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Community Extension Service

Basic Project Information
Project Title "Building a Values-Driven Community: A Sustainable Values
Education Program for Barangay Sta. Cruz Calapan City"
Name of Person in Charge Wenielyn Mariz O. Antenor Student ID# 49218
Contact no. of Person in charge 0912-079-9395
Project Launch Target Date and August 1, 2024 at 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Target Venue Barangay Hall, Sta. Cruz Calapan City Oriental Mindoro
Name of Resource  Mr. Ricardo P. De Borja – Barangay Chairman
 Ms. Rodeth D. Candolita – SK Barangay Councilor
 Mrs. Ella Mae D. Llamboloto – Teacher

Executive Summary
This project proposal outlines a values education program designed to address the needs of Barangay
Sta. Cruz Calapan City. The program aims to promote moral and ethical values among residents,
fostering a more cohesive and respectful community. The initiative is budget-friendly and sustainable,
with activities planned to ensure long-term impact.

Introduction Values education is essential in building strong, unified communities. In

Barangay Sta. Cruz Calapan City, there is a growing need to reinforce moral
values among residents, especially the youth. This project seeks to address
this need by implementing a comprehensive values education program that
is both cost-effective and sustainable.
Objectives  To instill core values such as respect, responsibility, and
cooperation in the community.
 To reduce instances of conflict and promote harmony among
 To engage the youth in positive activities that build character.
 To ensure the long-term sustainability of values education in the
Project Description The values education program will consist of workshops, seminars, and
community activities designed to teach and reinforce important values. Key
components include:

 Workshops: Monthly sessions on various values, facilitated by local

educators and community leaders.
 Seminars: Quarterly seminars featuring guest speakers who will
share experiences and insights on living out core values.
 Community Activities: Activities such as clean-up drives, sports
events, and cultural programs that promote teamwork and
community spirit.
Project Plan or Timeline Month 1: Project launch and initial workshop on respect.
Month 2: Community clean-up drive and workshop on responsibility.
Month 3: Seminar with a guest speaker on ethical living.
Month 4: Sports event promoting teamwork and cooperation.
Month 5: Workshop on integrity and honesty.
Month 6: Review and evaluation of project progress.
Budget Workshops (Materials and PHP 5,000
Seminars (Speaker fees and PHP 10,000
Community Activities (Materials PHP 7,500
and event organization)
Miscellaneous (Contingency fund) PHP 2,500
Total Budget PHP 25,000
Evaluation Plan The project’s success will be evaluated through:

 Surveys: Pre- and post-program surveys to measure changes in

attitudes and behaviors.
 Feedback: Regular feedback from participants and community
 Observation: Monitoring attendance and participation rates in
Sustainability Plan To ensure sustainability, the project will:

 Train Local Facilitators: Equip community members with the skills

to continue values education.
 Establish Partnerships: Collaborate with local schools, religious
organizations, and NGOs for ongoing support.
 Secure Funding: Apply for grants and seek sponsorships from local
businesses to fund future activities.
Risk Management Potential risks and mitigation strategies include:

 Low Participation: Mitigation by promoting the program through

various channels and incentivizing participation.
 Budget Overruns: Careful planning and maintaining a contingency
fund to handle unexpected expenses.
 Sustainability Challenges: Building strong partnerships and
continuously seeking funding sources.
Implementing a values education program in Barangay [Your Barangay Name] is a crucial step toward
fostering a cohesive and respectful community. This project is designed to be sustainable and budget-
friendly, ensuring long-term benefits for all residents. With the support of the community and local
leaders, we can create a positive and lasting impact.


