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EVOLVE. STUDENT'S BOOK with Practice Extra Leslie Anne Hendra, Mark Ibbotson, and Kathryn O'Dell CONTENTS Learning objectives Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation 1m Saywhereyou'e from wm fan,youare 1 Countiesend ‘& Mand i vowel 1m Askfor and give personal . Tle rationales sounds information = Thealohabet Ceckinto a hotel Personal formation 1 Wiitea profile Numbers (1-10) 1 Meetnew people Jobs. 1 Greetings introductions, ‘and goodbyes 1 Takeboutyourfamiy 1m is/aeinstatementsand yes/ | m_ Farnily 1 Saying numbers FEM Describe tends and family hnoquestons = Numbers(1-100) ft Listening for short Em Takoboutagesandbithéays — | m not/are not im Adjectvesto describe forms F-a) = Wirtea post about riendsin Prepositions of place ‘people EM aphoto = realy /very Ref) = Compare iformation about Dates friends and farnly 1 Takabout your home m Possessiveadjectves; ‘© Roomsinghome wm (Kat the start of tm Takabout furniture possessive sands’ am Furniture awerd wm Offerand accept adkinkand snack | m_is(statementsand questions | m Drinks and snacks Writean email aboutahome-share| with shortanswers) Choose things fora home feeitGreet ane 1& Talkabout your favorite things = Sayhow youuse technology Talkabout how you communicate ite product reviews Talkabout your favorite music Information questions with be ‘Simple present statements with | you, we . 1m Simple present yevno questions with , you, we . 1m c/a adjectives before nouns Technology stressed words Words for using tm Ustening for the technology ‘end of asentence Music 'm Takkabout weekday and weekend activities 1m Tellthetimeand telkaboutyour routines 1m Show youzgree and have things incommen 1 Vite a report about your activites Compare different work weeks. Dees ey 1 Simple present statements vit he she, they present ‘Questions inthe simple . Daysandtimesofdoy | m Syllables in words Everyday activites Telling thetime Tak ebout placesin the ity Tak about nature in your area Askfor and give directions Write a factsheet about aplace in nature Plan anew neighborhood for acy eens . uererer nee eod ‘Count and non-count nouns m There's There arealotof, = | m some, no . ‘ie/and leet sounds 1m Listening for Important words Places nets . Nature Functional language Listening Reading Writing Speaking 1m Checkin to abetal Meettheartists | profile 1m Introduce yourselt Real-world strategy tm Profilesoftwo | m Apersonalor | m_ Say where you‘ from Check peling ants work profile Say and spel personal information © Gapitalettesand | m Arrive ata hotel and checkin periods Time to speak 1 Talktopeople ata party 1 Askabout and sey Here'smy band Apost ‘© Describe the peopleina picture people's ages and wm Aconvetsaton 1 Apostabout | m_Talkaboutyourfamily Dithdays:clvebirthday | betweenfiiends friendsinaphoio | m Describe yourfiends ane family wishes 1 andtojoinwords | m Talkaboutages and birthdays, Real-world strategy ‘and sentences} Time to speak m Correct yourself 1m Tkabout things in common 1 ‘Makeand reply to offers ‘Ahome-sharein | An email ‘Describe house in apicture Real-world strategy Burnaby & Anerailabouta | m Talkaboytroomsin your home © Ask about words you Email abouta ome-share Talkabcut unusual furniture dontunderstand home'share | m_ Question marks fer drink orsnack Time to speak 1 Discuss that furniture to buy for anew home 1m Askaboutanewtooic; | Product reviews Areview ‘m Telkabout things that youlove askfora response = Arado program 1 Aproductrevew | orlke Real-world strategy about product = butandbeccuse | m Talkaboutyourfavorite 1 Show you ae listening reviews technology h 1m Discuss what phone planis good foryou ‘9 “Telkabout how you communicate with people Time to speak 1m Telkaboutyour favorite music ‘© Show you agree or have Work,restand | Areport ‘m Talkaboutyour fun days thingsin common play 1m Arepertabout | m Say when andhoweften you do Real-world strategy 1m Anartice your activites things w Shortanswerswith aboutworklfe | m Headingsand | m Telkaboutyour dally routine adres of frequency balance rrumberedlists | m Compareinfoimation about your activites Time to speak 1m Talkabout the best wookforyour body clock 1 Ask forand give Walk with Yasmin ‘factsheet Descrbeapicture of acy directions mA podcast about fm Afact sheet Takabout good placesin Real-world strategy a place in nature Order size you neighborhood 1m Check information and opinion | m Telkaboutnaturein yourarea adjectives Give directions toz visitor Time to speak fm Telkabouta good placetolve xii Learning objectives Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation “alk about actives around the house Askand answer questions about travel ‘Sharenews onthe phone \Writea blog about thines happening now ‘Ask what people are doing these days Dae) Present continuous statements Present continuous questions Activites around the house Transportation ing at the end of the word Telkabout your skis and abies Say what you can and crt do at worker schoo! Say why youre the right person fora job Write an online comment with your opinion | “Talkabout what people in your country are goodat Somer canand cantor ability; well anand can'for possibility Verbs to describe sis Work ‘Saying groups of words Lstening forcon andcan't ‘Talkabout travel and vacations Make travel plans Askfor information in a store Write description ofa place lana vacation for someone ieee ek nea | Make outdoor plans forthe weekend Discuss what clothes to wear for diferent trips Suggest plans for evening activities Write an online invitation Pin and present afun weekend inyourcty ey thisand these Questions with begaing to ike to, want to, needto, have to Statements with begoing to Travel Travel arangements Clothes Seasons Saying prices Theletters Ustening for goingto eelaeeeett nnn) Grammar charts and practice, pages 129-140 Vocabulary exercises, pages 141-151 BY) = Describe people paces and | m Statements ithwasandwere | m Adjecivestocesciixe | w fou! and kx! FH thingsinthepast = Questonswithwasandwere | peopl, places and vowel sounds BE = Takesbout colors and memories things BeMR) = Tacsbout movies anectrs Colors BAER Vit ancmallaboutthings you Bea Keep from your past BEM a Takabout TV shows fom your SS childhood ‘= Takabout snacks andsmll meals | m_ Simple paststatements wm Snacksandsmallmeals | m_/tv/and/ sounds Takbout mealsinrestaurants | m Simplepastquestionssery | m Food, drinks and Bm Uisteing fo 00 FA offer and accept food and dink desserts youveantia..? BEM vite arostourantreviow PREM = ciosteamensforarestournt OT en DS SA Functional language Listening Reading Writing Speaking = Ansner the phone and Jamie's blog Ablog post 1 Takaboutthelives of peoplein ‘greet paaple;askhow H Ablog adouta | wm Abiog abouta apicture things are going sifict place busy place 1 Takabout good and bad timesto frisl world Wetepy = and.cho,anéico | callsomeone ia Raacttonens 1 Telafriend whet youre doing right now 8 Tokabout yournens : Time to speak a Takabout youre these days 1 Askforandgivefor | Technology Talks ‘Acomment 1 Discussactitiosyoudo ‘otinions sm Apodcast bout = Commentsabout | m Talkaboutskilsyouhave fel Wand areagy computers anonline post | m Takabout whatyou canand cant 1 Explain and say ore Quotations do at work apie We 1 Askand answer questonsin job Timeto speak Discuss nationa shill 1 Askforandive Placesto gonear | Adescription 1 Takabout place youlhe Information Puno fm Adesciption ofa | m Describe people and paces in Real-world strategy wm Atravel quide place a picture ey Aakesnaone eget f= Imperatnesto | m Talkaboit organizing atrip something aveadvice | m_Askforinformation atan airport store Time to speak 8 Takaboutplanninga vacation ‘= Nake, accept,and refuse | Montevideo ‘Aninvitation Takabout your plans fr the future suggestions a ATV travel show a Anovent 1 Takabout outdoor actvitesin Real-world strategy invitation youraity fs Say why youcan’ db 1 Coniractns | m Takabout cothestotateforatiip something 1 Takaboutwhere 0 go outfor dinner Timetto speak Plan afunweokendinyour home city = Express uncertainty Picturing Anemail 1m Describe a happy time in your fe Real-world strategy memories a Anomaltoa | m Takabout things you remember f= Taketimetothink m Anattideabout | frend 8 Takabout ols yourermember ‘things people | m Paragraphsand | from when youwerea child heep topicsentences | m Talkabout peoplein amovie Timeto speak 1m resent your memories ofa TW show from your past, 1 Offerrequestand | Wheredoyou ‘review 1m Describe a good meal you had acceptfoodand dink | wanttoeat? = Arestourant | m Takabout snacks andsmall meals Realworldstrategy | Acorvetsation review you ike | = Usesoandrealytomale | about ‘© Commasinists | m Talkabout ame youhadina ‘word evonger restaurants on restaurant afood app 1 Askforfoodin restaurant orate friend's house Timeto speak sm Designa menu fora new restaurant CLASSROOM LANGUAGE Get started Hi./ Hello, What's your name? My name is This is my class. This is my partner. This is my teacher. Ask for help don't understand. Ihave a question. How do you say in English? What does mean? How do you spell ? Can you repeat that, please? Sorry, what page? Your teacher 