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Grammar summary UNIT 1 Practice a/an (articles) 4 Complete the sentences with am, are and is. 24 single noun with consonants: bef ete 1 Hill___ Blena a driver, a filmmaker 2 Paul an engineer: an + single noun with vowels: a, ¢, i, 0,1 } ae bens Keng: an artist, an engineer Sia ea, Practice 6 1 Mexican, 41 Complete the sentences with a or att my, your 1 I'm __ scientist Tn fared, My name's Jared 2 Im ___writer. You're Maria, Your name's Maria. 3 Tm explorer , 4 lm artist. Practice 5 tm photographer 5 Complete the sentences with my and your. 6 Tm student 1 name’s Ludmilla. I’m from Russia. I +am, you + are 2 ell ote yeahs name's Mr : jones, I'm Tomas uN fam Cn | pope 3 Hello! name's Paolo. ou} eel js puent 4 Hi. I'm Juan. What's name? Practice "Thanks’ 2 Complete the sentences with I'm or You're. 6 ‘John, what's home number?’ 1 aux ‘Alex v's 0352 497 268, 2 ROMER Mattias Kim UNIT 2 Torus: Ys 3. caRotYN: Hil 5 mobile number is 695 836 736.’ we/they + are | ALEX Carolyn. in Conada 4 feta Hl Me ae roorer: Hil Robert Ballard ” rere) alin, 5. marrinas: Hello! Matthias canotyn: Hi, Mattias Practice 6 aux’ I'ma photographer. ; aie CNS ay. 1. Complete the sentences ; 1 Thisis Jack. This is Bill. are Cana he/she/it + is 2. France and Spain in Burope. | He is(3) French 3. Bruno and Paola are from Italy. Italian she 15(5)——_ trom pen 4 Vm with my teacher. ‘re ina classroom. | k is(s) italy. 5 I'm from Japan. My friend is from Japan, Japanese | Practice 6 Jane and Barry are Australian. ___‘re from |B Write sentences with He's, She's and It's, Australia 1 Dechen / from Ladakh be 2. Manu / Nepalese 1 amt) 3. Dechen / Indian oa aecan 4 Jagat / in Nepal i 5. Manu / from Jagat eA a in Canad 6 Ladakh / in India 5 eats a talon 1+ am, you + are, he/she/it + is (be) We 1 am(m) John. You are (ve) You rete) a student. They He ists) French She (3) from Japan t 0) intl Grammar summary Practice 2 Choose the correct option. My name is Carlos and I am /is /are a student. ‘Toshiba am /is /are Japanese, You ant /is /are a student. My teacher am /is /are from London. V'm with my friend. We am /is /are in China. Germany and France amt / is /are in Europe be negative forms 1 am not (m not) You ‘arenot(aren') a teacher He from Europe, She isnot isn't) inchina. tt be are not aren't) from Europe. ae in china. Practice 3 Rewrite the sentences with the verb in the negative form. 1 Jack’s a student. 2. Weare Spanish, 3. Bolivia is in Europe. 4 I'mhappy. 5. Susana and Gina are from Peru. 6 You're a writer. be questions and short answers Yes, Lom. ae No, Ym not inahoten NO Yes, sheiheft is. Isshemeit nes oa fiaaaton ere ra is Yes, welyourthey are, evans No, welyourthey aren't Practice 4 Write questions with the correct form of be. Then write two answers for each question with yes and no. 1 Simona / from Bolivia? 2 John / a teacher? 3. you / on holiday? 4 your hotel / nice? 5. Paris / beautiful? 6 Susana and Gina / in Paris? plural nouns Add -s 4 friend — friends Change-y to -ies. acity~» cities Add -es to nouns that end in -s, -ch and -ss, a bus > buses Practice 5 Write the plural of these nouns. J alake 5 abeach 9 student 2 acountry 6 aphoto 10 aholiday 3 acar 7 amountain 11 anisland 4 anairport 8 atent 12 aphone UNIT 3 possessive ‘s Alexandra is Philippe's daughter. Simone and Jacques are Alexandra's grandparents Note: The possessive ‘sis not a contraction of i. Who's Fabien? = Who is Fabien? He's my brother. = He is my brother He's Jear-Michel’s son, = He is Jean-Michel’ son. Practice 1 Look at the family tree, Write sentences. o 8 ary Elena —— 4 3 Lisa Marga Oscar 1 James / Oscar / father 2 John and James / Elena / sons 3. Lisa and Marga / Harry / granddaughters 4 Lisa / Marga / sister 5. Blena / Oscar / grandmother 6 James / John / brother his, her, our, their my your his her ‘their This is friend. Practice 2 Choose the correct option. This is a photo of my brother at her /his wedding, My wife is Russian. Her / My name is Olga. We are happy. It's his /our daughter's wedding, Hi, Zara. Is it her / your birthday today? ‘My parents are on holiday. It’s his / their wedding anniversary. 