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in company Intermediate

Unit 2
headword pronunciation translation/notes example sentence

access (n) \"œkses\ All our conference rooms have laptops with Internet access.
Internet access

business (n)
business card (n) \"bIzn´s Æka…d\ I’ll give you my business card so that you can contact me.

line of business \ÆlaIn ´v "bIzn´s\ “What line of business are you in?” “I’m in engineering.”

car-rental service (n) \ka…Ærentl "s‰…vIs\ Take advantage of the hotel’s car-rental service to explore the surrounding area.

catch up on (phr v) \ÆkœtS "øp Ån\ Conferences are a good way of catching up on all the latest gossip.

checkout (n) \"tSekaUt\ The hotel has an express checkout enabling customers to leave at short notice.
express checkout (n)

conference (n) \"kÅnfr´ns\ This year the firm’s annual conference will take place in Cancun.

conference facilities (n pl) \"kÅnfr´ns f´ÆsIl´tIz\ The hotel has full conference facilities on the 27th floor.

conference organiser (n) \"kÅnfr´ns O…g´ÆnaIz´\ Conference organisers work hard to ensure that our corporate clients have all the
facilities they need.

connection (n) \k´"nekSn\ Dubai Airport has flight connections to all the major cities in the world.
flight connection (n)

convention centre (n) \k´n"vensn Æsent´\ Disneyland Paris’s convention centre has 95 meeting rooms and 3,000 square
metres of exhibition space.

customer relations (n pl) \Ækøst´m´ rI"leISnz\ Good customer relations are vital to success in business.

demotion (n) \dI"m´USn\ Carla had a row with her boss and ended up getting a demotion.
(opposite = promotion)

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in company Intermediate
Unit 2
headword pronunciation translation/notes example sentence

executive burnout (n) \IgÆzekjUtIv "b‰…naUt\ “Executive burnout” is a condition caused by stress and long working hours.

exhibition (n) \ÆeksI"bISn\ The hotel at Disneyland, Paris is ideal for corporate clients requiring large amounts
exhibition space (n) of exhibition space.

expenses (n pl) \Ik"spens´z\ All meals and drinks at the conference are on expenses.
on expenses

fix (up) (v) \fIks “øp‘\ Let’s fix (up) a time to chat about these ideas over a drink.

human resources (n) \Æhju…m´n rI"zO…s´z\ Pietro Bianco works in human resources and is responsible for training and

in charge \In "tSa…dZ\ Jane’s job is very important – she’s in charge of sales in Europe.
be in charge of

interviewing skills (n pl) \"Int´Ævju…IN ÆskIlz\ Pietro works in human resources and will be giving a talk on interviewing skills.

keep (sthg) going \Æki…p "g´UIN\ It’s important to be able to keep the conversation going when socialising with
keep the conversation people for the first time.

merger (n) \"m‰…dZ´\ Mergers can be difficult and often involve job losses.

mingle (v) \"mINgl\ When you mingle at a social event, you meet and talk to a lot of people for the
first time.

negotiating skills (n pl) \nI"g´USIeItIN ÆskIlz\ Negotiating skills and the ability to communicate well are vital in making new
business deals.

recruiting (n) \rI"kru…tIN\ Human resources is the division within a company responsible for the recruiting of
the recruiting of new staff.

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in company Intermediate
Unit 2
headword pronunciation translation/notes example sentence

responsible \rI"spÅns´bl\ He’s head of human resources and is responsible for training and recruitment.
be responsible for

room service (n) \"ru…m Æs‰…vIs\ All rooms in the hotel have 24-hour room service.

session (n) \"seSn\ She’s our human resources manager and will be doing a session on interviewing
do a session on sth skills.

stress management (n) \"stres ÆmœnIdZm´nt\ Courses on stress management can help employees cope with the demands of
working long hours.

team-building (n) \"ti…mÆbIldIN\ Team-building activities help people to know and understand each other better.
team-building activities

videoconferencing (n) \ÆvIdI´U"kÅnfr´nsIN\ The problem with videoconferencing is that you don’t get to meet people face to

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