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In compliance of JCMMC S. 2023

Prepared by: Approved by:

3/E Roel C. Hubayan C/M Ceferino E. Rama

Onboard Training Supervisor Dean

Issue Date: November 14, 2023 Revision Status/Date: 00/November 14, 2023
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT


Name of Students Name of MHO

Name of Vessel Vessel 1 Vessel Z: Vessel 3
Type of Vessel
Shipping Company
Flag Nationality

Upon joining the ship, familiarization of duties and all ship arrangements, installations, equipment, procedures and ship characteristics that are relevant to the routine or emergency duties are
required to be undertaken by the student based on the SMS of the ship and recorded in TRB.
In the preparation of this Onboard Training Guidance (OTG) for each student, the Onboard Training Supervisor shall coordinate with the shipping/manning company where the student will be
deployed to gather information such as: the particular type of vessel and the available machineries, equipment, and instruments onboard. The corresponding Objective Evidence (column 2) shall
also be identified. The Task Schedules (from Month 1 to Month 12) shall be accomplished during monitoring activity of the OTS at the specific month when the student actually carried out the
duties/tasks onboard.
The indicated objective evidence in column 2 are sample only, The OTS must be able to identify the actual objective evidence/s that can be practically produced onboard in consideration of the
type of vessel and the available machineries, equipment, and instrument on board.
The duties and task listed below are based from the approved TRB and are classified into:
4.1 Sea projects — are duties/tasks (shaded in yellow) that can be performed by the cadets on their own time without interfering with ship's operations. The sea projects are required to be
100% completed during the onboard training.
4.2 Operational tasks — are duties/tasks (shaded in blue) wherein performance is dependent on actual ship operation or in accordance with ship's Planned Maintenance System. During
onboard training, at least 70% of the operational tasks are expected to have been completed.
Project Works are assignments to ensure gaining progressively knowledge of the ships and equipment and life-saving appliance carried onboard that is required to be accomplished aside from
sea projects and operational tasks. Project Works are required to be completed at least 70% during the student's onboard training.
The report on sea projects and operational tasks on various shipboard operations undertaken during onboard training shall be prepared by the students for the final evaluation of the assigned
Shipboard Training Officer onboard. This shall contain any of the following: (a) detailed information; (b) drawings; (c) photos; and (d) description of activities in narrative form.
For the Task Schedule (months 1 to 12) the students are expected to distribute the tasks over a period of 12 months. Accomplishment of these tasks shall be reported to the Shipboard Training
Supervisor during the monthly monitoring together with entries in the TRB and corresponding objective evidence/s.
This OTG shall be used in monitoring the progress of students' onboard training by the Onboard Training Supervisor, Monitoring Team of the Commission and the Maritime Administration, and
the Shipboard Training Supervisor.

Approved by:

Name and Signature of Onboard Training Supervisor/Date

ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty Month
No. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation, 1 2
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
Competence: Plan and conduct a
passage and determine position
1.1 Consult navigational publications
Demonstrate an understanding of the
chart folio system and assist in Narrative supported with
correcting charts and other pictures
Demonstrate an understanding of
.2 contents and the use of:
Notices to mariners
Sailing directions and ship's routing
.4 List of lights and fog signals
Tide tables, tidal stream and current
.6 Pilot books
.7 Radio navigational warnings
1.2 Select charts of adequate scale
Assist deck officers in preparing
.1 navigational passages and in voyage
Select appropriate scale charts from
paper chart portfolio
.2 Electronic Chart System (ECS) or
Electronic Chart Display and
Information System (ECDIS)
1.3 Set course
Demonstrate the use of the compass
when setting courses
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month Month
No. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation, 1 2 3 4 5
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
Set up:
Course recorder
.3 Course alarm
Estimate and make allowance for
leeway and tidal currents
.5 Practice tidal calculations
Calculate Estimated Time of Arrival
Practice calculations for distance,
.1 average speed course made good, set
and drift, ETA
Determine and apply compass error
for courses and compass bearings
Apply magnetic variation and
.2 Practice use of the azimuth mirror
.4 Amplitudes
Understand the use of and make
.5 entries in the compass error book and
interpret information recorded
Recognize conspicuous objects and
1.6 other terrestrial/celestial aids to
navigation in daylight and at night
Perform look-out duties and report
objects in degrees or points
Identify aids to navigation including
lighthouse, beacons and buoys
.3 Identify star constellations and stars of
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for 135N4T

