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Simple present tense(1)

We use the simple present tense to talk about:

(1) things that are true now, e.g. My name is Susie. I am twelve years old.
(2) how often we do things, e.g. Susie and Betty go shopping every Saturday morning. They usually buy a lot
of things.
(3) Things that are always true, e.g. Birds have two wings. They fly very high.

We form positive and negative statements in the simple present tense with the verb ‘to be’ (is/am/are)like this.
verb ‘to be’
Positive (+) Negative (-)
I am (‘m) am not (‘m not)
e.g. I am twelve years old. e.g. I am not twelve years old.

You (singular)
are (‘re) are not (aren’t)
e.g. We are very good students. e.g We are not very good students.
You are a handsome boy. You are not a handsome boy.
You are my friends. You are not my friends.

She is (‘s) is not (isn’t)
e.g. He is the class monitor. e.g. He is not the class monitor
She is my sister. She is not my sister.
It is a lovely dog. It is not a lovely dog.

Exercise 1
Fill in these sentences using the correct form of the verb ‘to be’ and the words in the brackets. Then write the
words in the blanks.
1. I_____________ happy.(not) 2. He _________ sad.
3. You _____________ Japanese.(not) 4. We __________ Chinese.
5. They ____________ busy.(not) 6. Tigers _________big cats.
7. Cheung Chau __________ in Kowloon. 8. His name ______ Billy..
9. We _______ good friends. 10. She ______ my mother.
11. You ______ the monitor. 12. I ______ thirteen years old.
13. He ______ 2 years old.(not) 14. They ______ good football players.(not)

Simple present tense(2)

With other verbs, we usually form positive and negative statements in the simple present tense like this

Subject Subject
I/We/You/You/They He/She/It
I eat ice-cream. He eats ice-cream.
You eat ice-cream. She eats ice-cream.
Positive (+) We eat ice-cream. It eats ice-cream.
They eat ice-cream.

I don’t eat ice-cream. He does not eat ice-cream.

You don’t eat ice-cream. She does not eat ice-cream.
Negative(-) We don’t eat ice-cream. It does not eat ice-cream.
They don’t eat ice-cream.

Exercise 2
Say these sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Then write the words in the
(1) Susie ______________ shopping in Causeway Bay.(love)
(2) Causeway Bay ____________ very busy.(be)
(3) Betty _______________________ early.(not get up)
(4) I ______________________ fruit.(not like)
(5) School always _____________ at eight o’clock in the morning.(start)
(6) We usually _________________ at school at half past seven.(arrive)
(7) The dog ________________ me. (like)
(8) Henry ___________ a nice school bag.(have)
(9) She ________________ television every night. (not watch)
(10) I ____________________ that dress.(not like)

English Grammar Exercise

Name:__________________________ Group:__________ Date:___________________________
Simple present tense(3)
With most verbs, we add –s to the verb when it is used with the third person singular. With other verbs, we
change the verb in different ways:
Verbs you should…
With most verbs +s
e.g. run →runs
sleep →sleeps

Ending in a consonant + y - y + ies

e.g. Fly →flies
carry →carries

Go/ Do +es

Ending in ss, x, sh, ch + es

e.g. Kiss →kisses
Fax →faxes
Wash →washes
switch →switches

Exercise 3
Say these sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Then write the words in the
1. Sam __________(wash)his face every day.
2. Susie ___________(kiss)Mum every night.
3. Dad often _____________(carry)Susie’s books.
4. Nick ___________(cook) dinner for his family every evening.
5. He ____________ (brush)his hair every morning.
6. May often ____________ (read)books.
7. Kitty ____________ (wash) the dishes every night.
8. My bird __________(fly) beautifully.
9. The dog __________(like) eating bones.
10.My baby sister ___________(cry) every night.
11.Jenny always ___________(do) her homework on time.
12.Vincent _____________(love) Flora.
13.Ron_________(take) his dog for a walk every afternoon.
14.Mable usually___________(buy) vegetables at the market.
15.The lion __________(run) very fast.

English Grammar Exercise

Name:__________________________ Group:__________ Date:___________________________
Simple present tense(4)
We form positive and negative statements in the simple present tense with the verb ‘to have’ like this:
Positive (+) Negative(-)

You You
You have a good book. You do not (don’t) have a good book.
We We
They They

He He
She has a good book. She does not(doesn’t) have a good book.
It It

Exercise 4
Say these sentences using the correct form of the verb ‘to be’ or ‘to have’ and the word in
brackets. Then write the words in the blanks.
1. He ___________(have/not) any brothers.
2. Betty _____________(have) one sister.
3. Yuki ______________(have/not) a very nice dress.
4. The cat _____________(have) a very good place to live at.
5. They ___________(have/not) a very big house.
6. We _______________(have) a very kind class teacher.
7. Peter and Jason _____________(have) a powerful computer.
8. I __________(have) 5 members in my family.
9. She __________(have/not) long hair.
10.He ___________(have) white teeth.
11.Sally ___________(have) 6 members in her family. She _____________(have) 3 sisters but
she __________(have/not) any brothers. Sally __________(have) short hair bur all her
sisters ___________(have) long and straight hair. Sally and her sisters ___________(have)
a pet cat called Dolly.

