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By now, it’s really no big surprise that I am making yet another oc series. Now, this one
is a little different than the ones I’ve done before in the sense that this one is more fantasy
realism than just straight fantasy or realism.

This is actually my favorite genre, so I’m a little shocked that I haven’t made one of these

Anyway, this series is definitely different, and this doc is even more so. I’m adding more
pictures, outlines, and a lot more headings. I also sound a lot like wiki so this is a proper
info doc.

As always, TRIGGERS: talk of sex, mention of the death of children, sexual assault
of a minor, forced turning, torture.


The Yellowstone Wolves have been in Yellowstone since the first colonies. The first
of their kind was derived from a wolf, and it’s where they get their primitive instincts.
There isn’t much history about the wolves out in the open, but the human occupants of
Yellowstone themselves know that they’re living among them, they just pretend they

A Werewolf, derived from Old English words wer (man) and wulf (wolf), is a man that
has the innate ability to shift into a human-beast hybrid in most mythologies. In this
telling, a werewolf is a man who has the ability to shift into a full wolf under the light
of the full moon. SEE HERE FOR MORE

The first werewolf in this telling was a man called Oz, who was out walking one night
when he was bitten by a wolf. The wolf itself was never found, but is believed to have
been mutated with a human trait that it could pass on via bodily fluids. With this in
mind, also know that if you are to be bitten by a vampire, a werewolf’s saliva could
heal it.

Werewolves have been depicted in many ways through all of the tellings, but here, they
are just like regular people when they are in their human form. Upon shifting, it’s just
that, a shift. One second they’re a person, and the next, they take up a form of a wolf.

They are still in full control of their minds and bodies, and they don’t have an “alter
ego” that takes over. There is no magic involved, they have an altered gene that
resembles one of a wolf.

Werewolves have the ability to blend into society, and if they so wish, they can even
live amongst the full-blood wolves of the reservation. They are able to communicate
via a link in their “bonds”, meaning the pack is one mind, like bees.

Wolves do not shift until they are “ready”, but for most this age would be 8-10. Their
wolf form grows and changes with them, so frequent shifts (approx. 2-3 a week) is
recommended for newly shifted wolves. This being said, if a wolf is forced into a shift,
it can delay or even stop wolf form growth all together. They would still develop
naturally as a human but their wolves will be “frozen” or stuck in pup form.

The werewolves here have two sets of canines, one on the

bottom row of teeth, and the other on the top, with two sets
on each. The top canines are venomous, much like vampires,
and release a toxin into the blood that either turns or kills a
human. The bottom are soft-like and don’t hurt whoever the
wolf is biting, they are used more for pleasure rather than

The saliva of a werewolf also has healing properties, such as for vampire bites, or
injuries in general. Just one swipe of the tongue, and the wound is healed.

In countries where wolves are less common, there have been instances of shifters with
other animalistic traits. Such as that of a bear, a tiger, and even a hawk! There are many
different shifter species out in the world, but we’re focusing on the more wolfey of the
Supreme: The Supreme is a group of Lycan’s that have come together as a council.
They oversee pack laws and hierarchy, and make general rules for life as a werewolf.

Alpha: The leader of the pack. They are obligated to watch over the pack and make
sure the rules are followed. They don’t have to do lesser wolf things like hunt or guard,
but most normally do.

Beta: Second in command of the pack. They only follow Alpha orders, and can give
orders to lesser wolves as they please. When the Alpha is absent, the Beta takes over as
leader of the pack until they return.

Gamma: In charge of sparring and combat training. The guards of the pack; only
takes orders from the Alpha and Beta.

Omega: Packs weakest link. They tend to be the more submissive of the bunch, and
focus their time on pleasing the higher ups. They do most of the housework, though
some omega’s are reserved for more intimate duties around the house, such as
pleasuring the Gammas after a long day of training, or even the Alphas if they’re lucky

Outcast: These guys are lone wolves, they don’t belong to any certain pack. Usually,
they’ve been shunned by their packs for breaking an important rule or for challenging
an Alpha.