1'm your teacher. ‘Open your book. Close your book. Go to page Do you have any questions? write. Watch. Work in pairs. Work in groups. xvi eSV—O—OCUCU UNIT OBJECTIVES say where you'te from ask for and give personal information check into a hotel rite a profile meet new people START SPEAKING Say your name. Watch Josue for an example. REAL STUDENT Where is Josue from? Now go to page 129, Lookat the grammar chart and do the grammar exerclse for 14. Look at the chart. You are Alex. Write four sentences. Then read the information in the Accuracy check box and check your work, XV Beata mers, Name City Nationality Country Use/ with am. | Alex | Orlando | American the United States | | Am Spanish. I'm Spanish, “ ; | 2 4 | E Choose a name. Don't tell your partner. Ask and answer questions to find the person. Barbara,| | Mike, ctor, Nayara, | | Robert, | | Juliano, student student student teacher teacher teacher Nevr York Chicago NewYork | Chicago | Chicago Brazilian} | American | Brazilian Brazilian} American } Brazilian foment Ey speaxinc Imagine you're a different person. Choose a new name, city, nationality, and country, Talk to other people. ‘Ask questions, For ideas, watch Anderson. What's Anderson's city, nationality, ‘and country? WHAT'S YOURLAST os vaitrardavepesaa NAME? cane EE) LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT ‘A 4) Rudy and Juana are at a conference. Listen to the conversation. Check (7) the information they say. : C college name Hi first name (CO company name lastname Chemateetess CAI natte) Say Uh-huh to show you are listening. My last nameis Garcia, GARCIA Uh-huh, What's your ernail adress? | B 4) REQ Read and listen again. What information do they spell? Au a Rudy So, yourfirst name is Juana. H-| Rudy Great! OK, my last name is Jones. Juana My last name is Garcia, Juana OK. What's your email &ddress? | Rudy _ It’s | Rudy Uh-huh, What's your email address? Juana Rudythejones! The? T-H-E? Juana _ {t's Rudy Yes, RU-D-V-T-H-EJ-O-N-ES. Rudy And what's the name of your college? Juana From Jones College? Juana It's Garcia College. 'mJuana Garcia from Rudy No! From Miami Dade College. Garcia College! Bh vocaBuLay: The alphabet; personal information A ©) §RE) Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. 4 Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk LL Mm Nn Oo Pp Q@q Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 8B @) [KH Listen and Girclathe spelling you hear. 1 first name: ‘a Raymund b Raimund Raymond } 2 lastname: a Cummings b Cummins © Comyns 3 emailaddress: a cb_smith@kmallcom —b cg_smithakmailcom — ¢ ¢d_smith@kmailcom 4 college: a Wallice b Wallis © Wallace 5 company: a Jeferson bb Jefferson © Jeffersen Ch Now do the vocabulary exercises for 1.2. 0n page 141. Inomail addresses: 5 Talk to a partner. Say your first name, last name, email am “is*dot” address, and college or company name. = eis "at" wm “"is"underscore" El crammar: What's... Zits... A the correct answers. Use the sentences in the grammar box to help you. 1 For questions, say What's... ?/It's... 2. Foranswers, say What's... ?/Its... It’s Juana, It’s Garcia College. What's your first name? What's the name of your college? Xacal) 1 Xo Rela 8 Write What's or it’s in the spaces. Match the questions Use tie erosions ()- (1-3) with the answers (ac). Then check your accuracy. Whats your first name? x What's your first name? ¥ 1 the name of your company? 2 our last name? eee w It’s Juana. 7 3 your email address? a b Mendes. Warton Homes. c Y Now go to page 129. Look at the grammar chart and do the grammar exercise for 1.2. sreakine A Look at the information in the box. Circlé) three things to talk about. collegename companyname email address first name last name B Talk to other people. Ask questions about the information in the box. What'a the name ofyourcollese? ) (is wanace Galego LESSON OBJECTIVE THIS IS THE KEY i checkintoa hotel Ey vocasutary: Numbers INSIDER ENGLISH A) [GI Listen and repeat the numbers. 0 zero 3 three 6 six 9 nine For 0, say zero or oh. aa eae 7 seven 10 ten Your room number is two-zero-one, oe Ste 8 elght My address is seven-oh-nine B ‘Say a number from exercise 1A. Your partner points to the number. Then change roles. [Bi FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE A 4) (RB) paulo is at a hotel. Read and listen. Check (7) the Information the hotel clerk asks for. (J cellphone number {_] company name OU city (email address [_] room number Clerk Welcome to New York! What's yourname? Paulo OK. Paulo I'm Paulo Vasques. t'm here for three Clerk Thank you. This is the key, It's room 6B. nights. Paulo 6D. Thanks. Clerk Ah, yes. What's your cell phone number? Clerk No, you're not in 6D, You're Paulo It's (593) 555-2192 in room 68. Clerk Thanks. And what’s your email address?’ Paulo. Oh, OK. Thank you. Paulo It’s, Clerk You're welcome. Qn, Clerk Thanks. One moment. Please sign here. Here’sa pen. VW B Complete the chart with expressions in bold from the conversation above. Checking in (clerk) Checking in (Paulo) What's your Here's a® ’ 393) 555-2192. 1 number? | Thisisthe* ee = here for three Please Its room 6B. , here. , room 68, C_ )) Complete the conversations. Then listen and check. Practice with a partner, 1A What's your email /cell phone number? B im/It's (593) 555-3194. 2A Please sign /vrite here. B OK 3 A Hello, Welcome to the Garden Hotel. B Thanks. 'm here for two momings /nights. 4A Thisis/itsthekey. You're in room 4D. BOK. Thanks. 5 A Here'sa/You'e pen, B Thank you. [Ey Reat-wor p sTRATEGY A EBD Listen to a conversation. Circle) the correct answers. 1 Thewomanisatahoiel/home. 2. She says her room number /cell phone number. B “ERED Read about checking spelling in the box below. Listen to the conversation again, ‘What does the man ask the woman to spell? CHECKING SPELLING : To check spelling, ask How do you spell your fist name your last name /it? ‘Myname is Paulo Vasques. a, How do you spell yourlast name? VAS-O-UES, VY CEE Listen to the questions. Answer the questions and spell words. 1 How do you spell your last name? [Gy PRONUNCIATION: Saying // and /i/ vowel sounds A 4)[IBFI Listen and repeat the two different vowel sounds. i WW sik Yourein room 6A. i three You're in room 3A. B 4) EJ Look at the underlined letters below. Then listen and repeat. What vowel sounds do you hear? Write A for words with /v, for example six. Write B for words with /i, for example three. 1 email 3° information 5 key 2 5 4 please 6 company c oR Listen to the conversations. Underline words with the vowel sounds /i/ and /i/, Then practice with a partner, 1A Isthis your key? B_No,it’s the key for room three. 2. A What's your company email address? B's 3A What's your Instagram name? B It's SusieSix. Eh sreakinc A Put the conversation in the correct order. Then practice with a partner. ‘A Thanks, One moment, Please sign here. (A Ah yes, two nights. What's your cell A Great. Thank you. And what's your email phone number? address? (1B t's 298) 555-1257. CB I'm Marie Bernard. I'm here for two nights. CA Thank you. This is the key. I's for room 7C. [18 ox. A Hi, Welcome to the Tree House Hotel! (1B It's mbernards7@mymailorg. What's your name? 8 Choose a hotel in your city. One person is a hotel clerk, and the other person is a visitor. Then change roles. Hi. Welcome to the international . fm Jae-hoon Park. im Hotel. What's your name? smeEPULsMaite c SE ‘Student A: Go to page 156. Student B: Go to page 158. Follow the instructions, LESSON OBJECTIVE MY PROFILE ite 2 profile ] VOCABULARY: Jobs ‘A “ORB Listen and repeat. Use but to connect two People say, 'm from differentideas. Paris, People also say, 1'm Peruvian, but my home Sivein Pais. = Paris is isin the United States. myhome now) mm STUDIO iy STORE PROFILES | city | ABOUT AKEMI | | tim Akemi Tancka. | live | in Son Diego, but m not | Nationally] ‘American I'm Japanese, My company is Tonaka Paints. ‘My phone number is (324) 555-6050, ond my email is omens, akemit2000@tanakapaints com. I'm an artist, and I'm a student, too, The name of my school is Tho Art Insituie. I's in Coliforic. School | ABOUT FRANK ‘My name is Frank Silva | livo in Austin, Texas, in the Unitod States. I'm American and Brazilian, The name of my company is Designs by Frank. Ws in my home in Austin. I'm an art teacher, too. The classes are in my homo. My phono number is (780) 555.5230, and my email is dosignsbyfrank@blinknat com. ‘One person is ‘Akemi, One person is Frank, How are you different? IimAkemi. Pm a student. Vm Frank. fm nota student. Ilive in Texas | i wartine A Read the profiles of two people. Where are they from? Who is a student? tim Katya Ivanova, Im from Russia, My home isin St, Petersburg Its a great | , city, tm an English student. The name | ? of my school is Popov allege of inglish @ email: B Twitter: katya_ivanova98 8 Why? Discuss with a partner. C [UBINEEIINE Read the rules. Then find two or more ‘examples for the rules in the profiles, REGISTER CHECK Hello, Hi, and Hey Use hello in formal writing or speaking, for example at work. Hello, My name is Juan Carlos Fernandez. A Gea A + for/ (lm) B + for names of people + fornames of places, companies, schools G + fornationalities and languages + at the beginning of sentences Use hiin informal writing or speaking, with frlends and family. Use hey when you speak to friends and family. Hit Katya Wvanova, @ _Useaperiod (.) atthe end of statements. D_ Choose a work profile or a personal profile. Then write your profile. Use the profiles in exercise 3A for an example. E Work in groups. Read other profiles. Are they work profiles or personal profiles? Say why. TIME TO SPEAK eee People from history Who are the people in the pictures? Tell your partner. Read the conversations (1-3). Then match them to ac. Which conversation is with three people? a anintroduction b agreeting © agoodbye 1A Good evening. 