English Grammar Exercise

Name:__________________________ Group:__________ Date:___________________________
Simple present tense (Questions 1)
With the verb ‘to be’, we use ‘Am’/‘Are’/‘Is’ to ask a question in the simple present tense. The
answer is always ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
Exercise 1
Say these questions and answers using the correct form of the verb ‘to be’. Then write the
words in the blanks.
1. ___________ he early? Yes, he is.
2. ___________ I late? No, you aren’t.
3. ___________ you sick? No, I’m not.
4. ___________ they friends? Yes, they are.
5. ___________ she at school? No, she isn’t.
6. ___________ we in the hall? No, you aren’t/we aren’t.
7. ___________ I in Class 1S? Yes, you are.
8. ___________she your friend? Yes, she is.
9. ___________they police? No, they aren’t.
10.__________we good friends? Yes, we are.

Simple present tense (Questions 2)

We can also use ‘Do’/‘Does’ to ask a question in the simple present tense with other verbs. The
answers is always ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
Exercise 2
Say these questions and answers using the correct form of the verb ‘to do’. Then write the
words in the blanks.
1. ________ you like English? Yes, I do/we do.
2. _________Bobby like noodles? No, he doesn’t.
3. _________ we have a test now? Yes, you do/we do.
4. __________ they have a test this morning? No, they don’t.
5. __________ Susie like ice cream? Yes, she does.
6.___________Tommy walk to school? Yes, he does.
7.___________you understand? Yes, I do.
8. ___________I read English books? No, you don’t.
9. ___________you remember me? Yes, I do.
10. ___________we have to stay after school? No, you don’t.

The simple present tense is used to talk about general truths. It is also used to talk about time-

tabled future events. Unlike other tense forms, the simple present tense has a special –s marking
when the subject is a singular noun or a third person pronoun. Fill in the blanks with appropriate

simple present tense form of the verb given in the brackets.

1. The plane ………………….. at 6.30. (arrive)

2. I will phone you when he …………………… . back. (come)

3. Unless we ………………………. now we can’t be there on time. (start)

4. The sun ……………………… in the east. (rise)

5. The next term …………………… on Monday. (begin)

6. She ……………………… an engineer. (be)

7. They …………………. our relatives. (be)

8. When does the train ……………………? (depart)

9. Let’s wait till he …………………….. his work. (finish)

10. Please ring me up as soon as he …………………………. (arrive) Answers


1.Jenny ____________ her school uniform every evening.

A wash B washing C washes

2.Sam ____________ to school every morning.

A walking B walks C walk

3.Every morning, my brother ________ up at 7 o’clock.

A wake B wakes C waking

4.My father ___________ at the post office.

A work B working C works

5.The sun ___________ in the East.

A rises B rise C rising

6.John _________ carrot juice after every meal.

A drink B drinking C drinks

7.My parents _________ to go shopping during the weekends.

A likes B like C liking

8. Teenagers nowadays like to play__________ in schools.

A truants B truancy C truant

9.Henry _______ his teeth after every meal.

A brushes B brushing C brush

10.Donny __________ just across the street.

A live B living C lives

11.We must _______ up before buying our food at the

12. Bablo _________ next to Bubly in class.

A sit B sits C sitting

13. Jonny __________ his mother to sweep the floor everyday.

A help B helping C helps

14.Lions __________ other animals which live in the jungle.

A eat B eating C eats

15.Hannah’s class teacher ____________ a SUV to school.

A drive B drives C driving

16.It __________ an adventurous man to climb Mount Kinabalu.

A takes B take C taking

17. My mother __________ dinner for us every night.

A cooks B cook C cooking

18. A hunter ___________ animals in the jungle.

A hunt B hunting C hunts

19. Children like to ___________ rather than to study.

A plays B play C playing

20.My uncle __________ around the park every Saturday.

A jogging B jog C jogs

21.Every Saturday, James _________ to church.

A goes B go C going

22.We must __________ our teeth before going to bed.

A brush B brushes C brushing

23.Mr. Anand _______ us how to write a proper English essay.

