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UNIT 13: The operating system (OS)

1- Brief summary about the unit.

In this unit of the operating system (OS), we learned about the GUI operating systems
like Windows Vista. We explore the function and features of OS, understanding its role
in managing computer resources. Additionally, we learn about GUI design principles
and practice using determiners with countable and uncountable nouns to develop our
language skills.
2- What you learned or found interesting about that subject.
Studying the operating system was interesting because it showed how GUI systems like
Windows Vista changed how we use computers. I learned about the OS's job of
managing computer stuff and how important it is. Also, I found it cool to learn how to
make computer screens easy to use.
3- Short Reflection explaining the importance of this topic, or if this material is
relevant or not in your career.
Understanding operating systems, especially GUI systems like Windows Vista, is
essential in analytics and data science careers. It facilitates efficient navigation of
interfaces, optimizing workflows. While analytics focuses on data manipulation, a solid
grasp of OS functions ensures smooth execution of tasks within computing
environments, enhancing overall performance.

UNIT 14: Word processing (WP)

2- Brief summary about the unit.
In this unit of Word Processing (WP), we explore the features of word processing tools
like Microsoft Word, including functions like cut and paste. We focus on language
skills by giving and following instructions effectively within a word processing
environment. Additionally, we learn how to utilize WP tools efficiently and practice
summarizing written texts to enhance our communication abilities.
2- What you learned or found interesting about that subject.
I discovered the efficiency of Microsoft Word's features like cut and paste for
manipulating text. Learning how to give and follow instructions within Word enhanced
my communication skills. Exploring various WP tools offered insights into streamlining
document creation processes. Summarizing written texts honed my ability to convey
information concisely.
3- Short Reflection explaining the importance of this topic, or if this material is
relevant or not in your career.
Proficiency in Word Processing is crucial for analytics and data science careers,
facilitating efficient documentation and communication of insights. Tools like
Microsoft Word streamline report writing, while instruction-following and text
summarization skills enhance clarity in conveying findings. While data manipulation
remains central, effective communication through word processing amplifies the impact
of analytical work across different contexts.

UNIT 15: Spreadsheets and databases

3- Brief summary about the unit.
In this unit of Spreadsheets and Databases, we explore spreadsheet programs for tasks
like creating invoices and business letters, and using databases for organizing data. We
focus on language skills by learning plurals and understanding software use both at
home and in the workplace. Additionally, we delve into the functionalities of
spreadsheets and databases to enhance productivity in various settings.
2- What you learned or found interesting about that subject.
In studying Spreadsheets and Databases, I found it fascinating how versatile spreadsheet
programs are, enabling tasks like invoice creation and data organization. Learning about
database structures provided insights into efficient data management practices.
3- Short Reflection explaining the importance of this topic, or if this material is
relevant or not in your career.
Proficiency in spreadsheet programs enables the manipulation and organization of large
datasets, crucial for analytical tasks. Similarly, knowledge of databases enhances the
ability to handle structured data effectively, facilitating data-driven decision-making

learn about the function of the operating system.

learn about the features of a graphical user interface, or GUI.

practise using the correct determiners with countable and uncountable nouns.

learn how to summarize a written text.

learn about the basic features and applications of word processors.

learn how to give and follow instructions.

study the basic features and applications of spreadsheets and databases.

practise forming and pronouncing plurals.

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