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation,
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
first magnitude and learn to use star
chart and star finder
Practice compass bearings and visual
Demonstrate a knowledge of the IAIA
system of buoyage
Use azimuth mirror and sextant to fix
1.7 ship's position by celestial and
terrestrial observation
Use azimuth mirror to fix ship's
Use a sextant and demonstrate how to
identify and remove errors
Practice vertical and horizontal sextant
Make noon calculations e.g distance,
.4 average speed, course made good, set
and drift and ETA
State ship's position by dead
Estimate and make allowance for
leeway and tidal currents
.2 Practice tidal calculations -
Operate all electronic navigational
equipment requires to be carried on
1.9 the ship an apply the information
obtained to ascertain the ship's
Radar switch on and set up procedure
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty Month
No. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation, 1 2
actual date and signature of
the 00W) ,
.2 Radar plotting
.3 Position fixes by radar
.4 Parallel indexing
.5 Practice using ARPA
Demonstrate an understanding of the
limitations of radar
Under supervision demonstrate set up
of AIS and input ship's data. Read
.7 static (ships type, dimension etc.) and
dynamic data (course, speed etc.) of
other vessels
Understand other uses and
capabilities of AIS
.9 Operate distance/ speed recorders
Satellite navigation set up procedure
.11 Use of correction tables
Fixes by satellite navigation (GPS)
applying applicable corrections
Compare a manually developed
.13 passage plan with a generated by use
of electronic systems
Set up and use ECDIS or ECS as an aid
to navigation
Determine the most probable
1.10 position of the_ship by observing the
sun, stars or planets
.1 Identify stars of first magnitude
.2 Demonstrate use of the chronometer
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. as stated with the attestation, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
Understand use of chronometer rate
.4 Practice sus sights
Practice noon calculations e.g.,
.5 distance, average speed, course made
good, set and drift and ETA
Competence: Maintain a safe
navigational watch
On preparing for sea, check ship's
draught, and the necessary bridge
2. 1
equipment is operational and that
proper sailing information is available
Make entries in the bridge movement Photocopy of logbook and
book, and understand the importance bell book entry during testing
1 of engine including date and
of it. Synchronize bridge and engine-
room clocks voyage number
Use internal communications and test
.2 Short video recording/ clip
alarm systems
Read the draught and check freeboard Photocopy/picture of
on arrival and departure departure and arrival draught
Check and calibrate draught gauges, Picture of monitoring draught
when fitted gauge
Picture of hydrometer and its
Take dock water density and calculate readings and electronic or
.5 Dock Water
dock water allowance manual
Allowance (DWA) calculation
Assist in checking bridge steering Picture of departure bridge
control equipment, communication checklist signed with 00W
systems and all other navigational aids and its date
before departure
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
as stated with the attestation, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
Inspect the ship to sailing to ensure Picture of departure bridge
.7 that the ship is all secure to proceed checklist signed with 00W
to sea and its date
On leaving or entering port notify the
master/engine-room as appropriate
and assist in carrying out the
2. 2
master's/pilot's orders/ direction
while, monitoring the course, speed
and position
Under the supervision of an officer rig Photos of actual hoisting and
.1 pilot ladders, including pilot hoist or rigging of pilot ladder and
similar (if fitted) pilot hoist
Video clips in operating
Operate bridge controls, e.g., bridge controls such
telegraph, whistles, telephones telegraph, whistles and
Photos/video of hoisting of
.3 Understand flag etiquette flag and brief explanation of
flag etiquette
Daily journal notation on
explaining the actions when
vessel is entering and leaving
Understudy an officer on the bridge
port signed by the 00W
.4 when vessel is entering and leaving
Photos/ videos of cadet
understudying 00W in
preparing for entering and
leaving the port
Spend at least two periods in the Daily journal notation on
engine-room (observing/assisting) observing/assisting 00W
when vessel is entering and leaving when entering and leaving
port port signed by the 00W at
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
as stated with the attestation, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
least two periods.
At the commencement of the watch
ascertain ship's position, course and
2.3 speed and appraise the traffic
situation and any hazards to
Daily journal notation which
constitutes the safe keeping
Know what constitutes the safe
.1 of a navigational watch.
keeping of a navigational watch
Photos/videos of cadet
conducting a proper look out
Copy of checklist/procedure
for handling over a bridge
Demonstrate the correct procedure watch from company SMS
for handling over a bridge watch
Attestation from the 00W of
TRB and daily journal
At the commencement of the watch
ascertain ship's position, course and
2.3 speed and appraise the traffic
situation and any hazards to
navigation (continued)
Attached reporting proof
documents properly
Understudy an officer on rounds:
.1 conducted safety rounds at
At sea
sea, SMS form in checklist of
Taking over the watch at sea
Attached reporting proof
documents properly
.2 At anchor
conducted safety rounds at
sea, photocopy of logbooks,
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. 11 12
as stated with the attestation, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
safety rounds carried out and
pages of logbooks SMS form
in checklist of Taking over the
watch at anchor
Attached reporting proof
documents property
conducted safety rounds at
.3 In port
sea, SMS form in checklist of
Taking over the watch at in
At sea prioritize the look-out, fix the
ship's position regularly, assess risk of
collision and/or grounding and take
appropriate action
