cinderella drama

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This is the story of Cinderella. Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful young girl
called Cinderella. She was living with her stepmother and 2 step sisters. She was a
horrible woman. Her step-family treated Cinderella like a servant.

Scene 1: in Cinderella’s house

Step-sisters 1 and 2: Cinderella…, Cinderella…, Cinderella…!

Cinderella: Wait, I’m coming. Why do you call me?

Step-sister 1: Look at that. The floor is dirty. Clean it quickly.

Cinderella: Okay, I will take a broom first my sister.

Step-sister 2: no ... no... You must iron my dress first.

Cinderella: I will iron your dress after cleaning the floor

Step-sister 2: Hey Cinderella! Don’t you hear me? You must iron my dress first. I have a rule that

you must obey. If you don't, you know what will happen to you!

Stepmother: What’s happening here?

Step-sister 2: Look at her mom, she tried to disobey my rules.

Stepmother: Cinderella! She is your sister! You have to obey her rules! Clean the floor and cook

some food quickly. One more, you can’t have dinner tonight.

Cinderella: okay, mom.

Stepmother: Don’t call me mother! Call me madame!

Cinderella: Yes madame.

It usually happened every day. Cinderella was being punished every day.

Scene 2
(Background: Royal scene)
Narrator: One day in the castle, there was a charming prince. His parents want him
to marry as soon as possible, but he always disagrees. So, the king arranges a ball
to look for a suitable bride. The Castle Guard started to spread that newto all
houses in that country. Every lady could come to that party.
Guard 1: Attention please! An invitation from the palace to all citizens! The king is arranging a royal
ball to look for a suitable bride for our prince.
Guard 2: By royal order, all maidens in the kingdom are invited to the royal ball. The prince seeks a
bride, every maiden could come to the party, Thank you!

Scene 3: (Cinderella’s home)

Cinderella wants to come to that party. She doesn´t have time to make her own dress. She wants to
come, but she has only her mother’s old dress.

Cinderella : Madame, here are the dresses for you.

Step mother : Cinderella! Now help them to get ready for the party.

Cinderella : Yes madame.

Cinderella always obeys her step mother’s rule. She is a kind young girl.

Cinderella : Madame, can I come to the ball as well?

Step mother : Who asked you to join the ball? Stay at home. Your presence will disgrace me and my

Cinderella : But madame, every lady could come to the ball.

Step mother : Just stop Cinderella! Just obey my rules! I will leave home now. Finish all the
remaining housework

Scene 3 (Garden)

Cinderella wasn’t allowed to go to the ball, she cried a lot and felt so sad until a Fairy appeared in
front of her.

Fairy Godmother: : Hey Cinderella!

Cinderella : Oh my , who are you??

Fairy : I’m your fairy god mother, Cinderella ☺

Cinderella : Really? Do you exist?

Fairy : of course I do! I’m gonna help you go to the ball, Cinderella! Hmmm first thing to do is to
change your dress! Here is a new dress for you Cinderella! Abracadabra.

Cinderella: Wow, Its wonderful…

Fairy : hm and then, you need a magnificent carriage… hm what’s that I can change to look like a

carriage? Aha! There is a pumpkin there! Abracadabra!


Fairy : hmmm! She’ll need horse for the carriage too! Aha! Where are the mice! Here they

are! Abracadabra!!

Cinderella : I’m ready fairygodmother. Thankyou my fairy godmother! What a beautiful dress

Fairy : You’re welcome dear! Fast go to the palace before it is too late my dear! Hey your

shoes, change your shoes Cinderella! Here they are..

Cinderella : Oh thankyou fairy.

Fairy : Oh one more thing my dear, my magic only lasts until midnight. You should go home

before midnight. At the stroke of 12, everything will go back to original. Don’t forget!

Cinderella : Okay fairy, Its more than I hoped for, I won’t forget for sure

Scene 4: At the royal ball

At the ball, everyone wondered who Cinderella was. They were all surprised at her beauty and

Guest 1: Who is that beautiful princess?

Guest 2: I’ve never seen such a beautiful woman in my life!!

Narrator: When the prince saw Cinderella, he quickly walks to her and invites her to dance with him.

Stepsister 1: Oh no, the prince is going to dance with her

Step sister 2: Its not fair, he was meant to dance with me

Prince: Would you like to dance with me?

Cinderella: My pleasure your highness

The prince and Cinderella dance to the music.

Prince: May I know your name, my beautiful princess?

Cinderella: Oh my goodness!! Its going to be midnight!!

Prince: Wait, What happened??

Cinderella: No I have to go.. its getting late

Prince: But wait….you can’t leave

Cinderella : oh, its midnight already. I have to go. No, I have to run. Goodbye. I really had a great

Prince : Wait lady! What is your name? Where do you live?

Narrator: As Cinderella is running, she loses one of her glass slippers. The prince picks it up and
decides to keep it so that he can find this beautiful lady again.

Scene 5:At the palace

The Prince commanded all the guards to go around the country to find the mysterious lady whose
feet can fit this glass slipper. He and his attendants traveled throughout the kingdom, visiting every
home to see if the slipper would fit any young maiden.

Prince: Oh… We have to find her… The lady whose feet fits this slipper will be the one I will marry…
Guards, go around the country, I want every lady in the kingdom to try on this lost glass slipper… I
must find my princess….

The next day, the prince and his servants took the glass slipper and went to all the houses in the
kingdom. They were determined to find the owner of the glass slipper. All the women tried, but it
would not fit any of them. Then they came to the Cinderella’s house.

The Guard : Excuse me….excuse me…excuse me.

Step mother : wait…wait… I’m coming. Oh, Prince welcome to our house…

The Guard : The Prince is looking for the owner of this glass slipper. He will marry the lady whose
feet can fit this slipper. Did your daughter come to the party last night?

Step mother : Oh, yes. She came to that party

The Guard : Call her now.

Step mother : My daughters…, come here!

Step sister 1: Why do you call me, Mom?

Step sister 2: Oh, the Prince.

The Guard : Here, try this slipper

Stepsister: Wait… hmmm… aah.. grrr…

Stepsister 2: No, let me try…. it will fit me… aaahh….uuuhh

Her stepsisters eagerly tried to fit their feet into the glass slipper. But it was too small for them, and
their feet simply couldn't fit in.

They tried to squeeze their feet and push hard but it would not fit any of them. But the servant
heard Cinderella doing some work
Prince : What is that? Let me check it.

Prince : Hey, who are you?

Cinderella : I’m Cinderella.

Prince : Who is she?

Step mother : ‘No,… err… she s jus A… just a servant

Prince : Ok, Try this slippers now….

Step mother : But, Prince, she just a servant.

Prince : I don’t care.

The slipper fit Cinderella perfectly

The Guard : Wonderful!! Prince, she is your lady.

Prince: Oh… Im so glad we found you… YOu are the one Ive been looking for… what is your name?

Cinderella: Oh, my dear prince, my name is cinderella

Prince : Cinderella, will you marry me?

Cinderella : Sure.

The prince had found his princess and they lived happily ever after

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