6 Hername is Anna. What’s her /your husband's irregular plural nouns a child — children fwormn > women ‘person people Remember: Add -s or es and change y to -is to make regular plural nouns Practice 3 Complete the singular and plural nouns. How old are the wom Who are the pe This chilis three years old Whois the pe in this photo? James and Eliza are my chil 6 Our teacher is am UNIT 4 in the photo? at the wedding? prepositions of place e e ® ry ee The museum is next to the market The market is in London Street. The cinema is near the bank. ‘The café is opposite the bus station. Practice 1. Look at the picture. Complete the sentences. 1. The bank is 2 The bank is Information Centre. the hotel. the Tourist 3. Two people are the park. 4 The car park is the hotel, 5. The Science Museum is the car park. Three people are the cinema, Grammar summary this, that “titi Use tis for things near to you. Use that for things not near to you. Practice 2 Look at the picture in Exercise 1, Read the words of the people in the park (1-3) and of the people in the street (4-6). Choose the correct option “This /That park is nice.’ “This /That is my bank’ ‘Is this /that your book?” “This /That is a beautiful street." “Look. Is this / that café open?” ‘Isthis /that your car in the car park?” question words What's that? Where's the bank? When's the park open? Practice 3 Match the questions (1-6) with the answers (af) Why's Big Ben famous? Who's this? How old is he? Where's Luton airport? What's your address? How old is your brother? Who's that in the park? When are banks open in your country? Why's the tower famous? From Monday to Friday, It’s very old. It’s near London. 36, Oxford Street My sister and her children, He's 27. Grammar summary UNIT5 can/can’t Prima Tepe] Wou ou Helshent HefShent WelvouThey WervourThey ‘ean cook. can’t cook. can't= cannot Practice 11 Choose the correct option. 1 2 3 4 5 6 can questions and short answers Babies can /can't run, Children can /can’t see. Babies can /can’t move, Cars can / can't fy. Children can /can’t run. Animals can /can't speak. 2 Write questions and answers. 1 he/sing¥ 2 you / drive acar¥ 3. they / play table tennis X 4 she / cook X 5 we / speak English ¥ 6 it/swimx have/has ou rs Werourthey "8 —_-amabile phone. batteries HerSheft has Practice 3 Complete the sentences with have and has. 11 two cameras, 2 My laptop a webcam. 3. My friends three children — they're all boys. 4 We a French car. 5 Mycity three parks. 6 My sister ‘a great job ~ she's a computer engincer. adjective + noun ‘My headphones are new. Thave new headphones. Note: Adjectives have only one form: I have news headphones ‘The word order is adjective + noun, NOT noun + adjective: I have headphones net. Practice 4. Put the words in order to make sentences. is / camera / this / Japanese / a fantastic / phone / my / a / memory / has MP3 player / you / great / a / have city / Paris / beautiful / a / is red /a/ my / has / sister / car is / Jack’s / man / an / grandfather / old very, really aero pe & Ws great/fantastic, ee ae = ett EN see ee 5 Rewrite the sentences with very or really where possible. This laptop is light. (really) Their house is big. (very) My friend's new phone is fantastic. (really) This is a good oven. (very) That microwave is great. (very) We have an old car. (really) UNIT 6 like Paneer UouNe/YourThey don't ike vegetables. (don't = do nod Practice 11 Write sentences with the correct form of like. 1 1/basketball ® 4 you / tea® 2 we / rugby ®@ 5 1/coffee® 3. they / tennis © 6 they / cake® like questions and short answers x eer. oe eel. S aac alk ss Note: ‘Do you like pizza?" “Yes, Ido.’ NOT ‘Yes, ike” Practice 2. Write questions with the words, Then write answers to the questions. 1 cheese / they 2 fruit / you x 3 meat /'youv 4 fish / they ¥ 5 rice / they x 6 eggs / youx Grammar summary he/she + like Cn) gat He He TR, kes books, doesnt tke music (doesn’t = does not) he ye fgny Yes Hefshe does, oes she Bt No, helshe doesn’t. Practice 3. Four of these sentences have a missing word: does ‘or doesn’t. Rewrite the sentences with the missing word. 1. Zeb likes Arizona 2. Joanna like action films. 3. your teacher like music? 4. Ryan like swimming. 5. Elise like sports? 