Biology 12 Test 5 Homeostasis V6 No Ans

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Name: ________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: __________ ID: A

Biology 12 Test 5 Homeostasis /30

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Below are several statements about homeostasis and feedback systems.
1. A negative feedback system reverses the stimulus that causes the effect.
2. A positive feedback system reinforces the stimulus that causes the effect.
3. A positive feedback system maintains equilibrium.
4. An example of negative feedback is shivering caused by a decrease in body temperature.
Which statements about homeostasis and feedback systems are CORRECT?
a. 4 c. 3 d. 1, 2 and 3 e. 1, 2 and 4
b. 1 and 3

____ 2. Nephrons are the structural and functional unit of the kidney. Which of the following rows correctly matches
the part of the nephron with its excretory function?
Row Structures of nephron Function
A. Descending loop of Henle Active reabsorption of sodium ions
B. Proximal tubule Active reabsorption of glucose
C. Collecting tube Receives filtrate from glomerulus
D. glomerulus Passive transport of sodium ions
E. Bowman’s capsule Reabsorption of water

a. A c. C d. D e. E
b. B

____ 3. Which is NOT a function of the excretory system?

a. retains glucose and amino acids d. removes nitrogen-containing wastes
b. maintains pH e. maintains water-salt balance
c. produces glucose from carbon dioxide

____ 4. A neuronal membrane cannot be stimulated to undergo an action potential during the refractory period.
a. true b. false

____ 5. Human beings have a pair of fist-sized organs that are located in the lower back on each side of the spine.
What is the name of these organs?
a. Ureter c. Liver d. Kidney e. Spleen
b. Urinary bladder

____ 6. The majority of substances from the glomerular filtrate are reabsorbed in the
a. distal tubule c. glomerulus d. proximal tubule e. collecting tubule
b. ureter

____ 7. The formation of urine starts with glomerular filtration. The walls of the glomerulus act as a filtration device.
Which of the following substances will not usually pass through the glomerulus?
a. red blood cells only d. red blood cells and protein
b. ions only e. water only
c. protein only

Name: ________________________ ID: A

____ 8. Which of the following regions of the brain are responsible for the sense of touch?
a. hypothalamus d. pons
b. medulla oblongata e. parietal lobe of the cerebrum
c. temporal lobe of the cerebrum

____ 9. The primary effect of insulin is to cause

a. an increase in glucose blood levels
b. the cells in body to absorb glucose from the blood
c. fats in adipose tissue to be converted into glucose
d. the pancreas to secrete glucagon
e. breakdown of glycogen and the release of glucose into the blood

____ 10. Which of the following cell types are the functional units of the nervous system?
a. Schwann cells b. Hair cells c. Neurons d. Nephrons

____ 11. A lack of insulin production by the pancreas leads to various symptoms such as excess urination, thirst, lack
of energy and fatigue. The direct cause of a lack of energy and fatigue is that
a. body cells do not absorb glucose from the blood
b. body cells burn glucose supplies too rapidly
c. the kidneys excrete too much of glucose
d. there are inadequate glucose levels in the blood
e. none of these

____ 12. Which among the following body fluids play a major role in maintaining optimum body temperature?
a. Urine d. Interstitial Fluid
b. Blood e. Lymph
c. Glomerular Filtrate

____ 13. The amount of water that is reabsorbed or excreted in urine is controlled by the release of the hormone
a. Glucagon d. Testosterone
b. Insulin e. Aldosterone
c. Antidiuretic Hormone

____ 14. Which of the following regions of the brain are responsible for the sense of hearing?
a. parietal lobe of the cerebrum d. pons
b. hypothalamus e. temporal lobe of the cerebrum
c. medulla oblongata

____ 15. The four processes that occur during urine formation are as follows: glomerular filtration, tubular
reabsorption, tubular secretion, and water reabsorption. In the nephron, the process of reabsorption does not
occur in the
a. proximal tubule c. glomerulus d. loop of Henle e. all of these
b. distal tubule

____ 16. The spaces between the Schwann cells on a neural fibre are known as
a. nodes of Ranvier c. synapses d. dendrites e. axon
b. cytoplasm