2. A Gobi thisis Caio. 3A Seeyou later. B Hello, How are you? B Hi, Gabi. Nice tomeet you. B Bye A I'mfine, thanks. And you? Nice to meet you, Calo. B Imfine. PREPARE Practice the conversations from exercise B. Then change roles. RESEARCH Imagine you're at a party for people from history. Choose a person. You can go online and find the nationality and home city for your person. Create and write down a cell phone number. ROLE PLAY Imagine you're the person from exercise D, Meet other people at the party. Write notes. AGREE Say the nationality, city or phone number of a person from the party. Other students say the person. Fe] Discuss whois your favorite person from the party? To check your progress, go to page 152 USEFUL PHRASES ROLE PLAY Ae you (American)? Yes, am./No, tim not. Fm . Im from (ity). How do you spel it? piscuss My favorite person is | Me, too. | AGREE ‘The person Is from (ty). /The phone number Its (name of person) re ‘A What's your cell phone number? 8 It’s eS UNIT OBJECTIVES = tak about your family sm describe friends and femily wm talkabout ages and birthdays awrite a post about friends in a photo 1 compare information about friends and family ts | START SPEAKING Look at the picture. Say words about the people. 2 A FAMILY PARTY LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT A ¢) ERY sara and Liz are ata party. Read and listen to the conversation. How old are David and Emily? Who are Elizabeth One and Elizabeth Two? EDmEntenrs ‘Sara What a great party, Liz! Are your children here? Liz _ Yes, they are. David ... He's my son. He's eight, And the girl with him is my daughter Emily, She's ten. Sara And the man ... Is he your husband? Liz No, he’s my brother Marcus. My husband isn’t here, Sara Oh, OK Are your parents here? Liz No, they'te not. Oh, look. Here's my grandmother. She's 86, Grandma, this is my friend Sara Grandma Nice to meet you, Sara. m Elizabeth. Sara Nice to meet you. Hey, are you both Elizabeth? Liz Yes, we are! With friends, I'm Liz. But in my family, she’s Elizabeth One, and I'm Elizabeth Two! EB vocasutary: Family; numbers A B c o ©) EEE Listen and repeat the words in the family tree. Read the sentences below about: her family. Then complete the fai with the names in bold. a Liz=sister of Marcus. and tree John = grandfather of Liz. father = Anna =Wwife of Paul. 4) EE Complete the table with Retin pl e the family tree. Then listen and check. isingular(t person) fff Plural (2+ people) + LESSON OBJECTIVE 1m talkabout your family REGISTER CHECK Some words for family are formal and informal. Use formal words at work. Use informal words with friends and family. Formal Informal grandfather grandpa grandmother grandma father 4 dad mother mom bboth (det) two people/things grandparents @—_® go 42 ME, LiZt euzaseries | + 487 grandmother | grandfather parents USA, | unt cane : | cousins brother sister > cousin child i ae > Tostees ‘Make three more sentences about the people in the family tree. Then compare with a partner, vii37 | | | E 4) §EE) Write the numbers. Then listen and repeat. 11 eleven sixteen 21 twenty-one sixty 12 twelve seventeen 22 twenty-two seventy 4 18 thirteen eighteen 30 thirty eighty fourteen nineteen forty ninety ; fifteen 20 twenty fifty 100 one hundred F > Now do the vocabulary exercises for2.1 on page 141, Ey crammar: is/are in statements and yes/no questions A. Gircle) the correct answers. Use the sentences in the grammar box to help you. 1. Useis/are with he and she. 2. Useis/are with we, you, and they. Porch eae ‘Are your children here? Is he your husband? Yes, they are. No, he’s my brother Marcus. He's my son (s =). He's eight. ‘Are you both Elizabeth? She's my daughter. She's ten. Yes, we are. i B Complete the sentences. 1 This my sister 2. 2A your parents Colombian? B Yes, 3. This my grandfather. 88, aA your mother at home? B Yes, 5 We Russian, We live in Moscow. Match the questions with the answers. Then answer the questions so they’re true for you. 1. Are your parents American? b Yes, She's from Toronto. 2 Areyou 21? b_ No. They're Colombian. 3. Isyour best friend in class? © No,he's at work. 4 Is your teacher Canadian? Yes, 1am. D> Now goto page 129. Look at the grammar chart and do the grammar exercise for 2.1, El speaking A Draw a simple family tree. Then talk to a partner about people in your family. Ask and answer questions. For ideas, watch Julieth. | ‘This is Marcos. He's from Mexico City. He's 25. Who does juiieth talk about? Is your family tree the same or diferent? @ » Tell your group about three people from your ore family tree. You can show pictures of the people on your phone. zat THEY'RE REALLY Pee FUNNY! fy LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT A Read the messages. Where is Lara from? Where is she now? Who are the other people in the pictures? B Read the messages again. Find the numbers in the messages, What are they? four 12 19 24 «85 Peta SAUL ry TLL PMA Se ecm rest Pern ent tcri Rapes ea 3 PRT CMMEM EE Look at my mom and dad. My parents ee ea) areboth $0-not old, and rotyoung! || this is rhe, Shes my sister ~and she's ‘My mom is short and my dad 's tall my best friend! @ She's 19.She'sa ‘They're not boring! They're both student, and she's very smart. She's really funny. shy, but she's friendly, too, || Thisismy grandmother, Grandma funny. He's young (12), buthe's Vero. She's old 85), and she's very not short — he's realy tall, Interesting. She'sa good grandma VOCABULARY: Describing people; really /very Listen and repeat the adjectives below. Then find them in the messages. Match the adjectives to the people. Age Appearance Personality old | short boring funny shy young | tall friendly interesting _smart 8 Gircle)really and very in the messages, Do they make the adjectives stronger (++) or weaker (-? ME FF Gels) the correct word to complete the sentences. 1A Isheshort? 4 A IsMijina college student? B No, he’s not. He's tall/ shy. B_ Yes, She's really smart /shorrt. 2. A Isshe boring? 5 A Isyour cousin interesting? B_ Nol She's really short/ interesting. B Yes, and he’s boring /funny. 3 A Howoldis your grandmother? 6 A Areyour children shy? B_ She's 90. She's very young /ld. B No, they’te very friendly /interesting, D> Now do the vocabulary exercises for 2.2 on page 142. | EX cramman is not / are not A the correct answers. Use the sentences in the grammar box and the Notice box to help you. 1 For negative () statements with he and she, use ‘s not / ‘renot. 2. For negative statements with we, you, and they, use ‘snot /‘renot. Pere een ‘After pronouns (he, she, we, you they) use ‘snotand ‘re not. She's not tll. You're nat from South Korea, He's not short. They're not boring! She's not from Miami. We're not in Texas. Erika isn’t old. My parents aren’t from Miami, After nouns (people, places, and things), use isn’t and aren't. B Complete the sentences with a subject (he, she, you, we, they) Filpisn'tAmerican ‘and an affirmative (+) or negative (-) verb. My fend aren't boring He'snot old. He's young. She's friendly and really funny. shy. from Brazil. We're not from Argentina. Juliana, She's Camila. my cousins. They're not my brothers. ‘American. You're Canadian. eauRwna C__ )& Now go to page 130. Look at the grammar charts and do the grammar exercise for 2.2. D Write two true sentences and two false sentences about a friend or a person in your class. Then exchange sentences with a partner. Correct the false sentences, My friend Carina is not:tall, She's very funny. She's from Japan. She's omart. J She is very funny, and ohe’s omart, She's tall, and she's not From Japan, Ey sPeakine A Choose four people, for example, family or friends, Write adjectives to describe | Are your family or | them. For ideas, watch Larissa. | | friends the same as Larissa’? ® 8 Talk about your people. You can 4 show pictures on your phone. Ask for more information about people, for example, age, nationality, and city. 6 FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE A Audio setipt WHEN IS YOUR Tein ee BIRTHDAY? “EI Read and listen. How many parties does, It’s March 28. His party is on March 29. Oh, right; He's four this month! Yeah. And Miranda's birthday is April 2 So two birthday parties in five days. Yeah, two parties. No, sorry, three Lucas This is a really great picture! Vivian Oh, thanks. Lucas Are they your children? Vivian Yes. Thisis Miranda, She's eight Luces Miranda. Nice name. Vivian He's three years old yr Lucas Well, say "Happy birthday!” / from me! Vivian And this is Carlos, parties! One party for Carlos, one ligase Hoar Gla is her party forMiranda,and then one (iy party with the family. as Lucas When's his Complete the chart with expressions in bold from the conversation above. ‘Asking about ages and birthdays Saying ages and birthdays Giving birthday wishes 4 oldis he? She’ _ eight. * When's your birthday? | He's three * old, birthday! 