Biological and Social Aspects in the Treatment of Substance use Disorder

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International Journal of Research and Review

Volume 11; Issue: 4; April 2024

Review Paper E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

Critically Discussing the Biological and Social

Aspects in the Treatment of Substance use Disorder
Maria Danai Vichou1, Ioannis Christopoulos2,3, Georgios Pilafas2,4,
Penelope Louka2,5,6
Psychology Student, University of Derby (UK) at Mediterranean College campus, Athens, Greece
Accredited Lecturer, University of Derby (UK) at Mediterranean College campus, Athens, Greece
Programme co-Leader ‘BSc (Hons) Applied Psychology’, University of Derby (UK) at Mediterranean College
campus, Athens, Greece
Programme Leader ‘BSc (Hons) Applied Psychology’, University of Derby (UK) at Mediterranean College
campus, Athens, Greece
Head of School of Psychology, Mediterranean College, Athens, Greece
Deputy Head of Academic Affairs (Learning, Teaching & Assessment), Mediterranean College, Athens,

Corresponding Author: Maria Danai Vichou


ABSTRACT when combined with a supportive

It is estimated that approximately 35 million
people suffer from substance use disorders Keywords: Substance Use Disorder,
(SUDs). SUDs are complex and chronic Biopsychology, Social Psychology,
conditions that involve the continued use of Treatment
a substance despite its harmful
consequences. Various factors, such as Approximately 5.5% of the global
genetics, biology, and social influences, population was reported to have used
play a significant role in the development of psychoactive drugs within the last year.
the disorder. Comprehending the biological Moreover, around 35 million individuals are
mechanisms of substance use and the social estimated to suffer from substance use
factors and early life experiences that shape disorders (SUDs), and about 0.5 million
the development of SUD is crucial for deaths are attributable to drug use each year
designing effective treatment approaches. (Wold Health Organization [WHO], 2023).
This can include medications that directly SUDs are intricate and often chronic
target the mechanisms of action of conditions characterized by the persistent
substances, like in the case of nicotine, or use of a substance despite the negative
medications that indirectly address the repercussions it may cause. (Butelman &
adverse effects of substance withdrawal, Kreek, 2017). In turn, “substance” is
like in the case of cocaine. Effective non- defined as any psychoactive compound that
pharmaceutical interventions, like cognitive could potentially cause social and health
behavioral therapy (CBT) and contingency issues, including addiction. Some
management (CM), are available for substances, like alcohol and tobacco, are
individuals with SUD. Research has shown legal. Others, such as heroin and cocaine,
that the combination of medication and non- are illegal. Additionally, there are
pharmaceutical approaches offer the most substances like hydrocodone and
effective and long-lasting effects, especially oxycodone, which are controlled and can
only be used under the supervision of

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Volume 11; Issue: 4; April 2024
Maria Danai Vichou Critically discussing the biological and social aspects in the treatment of substance
use disorder

