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YEAR : 801



Visama – Literacy is pathway to success


My Future - Sarah Pene

My future lies ahead of me

Like and unpredictable sea
Sometimes cloudy, sometimes light
Sometimes gloomy, sometimes bright
But listen now
To what I have to say
My future depends
On what I do today

Summary / Explanation

This poem gives us a very important message as how, we can make out future bright and be
successful. This poem tells us that our future depends on the actions of our present. If we are
committed, dedicated and have passion to achieve our goals and the target, the outcome of our
future will be positive. The positive attitude, focus and discipline are the key component of having
bright and successful future. If we do things with positive mindset, we will never fail.

Theme / message

 Hard work and dedication is key to success

 Be positive in life
 Always give your best in life.


1. Does the poet give useful advice? (Explain your answer)

2. Identify the figure of speech used in this poem?
3. Identify and list down three pairs of rhyming words in this poem.
4. In your own words explain how can you determine the positive outcome of your future?
5. List down some of the things that you want to achieve in future?

Visama – Literacy is pathway to success


Teevee – Eve Merriam

In the house
of Mr and Mrs Spouse
he and she
would watch teevee
and never a word
between them spoken
until the day
the set was broken

Then “How do you do?”

said he to she
“I don’t believe
that we’ve met yet.
Spouse is my name
What’s yours?” he asked

“Why, mine is the same!”

said she to he
“Do you suppose that we could be _?
But the set came suddenly right about
and so they never did find out

Summary / Explanation

This poem gives us a very important and powerful message, as how introduction of latest gadgets
and technologies have taken over the world by storm. People In today’s society have got themselves
addicted to these technologies so much, that they don’t have time for family and friends especially
the younger generation. People are forgetting the values of friendship, importance of quality family
time and importance of physical wellness and fitness. Because of this addiction, people are
becoming strangers in their own home, just like the characters of this poem.

Theme/ message

 Appreciate the value of friendship and relationship

 Family time is very important
 Overuse or misuse of anything can bring about negativity in life.

Visama – Literacy is pathway to success



1. Why did Mr. and Mrs. Spouse never speak?

2. Why did they begin to talk to each other?
3. What would follow be in verse 3?
4. What did they never found out?
5. Why do you think poet is telling such a story? Do you agree or disagree with her opinion? ( give reasons
for your answer)

Town Life - Nelson Puirah

Town life,
You are driving me mad
I live, and toil
To earn my living
But what I earn comes and goes

Town life
There is so much to enjoy
Many new friends to meet
Lots of entertainment
Yet what I earn is not enough
To keep up with the high cost of living

Town life
There are many places if interest
to visit, relaxed
At wharfs big ships come and go
At the airport big jets come and go
There is so much to enjoy
Easy to forget your original home

Summary / Explanation

In this poem, the poet is trying to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of town life. One of
the disadvantages mentioned in this poem is high cost of living. People are struggling to meet their
needs as things are getting expensive and more people are driven towards poverty. The poet is trying
to depict the actual truth of life. People migrate form villages and rural areas to town in search of
better life but what they earn is gone in flash due to high cost of living.

On the other hand the poet also reflects on the advantages of town life. The entertainment,
socialization and better facilities brings some enjoyment In their life enabling them to have quality
family time. In general this poem is all about ups and down of town life where people continue to
survive and strive despite facing challenges.

Visama – Literacy is pathway to success


Theme/ message

 Never give up
 Accept what life throws at you and face challenges confidently
 Work hard to achieve success
 Be positive under all circumstance


1. What disadvantage of town life does poet mention twice in the poem?
2. List the advantages of town life also mentioned in the poem by the poet.
3. Write and explanation of the last line of the poem.
4. Which do you think is better town or village life? Give reasons for your answer.
5. What are three good things about village life and three bad things about Town life ?