2 ‘shis birthday? ff | His partyis* March 29. When's her birthday? Miranda's birthday is April 2 EB vocasutany: Saying dates A 4) HY) Look at the chart. Listen and repeat the months. What month is your birthday month? Months January | February | March | April May June July | August | september | October November December Dates 1 first | 7 seventh 13 thirteenth 19 nineteenth 2 second | 8 eighth 14 fourteenth 20 twentieth 3 third | 9 ninth 15 fifteenth 21 twenty-first 4 fourth | 10 tenth 16 sixteenth 22 twenty-second 5 fifth | 11 eleventh 17 seventeenth 30 thirtieth 6 sixth | 12: twelfth 18 eighteenth 31 thirty-first Now listen and repeat the dates. Then say the date of your birthday. My birthday is February eighth. jan talk about? Lis. ] G Imagine the dates below are your birthday. Work with a partner. Ask questions and say the birthdays. 1 Mays 3 August31 5 January 25 Wiss your arselaye 2 November23 4 April 19. 6 June4 We May oighth, [Ey REAL-WORLD STRATEGY A.) Listen to a conversation. Gircle) the correct answers, 1. The conversation is about a wife /child. 2 The man says an age/ birthday. 8 40 §IEZJ Listen again. What number does the man say first? Then what correct number does he say? 3RECTING YOURSEL urself, say No, sorry r Sorry, med nd say the correct word, one Vo st Sorry, I mean May twenty-first. \W C__ Read the information in the box above about correcting yourself. What does the than say? D> [PAIRWORK] student A: Go to page 156, Student B: Go to page 159. Follow the instructions. Ey) PRONUNCIATION: Saying numbers A 4) IEE) Listen and repeat the numbers. Then listen again and underline the stress. 13 thirteen / 30 thisty 16 sixteen /60 sixty 1Beighteen /80 eighty 14 fourteen / 40 forty 17 seventeen /70 seventy 19 nineteen / 90 ninety 15 fifteen / 50 fifty B Look at thenumbersinthe chart. | 73 | go | 40 Student A says a number. Student B points to 7a [2 | 0 | 7 ‘the number. Then change roles. a SPEAKING A Match sentences 1-4 to sentences a-d, Then practice with a partner, e 30 | 60 go | 14 ae 16 1 How oldis your brother? a Happy birthday! 2. When’s your birthday? b Say "Happy birthday!” from me. 3. My brother is 30 today. ¢ I’sJune 18. 4 It's my birthday today. d He's 23, 8. [PARWORC] Say the name ofa friend, then say his/her birthday. Make one mistake. Then correct yourself. My friend Julia. Her birthday is June fifth. No, sorry, June sixth, LESSON OBJECTIVE HERE’S MY BAND * ile sposabat tas ee LISTENING [PAIR V/ORK] Talk to a partner. Say what you see in the picture on page 19. oma Listen to Isabel talk to a friend, Linda. What do they talk about? Ey Listen again. Circle) the words that Isabel uses to describe the people. boring cool friendly funny interesting shy _— smart. 9d GRAMMAR: Prepositions of place Look at the picture on page 19 and complete the sentences with the words in the box. between in in _—nextto.—onttheleft 1 Werenot in Las Vegas! We're Seattle, at college. 2. Thisis Joshua, on the right. And this is Nuwa, 3. Imlsabel, Guy is me. 4 Guyis Nuwa and me. PRONUNCIATION: Listening for short forms Listen. Write the words you hear. Then write the full forms. 1 Here's __myband, Hereis 3 really funny. = 2 in Seattle, 4 great! = <) [EX complete the conversation with the words in the box. Listen and check. Im I's She's. What's. When’s 1. Nice to meet you, Sara. Elizabeth. 2A your birthday? B March 14, 3. ThisisNuwa. really smart, your name? CC warine A Read the post. How old are the students? 8 (PAIRWORK] GINING c Ps E D__ Read the post again and underline: JING September 12 at 2:24pm We're four collage students in Seattle, and we're in a band. The ‘name of the band Is JING, Joshua is on the right. He's 22, and he's from Chicago. He's really friendly and funny, The fist letter in JING is for Joshua. '™m Isabel. mm 20, and I'm the “I” in the band name. I'm next to Joshua. Nuwa Is on the left. She's 21. She's Chinese, and she's here for school. She's very interesting and ‘smart. She's the *N.” Guy is between Nuwa and me. He's 20, and he’s the “G.” Ho's shy, so he’s tho last lotter in the name! Like @Comment ab Share Hos Ors t MIEN Why is the name of the band “JING”? Is it a good name? Read about two ways to use and. Match them (1-2) to the correct example sentence (a-b). 1. Use and to connect words. 2. Use and to connect two sentences and make one long sentence. a We're four college students in Seattle, and we're ina band. b She's very interesting and smart. 1e examples of and. Does and connect words or sentences? Choose a picture of you with three or four people. Write a post about the picture. Say where you are (in + city/country). Say where people are in the picture (next to, on the left/right, between). Give information about the people, Use and to connect words and sentences. Then check your accuracy, EO accuracy CHECK After prepositions, use me, not. Guys next tol. X Guy isnext tome. 7 He's between Nuwa and. X He's between Nuwa and me. aii a TIME TO SPEAK ene True for me trends and fer LEQ which famity members arein the picture? Compare your ideas with a partner. TE PREPARE complete the sentences so they're true for you. 1 My mom is (nationality). 2 Mydedis (age), 3. My grandmother is (name), 4. My grandfather is from ity), 5. My best friend is, (personality) 6 Mybirthday isin (month) DISCUSS Say your answers from exercise B. Your partner says “True for me” or “Not trye forme.” Then change roles. [By read the instructions. Then talk to people in your class. to a Walk around the class. Say hello to someone. Say your answers from exercise B. Your partner says "True for me" or *Not true for me.” Talk to anew partner. a Change roles. <__ Seygoodbye. z —= [EZ PRESENT Who has the same answers? Who has different answers? Tell the clas. USEFUL PHRASES Discuss PRESENT Hello Hi My name is... (Name) is the same. True forme, Not true for me, (Name) is different. Really? (or surprise) Goodbye, 20 UNIT OBJECTIVES talk about your home talk about furniture ‘offer and accept a drink and snack an email about a home-share choose things for ahome START SPEAKING Look at the picture. Where is this house? Who isin the house? What is in the house? ee) Sain! 22 A 8 « a A WELCOME TO MY HOME VOCABULARY: Rooms in a home LESSON OBJECTIVE = talk aboutyour home 4) EZ) Listen and repeat the words in the pictures. Which words are rooms? Which words are things in rooms? [PAIVORE] Talk to a partner. What's your favorite room in the pictures? Now do the vocabulary exercises for 3.1 on page 142, LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Alina gives a video tour of her family’s home. Listen and read, How many rooms does she talk about? a sik b seven © eight 4) ED) Listen again. Answer the questions. 1 What ison the wall? 2. Whois in the kitchen? 3. How many bathrooms are in the apartment? 4 What are the names of the cat and the dog? [PAIRWORK] What are your favorite rooms? Talk to a partner. For ideas, watch Felipe’s video. REAL STUDENT | What are Felipe’s favorite rooms? Are your favorite rooms the same? 785 a] Hil Weleome to my new home. J mean, my family’s new home. We live in an apartment, not a house, OK, First, this is the living rom, with my mom's favorite picture on the wall. And this is the dining area, It's good for family dinners, ox pizza with my friends, And this is the kitchen, through the door! My mom and her friend are in there now. OK, and this is the bathroom, the family bathroom, And here, this is my parents’ bedroom, with a second bathroom. And this is my bedroom, with two windows, Oh! This is Milka, She's our eat. And this Js Sergel's room, He's my brother, Hey! Sergei’s bed! Bad dog! On the floot! Ne is Sergei’s dog. OK, now say “hi” to the camera, ‘PRex. Welcome to our apartment! Now go to page 130. Look at the grammar charts and do the grammar exercise for 3.1, Complete the sentences with information about you. Then compare with a partner. udeslenamnele Frid: ij nameis : 2 last name is Z 3 is my best friend. home isin 2 4 My home is great. living room is really interestin 5 is my cousin. The name of company is SPEAKING Draw a plan of your home, with all the rooms. Talk about the rooms in your homes. ‘This ic my apartment, This Is the door. ‘And this i the living room, with two windows. This is my bedroom, LESSON OBJECTIVE IS IT REALLY A CHAIR? | = *tinive EB vocasutary: Furniture A )[IEH] Listen and repeat the words. Then complete the chart below. Some furniture than one room. Bedioom Living room Dining area Kitchen Bathroom | 8 Work with a partner. Say furniture from ‘exercise 1A. Your partner says where it is in his/her home. Intthekitchen. And intheli room. Ch Now do the vocabulary exercises for 3.2 0n page 143. tc [By Lancuace IN CONTEXT A Choose words to describe the picture in the article. NO SPACE? big boring cool funny great interesting new nice [A This desk ten just a desk. I's 0 desk and a bed. old small It's grect for college students, Bs this one chalt@ Or two chairs? I's both Irs one. B_ Read the article again. What room/rooms big chair for you, or i's two small chairs for you is the furniture for? and 9 friend, 1 Aisfora © | your living room small? No dining area in your avers home® This couch ord table are good for « small space. Firs, ifs a nice table for dinner. Then it’s 3 Cisfora é a couch c Describe the furniture in one room of your home. Use adjectives from exercise 2A. For ideas, watch June's video. Do you and June talk about the same room and furniture? 