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April 2020 – June 2020

INDUSLAW 中文通讯 brings you key regulatory and legal

developments in various sectors in India on a quarterly basis.

INDUSLAW is a multi-speciality Indian law firm with 47 CONTENTS

partners and over 180 lawyers across four offices in Bangalore,  Foreign Investment – Notifications
Delhi, Hyderabad and Mumbai. We advise foreign and by the RBI and DPIIT
domestic clients on matters of Indian law in relation to their
 Corporate & Commercial
transactions, dispute resolution, business strategies and
operations.  Capital Markets
 Banking & Finance
Our clients typically include financial institutions, investment
 Insolvency & Bankruptcy
funds, foreign multinationals operating in India, domestic
corporations, growing Indian companies, start-ups, social  Regulatory Updates - COVID - 19
enterprises and not-for-profit entities.  Competition Law
 Real Estate
We work with clients across various sectors including bio-tech,
 Technology, Media and
energy (including renewable energy), education, financial
services, healthcare, hospitality, infrastructure,
manufacturing, micro-finance, natural resources, real estate  Energy, Infrastructure and
Natural Resource
and construction, retail (including online retail), technology,
travel and tourism, telecom and trading.  Litigation & Dispute Resolution
 Intellectual Property
Our clients generally structure sophisticated corporate and
financial transactions or may be involved in complex litigation
and dispute resolution proceedings.
2020 年 4 月 - 2020 年 6 月

1. 外国投资 — RBI 和 DPIIT 官方通知 或是处罚。

1.1 审批路径下的“陆地”外商直接投资 2.3 加大制裁力度:《2020 年公司(审计

(FDI):印度现已是一座孤岛 报告)决议》

印度政府于 2020 年 4 月 17 日发布第 3 公司事务部于 2020 年 2 月 25 日发布了

号新闻公告(2020 系列),对 2017 年 《2020 年公司(审计报告)决议》,
颁布的《外国直接投资政策》作出修 以取代《2016 年公司(审计报告)决
订,并声明此举旨在遏制对新型冠状 议》。该决议旨在收紧对审计师和董
病毒 (COVID-19) 影响下的印度公司进 事会的汇报要求和披露义务的约束。
施要求与印度有陆地接壤的国家的外 3. 资本市场
3.1 COVID-19 疫情爆发:SEBI 进一步放
1.2 外国投资规则修订版:统一监管环境 宽上市企业的 LODR 合规规范

财政部公布了《2020 年外汇管理(非 在新型冠状病毒 (COVID-19) 持续肆虐

债务工具)(第二次修订版)规则》 之际,印度证券交易委员会根据《
,对《2019 年外汇管理(非债务工具 2015 年印度证券交易委员会(上市义
)规则》作出修订。此次修订对以下 务和披露要求)条例》,在某些关键
事项作出了修改:(i) 现有股东放弃后 的合规要求上放宽了对上市企业的要
以配股方式获得股份;(ii) 单一品牌零 求。
售贸易的采购规范;(iii) 放宽保险业外
国投资的限制;(iv) 对外国证券投资者 3.2 翻转沙漏 — SEBI 让资金迅速耗尽的
予以说明。 融资公司缓一口气

2. 公司与商业 2020 年 4 月 21 日,印度证券交易委员

2.1 MCA 发布召开 EGM 的救济措施是否 度公开发行(首次价格和后续)和配
是这个难题的绝妙解决方案? 股的某些关键法规的影响,试图减轻
新型冠状病毒 (COVID-19) 对融资造成
继新型冠状病毒 (COVID-19) 大流行及
(MCA) 根据《2013 年公司法》减轻了 3.3 “对象正在改变” — 重新考虑
公司需遵循的公司治理和秘书程序方 COVID-19 期间IPO 对象变更问题
会议的某些程序要求。 新型冠状病毒 (COVID-19) 使经济陷入
2.2 2020 年度公司重新开始方案 使上市公司重新考虑其业务和计划中
公司事务部推出了《2020 年度公司新 (IPO) 收益的使用,在这种背景之下,
开始方案(方案)》该方案旨在让公 首次公开募股 (IPO) 招股书中提到的对
司重新开始其未完成的合规事宜,而 象变更问题如今变得非常重要。本文
不会因延迟申报受到任何起诉、诉讼 讨论了新型冠状病毒 (COVID-19) 疫情

2020 年 4 月 - 2020 年 6 月

期间 IPO 对象变更问题。 5.1 IBC 条例 — 服务于经济

3.4 让它“回归正轨”,SEBI 如是说:进 2020 年 6 月 5 日通过了一项《2016 年

一步放宽配股发行规范 破产与倒闭法》修订条例。该修订条
根据封锁情况,印度证券交易委员 (COVID-19) 大流行期间免于倒闭。
(SEBI) 会于 2020 年 5 月 6 日发出通函
,根据《2018 年 SEBI (发行资本和披 6. 监管更新内容 — COVID-19
公开发行的某些程序要求。这是继印 6.1 增强抗击 COVID-19 的力度企业如何
度证券交易委员会早先授予的豁免权 加强力度 — 监管方面的促进因素与不
利之后的又一举措。 力因素

3.5 SEBI 为 FPO 点火启动 — 放宽快速通 世界各国政府都在采取严厉(但必要

道规范 )的措施来控制新型冠状病毒
(COVID-19) 的蔓延,但与此同时,它
根据《2018 年 SEBI(发行资本和披露 们也面临着遏制其对经济的影响这一
要求)条例》,印度证券交易委员会 难题。由此导致的结果便是,在一个
于 2020 年 6 月 9 日发出通函,临时放 充满不确定性和限制性的全球经济中
宽后续公开发行 (FPO) 所需的某些资 ,企业被迫调整其供应的产品和服务
格条件。因此,上述公告倍受期待 — ,并发展新的业务方法,以保证自给
尤其对于上市发行人,他们出于商业 自足,满足经济需求,并在这场斗争
紧迫性或股权的细微差异,寻求通过 中发挥关键作用。
后续公开发行 (FPO) 途径进行募资。
4. 银行与金融 触发和推动之下,某些企业的突飞猛
4.1 COVID-19 大流行期间,为借款人提
供避风港 — 关于 RBI 暂停资产分类的 7. 竞争法
7.1 《印度竞争委员会修订合并控制通知
度储备银行 (RBI) 颁布了一系列指令, 虽然在新型冠状病毒 (COVID-19) 期间
为借款人提供为期 3 个月的避风港( ,全世界都在进行有关修正的重要更
再延长 3 个月),以缓解此次大流行 新,但印度竞争委员会(CCI) 已发布《
对经济的负面影响,从而恢复经济增 对于表格 I 的修订指导说明(修订说明
长并减轻偿债负担。高等法院经过初 )》,以使先前的指导说明与修订后
步考虑,对通告的适用性和解释性进 的表格 I 保持一致,并方便各方在 CCI
行了讨论,保护了借款人的利益。 之前提交通知。

本新闻快讯探讨了暂停资产分类与其 8. 房地产
8.1 根据 RERA 延长时限的建议要点
5. 破产与倒闭
询意见,要求援引《2016 年房地产(

2020 年 4 月 - 2020 年 6 月

法规和发展)法 (RERA)》规定的不可 点
抗力条款,并延长 (i) 因新型冠状病毒
(COVID-19) 疫情大流行而延误的房地 根据因新型冠状病毒 (COVID-19) 而实
产项目的完成时间,以及 (ii) 符合房地 施的全国性封锁,印度政府已宣布采
产监管局规定的各种法定要求的遵守 取某些步骤来缓解分销公司的财务状
时限。 况 。 根 据 Atmanirbhar Bharat
9. 技术、媒体通信 府宣布一次性注入 90,000 印度卢比的
9.1 精彩不能落幕:COVID-19 疫情期间 各个项目的义务。
及其之后 — 从媒体和娱乐业的角度来
ABHIYAN 下能源和基础设施部门结
新型冠状病毒 (COVID-19) 大流行以及 构性改革要点
业产生了重大影响。本文讨论了这些 2020 年 5 月 16 日 发 布 的 第 四 份
措施对媒体和娱乐业的影响、可用的 Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan ( 政 府
法律和合同补救方法,以及媒体公司 一揽子计划)主要涉及能源和基础设
在新型冠状病毒 (COVID-19) 疫情之后 施领域的结构性改革,涵盖煤炭、电
需要考虑的一些关键方面。 力、民航、矿产、社会基础设施和核
9.2 马哈拉施特拉邦政府发布重新启动媒 垂直领域的效率,并吸引私营部门投
体和娱乐业的指导方针 资这些垂直领域。

随着中央政府和邦政府在全国范围内 10.3 《2020 年电力(修订)条例草案》要

逐步解封,马哈拉施特拉邦政府已允 点
许 拍 摄 电 影 、 电 视 和 Over the Top
(OTT) 平台的内容。通过 2020 年 5 月 虽然《2003 年电力法》促进了大量私
30 日的一项政府决议,该邦政府发布 人投资、市场发展以及透明电价机制
了《重新启动马哈拉施特拉邦媒体娱 的采用等,但一段时间以来,电力部
乐业的指导方针》。 门一直面临各种发展障碍。因此,为
9.3 MIB 发布政府广告入驻社交媒体平台
深化电力部门改革,电力部于 2020 年
4 月 17 日发布了 《2020 年电力(修正
案)草案》,对《2003 年电力法》作
信息和广播部于 2020 年 5 月 13 日发布
11. 诉讼与纠纷解决方案
与外联局 (BOC) 的入驻条款,以及外
11.1 对外国法令的限制 — 印度与之持平

10. 能源、基础设施和自然资源 尽管存在明文规定要求执行互惠领土
10.1 关于配电公司和承包商的救济措施要

2020 年 4 月 - 2020 年 6 月

院注意到了这种不确定性和差异性, 产在某个时间点存在的防篡改证据。
最终在巴罗达 (Baroda) 银行与科塔克马
恒达 (Kotak Mahindra) 银行有限公司案 有关上述主题的详细分析,请参阅
中澄清了立场。 随附之时事通讯中的相应段落。

11.2 法院的力量超过了人们的表面所见:
《1996 年仲裁和调解法》第 37 条

为最大程度地降低法院根据《1996 年
作用,该法案第 34 条规定的“法院”
时受到限制。因“法院”根据第 34 条
权根据上述法案第 37 条提出上诉。印
度 德 里 高 等 法 院 在 最 近 名 为 MMTC
Ltd. 诉 Anglo American Metallurgical
Coal Pty. 有限公司 的判决中,对根据
上述法案第 37 条撤销仲裁裁决在法律

11.3 最高法院支持法院介入,纠正仲裁裁

最高法院在“ South East Asia Marine

Engineering and Constructions Limited
诉 Oil India Limited”一案(SEAMEC
据《1996 年仲裁和调解法》第 37 条作

12. 知识产权

12.1 WIPO 推出 WIPO PROOF — 提供知


世界知识产权组织(简称 WIPO)是
项新的在线服务 WIPO PROOF,可提

April 2020 – June 2020

1. FOREIGN INVESTMENT – Note 3 does not list the Border

NOTIFICATIONS BY THE RBI 1 Countries, India recognises land
AND DPIIT2 borders with Nepal, Pakistan, China,
Bangladesh, Myanmar, Bhutan and
1.1 ‘OVERLAND’ FDI UNDER Afghanistan.

INTRODUCTION Press Note 3 has amended the FDI

Policy which provided that save for
The world is witnessing investments from Pakistan and
unprecedented times in light of the Bangladesh, a non-resident was
COVID-19 outbreak, which has led to permitted to invest into India in
countries across the globe adopting accordance with the terms of the FDI
legal, political and economic measures Policy without any prior approval
which are equally unprecedented. In under automatic route, except in
one such move, the Government of limited sectors.
India (“GoI”) had, on April 17, 2020,
released Press Note No. 3 (2020 Series)3 Pursuant to Press Note 3, all FDI from
(“Press Note 3”) to amend the the Border Countries and investments
Consolidated Foreign Direct where a beneficial owner of the
Investment Policy of 2017 (“FDI investment is situated in or is a citizen
Policy”) with a stated view of curbing of a Border Country (collectively the
opportunistic take-overs/acquisitions “Border Investors”), are only to be
of Indian companies. allowed under the Approval Route.

Press Note 3 comes across as a Press Note 3 goes a step further and
protectionist measure to save Indian provides that an approval from the
industry from predatory capital, while Government is also required for direct
they struggle to survive the COVID-19 or indirect transfers of ownership of
hit economy. It provides that all any existing or future FDI in an Indian
foreign direct investment (“FDI”) entity resulting in a change in the
from countries which share a land beneficial ownership falling within the
border with India (“Border abovementioned geographic
Countries”) shall be subject to prior restrictions.
approval from the Government
(“Approval Route”). Press Note 3 KEY IMPLICATIONS AND
came into effect on April 22, 2020, the CONCERNS
date of publication of the Foreign
Exchange Management (Non-Debt Geography
Instruments) Amendment Rules, 2020
(“FEMA Notification”). While Press Unfortunately, while mainstream

Reserve Bank of India or RBI is the central bank of authority having the primary responsibility to promote
India. Its primary responsibility is to regulate the foreign direct investment in India.
3 Available at:
monetary policy of the Indian economy.
2 Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal
Trade or DPIIT or DIPP is the nodal government

April 2020 – June 2020

media has been reporting Press Note 3 outside the Approval Route.
as a measure aimed at curtailing
Chinese investment in India, the Determination of Beneficial Owner
application of Press Note 3 to other
Border Countries seems to be collateral Press Note 3 does not define the term
damage. ‘beneficial owner’. In absence of such
definition, one may have to rely on the
While it is unfortunate that FDI from manner such term is understood under
countries like Afghanistan, Bhutan pari materia statutes. From the
and Nepal with whom India enjoys perspective of the Foreign Exchange
excellent relations and strong bilateral Management Act, 1999 (“FEMA”), the
trade and investment ties will now be Reserve Bank of India (“RBI”) does
under Approval Route, it is unclear not rely on the definitions of
whether Taiwan (a major world ‘significant beneficial ownership’ and
economy and significant investor in ‘beneficial interest’ as prescribed
India) will also be considered as a under the Companies Act, 2013 (the
Border Country and whether “Companies Act”) and as such that
investments from Hong Kong will also may prove to be a conceptual red
be under Approval Route. Notably, herring for investees and investors in
while India does not officially interpreting Press Note 3. The RBI’s
recognise the Republic of China as a emphasis is on the Prevention of
‘country’ and has unofficial diplomatic Money Laundering Act, 2002
ties with the regime in Tai Pei, it does (“PMLA”) and the RBI (Know Your
track FDI from Taiwan separately Customer) Directions, 2016 (“KYC
from those received from China. Directions”). These prescribe certain
However, India also distinguishes and criterion for determining a beneficial
tracks FDI from sHong Kong SAR of owner. Notably, the KYC Directions
China separately and such tracking, in which are issued pursuant to the
and of itself, may not be sufficient to PMLA, define ‘beneficial owner’ in
consider investments emanating further detail as one or more
directly or indirectly from Taiwan as persons/entities who hold a certain
threshold of stake in the relevant entity
and not just any stake in the entity. 4
Further, the SEBI (Foreign Portfolio

4The thresholds to qualify as a ‘beneficial owner’ under

the KYC Guidelines are as provided below:

(i) In case of a company – the natural person(s) who, (iii) In case of a unincorporated association or a body
whether acting alone or together, or through one or of individuals - the natural person(s) who,
more juridical persons has/have ownership whether acting alone or together, or through one
of/entitlement to more than 25% of the shares or or more juridical persons, has/have ownership
capital or profits of the company, or who exercises of/entitlement to more than 15% of the property
control (which includes right to appoint majority of or capital or profits of the unincorporated
the directors or to control the management or policy association or body of individuals; and
decisions) through other means;
(iv) In case of a trust - the author of the trust, the
(ii) In case of a partnership firm – the natural person(s) trustee, the beneficiaries with 15% or more
who, whether acting alone or together, or through interest in the trust and any other natural
one or more juridical persons, has/have ownership person(s) exercising ultimate effective control
of/entitlement to more than 15% of capital or profits over the trust through a chain of control or
of the partnership; ownership,

April 2020 – June 2020

Investors) Regulations, 2019 also If emphasis was to be placed on the

prescribe the standards set out under objective set out in Press Note 3, only
the PMLA read with the KYC majority investments or investments
Directions for determining the which grant direct or indirect
beneficial owner of foreign portfolio ownership or control over the affairs of
investors (“FPIs”). the Indian entity in hands of a Border
Investor, or a beneficial owner from a
The reporting requirements in relation Border Country, should have been
to foreign investments in India entail a under the Approval Route, and
KYC check to be conducted by the passive financial investments should
authorised dealer banks for the have been excluded from its purview.
remittances received from non- While the Government’s intent could
resident investors. It remains to be have very well be on similar lines, a
seen if the same basis and clarification to this extent was
methodology for determining a expected from the Government under
beneficial owner shall be adopted for the FEMA Notification.
purpose of Press Note 3 or a new
definition in this regard gets Applicability to Foreign Portfolio
prescribed through further Investments
amendments to the Foreign Exchange
Management (Non-Debt Instruments) Given that Press Note 3 only amends
Rules, 2019 (“Non-Debt Rules”). Para 3.1.1 of the FDI Policy which
primarily deals with FDI under
No Minimum Threshold Schedule I of the Non-Debt Rules,
investments by FPIs under Annexure 9
Despite its stated objective of of the FDI Policy and Schedule II of the
restricting takeovers, Press Note 3 has Non-Debt Rules have not been
not prescribed any minimum expressly brought under the ambit of
threshold of investment by Border Press Note 3 and the FEMA
Investors in order for these to be Notification. FPIs are eligible to invest
covered under Approval Route. under Annexure 9 of the FDI Policy
Therefore, as the position stands now, and Schedule II of the Non-Debt Rules
even a miniscule or passive investment in listed or to be listed Indian
by a Border Investor, as well as any companies. As per the provisions
investment by investment funds/ therein, foreign portfolio investment
vehicles with beneficial ownership in by individual FPIs and their respective
Border Countries is under Approval investor groups is limited to 10% of the
Route. total paid-up equity capital of the
Indian company on a fully diluted
There is rampant fear in the industry basis and 10% of the paid-up value on
that such restrictions shall adversely each series of debentures, preference
impact investment funds and vehicles shares or warrants of the Indian
with significant limited partners or company. Further, aggregate foreign
beneficiaries from Border Countries portfolio investments by all the FPIs in
(even when they constitute minority in a company as a whole is limited to the
their internal constitution), as relevant sectoral cap, unless a
compared to other investors. company has decreased the limit (to a

April 2020 – June 2020

lower threshold limit of 24% or 49% or of a Border Investor. However,

74% as deemed fit) pursuant to a nothing restricts transfer of existing
resolution by such company’s board of investments by Border Investors to
directors and the members before investors other than Border Investors.
March 31, 2020. Additionally, the Additionally, any indirect investment
aggregate limit for portfolio into Indian companies (say for
investments by FPIs with respect to an example, an investment or acquisition
Indian company in a prohibited sector of/ in a foreign holding company or a
is limited to 24%. special purpose vehicle established by
a fund situated outside India) by a
However, as reported in mainstream Border Investor, may also trigger
media, the SEBI in its communication Approval Route under the FDI Policy
dated April 13, 2020, had directed all on satisfaction of the ‘beneficial owner’
designated depository participants/ test.
custodian banks to grant any fresh FPI
registrations for applicants from Impact on External Commercial
neighbouring countries, or from Borrowings (“ECB”)
applicants whose beneficiaries are
from neighbouring countries, only ECBs from Border Investors have not
after SEBI’s prior approval, i.e. post an expressly been brought under the
additional layer of scrutiny. However, ambit of Press Note 3. Accordingly,
this action from SEBI was put on hold Border Investors may explore (with
by it, citing requirement of further some caution) the ECB route in sectors
clarity from the Government. 5 where they qualify as eligible lenders
Therefore, it appears that SEBI will within the ECB framework prescribed
take similar measures in this regard for by the RBI. It can be expected that the
FPIs from or having beneficial owners Government will analyse the ECB
from Border Countries. One will have route and a clarification or perhaps an
to keep a close watch on any amendment to the ECB framework
notification by SEBI in this regard. may be brought about.

Impact on transactions outside India A grey area relates to equity

conversion options linked to ECB
Press Note 3 imposes the requirement availed from lenders in the Border
of Government approval for share Countries. While at time of conversion,
transfers by non-residents to Border such conversion does not involve fresh
Investors. Since such transfer of flow of funds, it results in a
shareholding between non-resident reclassification of ECB as FDI and as
investors will otherwise not attract any such may not be permitted and (unless
reporting requirement under foreign clarified) Indian companies may not be
exchange laws, Indian companies will able to honour their conversion
have to exercise caution before obligations under such loans, thus
registering any such transfer in favour

5 News Reports available at: and
news/sebi-awaits-clarity-from-centre-on-fpi-flows- ks/news/sebi-seeks-details-of-beneficiaries-of-fpis-
from-neighbours-including-china- from-china-hk/articleshow/75148086.cms.

April 2020 – June 2020

resulting in an event of default. Border Investors, are clearly in a

muddle due to the abrupt
Competent Authority for promulgation of Press Note 3 and the
Government Approvals subsequent FEMA Notification. The
investors in such transactions may be
The competent authorities for the rethinking their investment strategy,
grant of government approvals under as increase in any future stake shall
the FDI Policy are spread across involve a government approval. Some
several ministries of the Government investors may be looking at delaying
of India. Press Note 3 does not state the their investment until they obtain
relevant competent authority from further details or clarity on the
which the government approvals have limitations imposed by Press Note 3.
to be obtained for investments to be However, any delay in the funding
made by Border Investors. cycle is likely to reduce the valuation
of the Indian entity if the economy
Under the pre-Press Note 3 regime, further slows down in the coming
applications for government approval months, which shall be
involving investments from ‘Countries counterproductive for the investees
of Concern’ (which currently means that the Government is currently
Pakistan and Bangladesh) were seeking to protect.
processed by the Ministry of Home
Affairs (“MHA”). Going forward and in the event that
the restrictions imposed by Press Note
Since the newly introduced limitation 3 continue for a longer period, the
for investments from Border Investors Border Investors who are looking to
is similar to restrictions placed on the invest in tranches in an Indian entity,
investments from Bangladesh and may consider seeking an all-
Pakistan under the pre-Press Note 3 encompassing government approval
regime, it is likely that the MHA shall for such tranched investment (within
process the applications made the sectoral cap) so that each tranche of
pursuant to Press Note 3. This investment does not have to go
processing of government approval by through the process of seeking a
the MHA shall be in addition to the separate government approval.
processing of sector-specific
government approvals by the INDUSLAW VIEW
concerned competent authorities and
is likely to consume 8-12 weeks of time Press Note 3 has brought with itself, an
in aggregate. Given the likely increase enormous due diligence exercise for
in the volume of applications for Indian investees. In the absence of any
government approvals, the minimum threshold of beneficial
Government may consider granting a ownership in investors to qualify as
single window clearance for Border Investors, the Indian entities
applications from Border Investors. looking for investment will have to
dive into the constitutional structure of
Ongoing Transactions potential investors. Further, Indian
companies will be posed with a
Indian companies which are in the daunting task to ensure none of their
middle of transactions involving

April 2020 – June 2020

shareholders have a passport continue as a norm for the future.

belonging to Border Countries or have
their beneficial ownership in Border In fact, it appears from the lack of the
Countries (including by way of a detailing in Press Note 3, that the press
transfer of shares between non- note was a hastened measure aimed to
residents). completely restrict acquisition of all
stakes in Indian companies under the
Investments funds/ investee FDI route by entities from Border
companies may have to come up with Countries at low valuations in these
new holding structures or reorganise troubled times. While it was
their own internal partnerships if they anticipated that the FEMA
intend to expand their investment Notification shall provide further
portfolio in India. Nevertheless, a clarity on many aspects (as discussed
clarification to introduce a minimum above), the FEMA Notification
threshold in relation to ownership will materially replicates the language of
be a relief for both Indian companies Press Note 3. Nevertheless, in the near
and the investor community. Absent a future, we expect the Government to
threshold, the effect of Press Note 3 come up with more nuanced,
will be that of a ‘slow hand’ (or worse) streamlined and detailed guidelines in
on all capital raise and exit relation to investments from Border
transactions where existing Countries. Meanwhile, we also await a
shareholders from a Border Country notification from SEBI placing
have rights of pre-emption regardless restrictions on investments by FPIs,
of whether they may be the lead similar to those contained in Press
investors in the proposed transaction. Note 3.

The future of Press Note 3 brings with Authors: Avimukt Dar | Akhoury
it the uncertainty surrounding the Winnie Shekhar | Harman Walia |
view of the competent authorities for Kumar Gaurav
granting government approvals, and
on treatment of ECBs reaching Practice Areas: Private Equity,
maturity. A list of Border Countries or Venture Capital and Fund Investment
a specific exemption for Taiwan will be | Capital Markets and International
of further help for all stakeholders. Offerings | Mergers & Acquisitions

Worryingly, the period for which the 1.2 AMENDMENT TO THE FOREIGN
limitations imposed by Press Note 3 INVESTMENT RULES:
are likely to survive has been left HARMONIZING THE
unspecified. Given the purpose of REGULATORY LANDSCAPE
Press Note 3 is to curb opportunistic
takeovers/ acquisitions of Indian INTRODUCTION
companies due to the current COVID-19
pandemic, it appears that Press Note 3 On April 27, 2020, the Ministry of
is an exceptional measure created only Finance (“MoF”) notified the Foreign
until effects of the COVID-19 Exchange Management (Non-Debt
pandemic subsist, and is not likely to Instruments) (Second Amendment)

April 2020 – June 2020

Rules, 2020 6 (“Amendment”) to resident person to acquire a right to

amend the Non-Debt Rules. subscribe to equity instrument (except
share warrants) by way of
The Amendment introduces changes renunciation of rights entitlement
with respect to (i) acquisition of shares from a resident shareholder, subject to
by way of rights issue after compliance with the pricing guidelines
renunciation by an existing as detailed out under Rule 21 of the
shareholder; (ii) sourcing norms for Non-Debt Rules (as applicable to listed
Single Brand Retail Trading (“SBRT”); and unlisted entities).
(iii) relaxations for foreign investment
in the insurance sector; and (iv) Single Brand Retail Trading
clarifications with respect to FPIs.
Considering the current political and Prior to the Amendment, entities
economic landscape in our country, undertaking SBRT of products having
these changes were introduced with ‘state-of-art’ and ‘cutting-edge’
the intention of harmonizing and technology and where local sourcing
clarifying certain foreign investment was not possible, were not required to
norms. follow the sourcing norms as
prescribed under the Non-Debt Rules,
KEY CHANGES for a period of 3 years (“Exemption
Period”) from the commencement of
The key changes are discussed below: its first store.

Acquisition through a renunciation of Post the Amendment, the Exemption

rights Period for the said entities will now be
calculated from the commencement of
Under the earlier regime, only non- the entity’s first store or from the start of
resident shareholders 7 (in addition to online retail, whichever is earlier.
resident investors or shareholders)
were entitled to receive renunciation Insurance Sector
of rights entitlement of equity
instruments (except share warrants), Earlier this year, Press Note 1 of 2020
from the person to whom it was dated February 21, 2020 (“Press
initially offered, at: Note”), was released by the
Department for Promotion of Industry
(a) a price determined by the company and Internal Trade (“DIPP”). By virtue
(for listed entities); and of this Press Note, the permitted
sectoral cap of foreign investment in (i)
(b) a price not lesser than the price offered insurance companies; and (ii)
to the resident shareholders (for intermediaries in the insurance sector
unlisted entities). were differentiated.

The Amendment, by insertion of Rule Further, certain additional

7A, has now permitted any non- conditionalities were also introduced

6 Available at: 7 For the sake of clarity, non-residents who were not shareholders at the time of the rights issue could not
f. acquire equity instruments through a rights issue

April 2020 – June 2020

to align the Press Note with the by the Department of Financial

regulations previously issued by the Services or IRDA as per the rules or
Insurance Regulatory and regulations issued by them from time
Development Authority of India to time.
(“IRDA”)8 and RBI9.
(c) Foreign portfolio investment in an
The changes contained in the Press Indian insurance company shall be
Note were to come into effect only governed by the relevant provisions
from the date of amendment to the contained in the Non-Debt Rules10 and
Non-Debt Rules. Accordingly, provisions of the Securities and
through this Amendment, the MoF has Exchange Board of India (Foreign
given effect to the relaxations on Portfolio Investors) Regulations, 2014.
foreign investment to the insurance
sector. We have summarized the (d) Any increase in foreign investment in
changes below: an Indian insurance company shall be
in accordance with the pricing
Insurance Companies guidelines specified in the Non-Debt
The sectoral limit for FDI into
insurance companies remain at 49% Intermediaries in the Insurance
under the automatic route. The Sector
Amendment has introduced the
following additional conditions for According to the Amendment, the
foreign investment in insurance sectoral limit for foreign investment
companies: into intermediaries or insurance
intermediaries including insurance
No Indian insurance company shall brokers, re-insurance brokers,
allow the aggregate holdings by way insurance consultants, corporate
of total foreign investment in its equity agents, third party administrator,
shares by foreign investors, including surveyors and loss assessors and other
portfolio investors, to exceed 49% of its entities as notified by the IRDA
paid-up equity capital. (together referred to as
“Intermediaries”) is now revised to
(a) Such foreign investment up to 49% of 100% under the automatic route.
the total paid-up equity of the Indian
insurance company shall be allowed While the FDI cap of 100% is subject to
under the automatic route, subject to the same terms and conditions as
approval or verification by the IRDA. applicable to insurance companies, the
condition regarding Indian owned and
(b) An Indian insurance company shall controlled (as specified in (c) above)
ensure that its ownership and control shall not apply to Intermediaries. The
remain at all times in the hands of composition of the board of directors
resident Indian entities as determined and key management persons of such

8 Indian Insurance Companies (Foreign Investment) Rule 10 and Rule 11 read with Schedule II of the Non-

Amendment Rules, 2019. Debt Rules.

