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Abnormal Psychology

Phase 1: Introduction
Source: Barlow, Durand & Hofmann (2018), Comer & Comer (2017), DSM-V, DSM-V-TR

Introduction To specify what makes the disorder different
o Psychological dysfunction
Disorder within
– psychological
an individual from normal behavior
associated with distress or impairment in o Prevalence – How many people in the
functioning and a response that is not typical or population as a who have/had the disorder?
culturally expected o Incidence – how many new cases occurring
during a given period
▪ o Course – individual pattern of symptoms
Psychological Dysfunction – refers to a

breakdown in cognitive, emotional, or Chronic – last a long time Episodic – likely to
behavioral functioning Distress or ▪ recover a few months
▪ Impairment – individual is only to suffer re-occurrence
extremely upset and cannot function ▪ Time-Limited – disorder will improve
Expected – Atypical or Not Culturally without treatment in a relatively short
▪ deviates from the average or the norm of the period with little or no risk or recurrence
culture o Onset – beginning of the disorder

Acute – sudden
o Psychopathology – scientific study of ▪ Insidious – gradually over an extended
period of time
psychological disorders
Clinical/Counseling Psychologist – received o Prognosis – anticipated course of the disorder
Ph.D. and follow a course of graduate-level o Etiology – study of origins, why the disorder
study lasting approx. 5 years begins
o Psy.D. – focus on clinical training and de- o Ego-Syntonic – behaviors are aligned with your
emphasize or eliminates research training personal values and self-image
Ph.D. – integrate clinical and research training o Ego-Dystonic – actions that are inconsistent
o Psychiatrists – first earn an M.D. in med school, with your ego
then specialize in Psychiatry History
o Psychiatric Social Workers – earns master’s in Supernatural
social work as they develop expertise in o During the last quarter of the 14th century,
collecting information relevant to the social and Roman Catholic Church fought back against evil
family situation of the individual in the world that is believed must have been
o Scientist-Practitioners – they may keep up with behind these disorders
the latest scientific developments in their field o People turned to magic and sorcery to solve
and utilize the knowledge in their practice their problems because they also believed that
▪ psych disorders were the works of the devil
Evaluate their own assessments and
treatment procedures to see whether they and witches
are effective o Treatments include exorcisms, shaving the
▪ pattern of a cross in the hair of the victim’s head
Conduct research that produces new
information about disorders or their and securing sufferers to a wall near the
treatments, thus becoming immune to the church
fads that plague our field, often at the were depression and anxiety o Mental
expense of patients and their families recognized as illness, although symptoms such
o Presenting Problem or Present – traditional as despair and lethargy were often identified by
shorthand way of indicating why the person the church as a sin of acedia, or sloth
came to the clinic o Common treatments was rest, sleep, and
o Description – represents the unique health and happy environment (baths,
combination of behaviors, thoughts, and ointments, and happy environment)
feelings that make up a specific disorder o Nicholas Oresme – suggested that melancholy
▪ (depression) was the source of some bizarre
Clinical – refers both to the types of
problems or disorders that you would find in behavior, rather than demons
a clinic or hospital and to the activities
connected with assessment and treatment

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