24 IS [EI crammar: itis ocr ea A Grecia) the correct answers, Use the sentences It’s. a desk and a bed. Is it really small? in the grammar box to help you. > 1. Use i's and f’s not for a man or woman / thing, two chairs 2. Tomake a question with Itis, say sit... ?/ It’s. It’s not one chair, it's Yes, itis. No, itisn’t. B Complete the sentences. Then match 1-4 1A Their house isn’t old, 2-B Thanks. small, but it’s new. really nice. 2A Where's Toronto? in b B No, the United States? in Canada, 3. A We're in your kitchen. © B No, really cool. in my bedroom. 4A Where's your desk? in dB Oh a big or small house? your living room? c Now go to page 131, Look at the grammar chart and do the grammar exercise for 3.2. D Write an affirmative (+) and negative (-) sentence for the rooms and furniture below. Then compare with a partner. : My TV isin my bedroom. Its not new, butit’s OK. 1 myTv my desk ny refrigerator my bedroom my kitchen wan Ey sreakinc @ A Design something for the home. Use the ideas below or your ideas. ein Draw a picture or find a picture online. aninterestinglamp abigrug —agreatshower —acooldesk —_ a TV forthe wall | 8 [PAIRWORK] Look at your partner's picture. Guess what its. Isit cool? Isit interesting? Eh vocaBuLary: Drinks and snacks A ORE Ei FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE A) EEE) Adam offers a drink and snack to COFFEE OR TEA? his friend James, Read and listen. Which drink and snack from exercise 1A does James choose? SE Adam Coffee or tea? James James Coffee, please. Adam ‘Adam With milk? James James. No, thanks, Adam ‘Adam OK... Here you are. James James Thanks. Wow, this isa big cup! ‘Adam tis! Sugar? James Yes, please. ‘Adam ‘Adam One? Two? pas B Complete the chart with expressions in bold from the conversation above. Making offers Coffee’ “ milk? Sugar? tea? 26 Replying to offers Coffee,? LESSON OBJECTIVE ww offerand accept a drink and snack | | | isten and repeat the words. Which things are drinks? Which thing is a snack? | | INSIDER ENGLISH Use sure in informal speech to say yes. Sure.A cookie please. Don't say Sure, please. In that cup? Six! No. Two, please. Just two, And Abl Cookies! Hmm They are small Next to the big cup, yeah - theyre really small! But sure. A cookie, please. Here you are! Thank you. thanks. please. REAL-WORLD STRATEGY | A ©)§IEE) Listen toa conversation. What does the man want? | coffee] teal] mik() sugar) — acookie 1] a BRIE Listen again. Circle) the word the man doesn’t understand. What does it mean? biscuit coffee cookie tea ASKING ABOUT WORDS YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND & To ask about a word, say Sorry, [don't understand. What's a (word)? Sorry Idon't understand, What's a biscult? C__ Read the information on asking about words you don’t understand in the box above. Answer the questions. 1 What does the man say when he doesn’t understand? 2 How does he ask about the word? [Za PRONUNCIATION: Saying /k/ at the start of a word A )[IEB] Listen and repeat. Focus on the /k/ sound. | 1 Coffee ortea? 2 Thisis a big cup! 3. Acookie, please. 8 4) [EY Listen. which speaker (A or B) says the /k/ sound? Write A or B. 1 coffee 3 kitchen 5 couch 2 cookie 4 cup 6 cool C_[PAIRWOR] Work with a partner. Say the words in exercise 4B, Does your partner say the English /k/ sound? | EE sreakine | PAIRWORK] Work with a partner. One person is A. The other person is B. | Then change roles. | A Offer your partner a drink/snack from exercise 1A. B Ask about a word: “Sorry, | don’t understand. What's (a) ... 2” A Point toa picture of the word on page 26: “This is (a) .. B Say “Yes, please.” or "No, thanks.” 8 [Ba GRAMMAR: Information questions with be A 8 e 28 El reainc Home-share in Burnaby asi) Francisco is a student. He's in One bedroom, with furniture, in a five-bedroom Burnaby in Canada for a year. He wants a house. Great for a student. Fifteen minutes from. room in a home-share. Scan the ad. Who is Morden College. No pets. From March 1. $650 the owner of the house? a month. Contact: John Redmond at LESSON OBJECTIVE HOME-SHARE nee genreet Read the emails. What _'" does Francisco ask questions about? Wodhnoeda, June 7 Dear Mr. Redmond, Friday, una Oty This email is about your home-share in Burnaby, Where is it? Is it bio? How many bathrooms are in the house? Thank you, Francisco Lopes Dear Mr, Lopes, The house is on Grafton Street in Burnaby. It's very big, with two bathrooms. One bathroom is, next to the kitchen and one bathroom is next to the bedroom in my ad. Are you a student? Sincerely, John Redmond saurdayJune ton Joee a Dear Mr. Redmond, Thanks for your email, Yes, !'ma student. How many people live in the house? Who are they? How old are they? ‘Thank you, Francisco: ‘Sunday dune th Dear Mr. Lopes, Four people live in the house now. Two are students, They aro 20 and 22 years old. Two are not students. Mr. Johnson is 36 years old, and Mrs. Smith is 71. She is my wife's mother. © Sincerely, John PAIRWORK] Complete the questions with question words from the emails in exercise 18. Then find John’s answers to the questions. Use the questions and answers to have a conversation with a partner. 1 isit? 2 bathrooms are in the house? 3 people live in the house? 4 are they? 5 are they? > Now go to page 131. Look at the grammar chart and do the grammar exercise for 3.4. Is this a good place for Francisco to live? Why or why not? Contact owner WRITING A B c D E a Francisco writes to the ovmner of a second home-share. Read the emails, Answer the questions. 1 Isthe owner a woman or a man? 2. How many questions are about the house? the people? 3. Look at the pictures above. Which rooms do you see? Which room is in the email but isn’t in the pictures? 4 Isita good place for Francisco? Why or why not? juan) (oie oa i Dear Mrs. Hyland, Dear Mr. Lopes, This email is about your home-share in ‘Thank you for your email. The house is on Burnaby. Where is it? How many bedrooms Bond Street. It’s big, with four bedrooms, three and bathrooms are in it? How many people are bathrooms, and a big kitchen. Three people ive in the house? Are they students? I'm a student in the house now. They are students at Morden at Morden College, and I'm 22. College. They are your age ~ 22. Thank you, ‘Sincerely, Francisco Lopes Emma Hyland MINER Circle) the question marks (2)in Francisco's email above. Then irclé)the correct answer in the rules, below. ASX Sah 1. Use one question mark / two question marks for each question. Ceirnal patie email and ing of each question, | informal, friendly emails use different words. 2. The question markis at the end / the be rats Founal ‘nformal Dear Hello /Hi Write an email to the owner of a home-share, Start with: Thankyou Thanks This emailis about ... Ask questions about the house andthe people. | sincerely Love Exchange emails with a partner. Write a reply to your partner. Write about a bad place or a good place. Read your partner's reply. [s ta good place ora bad place? 29 _—————————— TIME TO SPEAK aevciennad tren Anew home Hi, 'm Jason. 'm 25 years ole | I'm single, anc | ma student 1@ soccer and parties. | This is my new | apartment! [EQ iscuss talk about Jason’s new home with a partner Say the rooms you see. Isita good home for him? , [EX PREPARE Talk aboutthe things in the pictures. Which rooms are good places for therm? DECIDE With a partner, make alist of things to buy for Jason's new home. You have $1,000, [By PRESENT compare your lists. Which lst isthe class favorite? oer sot page ts USEFUL PHRASES piscuss PREPARE DECIDE thiteheni.. place fora Thisisabig/small TV). This TVis good for Jason. It's good for him./ (couch. 1? It’s $180 (6 = dollars) lagree. /Idon't agree. es nat dood for Inthe IMog Wsexpensive. 68) Good ideal him. room? Wscheap. (8) 30 LLL REVIEW 1 (UNITS 1-3) VOCABULARY A Write the words in the correct place in the chart. artist chef French Mexico server bookcase Colombia Honduran» parents South Korea Brazit cousin hotel clerk Peruvian ‘table brother desk Japanese refrigerator wife Countries Nationalities Jobs Family Furniture Brazil B Write one more word for the categories in exercise 1A. Ei crammar A Complete the sentences with the words in the box. ‘re not ‘s ‘s Are: Im not Is isn't itis 1 Loretta friendly. She's nice, too. 2A youshy? B No, 3 Donna 14, She's only 13. 4 What your last name? 5 They from Chicago, They're from Dallas. 