9 Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of

Security by a Person Resident outside India) (Fifth

Amendment) Regulations, 2016.

April 2020 – June 2020

Intermediaries shall be as specified by (g) composition of the board of directors

the concerned regulators from time to and key management persons shall be
time. as specified by the concerned
Further, the FDI proposals shall be
subject to verification by the IRDA and Investment by FPI
such investment into Intermediaries
will be governed by the relevant According to the Non-Debt Rules, for
provisions 11 of the Indian Insurance FPI investments that are in breach of
Companies (Foreign Investment) the limits prescribed under the Rules,
Rules, 2015, as amended from time to such FPIs shall have the option of
time. divesting their holding within 5
trading days from the date of
Insurance Intermediaries, in which a settlement of the trades causing the
majority shareholding is held by breach. In the event the FPI chooses
foreign investors, is also required to not to divest, then the entire
comply with the following: investment in the company by such
FPI and its investor groups shall be
(a) be incorporated as a limited company treated as FDI.
under the provisions of the Companies
Act; The Amendment now includes a
clarificatory language to the relevant
(b) at least 1 from among the Chairman of provision 12 , which states that: “The
the Board of Directors, Chief Executive divestment of holdings by the FPI and the
Officer, Principal Officer or Managing reclassification of FPI investment as FDI
Director shall be a resident Indian shall be subject to further conditions, if
citizen; any, specified by Securities and Exchange
Board of India and the Reserve Bank in this
(c) obtain the prior permission of the regard.”
IRDA for repatriating dividend;
(d) bring in the latest technological,
managerial and other skills; Among all the changes introduced
under this Amendment, the partial
(e) not make payments to the foreign
liberalization of the insurance sector is
group, promoter, subsidiary,
a significant move. The relaxations
interconnected or associate entities
have been welcomed by stakeholders
beyond what is necessary or permitted
at large as it will now encourage and
by the IRDA;
attract foreign investment. With the
existing liquidity crunch due to the on-
(f) make disclosures in the formats to be
going pandemic, this timely move by
specified by the IRDA of all payments
the government will provide much
made to its group, promoter,
needed respite for companies in the
subsidiary, interconnected or associate
insurance sector looking to raise
entities; and

11Rules 7 and 8 of the Indian Insurance Companies 12Clause (iii) of sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph 1,
(Foreign Investment) Rules, 2015. Schedule II, of the Non-Debt Rules.

April 2020 – June 2020

Authors: Revathy Muralidharan | June 15, 2020 (“June 15 Notification”)

Ravi Dubey | Shweta Adhikari | relaxing this requirement with respect
Nabarun Chandra Ray to extra-ordinary general meetings
(“EGMs”) conducted by companies
Practice Areas: Insurance | Corporate for matters that are considered
& Commercial | Government & ‘unavoidable’.

2.1 MCA ISSUES RELIEF MEASURES Section 108 of the Companies Act, read
TO CONDUCT EGM: NIFTY with Rule 20 of the Companies
SOLUTION TO THE (Management and Administration)
CONUNDRUM? Rules, 2014 enables provision of e-
voting at shareholder meetings for (i)
INTRODUCTION companies which have listed their
equity shares on a stock exchange and
In the wake of the COVID-19 (ii) companies which have 1000 or
pandemic and the consequent more members.
restrictions imposed on the movement
of people, goods and services, Section 173(2) of the Companies Act
companies are facing new hurdles in specifically permits participation of
carrying on their business while directors in a meeting of the board
ensuring compliance with the through video conferencing or other
Companies Act and the rules audio-visual means (“VC-OAVM”)
prescribed thereunder. In light of this, which are capable of recording and
the Ministry of Corporate Affairs recognizing the participation of
(“MCA”) has taken measures to ease directors at such meetings. However,
the burden of companies in terms of similar provisions relating to e-voting
corporate governance and secretarial and VC- OAVM were not extended to
processes required to be followed by general meetings.
them, particularly with respect to
relaxing of certain procedural In light of the aforesaid, the
requirements required to be followed Notification is a welcome step as it (a)
by companies for holding meetings of enables companies (including those
their members as well as that of their that are not prescribed under Section
boards. 108 to provide for e-voting facility) to
conduct EGMs by way of VC-OAVM
One of the key issues being faced by for matters that are considered
companies is the requirement for unavoidable, and (b) extends the video
shareholders to hold physical conferencing facility (which was only
meetings to take up even urgent applicable to board meetings until
matters which is affecting operations now) to general meetings as well for
of companies. This news alert matters that are considered
discusses one such measure taken by unavoidable; subject to the rules set
the MCA by way of a notification out therein, till June 30, 2020.
dated April 8, 2020 (“Notification”) Subsequently, through the June 15
and a subsequent notification dated Notification, the MCA has extended

April 2020 – June 2020

the aforesaid facility granted under the Notification may be adopted provided
Notification till September 30, 2020. consents for shorter notice have been
obtained along with other relevant
The Notification read with the June 15 compliances under the Companies
Notification provides for two-fold set Act.
of rules for conducting EGMs through
electronic means: the first set of rules Set-up of the EGM by way of VC-
apply to companies which are OAVM
required to provide for VC-OAVM
facility to its members (being While scheduling the EGM, the
companies prescribed under Section company must ensure that all
108, as mentioned above) and the conflicting time zones out of which all
second set of rules are applicable to shareholders are based, are taken into
such companies which are not consideration. The electronic facility
required to provide for VC-OAVM to must allow for participation by all
its members for conducting general members attending the meeting.
meetings, as discussed above. This Further, for companies which are
news alert discusses these rules in prescribed to provide e-voting
detail below. facilities, the electronic facility must
allow e-voting for at least 1000
PROCESSES LAID OUT IN THE members. For companies which are
NOTIFICATION not required to provide for e-voting
under the Companies Act, the
Notice to the EGM to be held through electronic facility must allow e-voting
VC-OAVM for at least 500 members or members
equal to the total number of members
The notice for the EGM is required to of the company (whichever is lower)
contain disclosures with respect to the on a first-come-first-serve basis.
manner in which attendance through Notwithstanding the above, all large
electronic means is available to the shareholders holding 2% or more of
members and the company is required the share capital of the company must
to provide clear instructions on the be allowed to attend the meeting. All
manner of access to and the members present through VC-OAVM
participation in the meeting. must be accounted for the purpose of
Companies are also required to achieving quorum in accordance with
provide a helpline number through the the Companies Act. Further, for the
R&T, technology provider or purpose of transparency, a transcript
otherwise, in case of any assistance of the meeting so held is required to be
that the shareholders may require kept in the custody of the company or
before or during the meeting. A copy shall be released on the website (in
of the notice is required to be case of a public company).
displayed on the company’s website
and due intimation of the EGM is Voting at such meetings
required to be provided to the stock
exchange(s) in case of a listed Further, the voting at an EGM held
company. If a notice for an EGM has pursuant to the Notification or June 15
been issued prior to the Notification, Notification may be held by way of
the processes laid down in this show of hands during the meeting

April 2020 – June 2020

unless a demand for poll has been such meeting, with the registrar of
made in accordance with Section 109 companies.
of the Act (in case there are less than 50
members attending the meeting) or by INDUSLAW VIEW
way of e-voting (in other cases).
The Notification and the June 15
Proxy not permitted Notification surely provide much-
needed clarity and relief to all
The Notification explicitly disallows stakeholders on an industry-wide
attendance of meetings by members by basis. It enables companies to conduct
way of proxies. The rationale provided business as usual to an extent whilst
is that proxies are permitted when ensuring that there is adherence to
physical attendance of meetings is not principles of corporate governance
possible. The Notification goes a step even during such challenging times.
ahead and encourages institutional However, given that the Notification
investors to attend the meetings limits the applicability of these
through VC-OAVM. relaxations only to matters which are
considered ‘unavoidable’, it remains to
Miscellaneous provisions be seen if any further clarification will
be provided by the MCA as to what
Certain other processes should be matters would be considered
complied with while conducting ‘unavoidable’. In the absence of any
EGMs by way of VC-OAVM. At least guidance in this regard from the MCA,
one independent director (wherever companies need to ascertain whether
applicable) and the auditor or his the matter in question can be
representative are required to attend considered ‘unavoidable’ on a case to
such meetings held. Companies which case basis.
are not required to provide for e-
voting facilities under Section 108 of While this is a welcome move and
the Companies Act, are also required enables companies to hold general
to ensure that confidentiality of the meetings by way of VC-OAVM, it also
password and other privacy issues increases the compliance requirements
associated with the designated email for companies, which may not be easy
address are strictly maintained at all to implement for certain smaller
times. Further, the Notification also companies having limited
provides flexibility in declaring the infrastructure.
results of the votes cast. It states that if
the counting of votes requires longer Though the relaxations granted
than the duration accounted for the through the Notification and the June
scheduled meeting, such a meeting 15 Notification is meant to guide
may be adjourned and called back companies to conduct EGMs only till
again later to declare the votes. Most September 30, 2020, the times ahead
importantly, all resolutions passed at will decide if this will serve as a
an EGM held pursuant to the temporary measure or beyond.
Notification/ June 15 Notification
shall be filed within 60 days (as opposed Authors: Rashi Saraf | Nishihi Shah
to 30-day period as prescribed for certain
forms like Form MGT-14 or otherwise) of

April 2020 – June 2020

Practice Area: Corporate and However, this Scheme shall not apply
Commercial in the following cases:

2.2 COMPANIES FRESH START (a) Where actions for final notice of
SCHEME, 2020 striking off a company’s name under
Section 248 of the Companies Act has
INTRODUCTION already been initiated by the
jurisdictional Registrar of Companies
In furtherance to the MCA’s general (“RoC”);
circular dated March 24, 202013 and the
powers conferred on it under the Act, (b) To companies which have already
the MCA, vide general circular no. filed an application with the RoC for
12/2020 dated March 30, 2020, striking off its name from the registry;
introduced the Companies Fresh Start
Scheme, 2020 (“Scheme”) 14 . The (c) To companies which have
Scheme is intended to allow amalgamated under the scheme of
companies registered in India, to make arrangement or compromise in
a fresh start with respect to their accordance with the Companies Act;
pending compliances without being
subject to any prosecution or (d) To companies where an application for
proceedings or imposition of any obtaining a dormant status under
penalty on account of delayed filings. Section 455 of the Companies Act has
already been made;
This news alert analyses the
applicability of the Scheme, the (e) To vanishing companies; and
relaxations provided and summarizes
the procedural requirements as (f) Where the form to be filed with the
mentioned therein. RoC relates to an increase in the
authorized share capital or pertains to
HIGHLIGHTS OF THE SCHEME any charge related filings.

Applicability of the Scheme Applicability of the Scheme

The Scheme shall remain in force from (a) Waiver of additional fee and
April 01, 2020 till September 30, 2020. immunity from prosecution for
Under this Scheme, a company which delayed filings
has defaulted in filing the necessary
documents, statements, returns The Scheme provides that every
including annual filings on the MCA- Defaulting Company shall pay only
21 registry in accordance with the the normal fees as prescribed by the
provisions of the Act (“Defaulting Companies (Registration Offices and
Company”), is given a one-time Fees) Rules, 2014 and no additional
opportunity to file such documents fees or penalty shall be levied while
belatedly under the Scheme. making such delayed filings.

13MCA Circular available at: 14MCA Circular available at:
020.pdf. 32020.pdf.

April 2020 – June 2020

Immunity from initiating any (ii) during the additional period of

proceedings for imposing a penalty 120 days, prosecution for non-
shall be provided only in connection compliance of an order in relation
with such delayed filings. However, to any delay in statutory filing
the MCA has clarified that such shall not be initiated against the
immunity does not exclude any Defaulting Company or its
consequential proceedings involving officers.
the interests of any shareholders,
directors, key managerial persons, etc. (c) Application for immunity

(b) Appeals by the Defaulting An application for seeking immunity

Companies under the Scheme in respect of the
delayed filings should be made
With respect to any violations relating electronically by the Defaulting
to statutory filings (under the Company in Form CFSS-2020. No fees
Companies Act or the erstwhile shall be paid while filing this form.
Companies Act, 1956), if a Defaulting This form should be made only after
Company or its officer in default, as closure of the Scheme, i.e. September
the case may be, has preferred an 30, 2020, and once the statutory filings
appeal against any notice, complaint made by the Defaulting Company are
or order passed by an adjudicating taken on record or approved by the
authority or court, then the Defaulting RoC, but before the expiry of 6 months
Company or its officer in default, as from the date of closure of the Scheme.
the case may be, is first required to
withdraw such appeal before filing an This immunity will however not be
application for issue of immunity available in respect of (i) appeals or
certificate under this Scheme. The any management disputes pending
proof of withdrawal should be file before a court or tribunal, or (ii)
along with the application made under conviction by a court or penalty
the Scheme. imposed by an adjudicating authority
against which no appeal has been
In cases where an adjudicating officer preferred prior to the commencement
under the Companies Act has imposed of the Scheme.
a penalty for a delay in filing, but the
Defaulting Company or its officer in Based on the declaration made under
default has not preferred an appeal the Form CFSS-2020, an immunity
against such order before the Regional certificate in respect of documents
Director by April 1, 2020, then in such filed under the Scheme shall be issued
cases: to the Defaulting Company. After
granting such immunity, the RoC shall
(i) if the last date for filing such withdraw the pending prosecutions
appeal falls between March 01, for adjudication of penalties or any
2020 and May 31, 2020, an proceedings pending before the
additional period of 120 days concerned courts.
from the last date on which such
appeal should have been filed
shall be provided; and

April 2020 – June 2020

(d) Provisions for inactive companies15 Practice Area: Corporate and

Inactive Defaulting Companies, while
filing the application under this 2.3 TIGHTENING THE NOOSE:
Scheme, also have the option to COMPANIES (AUDITOR’S
simultaneously: REPORT) ORDER, 2020

(i) apply to get themselves declared INTRODUCTION

as a ‘Dormant Company’ by filing
e-form MSC-1 at a normal fee; or Auditors have regularly come under
the scanner of market regulators due
(ii) apply for striking off the name of to the scams unearthed at large
the company from the registry by corporates, including financial
filing e-form STK-2 and paying institutions such as the most recent
such applicable fees. ones at Infrastructure Leasing &
Financial Services (“IL&FS”) and
INDUSLAW VIEW Dewan Housing Finance Corporation
Ltd. (“DHFL”). These scams could
In the wake of the COVID-19 have been identified at a much early
pandemic, the MCA has released a stage if the auditors acted as
series of relaxations addressing the independent vigilantes and if internal
concerns raised by several control measures were not
stakeholders in the corporate world. compromised with, frequently.
The timely introduction of this Scheme
will go a long way in benefiting all With a view to plug these gaps, the
defaulting companies which have MCA has notified the Companies
previously failed to make the required (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2020 (“MCA
filings under the Companies Act. The Order”) on February 25, 2020 16 ,
Scheme grants them immunity from superseding the Companies (Auditor’s
proceedings or additional penalties Report) Order, 2016 (“CARO 16”).
being imposed in connection with Under this MCA Order, every auditor
such delayed filings. However, it is is required to include all matters
pertinent to note that the immunity prescribed therein while preparing the
under the Scheme is only in connection annual audit report of a company.
with certain delayed filings and does Initially this requirement was
not insulate companies against other applicable on all audit reports
substantive non-compliances under prepared by auditors from the
the Companies Act. financial year April 01, 2019 onwards.
However, due to the on-going COVID-
Authors: Revathy Muralidharan | 19 pandemic and with a view to relax
Aakash Dasgupta the compliance burden of companies,

15“Inactive Company” means a company which has not the requirements of the Act or any other law; (c)
been carrying on any business or operation, or has not allotment of shares to fulfil the requirements of the Act;
made any significant accounting transaction during the and (d) payments for maintenance of its office and
last two financial years, or has not filed financial records.
statements and annual returns during the last two 16 Available at:

financial years. “Significant Accounting Transaction”

means any transaction other than (a) payment of fees by 20.pdf.
a company to the RoC; (b) payments made by it to fulfil

April 2020 – June 2020

the MCA by a notification dated March (d) a one-person company 22, and a
24, 202017 postponed the applicability small company23; and
of the MCA Order to all audit reports
prepared from the financial year April (e) a private limited company (not
01, 2020 onwards. being a subsidiary or holding
company of a public company),
The auditor’s report being a public having:
document that is relied upon by
various stakeholders, the MCA Order (i) a paid-up capital and
aims to tighten the noose around reserves and surplus not
auditors and directors with respect to more than INR 1 Crore as
reporting requirements and disclosure on the balance sheet date;
obligations. This article analyses the and
applicability of and highlights the key
changes introduced under the MCA (ii) which does not have total
Order. borrowings exceeding
INR 1 Crore from any
APPLICABILITY OF THE MCA bank or financial
ORDER institution at any point of
time in a financial year,
This MCA Order continues to be and
applicable to all companies mentioned
(iii) which does not have a
under the CARO 16 and shall apply to
total revenue (including
every company including a foreign
revenue from
company18, but shall not apply to the
discontinuing operations)
exceeding INR 10 Crores
during a financial year, as
(a) a banking company19;
per the financial
(b) an insurance company20; statements.

(c) a not-for profit company21; KEY HIGHLIGHTS

17 Available at: 21 Such a company should be duly registered under Section 8 (Formation of Companies with Charitable Objects,
5032020.pdf. etc.) of the Companies Act.
18 As per the Section 2(42) of the Companies Act, “foreign 22 As per the Section 2(62) of the Companies Act, “one-

company” means any company or body corporate person company” means a company which has only one
incorporated outside India which,(a) has a place of person as a member.
business in India whether by itself or through an agent, 23 As per the section 2(85) of the Companies Act, “small

physically or through electronic mode; and (b) conducts company” means a company, other than a public
any business activity in India in any other manner. company,—(i) paid-up share capital of which does not
19 As per the clause (c) of section 5 of the Banking exceed fifty lakh rupees or such higher amount as may
Regulation Act, 1949, “banking company” means any be prescribed which shall not be more than ten crore
company which transacts the business of banking in rupees; and (ii) turnover of which as per profit and loss
India; Explanation.--Any company which is engaged in account for the immediately preceding financial year
the manufacture of goods or carries on any trade and does not exceed two crore rupees or such higher amount
which accepts deposits of money from the public merely as may be prescribed which shall not be more than one
for the purpose of financing its business as such hundred crore rupees: Provided that nothing in this
manufacturer or trader shall not be deemed to transact clause shall apply to—(A) a holding company or a
the business of banking within the meaning of this subsidiary company; (B) a company registered under
clause. section 8; or (C) a company or body corporate governed
20 As defined under the Insurance Act,1938. by any special Act.

April 2020 – June 2020

An auditor’s report shall, in addition Act, 1988 are also required to be

to the matters provided under Section disclosed.
143 of the Companies Act, also include
a statement on all matters detailed in Inventory and working capital
the MCA Order. For the purpose of
this article, we have highlighted below (a) The auditor is required to note if there
only the additional reporting and has been any discrepancy of 10% or
disclosure requirements that have more, in the aggregate, for each class of
been newly introduced under this inventory and if so, whether such
MCA Order. discrepancies have been properly dealt
with in the books of account.
(b) If any banks or financial institutions
(a) The auditor is required to include a have sanctioned working capital limits
statement on whether a company is in excess of INR 5 Crores on the basis
maintaining proper records and of security of current assets, then the
details of both tangible assets (that is auditor is also required to comment on
property, plant, and equipment) and whether the quarterly statements filed
intangible assets. Further, in cases by the company with such banks or
where the title deeds of all immovable financial institutions are as per the
properties disclosed in the financial books of accounts.
statements are not held in the name of
the company, the auditor is required to Loans, advances, guarantee or any
provide the following information in a security provided
tabular format, (i) the description of
the property, (ii) gross carrying value, (a) With respect to loans, advances,
(iii) name of the owner and whether guarantees or security provided by a
the owner is a promoter, director, company either to its subsidiaries,
relative or employee, (iv) the reasons joint ventures, associates or any other
for not holding the property in the party, the auditor is required to
name of the company, and (v) if there disclose the total amount extended
are any disputes pertaining to the during the year, the balance
property. outstanding as on the balance sheet
date and confirm that none of the loans
(b) If the company has undertaken a or advances are prejudicial to the
revaluation of either its tangible or company’s interests.
intangible assets and where the change
is 10% or more of the net carrying (b) With respect to loans and advances
value of each asset, the auditor is granted by a company, the auditor is
required to clarify whether the required to note (i) the schedule of
revaluation is based on a registered repayment of the principal and interest
valuer’s valuation. amounts, (ii) whether the repayments
are regular, (iii) for any amounts that
(c) Details of any proceedings initiated or are due beyond 90 days, whether
pending against the company for reasonable steps have been taken by
holding any benami property under the company for recovery, (iv)
the Benami Transactions (Prohibition) whether loans are renewed or fresh
loans are granted to settle the overdues

April 2020 – June 2020

of existing loans, (v) the percentage of shall report the amounts so diverted
the aggregate to the total loans or and the purpose for which it was
advances in the nature of loans ultimately used.
granted during the year, and (vi) the
amount and aggregate percentage of (d) If a company has raised funds to meet
loans or advances granted to the obligations of its subsidiaries,
promoters and related parties which associates or joint ventures or has
are repayable either on demand or no raised a loan by pledging the securities
specific terms of repayment are of its subsidiaries, associates or joint
provided. ventures, then the details including the
nature of such transactions should be
Unrecorded income reported.

If there are any transactions which Fraud and whistle-blower complaints

were not recorded in the books of
account but were disclosed as income If the statutory auditor, in the course of
during that year in the income tax performance of his duties, has reason
assessments, under the Income-Tax to believe that an offence of fraud,
Act, 1961, the auditor shall specify if involving an amount of INR 1 Crore or
such unrecorded income is properly above is being or has been committed
recorded in the books of account against the company by its officers or
during the year for which the audit is employees, then the auditor is
being conducted. required to report it to the
Government of India in Form ADT-4
Default in repayment of loans or and should include such details in the
borrowings audit report. Further, the auditor shall
also record whether he has considered
(a) Any default by the company in the whistle-blower complaints (if any)
repayment of loans or borrowings or received by the company.
related interest, shall be disclosed in
the audit report in a tabular format Compliance by Nidhi Company
specifying the nature of borrowing
(including debt securities), amounts For a Nidhi Company24, any default in
due, number of days of delay, among payment of interest on deposits or
other things. repayment thereof for any period shall
be reported by the auditor.
(b) The auditor shall record in its report if
the company has been declared as a Internal audit system
wilful defaulter by any bank, financial
institution or other lender. The auditor is required to include a
comment on whether the internal
(c) If the loans or funds raised have been audit system of a company is
utilized for a purpose other than for commensurate with the size and
which it was obtained, then the auditor nature of its business and whether the

24As per the Rule 3 (da) of the Nidhi Rules, 2014, receiving deposits from, and lending to, its members
“Nidhi” means a company which has been only, for their mutual benefit, and which complies
incorporated as a Nidhi with the object of cultivating with the rules made by the Central Government for
the habit of thrift and savings amongst its members, regulation of such class of companies.

April 2020 – June 2020

reports of the internal auditors for the Based on the financial ratios,
period under audit were considered information in the financial
by the statutory auditor25. statements, expected dates of
realization of financial assets and
Compliance of the regulations payments of financial liabilities, and
prescribed by the RBI the board and management plans, the
auditor is required to give its opinion
If the company has carried on any non- on whether any material uncertainty
banking financial or housing finance exists as on the date of the audit report
activities without obtaining a valid and if the company is capable of
certificate of registration from the RBI, meeting its liabilities as and when they
then the auditor is required to record fall due within a period of 1 year from
the same. If a company is a Core the date of the balance sheet.
Investment Company (a “CIC”) as
defined under the RBI regulations, the Corporate social responsibility
auditor is required to report whether it
has fulfilled the criteria of a CIC and if With respect to any ongoing corporate
it is an exempted or unregistered CIC, social responsibility (“CSR”) related
state whether the company continues projects, the auditor is required to
to fulfil such criteria. Further, if the certify if any unspent amount has been
group companies also include other transferred to a special account in
CIC’s, then the auditor is required to compliance with the requirements
indicate the number of CIC’s forming under Section 135 (6) of the Companies
part of the group. Act. Similarly, the auditor is also
required to report whether any
Cash losses unspent monies which were originally
earmarked towards CSR activities
The auditor shall include in its report have been transferred to a fund in
whether a company has incurred any accordance with the requirements
cash losses in the financial year or in under Section 135 (5) of the Companies
the immediately preceding financial Act, within a period of 6 months from
year and the amount of cash losses so the expiry of the financial year.
Consolidated financial statement
Resignation of statutory auditors
It is interesting to note that the
A statement in relation to whether any requirements under this Order, shall
of statutory auditors have resigned not be applicable to audit reports
during the year, and if so, whether the prepared in relation to consolidated
auditor has considered the objections, financial statements. However, if any
issues or concerns raised by the adverse remarks or qualifications are
outgoing auditors. included in the previous audit reports
of the companies included in such
Material uncertainty consolidated financial statements, then

25As applicable only to such companies prescribed

under section 138 of the CA 13 read with Rule 13 of
The Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014.

April 2020 – June 2020

the auditor is required to indicate the initiating measures to contain the

details of the companies and pandemic, including a nationwide
paragraph numbers of the report lockdown, announced on March 24,
containing such qualifications or 2020 (currently being eased out in a
adverse remarks. phased manner), while also providing
for economic relief-plans – most notably,
CONCLUSION Finance Minister’s INR 1.7 lakh crore
stimulus package.
Typically, auditors are expected to
undertake an independent due Further, the capital markets regulator
diligence on the affairs of a company continues to address the potential
such that the audit reports indicate an compliance issues and provide
unbiased view on the activities of the assistance to listed entities, their
company. This MCA Order is expected shareholders and other participants
to improve the reporting and affected by COVID-19. Further to its
disclosure standards of companies and circular dated March 19, 2020, the
protect investors and shareholders Securities and Exchange Board of
against promoter mismanagement, India 26 (“SEBI”) had granted
embezzlement or corporate frauds. relaxation to listed entities (having
Requiring detailed comments from an listed equity shares or convertibles)
auditor on the financial statements of a from compliance with certain
company will slowly but surely pave provisions of the SEBI (Listing
the way for greater transparency and Obligations and Disclosure
faith in the financial affairs of the Requirements) Regulations, 2015
company. (“LODR”), by its circular dated March
26, 2020 (“SEBI March Circular”). 27
Authors: Revathy Muralidharan | We discuss below some of the key
Aditi Rani dispensations granted by SEBI
through the SEBI March Circular.
Practice Area: Corporate &

3. CAPITAL MARKETS Annual General Meetings by top 100

listed companies
FURTHER EASES LODR The top 100 listed companies 28 are
COMPLIANCE NORMS FOR required to hold annual general
LISTED ENTITIES meetings (“AGMs”) within 5 months
from the date of closing of the financial
As COVID-19 continues on its rampage, year. 29 For the financial year ended
the Government of India and other March 31, 2020, the due date for their
authorities have been continuously AGMs would, accordingly, have been

26The Securities and Exchange Board of India or SEBI 27 SEBI circular no.
was established to protect the interests of investors in SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD1/CIR/P/2020/48 dated March
securities and to promote the development of, and to 26, 2020.
regulate the securities market in accordance with the 28 The top 100 listed companies are determined on the

provisions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India basis of market capitalization, as at the end of immediate
Act, 1992. previous financial year.
29 Reg.44(5) of LODR.

April 2020 – June 2020

August 31, 2020. The SEBI March LODR. 32 The revised SOP superseded
Circular extends this deadline till those issued by SEBI on May 03, 2018
September 30, 2020. (“Erstwhile SOP Circular”) 33 and
would have come into effect for
Certificate on timely issue of share compliance periods ending on or after
certificates March 31, 2020. However, the SEBI
March Circular stipulates that the
A listed entity is required to ensure revised SOP will now be applicable for
that its share transfer agent/in-house compliance periods ending on or after
share transfer facility produces a June 30, 2020, and till such time, the
certificate from a practicing company Erstwhile SOP Circular will apply.
secretary on timely issuance of share
certificates within one month of the Publication of advertisements in the
end of each half year. 30 For the half- newspapers
year ended March 31, 2020, the due
date of production of such certificate The LODR requires a listed entity to
would, accordingly, have been April publish certain categories of
30, 2020. The SEBI March Circular had information, including notices of the
extended this deadline till May 31, board meeting where financial results
2020. shall be discussed, the financial results
and the statement of deviations or
Committee meetings variations in newspapers.34 Given that
certain newspapers have stopped
A listed entity is required to conduct issuing printed versions for limited
meetings of its nomination and periods, the SEBI March Circular
remuneration committee, stakeholder exempted companies from publication
relationship committee and risk of such information in newspapers till
management committee at least once May 15, 2020.
every year. 31 for financial year 2020,
the due date for conducting these CONCLUSION
meetings would, accordingly, have
been March 31, 2020. The SEBI March The relaxations granted by SEBI have
Circular extended this deadline till provided much-needed breather to the
June 30, 2020. listed entities and acted as a limited
cushion to the impact caused by
Standard operating procedures COVID-19. It is pertinent to note that
the SEBI March Circular relaxes
On January 22, 2020, SEBI issued a compliance requirements for listed
circular revising its standard operating entities having specified securities
procedures (“SOP”) for imposition of (equity shares and/or convertible
fines and other enforcement actions securities) and it is likely that SEBI will
against listed entities for non- also exempt similar compliance
compliances with provisions of the requirements for companies having

30 Reg.40(9) of LODR. 33 SEBI Circular No.

31 Reg. 19(3A), 20 (3A) and 21(3A) of LODR. SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD/CIR/P/2018/77 dated May 03,
32 SEBI circular no. 2018.
SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD/CIR/P/2020/12 dated January 34 Reg. 47 of LODR.