Books of ICS Bridge
procedure guide showing the
Demonstrate an understanding of the
ships stamp with date of
principles of safe watchkeeping as
.1 receives
detailed in the ICS Bridge Procedure
Video clips of actual
performance of safe
Video Clips of actual
Reporting of cited object by
degrees or points
Perform look-out duties and report
objects in degrees or points
Explain briefly how did you
perform proper look-out
during your duty in column 5
Understand the need to maintain a Assist the 00W to
.3 visual look-out for small ships and accomplished SMS form in
other floating objects that may not be checklist
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
as stated with the attestation, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
visible by radar Explain briefly how did you
perform proper look-out
during your duty in column 5
Video clip/photo of the AIS
Recognize the limitations of AIS as an
aid to identification and understand Explain briefly the limitations
that it is not a collision avoidance of AIS as an aid to
system identification and understand
that it is not a collision
avoidance system.
Video clip/photo
demonstrating automatic
steering to hand steering
Understand the need to engage hand when encountering traffic
steering at an early stage when
encountering traffic or hazards to Explain briefly when to
navigation engage hand steering at an
early stage when
encountering traffic or
hazards to navigation
Understand the need for taking early Explain briefly the early
.6 action to avoid close quarters action to avoid close quarters
situations situations
Understand the need to analyze and Explain briefly the most
.7 consider what if? Scenarios before effective means of action to
taking collision avoidance action avoid risk of collision
Video clip/photo and explain
Show an ability to supervise ratings in briefly how to supervise
watchkeeping duties ratings in watchkeeping
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month Month
No. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation, 1 2 3 4
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
Video clip/photo and explain
Assist officer of the watch in anchor briefly in Assisting officer of
watch duties the watch in anchor watch
Explain briefly the purpose
Read and understand the purpose and
.10 and contents of the night
contents of the Night Orders book
order book
Adjust the ship's course and speed to
2.5 the traffic, the waters and the
meteorological conditions
Attached photo and explain
Read barometer and derive corrected briefly the barometer and
barometric pressure derive corrected barometric
Attached photo and explain
Read barograph and obtain the
.2 briefly barograph and obtain
barometric tendency
the barometric tendency
Attached photo and explain
Read hygrometer and calculate dew
.3 hygrometer and calculate
dew point
Attached photo and explain
.4 Obtain sea and air temperature briefly how to obtain sea and
air temperature
Estimate wind force, direction and sea Explain briefly the wind force,
state direction and sea state
Explain briefly the
.6 Identify main cloud types
identification of cloud types
Explain briefly the need to
Recognize the need to adjust course
.7 adjust course and/or speed in
and/or speed in heavy seas
heavy seas
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
RA Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty Month Month
No. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation, 1 2 3 4
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
Monitor and control navigational
2.6 instruments and record relevant
activities and incidents
Complete watch entries in the deck
log book
Operate echo sounder and analyze
information obtained
Set echo sounder alarm appropriate to
Operate passive radio equipment
where fitted, including: Navtex
.5 Weather fax
Competence: Use of radar and ARPA
maintain safety of navigation
Carry out operational checks and
3.1 adjust the equipment to proper
Practice radar set-up procedure and
system tests
Practice set-up procedure for true
motion display
.3 Understand the limitations of radar
Demonstrate an understanding of the
.4 information provided from:
Relative motion display
.5 True motions display
Use the equipment to fix the ship's
.1 Practice fixes by radar
.2 Cross-check fixes by radar with visual
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month Month Month
N o. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation, 1 2 3 4 5
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
Demonstrate an understanding of
.3 factors affecting performance and
Operate radar and ARPA to detect
any hazards for grounding, close
3.3 quarters situation or collision with
other ships or objects and determine
appropriate avoiding action
.1 Practice determining CPA and TCPA
.2 Practice parallel index techniques
Demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of the differences
between ground and sea stabilization
for ARPA
Under supervision, demonstrate blind
pilotage techniques
Take appropriate action to avoid
.1 Practice plotting of radar targets
Recommend appropriate avoiding
.2 action (using true motion and relative
motion displays)
.3 Understand rate of turn information
Competence: Use of ECDIS to
maintain the safety of navigation
Knowledge of the capability and
limitation of ECDIS operation
including: A thorough understanding
of Electronic Navigational Chart ([NC)
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty
No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation, 1
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
data, data accuracy, presentation
rules, display options and other chart
data formats
Explain the difference between a
raster chart and vector chart
Demonstrate to how to use ECDIS to
interrogate the chart display and
.2 obtain chart details e.g., information
on originator, edition number and
update status
Explain the difference between official
ENC's and unofficial ENCs
Explain how ENCs and RNCs are kept
up to date
Understand that an electronic chart
.5 system is another tool or aid to
Explain the factors in determining a
.6 safety contour and demonstrate how
it is set
Explain the factors in determining a
.7 safe passing distance of charted
hazards and demonstrate how it is set
Explain factors affecting the quality of