6A your company in China? B Yes, he correct answers. ‘My /1name is Sam, and this is Vic. We're brothers, This is? their / our apartment. *Vic/ Vic's room is big. “My / His room is small, but it’s OK. It's next to the kitchen! We're in apartment 228. ° We / Our sister and her /his husband are in apartment 238. C Write five things about your home and family, Use possessive adjectives and possessive ‘5/5 Ell sPeakinc A Think of a person you and your partner know. Think about the person's job, age, nationality, and other information. Describe the person. Your partner guesses the person. Then change roles. Shas tent StobFT Shoor friend. She's Peruvian. She's very funny. B_ Write two sentences about your partner's person. 32 FuNcTIONAL LANGUAGE A Girela)the correct answers to complete the conversation. Teacher Sabrina Teacher Sabrina Teacher Sabrina Teacher Sabrina Teacher Sabrina ‘Welcome to the college language center. What's your name? It’s Sabrina Calvo. How do you ' spell / mean your last name? CALVO, Thank you. OK. ?How / When old are you, and how's / when's your birthday? tm 421 /2ist: My birthday %is / are August 2, OK. You ‘on /in room 6C. Sorry, 1?spell/ mean room 6D. It’s next to the library. Sorry, don't *understand / mean. ° Where's / What's library? It's. a room with books, OK. Thankyou. 8B Complete the conversation with the words in the box. There is one extra word. milk please tea thanks —_yes Server Coffee or! 2 j lan Tea? . Server OK. With? t Wan No,‘ . i sreakine a Choose one of the situations below. Talk to a partner, Have a conversation. 1. You are at a hotel. A clerk asks for your personal information. Answer the questions. Look at page 6 for Useful language. Good evening. Welcome to Hotel 24. What's yourname? 2 You aska friend about his/her family’s ages and birthdays. Your friend answers your questions. Look at page 16 for useful language. Io this your daughter? How old is she? 3. Afriend is at your home. Offer him or her a drink and a snack. Look at page 26 for useful language. Coffee ortea? 8 [PAIRWORK] Change roles and repeat the situation. UNIT OBJECTIVES talk about your favorite things saoiaistconen | LOVE IT write product reviews talkabout your favorite music START SPEAKING ‘A Look at the people in the picture. Where are they? Why are they here? Talk about things you like @ or love @. For ideas, watch the video with June and Felipe. 34 LESSON OBJECTIVE FAVORITE THINGS i talk about yourfavorite things fe smartwaich] El vocasutary: Technology A) Look at the pictures above. Listen and repeat the words. 8 Look at the pictures again. Which things do you like? Which things don’t you like? Tella partner. : @ taoveinewi > Now do the vocabulary exercises for 4.1 on page 143. Eh Lancuace In CONTEXT ‘A Read the webpage. What things from exercise 1A do the people talk about? Which thing on the webpage isn't in the pictures above? zozo I love my refrigerator. Am | OK? COMMENTS. W You love a retigerator! No, youre not OK! We love people - we don’t love things. erico-hello | don’t agree, Ju! | love my family ... and | love my smartwattch. We love poopie, and we love things vera True. | love my cal phone and the apps on it, | don't have a tablet, but | realy want an iPad. Yos, is OK to love things. But a refrigerator? | have a nice retigerato. ke t, but | don’t fovet. steed | dotlove my rtigerato but love the ings init @) B Read the webpage again. Are sentences 1-6 true or false for the people? Circle) the correct answer. 1 thave a refrigerator. For zozo, this is true / false. 2 Hove things. For erico-hello, this is true false. 3 Thave a tablet. For vera, this is true / false. 4 Iwanta tablet For vera, this is true / false. 5 Ihave a cell phone with apps. For vera, this is true / false. 6 Hove my refrigerator. For stee33, this is true / false, Ed crammar: simple present statements with |, you, we A the correct answers. Use the sentences in the grammar box to help you. 1 Use the simple present for things that are generally true / finished. 2. Use I, you, o we / I'm, you're, or we're with present simple verbs. 3. Use don't in affirmative / negative simple present statements. 4. Simple present verbs have the same / different spelling after, you, and we. Eonar mics Hove my watch. | don't love my refrigerator. Ihave a cell phone. Idon't have a tablet. You want a tablet. You don’t want a watch. ‘We love our family We don't love things. B Complete the sentences with the words in the box. don'thave don'tlike don'twant- have love_-— want 1 Mynew smartwatch is cool. 4 We games 1 itt con our cell phones. We don'tlike them. 21 my 5 Idon'tlike tablets. | don't have a tablet, earohones. They aren't very good. and! atablet so 85 apps on. 6 Your laptop is really old. You | my cell phone. anew laptop. C__ > Now go to page 1311 Look at the grammar chart and do the grammar exercise for 4.1, D ‘Complete the sentences. Make them true for you. Then compare with a partner. 11 a smartwatch. 41 tablets. 21 my cell phone 51 anew 31 games on computer. my cell phone. El sPeakine What technology do you have? What do you love? What don’t you like? Tell your partner. For ideas, watch Anderson's video. Ihave a good app. it’s KickMap. llove it. Do you have the same things? 36 MY PHONE IS MY WORLD LESSON OBJECTIVE 1m say how you use technology Ey Lancuace In conTEXT ‘A 4) EB) Read and listen. Olivia is at a phone store, TechUBuy. Circle) the things she talks about. family Peer EB vocasu.ary: Using technology A B 4) [EB Look at the pictures. Listen and repeat. Then say three things you do. Clerk Olivia Clerk Olivia Clerk Olivia Read the chart. Which verbs are not in the conversation in exercise 1A? verbs + nouns friends herlaptop her phone a Welcome to TechUBuy! Hil | want a new phone pian. love my phone. It’s my world! But my plan is expensive, Do you know which plan you want? No. have no idea. (OK. Fist, [have some questions. What do you don your phone? Do you call your friends? No. I chat with my friends, but | don't call them. We send messages. And we leave voice messages. buy apps / games / music / movies | play games call friends / family chat with friends / family listen to music on the internet teal family on ‘my cell phone. on my computer / laptop isten to ‘musicon my phone. Ichat with use appson 1 friends on the my call phone intemet, —andtablet. school Clerk Olivia Clerk Olivia Clerk INSIDER ENGLISH Say What else? to ask for more information about a top ‘And what else? Do you listen tor post photos / comments read emails / messages send emails / (text) messages on my cell phone / tablet play games ‘onmy computer, Ch Now do the vocabulary exercises for 4.2 on page 144. phone pa he ce work ie id messages, and lise the eur cellphone ‘Ah, yes. And do you send email Yes. read emails on my phone - from friends and for work. ‘And what else? Do you listen to music on your phone? Yes, Ido, and | watcl videos. | also use social media -| post photos, leave comments, .. (OK. Your phone really s your world! So, we have three phone plans . Nn your phon leave voice messages / comments use apps / social media / technology | watch movies / videos / TV | ++. On my smartwatch read emalls con my tablet {send text messageson my phone. | post photos onthe internet [Ei crammanr: simple present yes/no questions with |, you, we A Gireld) the correct answers. Use the sentences in the grammar box to help you. 1 Tomake simple present questions, use Do / Are + the subject (for example, or we) +a verb. 2. Tomake negative short answers, use do / don't. Peak ene eed Do | post good photos? Yes, you do. / No, you don't. Do you use social media? Yes, | do. / No, | don’t. Do you know which plan you want? Yes, do./ No, | don't Do you and your friends send emails? Yes, we do. / No, we don't, B Complete the yes/no questions. Use the words in parentheses ()- 1 on your computer? (you, listen to music) con your phone? (you, play games) to your teachers? (you and your friends, send text messages) on social media? (you, post comments) wan on your laptop? (you, watch videos) Ask and answer the questions so they are true for you, Say “Yes, Ido,” or “No, Idon’t.” D> Now goto page 132, Look at the grammar chart and do the grammar exercise for 4.2, Gi sPeakinc A What do you do on your phone and the internet? Compare with a partner. B Look at the cell phone plans. Which plan is good for you? Why? Ask and answer questions with a partner. Use the conversation on page 36 to help you. Do you play games on your phone? No, don't. call friends and family, and | send text messages. I don't use social media on my phone. Plan 1 Is good for me. Plan . iT bateT ey Ay 2c | |My sera | [tprocecno '[ ]100 minutes oftaktime |) | [ ] 50 minutes of tak time 60 minutes of talk timo 100 tex! messages (FB.200 text messages Bil 50 toxt messages SFilvcccs | | Groen. | (Boom | 37 LESSON OBJECTIVE WHAT ABOUT YOU? —“2htton | | FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE IN How do you communicate with family and friends? Check (/) the things you use. Then ‘compare with your partner. (Cl cards] email letter U phone [] socialmedia [_] video chat B 40 BED Rocio, a college student in Los Angeles, talks to her new friend Jeff. Read and listen. How do they communicate with family and friends? dio rm Jeff So, you're from Chile. Does your family Roclo OK. I likeInstagram. 