22, 2020.

April 2020 – June 2020

other categories of securities listed issued on April 21, 2020

(such as debt securities). As COVID-19 (“Circulars”) 36 , SEBI has offered
continues to spread, listed entities temporary amnesty from certain
should also be watchful of their crucial regulations governing public
compliance requirements under offerings (initial and follow-on) and
LODR and take appropriate steps to rights offerings in India.
fulfil such obligations in a timely

Author: Radhika Pandey The key dispensations granted by SEBI

through the Circulars for initial public
Practice Areas: Capital Markets | offerings (“IPOs”), further public
Corporate and Commercial offerings (“FPOs”) and rights issues
(collectively, the “Stipulated
3.2 TIPPING THE HOURGLASS – Offerings”) are set forth below.
RUNNING OUT SANDS FOR SEBI observations valid for six more

INTRODUCTION SEBI’s clearance (through ‘final

observations’) of a draft offer
The impact of COVID-19 on document is ordinarily valid for 12
commerce, businesses and markets has months (i.e., a Stipulated Offering
been unprecedented. Rapid nose-dives must be launched by such time). The
in domestic capital markets coupled Circulars grant a temporary extension
with lockdown restrictions have to this deadline – SEBI clearances that
proven to be the “hot gates” for fund expire between March 01, 2020 and
raising. IPO-bound issuers and listed September 30, 2020 will be valid for 6
companies tapping capital markets additional months from the date of
have therefore, been forced into limbo. their respective expirations, i.e.,
between August 31, 2020 and March
SEBI has been proactive in relaxing 31, 2021. Accordingly, issuers within
compliance obligations of listed this timeline have 6 more months to
companies scourged by COVID 19. 35 launch their Stipulated Offerings.
On April 21, 2020, in a very welcome
first, SEBI looked to the primary Fresh Issue size can be altered by 50%
markets as well. Through two circulars without fresh clearance

35Please refer to our earlier news alerts on relaxations of 36 SEBI Circular No.
compliance norms by SEBI at SEBI/HO/CFD/DIL1/CIR/P/2020/66 available at:
sebi-observations_46536.html and
compliance-norms-March-2020.pdf; SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/CFD/CIR/CFD/DIL/67/2020 available at:
compliance-norms-March-2020.pdf; and 2020/relaxations-from-certain-provisions-of-the-sebi- issue-of-capital-and-disclosure-requirements-
/alerts-2020/Infolex-Newsalert-COVID-19-Outbreak- regulations-2018-in-respect-of-rights-issue_46537.html.

April 2020 – June 2020

If an issuer seeks to increase or reduce statements included in the letter of

the size of the primary component of a offer (“LOF”) is debarred from
Stipulated Offering (“Fresh Issue”) 37 undertaking a fast-track rights issue.
by more than 20%, it must re-file its However, the Circulars allow an issuer
draft offer document with SEBI for with audit qualifications to proceed by
clearance38. The Circulars increase the either (a) restating its financial
re-filing threshold significantly. For statements to give effect to the
Stipulated Offerings opening before qualifications, or (b) including
December 31, 2020, issuers may appropriate qualitative disclosures in
change the size of their Fresh Issues by case the impact is unquantifiable.
up to 50%. This relaxation is subject to
certain conditions, including the (a) Settlement of securities laws
objects of the issue remaining violations. If the issuer or its
unchanged and adequate disclosures promoters, promoter group or
through a public notice (as well as in directors have, in the last three years,
the updated draft offer document). settled violations of securities laws
through SEBI’s consent mechanism
The stipulation that the objects of the (such issuer, a “Settling Issuer”), it is
issue must be unchanged will require debarred from undertaking a fast-
an issuer who decreases the size of its track rights issue. The Circulars relax
Fresh Issue to reduce the amounts that compliance with this condition by
it deploys towards its existing objects. allowing Settling Issuers to proceed
In case any of the objects involve with a fast-track issue if the terms of
funding of a specific project, such the settlement have been duly
issuer would also have to show higher complied with.
amounts of tie-up of firm commitment
towards at least 75% of the balance (b) Certain compliance periods reduced
amount required for the project. from 3 years to 18 months. The
Circulars reduce the compliance
Eligibility for fast-track rights periods for certain eligibility
offerings eased conditions for a fast-track issuer from
3 years to 18 months. These are:
In order to encourage fast-track rights
offerings, the Circulars provide (i) the period for which the issuer’s
temporary relief from numerous shares have been listed on a
stringent eligibility norms for the fast- recognized stock exchange;
track route. These apply to rights
issues of equity shares and convertible (ii) the period for which the issuer
securities (but not warrants) that open has been compliant with LODR;
by March 31, 2021 (“Eligible Rights and
Issue”), and include the following:
(iii) the period for which the issuer’s
Audit qualifications. An issuer having shares have not been suspended
audit qualifications in the financial

37Please note that rights issues only involve a 38Para (1)(f)(i) of Schedule XVI of the SEBI (Issue
Fresh Issue component. of Capital and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2018.

April 2020 – June 2020

from trading as a disciplinary INDUSLAW VIEW

The relaxations granted by SEBI
(c) Show cause notices. An issuer with through the Circulars are a lease of life.
any outstanding show-cause notices They will provide a much-needed
(“SCNs”) or prosecution proceedings breather to issuers involved in on-
from SEBI against the issuer, its going and prospective IPOs, FPOs and
promoters or its whole-time directors, rights issues.
is debarred from undertaking a fast-
track rights issue. The Circulars tapers The 6 months’ extension in the validity
this requirement by allowing issuers of SEBI observations, coupled with the
who have outstanding SCNs for flexibility to change the Fresh Issue
adjudication proceedings (i.e., in size will provide reprieve to issuers
respect of certain categories of offences that have passed the rigors of SEBI
under the Securities and Exchange review. Based on public records, there
Board of India Act, 1992 (“SEBI are as many as 14 issuers looking to
Act”)39 ) or pending SEBI prosecution raise capital through IPOs or rights
proceedings to avail of the fast-track issues whose SEBI observations have
route, subject to adequate disclosures expired or will expire between March
of such matters in the LOF. 01, 2020 and September 30, 2020. With
the sands no longer running out, these
Minimum subscription for rights issuers can re-evaluate business plans,
issue reduced to 75%; no requirement funding requirements, the impact on
for draft letter of offer for issues valuations, calibrate the size of their
below INR 25 Crores offerings and look for opportune
windows to launch.
The Circulars reduce the minimum
subscription threshold for an Eligible In COVID-19 markets, time is of the
Rights Issue (fast track or regular essence – to this end, fast-track rights
route) from 90% to 75% of the issue issues can be a very useful tool for
size. Further, if the issue is subscribed issuers to recapitalize, with assistance
between 75% and 90%, then at least from their promoters/ promoter
75% subscribed issue size must be group. The reduction in the period for
deployed towards identified objects of compliance with LODR, average
the issue (other than general corporate market capitalization and period of
purposes). Also, for Eligible Rights listing under the Circulars will allow
Issues of value below INR 25 Crores, more companies to avail the fast-track
no draft letter of offer (“DLOF”) is route which were previously unable to
required to be filed with SEBI. fulfil the eligibility requirements.
However, while the fast-track route
Please see Annexure A for a detailed exists for FPOs as well, the exemptions
description of the existing regulations and granted under the Circulars have not
the dispensations to them granted through also been extended to FPOs.
the Circulars.

39Such categories include contraventions under

Sections 15A, 15B, 15C, 15D, 15E, 15F, 15G, 15HA
and 15HB of the SEBI Act.

April 2020 – June 2020

The relaxations on fast-track rights As COVID-19 intensifies, people,

issues under the Circulars apply only nations, governments and regulators
to Eligible Rights Issues of equity of the world must reorient themselves
shares and convertibles. Warrants may to a new normal. As SEBI re-orients
also be offered, along with equity itself thus, issuers, merchant bankers,
shares and/or convertibles, through a intermediaries and market
rights issue and, in volatile markets, be participants will have an interesting
preferred instruments by investors space to watch, and even more
seeking to cash-in on a pricing upside interesting trades to structure and
in post-COVID-19 times. SEBI may execute.
accordingly consider piloting these
exemptions towards Eligible Rights Authors: Abhiroop Lahiri |
Issues of warrants as well. Further, Priyadarshini Rao | Radhika Pandey
SEBI should consider allowing IPOs to
also be subject to minimum Practice Areas: Capital Markets &
subscription levels of 75% in the International Offerings | Corporate
exempted period, similar to Eligible and Commercial
Rights Issues.
While the exemptions granted under CHANGIN’ - RETHINKING
the Circulars are temporary, SEBI VARIATION IN IPO OBJECTS
would be well placed to consider if MIDST COVID-19
some of them should be find
permanent place in the Securities and INTRODUCTION
Exchange Board of India (Issue of
Capital and Disclosure Requirements) The Standing Committee on Finance in
Regulations, 2018, as amended (“SEBI its 21st report had highlighted that a
ICDR Regulations”). These include: company should not be able to freely
(a) allowing issuers to restate audit change the terms of contracts or the
qualifications in their letters of offer, or objects stated in its IPO prospectus
include full details if the qualification after listing of the shares is achieved.
is unquantifiable, and (b) allowing The idea behind such restriction was to
issuers who have settled securities law protect IPO investors who would have
violations and duly complied with the invested based on disclosures made in
settlement terms to undertake fast- the prospectus, including in relation to
track rights issues. the objects or use of proceeds of the
IPO. This suggestion, along with
certain exceptions, eventually
translated into Section 27 40 of the

40 Variation in Terms of Contract or Objects in one in vernacular language) in the city where the
Prospectus (Notified Date of Section: 01/04/2014) registered office of the company is situated indicating
(1) A company shall not, at any time, vary the terms of a clearly the justification for such variation:
contract referred to in the prospectus or objects for which Provided further that such company shall not use any
the prospectus was issued, except subject to the approval amount raised by it through prospectus for buying,
of, or except subject to an authority given by the trading or otherwise dealing in equity shares of any
company in general meeting by way of special other listed company.
resolution: (2) The dissenting shareholders being those shareholders
Provided that the details, as may be prescribed, of the who have not agreed to the proposal to vary the terms of
notice in respect of such resolution to shareholders, shall contracts or objects referred to in the prospectus, shall be
also be published in the newspapers (one in English and given an exit offer by promoters or controlling

April 2020 – June 2020

Companies Act, which was notified in (c) changing the amount to be spent for an
April 2014. object;

Since then, many companies have (d) changing the amount for a sub head
changed IPO objects following this within an object (with the overall
law, reflecting the dynamic nature of amount spent towards the same object
businesses and any alterations in remaining unchanged); and
assumptions made at the time of
stating IPO objects. It is well (e) changing the schedule of deployment
understood that change in internal or for an object.
external factors would give genuine
reasons to a company to alter the use Curiously, the Companies Act or the
of IPO money post listing. The issue of relevant rules do not define variation
variation of objects, however, has of an object, or lay down a bright-line
become relevant today, when COVID- test. It could therefore be argued that
19 has locked down economies, sent any change in the use of proceeds of
markets into free-fall, and forced listed the IPO, either in terms of the amount
companies to rethink their business or timing of deployment or the terms
and planned expansion strategies, of the object itself, would require a
including in relation to the use of shareholders’ approval. What is
proceeds of their IPOs. concerning here, is that whilst the
language of Section 27(1) of the
VARYING OBJECTS Companies Act seems to cover all
instances of change (regardless of how
What is variation insignificant), its real purpose or intent
should have been to apply to only
Section 27(1) of the Companies Act ‘material’ or ‘significant’ changes. To
states that a company shall not vary put the burden of compliance on
the objects for which its prospectus companies for changes which are truly
was issued unless it obtains consent negligible, could not have been the
from its shareholders through a special intent of Section 27(1) of the
resolution. While the language Companies Act. Therefore, the
appears clear at first glance, it still question remains whether companies
raises a few questions on its should take literal interpretation of
applicability. Questions such as what Section 27(1) of the Companies Act and
is meant by ‘vary the … objects for which seek shareholders’ approval for each
the prospectus was issued’. Questions are and every change, regardless of how
often raised on whether the following insignificant the change is or restrict to
would be seen as “variation of the approaching the shareholders for their
objects”: approval only where the change is
‘material’, despite there being no
(a) using proceeds for a completely new guidance on how to define ‘material’.
Certain instances where companies
(b) failure to utilize proceeds for an object; have taken a shareholders’ approval

shareholders at such exit price, and in such manner and

conditions as may be specified by the Securities and
Exchange Board by making regulations in this behalf.

April 2020 – June 2020

for variation in objects have been listed conduct general meetings by way of
in the Annexure B. These instances video conference or other audio-visual
range from change in deployment of means for matters that are considered
amounts as little as 0.05% of the IPO unavoidable. 41 The MCA has also
proceeds, all the way up to 89% of the through another circular dated April
IPO proceeds. Shareholder approvals 13, 2020, allowed companies to send
have also been taken for changes in the notices for general meetings to
funds spent on sub-heads within the shareholders electronically, subject to
primary objects. certain conditions.

Procedure for varying objects Exit option for shareholders

The proviso to Section 27(1) of the Once the approval under Section 27(1)
Companies Act, gives the GoI the of the Companies Act has been
power to frame rules in relation to the obtained, Section 27(2) of the
process for obtaining shareholders’ Companies Act mandates that all
approval. Rule 7 of Companies shareholders who have voted against
(Prospectus and Allotment of the resolution (“Dissenting
Securities) Rules, 2014, as amended, Shareholders”) shall be given an exit
prescribes the particulars to be offer by the promoters or the
included in the notice of the controlling shareholders (“Exit Offer
shareholders’ meeting for a special Provider”) in a manner as specified by
resolution (required to be passed SEBI.
through postal ballot) for approving
the change in objects. These include In February 2016, pursuant to certain
the original object, unutilized amount amendments to the SEBI ICDR
out of proceeds raised, particulars of Regulations, SEBI had set out the
and reasons for the variation. The manner of providing such exit to the
notice is required to be published in Dissenting Shareholders. These
one English and one vernacular provisions were carried over in the
newspaper in the city where the SEBI ICDR Regulations under
registered office of the company is Regulations 59 (in case of IPOs on the
situated, and also placed on the main board) and 157 (in case of further
website of the company. public offers on the main board), read
with Schedule XX. Needless to say,
It should also be noted that the MCA these provisions for exit to the
has recently relaxed certain procedural Dissenting Shareholders are not
requirements for holding general applicable in cases where there is no
meetings, to ease the compliance identifiable Exit Offer Provider.
burden of companies, due to COVID-
19. Through the Notification (circular In terms of the SEBI ICDR Regulations,
dated April 8, 2020) and June 15 the Exit Offer Provider is required to
Notification, the MCA has allowed provide an exit offer to the Dissenting
companies, till September 30, 2020, to

41For details see - MCA issues relief measures to

conduct EGM: Nifty Solution to The Conundrum? /alerts-2020/Infolex-News-Alert-MCA-issues-relief-
available at: measures-to-conduct-EGM-Nifty-solution-to-the-

April 2020 – June 2020

Shareholders if: for sale go to the selling shareholders

and not the company, the intent seems
(a) the proposal for change in objects to peg this at 75% of the fresh issue.
referred to in the company’s offer
document is dissented by at least 10% Exit Price
of the shareholders voting on the
resolution; and The SEBI ICDR Regulations (under
Schedule XX) provides the method for
(b) the amount to be utilized for the arriving at the exit price to be offered
objects for which the offer document to the Dissenting Shareholders by the
was issued is less than 75% of the Exit Offer Provider, as being the
amount raised (including amounts, if highest of the following –
any, earmarked for general corporate
purposes). (a) the volume-weighted average price
paid or payable for acquisitions, by the
As is evident from the foregoing, SEBI promoters of the company or by any
has taken a more rational approach by person acting in concert with them,
adding a materiality threshold in both during the 52 weeks immediately
the limbs of this requirement, perhaps preceding the relevant date;
signaling that the term ‘variation’ itself
should be pegged to a reasonable (b) the highest price paid or payable for
benchmark. any acquisition, by the promoters of
the company or by any person acting
As regards item (i) above, even though in concert with them, during the 26
the requirement under Section 27(1) of weeks immediately preceding the
Companies Act is to have the proposal relevant date;
approved by a special resolution (i.e.,
75% of the shareholders present and (c) the volume-weighted average market
voting), the requirement to provide an price of shares for a period of 60
exit to the Dissenting Shareholders trading days immediately preceding
will only kick in where at least 10% of the relevant date as traded on the stock
the shareholders who are present and exchange where maximum volume of
voting have rejected the proposal. trading takes place during such
period, provided such shares are
In item (ii) above, even though it states frequently traded; or
that the Exit Offer Provider does not
have an obligation to provide an exit (d) in case shares are not frequently
offer if 75% or more of the amount traded, the price determined by the
raised in the IPO has already been Exit Offer Provider and the lead
spent on the objects as stated in the managers taking into account
company’s prospectus, it does not valuation parameters including book
state whether this 75% is supposed to value, comparable trading multiples,
be calculated basis total proceeds (i.e., and such other parameters as are
the aggregate of the fresh issue and the customary for valuation of shares of
offer for sale) or just the fresh issue such companies.
component of the IPO. However, due
to the fact that the proceeds of the offer

April 2020 – June 2020

The relevant date for the purpose of 2011. Further, in case the exit offer
pricing is defined as the date of the results in a breach of the minimum
board meeting in which the proposal public shareholding threshold, the Exit
for change in objects is approved, Offer Providers must bring their
before shareholders’ approval. shareholding in compliance with such
Further, Schedule XX of the SEBI ICDR
Regulations also lays down the INDUSLAW VIEW
manner for providing an exit to the
Dissenting Shareholders’, which Even though the applicability and
involves, among other things, process for providing an exit offer to
appointment of a merchant banker or the Dissenting Shareholders is clear
a lead manager by the Exit Offer under the SEBI ICDR Regulations,
Provider, creation of an escrow there still exits ambiguity on the
account for deposit of the exit offer applicability of Section 27(1) of the
consideration, opening and closing of Companies Act, with respect to the
the tendering period and eventually requirement of obtaining
payment by the Exit Offer Provider to shareholders’ approval for variation in
the Dissenting Shareholders who objects. This ambiguity arises out of
continue to be shareholders of the the disconnect between the language
company as on the relevant date, and of Section 27(1) of the Companies Act
tender their shares in the exit offer. and the need to take a rational
approach when it comes to
The Dissenting Shareholders have the ascertaining the meaning of ‘variation
option to either tender or hold on to in objects’, and the absence of any
their shares, which arguably gives an guidance or bright-line tests under
unfair advantage to investors and, Companies Act 2013 or rules
possibly, creates room for unfair play. thereunder.
In addition, even after the entire
process has been followed, the Since the requirement to obtain the
Dissenting Shareholders who have shareholders’ approval is directly
tendered their shares have the option under the Companies Act, SEBI is
to withdraw till the closure of the unlikely to clarify this matter and any
tendering period, thereby making the clarity in terms of applicability or
entire process infructuous. Till date, threshold will have to come by way of
there has not been any instance of an an amendment. Some regulatory
exit offer being provided since the guidance on this matter through an
provisions came into force. amendment to the Companies Act or
otherwise would go a long way to
Also, important to note is that assist issuers in achieving their
acquisition of shares by the Exit Offer commercial ends, particularly in the
Provider under this process is exempt “times of COVID-19”, which
from the obligation to provide an open potentially threatens to topple (at the
offer under Regulation 3 of the very least) deployment schedules of
Securities and Exchange Board of the proceeds of an IPO.
India (Substantial Acquisition of
Shares and Takeovers) Regulations,

April 2020 – June 2020

Authors: Manshoor Nazki | Deepansh As a part of its efforts towards

Goyal reducing the timelines for rights
issues, SEBI issued a circular on
Practice Area: Capital Markets & January 22, 2020, streamlining the
International Offering process of offering process, which
introduced a framework for trading of
3.4 GET IT “RIGHT” SAYS SEBI: dematerialized rights entitlements
FURTHER RELAXES RIGHTS (“REs”). 43 In order to receive REs,
ISSUE NORMS physical shareholders are required to
provide their demat account details to
INTRODUCTION the issuer/registrar before 2 working
days of issue closure.
In our earlier news alert in paragraph
3.2, we had discussed the To address concerns of physical
dispensations granted by SEBI from shareholders (of issuers undertaking
certain crucial regulatory compliances Eligible Rights Issues) who may not
applicable to public offerings and able to open demat account or
rights issues in India, in an effort to communicate details of such accounts
hot-wire fund raising activity during within the requisite timeline, the SEBI
the COVID-19 pandemic. Through a Circular allows such shareholders to
circular dated May 06, 2020 (“SEBI apply in the rights issue process
Circular”) 42 , SEBI has granted subject to: (a) formulation of
temporary relaxations from certain additional mechanisms by the issuer,
procedural requirements related to the lead managers to the issue (“LMs”)
rights issues and public issues under and other intermediaries by which
the SEBI ICDR Regulations. physical shareholders can apply in the
issue, and communication of such
We analyse below the key allowances mechanism to the physical
granted by SEBI through the SEBI shareholders before the issue opening;
Circular. (b) such physical shareholders being
ineligible to renounce their REs; and
KEY DISPENSATIONS GRANTED (c) allotment and receipt of the shares
TO RIGHTS ISSUES in the Eligible Rights Issue to be made
only in demat form.
The SEBI Circular grants certain
relaxations in the procedures that While this dispensation addresses the
apply to rights offerings opening on or issue of opening and communicating
prior to July 31, 2020 (“Eligible Rights details of demat accounts during the
Issues”). issue period, such shareholders will
still be required to open demat
Dematerialization of Rights accounts before allotment to comply
Entitlements with item (c) above. This may have

42 SEBI Circular no. 43 SEBI Circular no.

SEBI/HO/CFD/DIL2/CIR/P/2020/78 dated May 06, SEBI/HO/CFD/DIL2/CIR/P/2020/13 dated January
2020 available at 22, 2020 available at:
2020/relaxations-relating-to-procedural-matters-issues- 2020/streamlining-the-process-of-rights-
and-listing_46652.html. issue_45753.html.

April 2020 – June 2020

practical implications in case such shareholders; (c) FAQs, online

shareholders are unable to open demat dedicated helpdesks and helplines are
accounts or communicate details of created to increase the familiarity of
such accounts prior to even allotment the shareholders with the application
in an Eligible Rights Issue. process; and (d) the issuer along with
the LMs, the registrar and other
Mechanism in addition to intermediaries remain responsible for
Application Supported by Blocked all investor complaints.
Amount facility (“ASBA”)
Availability of abridged letter of
Applications in rights issue are offer and other issue materials
allowed only through the ASBA
facility (whereby bidders provide An issuer is required to dispatch the
instructions to specified ASBA banks abridged letter of offer along with the
to block amounts equivalent to the bid application form and other rights issue
amount in their ASBA accounts). 44 The related material (“Issue Related
SEBI Circular relaxes this condition for Material”) to its existing shareholders
Eligible Rights Issues by allowing the through registered post or speed post
issuer, along with the LMs, registrar or by courier service or by electronic
and other intermediaries, to formulate transmission at least 3 days before the
an additional non-cash mechanism to opening of rights issue. 45 The SEBI
accept applications from shareholders. Circular clarifies that for Eligible
However, no third-party payments Rights Issues, Issue Related Material
will be allowed in respect of any can be dispatched by electronic means
application under such additional alone - failure to dispatch Issue
mechanism. In this respect, while SEBI Related Material through registered
has provided this relaxation to post or speed post or courier services
applications made by shareholders of will not be deemed to be a non-
the issuer, it is not specifically clarified compliance.
whether such dispensation will also be
extended to applications made by However, the issuer, registrar, stock
persons/ entities to whom exchanges and LMs are required to
shareholders renounce their rights publish the Issue Related Material on
entitlements. their respective websites. In addition,
the SEBI Circular also requires the
In relation to additional mechanisms issuer, along with the LMs to explore
mentioned above, as a word of other means of communication such as
caution, SEBI has clarified that issuers ordinary post, SMS and
and LMs to Eligible Rights Issues must advertisements (through audio-visual,
ensure that: (a) the additional television or digital modes) to
mechanisms are optional and not a approach shareholders in connection
replacement for the existing with an Eligible Rights Issue.
framework; (b) the additional
mechanisms are transparent, have Publication of issue-related
adequate checks and balances and advertisements
impose no additional costs on the

44 Regulation 76 of SEBI ICDR Regulations. 45 Regulation 77(2) of SEBI ICDR Regulations.

April 2020 – June 2020

The SEBI ICDR Regulations requires certifications submitted to SEBI by the

an issuer to publish certain categories LMs for filing of draft offer documents
of issue related information, including in the relevant period.
the date of completion of dispatch of
Issue Related Material in certain In addition, issuers and LMs to public
stipulated newspapers, with wide issues or rights issues must also
circulation, at least 2 days before the provide procedures for inspection of
opening of the rights issue.46 The SEBI material contracts and documents in
Circular allows the issuer to publish relation to the such issues by electronic
such advertisement in additional modes.
newspapers (over and above the
stipulated newspapers) and requires INDUSLAW VIEW
issuers to also disseminate information
relating to application process through The temporary relaxations granted by
television, radio, internet, etc., SEBI are a welcome measure and will
including through crawlers and significantly aid issuers to raise capital
tickers. through rights issues in the near term.
With the introduction of additional
Further, the SEBI Circular also requires mechanisms for applications in rights
such advertisements: (a) to contain issue and dematerialization for REs,
additional details regarding SEBI has sought to target maximum
application procedure for participation by eligible shareholders
shareholders to whom Issue Related in the right offerings, with the
Material have not been served overarching aim of assisting
electronically; and (b) to be published companies raise capital in these
on the website of the issuer, registrar, extremely challenging markets.
stock exchanges and LMs.
Authors: Abhiroop Lahiri |
DIGITAL AUTHENTICATION Priyadarshini Rao| Radhika Pandey
Practice Areas: Capital Markets |
The SEBI Circular allows Corporate and Commercial
authentication/certification of offer
documents (for both public offerings 3.5 SEBI HOT-WIRES FPOs –
and rights issues) filed until July 31, RELAXES FAST-TRACK NORMS
2020 through digital signatures. It
should be noted herein that the term INTRODUCTION
‘offer documents’ is defined47 to mean
a red herring prospectus, prospectus Over the last few months, SEBI has
or shelf prospectus, as applicable in offered much-needed relaxations to
case of a public issue, and a letter of the companies struggling with
offer in case of a rights issue. disruption caused by COVID-19. In
Accordingly, the SEBI Circular does continuation to its circular dated April
not appear to extend this benefit to
authentication of draft offer
documents filed, or any due diligence

46 Regulation 84(2) of SEBI ICDR Regulations. 47 Regulation 2 (1) (kk) of SEBI ICDR Regulations.

April 2020 – June 2020

21, 2020 (“Rights Issue Circular”), 48 SEBI prosecution proceedings to avail

SEBI has, by a circular dated June 09, of the fast-track route. However, the
2020 (“June 9 SEBI Circular”), granted FPO prospectus must contain
certain temporary relaxations from appropriate disclosures on the
certain eligibility conditions for a FPO pending SCNs or prosecution
under the SEBI ICDR Regulations.49 proceedings, along with their potential
adverse impact on the issuer.
We discuss below the dispensations
granted by SEBI through the June 9 Settlement of securities law
SEBI Circular. violations

KEY DISPENSATIONS GRANTED If an issuer or its promoters, promoter

TO FURTHER PUBLIC OFFER group or directors have, in the last 3
years, settled violations of securities
The June 9 SEBI Circular grants certain laws through SEBI’s consent
relaxations in the eligibility conditions mechanism, such issuer is debarred
related to fast-track FPOs opening on from undertaking a fast-track FPO. 52
or prior to March 31, 2021. The The June 9 SEBI Circular relaxes this
dispensations provided below are not eligibility condition by allowing the
applicable in case of FPOs of warrants. issuer or its promoter, promoter group
or director to fulfill the settlement
Average market capitalization terms or adhere to directions of the
settlement order in cases where it has
The requirement of average market settled any alleged violation of
capitalization of public shareholding securities laws through the consent or
of issuer has been reduced to INR 500 settlement mechanism with SEBI.
Crores, as opposed to earlier
requirement of INR 1,000 Crores.50 Audit qualifications

Show cause notices An issuer with audit qualifications in

the financial statements is debarred
The SEBI ICDR Regulations debar an from undertaking a fast-track FPO if
issuer from undertaking a fast-track the impact of audit qualification (if any
FPO if any show cause notices (“SCN”) and where quantifiable) exceeds 5% of
are issued or prosecution proceeding its net profit/loss after tax in the
are initiated by SEBI or pending respective year.53
against the issuer, or its promoters or
whole-time directors.51 The June 9 SEBI Circular now allows
an issuer with audit qualifications to
The June 9 SEBI Circular now allows restate financial statements adjusting
issuers that have outstanding SCNs for the impact of audit qualification, in
adjudication proceedings or pending respect of those financial years which

48SEBI Circular no. 50 Reg. 155(c) of the SEBI ICDR Regulations.