____ 17. Which organ is NOT a part of the excretory system?

a. ureter c. urinary bladder d. kidney e. ovary
b. urethra

Name: ________________________ ID: A

____ 18. Before its release into the environment, the fluid produced by the kidneys is temporarily stored in the
a. urinary bladder d. urethra
b. ureter e. Bowman’s capsule
c. renal pelvis

____ 19. Nitrogenous wastes are produced as result of the metabolic breakdown of
a. minerals c. hemoglobin d. lipids e. proteins
b. carbohydrates

____ 20. The reabsorption of which component of the filtrate contributes most to the decrease in volume as it becomes
a. Chloride ions c. Water d. Potassium ions e. Amino acids
b. Glucose

____ 21.
Myelinated neurons conduct impulses faster than unmyelinated neurons because in myelinated fibers, sodium
gates open only a
a. node of Ranvier labeled 3 d. dendrite labeled 4
b. cell body labeled 2 e. node of Ranvier labeled 4
c. dendrite labeled 1

____ 22. A nerve impulse consists of a series of action potentials that involve the movement of which of the following
a. Sodium and potassium d. Phosphorus and zinc
b. Sodium and phosphorus e. Sodium and zinc
c. Phosphorus and potassium

____ 23. Which of the following processes occur in Bowman’s capsules?

a. Active secretion of hydrogen ions d. Filtration of blood
b. Active reabsorption of sodium ions e. Passive reabsorption of chloride ions
c. Passive reabsorption of water

Name: ________________________ ID: A

____ 24. Use the diagram given below to answer the next question.

In the above diagram, find where the hypothalamus (which serves as a link between the nervous system and
the endocrine system) is numbered.
a. 3 c. 2 d. 4 e. 1
b. 3 and 4

____ 25. In a neuron, the _____ receives signals from other neurons and the _____ transmits signals to the next neuron
or to an effector.
a. dendrite axon d. axon dendrite
b. axon cell body e. cytoplasm nucleus
c. nucleus cytoplasm

____ 26. Structurally, the glomerulus is a fine network of

a. sodium ions c. arteries d. glucose e. veins
b. capillaries

____ 27. At the place where one neuron transmits an impulse to another neuron there is a (an)
a. node of Ranvier c. Schwann cell d. cell body e. axon
b. synapse

____ 28. The cells which create the myelin sheath around an axon are
a. Schwann cells d. motor nerve cells
b. hair cells e. nodes of Ranvier
c. sensory nerve cells

____ 29. How does type 1 diabetes compare with type 2?

a. Treatment for type 2 diabetes involves insulin injections, while type 1 can be controlled
by diet.
b. Type 1 can be a result of lifestyle, while type 2 is thought to be caused by a virus.
c. In type 1, the beta cells in the islets of Langerhans do not produce insulin; in type 2,
insulin can still be produced, but in reduced amounts.
d. Type 2 occurs because of the degeneration of beta cells, while type 1 is associated with a
decreased production of insulin.

Name: ________________________ ID: A

____ 30.
Which of the following describes the ion flow into or out of the nerve fibre at the position marked 1 on the
a. K+ are flowing in
b. Na+ are flowing out
c. K+ are flowing out
d. K+ and Na+ are flowing in opposite directions
e. Na+ are flowing in

Short Answer

1. How is homeostasis of the human body similar to maintenance of a fish aquarium?

2. Explain why people sweat. How does it help maintain homeostasis?

3. Why is positive feedback an ineffective way of maintaining homeostasis? Explain how negative feedback is
more effective.

Name: ________________________ ID: A

4. Label the diagram of the nephron shown below. Briefly describe the different roles that the parts of a
nephron play in the formation of urine.

5. Compare protein hormones with steroid hormones.

Name: ________________________ ID: A

6. Sketch a drawing of a nerve cell to show the direction of movement of a nerve impulse. Label all parts

7. Draw a graph to represent the changes in membrane potential/voltage during the six phases of an action
potential in a neuron and incorporate the net movement of ions inside and outside of the membrane. Explain
the graph.

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