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● Personal information: name, age, hometown, etc.

My name is Victoria, I am eighteen years old, and i live in Santa Fe. i am student
here, i am studying Economic Sciences this is my first year. In the future, I plan to
continue studying Accountancy and become a professional.

● Family: members, age, occupation, comparisons, activities you like doing together

I have a big family.

In my family, there are seven siblings. i have five brothers and one sister. I live with
my mom and two of my younger brothers.

Most of my siblings are older and they have works, my two younger brother and i
are students.

● Description of your city/town: comparisons, what you can do there, places you
can visit/find

I live in Santa Fe. It's a big city and it has a lot of places you can visit, like
restaurants, beautiful parks, and museums. You can also do activities like going to
the cinema or shopping. One of my favorite places, for example, is the Costanera,
which is like a beach there you can enjoy the view, the fresh air, or go with friends to
spend a good time.

● Description of your house/flat: favourite room, why you like it, furniture and
activities you can/can’t do there

"I live in a house with my mom and my two younger brothers. It's not big, but I like
my house. It has one floor, three bedrooms, one bathroom, a living room, a dining
room, and a kitchen.

My favorite place in my house is my bedroom. I enjoy spending my time there,

using my computer, studying, reading books, or listening to music. I have everything
I need in my bedroom. I have a my bed, next to bed there is a bedside table where I
keep my some books on to reed at night. Opposite the bed, there is a wardrobe for
all of my clothes. Near my window, there is a desk where I have my computer and
the things I need to study.

● Routines: personal routine, favourite day of the week (what you usually do/don’t
do on that particular day)

Every morning, I get up at 8 o'clock. I go to the bathroom, wash my face, and brush
my teeth. Then, I get dressed and have my breakfast. I usually drink coffee or milk.
After breakfast, I spend some time studying. At about eleven, I start to get ready to
come here, and at 12, I take the bus. The trip takes about one hour.

When I get here, I go to the canteen to have lunch, and after I finish eating, I go to
class. I normally have two classes in the day, so I get out at seven pm and take the
bus to go home. I always get home tired, so I rest until it's time to have dinner. After
dinner, I study what we did in my classes during the day, and when I finish studying,
I go to bed at about eleven pm."

● The past: what did you do last weekend?/Where did you go on your last
best moment of your life so far

Last weekend, on Saturday, I met up with a friend and we went shopping for clothes,
it was really fun. Then, on Monday, I stayed at home all day studying."

● Holidays: what kind of holidays do you like? What are your favourite holiday
i like staying in my own country on holidays. i enjoy going out on my own and
looking around the city and visiting different places like museums or shops. i also
like going out with friends to the parks and spend time with them.

I like spending holidays in my own country. I enjoy exploring the city on my own,
visiting places like museums and shops. I also enjoy spending time with friends,
going to parks, and just hanging out together.

● Plans for the future: what are you going to do after the exam/next weekend/next
currently i dont have plans for next weekend i think im going to rest and study

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