SEBI/HO/CFD/DIL1/CIR/P/2020/66 dated April 21, 51 Reg. 155(h) of the SEBI ICDR Regulations.
2020. 52 Reg. 155(i) of the SEBI ICDR Regulations.
49SEBI Circular no. 53 Reg. 155(l) of the SEBI ICDR Regulations.

SEBI/HO/CFD/CIR/CFD/DIL/85/2020 dated June

09, 2020.

April 2020 – June 2020

are proposed to be disclosed in the Pandey

offer documents. Further, if the impact
of the audit qualifications cannot be Practice Areas: Capital Markets |
ascertained, the issuer may proceed Corporate and Commercial
with appropriate disclosures made in
the offer documents. 4. BANKING & FINANCE


In the Rights Issue Circular, SEBI had 19 PANDEMIC – DISCUSSION
provided decisive exemptions to listed ON RBI MORATORIUM VIS-À-
issuers undertaking fast-track rights VIS ASSET CLASSIFICATION
offerings. As noted in the Rights Issue
Circular, these exemptions had not INTRODUCTION
been extended to fast-track FPOs. The
June 9 SEBI Circular has, therefore The Coronavirus or COVID-19
been much awaited – and in particular, pandemic danse macabre is not only
by listed issuers who, for commercial taking catastrophic toll on human lives
exigencies or shareholding nuance, but also causing severe economic
seek the FPO route toward fund- dislocation and market turmoil. The
raising. outbreak of the pandemic has
necessitated imposition of
It should be noted that the June 9 SEBI extraordinary measures such as
Circular does not replicate all of the lockdowns in most countries keeping
dispensations granted earlier to fast- in mind the larger interests of public
track rights offerings to FPOs. For health.
instance, it does not reduce
compliance periods for certain The RBI has, in an attempt to mitigate
eligibility conditions from 3 years to 18 the adverse impact of the pandemic on
months. Since an FPO is a public the economy and with a view to revive
offering (and not limited to existing growth and mitigate the burden of
shareholders and renouncees like in debt servicing, released Circulars
rights issues), SEBI may have, in its termed as ‘Statement of Development
benevolent avatar, understandably and Regulatory Policies’ dated March
treaded with caution. One hopes that 27, 202054 and ‘COVID-19 – Regulatory
the June 9 SEBI Circular is successful in Package’ dated March 27, 202055 (“RBI
reviving interest in FPOs at a time Circulars”) which inter alia permitted
when markets and participants are all the lending institutions56 to allow a
increasingly seeking out non- moratorium of 3 months on
traditional windows and routes. instalments in respect of all term loans
falling due between March 1, 2020 and
Authors: Priyadarshini Rao| Radhika May 31, 2020, which was further

54 Available at: 56 Lending institutions being all commercial banks (including regional rural banks, small finance banks and
PR21302E204AFFBB614305B56DD6B843A520DB.PDF. local area banks), co-operative banks, all-India Financial
55 Available at: Institutions, and NBFCs (including housing finance companies).

April 2020 – June 2020

extended by another 3 months until Provisioning pertaining to Advances

August 31, 2020 57 (“Moratorium dated July 01, 2015 (as amended from
Period”). time to time) (colloquially referred to
as “IRAC norms”). As per the IRAC
The RBI Circulars further state that norms, an asset it classified as NPA
repayment schedule and all when the interest and/or instalment of
subsequent due dates, as also the tenor principal remains overdue for a period
for such loans, may be of more than 90 days. IRAC norms
commensurately shifted across the further state that, prior to classifying
board in accordance with the an account as an NPA, an account shall
Moratorium Period. Similarly, in case be first classified as Special Mention
of Working Capital facilities, the Account – 1 (SMA-1) when the
lenders are permitted to allow a account remains overdue between 31
deferment during the Moratorium to 60 days and Special Mention
Period on payment of interest in Account – 2 (SMA-2) when the
respect of all such facilities account is overdue between 61 to 90
outstanding as on March 01, 2020, days. While this is the basic parameter
whilst the interest can continue to for declaring an asset as an NPA, the
accrue and will be payable after the RBI has released various other
expiry of the said period. circulars and guidelines on the
classification standards from time to
THE SCOPE AND EXTENT OF time, which may not be essential for
SAFE HARBOUR PROVIDED discussions here.
While the RBI Circulars provide a safe
The objective of this safe harbour of harbour to the borrowers so as to not
moratorium/ deferment is to trigger any ‘default’ during the
specifically enable the borrowers to Moratorium Period, the Borrowers are
tide over the economic fallout from also protected from any downgrade in
COVID-19 and hence, a default will classification of their account as per the
not result in asset classification IRAC norms, during the Moratorium
downgrade. The RBI was however Period. The circulars clearly provide
mindful to caveat this by providing that the asset classification of term
that this will not be treated as change loans which are granted relief shall be
in terms and conditions of loan determined based on revised due
agreements due to financial difficulty dates and revised repayment schedule.
of the borrowers.
The borrowers have however,
It is pertinent to understand here as to knocked the doors of the Courts in
what the stages of asset classification respect of issues concerning the
are. Asset classification is primarily interpretation of the said RBI
governed by the Master Circular on Circulars. Few issues which came up
Prudential norms on Income for consideration before the Courts till
Recognition, Asset Classification and now are (1) whether the safe harbour

57Available at:

April 2020 – June 2020

under the RBI Circulars apply to The Delhi High Court, after analysing
Assets which were in default prior to the RBI Circulars held that, prima facie
March 01, 2020; (2) whether the time it appeared that the RBI intended to
period for Asset Classification/ down- maintain status quo as on March 01,
gradation continue to run during the 2020 with regard to the instalment
Moratorium Period; (3) whether payments which are to be made during
moratorium has any effect on the Moratorium Period as well as the
enforcement of security interest for a classification of accounts of the
default occurred prior to March 01, borrowers as on March 01, 2020. The
2020; and (4) whether the Moratorium Court reasoned by observing that if the
Period also applies in respect of RBI Circulars were intended to apply
facilities availed by NBFCs. only to Standard Asset accounts, there
would be no need for the RBI to even
Whether the safe harbour under the refer to classification of NPA in the
RBI Circulars applies to Assets which said circulars, and reference to SMA-1
were in default prior to March 01, and SMA-2 would have sufficed. In
2020 other words, an account which was
otherwise a Standard Asset as on 29th
This issue came up for consideration in February 2020, cannot become an NPA
the case of Anant Raj Limited v. Yes Bank post March 01, 2020 unless it goes
Ltd.58 before the Hon’ble High Court of through the process of SMA-1 and
Delhi. In this case, Anant Raj Ltd., the SMA-2. As the account cannot be
borrower, which is engaged in the classified as SMA for instalments
business of real estate, had availed falling due post March 01, 2020, there
credit facilities to the tune of INR 1570 is no question of stipulating a
Crores from YES Bank Ltd. The moratorium for classification as NPA.
Borrower filed a writ petition
challenging YES Bank’s action of With the aforesaid observation and
classifying the Borrower’s account as reasoning, the Delhi High Court
NPA on March 31, 2020. The Borrower ordered status quo ante and restored the
contended that it is squarely covered account classification as it stood on
under the aforesaid RBI Circulars to March 01, 2020. In our view, the Delhi
avail moratorium on instalments from High Court rightly observed that the
March 01, 2020 and that, in this RBI Circulars clearly provide for status
intervening period, status quo qua quo on asset classification as it existed
classification of the account should be on March 01, 2020. Whilst the Delhi
maintained. YES Bank contended that High Court may have arrived at
the RBI Circulars apply to instalments correct interpretation, the
which fall due after March 01, 2020 and maintainability of the petition itself is
in the present case, as the default had required to be examined, as no state
occurred on January 01, 2020 and the instrumentality appears to have been
interest instalment remained overdue made a party to the writ petition filed.
for a period of 90 days, the account is
to be classified as NPA as per the IRAC The issue of maintainability of the writ
norms. petition came up for consideration

58W.P. (C) (Urgent) No. 5 / 2020, delivered on 6th April

2020. Accessible at: N_PDF/URGENT/wpcurgent5202006042020.pdf.

April 2020 – June 2020

before the Hon’ble Bombay High coercive steps, including

Court in the matter of Transcon Skycity downgrading asset classification of
Pvt. Ltd. & Ors. v. ICICI Bank and Ors.59, Transcon.
when the Court was seized with the
question of whether the Moratorium Transcon placed reliance on the
Period is to be excluded from the judgement of Delhi High Court in
computation of time period for Anant Raj’s case and contended that
classification of an account as NPA. from the reading of the said judgment,
However, the Bombay High Court, the duration of the lockdown period is
while passing interim orders under the required to be excluded from the 90
extraordinary circumstances, is yet to day countdown, failing which, such
pass any final observation and order moratorium granted by RBI would be
on the issue of maintainability of such rendered meaningless in a situation
writ petitions, which is dealt in detail akin to that of Transcon. On the other
below. hand, ICICI Bank had contended that
the writ petition itself was not
Whether the time period for Asset maintainable as it is a private bank and
Classification/down-gradation not a state instrumentality to be
continue to run during the amenable to writ jurisdiction. It was
Moratorium Period also contended by ICICI Bank that at
the ad-interim stage, the Court shall
In the case of Transcon Skycity Pvt. Ltd. proceed cautiously so as to not open
& Ors. v. ICICI Bank and Ors. (supra), the floodgates to the borrowers during
the borrowers viz. Transcon Skycity these extraordinary circumstances.
Pvt Ltd. and Transcon Iconica Pvt Ltd.
(“Transcon”) approached the Bombay The Bombay High Court limiting itself
High Court in similar facts as that of to a prima facie enquiry, attempted to
the Anant Raj’s case, however, the preserve the parties’ status quo and
issue which was examined by the ensure minimal prejudice to both sides
Court was whether the countdown for in these unprecedented and
computation of asset classification be exceptionally difficult times. In an
suspended during the Moratorium attempt to fashion a workable order
Period. Like in the Anant Raj’s case, in limited to the facts of this particular
the present case Transcon availed case ensuring that it sets no precedent
credit facilities from ICICI Bank and in other cases, held that the period of
had committed defaults in payment on the moratorium during which there is
January 15, 2020 and February 15, 2020 a lockdown will not be reckoned by
thereby exposing Transcon to be ICICI Bank for the purposes of
classified as NPA on April 15, 2020 and computation of the 90 day countdown
May 15, 2020 respectively. The for NPA declaration.
Borrowers therefore approached the
Court against ICICI Bank and RBI On the issue of maintainability of the
seeking safe harbour under the RBI petition itself, which was never
Circulars along with an injunction challenged before the Delhi High
against ICICI Bank from taking any Court, the Court observed that the

59 Writ Petition LD-VC No. 28 of2020. Accessible at:


April 2020 – June 2020

challenge was to the directive or set of Bank from declaring its pending loan
directives issued by an instrumentality accounts, instalment of which was
of the State, viz. the RBI and what the payable by March 31, 2020, as NPA.
Borrower seeks is an interpretation of
those directives and circulars to bring The Society argued that although the
them into accord with their avowed debt became due as on December 31,
objective. It was therefore satisfied 2019, the same is payable anytime on
that, prima facie, the Petition was or before March 31, 2020. However,
maintainable to grant ad-interim owing to the nation-wide lockdown
reliefs, although keeping the issue of and increased financial burden due to
maintainability open for contention, at such lockdown, it was necessary that a
a later date. safe harbor be provided to the Society
and the asset downward classification
It was clarified by the Court that the be stayed. The Society placed reliance
period of moratorium shall not cease on the judgements by Delhi High
to exist, as on the end of the Court in Anant Raj’s case and that of
Moratorium Period, as currently Bombay High Court in Transcon’s case.
advised by the RBI but would extend The Society stated that the payment
till complete lifting of the lockdown. would have been made by March 31,
Likewise, if the complete lifting of 2020 if the lockdown was not imposed
lockdown is lifted before the end of the and further undertook to make
Moratorium Period, the period of pending payment to the Bank within a
moratorium must be construed to end week of the aforesaid directions of the
on such day. Government of Uttar Pradesh are
Whether the asset classification
position be altered during the The Bank, on the other hand,
Moratorium Period on account of contended that the moratorium only
non-payment of instalment due applies to instalments which shall
before March 01, 2020 become due and payable on or after
March 01, 2020. Since, the debt due by
A similar proposition as above, once the Society is prior to that, therefore,
again came for consideration before the Moratorium Period has no
the Delhi High Court in the matter of application on the accounts of the
Shakuntla Education and Welfare Society Society. It was also stated that RBI
v. Punjab and Sind Bank60, wherein the Circulars are silent on asset
Petitioner, Shakuntla Education and classification for the debts due and
Welfare Society (“Society”) had failed payable on or before March 01, 2020.
to pay a quarterly installment that The Court, by its Order dated April 13,
became due on December 31, 2019 to 2020, accepted that the applicability of
the Punjab and Sind Bank (“Bank”). RBI Circulars on the Society are
The Society was liable to make questions which have to be
payments on or before March 31, 2019. determined only post completion of
Directions were sought to restrain the pleadings and after looking at the view

60 W.P. (C) No. 2959 of 2020. Accessible at:

April 2020 – June 2020

by the RBI (which was impleaded as a 2020, the lending institutions are
party later). However, to limit itself to allowed to exclude the Moratorium
the interim relief, the Court whilst Period from the 90-days NPA norm.
agreeing with the decision in Anant Therefore, in the case of such accounts
Raj’s case held that since the Society did where the borrower has failed to
have time to make payment till March honour its commitment which accrued
31, 2020 and prima facie it appears that on or before February 29, 2020, the
the intention of the RBI Circulars was accounts shall be allowed an asset
to maintain status quo since March 01, classification standstill, if the
2020, the Bank cannot be allowed to following conditions are satisfied,
alter the position in which the Society which are:
stood as on March 01, 2020. The Bank
was, accordingly, restrained from (a) for which the lending institutions have
taking any coercive action against the allowed a moratorium or deferment in
Society, till 1 week from the date on view of the RBI Circulars; and
which the directions of the
Government of Uttar Pradesh (b) if such accounts which were standard
(restraining educational institutions as on March 1, 2020.
from collecting fees) is vacated.
The RBI Governor has further granted
Interestingly, the RBI was not made a Non-Banking Financial Companies
party to the present Writ Petition, (“NBFC”) with flexibility under the
however, upon an oral request by the prescribed accounting standards, that
Society, the RBI was added as are required to be mandatorily
Respondent party, therefore, the issue complied by the NBFC and has
of maintainability of the present Writ directed the NBFCs to be guided by
Petition did not come up before the the accounting standards (“AS”)
Delhi High Court. guidelines as may be duly approved
by their board as per the advisories
Asset classification standstill issued by the Institute of Chartered
announced by the RBI Governor Accountants of India (“ICAI”).

The RBI Governor, vide his statement The RBI Governor, being conscious of
dated April 17, 2020 61 (“Governor’s the fact of risk build up in the balance
Statement”), recognized the sheets of the lending institutions on
challenges faced by the borrowers to account of delay in recoveries and
even honour their instalment payment possible slippage, has directed all the
commitments which fell due on or Banks to maintain higher provision of
before February 29, 2020. Accordingly, ten percent on all such accounts which
the Governor has announced that for are offered a standstill.
all such accounts for which the lending
institutions have allowed a Whether the Moratorium Period
moratorium or deferment in view of restrains enforcement of security
the RBI Circulars, and if such accounts interest
which were standard as on March 01,

61 Available at:


April 2020 – June 2020

Whilst the possibility to invoke/ whose instance pledge was sought to

enforce security interest by the lenders be invoked.
may be next to impossible in the
present extraordinary circumstances, In contrast to this, the legality of
the RBI Circulars do not provide for invocation of pledge after the issuance
any such restriction. Unlike the of the RBI Circulars came up for
moratorium under the Insolvency and consideration in another case before
Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (“IBC”) which the Bombay High Court, which was in
squarely restricts the lenders from fact referred by the Court while
enforcing security interest, the safe deciding the Transcon’s case.
harbour provided by RBI in view of
the pandemic, does not place such The Bombay High Court in the recent
express restriction. However, Courts case of Ideal Toll & Infrastructure Pvt.
have granted equitable reliefs of Ltd., Mumbai and Anr. v. ICICI Home
injunction to protect the true market Finance Co. Ltd., Mumbai & Anr.10
value of secures assets such as shares, decided on 7th April 2020, examined
which have plummeted due to the the issue of invocation of pledge
COVID-19 pandemic. during the Moratorium Period, for a
default which occurred prior to March
Interestingly, the Supreme Court62 has 01, 2020.
recently on April 17, 2020, upheld an
ad-interim order of injunction granted In that case, the default had occurred
by the Bombay High Court against in January, 2020 and whereas the
invocation of pledge against shares of lender, i.e., ICICI Home Finance Co.
Future Retail Ltd., owing to Ltd. sold pledged shared on March 31,
plummeting of share prices because of 2020. When it was contended that the
the COVID-19 pandemic. The Bombay safe harbour under the said RBI
High Court had, in the case of Rural Circulars clearly applies to the case,
Fairprice Wholesale Limited & Anr. v. the High Court disagreed and held
IDBI Trusteeship Services Limited & that while the account cannot be
Ors. 63 , observed that while the share downgraded as NPA after March 01,
prices of pledged shares were around 2020, the moratorium cannot come to
INR 350 at the time of execution of the the rescue to restrain sale of pledged
Debenture Trust Deeds, the same fell shared for a default which occurred
to nearly INR 100 at the time of much prior to March 01, 2020. It is
issuance of notice of sale. Considering pertinent to note that the sale of
these extraordinary circumstances, an pledged shares had already taken
injunction was granted to protect the place before the borrower had
market value of pledged shares, approached the Court seeking reliefs.
although a debt of nearly INR 610 In another companion matter of Mrs.
Crores were owed to UBS Bank on Anuya Jayant Mhaiskar v. ICICI Home
Finance Co. Ltd. & Anr. 64 , however,

62 UBS AG London Branch v. Rural Enterprise Wholesale Ltd.

& Ors., SLP (Diary) No. 10943 of 2020. 4Cg8k1NajDvAxzD/view?usp=sharing.
63 Interim Application No. 1 of 2020 in Commercial Suit 64 Commercial Suit No. LD-VC-8 of 20-20, along with IA

No. (L) 307 OF 2020, order dated March 30, 2020 10 No. LD-VC-8(IA) of 2020. Accessible at:
Commercial Suit No. LD-VC-7 of 20-20, along with IA
No. LD-VC-7(IA) of 2020. Accessible at: O1gO-dwfnd_gAmO5B/view?usp=sharing.

April 2020 – June 2020

where the default occurred on March during the lockdown period. The
25, 2020, the Court granted an Petition is still sub-judice before the
injunction on invocation of pledge, Apex Court. In our view, however, this
subject to payment of amounts falling could in fact be counterproductive and
due after March 01, 2020, as have a negative impact on the
undertaken to be paid by the Borrower economy, as it can cause drastic effects
before the Court. on the liquidity of the lending
institutions. Moreover, it is entirely in
Therefore, the Courts are dynamically the wisdom of the Executive and the
approaching the issue of financial Legislative bodies to decide such
distress in the times of a pandemic by policy decision and it is unlikely that
granting equitable reliefs after the Supreme Court would
assessing the situation. In the long run, adjudicate/express its views on such a
this would protect the actual market plea.
value of secured assets, which may
have come into distress because of Application of RBI Circular to a Non-
such extraordinary circumstances. Banking Financial Company? RBI to
Charging of interest during
moratorium period due to lockdown. Indiabulls Commercial Credit Limited
Unjust enrichment in times of (“Indiabulls”), an NBFC approached
Pandemic? Plea filed before the Delhi High Court seeking directions
Hon’ble Supreme Court for SIDBI to comply with the directions
of the RBI Circulars. Indiabulls
Rather interestingly, a petition was contended that despite the
filed before the Apex Court with a plea moratorium granted by the RBI, the
that the State cannot enrich itself nor SIDBI, on April 03, 2020 raised a
can it permit others to enrich demand towards payment of
themselves by charging continued instalment due and payable in the
interest during the lockdown period, month of April, 2020.
in the times of a global pandemic.
As discussed above, while the RBI SIDBI contended that such demand as
deferred the payment obligations, the made on April 03, 2020 is being done
RBI clearly stated in the said RBI as a regular process since it is unclear
Circulars that the interest shall that such moratorium as granted by
continue to accrue even during the the RBI Circulars are applicable when
Moratorium Period. This accumulated the borrower itself is NBFC. SIDBI
accrued interest shall be recovered informed that the necessary
immediately by the lending clarification in this regard is already
institutions after the completion of the being sought from the RBI.
Moratorium Period, subject to
commensurate extension of the tenor However, since the clarification was
of the loans. pending and the instalment due and
payable in the month of April, 2020 is
It was contended in this Petition that, already serviced, the Petition was
in wake of such health emergency, the
state must act as a ‘welfare state’ and
waive off all interest that may accrue

April 2020 – June 2020

dismissed as infructuous by Delhi safe breathing space for the borrowers

High Court.65 to recoup and defray the financial
distress caused by the COVID-19
On perusal of the RBI Circulars, it is pandemic.
clear that the attempt of the RBI is to
enable the borrowers to tide over the While the aforesaid orders have been
economic fallout from COVID-19. The passed at ad-interim/interim stage
term ‘borrowers’ as per the Reserve taking into account only the prima facie
Bank of India Act, 1934 “is any person to case, the Courts, by grant of
whom any credit limit has been sanctioned injunctions, did leave a room for
by any banking company, whether availed unintended consequences which may
of or not.” arise in a similarly placed situations.
Although the RBI and the Judiciary
Interestingly, the RBI Act, unlike the have given an umbrella protection, the
IBC, does not exclude the NBFC from concerning factor is the misuse of this
the definition of Debtor. Therefore, in protection by a regular/ordinary
our view, Indiabulls or any company defaulter (one who would have
(including NBFCs) shall, on plain defaulted even without the lockdown
reading of the definition of ‘borrower’ being in place) in contrast to a genuine
above, may be construed to be a defaulter who may not be in default
Borrower for the purpose of the RBI but for the pandemic/lockdown.
Circulars. The RBI Circulars, in no- Thus, extending this safety net to an
way explicitly restrict or limit this ordinary/regular defaulter, may be
definition. Therefore, presently it does uncalled for and be counter-
not seem that NBFC is beyond the productive to the already crippling
ambit of the safe harbour granted by lending sector. However, the umbrella
the RBI. However, the clarification protection could be the only way to
from RBI is still awaited. deal looking at the current pandemic
situation and the economic distress
INDUSLAW VIEW arising out of such unprecedented
We are of the view that the Courts
have attempted to decipher the true There are other issues such as whether
intention of the RBI in releasing the the moratorium provided in the
aforesaid circulars and applied to the aforesaid circulars would also apply to
practical scenarios which unfolded declaration of borrowers as ‘wilful
before them. A liberal reading of the defaulter’ which is governed by
RBI Circulars does point out that the Master Circular on Wilful Defaulters
RBI intended for the status quo as on dated July 01, 2014 (as amended).66 We
March 01, 2020 to be maintained qua can expect more judicial precedents
classification of account and payment covering wide array of issues
obligations of the borrowers. The concerning the financial and
objective behind issuance of the said regulatory packages being
RBI Circulars is certainly to provide a

65Writ Petition (C) No. 2955 of 2020. Accessible at: 66Available at:
ExlA4EyGWnvVhQWyJ/view?usp=sharing. ?Id=9044&Mode=0#21.

April 2020 – June 2020

implemented in view of COVID-19 many consider the world’s strictest

pandemic, in the coming days. national lockdown. It is now followed
by an equally guarded and phased
However, this may have a highly easing, after 70 days.
beneficial impact on small and
medium scale industries and provide As with every other major economy,
them a relief from challenges thrown the Government has reacted with a
by not just the lockdown but also from variety of fast-paced fiscal and
already distressed economy. Such monetary measures. The MoF
measures coupled with changes in IBC announced a stimulus package
regime 67 , such as, increasing the amounting to approximately 0.8% of
threshold limit of default to INR 1 the GDP on March 26. The Prime
Crore from existing threshold of INR 1 Minister then announced a fiscal and
Lakh, and a suspension of Sections 7, 9 monetary package amounting to
and 10 of the IBC may just give the approximately 10% of the GDP on May
necessary breather to the India Inc. 12. Thereafter, the MoF announced a
relief package, with stimuli amounting
Authors: Amit Jajoo| Sushmita to 2.7% of the GDP being allocated to
Gandhi | Bhargav Kosuru | Darpan business, details of which were issued
Bhatia over 4 days from May 13-17. On the
monetary side, RBI responded with a
Practice Area: Banking & Finance 3-month moratorium on payment of
all instalments falling due between
5. INSOLVENCY AND BANKRUPTCY March 1, 2020 and May 31, 2020,
coupled with a standstill relief from
5.1 IBC ORDINANCE – IN SERVICE asset classification downgrade which
OF THE ECONOMY was announced on March 27. The
attempt was to improve liquidity, stem
LIFE IN THE TIMES OF COVID-19 non-performing assets and prevent a
stampede to the insolvency
What started as a health crisis has courthouse doors by banks and
transformed rapidly into a pitched financial institutions. These measures
battle between lives and livelihoods. are further backstopped with rate cuts,
The Organization for Economic money market liquidity measures and
Cooperation and Development sector specific forbearances, to shore
apprehends that the global economy up the balance sheets of institutional
will suffer the biggest peace-time lenders 68 . Subsequently, on May 23,
downturn in a century, with equally the RBI followed through with
uncertain and unquantifiable views monetary easing measures, with
emerging from the World Bank, further extension of the moratorium
International Monetary Fund and and asset classification relief until
rating agencies. Meanwhile, on March August 31, 202069.
25, 2020, India was put under what

67As announced by Minister of Finance and Corporate 69Notification available at:

Affairs on March 24, 2020.
68Notification available at: T2455D86E6F80D9D4BC29C0DFAA43D76D9A4.PDF.

April 2020 – June 2020

There appears to be no overarchingly Supreme Court 71 , exercising powers

“correct” economic model. Measures under Article 142 read with Article 141
adopted by each economy vary of the Constitution, presciently
quantitively and qualitatively, extended the limitation period with
depending on the fiscal headroom effect from March 15, 2020, until
available, the ever-changing impact of further orders. The SC took suo motu
the pandemic and the size of the cognizance of the situation arising out
population affected. What is common, of the challenge faced by the country
however, is that such measures are on account of COVID-19. The National
often bookended with economic Company Law Appellate Tribunal
experiments in amending insolvency followed suit and excluded the period
regimes. We accept one truism offered of lockdown for the purpose of
by the World Bank 70 – that the counting of the period for corporate
insolvency system can facilitate recovery insolvency resolution process
as a channel for resolving debt-overhang (“CIRP”). The Insolvency and
and preserving employment. To make Bankruptcy Board of India, or the
sense of these experimental regulator, was quick off the blocks - in
amendments, these must necessarily amending the CIRP regulations and in
be juxtaposed in the petri-dish setting jump-starting e-filing procedures.
of the fiscal and monetary packages in India’s responses so far appear to be
place. The pandemic shows no signs of ahead of the curve, with other
ending, nor is it reasonably foreseeable jurisdictions adopting similar
when it will end. What is reasonably measures a little later. Yet, taking a
foreseeable is that these experiments page from out of the playbook of
no longer have the luxury of gestating countries that were ahead of us on the
in time. Much like the quest for a impact curve of the pandemic, IBC was
vaccine, there is no longer the luxury amended to increase the minimum
of prolonged clinical trials. The go-to- amount of default for initiating an
market time has been significantly insolvency resolution process against a
truncated. Whether the Indian corporate debtor from INR 1 Lakh to
amendments to the insolvency regime INR 1 Crore72 on March 24, 2020. From
are in service of the economy is perhaps a as early as March 24, 2020, the MoF has
3 trillion-dollar question. A large part been mulling the more drastic measure
of the answer is dependent on the of suspension of filing of applications
adequacy and frequency of the for initiating a CIRP.
regulatory response, the efficiency of
the institutions and the strength India has commenced the daunting
infrastructure that support the regime. challenge of coming out of the
lockdown despite the rising number of
THE REGULATORY RESPONSE COVID-19 cases. The battle for
livelihoods has seemingly won and the
2 days prior to the nationwide urgent need of the hour is to restart
lockdown announced on March 23, the and revive the economy. With an

70Available at: 71 Suo Motu Writ Petition (Civil) No(s)3/2020 dated 23 March 2020.
4/COVID-19-Outbreak-Implications-on-Corporate-and- 72 Notification available at:


April 2020 – June 2020

already slowing economy, the (a) A new Section 10A - to disable for a
complete closure of work for over 2 limited period (6 months extendable to
months has had a devastating impact up to 1 year), application for
on the balance sheets of many admission to CIRP of any corporate
businesses and, commensurately, their debtor for what can be called ‘COVID
ability to service debts. Emerging defaults’, and
economic data indicates that most
sectors are reeling from the financial (b) A new Section 66 (3) - to bar the
hits and it is a growing reality that resolution professional from making
several businesses may not survive the an application against a director or
pandemic. In formulating a policy partner of a corporate debtor, to make
response, one cyclic truth has become contribution to the assets of the
exigently clear - protecting the lives of corporate debtor, if due diligence is
people is of paramount importance not ensured to minimize potential
now; to be able to do that, their creditor losses immediately prior to
livelihoods must be protected, and for CIRP.
this, it is essential to protect the lives of
The IBC was brought into existence as
an economic legislation and is The new section 10A states:
recognized as a ‘code’ that “deals with
economic matters and, in the larger sense, “Notwithstanding anything contained in
deals with the economy of the country as a Sections 7, 9 and 10, no application for
whole”73. It is only befitting that the IBC initiation of corporate insolvency
evolves to play its part in safeguarding resolution process of a corporate debtor
and balancing the stakes of interest shall be filed, for any default arising on or
holders, in service of our economy. after 25th March, 2020 for a period of six
Now, post hibernation, when the months or such further period, not
country is waking up to catch its first exceeding one year from such date as may
worm, on June 5 an ordinance 74 was be notified in this behalf:
passed to amend the IBC
(“Ordinance”). The statement of Provided that no application shall ever be
objective of the amendment is clear – it filed for initiation of corporate insolvency
is to safeguard companies from fatality resolution process of a corporate debtor for
the said default occurring during the said
in the midst of a pandemic that
continues unabated.