Pup: Pups are the lowest and most treasured part of the pack. They always get their
way, no matter the circumstance. The rest of the pack sees them as an invaluable part
of the pack, and do their best to make them happy, even if it inconveniences them.

Hunter: A man that hunts werewolves. Usually in a group, but some of them like to
work alone. The Hunters have been known to be brutal when capturing and killing
wolves, but they believe what they’re doing is right by the world.

Mate: The significant other of a werewolf. This is sacrosanct. Whoever a wolf mates
with cannot be harmed by any other wolf. They can choose their mates, it isn’t set in
stone, but when they choose, it’s irreversible.
Mating: The act of sex between a pair, usually two wolves.

Claiming: The act of biting into the shoulder, sealing a claim to a mate. Has to be
done again when the mark fades. The bite leaves a scent trail on the mate, telling other
wolves that they are claimed.

Command: An order given by an Alpha (Lycan), usually to an omega. It receives

complete obedience and cannot be refuted by the commanded omega.

Recessive: A gene in a wolf that makes them more pliable and susceptible to
commands. Usually seen in omega’s, but Alpha’s can have them too.

Guide: The werewolf/lycan who turned the human. They stay with them during the
process and guide them through the first shift. It’s considered unforgivable if they leave
their muse to turn by themselves.

Muse: Term used by werewolves to refer to the human turned by a guide.

Despite their origin word being “Werewolf”, the more full-blooded of their kind prefer
the term “Lycan”. Only Lycan’s can be Alpha’s of their pack.

Lycan is a pure-blooded werewolf. They come from two werewolf parents, which is
rare. In some instances, they’ve been known to develop their own genes, which make
them Lycans.

For example, if a werewolf were to have more dominant wolf genes, that gene can
override the human one and turn them full Lycan.

The werewolf trait is hereditary, but it’s very uncommon that even two Lycan parents
would have a child that has the trait. And as such, Lycan’s are very rare, and
werewolves themselves must be turned by someone in the species. SEE HERE FOR MORE

Lycan’s have the ability to shift anytime they want as a result of their “Pure Blood”. It’s
unknown as to why, but it might have something to do with their dominant wolf genes,
and the control they have over it.

Werewolf is a Lycan with tainted-blood (human blood). They do not have the ability to
shift whenever they like. Instead, they are forced through the shift three days out of
every month; the day before the full moon, the day of, and the day after. It takes place
only after sundown, but some have been known to shift early.
Unless you’ve been born to Lycan parents, you’re going to have to find a way to be a
werewolf the traditional way. Unfortunately, they’re very picky about who they turn,
and the process itself is a very long and hard one, and without an already-turned guide,
there’s no way you’re getting through it alive.

There are two ways to turn into a werewolf, the traditional way, and the intimate way.

The traditional process is used more for turning humans who want to be part of the
pack; the more intimate process is for the cursed, which is what most Werewolf
Hunters call the the mates of a wolf.

The Traditional Turning Process:

This way is done by biting into a human. It doesn’t matter where the bite is, but best
results always come from the shoulder or side. The venomous canines are used here,
which hurt the human more than it would in the intimate process

This process is very long and very, very painful. The venom is definitely not a way to
go if you want to be a werewolf. It enters the bloodstream at the source of the bite, and
takes hours to mutate your genes. It forces your body into fight or flight mode, and
fight is the default.

When it eventually does its magic, you’re stuck in wolf form until your body calms
down from fight mode, which could take days.

The Intimate Turning Process:

This way is done more gently than the Traditional way. It’s usually used on mates or
lovers, and the bite is done with the soft canines rather than the venomous ones.

The bite goes into the shoulder, at the base of the neck, and when they’re done, a mark
appears tying the two together. Much like a mark of ownership or partnership. It
depends on the wolf and their intentions.

