13201a.1200 Anodic Protection in the Sulfuric Acid Industry

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Anodic Protection of acid.

The rate of iron contamination

depends on factors such as tempera-
ture, acid strength, and the ratio of acid
volume to surface area in contact with
acid. Reported data indicate 10 to 19

in the Sulfuric Acid ppm/day of iron pickup for acid at 94,

98, and 100% concentrations.1-3
Another concern of tank owners is
hydrogen grooving of internal tank

WINSTON W. SHIM AND J. IAN MUNRO, Corrosion Service Co., Ltd.
walls. The damage is more prevalent
near the upper half of the manhole and
nozzles. The hydrogen is a product of
the reduction reaction that completes
the corrosion process. AP prevents
such damage.
Theoretically, H2SO4 tanks can be
This article discusses the use of anodic protection protected by CP; however, such a CP
(AP) in combating iron contamination, general tank system would be prohibitively expen-
sive because of the large current re-
wall wastage, and hydrogen grooving in carbon steel quirement. Alternative methods of
sulfuric acid (H2SO4) storage tanks. It also addresses the preserving acid purity include the use
use of AP for stainless steel acid piping and coolers. of stainless steel (SS) and fiberglass
Topics include experiences using AP in acid storage tanks. The economic feasibility of AP
tanks, theory of AP, design philosophy, engineering is a function of tank size. Systems in-
materials used, and remote monitoring equipment. stalled on large tanks are very cost
To ensure continuous and effective
AP operation, a remote monitoring unit
(RMU) is included as part of the instal-

nodic protection (AP) is lation. The RMU is connected to a stan-
an electrochemical corro- dard telephone jack and 120-V alternat-
sion protection tech- ing current (AC) service and can be
nique that can be applied remotely contacted to download the
to a variety of process operating data from the system.
vessels, including carbon
steel (CS) tanks storing Theory of AP
concentrated sulfuric acid (H2SO4). AP The theory of AP is well documented
should not be confused with the more elsewhere.4-5 The essential condition
traditionally used cathodic protection for using AP is that the metal must ex-
(CP) technique, which is generally hibit an active/passive behavior in the
used only in neutral pH environments. environment of interest. Figure 2 de-
AP is applicable in alkaline and acid en- picts a polarization curve of an active/
vironments but can be used only in spe- passive metal environment combina-
cific combinations of process chemis- tion. The vertical axis is the electro-
try and metals. Figure 1 shows different chemical potential and the horizontal
electrochemical corrosion protection axis is the current applied to the tank.
techniques. The electrochemical potential is a volt-
A significant benefit of AP is that age reading taken with a reference such
H2SO4 remains pure. At concentrations as the saturated calomel electrode
of 93 to 98%, the acid is not very cor- (SCE) (Figure 3). By using an external
rosive to steel. The owner’s main con- direct current (DC) source and auxil-
cern is contamination by corrosion iary cathodes, the potential of the tank
products resulting in an inferior grade can be moved into the passive region.
22 MATERIALS PERFORMANCE December 2000 13201a

At this potential, the corrosion rate is Electrochemical

reduced several orders of magnitude. corrosion protection
or minimization
The passivity of steel in H2SO4 is a
phenomenon that allows corrosion
products to build up a fairly impervi-
ous and tenacious physical barrier on Potential
the surface of the steel. The thickness AP controlled CP
of this barrier is measured in nano- protection
meters, but it possesses the character-
istics necessary to prevent further
metal corrosion. “Electrochemical coat- Storage vessels, Vessels or structures Underground
ing at the atomic scale” is a fairly accu- electrolyte subject to crevice structures,
pH <3, >9 and/or pitting process vessels,
rate description of this phenomenon. electrolyte pH >3

AP Hardware
The basic AP hardware consists of a Regimes of electrochemical protection techniques.
DC current source, auxiliary cathodes,
reference electrodes, and signal con-
ditioning electronics. The reference FIGURE 2
electrode senses the electrochemical
potential of the tank and provides
feedback to the potential control cur-
rent source. The electronics control
the precise amount of current re-
quired to maintain the tank in the pas-
sive region. The cathodes are used to
complete the external DC circuit. Fig-
ure 4 indicates the basic layout of an
AP system. Figure 5 shows the compo-
nents in detail.
The first AP system in H2SO4 dates
from the 1950s. Over the years, a num-
ber of improvements in system design
have been undertaken. Several of these
are described below.