Explanation- For the removal of doubts, it

The two amendments that have been
is hereby clarified that the provisions of
brought into force are:
this section shall not apply to any default

73 Swiss Ribbons Private Limited & Anr. v. Union of 2018%20In%20Special%20Leave%20Petition%20(Civil)

India (available at: %20No.%2028623%20of%202018_2019-01- 25%2013:07:58.pdf.
5th%20Jan%202019%20in%20the%20matter%20of%20S 74 Available at:

t%20Petition%20(Civil)%20No.%2037,99,100,115,459,59 059f0d8777f311ec76332ced1e9cf.pdf.

April 2020 – June 2020

committed under the said sections before these extraordinary circumstances, the
25th March, 2020.” Ordinance states, that it is considered
expedient to provide reprieve on
THE ‘WHY’ initiation of CIRP for defaults arising
on account of COVID-19. The tacit
Of the 5 aims stated in the preamble to admissions woven into the Ordinance
the IBC, 2 require constant responses are: (a) it is no longer the inefficient use
to evolving circumstances. The first is of resources or inept management that
the “time bound manner for maximization has resulted in unviability of
of value of assets”. The second is “to businesses, but the circumstances of
promote entrepreneurship, availability of the pandemic clubbed with the
credit and balance the interests of all the lockdown; (b) pushing these
stakeholders”. That the IBC was never companies into a CIRP cannot
intended as a debt recovery tool has foreseeably result in “value
been emphasized and re-emphasized maximization”; and (c) CIRPs leading
time and again. The architecture of the aimlessly into liquidation will destroy
IBC is premised principally on value value, if any, that may have been
maximization, to serve the economy and salvageable. The corollaries are clear:
not just creditors. Under normal (a) due to the nationwide (even
circumstances, a company that has worldwide) severity of the financial
become unviable is given the shock, the prospects of a worthwhile
opportunity (through a CIRP) to start resolution applicant with a
afresh – a resolution applicant (a non- worthwhile resolution plan are
related party, unless the corporate undeniably slim; (b) in these
debtor is an MSME) presents a circumstances, in all likelihood, a CIRP
resolution plan, which, if found viable will erode far more value by tearing
and acceptable to the committee of down whatever has been built this far
creditors (“CoC”) results in a fresh and is remaining; (c) once dead, these
start for the corporate debtor – most companies will not come back
often under a new management. If no (presumably after the pandemic has
viable resolution plan is received, the done its worst – no one seems to know
corporate debtor is liquidated on the when); and (d) the value will be lost
premise that resources thus freed up forever to the economy at large.
may be effectively redeployed
elsewhere in the economy. THE ‘WHAT’

Today, these “normal circumstances” The provision is limited in its

no longer exist, and have been wholly applicability. It suspends initiation of
replaced by a set of circumstances CIRP for defaults for a period of 6
which are hitherto unprecedented and months (subject to extension for up to
wholly unpredictable. The preamble to 1 year) commencing March 25, 2020
the Ordinance summarizes these (“COVID Defaults”). The COVID
circumstances75. It is as a response to Defaults will continue to be “defaults”

75 “COVID-19 pandemic has impacted business, financial added to disruption of normal business operations”, “it is
markets and economy all over the world, including India, and difficult to find adequate number of resolution applicants to
created uncertainty and stress for business for reasons beyond rescue the corporate person who may default in discharge of
their control”, “a nationwide lockdown is in force since 25 th their debt obligation”.
March, 2020 to combat the spread of COVID-19 which has

April 2020 – June 2020

against which claims can yet be made. resolution process of a corporate debtor for
The only action barred is the initiation the said default occurring during the said
of CIRP under Sections 7 (by a period.
financial creditor), 9 (by an operational
creditor) and 10 (by the corporate Again, Section 10A does not impose a
applicant). The IBC was designed to blanket ban against making an
speed up resolution or in its absence, application under Sections 7, 9 and 10.
liquidation. It resulted in a change in The Explanation to Section 10 is crystal
the manner in which business is clear - Explanation- For the removal of
conducted and debts are treated owing doubts, it is hereby clarified that the
to its expeditious and far reaching provisions of this section shall not apply to
impact. While good in usual times, any default committed under the said
entities now need breathing space (or sections before 25th March, 2020. This
ventilators even) to recover from the Explanation neatly takes away the
losses they have suffered. Section 10A questions that arose in Delhi 76 and
therefore takes away the threat of Mumbai77 High Courts with respect to
admission to CIRP that will inevitably applicability of the moratorium under
(owing to the circumstances) lead to RBI’s COVID-19 package. The
fatality of the corporate entity on controversy was quickly resolved by
account of COVID Defaults. It does not the RBI itself pursuant to a timely
in any manner ‘forgive’ the debt. clarification issued on April 17, 202078.
Recovery mechanisms under other
laws, including contracts, SARFAESI, At a superficial level, the apprehension
etc., continue to be available. In fact, seems to be that a corporate debtor
even under the IBC, if a corporate may default with impunity during this
debtor is already admitted to CIRP, “suspension period” with absolutely
COVID Defaults can be made part of no consequences. The word “ever”
the claims. The sole premise behind appears to provide an unwarranted
section 10A is that COVID Defaults insulation and is a “moral hazard” for
cannot be used as grounds for corporate debtors who avoid payment
admission to a CIRP. with little or no impairment in the
ability to pay. This apprehension
THE (POTENTIAL) “IFS” AND around the use of the word “ever”
“BUTS”: probably presumes:

The immediate knee-jerk reaction (so (a) Extinguishment or forbearance of the

far) to the Ordinance during the past debt / liability itself (which is
few days appear to be focused on the definitely not the case); and
word “ever” in the proviso reproduced
below: (b) A different understanding of the
concept of “default” and its
Provided that no application shall ever be occurrence.
filed for initiation of corporate insolvency

76 Anant Raj Limited v Yes Bank Limited - on April 6, Infrastructure Private Limited & Anr. v ICICI Home
2020. Finance Company Limited & Anr., on April 7, 2020.
77 Transcon Skycity Private Limited & Ors v ICICI Bank 78 Available at:

& Ors – on April 11, 2020 and earlier in Ideal Toll &

April 2020 – June 2020

The definition of “default” is set out in heavy a cross to bear. A creditor may
Section 3(12) of the IBC: enforce its rights under other law, but
the Ordinance does not consider it
“default” means non-payment of debt justifiable for the corporate entity to be
when whole or any part or instalment of subjected to CIRP and be liquidated
the amount of debt has become due and for COVID Defaults. The merits (or
payable and is not paid by the debtor or the demerits) of this experiment should
corporate debtor, as the case may be; become apparent in due course,
hopefully without litigation.
Section 6 provides – “Where any
corporate debtor commits a default, a SECTION 66(3): LIABILITY IN THE
financial creditor, an operational creditor TWILIGHT PERIOD
or the corporate debtor itself may initiate
corporate insolvency resolution process in
(d) Section 66(3) of the IBC was
respect of such corporate debtor in the
introduced to amend Section 66(2), to
manner as provided under this Chapter”.
cater to the prevalent circumstances.
However, Sections 7 and 9 provides a
Section 66 (2) allows the resolution
CIRP may be initiated by a financial
professional to make an application to
creditor when a default has occurred and
the National Company Law Tribunal
may be initiated by an operational
(“NCLT”), to order a director or
creditor upon expiry of 10 days after
partner of a corporate debtor to
delivery of a demand notice / invoice
contribute to the assets of the corporate
on the occurrence of a default.
debtor for actions (or lack thereof)
taken by the director/partner in the
(c) Under Section 238A (inserted in June
period prior to CIRP. It states:
2018), the Limitation Act, 1963 is made
applicable to proceedings and appeals
“On an application made by a resolution
under the IBC. Normally, a period of 3
professional during the corporate
years is provided to file an application
insolvency resolution process, the
for admission to CIRP. The concept of Adjudicating Authority may by an order
“continuing default” reconciles the” direct that a director or partner of the
where” and “when” used in the corporate debtor, as the case may be, shall
sections – a default is “continuing” if it be liable to make such contribution to the
has not been remedied / waived, until assets of the corporate debtor as it may
such default is time barred. The word deem fit, if-
‘ever’ in the proviso counters the
concept of “continuing default”. It (a) before the insolvency commencement
seems clear that no CIRP can ever be date, such director or partner knew or
initiated for COVID Defaults. The ought to have known that the there was no
rationale seems to be that various reasonable prospect of avoiding the
sectors have suffered immense losses, commencement of a corporate insolvency
which may take years to recover. resolution process in respect of such
While 6 months to 1 year is a necessary corporate debtor; and
reprieve to resurrect the economy and
get businesses to start repaying their (b) such director or partner did not
exercise due diligence in minimising the
debts, to be asked to continually bear
potential loss to the creditors of the
the threat of insolvency post the
corporate debtor.
“suspension period” is considered too

April 2020 – June 2020

Explanation. – For the purposes of this has become irrecoverably unviable, it

section a director or partner of the may still be required to ride out the
corporate debtor, as the case may be, shall relief period before a director/partner
be deemed to have exercised due diligence can take action to mitigate losses for
if such diligence was reasonably expected creditors. It is, therefore, essential to
of a person carrying out the same functions relieve this obligation on a
as are carried out by such director or director/partner. Suspending the
partner, as the case may be, in relation to personal liability of directors has now
the corporate debtor.” become a standard “boiler plate”
response in quite a few jurisdictions,
The rationale of this section is that a including commonwealth
director/partner is well aware of the jurisdictions.
goings-on of the corporate debtor. If a
director/partner knows that the entity There are apprehensions in some
will default and its admittance to CIRP quarters whether this relief will
was likely, the director/partner is encourage fraudulent and wrongful
required to act with due diligence to transactions by directors. This
prevent losses for the creditors of the apprehension probably arises from the
corporate debtor. If the fact that Section 66 bears the heading
director/partner does not act with due “Fraudulent trading or wrongful
diligence, reasonability and care, the trading”. Section 66 consists of 2 limbs
resolution professional can appeal for - Section 66 (1) deals with business
them to contribute to the assets of the being carried on with an “intent to
corporate debtor once the CIRP is defraud creditors of the corporate debtor or
initiated. for any fraudulent purpose”, while
Section 66 (2) deals with insufficient
In the given circumstances, however, diligence to reduce potential losses of
‘ordinary course of business’ itself will creditors in the “twilight zone” prior to
mean trying to manage resources and CIRP where a director or partner
recover from the extreme and parlous knows that the company will face
financial threats. Section 66 (3) insolvency. Section 66 (3) only bars
provides that “Notwithstanding applications under Section 66 (2) and
anything contained in this section, no does not in any manner condone
application shall be filed by a resolution fraud.
professional under sub- section (2), in
respect of such default against which INDUSLAW VIEW
initiation of corporate insolvency
resolution process is suspended as per The IBC is an economic legislation. Its
section 10A.” purpose is to serve the economy. The
SC judgment in Swiss Ribbons provides
The circumstances are unprecedented an illuminating insight on the mindset
and to set out a benchmark of diligence of courts in the interpretation of
“reasonably expected of a person economic legislations. The SC
carrying out the same functions” is recognizes that “there may be crudities
considered unreasonable. Further, and inequities in complicated experimental
under Section 10A, application for a economic legislation” and also reiterates
CIRP cannot be made for a COVID that “to stay experimentation in things
Default. This means that if the entity economic is a grave responsibility, and

April 2020 – June 2020

denial of the right to experiment is fraught to consider a more nuanced or bespoke

with serious consequences to the nation”79. precision-based approach. This is a
The Ordinance is supplemented by a young regime and the infrastructure is
host of other fiscal and monetary being built-up (and not without
measures and is perhaps better complaints on speed). From a
appreciated as sum of all components. practitioner’s practical viewpoint, we
Nevertheless, in its bare-bones believe a different approach would
simplicity too, the Ordinance may lead to undesired ambiguity and much
indeed provide an optimum remedy. litigation in circumstances where the
need for speed is paramount. We have
Section 10A is intended as a lifeline, already witnessed an epic 850-day
providing an opportunity to ride marathon CIRP and in the present
through and survive the COVID-19 circumstances that is not a burden that
storm. To some, the seeming should be readily imposed on entities
inattention to establishing bona fide that are on the edge of survival or on
cause of default and the obvious one- the nascent institutions that have
size-fits-all approach (especially for learnt to run before they could walk. It
certain sectors that have gained from cannot be denied that Section 10A may
the pandemic) are irksome. To others, result in dragging the life of “zombie”
the Ordinance (buttressed with the RBI unviable entities on for a while longer,
Covid-19 package) appears stilted in but the alternative appears to be much
favour of financial creditors. The worse. It is important to be mindful
argument is that 90% of operational that the provisions are temporary and
creditors are MSMEs, and their will at best be extended to 1 year
interests are apparently not considered (fingers crossed). In the circumstances,
in economic modelling and policy we believe it will first do no harm and
response. RBI’s COVID-19 package, perhaps indeed be of service to the
however, does consider incentivizing economy.
credit flows to MSMEs (through
regulatory forbearance on asset We do admit that the Ordinance does
classification). Meanwhile, a special not fully address issues pertaining to
insolvency resolution framework ongoing CIRPs. Cases having received
under Section 240A of the IBC is on the CoC approval, with only the NCLT
anvil and may be announced soon for approval pending might yet require
MSMEs. Whether these measures are renewed scrutiny and adjudication,
too less and / or too late is, should not and it is possible that provisions for
be countenanced (presently) as a valid that have not been included by design.
criticism of the Ordinance. Perhaps, however, there are other
important gaps that could have been
Given the context, paucity of time, plugged – for example, for resolution
India’s variegated economy, lack of plans submitted but not voted on by
fiscal space for direct benefit stimuli the CoC owing to the lockdown, a
and practicalities involved, it does not fresh valuation process and the
appear there is much “wriggle room” opportunity to revise, withdraw or

79We have analyzed Swiss Ribbons and its implications supreme-court-on-the-constitutionality-and-key-

in an article available at: provisions-of-the-insolvency-bankruptcy-code and
cy/781154/swiss-ribbons-and-its-implications--the- /alerts-2019/Swiss-Ribbons-InfoLex-12Feb19.pdf.

April 2020 – June 2020

submit a new plan without being We are tempted to end with this quote
penalized could have been a from an economic modeler and a
reasonable reprieve. statistician, George Box (which has
since become an aphorism in statistics)
We hope that absence of more stifling – “Since all models are wrong the scientist
restrictions will make room for must be alert to what is importantly
innovative solutions – speedier out of wrong. It is inappropriate to be concerned
court settlements, innovative one- about mice when there are tigers abroad.”
time-settlements, informal
restructuring, and workouts. This may Authors: Sudipta Routh | Pooja
be an opportunity for stakeholders to Dadoo | Saumya Kapoor
explore and develop alternate
mechanisms to resolve disputes. This Practice Area: Insolvency &
may be an opportunity for the various Bankruptcy
authorities to streamline the processes
and the infrastructure. The average 6. REGULATORY UPDATES-COVID-
time taken for completion of the 221 19
CIRPs yielding resolution is 415 days.
Perhaps the forced “innovations” of e- 6.1 AUGMENTING THE FIGHT
filing and digital hearings are AGAINST COVID-19: HOW
serendipitous and may usher in a low- BUSINESSES ARE STEPPING UP
cost technological revolution in – REGULATORY ENABLERS AND
enhancing capacity. Pre-packs are MISSES
popular in various jurisdictions
around the world, India is yet to
embrace the concept. Perhaps the
COVID-19 has brought the world to its
circumstances will serve as the
knees. Countries are at different stages
proverbial necessity, the mother of
of transmission of the pandemic,
inventions. Another silver lining is
trying their best to cope with its
possibly that the adjudicating
growing economic and social impact.
authorities can use the “suspension
Governments world-over are eager for
period” to clear logjams and build
the economy to resume its usual pace,
capacities for what is to come after the
but many of them have been
constrained to instead order
temporary closure of all non-essential
COVID-19 and the lockdown have
businesses in a bid to contain and
forced us to evaluate subjects and
prevent the spread of COVID-19.
approaches we would ordinarily
relegate to “better minds”. We have all
This is aligned with the advisory from
had to take a step back and refocus,
the World Health Organisation and
regroup and heal. It is what the
the International Chambers of
Ordinance is looking to do for
Commerce, in the following recent
corporate entities, and it may not be
joint statement: “The COVID-19
perfect, but it is a step in the right
pandemic is a global health and societal
direction, of healing and serving the
emergency that requires effective
immediate action by governments,
individuals and businesses. All businesses

April 2020 – June 2020

have a key role to play in minimising the be avoided, except in case of acute
likelihood of transmission and impact on emergency.
To abate the pressure created by
While governments across the world COVID–19 on the Indian healthcare
are taking drastic (but necessary) steps system, and to improve access to
to control the spread of COVID-19, healthcare facilities by making use of
they also face the conundrum of advancements in technology, the
containing its impact on the economy Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
at the same time. The result being that (“MOHFW”) on March 25, 2020,
in an uncertain and restrictive global issued the Telemedicine Practice
economy, businesses are being pushed Guidelines (“Guidelines”). The
to pivot their offering and evolve novel Guidelines enable all medical
business methods, to ensure self- practitioners registered under the
sustenance, address the needs of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956
economy and to play a critical role in (“RMP”), to provide telemedicine
this fight. consultation to patients from any part
of India through video, audio,
In this article, we attempt to examine telephone or mobile phones, digital
the sudden boost to certain businesses data exchange or text (chat, messaging,
and some recent business adaptations, email, fax etc.) and data transmission
triggered and enabled by the systems. The Guidelines have been
pandemic. We have also identified issued in the form of an amendment to
some material gaps in the regulatory the Indian Medical Council
framework governing such activities, (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and
which need to be filled in order to Ethics) Regulations, 2002 (“Ethics
enable these businesses to function Regulations”).
more effectively and thereby assist
better in dealing with the fight against What is Telemedicine?
Pursuant to the Guidelines, the
TELEMEDICINE practice of telemedicine comprises of
the following key ingredients:
Regulatory Background
(a) delivery of healthcare services by
Until earlier this year, there was a lack healthcare professionals from a
of clear regulatory framework distance/remotely; and
governing the practice of telemedicine
in India. In an attempt to bridge this (b) use of technology for communication
gap, the Hon’ble Supreme Court of between the parties involved in a
India in 2009 81 , while dealing with a patient consultation.
matter of medical negligence,
observed that the tendency to give Key factors to bear in mind for RMPs
prescription over the telephone should on treatment of patients

80Available at: 81 Martin F. D’Souza v. Mohd. Ishfaq [AIR 2009 SC 2049].

April 2020 – June 2020

The Guidelines list out multiple the Ethics Regulations and is subject to
precautions and measures to be an appropriate diagnosis or
followed for safeguarding privacy and provisional diagnosis having been
security of a patient’s data and records, made in the discretion of the RMP. The
ensuring accuracy of treatment RMP is required to share a copy of the
without a physical check-up, risk signed prescription or e-prescription
mitigation for doctors; some of which with the patient.
have been summarised as under:
The Guidelines also define the term
(a) the RMP must exercise his/her “telehealth” as the delivery and
professional judgment before facilitation of health and health-related
commencing any telemedicine services including medical care,
consultation, to decide whether a provider and patient education, health
physical consultation is more information services, and self-care via
appropriate in the interest of the telecommunications and digital
patient; communication technologies. As per
the Guidelines, ‘telemedicine’ denotes
(b) both the patient and the RMP are clinical services delivered by an RMP
required to know each other’s identity while ‘telehealth’ is a broader term for
during telemedicine consultations; use of technology for health and health
related services, including
(c) the RMP must display his/her telemedicine. However, since all other
registration number in all of his/her aspects of telehealth are specifically
communications with the patient; excluded from the scope of the
Guidelines, it is unclear whether the
(d) the patient’s consent is necessary for GoI intends to issue separate
telemedicine consultations, unless the guidelines to deal with such aspects.
telemedicine consultation is initiated
by the patient (in which case consent is Industry developments after issuance
implied), the RMP is required to obtain of the Guidelines
and record express consent from the
patient; and With the issuance of the Guidelines, it
is evident that the authorities have
(e) the RMP must comply with applicable recognised the benefits of telehealth
data privacy laws, while handling and and telemedicine. Businesses such as
dealing with any personal information Cloudnine Hospitals 82 and AIIMS-
concerning the patient. Bhubaneswar 83 , have launched
teleconsultation services after the
The RMP can also prescribe medicines issuance of the Guidelines. State
via such consultations, provided, governments such as the Chhattisgarh
however, it is done in accordance with Government 84 have also launched

82Available at: 84Availableat:
updates/cloudnine-group-of-hospitals-launch- news/chhattisgarh-starts-telemedicine-service-amid-
teleconsultation-services/418023/. covid-19-lockdown/story-
83Available at: 1N2QrXxcwBwaxHISYS3bGM.html.

April 2020 – June 2020

telemedicine services. On account of through e-pharmacies were required

the clarity provided by the Guidelines, to obtain a pharmacy license and
existing players in the telemedicine comply with the Drugs Act and the
space such as Practo and mfine are also Drugs Rules.
trying to strengthen their businesses 85
and working on aligning their With a view to provide for appropriate
practices with the requirements monitoring mechanisms, the draft
prescribed by the Guidelines 86 . The amendment to the Rules (“Draft E-
demand for telemedicine pharmacy Rules”) were published by
consultations has been on the rise since the Department of Health and Family
the spread of COVID-19, with an Welfare under the MOHFW on August
increasing number of patients opting 28, 2018, primarily setting out the
for online consultations. What remains requirements and conditions for the
to be seen is the manner in which these sale of drugs by an ‘e-pharmacy’. The
businesses grow after the pandemic Draft E-pharmacy Rules are yet to be
becomes a thing of the past. notified. During the pendency of their
notification, the Hon’ble Delhi High
E-PHARMACIES Court in December, 2018 passed an
interim order in the case of Dr Zaheer
Regulatory Background Ahmed v. The Union of India & Ors. 87 ,
clarifying that online sale of medicines
The Drugs and Cosmetic Rules, 1945 without licence is prohibited forthwith
(“Drugs Rules”) formulated pursuant until further orders. Subsequently, the
to the Drugs and Cosmetic Act, 1940 DCGI in November, 2019 issued an
(“Drugs Act”) regulate the import, order directing all States and Union
manufacture, distribution and sale of territories (“UTs”) in India to prohibit
drugs and cosmetics in India. The the sale of medicines through
Drugs Act and the Drugs Rules, unlicensed online platforms till the
however, are silent on the online sale Draft E-pharmacy Rules are finalized
of drugs. In the absence of any and notified.
regulation, India saw a progressive
rise in unregulated e-pharmacy Impact of COVID-19 on e-pharmacies
businesses after the initial e-commerce
boom. To this effect, the office of the On March 24, 2020, the Government of
Drugs Controller General of India India declared a country-wide
(DGCI) issued a circular on December lockdown to prevent the spread of
30, 2015 clarifying that the Drugs Act COVID-19, and issued consolidated
and the Drugs Rules do not guidelines on April 14, 2020, 2020 inter
distinguish between the sale and alia to States and Union Territory
distribution of drugs through Governments for implementation of the
conventional means and online. lockdown (“Consolidated
Consequently, entities selling drugs Guidelines”) .

85Available at: see-big-boost-with-govt-move-on- telemedicine/articleshow/74885564.cms
vertical-carefit-telemedicine-mukesh-bansal. 87 W.P.(C) 11711/2018 and CM APPL. 45307/2018
86Available at: 88Available at:
biz/startups/newsbuzz/indian-healthcare-companies- solidated%20Guideline%20of%20MHA_28032020%20%

April 2020 – June 2020

The Consolidated Guidelines had delivery of the drug, subject to certain

directed commercial and private conditions. One of the conditions laid
establishments to shut operations, but down in the MOHFW Notification is
the delivery of all essential goods that the drugs can be supplied at the
including food, pharmaceuticals, doorstep of only those patients located
medical equipment through e- within the same revenue district,
commerce were permitted as where the license holder is located.
exceptions to the lockdown. In fact, the This condition creates ambiguity on
police department of the State of the operation of e-pharmacies that
Karnataka specifically issued an office have an online-only presence but no
memo clarifying that online delivery brick and mortar stores. The aforesaid
services and e-commerce retailers geographical limitation on the sale of
including e-pharmacies such as drugs also defeats the very purpose
Medlife, PharmEasy, 1MG etc., will be that e-pharmacies intend to serve
allowed to operate.89 The Government through their business models.
of India also issued new guidelines on
May 01, 2020 90 for implementation of On one hand, the GoI through the
the lockdown (“New Guidelines”). Consolidated Guidelines and New
The New Guidelines permitted e- Guidelines, allowed the sale of
commerce activities in respect of pharmaceuticals, being an essential
essential goods including commodity, by way of e-commerce
pharmaceuticals. It is evident that in and on the other hand, the Notification
this unprecedented situation created imposes conditions which may not suit
by the COVID-19 pandemic, e- the business model of all e-
pharmacies are playing a crucial role pharmacies.
in meeting the healthcare needs of the
public. Allowing e-pharmacies to The current situation has brought the
operate during this hour of need, issue of doorstep delivery of medicines
further acknowledges the utility of this to the fore and highlighted the
business model. importance of fast tracking the
finalisation and notification of the
Inevitably, on March 26, 2020, the Draft E-pharmacy Rules. The steep rise
MOHFW acknowledged that retail in the business of e-pharmacies during
sale of drugs and delivery to the COVID-19 is proof of their necessity.
doorstep of consumers is essential E-pharmacies are experiencing a
during COVID-19 and issued shortage of manpower owing to an
directions thereon (“MOHFW exponential increase in customer
Notification”). In terms of this orders and are hiring aggressively to
MOHFW Notification, any person meet the high demand. Some of them
holding a license under the Drugs are finding innovative solutions to
Rules is permitted to sell any drugs, their problem of achieving last mile
except the drugs specifically delivery 91 . For instance, e-health
prohibited, by retail with doorstep platform– Medlife has partnered with

89 Memo No. 02/CP-BLR/Covid-19/2020 issued by the

Police Department of Government of Karnataka dated Extension_Lockdown_May_1.pdf.
March 26, 2020. 91Available at:
90 Available at:

April 2020 – June 2020

Uber for the delivery of medicines to For instance, the Ministry of

its customers92. Electronics & Information Technology
issued an advisory on March 20, 2020
MAPPING SERVICE urging social media platforms and
APPLICATIONS other intermediaries under the
Information Technology Act, 2000 (“IT
While the COVID–19 pandemic has Act”) inter alia to initiate awareness
affected people in a myriad of ways, it campaigns on their respective
is evident that some of us are more platforms for its users for restricting
severely affected than others. Daily the upload and circulation of false
wage earners, migrant workers, etc., news or misinformation concerning
have been displaced and are COVID-19, and to take immediate
struggling to meet their basic needs. action to disable and remove such false
The GoI and State Governments in or misleading user content (“MEITY
India are converting schools, stadiums Advisory”)94.
etc., into public night shelters and
public food shelters to cater to the Subsequently, the Supreme Court of
needs of the underprivileged. Some of India by its order dated March 31, 2020
these spaces are also being converted in the case of Alakh Alok Srivastava v.
into isolation centres for suspected Union of India95, too, acknowledged the
COVID-19 patients. menace of fake news and held that any
person who circulates a false alarm or
To help the public avail the benefit of warning as to a disaster and issues any
these government initiatives, mapping fake news will be held liable for
service applications are now showing imprisonment which may extend to
locations of these shelters on GPS 93 . one year or with fine. This principle is
This is a great example of technology- further reinforced through the
based businesses using their expertise COVID-19 regulations passed by
to help people during these times of various states under the provisions of
need. The Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897,
which prohibit all persons, institutions
It is imperative that such information and organisations from using print or
which is made available through the electronic media for dissemination of
mapping applications is accurate and any information regarding COVID-19
reliable. The GoI is also taking without prior permission or clearance
measures against the spread of any from the state government authorities
misinformation or fake news. identified in the respective
regulations. This has been done with
an intent to avoid the spread of

120041401021_1.html. affairs/google-govt-map-food-and-night-shelters-for-
92Available at: public-during-lockdown-120040601364_1.html. 94Available at:

deliver-medicines-in-5- ND_Advisory_False_News_Social_Media_Platforms_M
cities/articleshow/75208152.cms. ar_20.pdf.
93Available at: 95 Available at:

April 2020 – June 2020

rumours and unauthenticated encourages digital payments and

information regarding COVID-19. promotes cashless transactions
Any violation of the provisions of through the use of various electronic
these regulations is a punishable payment modes. In this context, the
offence under Section 188 of the Indian RBI recently issued a comprehensive
Penal Code, 1860. set of guidelines on the regulation of
Payment Aggregators (“PAs”) and
Accordingly, mapping service Payment Gateways (“PGs”) (“RBI
applications that are providing Guidelines”). Further, the directions
information in connection with for opening and operation of accounts
COVID-19 must verify the accuracy of and settlement of payments for
such information prior to its use. In electronic payment transactions
doing so, to the extent that mapping involving intermediaries, issued by
service applications are intermediaries the RBI on November 24, 2009
under the IT Act, the safe harbour they (“Intermediary Directions”) continue
enjoy thereunder may get diluted as to be applicable for PGs and other
they may be required to select or payment intermediaries.
modify the information/content on
their platform while ensuring its Extensive use of digital modes of
accuracy, irrespective of whether or payments will encourage social
not someone reports it. This would distancing and consequently minimise
also need to be considered by other the spread of COVID-19. Businesses
intermediaries while providing or and non-profit organisations are also
publishing information regarding entering into direct collaboration with
COVID-19 on their respective different PAs and PGs to raise
platforms. Various web mapping donations from the public through
applications such as Google Maps and various initiatives for those affected by
MapmyIndia have collaborated with COVID-19. In this context, PAs and
the Central Government and various PGs, through their respective
State Governments in India to help platforms, are allowing their users to
their users locate and access night directly donate to the Government of
shelters and food shelters. 96 If such India’s relief funds such as the PM
web mapping applications rely solely CARES Fund.
on government sources for
information to provide the aforesaid In the above scenario, PAs and PGs are
services, their liability with respect to merely facilitating donations from
accuracy of data and information used their users. The manner in which the
may be limited. donations made are utilised, fulfilment
of compliances and requirements in
DIGITAL PAYMENT SYSTEMS relation to these donations is the
responsibility of the donee i.e. the
The GoI, as a part of its vision to respective non-profit organisation or
transform India into a digitally the Government of India, as the case
empowered and cashless economy, may be. The donee is also required to

96Available at:


April 2020 – June 2020

issue tax certificates to the donors while specifying the permissible list of
under Section 80(G) of the Income-Tax ‘credits’ and ‘debits’ into the accounts
Act, 1961 for the amount donated. maintained by such intermediaries.
However, because of the relevant PA’s Considering the current scenario, it is
or PG’s involvement in the process, imperative to broaden the purview of
this demarcation of the role and the RBI Guidelines as well as the
responsibility is not always clear to the Intermediary Directions to also
donor and must be categorically address donations necessitated by
addressed by the relevant PA/ PG as COVID-19, or other digital payments
well as the donee organisation. not specifically involving ‘e-
Recommended steps for
safeguarding the interest of PAs and ROAD AHEAD
The COVID-19 pandemic is a global
In this regard, following are a few health and societal emergency that
measures which PAs and PGs may requires effective immediate action by
take to safeguard themselves in the governments, individuals and
aforesaid arrangements: businesses. Some businesses, as
discussed above, have managed to
(a) enter into appropriate agreements turn adversity into an opportunity, by
with non-profit organisation partners pivoting their business models to
to ensure that the responsibilities of enable the government, common man
both parties are accurately identified; and other businesses in dealing with
challenges posed by the current global
(b) for the benefit of users making such situation. For businesses, innovation
donations, the terms of service of the and adaptation is the need of the hour.
PAs and PGs should clearly state that This is also a time for the government
the manner in which donations will be and regulatory authorities to support
utilized and the responsibility of the shift in approach to doing business,
fulfilment of compliances in relation to to take unconventional measures to
these donations are responsibilities of accelerate revival and to encourage the
the donee; and growth of the economy.