4 live in Chile, too? Jeff Oh.yeah? Do you post photos? Rocio Yes, but LAis my home now! | use Rocfo Yes, photos of LA. My family and friends technology to chat with my family. | call really like them. Do you post photos, my parents on my phone, and | send R587 messages to my'seallynice. jg No, but post comments on Jeff Right. What about email? iret pecce spicier f= Rocio Yeah. | send emails to my friends in Rocio Nice comments? Chile. How about you? Jeff Yes, ofcourse! Jeff | like email, but use Facebook, too. N7 Complete the chart with expressions in bold from the conversation above. Asking about a new topic Asking for a response ft email? é postphotos, | }2 post photos |* Hl | Do you send cards? / use social media? é about you? What about you? | ‘And you? D> ORD Put the conversations in the correct order. Listen and check. Then practice with a partner. 1 Yes, do. Do you use it, too? 2 No, but send birthday messages. Yes, it is. really lke i. Yes, to my family and friends, What about you? 1 Doyou use Instagram? Hmm ... birthday messages are OK, but | like cards. | No, Isit interesting? 4 Doyou send birthday cards to your family? | . ke Bl ReAL-wor.o STRATEGY SHOWING YOU ARE LISTENING To show youre listening, say Right, Yeah, or OK. 1=) Jeff use Facebook, too. Rocio OK, like Instagram. SN / ‘A Read about how to show you are listening in the box above. What does Rocio say? 8 BEE Listen to a conversation. How does the man communicate with his family? C4) EEZ] Listen again. What does the woman say to show she's listening? o ‘Student A: Go to page 156. Student B: Go to page 159. Follow the instructions. EE PRONUNCIATION: Saying stressed words A EEE) Listen and repeat the questions. Which words are stressed? Why are they stressed? 1 What about email? 2 How about you? 3 Do you post photos? 8 4) —RZJ Listen and underline the stressed words in the questions. e Do you use Facebook? (1 word) Yeah. How about you? (1 word) ‘Me, too. | post photos and comments. Do you post videos? (2 words) No, but | send videos on WhatsApp. Do you use video chat? (2 words) Yeah, video chat is great, C__ [PAIRWORE] Practice the conversation in exercise 3B, Does your partner use stressed words? Ef sreakine A Think about ways to communicate with people. Which ways do you use? Write a list. 8 alto a partner about how you communicate, Ask questions to start ‘anew topic. Show you are listening. luse Instagram. It's great. Doyouuse Instagram, too? Yes, and use Snapchat. What about you? [don't use Snapchat. <= paroarar A Read the definition of “product review." Then answer FRET the questions with a partner. product review (9) people's opinions 1. Doyou buy things on the internet? atid coments about things they buy 2 Doyou look at or write product reviews? 8 ORS Listen to product reviews from three vloggers. Match the reviews (1,2, and 3) to the products below. anapp _ aTV__ateblet c# Listen again, How many stars do you think the vioggers give? your answer, Then compare with a partner. ry Talk to a partner. Which review is useful to you? GRAMMAR: a/an; adjectives before nouns A Gircle) the correct answers, Use the sentences in the grammar box to help you. 1 2. Usea/an before most vowel sounds (a,e,i,0,t). 4 Use/ Don't use a or an with plural nouns. El usteninc LESSON OBJECTIVE GREAT! FIVE STARS 1 rte product reviews W | Review three: © i [eter oles Use aor an with a singular / plural noun. 3 Use a/an before a consonant sound (¢, 4... ir ed lan no.a/an You take a photo. ‘You take photos. (plural nouns) A tablet is expensive This tablet is expensive. (this + noun) Thave an uncle. Thave two uncles, (number + noun) We live in a house, ‘Our house is small. (possessive adjectives) You have a new phone, His phone is new. (be + adjective) 8 Use the words to make sentences. Then check your accuracy. 1 2 3 4 5 > Now go to page 132, Look at the grammar chart and do the a/cell phone. /1/new / want ‘two / We /in/TVs/ our house. / have app / really / This / interesting. /is you /an /Do /iPad? / have like / tablets? / Do / you Don't use a/an with a plural noun. We have computers at work. 7 We have e-computers at work. x ymar exercise for 4.4, EO [Ey PRONUNCIATION: Listening for the end of a sentence a «i Listen. Which sentence do you hear: A or B? Which speaker is finished? 7 a 1A Ilove games. 2A Thistabletis great for games. ~e ‘ B Hove games, B This tablet is great for games. 8 Listen. Draw one and ones for each sentence. 1 I like it because it’s small. 3 ‘It's really fast, and it has a nice design. 2 Its cheap, butit’s nice. 4. Its expensive because it's a great product. WRITING A Read the product reviews. What are the products? Do you lke them? Do you want them? Expensive, but nice i A cheap chair! Bue) The earphones ave really small Iliston to music on my coll phone with the earphones, and the band is in the room with mel (OK, the band isn’t in the room with me, but the music /s really good) They'te great earphones, but they are expensive: $89.99. This chairs cheap. i's $29.60. have two chairs ~ one chait for mo, and one chair for my wife, We sit in them and watch TV. | don’t lke it ‘because it's small, and I'ma big man, | don't sit ‘In tho chair. | sit on itt Is it comfortable? NO! ‘comfortable (ad) gcod to sit on B Read the reviews again. Complete the chart. Earphones Chair Title Expensive, but nice Number of stars Price (§) Good or bad product | @® C Choose a product you know or find a product on the internet. Find the information in exercise 4B. mm > Gircle) the words but and because in the reviews above. Then Gircle)the correct answer sos rules: In informal writing, use exclamation points (!) 1 Use but to add an idea that is the same / different. after funny sentences or after words and 2. Use because to give a reason / ask a question. sentences with a strong feeling, for example, with love, like, or don’t like. | don't sit fn the chai Isiton itt \sitcomfortabie? NO! E Write reviews for a good product and a bad product. Use the products below or your own ideas. Write a tit REGISTER CHECK le, number of stars, and the price. anapp acamera adesk = agame —alamp —atablet_—awatch F Read a partner's reviews. Do you like their products? Do you want them? a a2 a = = mane ? TIMETO SPEAK Playlists Read the text message. What is the message about? 4) FRD)_ Use words from the message to complete the definitions (1-5). Then listen and check. 1. Aplaylist isa list of your favorite s 2 People inab play music or sing. 3 As isa person ina band, He or she sings the words in a song, ar music is music that everyone knows. 5 P music is music that everyone likes. PREPARE Talk toa partner, Say the name of one singer, ‘one band, and one song you like. DISCUSS Tell your partner about your favorite music, Make a list of singers, bands, and songs you both like. AGREE Find singers, bands, and songs that are on your list and on other people's lists. Which music is famous? Which music is popular? DECIDE Imagine you're going to the party in the text message. Talk to people in your group. Find songs that everyone likes, Then choose ten songs for the party playlist. LESSON OBJECTIVE 1 talk about your favorite music party! Discuss AGREE ‘This song is my favorite. hove (song/singer/band) on my list. Me, too! Let's have this song on thelist. I don't like this song | don't want tis song on thelist What do you think? Hi, friends! The big party is, on Saturday night. Yes! @ We want GREAT music on the party playlist. Please send me the names of songs you love. And send theshame of the singer % or band. ef“ We want ideas from our friends ~ famous music, popular music, new music, old music... I's your a DECIDE Do we want (song/singer! band) or (song/singer/ band)? Here are our ten songs for the party playlist. re MONDAYS tell the time and talk about your routines show you agree and have things in common write report about your activities —_ Sone DAYS r | : S START SPEAKING Look at the picture and describe the people. Who are they? Where are they? Are they happy? Is it a fun day? For you, what is a fun day? LESSON OBJECTIVE PLAY OR i talkabout weekday and FAST-FORWARD? weekend activities EE vocaBut ary: Days and times of day; everyday activities A ©) IRE) Listen and repeat. What's your favorite day? What's your favorite time of day? week weekend ——= ar Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8 ©) RE Listen and repeat the sentences. go outin the Trunen Monday ‘evening, and Friday, Twork onthe study in the ‘weekend. morning Idont play soccer c Which sentences in exercise 18 are true for you? Tell your partner. Then say two more true sentences about your activities. D> Nowdo the vocabulary exercises for 5.1 on page 144. es EB Lancuace In CONTEXT Tevet diy vena carie ‘A Read the article. Who are Sam and Justine? very (et 100% (of days evenings) What activities does Sam do on weekdays? way of feos ho you ive yourife one x own Bane Weekdays = work or study. Weekends = fun, Right? Not for my brother, Sam! For Sam, every dlay isa fun dey! He works from Monday morning to Friday afternoon, but he usually runs in the morning before work. On Monday end Thursday, he plays soccer after work, and he goes out with friends on Wednesday. He doesn't go out every evening ~on Tuesdays he stays home and watches TV. His way off is @ “play now." My sister, Justine, is very different, She has fun, but not every day. From Monday to Friday, she works. She doesn't have time for sports, and she hardly ever oes out! I's OK because Justine has fre time on the weekend, She chats with family in the afternoon and then goes out with friends at night. Her wey oflife is work, work, work, and “fast-forward to the weekend.” 