Digital Ag-lending for Smallholder Farmers_Dec 2_2021

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Digital Credit for

Lessons learned from the field
3 Challenges
7 Approach
10 What we did
19 Lessons learned
23 Recommendations
26 Contact

Entire Project activities took place between early 2017 and late 2020.
Project operations effectively ceased by the end of 2020. 2
The challenges

CHALLENGES of global demand for
Smallholder farmers lack smallholder farmer

access to finance needed to 70% household finance is

unmet, equivalent to
around US $170 billion
invest in their farms and
improve production
Financing gaps inhibit the economic Short-term agricultural
growth of smallholder farmers and financing needs—
further perpetuate existing cycles of estimated to be US $66
poverty. billion—is under-
supplied (equal to a 67%

Gender disparity in service
There are persistent gaps, especially
within rural communities, between
female and male populations. In general,
men are more likely to achieve higher
incomes and profits, and to own land.
They are also more likely to have formal
forms of ID, which gives them an
advantage in attaining access to finance.

Commercial lenders struggle
to reach smallholder farmers
Formal financial providers face two key
challenges in offering affordable credit to
smallholder farmers:
 the cost of initiating and
servicing loans given the remote
locations of many of farmers relative
to formal provider branches, and;
 analyzing the risk this lending
entails given the limited information
available about the clients.


Connecting smallholder The project sought to use digital
technologies to remove barriers for
farmers to finance
financial institutions to provide such
This pilot intended to make appropriately loans by:
designed loans more accessible to
Lowering acquisition and
smallholder farmers, enabling them to
operational costs by allowing
improve their productivity by investing in
the financial institution to
seasonal inputs. This entailed supporting
digitize key aspects of the
a financial institution to test the
effectiveness and commercial viability of
digitally enabled financial services. Improving accuracy in risk
analysis through digital credit

The implementation of this
pilot relied upon a multi-
stakeholder partnership with The World Bank BRAC MFI Telenor
private service providers to The Facilitator The Lender The Phone Data
effectively deliver the loan Coordinated with project Responsible for all aspects of One of the leading mobile
partners, supporting research the loan origination and network operators in Myanmar;
product to farmers. provided the phone data,
and product/process design, servicing process, as well as
and capturing learnings from contributing anonymized data which was used to help
the pilot experience. on customer loans and calculate one aspect of the
repayment. credit scoring.

L-IFT Ongo aWhere Experian

The Rural Promoter The Mobile Money The Ag Data The Platform Provider
Supported go-to-market Provider A weather-based agricultural Provided access to a digital
activities and provide hands-on Provided agent support in the intelligence company; provided lending platform and a credit
client support during the loan pilot area to help with loan the models and agricultural scoring model that drew on
application process in the rural disbursement and repayment data that drove the agricultural non-financial data sourced
communities selected for this and ensure adequate levels of risk part of the credit score. from Telenor and aWhere.
pilot. physical liquidity were present.

What we did

Entire Project activities took place between early 2017 and late 2020.
Project operations effectively ceased by the end of 2020.

The project was implemented from 2018 to 2020 The loan product itself was launched in three
within a concentrated geographic area — two iterative cycles over a one-and-a-half-year period.
townships, Daik-U and Nyaung Lay Pin in the Refinements were made to the product and
eastern Bago Region of southern central Myanmar. processes after each cycle based on experiences
and reactions of key personnel and borrowers.

Using human-centered design
The pilot team used a process known as HCD is a set of methods and guiding
human-centered design (HCD) to principles that help organizations
develop an understanding of the needs discover and address the needs of their
and circumstances of target customers. end users.


ABOUT USERS Complex problems require broad
Before we create solutions, and deep expertise and cannot
we talk to users to understand be solved by one person or
goals, needs, and attitudes. organization.

Visualizing helps us to see Prototyping ideas early and
problems, communicate often, and testing them with
complex ideas, and identify users ensures that our concepts
new opportunities. meet our objectives before
spending time and money
creating high-fidelity designs.

Key findings from field research
• Instances of informal and formal
borrowing on a seasonally recurring basis.
• Some participants averse to taking on
loans because of embarrassment or a fear they
would be unable to repay the debt.
• The majority of farmers interviewed own
smartphones. However, some of the
smartphones were low-end models with factory
settings pre-set to a foreign language the users
could not understand.
• Few knew how to use smartphones for
more than just making phone calls.
Without the support of someone with digital
literacy, many farmers are unlikely to perform
more complicated tasks.
Findings on mobile phone practices
Many smart phone owners don’t use
any ‘smart’ features. Smart phones are
attractive to farmers because the bigger
dialer makes calling easier. Few buy them to
use features beyond calling.

• There is a low correlation

between the kind of
phone someone owns and
the complexity of the
tasks they are able to
• Few people use SMS.
• We didn’t see significant
gender differences.