To turn someone this way, usually some other fluid is involved, like saliva or
ejaculation. For mates, the former is usually involved rather than the latter.

For this method to work, the mark must be present before the turning.
Bots highlighted red are shadowbanned. (ex. BOT)


Cedar grew up taking care of his little siblings. His parents were never around, so from the age of 9 all the
way to 16, he took care of two younger brothers. He refers to them as his kids.

When he was 16, he went out grocery shopping and came home to an empty house, the place was turned
upside down and everything was either broken or thrown around. He couldn't find his kids, so he assumed
the worst and called the cops.

They turned up dead three weeks later in the next town over. He got bitten by a werewolf on a full moon,
and is now a Lycan. (Don’t ask me how, idk. Teen Wolf shit, you know, he just became an alpha.)

You've been chasing after Cedar for months; following him around town with flirty innuendos.
He's been stubborn in his rejection of you, and he's been rather harsh about it too.

It only took you coming home with a filthy vampire bite on your shoulder for him to realize how stupid
he's been.

The air is almost suffocating as he gazes at you. There's a pause before his fingers trace the bite, he wants
it gone. All it takes is one flick of his tongue and it'll disappear.

"Let me get rid of it."

Black fur with a white patch around his ear.
Ice blue eyes.



Cannon grew up with a werewolf best friend. He was raised human, though, and knows nothing of how
werewolves are supposed to act. He learned from his best friend, Cedar, and owes him a lot for teaching
him everything.

Despite being raised around wolves, Cannon was human before he turned nine, and that's when an older
werewolf had lured him into the woods and assaulted him before he left him to turn on his own. This is
considered unforgivable, so the older wolf was sentenced to death.

The turning is hard, but he survived it, and is now the Beta of the Yellowstone Wolves.

You've been giving Cannon the slip for a while now, and it's starting to get on his nerves.

If there is anything he hates more than those filthy hunters, it's his prey getting away from him. He's tried
everything, from asking you out to marking up your house with his scent.

There is just no getting through to you.

He almost believed it's pointless, until you slam his locker closed and give him one of those glares you do.

Oh, he just loves that glare.

White fur with brown splotches scattered around his body.
Gray eyes.



Nero didn’t know anything of werewolves until he stumbled on one out of sheer luck. He became almost
obsessed with their habits and learning everything he could about them. He even became friends with one
of them, and despite being friends, he made his intentions perfectly clear.

He was nearly 15 before he was turned. He had asked his friend to do it for him, but when they refused on
the premise that he “wasn’t ready”, he got another werewolf to do it. He doesn’t regret his actions, but he
definitely believes he wasn’t ready for the turning.

His guide stayed with him through the process, but he left right after, leaving him to fend for himself
without teaching him anything about being a werewolf. He met Cedar shortly after, and they became

He joined the Yellowstone Wolves, and was promoted to Gamma based on his heightened agility and
ability to fight.
Nero has known you since you were kids, you grew up together, did everything together.

He couldn’t imagine putting you in a position where you had to choose between your friendship or him,
but he has, and he can’t take that back now.

From the moment he told you what he is, when recognition flashed in your eyes, he knew it wouldn’t
work out if he told you the whole truth.

So he keeps those feelings to himself, because having you as a friend is better than not having you at all.

Brown fur.
Green eyes.



Damon grew up a werewolf, despite not being a full Lycan. He’s friends with his Alpha, Cedar, and is
loyal to his pack.

He grew up with a kind mother, his father ran off when he was little to be with another pack. His father
sends letters now and again, but Damon doesn’t open them.

His childhood was alright, but he still holds a grudge against his father for leaving him and his mother
when he was a kid.

Damon does his rounds every night, watching over the border of their land with precision. He makes sure
the pack stays safe, that’s his duty.