chart and survey data
Knowledge of the capability and
limitations of ECDIS operations
4. 2
including: The dangers of over-
.1 Demonstrate an understanding that in
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per sped)c task/duty Month Month Month
No. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation, 1 2
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
comparison to the errors that may
affect paper charts ECDIS may be
subject to a different range of error
and anomalies requiring remedial
Understand that the voyage plan
should include information on
equipment status and backup
Under supervision, demonstrate that
in accepting the watch, the officer
reviews the voyage plan and agrees
the selected pre-setting of functions,
alarms and indicators to be use on
Understand the need to check validity
.4 of data by regularly checking data
sources and visually cross-checking
Understand that the use of ECDIS does
not release the navigator from proper
watchkeeping, managing and
monitoring all data sources
Understand that situational awareness
.6 demands having sufficient relevant
information for decision making
Understand that the watchkeeper's
.7 situational awareness may be
impaired by information overload
Demonstrate an understanding of the
.8 need for situational awareness in
responding to changing traffic hazards
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Refi etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. as stated with the attestation, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
Explain actions to take in event of
failure of main navigational systems
Knowledge of the capability and
limitations of ECDIS operations
4.3 including: Familiarity with the
function of ECDIS required by
performance standards in force
Understand the danger in the
tendency to put too much trust in
computer-based systems and believe
whatever is on the display
Understand the need to cross-check
ECDIS information by all other means
available, especially by visual means
and use of the radar
Understand the difference between
.3 primary position and secondary
position source and how it is activated
Understand the process for updating
.4 base charts and the display of update
Competence: Respond to
Describe assigned duties laid down in
5.1 the ship's contingency plans for
.1 Participate in a fire drill at sea
Participate in an emergency response
exercise for: Heavy weather damage
.3 Collision
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
Rescue or recovery of in water
.5 Person over board
.6 Shipboard oil pollution incident
.7 Steering failure
.8 Main engine failure
.9 Power failure
.10 Security alert
Participate in a lifeboat drill for
abandon ship
Demonstrate ability to take initial
actions in the event of an emergency
Participate in a response exercise for
an unspecified emergency situation
Change over the normal steering
.2 control on the bridge to the
emergency steering position
Assist with the changeover from the
bridge emergency steering position to
the emergency system in the steering
flat and steer from this position
Demonstrate ability to act correctly
when emergencies arise in port
Prepare a contract list of shore side
emergency organizations such as:
Port control, fire, police, ambulance,
and tugs
Participation in an emergency
.2 response exercise in port for:
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation,
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
.3 Pollution incident
Demonstrate the procedure for
alerting port emergency services
Demonstrate a knowledge of vessel's
shipboard oil pollution emergency
plan and shipboard marine pollution
emergency plan
Competence: Respond to a distress
signal at sea
Establish position of own ship and
the unit in distress
Meet the requirement of competence
Plot the position given for a vessel in
.2 distress and calculate course distance
and ETA
Understand the duties and
.3 responsibilities of the designated radio
operator in times of distress
.4 Operate GMDSS equipment on test
Practice the use of VHF and MF radio
telephone equipment using the
standard Marine Communication
Make a preliminary assessment of
6.2 the situation, suggest actions and
inform the master
.1 Recognize distress and urgency signals
Record distress signal sighted or
received in log book
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSWIT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
as stated with the attestation, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
Consult vessel's contingency plans and
Assist in preparing a response or
contingency plan
Record all incidents and actions taken
and the master's decision
Record information in the deck log
Maintain records of communications
and actions taken
Competence: Use the IMO Standard
7. Marine Communication Phrases and
use English in written and oral form
Use the IMO Standard Marine
7. 1
Communication Phrases
Use the IMO Standard Marine
.1 Communication Phrases with: Other
.2 Coast stations
Use English nautical publications and
Demonstrate understanding of
.1 contents and use of: Notices to
.2 Sailing directions and pilot book
.3 List of lights and for signals
Tide tables, tidal stream and current
Meteorological and marine safety
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty Month Month
No. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation, 1 2
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
.6 Ships' routing information
Fill in standard English nautical report
and forms
.1 Keep a port log in English
Complete watch entries in English and
.2 understand purpose of the deck log
Communicate with members of the
watch in safety related duties
Demonstrate an ability to
.1 communicate instructions to a
multinational crew
Show an ability to supervise ratings
during mooring operations
Spend one week keeping engine-room
watches with each of the engineering
watchkeeping officers, i.e., two days
on each of the three watches
Use hand held transceivers (portable
Observe a Master-Pilot information
exchange concerning pilot's
intentions, ship's characteristics and
operational parameters
7.5 Communicate with shore stations
Understand the purpose of IMO ships
.1 routing measure and separation
Under supervision, make reports to
comply with ship reporting

ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month
No. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation, 1 2 3 4
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
Understand purpose of vessel traffic
.3 services and where to find reporting
Competence: Transmit and receive
information by visual signaling
8.1 Transmit and receive Morse signals
Send and receive Morse code for
letters, number and group 'SOS'
Understand, maintain and use Aldis
lamp and battery
Use the international Code of Signals
8.2 to interpret messages given by flags
and pennants
Identify International Code or Signals
flags and principal national flags
Learn the meaning of single letter flag
hoists: A, B, G, H, 0, P, Q
Practice coding and decoding using
the International Code of signals
9. Competence: Manoeuvre the ship
Use available information as to the
9.1 ship's turning circles and stopping
distances when manoeuvring
Demonstrate an understanding of the
.1 operation of the steering gear and
associated alarms
Observe any steering or other system
limitations during normal manoeuvres
.3 Demonstrate where to find
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for B5MT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation,
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
manoeuvring information
Demonstrate understanding of squat,
shallow water and similar effects
Under supervision, using the
.5 manoeuvring board information,
practice manoeuvring the vessel
Observe of turn at different speeds
and water depths
Demonstrate proper berthing and
anchoring procedures
As a team member assist in preparing
for mooring:
Heaving lines, ropes, wires, stoppers,
communications, light, fenders etc.
Run off ropes stowed on reels and
flake out for use
.3 Understand cold weather precautions
Under supervision Start/operate
winches and windlass
Run, heave, stopper and turn up
mooring lines
Demonstrate safe handling of
moorings, with particular reference to
synthetic fiber ropes and self-
tensioning winches
Under the supervision of an officer, rig
accommodation ladders and gangways
Check and calibrate draught gauges,
when fitted
.9 Understudy an officer during mooring
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month Month Month Month
N o. 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
On the bridge
.10 At mooring stations
.11 Anchoring
.12 Securing tugs
Explain the shackle markings on
anchor cables
As a team member assist with:
.14 Preparation of anchors prior to letting
.15 Weighing and securing anchors for sea
Under supervision:
.16 Inspect chain locker, peak tanks and
other forward compartments
.17 Prepare an anchor and let go
Weigh an anchor, inspect for damage
and fouling and secure
Supervise the stowage of ropes used
in mooring operations
.20 Secure rat guards
Manoeuvre to rescue a person
As a team member participate in a
person overboard exercise
Demonstrate an understanding of the
ship manoeuvre turns in IAMSAR
Manual Vol III for positioning the
vessel to recover a person overboard
Competence: Monitor the loading,
stowage, securing, care during the
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for B5MT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation,
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
voyage and the unloading of cargoes
Supervise the preparation of holds
10. 1
and deep tanks for loading
Demonstrate an understanding of the
.1 safe handling of hatch covers,
including mechanical hatch covers
Assist in general preparations of holds,
.2 including the laying of dunnage for
Calculate the capacity of spaces
available for cargo
Clean and prepare bilges, wells and
strum boxes
.5 Test hold scuppers
.6 Test bilge suctions
Assist with opening up, overhaul and
testing a non-return valve
Understudy the deck officer in
supervising a tank cleaning operation
Use a check list for entry into an
enclosed space
.10 Inspect fresh water tanks
Supervise the operation of the ship's
cargo gear
Practice knots, bends, hitches and
.2 Practice splices in ropes and wire
Identify types of ropes and wire and
know their uses
.4 Break out new coils of ropes and wire
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule
(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month Month
No. 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation, 1 2 3 4 5 6
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
Stow wire and ropes with due regard
to their preservation
As a team member assist with the
rigging of heavy lift derricks
Inspect holds for safety, with special
regard to hatch boards, ladders, guard
.7 wires and stanchions, permanent
dunnage, beams and beam bolts,
lightning and accesses
Assist with rigging clusters and
portable lights
With due regard to safety, start,
operate and assist with routine
inspection and maintenance of:
.10 Derrick/cranes
Assist with topping and lowering
cranes and derricks
10.3 Supervise the loading
Assist in the supervision of loading of
.2 Assist in cargo documentation
Check that dangerous goods are being
.3 stowed in accordance with the IMDG
Assist the chief officer with testing and
verification of bulk cargo moisture
content and report findings to the
.5 Inspect cargo gear during operation
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month
No. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation, 1 2 3 4 5
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
.6 Assist with separation of cargo
.7 Prepare and interpret cargo plans
Locate and consult Cargo Securing
Calculate cargo loaded, stability and
.9 loading stresses using stress diagrams,
stress indicators or loading computers
Understudy a deck officer during
loading of bulk cargoes to ensure
correct cargo distribution and prevent
excessive point loadings
Sketch and interpret the markings on
four different types of containers
Explain the:
Different classes of containers
Correct methods of handling
Identify the markings of containers
and container stowage positions
Assist in receiving, checking and
stowing ship's stores
.16 Assist in taking on fresh water
Understand the importance of
monitoring moisture content and
correct loading of fine bulk cargoes
with respect to cargo liquefaction
Assist the chief officer in calculating
and confirming cargo loaded against
the total given by the terminal and
report any discrepancies to the master
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation,
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
Ensure a solid stow and securing of all
cargoes in packaged form
As a team member assist in securing
.1 cargo:
Stowed below deck
.2 Stowed on deck
.3 Assist with securing containers
Assist in checking lashings on deck
Assist in checking the lashings on
break bulk cargo stowed on open flats
Ensure separation between bulk
cargoes or packaged goods if required
.1 Assist with separation of cargo
Understand reasons for separation of
cargo parcels
Supervise to ensure that adequate
precautions are taken to ensure
ventilations and facilitate inspection
during the voyage
Assist in the control of cargo