The DC current can operate single
or three-phase AC power. A NEMA 4X
enclosure is used to protect the cur-
rent source from the harsh plant atmo-
sphere. Recently, systems were in-
stalled with a distributed current
source. This separates the power
source from the control electronics to
minimize the size and cost of high-cur-
rent wiring. Polarization curve showing active/passive behavior.

In the past, austenitic SS pipes were the cathodes. Present cathodes are C,† and platinum-clad brass. Proprietary
used as cathodes. However, this prac- lightweight, small-diameter, and fairly composite materials with good corro-
tice has been abandoned because of flexible. Typical materials used are
possible hydrogen embrittlement of steel, chromium-nickel steel, Hastelloy †Trade name.

V an AP system, the iron content mea-

● Voltage generated by the sured as high as 160 ppm. Although
interaction of the metal with
Reference the process stream the data are spotty, they illustrate that
electrode ● Indicates the corrosion rate the iron content in both tanks was re-
of the metal duced to a fraction of the original value
● Varies as process
parameters change after the AP system was energized in
April 1993.
Process stream
Hydrogen Grooving
Metallic Many acid tanks exhibit hydrogen
vessel grooving caused by the reduction of
hydrogen ions in the acid to hydrogen
Solution potential measurement. gas (cathodic reaction):
2H + + 2e – → H 2 (gas) (1)
where the complementary reaction is
the oxidation of steel that may be writ-
ten as:
AC power
input Controlled current source
Fe → Fe 2+ + 2e – (2)

DC Potential This is commonly observed in the

power control manhole area. Typically, the grooving
+ – + – concentrates on the wall near the up-
per half of the manhole area. The dam-
age occurs as a result of hydrogen gas
forming and streaming up the man-
hole, disrupting the loose iron sulfate
(FeSO4·7H2O) passive film.4 This groov-
ing can cause localized corrosion al-
lowance consumption fairly rapidly.
AP mitigates the iron dissolution, con-
sequently stifling the cathodic reaction
Reference of hydrogen gas formation and prevent-
Cathode electrode
ing this type of damage.

Anodic Protection of
Basic AP system. Acid Coolers and Piping
H2SO4 coolers and piping are gen-
erally made of austenitic SS such as
sion resistance and current-conducting First, the system is interlocked with the type 316 (UNS S31600). The concen-
properties are also used. electronic tank level equipment so as tration is normally 93 to 98% acid and
to de-energize the AP at low acid lev- oleum. AP provides the benefit of pre-
SPARK PREVENTION els. Second, a patented fiber braid as- venting through-wall pitting that re-
A concern of using AP in H2SO4 is sembly is also used around each cath- sults in equipment failure, personnel
the possibility of sparks if the acid level ode to prevent sparking. These two hazard, and environmental impact
drops below the ends of the cathodes. safety measures are normally used con- caused by spillage.
Sparks are not acceptable since the currently. At room temperature, SS coolers
tank may contain significant concen- and piping are immune to attack by 93
trations of hydrogen gas caused by the Iron Contamination to 98% H2SO4. As the temperature in-
corrosion process or use of AP. Table 1 indicates data showing the creases, however, the electrochemi-
AP systems are designed with two effectiveness of AP in reducing iron cal potential begins to fluctuate be-
safety features to prevent sparking. pickup in storage tanks. Prior to using tween active and passive behavior.

This fluctuation becomes easily ob-

servable, and it becomes distinct at
~75°C and higher.6 As the tempera- 110/240 V.A.C. Buffer
ture increases, the fluctuations in- 50 to 60 Hz Controlled module
DC current
crease in frequency. Eventually, the SS source
will remain active. AP is useful in this Remote
case in restricting this fluctuation. By monitoring