licensed prescribers for medical purposes. a correlation between addiction risk and
(McLellan, 2017). genes that play a role in strengthening
The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and neuronal connections and forming drug
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders memories (Substance Abuse and Mental
(DSM-5) is regarded as the defining Health Services Administration (US) &
standard for mental health diagnoses, Office of the Surgeon General (US), 2016).
including SUDs. The DSM-5 identifies A great illustration of such genes could be
SUDs as primary mental health disorders the gene clusters CHRNA3, CHRNA5, and
(Robinson & Adinoff, 2016). It has also CHRNAB4, which show a higher
redefined addiction as a “substance use vulnerability to nicotine addiction
disorder," stressing the compulsive aspect of (MacNicol, 2017). However, research has
drug seeking (Lüscher, 2020). According to shown that environmental factors can affect
the DSM-5, for the diagnosis of SUD, the behaviors linked to particular genes. For
presence of at least two signs within a year instance, twin studies have demonstrated
is required. These may include persistently that being raised in secure environments and
seeking substances despite potential health in the absence of early-life traumas can
risks, experiencing intense cravings, impact gene expression regarding addictions
neglecting social and work-related (Ducci &Goldman, 2012).
commitments, developing a tolerance -i.e. Even though genetics can impact the
reduced sensitivity or diminished response formation of SUD, it is important to
to the effects of the substance- to the understand the biological mechanisms
substance, and encountering withdrawal underlying this disorder. More precisely,
symptoms -i.e. negative emotions in the SUD involves changes in the brain that
absence of the substance- (American affect the way individuals experience
Psychiatric Association [APA], 2022). pleasure, reward, and control impulses.
Individuals with SUD often become Hayes (2020) coins that the dopaminergic
consumed by their need for substance use, mesocorticolimbic pathway connects the
which can greatly hinder their daily ventral tegmental area (VTA) to the striatum
functions. This preoccupation with and prefrontal cortex (PFC) and that this
substance use persists, even when they are pathway is often linked to reward. Drugs of
fully aware of the negative consequences it misuse can manipulate the reward system by
brings. Severe SUDs, or addictions, can significantly boosting dopamine levels in
cause distorted thinking, changes in brain the striatum, specifically in the limbic or
structure, intense cravings, and even ventral striatum, surpassing the effects of
changes in personality (APA, 2013). typical rewards such as food and sex (Hayes
By exploring the biological and social et al., 2020).
aspects of SUDs, this essay aims to On the cellular level, these areas are
elucidate the complexities of this condition interconnected through two main types of
and also to discuss the effectiveness of brain circuits. One type is a precise point-to-
current treatment approaches with regard to point system, where each neuron forms a
physiological and sociocultural factors that single connection with another neuron,
contribute to the disorder. whereas the other type is a diverse system,
Research suggests that a significant portion where a neuron forms multiple connections
of the variability in addiction risk can be with several different neurons. The point-to-
attributed to genetic factors. There are a point system commonly employs amino
limited number of gene variants that have acids like glutamate, γ-aminobutyric acid
been discovered to either increase the risk of (GABA), aspartate, and glycine as
addiction or provide protection against it, transmitters. It is accountable for specific
suggesting that multiple genes play a role in actions, such as movement and sensation.
addiction development. Studies have found The system is composed of various

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Maria Danai Vichou Critically discussing the biological and social aspects in the treatment of substance
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neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, affected by nicotine, providing relief from

serotonin, and acetylcholine. Its purpose is withdrawal symptoms and cravings that
to regulate neural responses according to the often result in relapse. Numerous
body's homeostatic requirements. In individuals rely on NRT as a helpful aid
substance consumption, these substances during the initial phases of quitting
mimic various of these neurotransmitters smoking, while individuals with more
(MacNicol, 2017). intense nicotine addiction can find longer-
A great illustration of a substance term treatment to be advantageous
mimicking a neurotransmitter could be the (Butelman & Kreek, 2017; Le Foll et al.,
stimulant cocaine. More precisely, cocaine 2022; NIDA, 2021; Reddy et al., 2020).
blocks the presynaptic dopamine transporter Bupropion functions by reducing the appeal
(DAT) in the brain. By inhibiting the of tobacco to individuals. This mechanism
reuptake of dopamine, cocaine leads to an of action involves the inhibition of the
accumulation of dopamine in the synapses reuptake of the brain chemicals
between nerve cells. The increased norepinephrine and dopamine while also
concentration of dopamine in the synapses promoting their release. Studies have shown
contributes to the euphoria and heightened that bupropion effectively enhances
arousal associated with cocaine use (Hayes smoking cessation rates (Le Foll et al.,
et al.,2020; Koob & Volkow, 2010). 2022; NIDA, 2021). Finally, varenicline
Another great example of a substance functions by inhibiting the nicotine-sensitive
hijacking the nerve cells is nicotine, found regions of the brain. Varenicline effectively
in tobacco products. Nicotine binds to the reduces nicotine cravings by stimulating the
nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, alpha-4 beta-2 nicotinic receptor, although
stimulating the release of various to a lesser extent compared to nicotine.
neurotransmitters, including dopamine. The Research has shown that using varenicline
release of dopamine in the brain's reward significantly increases the chances of
pathway contributes to the pleasurable quitting smoking and has a higher success
sensations and reinforcement associated rate compared to placebo and single forms
with nicotine use (Butelman & Kreek, 2017; of NRT and bupropion (NIDA, 2021).
Hayes et al., 2020; Koob& Volkow, 2010). Cocaine is a major factor contributing to
There can be variation in how each overdose deaths related to illicit drug use in
individual’s brain adapts to repeated both the US and the United Kingdom.
substance exposure. Neuroadaptive Despite numerous clinical trials conducted
alternations such as changes in the receptor over the years, there is still a lack of
sensitivity or neural circuity can vary among approved pharmacotherapy for cocaine use
individuals. Therefore, some users may disorders (Bentzley et al., 2021). Recent
undergo more significant neuroadaptations studies have shown that the most effective
resulting in a quicker progression towards therapies for CUD do not involve direct
addiction (MacNicol, 2017). medication. Instead, they target the adverse
Understanding how the substances affect the effects that occur once the substance has left
nervous system is crucial to finding an the human body. In recent studies,
effective treatment. In the case of legal researchers have explored the benefits and
drugs such as nicotine, there are several drawbacks of using antidepressants like
FDA-approved medications. These are bupropion, sertraline, venlafaxine, and
nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), mirtazapine (Chan et al., 2019). The
bupropion, and varenicline. More findings provided strong evidence for the
specifically, NRT includes nicotine gum, effectiveness of antidepressants, particularly
nicotine lozenges, nicotine patches, nicotine bupropion, in reducing substance use,
inhalers, and nicotine nasal spray. NRTs promoting abstinence, and improving
effectively stimulate the brain receptors treatment retention (Chan et al., 2019; Gao