ventilation and temperature
.2 Trim ventilators
.3 Operate ventilator fans
Use the International Maritime
Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code
Recognize markings and labels that
.1 indicate stores or cargoes are
classified as dangerous goods
.2 Compile a list of all dangerous goods
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation,
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
containers with their IMO
classification and storage position
Demonstrate how to identify a
.3 product and handling procedures from
the IMDG Code
Describe procedure to follow in event
.4 of leakage of dangerous, hazardous or
harmful stores or cargoes
Understand the reasons and need for
.5 separation of dangerous, hazardous
and harmful stores or cargoes
Understand need to secure dangerous
goods and to secure adjacent cargoes
Check container security seals are
intact not tampered with
10.8 Inspect the cargo at regular intervals
Check connection of refrigerated
containers to ship's
Understudy an officer of the watch on
Record all inspections and the
conditions found
Take ullages and temperature, where
applicable, of liquid cargo
.2 Take and record hold air temperatures
Identify the dew point temperature
from data collected
Take actions to avoid damage to the
ship of cargo
.1 Tend mooring lines, wires and
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
N o.
as stated with the attestation, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
gangway while vessel is alongside
As a team member assist with
.2 battening down and securing hatches
and/or cargo tank lids
.3 Keep a security deck watch
Inspect hatch covers, gear and
cargoes before and during discharging
Under supervision:
Rig and use sages and bosun's chair
.2 Overhaul running rigging
Overhaul blocks and shackles .(have
.3 knowledge of markings to be found on
Make a survey with the chief officer of
all cargo handling gear and
.4 demonstrate an understanding of the
test certificates and other documents
Where applicable, assist with the
.5 opening closing and securing hatch
covers, insulated plugs and slabs
As a team member assist with
handling and securing hatch beams
Assist with the inspection of cargo
hooks, chains, swivels and other gear
Assist in checking the safety of
walkways, ladders, handrails,
containers stools and other container
.9 Demonstrate an understanding of
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty Month Month
No. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation, 1 2 3
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
precautions to be taken when opening
and closing hydraulic and mechanical
hatch covers
Ensure that all cargoes are discharged
10.12 in good condition and at the right
As a team member, assist in the
.1 supervision of loading and discharging
of cargo
Document and report cargo damage
caused by stevedores
Assist in the preparation of cargo
Inspect holds for completion of cargo
discharge prior to sailing
Ensure satisfactory trim, stability,
hogging and sagging at all times
Practice the use of:
Stability computer
Computer/calculators for trim and
Understudy the deck officer in
supervising a ballasting operation
Under supervision, use heeling tanks
.4 to maintain the vessel in an upright
condition during loading/discharging
Take readings of draught and calculate
hog or sag
Use draught to calculate quantity of
cargo loaded
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for B5MT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation,
actual date and signature of
the DOW)
Identify any damage to ship or cargo
10.14 after discharging and establish
possible causes
Conduct an inspection of cargo spaces
.1 on completion of discharge and report
defects or damages
Competence: Monitor the loading of
cargoes (tankers)
Supervise the preparation of cargo
tanks for loading
Read and understand ship's safety
Read and understand the international
.2 Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and
Terminals (ISGOTT)
Complete a Safety Check list prior to
Understudy a deck officer in
supervising the following tanker
.5 Purging
.6 lnerting
Positioning of pollution control
.7 equipment in accordance with
company and terminal regulations
Testing of documented emergency
shut down procedures
Demonstrate a knowledge of pump
room/cargo control room, pipeline
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. as stated with the attestation, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
systems, cargo pump operations and
layout/operation of deck valves
11.2 Supervise the loading
Understudy a deck officer in
supervising loading
Assist with the operation of the inert
gas plant
Calculate hourly loading/discharging
rates and check back pressures
.4 Assist with topping of tanks
Assist with the operation of the ullage
gauges (fixed and portable)
Keep a record of loading and
deballasting operations
Assist with the operation of the gas
.7 venting system and pressure/vacuum
Competence: Monitor discharging of
cargoes (tankers)
Inspect pumps, lines and valves
12. 1
before and during discharge
Complete a Safety Check list prior to:
.2 Crude oil washing
Understudy a deck officer in
.3 supervising tanker discharging
Understudy a deck officer in
.4 supervising pump room/cargo control
room checks
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation,
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
Understudy a deck officer in
supervising ballasting operations
Assist with the operation of the
following tanker equipment:
.6 Set up and start cargo pumps,
stripping pumps and associated
.7 Inert gas plant
.8 Assist with stripping tanks
Keep a record of discharging and
deballasting operations
12.2 Assist in tank cleaning
Complete a Safety Check List prior to
thank cleaning
Understudy a deck officer in
.2 supervising the following operations:
Tank cleaning
.3 Gas freeing
.4 Tank entry
Assist with the operation of the
following equipment:
Oily water separator and monitoring
Thermometers, hydrometers,
sounding rods
.7 Interface detectors
.8 Portable tank washing machines
.9 Fixed tank washing machines
.10 Programmable washing units
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for B5MT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. as stated with the attestation, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
.11 Gas freeing fans
.12 Ullage gauges (fixed and portable)
.13 Oxygen analyser
.14 Explosimeter
.15 Multi-gas detector
.16 Chemical reagent tubes
Keep a record of tank cleaning
Test portable winches, portable
pumps and educators
Competence: Maintain and overhaul
13. cargo systems and associated
equipment (tankers)
Inspect cargo pumps and equipment
and assist with maintenance work
Test emergency shutdown of cargo
pumps and associated valves
Take inventory of pollution control
.2 equipment at designated locations(s)
and assess condition
Assist with the overhaul of:
Tank washing machines
.4 Gas freeing fans
.5 Ullage gauges
Assist with the overhaul of:
Pressure Vacuum valve
.7 Valve gland
.8 Mud box
.9 Tank lids

ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty
No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation, 1
_ actual date and signature of
the 00W)
.10 Air hoist
.11 Educator
.12 Cleaning of manifold save-ails
Assist with maintenance of:
Inert gas plant and pipelines
.14 Oily water separator
.15 Closed circuit loading arrangements
.16 Pipelines and valves
Competence: Ensure compliance with
14 .
pollution-prevention requirements
Implement proactive measures to
protect the marine environment
Understand that environmental
protection includes both sea and air
which are protected by detailed
MARPOL regulations
Name at least two Particularly
Sensitive Sea Areas (PSSAs)
Demonstrate by example
preparedness to take personal
responsibility for actions to protect
the marine environment
Understand that marine pollution
.4 must be landed ashore for safe
disposal in compliance with MARPOL
Understand that there are strict rules
.5 covering disposal at sea of oil water
mixtures applicable to all ships
Understand the safe correct operation
of the oily water separator, including
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation,
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
requirement for accurate record
Understand that there are strict rules
.7 covering disposal of noxious liquid
substances applicable to all ships
Understand that there are strict rules
covering disposal of harmful
substances carried in package form
applicable to ships
Understand that there are strict rules
.9 covering pollution prevention b
sewage applicable to all ships
Understand that there are strict rules
.10 for prevention of pollution by garbage
from ships, applicable to all ships
Understand that there are strict rules
.11 covering air pollution from ships which
will progressively apply to all ships
Understand the impact of 50x, NOx
.12 and why efforts are needed to reduce
atmospheric pollution
Understand that there are strict rules
.13 covering the management and
treatment of ballas water
Understand the requirements under
.14 the ISM Code regarding environmental
Ensure that procedures are agreed
and properly planned and all
scuppers are blocked before
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule
(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month
N o. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation, 1 2 3 4 5
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
.1 Plug deck scuppers
Demonstrate knowledge of ship's
bunkering procedures
.3 Participate in bunkering operations
Demonstrate the emergency
shutdown procedure
Initiate immediate investigation to
14.3 detect the source on discovering any
pollution around the ship
Participate in an emergency response
exercise for controlling spillage of oil
or other noxious or toxic substances
on board
Stop or prevent leakages and spills of
harmful liquids and solid substances
Demonstrate use of Material Safety
Data Sheets and the IMDG Code for
Obtaining information on cargo
Participate in drill for clean-up of
hazardous cargo spillage
Sound all tanks and compartments if
any damage is suspected
Participate in an emergency response
exercise for stranding
Perform soundings of bilges, peak
.2 tanks, double bottom and other tanks
and record information
Carry out bilge, ballas and bunkering
operations _
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSAIT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation,
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
Locate the ship's ballast water
.1 management plan and demonstrate
an understanding of its content
Understudy the deck officer in
.2 supervising:
A ballasting operation
.3 A tank cleaning operation
Competence: Maintain seaworthiness
of the ship
Inspect hull and hull opening,
compartments, hatch covers and
15. 1
equipment, and take action where
detects are detected
Demonstrate an understanding of:
.1 The precautions required for entry
into enclosed spaces
.2 Working aloft
.3 Working over side
.4 Using power tools
.5 Manual lifting and carrying
Where applicable, assist with the
.6 opening, closing and securing of
hatches Steel and single pull types
.7 Hydraulic hatches
Assist with maintenance of watertight
doors, ports and hatches
Assist with the maintenance of
fairleads, tumblers, goosenecks, etc.
.10 Inspect and lubricate roller beams
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty Month
No. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation, 1 2
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
Carry out a full inventory check of the
.11 _
deck stores
Prepare steel plates and other
surfaces for protective coating
Apply protective coats to appropriate
.13 _
Ensure that all loose objects are
15.2 -,
securely fastened to avoid damage
Ensure that all gear, tool, spares etc.
are properly stowed and secured
Assist with the rigging of safety lines
and guard rails
.3 Participate in lashing deck cargo
Arrange for regular control measures
to ensure watertight integrity
Take and record the daily sounding of
.1 tanks, bilges and other spaces
By manual means
.2 By use of gauges
Check and report watertight doors,
.3 ports and hatches for weather
Competence: Prevent, control and
fight fire on board ___
Operate fire and smoke detecting
16. 1
Understand the use and assist in the
.1 maintenance of
Portable CO2 extinguisher
.2 Portable dry powder extinguisher
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. as stated with the attestation, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
.3 Portable water extinguisher
.4 Maintain hoses, nozzles and couplings
Ensure that all persons on watch are
able to detect and correct hazardous
situations and actions and keep the
ship clean and tidy
.1 Perform fire patrol duties
Re-stow gear and secure after
maintenance work
Locate the firefighting application,
16.3 emergency escape routes and sound
Carry out a full inspection of
.1 firefighting equipment and report to
the chief officer
Participate in an emergency response
.2 exercise for the fire at the sea and fire
in port
.3 Demonstrate how to raise the alarm
Locate fire stations and demonstrate
proper use of fixed installation and
16. 4
other firefighting appliances and
Assist with the testing of the following
.1 system, where fitted:
Fire detection and alarm systems
.2 Fixed alarms
.3 Fixed automatic sprinklers
.4 Fixed steam systems
.5 Fixed foam extinguishers
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
ReE etc as per spectfic task/duty Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation,
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
.6 Fixed CO2 systems
.7 Fire flaps and dampers
.8 Automatic and manual fire doors
Emergency shut off valves, pumps
stops and main engine stops
Describe the operation of the fixed fire
extinguishing system
State the safety precautions required
prior to operating the systems
Locate and use fire protective
16.5 equipment (fire-fighter's outfit,
including breathing apparatus)
Demonstrate the procedures and
.1 precautions required for entry into an
enclosed space
Recognize the difference between a
Self- Contained Breathing Apparatus
(SCBA) set and an Emergency Escape
Breathing Device
Demonstrate donning and use of SCBA
Demonstrate donning and use of a
• fire-fighter's outfit
Demonstrate donning and use of a
fire-fighter outfit with a SCBA set
Demonstrate the use of a SCBA
record/control board
Demonstrate ability to act in
16.6 accordance with the firefighting plan
during fire drills
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSIOT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation,
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
Take charge of a fire party during an
Demonstrate the use and location of
.2 all engine-room safety appliances and
escape routes
Competence: Operate life-saving
17.1 Organize abandon ship drills
Understand the hazards to seafarers of
.1 manning lifeboats for drills and
Understand the need to be familiar
.2 with the operations of on-load release
Recognize that fall prevention devices
(FPDs) where fitted, should be used in
drills (to prevent premature
Recognize the need for meticulous
.4 inspection and maintenance of on-
load release mechanism
Understand the maintenance
requirements by shipboard personnel
and by the manufacturer or
manufacturer approved agents
Under supervision demonstrate
familiarity with the lifeboat
.6 manufacturer operating instruction for
the use and operation of the davits,
winches, brakes, lifeboats, release and
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty Month
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation,
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
operating mechanism (including FPD
where fitted) and the correct resetting
and testing of such devices and
Identify the permanent marking on
.7 survival craft with regard to the
number of occupants
Locate and test the operations of radio
devices including EPIRBs and SARTS
Locate and inspect pyrotechnic
distress signals
State precautions for disposal of out of
date pyrotechnics
.11 Prepare a boat and fire muster list
Understudy an officer in charge of an
abandon ship drill
17.2 Launch, handle and recover a lifeboat
Assist with preparation and swinging
.1 out lifeboats and be aware of
attendant dangers
Assist with the preparation and
.2 boarding of free fall lifeboat and be
aware of attendant dangers
Assist with lowering a lifeboat to clear
the ship and ride to a sea anchor
.4 Start and operate a lifeboat engine
Understand principles of lifeboat
Crew a boat under:
Oars [ ] Power[ ]
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for B5MT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation,
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
Cox a boat under:
Oars [ 1 Power[ ]
Assist with recovery and securing of a
Assist with recovery and securing of a
free fall lifeboat
Launch or throw overboard a life raft,
and manoeuvre it clear of ship's side
Demonstrate an understanding of the
.1 procedure for launching and inflating
life rafts, if the opportunity arises
17.4 Operate radio life-saving appliances
Rig and operate the portable lifeboat
radio under supervision
Ensure that all required equipment
on board a rescue craft is functioning
and maintained as specified in the
SOLAS Training Manual
Demonstrate an understanding of
.1 statutory equipment required in
survival craft and its correct use
State minimum food and water
.2 requirements for occupants of survival
Locate, explain and understand the
operation of distress rockets, flares
and other pyrotechnics including
precautions for their disposal
Explain the operation of rocket line
throwing apparatus
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule
(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. as stated with the attestation, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
Assist with the maintenance of:
Lifeboats and rescue boats
.6 Lifeboat equipment and provisions
.7 Launching davits and gear
Buoyant apparatus, e.g. lifebuoys,
lifejackets and attachments
.9 Immersion suit and TPAs
Other survival craft, specify type