6 Krishnan likes coffee. object pronouns ime. you. bir, her ie you. them, Diana likes Practice 4 Look at the underlined nouns. Complete the sentences with an object pronoun, 1. like birds, but my friend doesn’t like We can’t see you. Can you see 2 She's a popular writer, but I don’t like 4 Do you like pop music? Yes, [love Mait Damon is fantastic in the Bourne films. I love 6 Ihave a cat. Itloves UNIT7 present simple /you/we/yourthey a 1 1 vou You Bet (eestor (en (oereerert ert vou You ‘They ‘They (don't = do not) Practice 1. Rewrite the sentences in the form given in brackets. live near a beach. (negative) You don’t have a car. (affirmative) My friends speak English. (negative) I don’t understand Japanese. (affirmative) ‘We study in the holidays. (negative) ‘They live in a tent. (negative) present simple questions /you/we/you/ they you Yes, Wyoulwelyounthey do. Do we live in Sweden? you No, Vyoulwelyoufthey don’t. they Practice 2 _ Write questions with the words. Then write answers to the questions in Egypt (you / live) ¥ toccollege (they / go) X Spanish (I / study) 7 English (your friends / learn) 7 friends in this class (we / have) ¥ at this school (you / teach) X present simple with question words What ‘Where do? who do Wyoulwelyourthey 90? Why: meet? When Practice 3 Read the questions and answers. Complete the questions with a question word, 1 do you do?" “Twork ina school’ 26 do you have your holidays?” ‘In summer’ 30 do you do in the summer holidays?” “Tplay golf’ 4 do you play golf with?” ‘Tplay golf with my brothers. ; do your brothers live?” “They live near me.’ 64 do you play golf?” ‘Tike it” Grammar summary UNIT 8 present simple he/she/it Helshe — getsup at 7:30 HerShe doesn’t work. Add-s. get up — gets up ‘Add -es to verbs that end in -ch and -sh. teach -» teaches, finish -» finishes The verbs go, do and have are irregular. go> goes, do» does, have ~» has Practice 11 Write the correct form of the verb in brackets 1 Kristen (get up) at seven o'clock. 2 She (not / go) to work in the day. 3. She (work) in the evening, 4 She (not / work) in a school 5 She (teach) adults at a college. 6 She (tart) work at 5.30 and she (finish) at ten o'clock. prepositions of time ate time e850 omar eee era in- part of day, mont, season the moring in uy. in Note: at night Practice 2. Complete the text with the correct preposition Alain works in the city. He getshome' _ seven o'elock? the evening. He has dinner! 8.30 and * winter he watches TV. He goes out for dinner Fridays. He can go to bed late because he doesn’t work ® Saturdays, frequency adverbs 100% 1 always have breakfast We usually get up early My friend often works late. I sometimes travel in my job. ah, Myfriend never writes emails Note: The word order is adverb + verb, except with be: I am never late, NOW Tneversem late Practice 3 Put the words in order to make sentences. in the morning / coffee / have / usually / I travels / colleague / my / in her jab / often homework / never / our / gives / teacher / us always /1/ atnight / read studies / my / at home / friend / sometimes my brother / late / always / works present simple questions he/she he Yes, helshe does. pees lake See? hhefshe doesn't Cre eed ‘What does helshe do? ‘Where does helshe go in summer? Practice 4. Read the sentence. Then write a question with the words in brackets Carl doesn’t have breakfast at 7.30. (8:30?) Anna doesn’t finish work at 6.30. (what time 2) Julia doesn’t go to bed late. (early ?) Michael doesn’t work in an offce. (where ?) My brother doesn’t read novels. (what 2) My sister doesn’t like tea. (coffee 2) How... ? Hroxw does he take photos? ‘How many people do you work with? ‘How often does your friend telephone you? How old is that tiger? Hox much is this book? Practice 5 Read the sentence. Then write a question with the ‘words in brackets and an expression with How Thave 200 friends on Facebook. (you ?) I'm 23. (you?) This camera is $99. (that camera?) My sister phones me every day. (your sister ?) My friend takes videos with his phone. (you 2) Tmake coffee with milk. (you ?) UNIT 9 ‘There's @ book in my bag. There are some books in my bag, (Theres) Practice 4. What's in my suitcase? Write sentences. 1 amapy 4 acamera x 2. clothes ¥ 5. keysx 3. books x 6 a pair of sandals ¥ there is/are negative and question forms Presevesnour este al | Sera aol tee Practice 2. What's in my suitcase? Write questions. Then write answers to the questions 1 ahatx 4 aphonev 2 a passport 7 5. pairs of shoes 7 3. pens x 6 tickets x imperative forms Book the hotel online. Don't travel by bus (don't = do not) Practice 3 Read the instructions from a travel guide for some tourists, Choose the best option, 1 Don’t forget / Forget your passports. 