44 8 What's Sam’s way of life: play now”, or “fast-forward”? What's Justine’s way of life? c What's your way of life: “play now” or “fast forward to the weekend”? Tell your partner. For ideas, watch June's video. ne Areyouthesame 3 asJune? [EA crammar: simple present statements with he, she, they A the correct answers, Use the sentences in the granimar box to help you. 1 Inaffirmative statements with he and she / they, most simple present verbs end ins. 2. The verb have is irregular. in affirmative statements with he and she, use have / has, 3 To make negative statements with he and she, use don’t / doesn’t + verb. Giieecur aoe He works Monday to Friday. She doesn’t have time for sports. She chats with family in the afternoon. They don’t go out every evening. She has fun, but not every day. My dad doesn’t play soccer, They have fun on the weekend. ae seal eh B Complete the sentences with the words in the box. doesn’t dont has have play plays 1 My friends video games every weeklay evening 2 Onweekdays, my sister go out in the evening. 3. Every day, my sister and her husband tea in the moming, 4 Pedro soccer on his college team, but notin every game. 5 Mymom a tablet, but she doesn’t use it. 6 My grandparents work, 0 from Monday to Friday they'e at home. C Look at the sentences in exercise 38 and the adverbs of frequency chart, AdeeIbs Of Reguency Then Girela)the correct answers. slsasa tate 11 My friends often / herdly ever / neve play video games. Gaal 2 On weekdays, my sisters always / sometimes / never at home in the evening. often 3 Mysisterand her husband alvays / hardly ever/ never drink tea in the morning, sometimes 4. Pedro always / sometimes / never plays in his college soccer games. havenes 5 My mom always often / never uses her tablet. fei AR 6 My grandparents are usualy /hardly ever / never at home on weekdays. D> Nowgo to page 133, Look at the grammar chart and do the grammar exercise for 5.1, El sPeakinc ‘A Lookat the activities in exercise 1B on page 44. What activities do your family or friends do? ‘When do they do them? Write alist. Use adverbs of frequency. B [PAIRWORK] Talk toa partner about your family and My sister ree She often friends’ activities. Who is “play now"? Who is “fast-forward”? goecont HS neNe YOUR at BODY CLOCK your routines Ey vocaButary: Telling the time Listen and repeat the times. Then point ‘toa picture ‘and ask “What time is it?” ‘Your partner says the time. It's eight o'clock. It's five-fifteen. It’s three-thirty. It's ten forty-five. It's (a) quarter after five. It’s (@) quarter to eleven. ome es aa It’s nine-ob-five It's sivfifty. It's 12:00 pam. / It’s noon, é It’s five after nine, It’sten to seven. It’s 12,00 a.m. / It’s midnight, B > Now do the first vocabulary exercise for 5.2 on page 145, 8 sam LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT oe A. 408A] Read and listen. Alex talks to his doctor. Whatis Alex’s problem? _lste cd) toward the end of What is your "body clock"? SeTeenG ace ‘Alex |'malways so tired. Doctor Well tis very late. Do they have dinner Doctor Tell me about your routine, Alex. What before you? time do you get up? Alex Yes, they do, Usually at 6:00. Alex On weekdays, | usually get up at 7:45, Doctor Does your mom make dinner for you? and | go to class at 8:30, Alex No, she doesn't. | make it Doctor Do you eat breakfast? Doctor OK. What do you do on weekends? Alex No, | don't. But | drink coffee. Alex On Friday and Saturday, | go out with Doctor When do you eat? friends. | usually go to bed at 2:00 Alex At noon. Then | go to class again in the ‘0F 3:00 am. And on Sunday, | get up afternoon. | usually have dinner at 9:00. really late and watch TV. My parents don't like that. Doctor Alex, it's time to listen to your body clock! 8 4) IEA) [PAIRWORK] Listen again. Write notes about Alex's routine. Compare wit He docon’t eat breakfast. Ho drinks coffeo. apartner. CB Now do the second vocabulary exercise for 5.2 on page 145. ° Is your routine the same as or jerent from Alex's? Tell your partner. For ideas, watch Josue’s video. Is your routine different from Josue’ or the same? Ey crammar: Questions in the simple present A the correct answers. Use the sentences in the grammar box to help you. 1. With the pronouns /, you, we, and they, use Do / Does. 2. With the pronouns he, she, and it, use Do / Does. 3 In yes/no questions, the word order is Do or Does + person or thing + verb / Do or Does + verb + person or thing. 4 In information questions, put the question word\s) for example, Where or What time) before / after do and does. Geka Yes/no questions Information questions Do | have class today? How do | get to class? Do you go out with friends? What time do you go out with friends? Does he go to classes every day? ‘When does he go to classes? Does it have good apps? ‘What does it have? Do they have dinner before you? Where do they eat dinner? 8 Complete the conversations, Use the audio script on page 46 to help/you. Then practice them with a partner. 1A doyou 3 A Martin have a new job? go to work? B Yes,he BI to work at 7:00. A does he work? A Wow! do you go to bed? B He inan office. B usually go to bed after midnight. 'm always tired! 2A they play soccer? B they do. What about you? A Now! i Ch Now goto page 133. Look at the grammar charts and do the grammar exercise for 5.2. D__ Write three questions about your partner's routine. Use the word: questions. Then check your accuracy. in the box to start your XV Bitectra menses Dow? Whats? What time... When..? Where. ? Use door does with information questions in the simple present. Where Margaret work? X Where does Margaret work? 7 E Askand answer the questions from exercise 3D with a partner. El speakinc ‘A Think about your routines and your family’s routines. What do you do? When do you do it? B Ask your partner about their routines and their family's routines. Do they listen to their body clock? When do you got up? usually get up at 7:30, but my sister gets up at 5:00! LESSON OBJECTIVE ® show you id he ME, TOO itimshcommon FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE A «| The men are at work. Read and listen to their conversation, What do both the men do? ‘A Doyou always run at lunchtime? B Me, neither, But basketball is fun. B Yeah, | usually run for about 30 minutes. A Yeah, Iknow. A That's cool, It’s good to go out, BI play with friends, B_ lagtee, And what about you? Do you run? ‘A. Me, too. Hey, we havea game on ‘A Hardly ever. Well | play basketball, Thursday after work, Play with ust B Soyourunalot! B Thursday. Um... yeah, OK. A. That's true, But I don’t have the ball a lot! 'm ‘A’ Great! Now I'm not the only bad ZI) not very good. player. B Very funny! v VY B Complete the chart with expressions in bold from the conversations above. Showing you agree ‘Showing you have things in common, Ib That's? [That's right. neither. () : Me, 6) u “know. C Choose the correct answers to complete the conversations. Then practice with a partner. 1 A Iplay basketball on the weekend ‘Me, to0/ Me, neither. | play on Sunday. Soccer is great. agree /right. Do you play? This game is boring. Yeah, |know/ Me, neither. The team isn't very good. {don't get up late on Saturday. Me, too/Me, neither. | get up at 8 o>a>re * > [Bl REAL-WorLp STRATEGY SHORT ANSWERS WITH ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY People sometimes answer quastions with adverbs of frequency, not complete sentences, A Doyou always tun at lunch? ay B Usually. And what about you? Do you run? A Hardly ever, \4 Read about short answers with adverbs of frequency in the box above. Who runs a lot: A or B? Who doesn't run a lot? 4) HE] Listen to a conversation. Who gets up early on the weekend: the man, the woman, or both of them? Listen again. What one-word answer does the man say? ‘What one-word answer does the woman say? ee ‘Student A: Go to page 157, Student B: Go to page 159. Follow the instructions. El Pronunciation: saying syllables in words ’ 4) IEE] Listen. How many syllables do you hear? Write 1, 2, or 3. 1 mun 2 basketball 3 soccer 4) EQ) Say the words. How many syllables are there? Write 1, 2, or 3. Listen and check. 1 weekend 3 usually 5 sport 2 Wednesday 4 chat 6 moming Look at the audio script on page 48. Find more examples of words with one or two syllables. El sPeakine Write a list of things you do often. Write how you feel about the activities. chat with Friends online ~fun wateh TY ~interesting [PAIRWORK] Tell your partner what you do and how you fee! about the activities. Your partner says when he/she agrees and when you have things in common. Then change roles and repeat. Onweekdayo, lwatch TV inthe eventing,

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