Assist with the routine maintenance of

lifeboat engine
Competence: Apply medical first aid
on board ship
Stop excessive bleeding, ensure
18.1 breathing and put casualties in
proper recovery position
Participate in an emergency first aid
drill at sea
Demonstrate a basic understanding of
.2 first aid principles:
Stopping bleeding
.3 Treatment of suffocation/drowning
Placing casualty in the recovery
Detect signs of shock and heat stroke
and act accordingly
.1 Demonstrate of suffocation/drowning
Demonstrate procedure for dealing
with heat stroke
18.3 Treat burns, scolds, fractures and
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
N o.
as stated with the attestation, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
actual date and signature of
the DOW)
State procedure for dealing with a
casualty of electric shock
Demonstrate procedure for treating
Demonstrate procedure for treating
minor fractures
State procedures for avoiding
Demonstrate procedure for treating
casualty with hypothermia
Competence: Monitor compliance
with legislative requirement
State where laws, rules and
regulations concerning ship operation
19. 1
and pollution prevention are
Locate on board copies of:
.3 Garbage Record Book
Locate copies of certificates issued
under SOLAS,MARPOL, Load Line,
STCW and ILO Convention, and other
Use legislation to ascertain due
approach to solve questions
encountered during on board
.1 Participate in bilge pumping in
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. etc as per specific task/duty Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation,
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
compliance with MARPOL
Dispose of garbage at sea/on shore in
.2 compliance with MARPOL and ship's
Garbage Management Plan
Assist in checking life-saving
.3 equipment prior Safety Equipment
Participate in shipboard inspection
.4 prior to survey for Load Line
19.3 Searching for stowaways
.1 Carry out a stowaway search
Competence: Application of
leadership and teamworking skills
20.1 Play a team role
Understand that as a team member
.1 everyone has different experience and
has a role in any task
Participate actively in task planning
meetings involving different ranks
Understand that communications is a
two-way exchange and demonstrate
this in practice both on the bridge and
on deck
Maintain awareness of changing
Accept authority while questioning
Instructions if in doubt
Check own understanding of situation
is shared by other team members
ANNEX F3 — Onboard Training Guidance for BSMT

Objective Evidence Task Schedule

(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Drawings, Calculations and
Ref. Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
Duty/Task etc as per specific task/duty
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
as stated with the attestation,
actual date and signature of
the 00W)
Participate actively in task review and
.7 evaluation meeting involving different
20.2 Demonstrate leadership ability
Think ahead and plan tasks that will
.1 follow the immediate task or
manoeuvre _
Set priorities correctly when observing
.2 conflict between immediate needs
and tasks that may be held back -
Allocate resources effectively to
achieve desired outcomes
Check results and take corrective
actions as needed/instructed
Demonstrate the confidence and
.5 maturity to refer to senior officer if in

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