Taking a high touch approach
Based on the findings from field
research — and the limited comfort
levels most farmers had using their
phones — the project took a “high
touch” approach to implement the
pilot, with farmers receiving support
from specially trained rural promoters,
BRAC credit officers, and mobile money

Developing engagement model options
Equipped with a better understanding of farmer practices, the project team presented five engagement models
to the farmers. Models varied by the i) degree of direct engagement a farmer would have with digital
technology and ii) the type of person the farmer would interact with.
Rural Customer Feedback Regarding Engagement Models

A customized user journey
The customer journey and product prototype bundled the following elements: a “high touch” approach,
reduced verification procedures and expedited approval timeline, mobile money optional, and bullet payment at
the end (in lieu of recurring payments at the start).
The User Journey

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Farmer learns Promoters Farmer receives After approval, a Farmer receives Farmer travels Farmer receives Farmer repays
about loan and support farmer loan decision credit officer a disbursement to collect the a repayment the loan via
receives information to digitally made by officer; if conducts a notification (SMS money reminder via mobile money
on how to apply. on-board, approved, officer second site visit + phone call from either a a phone call. agent or at
create an account, visits, if denied, and the farmer follow-up if using mobile money a branch.
and fill out a digital officer calls them accepts loan terms mobile money, or agent or branch at
loan by phone. and conditions. phone call if specific times.
application. collecting from the

Summary of key
pilot indicators
A total of 2,626
farmers were reached
over the course of the
three loan cycles of
the pilot.

1,441 loans were

disbursed, of which
992 (or ~69%) were
made to women.

Lessons learned

Smallholder farmer demand for • High demand and strong ability to repay
was observed among participating smallholder
an individual agri-loan product farmers.
• Providers require commercially viable
Rural demand for this type of loan product models with acceptable operating costs and
exists and appears strong. The product lending risks in order to accommodate
must fit the circumstances and activity demand.
patterns that shape a rural borrower’s • Many smallholder farmers struggled to
comprehend how interest for this new type
financial health and capacity to absorb
of loan was calculated.
debt. It is important to anticipate the need • The ability to adapt loan tenure, grace
for appropriate financial literacy training period, and repayment schedule to
and a tailored communication strategy. seasonal cash flow cycles of dominant crops
played a key role in strong repayment rates.

• Digital solutions need to be calibrated to
Digitizing operations from the the operating environment, customer
smallholder farmer perspective segment, mobile usage patterns and
preferences of smallholder farmers.
Digitization alone does not cure all. A well- • Residents may own multiple SIM cards &
designed product or service and an SIM “swapping” is common, which may
impact the ability to develop individual scoring
effective delivery strategy for rural market models.
segments will need to consider what • Understanding gender differences is
degree of digitization is appropriate to critical to proper product design and
pursue, at what pace, and involving which deployment.
intended end users. It must also anticipate • Building a human bridge for rural last-
mile service delivery is often necessary
and address issues related to i) gender, ii) to stimulate acceptance and usage.
building confidence and capacity in a • Developing trust among rural
product or service and what the benefits of populations requires the ability to connect
usage are, iii) the role of human with customers and communicate its value
interaction, as well as iv) trust, and v) proposition.
• Digitization may help alleviate mental
privacy. barriers to borrowing, but it also raises
concerns about how to treat, manage, and 21

protect information.
LESSONS LEARNED • Not all processes and systems are equal.
Digitizing operations from the • Digital technology reduces need for on-
the-ground presence.
service provider perspective • Mobile money offers attractive benefits
for lenders & borrowers.
Digitization should be viewed as a gradual • Awareness of unique e-KYC challenges is
process. It will require a broadly key when entering new markets.
established and well-understood internal • Alternative data sources for credit
rationale, adjustments to organizational scoring models requires further research &
culture, and adequate investments of time • Robust credit scoring models require
and resources to align structures, strong individual data.
processes, and staffing. It also requires a • Mobile credit scoring can exclude some
strategy that identifies digitization’s potential customers.
potential to address current pain points in • Crop risk models may require multiple
data inputs, and score interpretation across
the system as well as its limitations and different crops needs to be understood.
the need to maintain certain human-based • Service providers should balance the
operations and interactions. potential efficiencies of digitization with the
flexibility of human-based operations.

• Employ a research and design approach that incorporates principles and
methods capable of surfacing relevant practices, perceptions, and patterns of
rural customers as well as key needs and challenges they encounter.
• Build a platform of multiple partners with bundled services that allow more
borrowers to access financial services, at scale.

Various Users
• Where appropriate, let rural customers remain at the periphery of digitization
but be able to interact with the product or service through credible
• A rural-facing offering does not need to be fully digitized when launched; an
incremental approach may be warranted that starts with digitizing “low
hanging fruit” to give stakeholders an opportunity to absorb and adjust.
• Prioritize and adequately fund an internal “digital readiness” assessment to
surface training needs across departments and at different staffing levels.
• Do not exclude human-based operations entirely given the limitations of basic
rural infrastructure required to power digital services reliably at scale.

Service Providers
• Service providers may need to adjust or expand the type of information
collected from smallholder farmers to accommodate the information gap and
collection challenge and rely more heavily on direct engagement to satisfy
account registration requirements.
• Explore partnerships for financial and digital literacy training.
• Explore potential partnerships with agritech companies, technology firms, and
academic institutions to obtain data relevant to smallholder farmer credit risk.

Public Sector
• The public sector has a role in ensuring a healthy enabling environment for
rural-facing products and services, including digital information standards and
digital infrastructure.
• Digitization of certain public sector services could reduce private sector risk
and improve efficiency in agricultural investment.

Many thanks to BRAC team, all partners, KWPF, et al.
Report: Link

Asuka Okumura


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