Respondent: Mr. Ricardo P. De Borja – Barangay Chairman

1. What specific values do you think are most important for the youth in our Barangay to learn and
The most certain and important thing for our youth is love for parents and godliness as well as
respect for the elderly and will be good youth and not a problem of the barangay as Jose Rizal
said that the youth is the hope of the people.
2. How can values education be improved to better support and include the senior citizens in our
For those who are elderly, maybe be careful with the activities covered. And hope to be helped
and supported in emotional needs through the rights and abilities of a barangay community.
3. What role do you believe parents and guardians should play in the values education of children in our
The most important duty of parents or guardians is to remind, shape and guide them properly
so that they do not become stubborn. And be taught in relation to the faith. They should be the
first to guide so as not to lose the path to follow in life.
4. In what ways can Barangay officials and community leaders help promote and reinforce values
education in our community?
As the Barangay Captain and father of the barangay together with the officers we should be the
first to implement order for the better. And by supporting individuals such as Senior citizens,
PWD, Youth and others. And address the needs that must be done by following the ordinance
that will benefit the community of our barangay.
5. What types of programs or activities would you like to see implemented in our Barangay to enhance
values education for all residents?
Maintain godliness by attending house of worship. And having a seminar for everyone so that
everyone or any member of a family of a household can attend to have and provide knowledge
or lessons that can be shared for a family.

Respondent: Ms. Rodeth D. Candolita – SK Barangay Councilor

1. What specific values do you think are most important for the youth in our Barangay to learn and
I believed the most important values for the youth in our barangay to learn and practice include
respect, responsibility, integrity, community spirit, resilience and spirituality living with the
guidance of God.
2. How can values education be improved to better support and include the senior citizens in our
To improve values education to better support and include the senior citizens in our barangay
for example implement programs that encourage interaction between the youth and senior
citizens. Activities such as storytelling sessions, joint community projects and cultural exchanges
can foster mutual respect and understanding.
3. What role do you believe parents and guardians should play in the values education of children in our
Parents and guardians play a crucial role in the values education of children in our barangay by
observing the behaviour of adults around them. Parents and guardians should demonstrate the
values they wish to instill in their children through their actions.
4. In what ways can Barangay officials and community leaders help promote and reinforce values
education in our community?
As a SK councilor I believe that barangay officials and community leaders play a crucial role in
promoting and reinforcing values education in our community. They can start by organizing
regular seminars workshops that focus on essential values such as such as respect, responsibility
and integrity. By collaborating with schools, religious institutions and non- governmental
organizations, they can create supportive network that emphasizes the importance of values
5. What types of programs or activities would you like to see implemented in our Barangay to enhance
values education for all residents?
In terms of specific programs or activities, I would like to see the implementation of youth
development programs that incorporate valves education through engaging and interactive
methods. Activities such as community service projects, sports leagues, and arts and cultural
events can be designed to highlight and practice key values. Moreover, establishing mentorship
programs where older community members guide and support the younger generation and
mutual respect can foster a sense of shared responsibility and mutual respect.

Respondent: Mrs. Ella Mae D. Llamboloto – Teacher

1. What specific values do you think are most important for the youth in our Barangay to learn and
Being godly and humane. When young people are pious, they are afraid to do bad things and
they have a guide in their daily life. Being humane is important because if there is respect for
each person, each other will be far from trouble and everyone will communicate well and a
barangay will have a peaceful community.
2. How can values education be improved to better support and include the senior citizens in our
By having seminars or meetings with the barangay officials so that senior citizens can get more
attention and support.
3. What role do you believe parents and guardians should play in the values education of children in our
Being a role model to children so that what parents or elders see doing well is also imitated or
an example by children
4. In what ways can Barangay officials and community leaders help promote and reinforce values
education in our community?
Through seminars to parents and young people in the community to be aware of the values to
have and the laws that protect young people when values such as humanity are lost.
5. What types of programs or activities would you like to see implemented in our Barangay to enhance
values education for all residents?
Seminars, Open forums for youth, and Bible study.
This proposal aims to lay the groundwork for a project that will significantly benefit Barangay Sta.
Cruz Calapan City. We look forward to your support and collaboration in making this initiative a

Prepared by:

Wenielyn Mariz O. Antenor


Approved by:


Instructor, ValuesMajor19

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