(c) ensure that the non-profit organisation Authors: Namita Viswanath | Shreya
(donee) partners specify the terms of Suri | Archana Patkar | Anantha
collection and use of donations and Desikan S
related compliance on their website as
well. Practice Areas: Corporate and
Commercial | Technology, Media &
Ambiguity in the regulatory Telecommunications
The RBI Guidelines and the
Intermediary Directions appear to be 7.1 COMPETITION COMMISSION
structured specifically to enable e- OF INDIA REVISES GUIDANCE
commerce activities and do not NOTE FOR MERGER CONTROL
contemplate facilitation of donations

April 2020 – June 2020


INTRODUCTION As mentioned in the introductory

remarks, the CCI by its Press Release
While the entire world is swarmed in No. 49/2019-20 dated March 27, 2020,
critical updates pertaining to redressal issued comprehensive Revised Notes
during times of COVID-19; the to Form I (“Revised Notes”) to align
Competition Commission of India the guidance notes with Amended
(“CCI”) has issued Revised Guidance Form I and to facilitate parties for filing
Notes to Form I (“Revised Notes”) to the notice before the CCI.
align the earlier guidance notes with
the amended Form I and facilitate As compared to the old guidance notes
parties for filing the notice before the to Form I, the Revised Notes are more
CCI. detailed and practical. The Revised
Notes give a comprehensive guidance
Under the Competition Act, 2002 for sub-parts of each of the VIII parts
(“Competition Act”), the CCI has the of the Form I. Even though most of the
mandate to regulate merger, information that is required to be filed
acquisition, amalgamation, among under the Amended Form I remain the
others (herein referred as same, the Revised Notes simplify the
“combinations”). Section 5 and 6 of understanding of the information
the Competition Act regulate required to be filed in the Amended
combinations and the Competition Form I. Some of the key points made in
Commission of India (Procedure in the Revised Notes are as under:
regard to the transaction of business
relating to combinations) Regulations, Basic Information
2011 (“Combination Regulations”) is
the principal regulation governing the For Part I of the Amended Form I (that
notice of combination with the CCI. is, “Basic Information”) – The Revised
Notes, necessitates role of a party to
In order to streamline the combination the combination to be clearly
process, the CCI on August 15, 2019, identified (that is, whether a party is an
introduced a latest set of amendments acquirer or a target or a party to
(“Amendment Regulations”) to the merger/ amalgamation (transferor
Combination Regulations. The and transferee). Similarly, in case an
Amendment Regulations among acquisition is proposed through a
others, introduced the Green Channel group company or affiliate (existing or
for deemed approval of combinations, to be created); then the complete
its criteria for eligibility (Schedule III) details of acquiring entity is required.
and amended the Form I provided In terms of a joint venture (“JV”); one
under Schedule II (“Amended Form is required to indicate if one or more
I”). parties is/are transferring
business/assets to JV.
With the introduction of the Amended
Form I, the earlier guidance notes to Meeting the Thresholds
Form I was ill-equipped to address
practical aspects of availing the Green
Channel before the CCI.

April 2020 – June 2020

For Part IV of the Amended Form I on the proposed combination and (c)
(that is, “Meeting the thresholds”) – provide similar orders of CCI or other
The determination of assets and/or jurisdictions with respect to market
turnover in India, one is required to definitions, industries, among others.
also provide the assets/turnover of
companies registered in India and Activities of parties to the
those incorporated in foreign combination and sector overview
jurisdictions. It is also clarified that
while checking the thresholds on For Part VI of the Amended Form I
company or group basis, the assets and (that is, “Activities of parties to the
turnover are to be considered in combination and sector overview”):
accordance with substance of the
transaction and not merely by their (a) The Revised Notes provide a format
form. The Revised Notes also urge the for providing details of Parties to the
parties to rely upon the FAQs available proposed combination including their
on the website of the CCI for affiliates and also guide on the extent
additional guidance. of information to be provided about
groups separately for acquirer side
Description of the Combination and target side.

For Part V of the Amended Form I (b) Even though in the previous guidance
(that is, “Description of the notes, the parties were required to give
combination”) – This mainly includes details of horizontal overlaps, vertical
guidance on (a) explaining the scope of and complimentary activities,
the proposed combination, (b) rights however, in the Revised Notes this
arising from the proposed information is simplified and
combination (such as veto rights, streamlined. It provides for separate
affirmative voting right; any other follow up questions in case there is (i)
rights or advantage of commercial horizontal overlaps, (ii) vertical
nature; right to appoint board of activities and (iii) complementary
director; information sharing rights); activities of the parties. Further, for the
(c) constituents of value of proposed purpose of defining of relevant
combination and (d) certified copy of market, the Revised Notes also suggest
the orders/decisions passed in other that all plausible alternatives for
jurisdictions relating to the proposed relevant product market and the
combination to be attached. relevant geographic market should be
taken into account.
In terms of “any other relevant
information related to the combination” (c) The Revised Notes also take into
the CCI in the form of Revised Notes consideration direct or indirect
has clarified that it may include shareholding and/or control by the
information that “has a bearing” or “is parties or their group companies over
material for assessment of the proposed the other company (in case of
combination”, such as: (a) regulatory horizontal overlaps or vertical
approvals from government activities or complementary activities).
authorities and other regulators; (b) Accordingly, 2 (two) types of entities
proceedings that may have a bearing may be considered: (i) affiliates of the

April 2020 – June 2020

parties and (ii) entities mentioned in (c) are not engaged in any activity relating
Schedule III of the Combination to production, supply, distribution,
Regulations, where the party has a storage, sale and service or trade in
shareholding of 10% or more, a right or product(s) or provision of service(s)
ability to exercise any right that is not which are complementary to each
available to an ordinary shareholder; other.
or a right or ability to nominate a
director or observer in another Although, in the Amended Form I, the
enterprise. notifying party was required to
indicate the applicability of Green
(d) The Revised Notes further provide Channel (simpliciter); the Revised
guidance on the information to be Notes clarify that the notifying party
included for giving an overview of the shall tick the applicability of
sector/ industry (broadly similar to appropriate box (as Yes/No).
the old guidance notes).
(e) The parties to the proposed
combination are required to provide For Part VIII of the Amended Form I
information on pendency of any (that is, “Attachments”) – In this part,
proceedings over the last 5 years. This apart from other things, the Revised
information is to be about - nature of Notes clarify that the documents,
proceedings, name of authority (CCI material (including reports, studies)
or foreign), and status of proceedings. among others, considered by and/or
presented to the board of directors of
Green Channel the parties to the combination are to be
attached only in cases where the
For Part VII of the Amended Form I overlaps exist.
(that is, “Green Channel”) – the
eligibility criteria for Green Channel is INDUSLAW VIEW
laid down in Schedule III introduced
in the Amendment Regulations. Green With a view to standardize the M&A
Channel is applicable wherein the review process, the Revised Notes is
parties, their respective group entities issued to render practical and user-
and/or any entity in which they, friendly approach. It provides the
directly or indirectly, hold shares scope of information and documents
and/or control: that a party is required to file (going-
forward) along with the Form I. The
(a) do not produce/provide similar or guidelines provided are crucial for
identical or substitutable product(s) or consideration by parties before filing
service(s); the notice before the CCI.

(b) are not engaged in any activity relating With regard to the Green Channel that
to production, supply, distribution, was introduced by the Amendment
storage, sale and service or trade in Regulations, 10 notices (under Green
product(s) or provision of service(s) Channel) got automatic approval from
which are at different stage or level of the CCI. The Revised Notes provide
production chain; and more clarity regarding eligibility
criterion for green channel which will

April 2020 – June 2020

help parties to ensure that the notice is causing an adverse impact on the
not considered invalid. construction activities of real estate
projects across India.
Also, vide a separate circular/ notice
dated March 30, 2020, the CCI has The RERA Advisory is issued in
allowed filing of combination notices accordance with the discussions held
under Green Channel through email on April 29, 2020 of the Central
and making the payment of the fee Advisory Council 97 with all its
electronically. stakeholders including representatives
of homebuyers, developers, real estate
Authors: Rahul Goel | Ankush Walia agents, financial institutions,
regulatory authorities and state
Practice Area: Competition Law governments. It was noted that the
regulatory authorities in the states of
8. REAL ESTATE Gujarat 98 , Tamil Nadu 99 and Uttar
Pradesh100 have already issued orders
8.1 HIGHLIGHTS OF THE in their respective states for extension
ADVISORY ON EXTENSION OF of completion dates of registered real
TIMELINES UNDER RERA estate projects under the provisions of
RERA by 3 to 5 months.
It may be noted that with the
On May 13, 2020, the Ministry of introduction of RERA in the year 2016,
Housing and Urban Affairs every promoter of a real estate project
(“Ministry”) issued an advisory to the is required to obtain registration
state governments to invoke the Force certificates from the real estate
Majeure clause under the provisions of regulatory authorities of the state/
the Real Estate (Regulation and UTs, prior to advertising, marketing,
Development) Act, 2016 (“RERA”) booking, selling or offering for sale, or
and to extend the timelines for (i) inviting persons to purchase in any
completion of the real estate projects manner any plot, apartment or
which has been delayed due to building101. Further, in terms of Section
pandemic caused by Covid-19 and (ii) 4 of the RERA every promoter while
for various statutory compliances applying for a grant of registration for
(“RERA Advisory”) under the a particular project is required to
provisions of RERA. As per the RERA prescribe a timeline for completion of
Advisory, the Ministry mulled and the project. Non-completion of the
considered the effect of the ongoing project within the stated timeline
pandemic situation which resulted in results in a penalty which may extend
reverse migration of the workers to up to 5% of the estimated cost of the
their native places and break in supply real estate project 102 . Additionally, if
chain of the construction material the promoter is unable to give

97 As established by the Central Government in 100 As available on:

accordance with RERA.
98 Vide order no. 33/2020 dated April 13, 2020. ram=Press_Release_32603ExtensionofValidityperiod.
99 As available on: pdf. 101 Section 3 (1) of RERA.

rs/TNRERA-Circular-06042020.pdf. 102 Section 60 of RERA.

April 2020 – June 2020

possession in accordance with the The said advisory states that in order
timeline as set out in the agreement to to avoid multiplicity of applications
sell, the allottee will be entitled to from the promoters of various real
payment of interest as may be set out estate projects to extend the timeline
in the agreement to sell until the for completion of their respective real
handing over of the possession103. estate projects, the regulatory
authorities of the states/ UTs under
As an exception, RERA also states that their respective jurisdiction may issue
in case of a Force Majeure, the the following orders/ directions in
timelines for the completion of a relation to all registered projects for
project may be extended up to 1 year which the completion date, revised
on an application made by the completion date or extended
‘promoter’ of the real estate project. completion date as per registration
The term Force Majeure has been expires on or after March 25, 2020:
defined under RERA to mean “a case of
war, flood, drought, fire, cyclone, (a) Regulatory authorities may issue
earthquake or any other calamity caused by orders/ directions to extend the
nature affecting the regular development registration/ completion date or
of the real estate project”. Furthermore, revised completion date or extended
the Supreme Court in the case of completion date automatically by 6
Bikram Chatterji and Ors. vs. Union of months due to outbreak of Covid-19
India (UOI) and Ors. 104 , has defined by invoking Force Majeure provisions
force majeure in context of Section 6 of under RERA;
RERA as ‘a case of war, flood, drought,
fire, cyclone, earthquake or any other (b) Regulatory authorities may, on their
calamity caused by nature’. The own discretion, consider to further
Ministry, looking at the current extend the date of completion for
scenario across the country stated that another 3 months, if the situation in
it is quite evident that the current their respective states, for reasons to be
pandemic is caused by nature and is a recorded in writing, needs special
calamity of nature. It is adversely consideration for invoking force
affecting the regular development of majeure in view of the current
real estate projects; hence, it attracts pandemic;
the provision of force majeure under
RERA. (c) Regulatory authorities may issue fresh
registration certificates with revised
KEY HIGHLIGHTS OF THE RERA timelines in each such registered real
ADVISORY estate project at the earliest; and

RERA Advisory has been introduced (d) Regulatory authorities may extend
in order to protect the interest of all the concurrently the timelines of all
stakeholders and accordingly the statutory compliances in accordance
RERA Advisory has been issued to all with the provisions of RERA and rules
states/UTs and their respective real and regulations made thereunder.
estate regulatory authorities.

103 Section 18 of RERA. 104 As decided on 23rd July 2019.

April 2020 – June 2020

On the same date at the date of the will avoid a situation wherein the
RERA Advisory, the Rajasthan Real authorities are piled up with
Estate Regulatory Authority applications for extension for
(“RRERA”), issued an order 105 , completion of the real estate projects.
whereby RRERA, amongst other
relaxations, granted an in-principle, Further, the said RERA Advisory has
across the board approval to extend by clarified that the Covid-19 situation is
12 months the estimated finish date a natural calamity and accordingly the
and the period of validity of the same amounts to force majeure under
registration shown in the registration RERA. This is a welcome move by the
certificates of all real estate projects Ministry as it avoids divergent
that were registered and not already interpretations by various authorities.
completed, lapsed or revoked as on More notifications from various State
March 19, 2020. The said extension is regulatory authorities are awaited, in
also available to projects which were light of the RERA Advisory, following
registered after March 19, 2020 upto suit of RRERA in extending the
the date of issuance of the order. timelines for completion of real estate
However, in order to avail such projects registered under RERA. It
extension, the promoters of real estate should be noted that the Finance
projects will be required to apply for Minister has recently stated that owing
extension by submitting a simple to the Covid-19 situation 106 , the GoI
application along with fee. For this will be suspending fresh initiation of
purpose, the RRERA was required to insolvency for up to a year and an
create, before June 30, 2020, a special ordinance in relation to the same will
window on its web portal for online be notified shortly. Once such
submission of applications. Further, ordinance is notified, the recourse
the said order also directs that in light available to homebuyers (in their
of the ‘force majeure, no interest or capacity as the financial creditor)
compensation is payable under under the IBC would not be available
Section 12 and Section 18 of RERA for for the said period of 1 year. Further,
the period covered by the aforesaid with the extension granted by the State
extension. Governments/ UTs on the project
completion date pursuant to the RERA
INDUSLAW VIEW Advisory, the homebuyers (allottees)
will unwillingly be left with no
This RERA Advisory has been issued redressal during the interim period of
with a view to cater the situation suspension of initiation of insolvency
wherein most of the promoters of the under IBC/ extension of the project
real estate projects across India will be completion date under RERA. Viewed
unable to complete their respective as such, the amendments brought
projects within the prescribed about the Government are pro
timelines due to the ongoing situation. developers. However, if extension on
Accordingly, the adoption of the project completion dates is not
RERA Advisory by the states and UTs provided to the promoters, the same

105Vide Order number F1 (146) RJ/RERA/2020/848. suspended-for-a-year-covid-19-related-debt-

106Available at: exempted-from-default-120051700543_1.html

April 2020 – June 2020

may lead to a situation wherein most and the ‘social distancing’ and ‘stay at
of the real estate projects will be in home’ advisories from authorities,
non-compliance of law and hamper have severely affected operations in
the development of such projects. the media and entertainment industry,
resulting in reduced revenue
Authors: Saurav Kumar | Sourav
prospects for several businesses.
Nath | Neha Balodhi

This article seeks to discuss the impact

Practice Area: Real Estate
on the media and entertainment sector,
some of the key measures adopted by
TELECOMMUNICATION various media bodies, legal and
contractual remedies available to
9.1 THE SHOW MUST GO ON: affected parties, and some key
COVID-19 AND AFTER - A considerations for the post COVID-19

The GoI and state governments of

The state governments of various
India have taken several
states announced a complete
unprecedented and drastic measures
to curb the spread of the novel lockdown of public places like theatres
coronavirus (COVID-19), in their states by March 15, 2020. This
characterized as a pandemic by the was followed by the social distancing
World Health Organisation. 107 These advisory issued by the Ministry of
measures include imposing Health and Family Welfare on March
lockdowns, prohibitions under Section 16, 2020 (“Advisory on Social
144 of the Criminal Procedure Code, Distancing”). 110 These state and
1973, and issuing various government central government measures led to
advisories on social distancing 108 and not only a shutdown of theatres
mass gatherings.109 countrywide, but also an indefinite
Specifically in the context of the media halt in production of several films,
and entertainment sector, the television (“TV”) series, web-series,
lockdowns and prohibitions imposed advertisements, and cancellation or
by the governments, along with the indefinite postponement of all live
stalling of the film and television events including the 13th edition of the
productions, sporting events and other Indian Premier League (“IPL”).
industry events; shuttering of cinema
halls and theatres across the country,

107 Available at: 109 Available at:
director-general-s-opening-remarks-at-the-media- ring.pdf.
briefing-on-covid-19---11-march-2020. 110 Available at:
108 Available at: ngAdvisorybyMOHFW.pdf.

April 2020 – June 2020

The release of several big-ticket films

was also deferred indefinitely, for The Indian Broadcasting Foundation
example the Akshay Kumar starrer claimed that advertisement bookings
“Sooryavanshi”, and multi-lingual have gone down by almost 50%, owing
historical epic “Marakkar: Lion of the to various factors including
Arabian Sea”. With the extension of the cancellation of big events like the IPL,
lockdowns (even with some repeat content on television, and
relaxations from the Government), slowdown in other industries. 112

production activities and live events Though subscription-based revenues

remain suspended, and cinema halls could improve over a period of time as
and theatres continue to be shut.111 people get more and more accustomed
to consuming content at home and
While the segments that rely on social seek a greater variety of content.
gatherings like films, theatres, live However, availability of new content
events and theme parks have been could prove to be a key factor in
affected adversely, the public adhering retaining and increasing the subscriber
to the Advisory on Social Distancing
base for subscription-based platforms.
has led to an increase in consumption
of content on other mediums - such as
On the other hand, continuity of
television, digital streaming platforms,
business for small to mid-size media
and gaming platforms. In fact,
and production houses have also been
reportedly, viewership across several
severely affected, and has had a direct
digital entertainment platforms in
India, has increased by almost 20%. impact on sustenance of daily wage
earners like chain artists, camera men,
spot boys, light boys and other
However, despite viewership on
contractors engaged in the
television channels and digital
entertainment business.
platforms increasing, monetisation
and revenue earnings of these
Similarly, the newspaper industry is
mediums are seeing a downward
also reportedly among the worst
curve, as revenues in the media and
affected in India, with decreasing
entertainment sector depend largely
revenues from both advertising and
on advertising spends from other
circulation and is estimated to have
industries. The impact of the pandemic
affected lakhs of workers engaged in
and the global recession on various
the news industry.
industries such as e-commerce,
manufacturing, financial services,
fashion and retail, automobiles,
hospitality and travel among others,
has led to reduction in advertising
spends from these sectors.

111Available at: %2015.04.2020%2C%20with%20Revised%20Consolidat ed%20Guidelines_compressed%20%283%29.pdf.
0Order%20Dt.%201.5.2020%20to%20extend%20Lockdo 112Available at:

020%20with%20new%20guidelines.pdf;https://www. dia_Release_08.04.2020_IBF_feels_stopping_of_Govern ment_Ads_on_TV_would_kill_the_industry.pdf.

April 2020 – June 2020

Indian Motion Pictures Producers’

Considering the practical and Association, Western India Film
commercial impact on the media and Producers’ Association, Indian Film
entertainment industry, government and TV Producers Council (“IFTPC”),
departments along with various media Association of Film & Video Editors
bodies implemented several parallel decided to put all shootings of films,
measures relevant to the sector. Some television serials, web series, and
such measures are as below: advertising films, on hold from March
19, 2020 till March 31, 2020. Due to
Directives/ Advisories imposition of the nationwide
lockdown, all shooting schedules
The Cellular Operators Association of continued to remain suspended, until
India (“COAI”) on March 22, 2020, its recent resumption.
requested the Department of
Telecommunications to issue orders to Social and charitable measures
ease the pressure on the internet
infrastructure and facilitate working
Several associations and expert bodies
from home, online education, digital
operating in the media industry,
healthcare, banking and payment
remarkably took several relief-
systems, and other critical services
oriented measures to extend their
which are “essential” during a health
support to those most affected in the
entertainment sector. For example:

In lieu of this request by the COAI,

(a) the Indian Performing Rights
over the top (“OTT”) platforms in
Society (“IPRS”) declared an
India unanimously decided to reduce
emergency relief package to
the streaming quality to standard
support its authors and music
definition (“SD”) on cellular networks
composer members across
in India.
various geographies;

The Ministry of Information and

(b) the All India Cine Workers
Broadcasting also advised TV channels
Association requested the
to broadcast the videos, advising
government of Maharashtra to
people on the basic do’s and don’ts of
provide INR 5,000 per month to
each daily wage earner
employed in the Indian film
Industry Bodies/ Media Companies
The Producers Guild of India (“PGI”),
(c) the Indian Singers Right
Federation of Western Indian Cine
Association held a three-day
Employees (“FWICE”), Indian Film &
virtual concert which streamed
Television Directors’ Association,

113Available at: n%20COVID-19%20-
03/Hindustan%20Times%20Mumbai%20Mar%2023.jpg %20TVC%20of%20Shri%20Amitabh%20Bachchan-
. 03192020141247.pdf.
114Available at:

April 2020 – June 2020

on several OTT platforms, with Such events typically include

the aim to raise relief funds, and government actions, war, terrorism,
strikes, civil unrest, acts of god, floods,
(d) the PGI along with the IFTPC earthquakes, hurricanes and other
and the FWICE set up a relief natural calamities, which are
fund to support those most characterised as unforeseeable and
affected by the industry wide outside the control of the contracting
shut down. parties, making it impossible for the
affected party to perform its
Further, various media companies, obligations.
including broadcasters and OTT
platforms also set up relief funds to aid Force majeure provisions usually
daily wage earners in their production require that the party seeking such
ecosystem. relief, should be affected by the force
majeure event such that it cannot
CONTRACTUAL AND LEGAL perform its obligations. Therefore, the
REMEDIES occurrence of COVID-19 in itself may
not lead a party to successfully claim
Due to the lockdown and relief, but depending on the nature of
consequential suspension of business obligations of a party, such party will
and commercial activities, several be required to demonstrate its inability
businesses, such as production houses, to perform its obligations under the
content aggregators, event organisers,
contract due to the spread of COVID-
artistes, and talent managers are
bound to suffer substantial business
and operational interruptions. This
Typically contracts also set out
may inevitably lead to their inability to
consequences of occurrence of a force
perform their existing contractual
majeure event, which include: (i)
obligations. In this context, we analyse
below the key legal and contractual termination of the contract, (ii)
remedies that may be available to suspension of performance by the
them. affected party, without liability,
during the subsistence of the force
majeure event, and (iii) renegotiation
Force Majeure – Not just a boilerplate
of terms of the contract between the
Most commercial contracts include a
force majeure clause, which provides
for either limiting or waiving the
Corporate entities and individuals
liability arising from non-performance
engaged in the entertainment
of the party affected by occurrence of a
business, will need to carefully
‘force majeure event’. A “force
evaluate their key contracts and the
majeure event” refers to an feasibility of invoking force majeure
unforeseen event or condition which is provisions, which are routinely
beyond the control of the parties to a included in contracts typical to the
contract, and because of which the entertainment industry, such as talent
parties are prevented from performing contracts, production agreements,
their obligations. distribution arrangements, content

April 2020 – June 2020

partnerships, licensing and acquisition impracticable, or unlawful to perform

agreements, equipment hires, studio it will be deemed void. However, the
rentals, marketing agreements, threshold to establish impossibility of
advertising, event management, a contract is high as the courts infer
sponsorships, branding agreements
impossibility of performance from the
and other industry arrangements.
nature of the contract and the
However, these provisions are often
surrounding circumstances in which
regarded as ‘boilerplate provisions’
the parties must have made their
and are not extensively negotiated in
normal circumstances.

Under Section 56 of the Contract Act,

A party seeking to invoke ‘force
on occurrence of a force majeure event,
majeure’ will need to analyse the
if it can be established that the event
specific language of the clause - in
has led to a change in circumstances
light of their facts and circumstances,
not contemplated under their contract,
the governing law of the contract, and
and render the performance of the
the exceptions that may have been
contract impossible or impractical,
carved out - which are critical to
then such a contract will be deemed
understand if the contract remains
void and therefore automatically
enforceable, or if parties have
sufficient basis to renegotiate terms or
delay or alter the scope of their Hence, in such a scenario termination
obligations. Further, the procedural may be the only recourse available to
terms set out in the contract in this parties, as Section 56 does not provide
regard, such as requirement of a notice for suspension or variation in terms of
to other parties, will also need the contract. Therefore, where a party
attention. is affected due to COVID-19 and does
not have a force majeure clause in its
Doctrine of Frustration or contract, it may seek relief under
Impossibility Section 56 of the Contract Act to avail
termination of the contract.
In cases where a force majeure
provision is absent from the contract, Further, if a contract provides for a
parties adversely affected by the force majeure clause which
spread of COVID-19 or the lockdown contemplates an epidemic, pandemic
imposed, may take defence under or a lockdown situation then the
contract will prevail, and the parties
Section 56 of the Indian Contract Act,
cannot seek relief under Section 56 of
1872 (“Contract Act”) for its inability
the Contract Act for impossibility of
to perform its contractual obligations.
Section 56 of the Contract Act
embodies the doctrine of frustration or
impossibility, providing that if a
contract becomes impossible,

115Naihati Jute Mills Ltd. v. Khyaliram Jagannat, AIR 116M/s. Patikari Power Ltd., Shimla v. Himachal
1968 SC 522. Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission and others.,
2012 ELR (APTEL) 1120.