A teach B teaches C teaching

24.I __________ the keys in the drawer.

A put B puts C putting

25.The rowdy boys __________ the poor old man.

A beats B beating C beat

26.Bandy likes to ___________ story books.

A reads B read C reading

27.Good samaritans __________ free food to the orphanage everyday.

A donates B donating C donate

28.Malcom ___________ with his aunt when he visits Europe.

A stay B stays C staying

29. My neighbor’s dogs __________ when they see a stranger.

A bark B barks C barking

30.Elephants usually __________ in groups to search for water.

A travels B travelling C travel Gabriel

31.Heavy downpours _________ flash floods around Malaysia.

A causes B cause C causing

32. Floods ___________ hundreds of houses in Riau.

A submerges B submerge C submerging

33. The council workers _________ the tall grass near my house every month.

A cuts B cutting C cut

33.A snake __________ on its belly.

A crawls B crawl C crawling

34.Tim’s dog always ________ the cats which look for food behind his house.

A chase B chases C chasing

35.My mother ___________ the flowers in her garden everyday.

A water B watering C waters

36. Lopez only _______ oats for breakfast.

A eats B eating C eat

37.Ginny and Minny ___________ their birthdays every year.

A celebrates B celebrate C celebrating

38.Cindy _______ about her activities everyday on the internet.

A blog B blogging C blogs

39. Drug dealers __________ their drugs by using mules.

A smuggle B smuggles C smuggling

40. The police __________ my residential area every one hour.

A rounds B round C rounding

41.Exercise __________ our body healthy and fit.

A keep B keeping C keeps

42.Mrs. Carlson’s daughter _________ singing everyday to perfect her pitch.

A practice B practices C practicing

43.An active volcano ____________ out hot lava when it erupts.

A spew B spewing C spews


1.Jeremiah ____________ his dog a shampoo bath.

A is giving B giving C gives

2. Mother ___________ the wet clothes outside.

A drying B will drying C is drying

3. Lim __________ in the pool with his friends.

A swim B is swim C is swimming

4.Uncle Jones ___________ newspaper in the living room.

A is reading B reading C is read

5.They ___________ their dance routine at the school hall.

A practice B are practicing C practicing

6.Terry _________ for a government job at the capital.

A is applying B applying C is apply

7.He _________ the new job applicants.

A interview B is interviewing C is interview

8. The trucks__________ their goods at the depot.

A unloading B unloads C are unloading

9.The soldiers __________ progress in the battlefield.

A making B are making C is making

10.My aunty __________ batik shirts for her customers.

A is sewing B sewing C are sewing

11.We __________ outside tonight.

A is eating B eating C are eating

12.Larry ________ to Vietnam next month.

A is goes B is going C going

13. People around the globe _________ the tsunami victims in Japan.

A helping B are helping C is helping

14.Hendry _________ the broken water pipe of his neighbor.

A repairing B is repairing C are repairing

15.Sandy __________ too much carbonated can drinks.

A is drinking B drinking C are drinking

16.The Smiths __________ their flower plants at their garden.

A is watering B are watering C watering

17.The car ___________ even though the battery is still new.

A isn’t start B is starting C isn’t starting

18. I saw Gary __________ at the bus stop yesterday.

A standing B was standing C is waiting

19. James __________ when the fire broke out last night.
A sleeping B is sleeping C was sleeping

20.My mother __________ lunch when we came home yesterday.

A is preparing B preparing C was preparing

21.Henry ____________ as a part - time waiter at the restaurant last night.

A working B is working C was working

22.It __________ heavily yesterday evening.

A raining B was raining C is raining

23. The children __________ under the tree last night while I was doing my work.

A were playing B playing C is playing

24. My uncle ___________ with his friend at the café the whole day, yesterday.

A talking B is talking C was talking

25. The chef ___________ the food when the manager came into the kitchen.

A tasting B was tasting C were tasting

26.Mr. Miyiagi __________ after cleaning his shop.

A resting B were resting C was resting

27.Two days ago, I saw Johanes _________ the big drain in front of his house.

A cleaning B was cleaning C were cleaning

28.My mother ___________ a hard time raising me all by herself.

A having B was having C were having

29.Miss Tammy ___________ with joy when she was informed of a salary increase.

A beaming B were beaming C was beaming

30.I was __________ my bedroom last week.

A painting B was painting C were painting

31.The girls __________ when the headmaster caught them in the school toilet.

A was smoking B were smoking C smoking

32.The boys were ___________ playing video games the whole evening.

A were playing B playing C was playing

33.The electricity tariff increase _____________ the poor people.

