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7/14/24, 7:18 PM Inseam Pockets, How to Sew Side Pocket (Free Pattern) | TREASURIE



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Modified: Jul 4, 2024 by Treasurie

Inseam pockets are hidden in the side seams of garments and can add a
functional and fun feeling to any pattern. They are easy to add even when
the sewing pattern doesn't have it included. Even beginner sewers can easily
create side inseam pockets; this tutorial will show you how to sew inseam
pockets with a free printable pattern. 1/21
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7/14/24, 7:18 PM Inseam Pockets, How to Sew Side Pocket (Free Pattern) | TREASURIE

What Are Inseam Pockets?

Inseam pockets are medium-sized pockets hidden in the side seams of
dresses, pants, and skirts. They are not obvious unless you put your hands
inside them, making them a sleek and flattering option for all garments.
Inseam pockets are large enough to put your hands inside, making them
perfect for hiding a tissue, small purse, or phone.

Table of Contents
1. What are Inseam Pockets?
2. Free Inseam Pockets Pattern
3. Inseam Pockets Supplies Needed
4. How to Sew Inseam Pockets, Instructions
5. Inseam Pockets - In Conclusion
6. More Pocket Tutorials
7. Inseam pockets

Inseam pockets give you somewhere to put your hands and feel ever so
confident and stylish.

Free Inseam Pockets Pattern

You can make your own pattern by tracing around your hand and then
adding seam allowance, or here is a free inseam pocket pattern you can print.


>Download inseam pocket pattern 3/21
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Remember to measure the test square is correct and if you need printing
help, read my article on how to print PDF patterns.

Inseam Pockets Supplies Needed

An inseam pocket pattern - You can make your own or download the
Treasurie inseam pockets pattern.

Sewing basics - Sewing thread, pins, machine, and basic supplies

Matching fabric to your garment. If you are sewing thick fabric, for example,
wool, you can use a thin pocket fabric in a matching color to reduce bulk.

I have used a contrasting fabric so you can see the side pockets clearly; most
of the time, these pockets are designed with a matching pocket color.
Alternatively, a contrast color pocket can add a cute pop of color that is
exposed when you move or put your hands inside.

For this tutorial, I have photographed the pocket attached to a skirt, but this
method works exactly the same for pants, shorts, or dresses. Any side seam
will do! 4/21
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Dress Pattern

The pattern featured here is

from the Treasurie pattern
shop. It includes inseam
pockets and comes with 2
great options. Shop the
dress pattern.

How To Sew Inseam Pockets,

Here is how to add pockets to a dress, skirt or pants:

St e p 1 - P r e w a s h A n d C u t T h e Po c ke t s
Pre-washing your fabric is important since if the pocket shrinks more than
the outside garment, you will end up with a puckered mess after the first
wash. Also, check for color bleeding, as this can also ruin all your hard work.

My downloadable inseam pocket pattern includes seam allowances of ½ inch

(12mm). You can add more or less if you need to.

When cutting the pockets, make sure you are cutting the fabric on a fold so
that you end up with 2 pockets, a mirror image of each other. Alternatively, if
you cut them separately from scrap fabric, flip the paper pattern over to cut
the second one. 5/21
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How Many Pieces to Cut - My pocket pattern says cut 4, assuming

you are going to put the pockets on either side of your garment. If
you only want to put the inseam pockets on one side, you will only
need to cut 2 pocket pieces.

St e p 2 - P l a c e m e n t O f I n s e a m Po c ke t s
Most patterns will indicate where to add the inseam pockets, but if they
don't, you will need to work it out yourself. Try on or hold up your half-made
garment and determine the position just on or below your hip where it will
feel comfortable.

Mark the top of the pocket placement on both the front and back of the
skirt so you can match them up evenly.

St e p 3 - F i n i s h i n g S i d e Po c ke t s
To prevent having to serger or finish awkward angles, it is easiest to serger
the pocket edges now. Finish the rounded part of the pocket, keeping the
straight edge unfinished for now.

Of course, a serger is easiest, but you can also use a zig-zag stitch or pinking
shears. Bias tape is also an option, but it can get a little bulky and show on
the outside of garments made from thinner fabrics.

Further Reading: Seam finishes 6/21
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St e p 4 - J o i n T h e I n s e a m Po c ke t s
With the right sides together, stitch a pocket to the front of the skirt with the
seam allowance. Do not stitch beyond the seam allowance at the top and
bottom. Match the top of the pocket to the top of the mark you have made.
Some patterns will have notches for the side seam and pocket that you will
match up.

If my seam allowance is ½ inch (12mm), then stitch the seam at ½ inch

(1.2cm). Stop at the top and bottom ½ inch from the edge.

St e p 5 - F i n i s h T h e S e a m
Finish all the way down the side seam of the skirt (catches in the pocket
edge). The best way is with a zig-zag, serger, or pinking shears. Finishing the
edge now makes your sewing look neater and is less awkward later. 7/21
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St e p 6 - P r e s s O p e n
Press the pocket open. Optionally, topstitch along the seam on the pocket,
once again stopping ½ inch (12mm) from the top and bottom. I usually don't
topstitch, but if you have a bulky fabric that won't stay open, this helps the
pocket stay flat. 8/21
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St e p 7 - J o i n i n g T h e Po c ke t s
Open up the pockets. With right sides together, stitch the front and back of
the skirts together at the side seam and all around the pocket. Take care to
leave the pocket opening open. 9/21
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St e p 8 - P r e s s I n s e a m Po c ke t To w a r d F r o n t
Press the pocket towards the front of the skirt. If you press the side seams
forward, you won't need to clip the corners of the pockets meaning there are
no weak points that can fray. 10/21
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St e p 9 - Tu r n
Turn the garment to the right side, and you have a lovely inseam pocket
ready to use. 11/21
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Inseam Pockets - In Conclusion

Now you know how to sew inseam pockets, you can add them to almost any
garment. They are slimline, discrete, and best of all, easy to sew.

More Pocket Tutorials

How to Sew Zippered Pockets - These pockets are great for bags and
purses and can be added to most patterns easily. A concealed pocket is great
for safety.

Types of Pockets - This article shows you all the types of pockets including
the inseam pockets shown here.

How to Sew a Pocket - Learn how to make patch pockets in any shape. This
tutorial includes the shapes for a rounded and tulip pocket.

Inseam pockets
Learn how to sew inseam pockets (side pockets) step by step.

5/5 - (10 votes)

Print Pin

Difficulty: Easy Beginner Keyword: Sewing Total Time: 12 minutes


Tools 13/21
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Sewing Basics
Pocket Pattern


1. Finish the edges of the pockets.

2. With right sides together, stitch a pocket to the front of the skirt with
the seam allowance.

3. Finish all the way down the side seam of the skirt. Press the pocket

4. Open up the pockets. With right sides together, stitch the front and
back of the skirts together at the side seam and all around the pocket.
Leave the pocket opening open. 14/21
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5. Press the pocket forward.

6. Turn the garment to the right side.

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More Sewing Techniques

Lock Stitch - Stop Welt Seam - Easy

Seams Unravelling Fast Tutorial for Strong Seams

Grading Seams - Sewing CLIPPING SEWING | Clip

Bulky Seams Tutorial Corners and Curves 16/21
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Christine m connolly March 29, 2023 at 12:23 am

Thanks so much! Very clear and well done

Kaniz October 30, 2022 at 12:19 am

Thank you so much for the inseam pocket procedure .I have some pants and
skirts that need pockets,so I definitely going to use your method to put them.

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H i , We l c o m e !
It's great to have you here. I
create simple craft tutorials to
teach you new skills. 18/21
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