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Short Stories – year 7

Title: The First Fou for Tuvalu

Setting: Savave Village, Nukufetau (Tuvalu)

Main Character: Tausa

Supporting Characters: Ten Fairies

Minor Characters – Villagers

Plot / Summary

This story tells how a Tuvaluan man named Tausa first person to learn how to make Fou (flower garland which
is worn on the head). Tausa lived on Savave village and was regarded as one of the fastest runner in his village.
One night Tausa went to catch birds on Motulalo Islet. He took a bird trap with him. A group of ten fairies
were making Fou (flower garland) on the beach.

Tausa hid in the bushes watched then and he dropped his bird cage near one of the fairies. One of the fairy put
her Fou in the bird cage. Tausa decided to steal the garland. All the fairies were putting on their Fou except one
Tausa quietly went and grabbed the bird cage with Fou and it but one of the fairy saw him. fairies chased Tausa
but he was too fast for them and he quickly hid in the village. The fairies could not enter the village so they left.

Later Tausa taught people of Nukufeatu how to make Fou. Soon all the people of Nukiufetau knew how to
make Fou (Flower Garland)


• Be responsible of your belongings

• Do not steal
• Help one another

Title: How the Rewa River was formed

Setting: Fiji - Rewa, Beqa

Main Character: Moro (Vu of Rewa)

Supporting Characters: Sauvadra (Chiefs Spokesperson), Lutunasobasoba (Vu of Beqa)

Minor Characters – Villagers

Plot / Summary

This story tells us how the Rewa River was formed. One day Vu of Rewa Moro was fishing as he was very
hungry. He saw a man in the canoe; the man was the Sauvadra of Beqa. Moro knew that Sauvadra must have
food in his canoe so he asked Sauvadra if he could go to Beqa with him as well.

While in the canoe Moro pretended that he was very tired, so Sauvadra let him rest in below the deck where all
the food was , not knowing what Moro’s plan was. Moro ate all the food that was in the canoe and he slept.

When they reached Beqa, Sauvadara related the incident to Lutunasobasoba ( Vu of Beqa). Lutunasobasoba
called his people and asked them to prepare a big feast. When the feast was ready Lutunasobasoba ordered Moro
to eat all the food or else they would kill him.

Moro somehow managed to finish all the food, then he was taken to the river as was ordered to drink all the water
from the river or else they would kill him. Moro drank and drank but water kept on flowing. Finally Moro could
not take it anymore so he stood up and took a huge leap and landed in Rewa and vomited all the water out and
thus new river formed which is known as Rewa River today.


• Don’t be greedy
• Be responsible
• Don’t trust people blindly

Title: Nambilak

Setting: Vanuatu ( Tanna Island)

Main Character: Nambilak

Supporting Characters: Girl

Minor Characters – Villagers

Plot / Summary

This story is based on a very poor man called Nambilak who lived on Tanna Island in Vanuatu. Despite being
poor, he was regarded as the best fisherman in the village. Villagers always asked Nambilak to go on a fishing
trip with them since he was easily able to catch fish. In spite of his help the villagers were not so kind to him.

The villagers always used to give him innards of the fish and would take the best parts for themselves. One day
while coming home from fishing, he saw as seed. He picked up the seed and threw the seed into the ocean but the
waves brought the seed back to his feet. He was about to throw the seed again, when it spoke to him. He took the
seed and placed it in a trunk of a coconut tree. After three days he went to check the seed but it was not there. He
was searching for the seed when he heard the voice of a girl behind him. The girl told him that she was the same
seed whom he placed it in the trunk of the coconut tree.

Form that that day the girl and Nambilak stayed together and soon Nmabilak had a beautiful house and lots of
food. The Villagers begged Nambilak to go fishing with them after two unsuccessful fishing trips. Nabmilak
agreed an in return he always took the best fish home for his wife.


• Be kind to everyone
• Treat others with respect
• Do not judge others

Title: The First Sugarcane

Setting: PNG ( Madang village)

Main Character: Young woman

Supporting Characters: Snake

Minor Characters – Villagers, man

Plot / Summary

Many years ago in the village of Madang on Northern coast of Papua New Guinea, some young women went to
have their bathe in the sea. They took off their grass skirts and left them on the sand. While they were bathing,
snake appeared and watched them bathing sea.

The snake thought of marrying one of the women, so he changes himself into a grass skirt and lay beside other
grass skirts. When the young women were putting back on their grass skirts, the snake quickly changed back into
its true form and wrapped itself to one of the young woman. The snake begged the girl to marry him but the girl
said that se will only marry him if he is able to get some coconuts for her from the coconut tree. The snake some
how managed to get to the top of the coconut tree and started breaking the coconuts. While he was breaking the
coconuts the young women burnt down the tree and the snake was burnt to death.