A burdening B was burdening C were burdening

34.Maxis Mobile ___________ away free promo pack yesterday at the Beach Mall, Penang.
A giving B were giving C was giving

35. The lamb was __________ in the field when the wolf pounced on it.

A grazing B were grazing C eating

36.Jerry was __________ his father last week to fix the house fence.

A were helping B was helping C helping

37.My parents will _________ to Sumatra next weekend.

A going B were going C be going

38. I am thinking ___________ to my home town next Monday.

A going B of going C shall going

39. Nancy _____________ her college graduation next week.

A will attending B shall be attending C will be attending

40. I __________ you some questions regarding your work.

A will asking B be asking C will be asking

41.They are ____________ build new houses in Pendang.

A going B will be going C going to

42.We ___________ the highway to Johor this afternoon.

A are taking B will taking C taking

43. Michelle __________ a fever, so she can’t go to the cinema with us.

A having B was having C is having

44.Grace ___________ to me about her school work.

A will talking B was talking C talking

45.The police ____________ after the bank robbers on motorbikes.

A chasing B are chasing C will chasing

46. The accident __________ a massive jam along the North-South highway.

A causing B is causing C will causing

47. We will __________ a torch light for light once we enter the cave.

A be needing B needing C not needing

48.She will __________ healthy food once she is discharged from the hospital.

A eating B is eating C be eating

49.Jenny will _________ me with the school choir practice after school.
A helping B be helping C helps

50. The Catamaran will be ____________ a round trip around the world in 80 days.

A making B make C be make


1.____________ Ali and Babu are going to Singapore next week.

A Either B Both C Neither

2.____________ Julia nor Patricia is going to the party.

A Either B Both C Neither

3.____________ Salim or Danish is not taking the ESOL examination.

A Either B Both C Neither

4.____________the children were scolded by their mother for breaking the flower vase.

A Either B Both C Neither

5.I want ___________ cereal or bread for breakfast.

A either B both C neither

6.The movie “Alien Encounter” was _________ boring nor interesting.

A either B both C neither

7.Jimmy likes to play ____________ badminton nor tennis.

A either B both C neither

8. Sandy is _____________ going for a vacation or is going to visit her relatives in Sabah.

A either B both C neither

9.The police managed to catch ___________ the snatch thief and the burglar on the same day.

A either B both C neither

10. I plan to take ______________ the car and motorbike test at the same time.

A either B both C neither

11. I want _____________ sugar nor milk in my coffee.

A either B both C neither

18. ________ Danny ______ Cindy got chosen into their school badminton team.

A Both...and B Either...nor C Neither...or

19. _________ Ally _______ the girls are going to the book fair tomorrow.

A Both...or B Either...and C Neither...nor

20. Maniam likes to gamble. He sold off ____________ his cars __________ his house to pay his debts.

A Both...and B Either...or C Neither...nor

21. ___________ David __________ his brother like to play violent video games.

A Both...or B Either...and C Neither...nor

22.I am not sure ___________ to take a business course ___________ an accounting course.

A both...and B either...or C neither...nor

23. You have two choices. ___________ to go to America _________ to Australia for further studies.

A Both...and B Either...or C Neither...or

24. Nathan can ___________ sing _________play any musical instrument.

A both...and B either...or C neither...nor

25. You must finish this job ___________ by hook __________by crook.

A both...and B either...or C neither...nor

26. Suzie and Billy are planning to have __________ their wedding _________ reception on the same day.

A both...and B either...or C neither...nor

27.We must not ____________ eat __________ talk at the same time.

A both...and B either...or C neither...nor

28. The children aren’t allowed ___________ to watch tv _________ play video games during school days.
A both...and B either...or C neither...nor

29. Betty’s doctor advised her _____________to eat sea food ________ to drink caffeinated beverages.

A both...and B either...or C neither...nor

30.Nobody can ___________ eat ___________ drink at the same time.

A both...and B either...or C neither...nor

31. ______________ the school authorities __________ the PTA were grilled by government officials.

A Both...and B Either...or C Neither...nor

32.I am __________ a fan of Liverpool ___________ Manchester United. I am a fan of Chelsea.

A both...and B either...or C neither...nor

33. Mr. Lee is _____________rich ___________ has many properties. He is just an average income earner.

A both...and B either...or C neither...nor

34.You can __________ walk _________ take a taxi to the shopping complex, it’s not that far.

A both...and B either...or C neither...nor

35. I have eaten curry me and tomyam before. __________ are spicy __________ yummy.

A Both...and B Either...or C Neither...nor

36.He is upset because nobody __________ listens __________ pays any attention to him.