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et al., 2023). Moreover, cannabidiol is being For example, individuals with preoccupied
regarded as a potential treatment for CUD. patterns can follow hyperactive strategies,
Multiple studies have examined the effects hoping for closeness to their important
of CBD on experimental models for treating others. Notably, the abuse of stimulants
CUD. These have found that cannabidiol such as cocaine might be linked to more
(CBD) possesses anxiolytic, antipsychotic, hyperactivating, closeness-seeking
and anticonvulsant properties. and is attachment strategies (Schindler, 2019).
involved in regulating the motivation Poor parenting and parental substance use
circuitry of patients (Rodrigues et al., 2020). have always been indicators of offspring
While biological and genetic factors can substance use (Zucker & Brown, 2019).
impact the manifestation of SUD, the Furthermore, literature suggests that social
patient's social environment is also learning theory could also be considered a
considered a significant indicator of the crucial factor in the development of SUD.
disorder. There have been many social According to this theory, individuals,
theories proposed to better comprehend the through social interactions, are exposed to
causes of addiction. There is a strong their associates (family, peers, and tutors)
connection between attachment theory and who engage in certain behaviors. This is a
the development of SUD. More specifically, two-dimensional concept; either the
attachment theory suggests that the bonds individuals are exposed to their associates’
that infants and children form with their behavior directly or they are exposed to
caregivers affect their social and emotional norms and morals through their associates.
development throughout their lives (Liu & By observing the behavior of others,
Ma, 2019; Rinker, 2019). According to individuals decide whether an act is
Schindler (2019), it is more likely for an justifiable, and they proceed with imitating
individual who has not experienced secure or modelling that act. If this behavior is then
attachments when growing up to develop accepted and reinforced with rewards, it is
not only SUD but also many other mental more likely that the individual will repeat it.
disorders. The term secure describes the In this way, the behavior and moral
relationship that the child has with their judgement around an act are set (Kruis et
caregivers in terms of distance and al., 2020). According to research,
closeness. The offspring seek closeness to individuals who have been witnesses to drug
their parents when they feel in danger, and use within their family and those whose
their parents’ comforting establishes a friends are users tend to hold a favorable
secure bond, which in turn helps the child attitude towards drugs. Consequently, they
regulate their emotions. In the case that the had greater chances to use drugs
parents neglect their child’s need for themselves. On the contrary, individuals
affection or comfort, the bond is insecure, who were raised in healthy environments
the child fails to regulate their emotions, and and surrounded by peers who had never
feels fearful and anxious. In the case of been users had a lesser chance of
SUD, the substance is used as a self- experiencing the disorder and a greater
medication, aiming to compensate for the likelihood of adopting a healthy lifestyle
lack of attachment strategies (i.e., strategies (Barnes et al., 2006; Kruis et al., 2020).
that the individual can use to regulate their Drawing on the principles of attachment
emotions and stress) and/or replace theory and social learning theories, many
relationships with others (Liu & Ma, 2019; effective non-pharmaceutical interventions
Rinker, 2019; Schindler, 2019). The nature have been found for patients suffering from
of the substance also shows the level of SUD. These mainly focus on individual
security that the individual seeks, as well as efforts to quit the addiction and improve the
the different strategies for coping with lifestyle of the patients. In the case of legal
negative experiences in close relationships. substances such as tobacco, there are