The villagers buried the snake and after some time a strange plant grew from the place where the snake was
buried. One of the man cut off the piece and chewed the flesh and later he told other villagers that the plant was
juicy and delicious. From that day they all started planting the plant and that’s how first sugar cane came to Papua
New Guinea


• Don’t be cunning
• Don’t panic in difficult situations
• Respect others privacy

Title: The Island Without water

Setting: Solomon Island ( Savo village)

Main Character: Loisi

Supporting Characters: Chief, Two small boys

Minor Characters – Villagers

Plot / Summary

This story is based on a old woman who live in the village of Savo in Solomon Islands. One day Loisi realized
that she had no food to eat so she decided to steal food from other villagers home while they were away in their

One day while Loisi was busy stealing the food, she was seen by two small boys. The boys reported the matter to
the chief. That very evening the Chief called a meeting with the villagers and told them to make wild taro pudding
to teach thief a lesson.

Next day villagers made the pudding out of the wild taro and left it in their home and left for their gardens. After
a while Loisi came into their house and ate all the pudding and went away. While she was on he way back,
Loisi’s throat became very itchy. She drank all the water from the stream but the itch did not go away. Finally she
came to a hot water stream, she tried to drink from the stream but she fell into the stream and died of scalding
and drowning.


• Do not steal others things

• Work hard to live honest life
• Be honest

Title: The Flying Foxes of Kolovai

Setting: Tonga ( Kolovai)

Main Character: no specific main character

Supporting Characters: Hina , two Tongan men

Minor Characters – Noble

Plot / Summary

This story basically tells us how Flying foxes ( Peka) came to Tonga. It is surprisingly to see that these flying
foxes could only be seen in one of the particular villages of Tonga and that is Kolovai Village, tiny village 16 km
away from capital of Tonga Nuku’ alofa.

It is believed that these little animals were presented as gifts to two Tongan men by a Samoan princess Hina.
These men were from Ha’atafu village which is about 10km west of Kolovai.

After they return from Samoa these men went to see a sick noble in Kolovai. The noble was so delighted to see
the peka so he requested the men if they could bring all the Pekas and stayed in their village. The men agreed and
from that time Flying foxes could be seen in the village of Kolovai.

• Appreciate nature and all kinds of animals
• Be humble
• Be kind and considerate

Title: Sit And Lakhan

Setting: Bengal, India

Main Character: Sit And Lakhan

Supporting Characters: King, Evil Queen, Two servants, Princess, birds

Minor Characters – Potter, Baby birds, elephant two dogs , sister in law

Plot / Summary

This story about two sons of Rajah( King ) named Sit and Lakhan. Upon the death of their mother , the brothers
were ill-treated by their step mother. In order to get rid of the boys , she pretended that she was very sick and
only the Sit and Lakhans’s liver could cure her. So the king ordered his men to take both boys to the forest, kill
them and get their livers. The guards took the boys to the forest followed by two dogs. Upon the reaching the
forest the guards could not kill Sit and Lakhan , instead they killed the two dogs and took their liver to king.

While in forest the boys killed a snake who was about to eat the baby birds. The birds were very grateful and gave
magic food, Sit ate the first piece and married a princess of another kingdom while Lakhan ate the second piece
and he spat gold but unfortunately he was held captive by a potter who used him for his gold. Sit rescued his
brother Lakhan by offering money the potter and took his brother Lakhan with him and got him married to his
sister in law.

Where as their father and their step mother suffered in the end as they lost their kingdom and everything.


• Do not be cruel
• Help one another
• Be kind to others

Title: Why Dogs Chase Birds

Setting: Solomon Islands

Main Character: Dog and Kupi (Bird)

Supporting Characters: Kupi’s wife

Minor Characters – none

Plot / Summary

This is story is about a dog and a bird called Kupi. One day dog invited Kupi to eat with him. The dog served
food to Kupi on a stone plate. Kupi was not able to eat any food because he kept on knocking the tip of his beak
on the stone plate.

The next day it was Kupi’s turn to invite dog to eat with him. The dog arrived at Kupi’s place and this time the
food was served in bottles. The dog was not able to eat the food because it was served in the bottle and was upset.

Kupi was pleased and said to his wife “It serves him right! Hearing this dog became very angry and he chased
Kupi but Kupi quickly flew away and escaped and from that day it has been that dogs are chasing birds.


• Be considerate of others cultures and beliefs

• Be kind to others
• Give respect to gain respect
• What goes around, comes around


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