A both...and B either...or C neither...nor

37. Neither Dennis nor Danny ___________ been to America.

A is B has C have

38. Either Hanim or Hanis __________ called to the principal’s room.

A is B was C are

39. Both mother and child _________ reported missing in the newspaper.

A was B have C were

40. Both of you ___________ solved the first puzzle, you can move on to the next round.

A have B has C were

41.I am not sure if either Sam or his friends ________________ coming for the party.

A are B was C have

42.Neither Sandy nor her sisters ______________ to help the poor.

A likes B like C liking

43. Neither children nor teenagers ___________ allowed to go in.

A are B is C was

44. I am not sure when to check in at the hotel. It _________ either at 12.00p.m or at 2.00p.m.

A is B are C has

45.Gary ___________ a degree in both Robotics engineering and Botany studies.

A is B have C has 46.The rats ____________ scared of either the cat or the dog.

A isn’t B aren’t C wasn’t

47.The little boy _________ both smart and intelligent.

A is B are C were

48.Neither Ram nor his friends ___________ any attention in the class.

A pay B pays C paying

49.I forgot to take both _________ identification card and my driving license.

A mine B my C I

50. Neither my father nor my uncle ________ fit to go mountain climbing anymore.

A is B are C were

1.Ali ____________ Babu are going to Singapore next week.

A and B but C so

2.We were tired ____________ we were happy.

A and B but C so

3.Would you like tea ________ coffee?

A and B but C or

4.The children were wet ____________ dirty after playing in the rain.

A and B but C or

5.Hanim went to the market with Siti ___________ Fatimah.

A and B but C so

6.The movie “Alien Gang” was quite boring _________ dull.

A and B but C so

7.Jimmy likes to play badminton_________ his brother likes to play tennis.

A and B but C or

8. Sandy ________her sister are poor_________ they are very hardworking.

A and...and B and…but C but...and

9.The snatch thief tried to snatch the old lady’s necklace_______ he couldn’t.

A and B but C so

10.Chin Wen plays basketball well, ______ her favorite sport is tennis.

A and B but C yet

11.Why hasn’t James come home _______?

A and B but C yet

12.Studying ________ working at the same time can be very taxing.

A and B but C for

13. Mr. Yamaguchi lost all his material goods in the tsunami _________ his family is safe.

A and B but C yet

14.I am not feeling well, _______ I decided to stay at home today.

A and B but C so

15.The Kampong Bening villagers saw a tiger ____________ quickly alerted the authorities.

A and B but C yet

16.You can study hard for this exam _________ you can fail.

A and B but C or

17.Our class teacher asked us to sweep ___________ mop the class floor.

A and B but C so

18. __________ Jimmy _______ Salim is not going to the party tonight.

A either..or B Either...or C Neither...nor

19. _________ the boys _______ the girls are going to the book fair also.

A Not only...but B But...not only C Not only...but also

20.Hassan wants __________ money __________ fame.

A not only...but B but...not only C not only...but also

21.___________ her brothers ________ her sisters are doctors.

A Two...and B Both...and C Neither...nor

22.I am not sure ___________ to take a business course ___________ an accounting course.

A whether...and B whether...but C whether...or

23. You have to make up your mind,____________ to go to America _________ to Japan.

A whether...but B whether...and C whether...or

24. Nathan lost ___________ his money _________his family due to his gambling habit.

A not only...but also B not only...but C but also...not only

25. We can still reach our destination on time ______________ we start our journey late.

A even B even if C because

26.Johnny was late ________ school __________ it was raining heavily just now.

A for...because B too...because C for...that

27.I want you to do your English exercise ____________ I come back.

A until B for C to

28.You can come to the meeting _______________ you don’t say anything.
A so B as long as C and

29.Doctor advised Sam to rest for a month _____________ he can fully recover.

A since B until C so that

30.Nobody can succeed ___________they are willing to work hard.

A unless B before C but

31.Larry acts ___________ he doesn’t know anything.

A and B while C as if

32.I like to visit the museum ___________ I am free.

A whenever B since C than

33.____________ Mr. Lee is rich ___________ very kind and helpful to the people in need.

A Not only...but B Not only...but also C Not only...so

34.The boys are not allowed to go out __________ they have finished all their chores.

A until B and C so

35. Take the umbrella just __________, who knows it might rain later.

A so B in case C that

36.He is upset __________ nobody listens to him.

A so B while C that

37.Ally will go to the clinic ___________ she is free.

A when B how C till

38. John went to school ___________ it was raining.

A how B if C although

39. The policeman managed to catch the thief __________ the thief fell down.

A when B although C while

40. _________ you have solved the first puzzle, you can move on to the next round.

A Although B Before C Once

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