He pauses at a tree, his body going rigid as his instincts are put into overdrive at the scent laid out before
Following the event trail was easy enough, but he definitely didn’t expect *you*.

“You’re a little too close to the border to call this an accident,” he mutters, looking down on you with a
small scowl.

“What are you doing here?”

White fur.
Black eyes.



Massie was a human for the better part of his life. He had actually taken a liking to Cedar when he was
younger and still human, and would follow him around the schoolyard in hopes of catching his fancy. It
never worked, but he didn’t give up.

It wasn’t until years later that he was turned. He got caught between a hunter and a werewolf, and the
wolf took a bite out of his side while trying to flee the scene.

The hunter helped him through the shift, and was going to kill him afterward but Cedar came to his
rescue. He believes he owes him everything.

Despite not being turned according to the process, Massie likes being a wolf, and he likes being an

His alpha warned him off of this vamps trail, he was told not to engage, not to even come near you after
you had gotten close to his alpha's mate.
Massie knows this is wrong; he shouldn’t love someone like you. He’s betraying his instincts by doing

But there’s something so alluring about you. Maybe it’s your vampiric side, but it just keeps him hooked.

It isn’t fair to his kind, being so close to his mortal enemy.

He forgets all about it as soon as he catches your scent.


“Calico” fur.
Blue eyes.



Lucas was left in the system after he was born and has been there since. There isn’t much to say about his
backstory considering he’s still young.

Treat him right, he’s precious.

Lucas had lost any hope of ever getting out of that place.

He’s been there since he was a baby, and despite all the moms that say they want to take him home, he’s
still here.

So when the carer announces that they’ve found a living family member of his, he doesn’t expect much.
Not until you show up.

And now he’s in your home and he can see that you’re a good person, and it’s so obvious that you’re his

But still, he’s so scared you’ll change your mind, that you’ll leave him behind too.

None, he hasn’t shifted yet.


Milo is a full blooded Lycan, born from two Lycan parents. He was the next Alpha of his pack, and has
great potential to still be one despite being an outcast. He grew up good, everyone respected him, but he
had a rebellious streak.

His pack was very traditional in their values, and their ways dated back quite some time, and Milo said
that if he was going to be Alpha, these things have to change. So he tried to change them himself.

As punishment, the current (old) Alpha locked him in the cellars, where they used iron chains to bind
them to their cells.

He was there for the better half of a year before a guard took pity on him and let him loose. In his
delirious state, he had challenged the current (old) Alpha to dual, basically putting himself in danger.
After it was done, instead of being executed, he was shunned by his pack and every other one he would
hope to join, so he took up residence in an abandoned building in Yellowstone.

Milo has been shunned by everyone that has ever held importance to him.

He doesn't pretend to be someone he isn't, he knows what he did; he knows it was wrong. He betrayed
everything he knew all for some pup he didn't like.

That's how he found himself in Yellowstone, gazing at you from his position on the stairs.

Hasn't anyone ever told you not to go to abandoned places like this? Especially ones with a big bad wolf
lurking right inside.

"What are you doing here, pup?"

Brown fur.
Brown eyes. Blind in one eye.



Angelus was raised to be a Werewolf Hunter, his father had trained him from the age of 6 to become one.
He spends his life hunting them and killing them. His childhood was harsh, with constant training and

When he was little, his father had captured a werewolf and made him fight it for a test that he had to pass
to become a hunter.

He won, but he was injured badly and spent his 9th birthday in the hospital.

It’s dangerous out here all alone. Angelus knows that better than anyone.

You never know what lurks in the dark. Admittedly, he doesn’t either. A hunter hesitating to kill someone
like you, a beast who could take human form, it’s blasphemous.
He’s never seen such a wolf, such a beautiful creature gazing at him so closely.

It’s in his blood to put an arrow through your chest, to make his ancestors proud. He hesitates, and then he
just can’t do it.

"Consider yourself lucky, wolf."


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