April 2020 – June 2020

Media businesses may also evaluate

recourses under their existing Obtaining Loans and Availing
insurance policies. In the Borrowing Facilities
entertainment industry, insurance is
usually procured to cover losses Several media companies may have
arising during production, including availed borrowing facilities or
as a result of suspension of shoot or to obtained debts by offering their assets
cover cancellation of a live event, costs as security to lenders, which assets
incurred for reshoots due to may include their content libraries. In
occurrence of specified events. addition to focussing on liquidity to
ensure continuity of operations,
Businesses also procure business companies may also need to keep
interruption insurances to protect sufficient liquidity buffer to account
them from critical events and put them for any decline in valuation of such
into a position “as if” the loss had not content. Further, they must review
occurred, however such insurances their obligations under the existing
typically cover actual losses caused debt facility agreements, to ensure
due to any physical damages to they are not in default in the
premises due to a disaster, and may foreseeable future.
not cover losses resulting from the
pandemic. Additionally, if a company
contemplates further drawdown from
Whether losses arising from their sanctioned borrowing limits, it
suspension of business activities will need to examine the provisions of
their facility agreements, which may
during the lockdown due to COVID-19
include further drawdowns being
will be covered under insurance
conditional on solvency, and absence
policies will have to examined on a
of any change in events which have a
case by case basis. This would largely
‘material adverse effect’ on business
depend on whether the terms of
and operations.
insurance include a pandemic, or a
lockdown, as an insured event; and
Workforce and Salary Revision
whether the insurance policy covers
indirect losses at all, such as a loss The prolonged financial impact,
arising as a result of disruption is similar to many other industries, may
supply chains. force media companies to consider
workforce reduction or salary
BUSINESS MEASURES reduction of employees, as a cost-
cutting measure. However, such
While there can be no universal measures need to be carefully planned
approach to navigate through the to ensure that all steps are taken in
impact of the pandemic, following are compliance with applicable labour
some key business considerations that laws and regulations, and government
management teams of media advisories in this regard.
companies may assess to deal with the

April 2020 – June 2020

Any inadvertence or non-compliance illness of a crew member who may

in this regard could potentially lead to require time for recovery as well as
legal actions against companies and quarantining among others.
even monetary penalties. In this
context, companies could also consider Studios or platforms funding the
production of any content, may
granting equity linked stock options to
consider including appropriate legal
employees, as a measure to make up
covenants in their contracts with
for the reduction in salaries or other
production companies, in light of the
payments, if any, and to retain key
above, and also specifically requiring
employees and talent.
them to adhere to all Government
regulations and advisories regarding
POST COVID-19 ERA social distancing norms and mass
gatherings as applicable to areas
While entering into commercial where shootings are undertaken.
arrangements in future, in addition to
re-evaluating the force majeure
Talent Engagements
provisions, contracting parties will
need to consider several other aspects Companies such as production houses,
afresh in light of the pandemic. We studios or platforms, directly engaging
have summarised below some key talent may consider inclusion of
aspects that we believe may be appropriate representations and
considered in the most common covenants from the talents to ensure:
contractual arrangements in the adherence to all health advisories by
entertainment industry: the talent, disclosure of symptoms of
any kind of contagion; necessarily
Production Arrangements adhering to self - quarantining
measures, if and when required;
Production of new content may be one restrictions from undertaking travel to
regions most affected with COVID-19
of the most challenging segments to
during the term of engagement;
manage once shootings are resumed,
obtaining adequate personal health
considering that production processes
insurances among others.
rely heavily on physical gatherings
and interactions amongst people.
Further, such companies may also
want to take appropriate waivers from
This may, therefore, require planning
the talents against any claims in
production schedules, timelines and
respect of contracting of COVID-19 or
budgets with a whole new perspective
any similar contagion in future, in the
- including by possibly dividing the
course of production and shootings.
shoot schedules in a manner that
shootings are undertaken with smaller
On the other hand, talents should
group of people on a given day;
review and evaluate their contracts
choosing shooting spots and locations
carefully to ensure that they are not
in areas that are least affected by the
bound to disclose their personal and
pandemic; making additional
sensitive information to any person;
contingency provisions in the budgets
that they are protected against any
for delay in supplies, reshooting,

April 2020 – June 2020

chances of contracting a contagion on to be prudently negotiated between

the shoot locations; that the the parties.
production house or the relevant
contracting party is obligated to take INDUSLAW VIEW
all health precautions and safety
measures; and most importantly, that The onslaught of the COVID–19
they are not forced to travel to pandemic has changed the social lives
locations and regions that are most of people across regions and economic
affected by COVID-19. Alternately, if sections. The lockdowns and
shootings are proposed in such restriction on movement of people has
locations then this must be disclosed to not only led to an increased demand
the talent much in advance and before for content but has also changed
commencing the shoot. content consumption patterns. While
traditional and outdoor mediums of
There may also be other provisions to distribution of content, such as cinema
consider such as replacement of talent theatres, continue to be unavailable;
in case of contracting a contagion or the home consumption mediums, such
prolonged illness, suspension or as television channels and OTT
termination on this account and platforms have gained even more
consequences thereafter. However, popularity and viewership. However,
these may need to be negotiated on a despite the rise in viewership,
case to case basis between the parties. monetisation and revenues are hugely
impacted, considering reduction in ad-
Content acquisitions and licensing spends by other industries owing to
the global recession.
Parties to licensing and content
acquisition contracts may examine In addition to the lockdowns adversely
impacting a large number of daily
their delivery requirements and
wage earners, and freelance creative
obligations, since there may be delays
talents, decreasing revenues and
on various accounts, such as delays in
uncertainly around recovery from the
supplies; delay is completion of
pandemic, unfortunately also
production due to non-availability or
triggered a number of layoffs and pay-
illness of crew members, non-
cuts in the media industry. In these
availability of shoot locations, or a circumstances the social and charitable
possible change in shoot locations in measures taken by several media
light of the pandemic, among others. bodies, including broadcasters, IPRS,
Producers Guild of India and other
Further, the manner of delivery of industry bodies, are certainly a much-
content will also need to be assessed, needed lifeboat to sustain livelihoods
since physical deliveries may be a of composers, artists, singers, authors,
challenge or may take longer in the and daily wage earners in the
near future, especially in case of cross entertainment industry.
border licensing and acquisitions.
Drafting of the force majeure
Going forward, the industry will need
provisions in these contracts will also
to re-think various operational and
be of utmost significance and will need
legal aspects of the business, such as

April 2020 – June 2020

timelines, production costs and acquisition of foreign language

schedules, legal commitments etc., in content, and distribution of localised
order to adjust to the ‘new normal’ versions of such foreign content to suit
being presented to the world. OTT different segments of the domestic
platforms, where a large chunk of the audience.
content library comprises of acquired
content, or is dependent on Given the above, while the media and
partnerships with third parties, may entertainment sector is currently
have to think of innovative ways of grappling with various challenging
updating their existing content issues, however, as people strive to
libraries, given that the production of return to normalcy, eventually the
new content may take much longer sector may be amongst the first few to
than anticipated earlier. recover, and continue to provide to
everyone across all mediums and
Media companies including segments, the much-needed
production houses will also need to entertainment.
find ways of increasing their use and
reliance on technology. In addition, Authors: Tanu Banerjee | Ishan Johri
contractual arrangements and legal | Garima Kedia
provisions will need to be re-evaluated
wherever possible, so as to
Practice Area: Information
appropriately account for such risks
Technology, Media &
occurring in future and mitigate losses.

However, on the bright side, the 9.2 MAHARASHTRA

demand for home consumption GOVERNMENT ISSUES
mediums including digital streaming GUIDELINES FOR RESTARTING
services, which are hugely popular MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT
since even before the pandemic, is INDUSTRY
likely to increase even further. In the
long run, this may in fact benefit INTRODUCTION
subscription-based services which
may be able to penetrate even further The sudden outbreak of the novel
amongst viewers. coronavirus (COVID-19) led the GoI to
impose a nationwide lockdown in an
Given a rise in demand for content and attempt to control the spread of the
increasing viewership, and the halts in pandemic. The lockdown which began
production of new content, existing on March 25, 2020, deeply impacted
content is likely to become more the media and entertainment industry,
valuable, and in time may increase especially with the suspension of all
competition not only for existing film production work. As the Central and
and television libraries, but also for all State Governments ease the lockdown
new content. To meet the demand for in a phased manner, the Government
content, the industry may also see of Maharashtra has, on the request of
increased partnerships between various stakeholders, allowed
domestic and international media shooting of content for films, television
companies, leading to a rise in and ‘Over-the-Top’ platforms and

April 2020 – June 2020

through a government resolution and various preventive measures that

dated May 30, 2020 issued the should be taken.
‘Guiding Principles to restart Media
Entertainment Industry in Social Distancing
Maharashtra’ 117 (“May 30
Guidelines”). The May 30 Guidelines require
ensuring social distancing by
All production related activities are minimizing physical contact,
permitted to be carried on outside maintaining a distance of minimum 6
containment zones and only within the feet and wearing of masks and gloves
daily permissible timings prescribed by all persons on set, except for those
by the Government. The May 30 on screen. The May 30 Guidelines
Guidelines are required to be adhered advise using larger tents with portable
to strictly and any failure to comply air conditioners instead of trailer vans
will lead to suspension of activities. or motorhomes, for shooting. In case of
use of a trailer van, having more than
OVERVIEW 5 people in the trailer van should be
avoided. Lunch breaks should be
The May 30 Guidelines lay down staggered to avoid gatherings.
detailed standard operating
procedures to be followed by the The strength of the crew is required to
producers, various members and be reduced to 33% of the strength prior
departments of the crew as well as to the outbreak of COVID-19. The
cast, while shooting. The May 30 reduction in numbers does not apply
Guidelines are 18 pages long and to the main cast, security personnel,
detailed covering different aspects of drivers, catering services, and
shoot. To summarize the May 30 generator operator. Any employee
Guidelines, we have provided a who is above the age of 65 or pregnant
subject wise snap shot of the same or whose spouse is pregnant is not to
below. be allowed on the set.

Education and Sensitization The May 30 Guidelines mandate floor

markings according to the social
The May 30 Guidelines require that all distancing norms and displaying
the partners and employees involved precautionary guidelines and
in production of content should be emergency helpline at strategic
educated and sensitized on preventive locations. Minimum number of junior
measures for COVID-19. Sessions with artists and crew should be on the
certified health and safety consultants shooting premises and the production
should be scheduled to educate all should minimize the use of props.
stakeholders at various locations, Elaborate and extravagant sequences
focusing on precautions, symptoms, such as marriage, market or fight
stages of infections, tests for infection sequences are not to be planned until
the threat of COVID-19 subsides.

117Available at:


April 2020 – June 2020

Identifying activities that can be and other crew involved in activities

carried out remotely, including involving person-to-person contact.
casting, and executing them over
video calls, emails etc. is encouraged. Medical Facilities

The May 30 Guidelines encourage An ambulance, a doctor and nurse are

actors to get ready at their residence required to be present on every set,
and bring minimum staff to the constantly monitoring the health of the
shooting premises, with all trials, entire cast and crew. Every set should
fittings and look test being carried out have an oximeter. Every person
at the residence of the artist. entering the shooting premises or set
should be monitored for symptoms of
No audience is to be allowed in the COVID-19 and advised accordingly.
shooting premises. In respect of non- All cases with symptoms of COVID-19
fiction shows, children below the age should be reported to nearest local
of 10 years are not be allowed to authority or the collector. Every
participate. For children above the age shooting unit should maintain data of
of 10 years, only one acquaintance of personnel suffering from co-
the child may be allowed to morbidities like diabetes,
accompany such child. hypertension, cardiac issue, etc.

Sanitization and Personal Hygiene Aarogya Setu Application

The May 30 Guidelines provide that all The May 30 Guidelines mandate the
doors and windows should be kept installing of Aarogya Setu application
open for ventilation. All deliveries on compatible devices owned by the
should be handled outside office. cast and crew, which is required to be
Proper and regular sanitization is to be kept on, throughout the day.
maintained including daily
fumigation, regular cleaning and Self-Declaration
disinfection of all gears and equipment
by members of each department. All employees are required to submit a
Sharing of tools should be minimized self-declaration about any close
and each crew member should be contact with a COVID-19 patient,
provided his or her own tools. The person returned from a foreign
producer should provide minimum 3 country, and any symptoms of
washrooms which should be sanitized COVID-19. In case the history suggests
every hour. Housekeeping staff should any COVID-19 symptoms, the same is
be trained regularly. required to be reported to the
concerned authority.
The May 30 Guidelines mandate the
use of masks or face shields and hand Alternate Lodging
sanitizers. All crew members coming
to the set should wash their hands and The May 30 Guidelines require
change their clothes in order to alternate lodging to be provided to
maintain proper hygiene. PPE should house crew for the duration of the
be worn by hair and make-up artists shoot. The crew is to be provided with
accommodation in the premises, in

April 2020 – June 2020

compliance with social distancing been in contact with the person who is
norms. In the event accommodation COVID-19 positive should also be
cannot be provided inside the studio isolated. All advisory issued by
premises, then the production house competent authority are to be
should arrange accommodation in followed. Studio should be fumigated
nearby facilities like hotels or housing and sanitized extensively. Shooting
apartments. Such premises should be and other operations are to be halted
used exclusively for the shooting crew. for 3 days and resumed only after
In the event of accommodation near safety checks.
the shooting premises, the production
house is required to make travel Permission for Shooting
arrangements to and from the studio
for the crew. In the event Permission for shoots can be sought by
accommodation is not possible in the making an application to the
premise or nearby, or if employees managing director of the Maharashtra
choose to stay at home, employees will Film, Theatre, Cultural Development
have to travel on their own, adhering Corporation, Dadasaheb Phalke
to the rules and regulations laid by the Chitranagari for shoots within
authorities. Mumbai and to the respective district
collectors for shoots outside Mumbai.
Domestic Travel The Collector may seek information
from the local authority, basis which
Travelling should be minimized and the Collector may grant or deny
any travelling should be in adherence permission. Permission for the
to the guidelines issued by the shooting of any TV show shall be
Government of India or State procured by the respective
Government of Maharashtra. People broadcasting company, which shall
returning from a containment area also be responsible to ensure that all
should monitor themselves for any artists and technicians take proper
symptoms for 14 days. If they notice health precautions. All permissions
any symptoms of COVID-19, they required for shooting of films shall be
should self-isolate themselves, and the responsibility of the film producer.
inform their health care provide or
local public health department. All INDUSLAW VIEW
necessary permissions required for
travelling should be sought from the The Hindi film industry which is
concerned authorities. primarily located in Mumbai has an
annual turnover of INR 49.5 billion 118
Handling of COVID-19 Positive which comprises the major portion of
Cases the revenues collected by the entire
Indian film industry. The nation-wide
In the event any person in the shooting lockdown had completely stalled all
premises is found positive for COVID- production activity and caused huge
19, that person should be isolated and losses to the Indian film industry,
the studio should be vacated which we have discussed in detail in
immediately. Any person who had our previous article titled ‘The Show

118 Available at:

April 2020 – June 2020

Must Go On – COVID-19 and After-A The Ministry of Information and

Media and Entertainment Sector Broadcasting (“MIB”) notified 119 the
Perspective’ in paragraph 9.1 above. ‘Policy Guidelines for Empanelment of
Therefore, this government resolution Social Media Platforms with the
permitting resumption of shoots will Bureau of Outreach and
come as relief to producers. Communication’ (“Policy”) on May

13, 2020. The Policy is aimed at

However, it is to be noted that at 18 improving the Government’s outreach
pages long, the May 30 Guidelines are to public by way of advertisements on
very onerous on producers. Though social media platforms.
taking precautions is indispensable to
prevent the spread of COVID-19, The Policy sets out the terms of
implementation of the May 30 empanelment and engagement of
Guidelines on shooting premises may social media platforms with the
not only be a practical challenge, but Bureau of Outreach and
will also mean incurring huge Communication (“BOC”), a nodal
expenses and micro-level diligences to organization which executes paid
be observed by producers. Several outreach campaigns through print,
activities still remain restricted and it electronic, outdoor, digital media etc.
may not be possible to shoot scenes for Ministries and Departments of the
that may necessarily violate social Government. The Policy also sets out
distancing. the terms of the relationship between
the BOC and its client Ministries/
Yet, this government resolution will Departments.
enable producers who are at the final
stages of completing the principal OVERVIEW
photography, or carrying out patch-
work shoots to complete their films. The Policy defines a ‘Social Media
Platform’ as a web based and mobile
Authors: Tanu Banerjee | Ishan Johri | based internet application that allows
Annupriya Agarwal the creation, access and exchange of
user generated content. The content on
Practice Area: Technology, Media and the social media platform may be in
Telecommunications the form of text, audio-visual,
graphics, animation or any other form
9.3 MIB ISSUES POLICY prescribed by the BOC from time to
MEDIA PLATFORMS FOR To be eligible for empanelment with
GOVERNMENT ADVERTISING the BOC, a social media platform must
meet the following requirements:

119There appeared to be a lack of clarity on whether the to clarify this, who confirmed that the Policy has been
Policy is a draft policy or has it in fact been notified by notified by MIB and is in effect from May 13, 2020.
the MIB. The IndusLaw team spoke to the BOC officials 120


April 2020 – June 2020

(a) Operate under the same domain name campaign is determined only upon
for a minimum of 6 months prior to completion of the campaign; however,
application for empanelment; the Policy requires the relevant
Ministry or Department to place 100%
(b) Have a minimum of 25 million unique
funds, basis estimated costs of the
users per month from within India;
campaign, with the BOC in advance.
This is to avoid any adverse impact on
(c) Have an online panel with
the social media campaigns of a
demonstrated credibility for booking
Ministry or Department as result of
advertisement space/inventory; and
default in payment by another
(d) Must not be blacklisted or be under a Ministry or Department.
period of suspension by any Ministry,
Department, agency or autonomous A social media platform engaged by
body of the Government of India or the the BOC is required to appoint a point
Government of any State or UTs of of contact for communication with the
India. BOC. The empaneled social media
platform must maintain a real time
In order to get empaneled with the dashboard which shows the actual
BOC, an eligible social media platform quantified outcome of the campaign in
is required to make an application to the form prescribed or approved by
the BOC in the prescribed format and the BOC, execution reports as well as
enter into an agreement with the BOC dated reports.
(“Agreement”). The form of the
Agreement has been annexed with the If a social media platform already
Policy. engaged by the BOC gets suspended
or blacklisted by a Ministry,
The BOC will execute its outreach
Department, agency or autonomous
campaigns by participating in the
body of Government of India, public
bidding process of social media
sector undertaking or any State
platforms for buying advertisement
Government or UT, then it will be
inventory and will determine the
suspended by the BOC till its
relevant social media platform for its
suspension/blacklisting is revoked.
campaign based on the target
audience, theme and content of
The Policy is intended to be valid for a
proposed activity and the budget and
period of 5 years.
duration of the campaign.

Inter se the client Ministry or
Department and the BOC, the BOC Social Media Platform based in India
shall be responsible for preparing a
media plan within the indicated As per the Policy, the BOC may give
budget, suggesting platforms and preference to social media platforms
expected deliverables, along with the based in India as long as it does not
tentative cost. Advertisement affect the desired outcome of a
campaigns are based on auction of ad campaign. However, the Policy does
inventory and the actual cost of a not provide any clarification as to what

April 2020 – June 2020

constitutes a social media platform if it is found to be anti-national / obscene /

“based in India”. indecent / antisocial / violative of
communal harmony and national integrity
It may be noted that the ‘Policy etc., or in violation of the extant Cyber
Guidelines and Criteria for Laws of India (Section 69 of the IT Act,
Empanelment and Rate Fixation for 2000 of the Government of India and any
Central Govt Advertisements on other provisions made from time-to-time).’
Websites’ 121 , issued by the BOC on
June 01, 2016 states that “Only the This clause is of particular concern
websites which are owned and operated by since it creates a contractual obligation
companies that are incorporated in India on the social media platform to
will be considered for empanelment. monitor, moderate and delete user
However, websites owned by foreign generated content to comply with the
companies / origin may be eligible if such wide and sweeping language used in
websites have a wholly owned company the clause. Terms such as ‘anti-
registered and operating in India, which national’ and ‘anti-social’ are not
looks after their Indian advertisement defined under the Agreement and are
business.” Whether a similar inference also not used under the Information
can be drawn for ‘Social Media Technology Act, 2000 (“IT Act”),
Platforms based in India’, will have to which creates offences only on specific
be clarified by the BOC or the MIB. grounds of identity theft, cheating by
personation, violation of privacy,
Agreement between BOC and the cyber terrorism, transmission of
Social Media Platform obscene materials and transmission of
material depicting children in sexually
The form of the Agreement annexed to explicit acts.
the Policy appears to be biased in
favour of the BOC, and will have to be Moreover, social media platforms
negotiated by Social Media Platforms have safe harbours as intermediaries
to arrive at fair and reasonable under Section 79 of the IT Act subject
provisions for both parties. to compliance with the requirements
set out therein and the Information
(a) Clause I (5) of the Agreement requires Technology (Intermediaries
the social media platform to ensure Guidelines) Rules, 2011. In Shreya
‘that their content is not anti-national Singhal v. Union of India122, the Supreme
/obscene / indecent / antisocial / violative Court read down Section 79(3) of the
of communal harmony and national IT Act to clarify that an intermediary
integrity etc., or deemed objectionable in would be liable only if it fails to
any form, or in violation of the extant remove or disable access to certain
Cyber Laws of India (Section 67 of the IT material after receiving “actual
Act, 2000 of the Government of India and knowledge” i.e. a court order and/or a
any other provisions made from time-to- notification by the appropriate
time) Further, since the content on social Government or its agency which must
media platforms is user-based, the Vendor strictly conform to the subject matters
undertakes to moderate/delete the content

121Available at: 122 (2015) 5 SCC 1.

April 2020 – June 2020

laid down under Article 19(2) of the radio 126 , internet and websites 127 for
Constitution of India. Social media various Ministries and Departments of
platforms being neutral platforms for the Government through the BOC.
third parties to interact should not be With the issuance of this Policy, it
required to monitor material and appears that Ministries and
exercise their own judgement on Departments may now allocate a part
whether same is unlawful. of their advertising budgets towards
advertisements on social media
It appears that Clause I (5) of the platforms as well. This is a positive
Agreement seeks to create an step by the GoI and will certainly
obligation on social media platforms, benefit social media platforms,
for regulation of user generated especially at a time when advertising
content, which is wider and more spends on various platforms have
onerous than what is provided under taken a substantial dip. Additionally, it
the IT Act. is also evident from the Policy that the
Government recognizes the influence
(b) The Agreement can be terminated only that social media platforms wield on
at the instance of the BOC. Social their users and intends to target these
media platforms do not have the right users, especially youth, through its
to terminate or suspend the outreach campaigns.
Agreement even in case of default or
delay in the payment of the However, it may be noted that the
consideration on the part of the BOC. Policy has been notified without any
consultation on the draft with
(c) The Agreement provides for dispute stakeholders, primarily, social media
resolution by a sole arbitrator to be platforms.
appointed by the BOC. This clause is
also contrary to the law as laid down Further, the Policy sketches out only
by the Supreme Court in Perkins the broad requirements and procedure
Eastman Architects DPC & Anr. v. HSCC for the empanelment of a social media
(India) Ltd 123 , holding that a party platform with the BOC for publishing
cannot be vested with the unilateral government advertisements. Several
power to appoint a sole arbitrator and provisions of the Policy as well as the
constitute an arbitral tribunal. form of the Agreement are completely
biased in favour of the BOC. Finer
nuances of the terms of engagement of
INDUSLAW VIEW social media platforms will have to be
further discussed, and fairer and more
The MIB has previously issued policy reasonable terms of empanelment may
guidelines for systematic execution of have to be negotiated between the
advertising campaigns on print BOC and the relevant social media
media 124 , television channels 125 ,

123 2019 SCC Online SC 1517.

124 Available at: Radio%20Policy_0.pdf;
125 Available at: _g_rate_card.pdf. 127 Available at:

126 Available at: ernet_Policy02052019.pdf.

April 2020 – June 2020

platform based on the advertising GoI to ease the issues faced by the
model, nature of campaigns etc. infrastructure sector is the relief
provided to contractors in the nature
Authors: Tanu Banerjee| Ishan Johri of an INR 20,00,000 Crores
|Annupriya Agarwal Government Package, which also
includes a 6 months extension to
Practice Area: Technology, Media & contractors, without additional costs,
Telecommunications to perform their obligations under
various projects.
DISTRIBUTION COMPANIES A brief summary of the relief measures
AND CONTRACTORS announced for the power sector is
discussed below:
INR 90,000 Crore liquidity infusion
The nation-wide lockdown earlier this for Discoms
year due to COVID–19 had led to
approximately 25% decline in power (a) INR 90,000 Crores (“DISCOM Relief
demand due to very low power offtake Package”) is intended to be used by
from commercial and industrial the Discoms to clear their outstanding
consumers– this has in turn led to dues of central public sector power
financial stress on the distribution generation companies, transmission
companies (“Discoms”) and the companies, independent power
backlog of tariff payments to power producers and renewable energy
generating and transmission generators - which is estimated to be
companies by the Discoms. The around INR 94,000 Crores. The
payment defaults by Discoms can DISCOM Relief Package will be
potentially have a significant impact infused (in the form of loans) by Power
on banks/NBFCs since a lot of project Finance Corporation (“PFC”) and
finance facilities availed by the Rural Electrification Corporation
generating and transmission (“REC”) who will in turn raise the
companies can become non- amount of about INR 90,000 Crores
performing assets (NPAs). from the market against the
receivables of the Discoms.
However, the GoI on May 14, 2020 has
announced certain steps to ease the The DISCOM Relief Package will be
financial positions of the Discoms by made available to the Discoms subject
announcing a one-time liquidity to the Discoms drawing up loss-
infusion of INR 90,000 Crores under reduction strategy. The Discoms will
the Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan have to have their loss-reduction
(“Government Package”) to enable strategy approved by the relevant state
the Discoms to make payments to the government. In the event of any non-
power generating and transmission compliance by a Discom of the state
companies. Another step taken by the government approved loss-reduction

April 2020 – June 2020

strategy after PFC/REC has years. The first tranche of loan is

sanctioned the loan pursuant to the anticipated to be conditional on a state
DISCOM Relief Package, PFC and REC government backed guarantee and
will be entitled to recall the loan. allocation of budget from the relevant
state government to clear
The GoI is in the process of drafting the departmental dues for their respective
detailed scheme that will set out the Discoms. Further, the state
conditions on which loans will be governments will be required to draft
given to the Discoms by PFC and REC. a mechanism by which subsidies are
Further, the MoF also announced that provided to the consumers on their
the central government owned power fixed charge, by routing it through the
generating companies will be required Discoms. The second tranche of loan is
to provide a rebate to Discoms subject proposed to be disbursed after the
to such rebate being passed on by the Discoms procure evidence to
Discoms to the final consumers. Low corroborate the initial obligations and
demand on the part of the industrial fulfilment of conditions at the time of
users that pay the highest tariffs is a availing the loan under the first
matter of concern for the Discoms and tranche. The loans under the second
such rebates from the central tranche will be subject to the collective
government owned power generating efforts of the Discoms and their
companies will potentially help lift respective state government to tackle
some of the financial difficulties faced losses which are attributable to several
by the Discoms and also held in factors including but not limited to
financial sustainability of various difficulty in undertaking any meter
industries taking power from the reading exercises due to the lockdown,
Discoms. Additionally, the late dues owed to Discoms by government
payment surcharge that Discoms pay departments, lack of subsidy flow to
to power generators will be reduced consumers of certain categories by
from 18% to 8.5% to 9%. state governments.

Discoms will also be allowed to defer The DISCOM Relief Package is not
payment of fixed charges when power designed a one-time bailout package
is not drawn from Central governed (various similar relief packages have
power generators; the same relaxation been provided in the past and have
may also be allowed for industrial failed to make any difference to the
consumers subject to the states overall inefficiency of Discoms in
deciding on such a policy. Further, the India) – the loans under the DISCOM
Central government owned power Relief Package are linked to reforms
generators may offer a discount to the including increasing digital payment
extent of 20% to 25% on the cost of the interfaces, prepaid metering in
power supplied to the states during government departments and making
the lockdown. action plans for loss reduction, and
this in a welcome step.
(b) Procedure for financing the loan: The
DISCOM Relief Package will be The DISCOM Relief Package comes at
released in the form of loans in 2 equal a time when the government is looking
tranches of INR 45,000 Crores each, to amend the Electricity Act, 2003
which shall be for a tenure of 10 to 15

April 2020 – June 2020

(“Electricity Act”) to bring in further To tackle cash flow issues, the

reforms in the power sector and has government authority (which is party
proposed a distribution reforms to the contract) will also be required to
scheme, tentatively named the Atal partially release bank guarantee
Distribution System Improvement (provided by the contractor as
Yojana (“Aditya Scheme”), to cut performance guarantee) to the extent
electricity losses. The Aditya Scheme the work has been completed by the
envisages make Discoms viable by contractors.
switching to prepaid smart meters,
clearing their dues, continuous supply Concession period in public private
of power, adopting models such as partnership (PPP) projects has also
privatising state-run Discoms and been extended by 6 months. This
promoting retail competition. A blanket extension of 6 months will be
bailout was expected in the Union applicable to all contracts in the
Budget for the fiscal year 2021 but has infrastructure sector between central
been brought forward due to the government agencies and contractors
ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. for provisions of goods and services
Hopefully, like the bailout, even the and will save contractors from
reforms will be brought forward as the individually approaching the
Discoms have for far too long been government agencies to seek
thorn sticking out in the power sector extension.
and have single handedly been able to
pull back all the good work done in the This extension of time will allow
power sector over the years. This contractors 6 extra months to fulfil
should be the best time to force their obligations and the extension in
reforms in the state run Discoms to the concession period means that a
make them financially viable, reduce concessionaire will now be able to run
the deficit and resolve the structural the project for an additional period of
issues with Discoms. 6 months before transferring it to the
government authority. However,
Relief to Contractors given the uncertainty with respect to
when normal functioning of
The GoI under the Government businesses will resume, if ever, to
Package, has also announced that the match the pre COVID-19 estimates on
central agencies including but not the basis of which these contracts and
limited to the Indian Railways, concessions were entered into, it
Ministry of Road Transport and would be ideal to review the
Highways, Central Public Works concession and the state of affairs after
Department, shall grant a 6 months’ 3-4 months.
extension period to all contractors for
completion of their work, achieving Authors: Sabrina Afroze | Srijita Jha
intermediate milestones, completion
of construction work, delivery of Practice Area: Energy, Infrastructure
goods and/or services without any and Natural Resource
associated penalties.