2 Don't arrive / Arrive at the airport on time. 3. Don't give / Give me your mobile numbers, please. 4 Don't be /Be late. 5. Don't unit / Wait a moment, please. 6 Don't switch off / Switch off your phone on the plane. UNIT 10 was/were HerShefit was Russian ‘YouWerYouThey were Russian Practice 1 Complete the paragraph with was or were. Sally Ride" the first American woman in space. She® bor in 1951. Her parents, 2 from California, Her first space flight «in 1983. She the writer of five books for children. They® ___ about space and science. was/were negative and question forms ‘Messhelt wasn't famous. YouNWe/They weren't famous. (wasn't = was not, weren't = were not) or Brienne t he Yes, Vheisherit was Was she No, Uneisherit wasn't. it happy at you school? we ‘Yes, youtwe/yourthey were. Mere you No, youlwelyourthey weren't. they Grammar summary Practice 2 Complete the sentences with was, wasn't, were and weren't. 1 Neil Armsteong the first man in space?” “No, he“ ‘ 2 My parents are from Hong Kong. They ‘born in Europe. 3. My mother is a doctor. She the first woman in her family with a university degree. 4 ‘you born in 1986?” Yes, I : 5 the first televisions in colour?” ‘No, they 7 61 very good at music at school and can’t play a musical instrument. UNIT 11 irregular past simple verbs went to the Alps fouWerheWervourThe Hvounige Yad 2 good holiday. do — did, find — found, go -* went, have had, leave -» left, make ~» made, see —» saw, take -* took Practice 1 Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verb. 1 We (lake) a lot of photos on our holiday. 2. The tourists (g0) for a walk 31 (have) lunch at home yesterday. 4 We (see) a great film last week, 51 (make) dinner last night. 6 My father (leave) school when he was fourteen. regular past simple verbs UYouMMe/she/tvwWervourThey wa ‘the mountains. Add -ed or -d. start» started, live + lived Change-y to ie study stusied Practice 2. Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verb Last weekend we ! the mountains. We morning. We? Then we" (g0) for a walk in (start) early in the (walk) for two hours. (have) a snack. We* (find) a bag on the walk. We ® (finish) our walk and we? (ake) the bag to the police station. The police *_ (discover) a lot of money in the bag, Grammar summary past simple negative and question forms YoufHe/She/tvWervourThey didn't go on holiday last year. od Did Wyourhelsheritwelyoulthey drive? Bre Yes, Wyoufhelshelivwelyourthey did No, WyouMhelshelivwelyoulthey didn't. (didn't = did now) Note: In the negative and in question forms, we use the past simple of do (did) + verb (go, drive, etc), NOT ‘They didn’t wert on holiday last yen. Did they went on holiday last year? Practice 3. Complete the interview with an explorer. a? {you / travel) a lot last year? a: Yes, 1? . Lwent to 17 countries. @ Wow!* (you / go) to South America? f Ye ve HE WoW ee pecan FL (you / write) a blog about your trip? past simple with question words ie = = aE eee es = = Practice 4. Write questions for these answers. Use a question word and the correct form of the underlined verb 1 We met lots of interesting people. They went to Cancun in Mexico. She saw some beautiful buildings. We arrived at the hotel at night. went there because I like the food. 6 They stayed in a youth hostel UNIT 12 present continuous am "MAE cooking. HelShem is isn't eating. WervouThey are/ aren't reading. ‘We use the present continuous for activities in progress at the time of speaking, Practice 1 Write sentences about an English class with the correct form of the verb in brackets. 1 the teacher Gat, 2¢ Mis 4 Juan and Paolo (read), = = ae ae ae Sees, Practice 2 Write questions with these words. Use the information in Exercise 1 to answer the questions, Ana / look out of the window Tomas / watch a video T/ listen Olga and Ludmilla / write the teacher / talk 6 Juan and Paolo / read Present continuous with future time expressions ‘tomorrow. fon Saturday (morning), this/next weekend, fon 8 June, Ym meeting my friends ‘We use the present continuous + future time expressions for future plans, Practice 3 Read each sentence. Does it refer to now (N) or the future (F)? I'm playing tennis on Sunday, We aren’t watching this TV show. My friends are coming this weekend. Is your family having a party tonight? What are you doing in June? My sister is staying with us.

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