trading. Copyright 2008. ISBN 971-045929-2.
3. Delizo, Darlito Bernard G. PhD. Law Enforcement Administration textbook and review materials. 1st
Edition. Published by Prudence Research and Review Center, Baguio City Philippines, 2013. ISBN 978-
4. Hand outs on Security and Safety Management File Academy, Cebu City.
5. Callora, Louie U.,et.al A learning Manual in Industrial Security Management. Revised 2017.



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