Clouds – Elizabeth Smither

On a vast blue field

Which is upside down
Fleecy sheep pass
And run around

They always travel

In as straight line
Away from the wind
That comes behind

The winds wants the sky

To be only blue
But the sheep are too clever
If the wind only knew

They run around the world

And come back again
Because this blue field’s the sky
Which has no end

Summary / Explanation

This poem basically encourages us to appreciate nature. The poet is portraying the image and
beauty of clouds. Sometimes when we look at the clouds, it takes u to the world of imagination.
We imagine and make up different pictures in our mind. On fine days in the midst of sky, we see
movement of some clouds. This poem also gives us a very important message that in life we need
to keep moving like clouds because if we are stagnant, we will never be able to achieve our goals
and ambitions in life. Just like sky is endless and limitless our efforts and dedication should be
limitless. Just as we say “sky is the limit” but when it comes to fulfill our dreams and goals, there
is no limit. Just focus and keep moving and with each effort will you will get closer to success.

Visama – Literacy is pathway to success


Theme /Message

 Keep moving and work hard in life

 Be passionate of what you do and let your hard work speak the volume of your success
 Appreciate Mother Nature.


1. What is poet referring to by saying “vast blue filed?”

2. What message do we get form this poem?
3.Did you like the poem? If yes why? If not why not?
4. Identify the figure of speech used in this poem.

Bush Medicine – Konai Helu Thaman

When I was a little girl

many women used to come
to my grandmother to be cured
she chewed some leaves
wrapped in more leaves
then used the juice to dry out
the bothersome sores
the women were always quiet
and somewhat apprehensive

now the wise men say

that there might be something
in my grandmother’s cure
and the leaves that flavoured it
I only hope that one day
they too would be sure

Summary / Explanation

In this poem, the poet is recalling as how her grandmother used the plants and leaves and made herbal
medicine out of it and treat people with painful sores. This poem also portrays mother nature’s power
of healing as it provides variety of plants and herbs which can be utilized to cure certain illness. The
poet narrates as what she saw in her childhood as her grandmother used herb leaves to cure sores
which had become incurable. The poem also relates that despite the availability of modern era
medicines and health care system, some people still believe in natural healing process through the
wonderful gift of nature.

Visama – Literacy is pathway to success


Theme /Message

 Nature is source of great herbal treasure, which needs to be preserved..

 Appreciate natural resources as it is the greatest gift given to mankind


1. Explain in your own words the cure used by the grandmother.

2. Why do you think, the women were bit quiet and worried?
3.Who do you think the wise men are?
4.What are the wise men saying now?
5.What is the reason of writers hope?
6.Explain why the poem is called “ Bush Medicine?”

Reef Walking – Konai Helu Thaman

I have been out on the reef

Searching for cowrie shells
But every rock has been unturned
By those who went before me

I am tired and disappointed

But shall keep on trying
In case I find one
Looking for a place to hide

Summary / Explanation

Through this poem, the poet is trying to portray a very important message that in life we should not
give up. The poet is suggesting that no matter how difficult things may be in life, one must keep
trying. Using the perfect example of cowrie hunt on the beach, the poet is trying to say that life is
full of challenges, and with strong determination, one can overcome challenges and find success at
the end. Though at times we may come across failures and disappointments but these obstacles and
challenges should not deter us from our goals and objectives. in life opportunities come and go but
with positive mindset nothing is impossible and all one has to do is to grab the right opportunity at
the right time .

Visama – Literacy is pathway to success


Theme /Message

 Never lose hope in life

 If you are determined, nothing is impossible
 Each day brings new ray of hope and opportunities
 Self belief is key ingredient to success


1. What message does the poet is trying to portray through this poem?
2. How can one overcome challenges in life?
3. Why do you think that one should not be afraid to face failures and disappointments in life?
4. What lesson do you learn from this verse of the poem “But shall keep on trying?”
5. How does the title of the poem relate to the real life? Give relevant examples.

The end
God bless you my Little Angels

Visama – Literacy is pathway to success

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