imposing a positive current that main-

tains the potential in the passive re- Alarm contact
gion, the life of the SS can be in- closure
creased by orders of magnitude. Cathode
The current required to maintain Reference assemblies
passivity on SS is not very large. It is
imperative that the potential is not
forced into the transpassive zone (Fig-
AP block diagram.
ure 2) because the corrosion rate can
be increased. The key here is a reliable
reference electrode that will give a
good feedback signal. The reference
electrode has to be stable, reproduc- TABLE 1
ible, and capable of withstanding the EFFECT OF AP IN LOWERING IRON CONTAMINATION
operating temperature and pressure of
the acid environment.
In the case of acid piping, the spac- Date Truck (ppm of iron) Tank 1 (ppm of iron) Tank 2 (ppm of iron)
ing of cathodes is critical. Too few
10/6/92 57 3 32
cathodes result in a current distribu- 10/27/92 91 — —
tion problem. Too many cathodes ren- 1/11/93 — 49 160
der the project economically unfea- 3/15/93 — 21 41
sible in terms of both materials and 4/12/93 — 37 56
installation. In general, cathode spac- 4/14/93 A/P online — —
ing is a function of pipe diameter. The 4/19/93 — 19 40
larger the piping, the larger the cath- 4/21/93 19 — —
ode spacing. Normally, AP is not cost- 4/22/93 19 — —
effective for piping <6 in. (152 mm) in 5/3/93 — 6 6
diameter. (A)
AP system was energized on 4/14/93. The truck delivered the acid to Tank 1 and Tank 2.
Erosion of the AP cathode occurs
with coolers and piping but not with
storage tanks. The high-velocity acid The RMU is a microprocessor-based With simple hardware additions, the
erodes the cathode surface. This re- computer complete with a modem. It RMU is capable of turning systems on
quires periodic replacement of the can monitor the operating parameters and off and changing set points re-
cathode. As a result, on-site replace- of AP systems remotely via a voice- motely. Other control schemes are
ment must be designed into the pro- grade telephone line. The unit possible, and plans for future upgrades
tection system. has built-in memory to store an aver- are in progress.
age of 10 days’ operating data. Nor-
Remote Monitoring mally, after 7 days, the RMU is called Other AP
Although the AP system is an impor- and the data are downloaded and Applications
tant piece of equipment in the plant, it plotted. In general, any active/passive metal
is not the primary focus of plant per- Typical recording channels are DC environment combination may be a
sonnel. It is important, therefore, to current, DC voltage, all reference elec- candidate for AP. Laboratory study fol-
monitor the AP system without being trode potentials, and temperature of lowed by field coupon trials can deter-
intrusive or adding an extra burden to current source. In addition, the plant mine whether an AP system is an ef-
the plant operators and personnel. The may provide an analog signal from the fective method of controlling and pre-
RMU was developed to fulfill this need. acid level sensor. venting corrosion.
Conclusions 4. O. Riggs, Jr., C.E. Locke, Anodic Protec-
tion, Theory and Practice in the Prevention of
AP is a powerful tool to combat iron Corrosion (New York, NY: Plenum Press, 1981).
contamination of strong H2SO4. For 5. M. Fontana, N. Greene, Corrosion Engi-
large tanks, this is a very cost-effective neering, 2nd ed. (McGraw-Hill, 1978).
solution. 6. R.M. Kain, P.E. Morris, CORROSION/76,
An RMU may be used to monitor the paper no. 149 (Houston, TX: NACE, 1976).
operating parameters of AP systems as
well as any other plant operating pa- This article is based on a presenta-
rameters. The RMU may also be used tion by the authors at Sulphur 98 in
to control operating systems. Tucson, Arizona. Reprinted with per-
Numerous other industrial applica- mission from British Sulphur Publish-
tions for AP have yet to be explored. ing, London, U.K.
Laboratory study followed by field cou-
pon trials will uncover the data neces- WINSTON W. SHIM is Manager of the Process
sary to evaluate the effectiveness of AP. Engineering Group at Corrosion Service Co., Ltd.,
369 Rimrock Road, Downsview, Ontario M3J 3G2,
Canada. He has 19 years of experience in
References electrochemical corrosion protection of process
1. J.D. Sudbury, C.E. Locke, D. Coldiron, piping and vessels. His clientele consists mainly of
Chem. Process. 2 (1963). pulp & paper mills, mining companies, and electric
2. Ya. M. Kolotyrkin, et. al, Zashch. Met. utilities. He has a M.A.Sc. and M.B.A. and is a
(1971). NACE Certified Corrosion Specialist-P and
3. A.O. Fisher, J.F. Brady, Corrosion 19 Cathodic Protection Specialist. He has been a
(1963). NACE member since 1993.

J. IAN MUNRO is Vice President of Engineering at

Corrosion Service Co., Ltd. He has more than 26
years of experience in electrochemical protection
system design, including anodic and cathodic
protection, and remote monitoring systems. He has
a B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the
University of Toronto, and is a NACE-Certified
Corrosion and CP Specialist, a professional
engineer, and a 26-year member of NACE.

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