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Week 8 Chapter 10 Assignment

Srinijh Reddy Chendi

Webster University

ITM 5400: Systems Analysis, Design, and Implementation

Professor. Kelly Wibbenmeyer

6th May, 2024

The created diagram is a simplified Automated Teller Machine (ATM) system block

diagram. It illustrates the main components of an ATM and how they interact with each

other. Here is a detailed breakdown of the components and their roles:

User Interface

This is the part of the ATM that interacts with the customer. It typically includes a

screen, keypad, and sometimes a touchscreen. The user interface is where the customer inputs

transaction requests and authentication information, such as a PIN (Olanrewaju et al., 2021).

ATM Controller

This is the central processing unit of the ATM. It receives input from the user

interface, controls the various peripherals (like the card reader and cash dispenser), and

communicates with the bank server to process transactions.

Card Reader

This component reads the data stored on the magnetic stripe or chip of the customer's

ATM card. It sends the card data to the ATM controller, which then uses it for authentication

and transaction processing.

Cash Dispenser

This mechanism physically dispenses cash to the customer. It is controlled by the

ATM controller, which activates it after a successful transaction authorization.

Receipt Printer

After a transaction is completed, this printer provides the customer with a paper

receipt detailing the transaction.

Bank Server

This is the remote system that the ATM communicates with to authenticate users and

process transactions. It is responsible for verifying the customer's PIN and account status and

authorizing transactions (Ogata et al., 2019).

Authentication Service

This is a part of the bank's systems that explicitly verifies the customer's identity,

typically by checking the PIN entered against the account details associated with the card.


This stores all the transaction data and possibly account information the bank server

accesses to process and record transactions.

The arrows in the diagram indicate the flow of information between the components.

For example, the user interface sends input to the ATM controller, which then may

communicate with the bank server for authentication and transaction processing. Upon

successful authentication, the bank server sends back authorization to the ATM controller to

proceed with the transaction, which could involve the cash dispenser dispensing money or the

receipt printer providing a transaction receipt.

Option 1:


Ogata, H., Ishikawa, T., Miyamoto, N., & Matsumoto, T. (2019). An atm security measure for

smart card transactions to prevent unauthorized cash withdrawal. Ieice transactions on

information and systems, 102(3), 559-567.

Olanrewaju, R. F., Khan, B. U. I., Morshidi, M. A., Anwar, F., & Kiah, M. L. B. M. (2021). A

frictionless and secure user authentication in web-based premium applications. Ieee

access, 9, 129240-129255.

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