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numerous approaches. A widely accepted a specific therapeutic objective. Research

method is cognitive behavioral therapy has shown that CM treatment is particularly
(CBT). CBT incorporates social learning successful in encouraging individuals to
theory, classical conditioning, and operant abstain from cocaine use in the first stages
conditioning to assist individuals in of the treatment (Kampman, 2019; Le Fol et
identifying external triggers that could put al., 2022; McPherson, 2022).
them at risk of relapsing and offers them On a societal level, recognizing the
techniques to develop more positive and significance of social relationships in the
constructive behaviors, replacing harmful recovery process can greatly assist society
patterns with healthier alternatives (Easton, in supporting individuals fighting with
2018). Moreover, in a study focused on SUD. According to Pettersen et al. (2019), it
tobacco use disorder, it was found that is crucial for the patient to change their
patients treated with six sessions of CBT social network in order to successfully start
had higher success rates than those who and maintain abstinence. Social networks
followed a nicotine replacement treatment may have a significant impact on behavior
(Webb, 2010). However, it is important to change, and the quality of relationships in
point out that motivation also plays a crucial treatment settings can either support or
role in the success of the user. Thus, another hinder recovery. Thus, the concept of
treatment approach could be motivational recovery capital (RC) is offered as a
interviewing (MI). More precisely, in MI theoretical framework to understand how
the clinicians assist patients in examining social relationships contribute to recovery
and resolving their concerns about quitting from SUD. RC encompasses a range of
and boosting their drive to adopt healthier factors, such as social capital (family,
habits. MI prioritizes the needs of patients friends, and social networks), physical
and adopts a non-confrontational approach. capital (income and property), human
Healthcare providers highlight any capital (education, skills, hopes, and health),
inconsistencies between patients' goals or and cultural capital (values, beliefs, and
values and their current behaviors (NIDA, attitudes). This model is useful for
2021). analyzing and enhancing social position,
When it comes to certain situations where identity, and positive network formation
there are no approved medications, such as (Pettersen et al., 2019). Psychosocial
with cocaine use disorder, psychosocial counselling significantly increases the
treatment is currently considered the likelihood of success in SUD treatment,
standard approach. There are various especially when combined with
psychosocial treatments available that have pharmacotherapy. The integration of these
been shown to be effective for CUD. Group various approaches can lead to a
counselling and individual drug counselling comprehensive and holistic approach to
are widely used as effective treatments. treating SUD (Le Foll et al., 2022).
Research has demonstrated the effectiveness In conclusion, SUD is a severe condition
of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and that affects a significant portion of the
motivational interviewing as well population. Therefore, understanding the
(Kampman, 2019). According to Kampman nature of addiction and its impact on an
(2019), in the case of CUD, the most individual’s life is crucial. More
effective approach would be contingency importantly, the various aspects of SUD
management (CM), which is a voucher- should be acknowledged and addressed in
based reinforcement psychosocial treatment. order to treat such a condition. These
In this type of therapy, patients are provided include genetic, biological, and social
with vouchers that can be used to obtain factors that affect and are closely linked to
goods and services in the community. These addiction. The biological mechanisms
vouchers are given as a reward for reaching behind substance use and how the

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