April 2020 – June 2020

THE ENERGY AND Mines and Minerals (Development

INFRASTRUCTURE SECTOR and Regulation) Act, 1957 to ease
UNDER THE ATMANIRBHAR restrictions on end use and to relax the
BHARAT ABHIYAN eligibility criteria for participating in
coal auctions. This was primarily done
INTRODUCTION to kickstart the commercial coal
mining auction process. To attract
In a bid to stimulate and strengthen the private investment in the coal sector,
Indian economy amidst the the GoI has introduced the following
nationwide lockdown to contain the measures:
coronavirus (Covid – 19) pandemic,
the GoI rolled out the Government (a) To reduce dependency on import of
Package. The Government Package coal and increase self-reliance in coal
was released in 5 tranches and consists production, the GoI proposes to allow
of targeted relief measures for various private players in the coal sector, and
sectors. In this newsalert, we have plans to introduce competition,
discussed measures and reforms transparency and private sector
announced for the energy and participation in the coal sector through
infrastructure sector. The fourth a revenue sharing mechanism.
tranche of the Government Package, Further, the Central Government also
which was released on May 16, 2020, proposes to liberalise entry norms for
primarily dealt with structural reforms private players and offer nearly 50
relating to the following verticals blocks immediately for allocation. The
within the energy and infrastructure liberalisation of entry norms would
sector: (a) coal; (b) power; (c) civil see the removal of the eligibility
aviation; (d) minerals; (e) social conditions apart from upfront
infrastructure, and (f) nuclear energy. payment with a ceiling. The GoI
The intent behind these reforms is to proposal envisages setting up an
increase efficiency in these verticals exploration-cum-production regime
and attract private sector investments for partially explored blocks, as
in these verticals. opposed to the prevailing provision of
auction of only fully-explored coal
KEY ASPECTS OF THE blocks. This is expected to allow and
STRUCTURAL REFORMS TO THE incentivise private sector participation
ENERGY AND INFRASTRUCTURE in exploration. Additionally, the GoI
SECTOR has decided to grant incentives by
means of a rebate in revenue share if
A brief outline of the relief measures the production occurs earlier than
announced for the energy and scheduled. The Cabinet Committee on
infrastructure sectors is discussed Economic Affairs has approved the
below. adoption of methodology for auction
of coal and lignite mines/blocks for
sale of coal / lignite on revenue
The Mineral Laws (Amendment) Act,
sharing basis, and has increased the
2020, promulgated as an ordinance in
tenure of coking coal linkage.
January, 2020, was passed by the
Parliament to amend the Coal Mines
(Special Provisions) Act, 2015 and the

April 2020 – June 2020

(b) To create the required infrastructure to revive the power sector, has
support coal mining, the Central introduced the following reforms:
Government has also proposed to
infuse INR 50,000 Crores for the (a) Introduction of a new tariff policy:
evacuation of Coal India Limited’s The GoI intends to roll out a new tariff
target of 1 billion tonnes of coal policy (“Tariff Policy”) which will
production by 2023-24 as well as coal address the following:
to be produced from private blocks.
This investment amount includes INR (i) Consumer rights: The Tariff
18,000 Crores worth of investment in Policy will ensure that the
mechanised transfer of coal from inefficiencies faced by DISCOMs
mines to railway sidings. The Central do not affect the consumers and
Government is also planning to that consumers have adequate
incentivise coal gasification and rights. Further, the Tariff Policy
liquefaction through granting rebate in will also prescribe standards of
revenue sharing. Both these measures service and associated penalties
will help in reducing environmental for the DISCOMs. The Tariff
impact. Policy will include provisions to
ensure adequate power for
(c) The extraction rights of coal bed consumers and penalise
methane are proposed to be auctioned DISCOMs for load-shedding.
to private participants from Coal India
Limited’s mines. Additionally, the GoI (ii) Promotion of the industry:
also proposes to adopt measures to Progressive reduction in cross-
ease business operations in the coal subsidies would be a
sector – such as mining plan fundamental aspect of the Tariff
simplification, which will allow for Policy. Further, it would also
automatic 40% increase in annual provide for time bound grant of
production. open access. In order to guarantee
transparency, the selection of
(d) To benefit the consumers of Coal India generation and transmission
Limited, the GoI also plans to provide project developers would happen
relief worth INR 50,000 Crores in on a competitive basis.
relation to concessions in commercial
terms. The proposed measures include Sustainability of the sector:
reduction of reserve price in auctions
for non-power consumers, easing of The Tariff Policy would aim to provide
credit terms, and enhancement of the better payment security to the
lifting period. generating companies. Introduction of
direct benefit transfer for electricity
Power subsidy and the mandatory usage of
smart prepaid meters are also in
In addition to the measures announced consideration which will be
for easing the liquidity pressure on incorporated in the Tariff Policy.
DISCOMs on May 14, 2020, the Central Further, provisions of creation of
Government, with an aim to cut “regulatory assets” will be excluded
electricity losses below 12% and to from the Tariff Policy.

April 2020 – June 2020

(b) Privatisation of DISCOMs in UTs In relation to the minerals sector, the

following measures were announced:
The financial distress faced by
DISCOMS and consequent payment (a) Private investments in the mineral
delays have had a negative impact on sector
the investment sentiment in the power
sector. The bad financial condition of The GoI has introduced structural
DISCOMs adversely affects their reforms aimed at the mineral sector to
ability to buy power for supply, and boost growth, employment and
the ability to invest in improving the promote use of state-of-the-art
existing distribution infrastructure, technology. These reforms are
consequently impacting electricity intended to bring about greater private
distribution quality - past measures investments in the sector and are
such as the Ujwal DISCOM Assurance expected to benefit companies
Yojana have not been very successful involved in the business associated
in fixing the underlying issues faced with aluminium, iron ore and
by DISCOMs across India. limestone.

To undertake structural reforms in Primarily, the GoI has planned to

functioning of DISCOMs, the Ministry introduce a seamless composite
of Power has been considering the exploration-cum-mining-cum-
privatisation of DISCOMs across the production regime - under the
country. Privatisation of DISCOMs has proposed new regime, 500 mining
been tested in some places in India, blocks would be offered through an
such as Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad open and transparent auction process.
and Odisha. Under the Atmanirbhar Further, to enhance the
Bharat Abhiyan, the Central competitiveness of the aluminium
Government has proposed to privatise sector, the Central Government has
the DISCOMs in all of India’s UTs. resolved to conduct joint auctions of
DISCOMs in UTs are administered by bauxite and coal mineral blocks.
the Central Government, whereas the
ones in the States are not. Accordingly, (b) Policy reforms
while the GoI will privatise DISCOMs
in the UTs, it is exploring the option of The distinction between captive and
public-private partnerships (“PPP”) non-captive mines is set to be removed
for DISCOMs in States. to permit the transfer of mining leases
and sale of excess unused minerals –
It is anticipated that the privatisation this is a very welcome step which is
of DISCOMs will be a significant step expected to cause better efficiency in
towards resolving the structural issues mining and production. The Ministry
faced by the power sector, and is of Mines has been tasked with the
expected to lead to better service to responsibility to develop a mineral
consumers and is also likely to bring index for different minerals. Further,
about improvement in operational and the stamp duty payable at the time of
financial efficiency in power award of mining leases is proposed to
distribution. be rationalised.

Minerals Nuclear Energy

April 2020 – June 2020

Under the Government Package, the The restrictions on the utilisation of

Centre intends to establish a research Indian air space are proposed to be
reactor under the PPP model for the eased in order to make civilian flying
production of medical isotopes. The more efficient. By encouraging
Central Government also intends to efficient air space management for
establish facilities to use irradiation civil aviation, the Central Government
technology for food preservation, intends to bring about optimal
which would also be implemented utilisation of the airspace and a total
under the PPP model. Additionally, benefit of about INR 1,000 Crores per
the Central Government intends to set year for the aviation sector. This
up Technology Development-cum- measure is also expected to have a
Incubation Centres to foster synergy positive impact on the environment
between research facilities and tech- and reduce fuel usage and flight time -
entrepreneurs. it is anticipated that subsequent cost
benefits will trickle down to
Civil Aviation consumers.

The civil aviation sector has been one (b) More airports through PPP
of the hardest hit sectors by the
ongoing coronavirus pandemic and The GoI intends to develop world-
the nationwide lockdown. class airports in India under PPP in
Consequently, the airline revenues three rounds – adoption of PPP-model
have plummeted and the sector is for more airports will enable AAI to
unable to service its fixed costs and develop smaller airports.
other liabilities. Further, despite falling
aviation turbine fuel prices Under the first round, which is already
internationally, high taxes on fuel have underway, the AAI had awarded 3
been a pain point for airlines. As a airports out of 6 bids for operation and
response to the crisis in the aviation maintenance on a PPP basis. In this
sector, the Central Government has first round, the annual revenue is
proposed the following measures to expected to be INR 1,000 Crores per
revive the sector: year and AAI is also expected to
receive a down payment of INR 2,300
(a) Efficient airspace management Crores.

Currently, only 60% of the Indian air With regard to the second round, the
space is available for usage by the civil GoI has identified 6 more airports. The
aviation sector. Consequently, airlines bid process for the second round is
have been forced to ply on longer slated to commence immediately. The
routes. Since 2014, the Airports Central Government expects that
Authority of India (“AAI”) had additional investment by private
recommended the flexible usage of players will gather around INR 13,000
airspace as a measure to promote Crores. Another 6 airports will be put
sustainability. Subsequently, the out for the third round of bidding - the
Ministry of Civil Aviation has also announcement from the Central
espoused this view. Government does not mention the

April 2020 – June 2020

names of the identified cities for any of Central and States/Statutory Bodies
these rounds. shall continue.

(c) Making India a hub for MRO Apart from the measures across
sectors mentioned above, the Central
The aircraft maintenance, repair and Government also proposes to
overhaul (“MRO”) industry, which introduce incentive schemes for
forms a core component of the aviation promotion of new ‘champion sectors’
ecosystem, was in focus in the Union such as solar PV manufacturing and
Budget. India has a limited MRO advanced cell battery storage.
industry, which has been
disadvantaged by the fact that Indian Authors: Kush Saggi | Ishan Javid
airlines usually avail MRO services
from overseas players. Practice Area: Energy, Infrastructure
and Natural Resource
As a measure to uplift the domestic
MRO industry, the Central 10.3 HIGHLIGHTS OF THE
Government has promised to take ELECTRICITY (AMENDMENT)
steps to position India as a hub for BILL, 2020
MRO activities. The Central
Government has rationalised the tax INTRODUCTION
regime in respect of MRO. The
Government anticipates that aircraft The Electricity Act was enacted to
component repair and airframe consolidate the electricity laws in
maintenance segment, which is worth India. While the Electricity Act
INR 800 Crores is expected to increase facilitated significant private
to INR 2,000 Crores in the next 3 years. investments, market development,
The Government anticipates that and adoption of transparent tariff
convergence between the defence mechanism etc., the power sector has
sector and the civil MROs will create been facing various developmental
economies of scale. If India becomes a hurdles for some time. Consequently,
hub for MRO activities, it will result in to address various issues which have
savings of precious foreign exchange been highlighted by the industry and
and will also enable Indian airlines to to further reform the power sector, the
service their aircraft locally. Ministry of Power (“MoP”),
Government of India, released the
Social Infrastructure draft Electricity (Amendment) Bill,
2020 (“Amendment Bill”) on April 17,
To boost private sector investments in 2020 to amend the Electricity Act. The
the social infrastructure projects, the MoP had requested the stakeholders to
GoI has allocated INR 8,100 Crores. provide their comments and
The Central Government will enhance suggestions on the Amendment Bill
the quantum of Viability Gap Funding within 21 days from the date of release
(“VGF”) up to 30% each of the total of the Amendment Bill (i.e. by or
project cost as VGF by the Centre and before May 08, 2020).
State/Statutory Bodies in respect of
social infrastructure projects. For other KEY AMENDMENTS PROPOSED
sectors, VGF support of 20% each from TO THE ELECTRICITY ACT

April 2020 – June 2020

A summary of the key proposed proposed to be clearly limited to

amendments is set out below. determination of tariff or any other
dispute regarding tariff. According to
Improving Enforcement of Contracts the MoP, the ECEA is required to
dispose of the matter within 120 days
(a) Establishment of the Electricity from the date of its receipt. Under the
Contract Enforcement Authority Amendment Bill, it is proposed that
(“ECEA”): the orders of ECEA will be executed in
the same manner as in the case of a
While various provisions of the decree of civil court. Further, an appeal
Electricity Act relate to the sale and against the orders of ECEA will be
purchase of electricity, there are no heard by the Appellate Tribunal for
specific provisions existing in the Electricity (“APTEL”).
Electricity Act dealing with the issues
under power purchase agreements It appears that if the Amendment Bill
(“PPAs”) executed for such sale and is enacted, agreements for sale,
purchase of electricity or contracts purchase and transmission of
relating to transmission. In order to electricity involving a licensee cannot
improve enforceability of PPAs and provide for arbitration (which is
contracts relating to transmission, and generally considered as acceptable
to ensure time bound adjudication of terms to the international investor
disputes under PPAs/ transmission community).
related contracts, the Amendment Bill
proposes to establish the ECEA to (b) Payment Security Mechanism for
adjudicate upon the matters regarding Scheduling of Electricity: A robust
specific performance of: system to enforce compliance with
payment security mechanism has been
(i) PPAs between a generating a major pain point for the power
company and a licensee or industry and has led to a huge pool of
between licensees; and unpaid dues to generators – this has
caused a lot of stress in the sector. The
(ii) contracts related to transmission Amendment Bill provides that “no
of electricity executed between a electricity shall be scheduled or dispatched
generating company and a under such contract unless adequate
licensee or between licensees. security of payment as agreed upon by the
parties to the contract, has been provided”.
ECEA is proposed to be the sole The dispatch of electricity is being
adjudicating authority with original undertaken by the load dispatch center
jurisdiction over enforcement of through the process of scheduling - the
performance obligations under PPAs/ Amendment Bill proposes to empower
contracts relating to sale, purchase and the load dispatch centers to administer
transmission of electricity to the the establishment of adequate
exclusion of the Appropriate payment security mechanism before
Commission , whose jurisdiction is
128 scheduling dispatch of electricity as

128 Under the Electricity Act, the “Appropriate referred to in Section 82 of the Electricity Act or the Joint
Commission” is defined to mean the Central Regulatory Commission referred to in Section 83 of the Electricity
Commission referred to in sub-section (1) of Section 76 Act, as the case may be.
of the Electricity Act or the State Regulatory Commission

April 2020 – June 2020

per the relevant contracts129. Creation In respect of the retail tariff, the
of such a payment security mechanism Amendment Bill seeks to ensure that
is proposed to be made mandatory such retail tariff is determined by the
keeping in view the sanctity of Appropriate Commission to reflect the
contracts, unless it is waived by the actual cost or fair cost of the power
parties to the contract themselves. which is to be supplied in order to
ensure financial health of the
Promotion of Renewable Energy and distribution companies. In order to
Hydro Power Sector achieve this, the Amendment Bill
provides that the Appropriate
The Amendment Bill proposes that the Commission should set the tariff for
Central Government (in consultation the retail sale of electricity without
with the State Government) will accounting for any subsidy, which, if
prepare and notify, from time to time, any, under Section 65 of the Electricity
a National Renewable Energy Policy Act, should be provided by the
(“NRE Policy”). The formulation and relevant government directly to the
notification of the NRE Policy is consumer. As per the Amendment Bill,
intended to promote the generation of it is proposed that the tariff should
electricity from renewable sources of reflect the cost of the supply of
energy. The Amendment Bill electricity and reduces the cross-
proposed a minimum fixed percentage subsidies levied in the manner
(as prescribed by the Central provided under the tariff policy.
Government) of electricity from
renewable and hydro sources of Open Access
energy should be purchased –
specifically, the proposed amendment Under the Electricity Act, open access
to Section 86(1)(e) of the Electricity Act can be granted to a consumer on the
makes it mandatory for State payment of surcharge and wheeling
Commissions to follow directions charges as determined by the relevant
given in NRE Policy for prescribing a State Commission 130 . However, such
minimum percentage of purchase of charges do not include charges for
electricity from renewable and hydro intra-state transmission and inter-state
sources of energy. Further, as hydro transmission of power. In view of this,
power has been recognized as the the Amendment Bill proposes to add
renewable source of energy, the such transmission charges, wherever
Amendment Bill further proposes to applicable, to the existing charges (i.e.
expand the scope of renewable power surcharge and wheeling charges).
purchase obligations to include hydro Further, it is proposed under the
sources. Amendment Bill that open access
surcharge and cross-subsidies will be
Tariff and Cross Subsidy “progressively reduced” by the State

129In this context we should highlight that recently, the the agreement between a Distribution Licensee and a
MoP had issued direction to Load Dispatch Centres to Generating Company.
ensure opening of letter of credit for dispatching and 130 Under the Electricity Act, a “State Commission” is

scheduling of the electricity. However, the DISCOMs of defined to mean the State Electricity Regulatory
Andhra Pradesh had challenged the legality of the order Commission constituted under sub-section (1) of Section
before the High Court and one of the grounds for 82 of the Electricity Act and includes a Joint Commission
challenge was locus standi of the MoP in interfering in constituted under sub-section (1) of Section 83 of the
Electricity Act.

April 2020 – June 2020

Commission in the manner provided Act, there are multiple selection

in the tariff policy - Section 42 of the committees which are required to be
Electricity Act envisaged reduction in constituted for the appointment of (a)
cross subsidy as per discretion of the members of the APTEL, (b) the
relevant State Commission, however, chairperson and members of Central
the Amendment Bill seek to take away Commission,131 and (c) the members of
discretion of the State Commission for State Commission. The Amendment
determination of cross subsidy and Bill proposes to streamline the
post amendment the State appointment process by having a
Commission will be bound to follow single selection committee for the
the mandate of the Central appointment of (a) members of the
Government. APTEL, and (b) chairperson and
members of ECEA, Central
The Distribution sub- licensee and Commission, State Commission and
Franchisee Joint Commissions. Further, the
Amendment Bill also proposes
The Amendment Bill proposes that uniform qualifications for the
distribution licensees, with the appointment of chairperson and
permission of the relevant State members of Central Commission and
Commission, can recognize and State Commissions.
authorize a person as “distribution
sub-licensee” (distinct from the (a) Increasing the strength of APTEL:
“franchisee” model already available The Amendment Bill proposes to
under the Electricity Act) to distribute increase the number of APTEL
electricity on its behalf in a particular members to seven from three, in
area within its area of supply - addition to the chairperson to enable
however, the original distribution speedy adjudication and disposal of
licensee will remain the licensee and matters which are filed before the
will ultimately be responsible for APTEL.
ensuring the quality of the distribution
of electricity in its area of supply. It is (b) Increase in penalties for non-
also proposed that such distribution compliance: Penalties under Section
sub-licensee is not required to obtain a 142 and Section 146 of the Electricity
separate license under Section 14 of the Act are proposed to be increased
Electricity Act from the relevant State through the Amendment Bill to ensure
Commission. better compliance with the provisions
of the Electricity Act.
Enhancement of the Regulatory
Framework/ Ensuring Better (c) Penalty for failure to comply with the
Compliance Renewable Purchase Obligation
(RPO): In what could be a major boost
Easing the process for appointment of to the renewables sector, for non-
members of regulatory and compliance with the renewable and
adjudicatory bodies: Under the hydro power purchase obligation, the
existing provisions of the Electricity Amendment Bill proposed a penalty of

131Under the Electricity Act, a “Central Commission” Commission referred to in sub-section (1) of Section 76
is defined to mean the Central Electricity Regulatory of the Electricity Act.

April 2020 – June 2020

INR 0.50/kWh for the shortfall in such tariff will be deemed to have been
purchase in the first year of default, adopted by the Appropriate
and if such default continues for the Commission.
second successive year, then the
penalty is proposed to be increased to Authors: Avirup Nag | Kush Saggi
INR 1 /kWh and thereafter INR
2/kWh. Practice Area: Energy, Infrastructure
and Natural Resource
Other material amendments
proposed in the Amendment Bill 11. LITIGATION & DISPUTE
(a) In view of the emerging requirement
to regulate the cross-border 11.1 LIMITATION RE FOREIGN
transactions of electricity with other DECREES – INDIA COMES AT
countries, the Amendment Bill PAR
proposes that the Central Government
should be empowered to oversee and INTRODUCTION
prescribe rules and guidelines for cross
border electricity transactions. Even after pursuing a legal battle for
years and obtaining a decree from the
(b) To address a situation where there are court, parties are faced with yet
vacancies in any of the State another task- enforcement of the
Commission and on account of such decree. This task becomes all the more
vacancies any State Commission is herculean when it involves a party
unable to discharge its functions, the seeking to invoke the Indian courts’
Amendment Bill proposes that Central jurisdiction for the purposes of
Government may, in consultation with enforcement of a decree passed by a
the relevant State Government, entrust foreign court. The first and foremost
functions of such State Commission to issue that would naturally arise for
any other State Commission or Joint consideration while planning such
Commission, as it deems fit. litigation strategy is - when to
approach the executing forum?
Section 63 of the Electricity Act
provides for adoption of tariff by an With increasingly fading boundaries,
Appropriate Commission if such tariff there has been a sharp rise in cases
was determined through transparent where Indian parties are involved in
bidding process. However, the cross border transactions. This has led
timelines in which such tariff should to a corresponding increase in the
be adopted has not been provided in number of disputes and therefore
the Electricity Act. The Amendment more foreign decrees are being sought
Bill proposes to set the timelines for to be enforced in Indian courts. Under
such adoption of tariff (i.e. within 60 Indian Law, foreign decrees passed by
days from the date of receipt of
application for adoption of tariff by the
Appropriate Commission). The
Amendment Bill further proposes that
in the event the tariff is not adopted
within such period (i.e. 60 days), then

April 2020 – June 2020

the courts of reciprocating territories 132 of the Limitation Act, 1963

are to be enforced in terms of Section (“Limitation Act”), that is, 12 years or
44-A of the Code of Civil Procedure, 3 years respectively, would be
1908 (“Code”). applicable. This was, obviously,
without regard to the limitation period
Despite the existence of an express which may be provided for in the
provision, there has been considerable country where the decree was passed
uncertainty and in fact, contrary views (“Cause Country”).
have been taken by the High Courts in
India regarding the period of On one hand, India has a series of cases
limitation that ought to be applicable such as Sheik Ali v. Sheik Mohamed,
to matters pertaining to enforcement wherein the Madras High Court has
of a foreign decree. The Supreme taken the view that even though
Court of India, noticing this Section 44-A of the Code makes the
uncertainty and variance, has sought procedure for execution of Indian
to finally clarify the position in the decrees equally applicable to
Bank of Baroda vs. Kotak Mahindra Bank execution of foreign decrees, Article
Limited133 (“Bank of Baroda case”). In 136 of the Act cannot be applicable.
this article, we seek to discuss the law Therefore, it was held that the only
relating to ascertainment of period of applicable provision will be Article 137
limitation for seeking enforcement of a of the Act, that is, the period of
foreign decree in India. limitation will be 3 years from the date
on which the right to apply accrues.
SEEKING ENFORCEMENT OF A However, on the other hand, there is a
FOREIGN DECREE IN INDIA – series of cases such as Lakhpat Rai
POSITION IN INDIA TILL DATE Sharma v. Atma Singh, wherein the
Punjab & Haryana High Court took
Courts in India have consistently the view that Section 44-A of the Code
considered the law of limitation as a treats a foreign decree as an Indian
procedural law.134 It may be noted that decree, for all purposes. Therefore, it
earlier, most common law jurisdictions was observed that Article 136 of the
also expounded the same view, that is, Act will be applicable, that is, twelve
the law of limitation is procedural and years from the date on which the right
not substantive. It is for this reason to apply accrues. The common origin
that the law of the country where a for both the above line of decisions is
decree is sought to be enforced that the law of limitation, in India, is
(“Forum Country”) was applicable. interpreted as a procedural law.

In India, while this position has been However, the laws across the globe,
consistent, the issue that arose before including common law nations have
the various High Courts was whether been slowly moving away from this
Article 136 or Article 137 of Schedule I concept. In fact, the Law Commission

132 Explanation 1 of Section 44-A of the Code provides 134BK Education Services Private Limited v. Parag Gupta and
that the Central Government may, declare any country Associates, Civil Appeal No. 23988 of 2017; NNR Global
or territory outside India by notification in the Official Logistics (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. v. Aargus Global Logistics Pvt.
Gazette to be a ‘reciprocating territory’. Ltd., OMP No. 61 of 2012.
133 Civil Appeal No.2175 of 2020.

April 2020 – June 2020

of India (“LCI”) in its 193rd Report In the United Kingdom, the Foreign
(“Report”), itself, took note that the Limitation Periods Act, 1984 changed
position in India with regard to the the erstwhile position that the law of
application of limitation period for limitation is procedural and provides
enforcement of a foreign decree is that the law of limitation of the Cause
contrary to the position in most Country shall apply to proceedings
commonwealth countries which relating to enforcement of foreign
considers the law of limitation as decrees.135
substantive law.
In the Report, the LCI recommended
an amendment to provide that in Various states of Australia such as
respect of decrees passed in Victoria, New South Wales and
reciprocating foreign countries, which Queensland, among others, have
are sought to be enforced in an Indian enacted the respective Choice of Law
Court, the law of limitation as (Limitation Periods) Act, 1993. The
prevalent in the Cause Country would statute was enacted by Australian
apply. states in acceptance of the minority
view taken in the case of Mc Kain Vs.
LAW OF LIMITATION FOR RW Miller & Company (SA) Pty Ltd.136 It
SEEKING ENFORCEMENT OF A provides that the limitation law of the
FOREIGN DECREE- POSITION Cause Country is to be regarded as
ABROAD part of the substantive law and
therefore applied by the court.137
As noted above, the countries that
follow civil law have considered United States of America
limitation to be substantive law and
therefore, when it comes to enforcing a Several States in the United States of
foreign decree, they have applied the America have adopted the Uniform
law of the Cause Country. Over time, Conflict of Laws Limitation Act, 1982,
even common law countries have been which provides that if a claim is
moving towards this concept and a substantively based on the law of any
harmony is being evolved globally other state, then the limitation period
that limitation is a matter of of that state would apply.138
substantive law.
Below are examples of certain
common law as well as civil law Until recently, the law of limitation
jurisdictions and their respective laws was considered as procedural in
that govern the issue of limitation qua nature thereby leading to the
enforcement of foreign decrees in their consequent uncertainty in law, in
respective jurisdictions. India. However, the above position
has undergone a change recently as the
United Kingdom Supreme Court in the Bank of Baroda

135 Section 1. 138Section 2, Uniform Conflict of Laws Limitation Act,

136 [1991]HCA 56. 1982.
137 Section 5, Choice of Law (Limitation Periods) Act


April 2020 – June 2020

case, while dealing with an application unless there is an express provision in

seeking enforcement of a decree the Forum Country pertaining to the
passed by the High Court of Justice, limitation period regarding
Queens Bench, Divisional Commercial enforcement of a foreign decree, it is
Court of London (“London Court”) the law of the Cause Country that
held that the law of limitation is ought to govern the law of limitation.
substantive, rather than procedural
law. Additionally, the Supreme Court also
held that the limitation period
The Supreme Court was faced with the prescribed under Article 136 of the
issue of an application for execution of Limitation Act only deals with decrees
a foreign decree, under Section 44-A of passed by Indian courts and the
the Code, after almost 14 years from wordings of the said provision do not
the date when the decree was passed extend to foreign decrees.
by the London Court. Both the courts Furthermore, the Supreme Court held
below were of the view that limitation that the language is imperative as the
being a procedural law, Article 136 of legislature at the time of enactment of
the Limitation Act, that is, a limitation the Act in 1963, was deemed to be
period of 12 years ought to be aware of Section 44-A of the Code.
applicable from the date on which the Despite the same, it did not expressly
foreign decree was passed. make Article 136 of the Code
applicable to foreign decrees.
The Supreme Court, after clarifying
that Section 44-A of the Code is merely In view of its analysis, the Supreme
an enabling provision and does not Court laid down two principles to
give rise to a fresh cause of action to determine the limitation period for
execute a foreign decree, proceeded to enforcement of foreign decrees, that is,
delve into the issue of whether firstly, where no step has been taken in
limitation ought to be an issue of the Cause Country for enforcement,
procedural or substantive law. To aid the limitation period will commence
its finding that limitation can no longer from the date on which the decree was
be considered as procedural law, the passed and the applicable law of
Supreme Court referred to the limitation shall be that of the Cause
evolution of the law in United Country.
Kingdom as well as USA and further
took support of the Report. Secondly, in cases where a party has
sought part-enforcement of a decree in
Further, the Supreme Court, after the Cause Country itself and thereafter
discussing various academic texts, approached an Indian court for
gave credence to the evolution of the enforcement of the remainder of the
law across the world and therefore decree, the period of limitation will
affirmed the view that the law that commence from the conclusion of the
governs the validity of a contract or execution proceeding in the Cause
decides a parties rights and liabilities Country and the applicable law will, in
arising out of a contract, ought to be view of the absence of any other
the law that governs when those rights provision in the Limitation Act, be the
stand extinguished. In other words,

April 2020 – June 2020

residual provision, that is, Article 137 to foreign awards as well.

of the Limitation Act. Additionally, when dealing with
interpretation of statutes, the courts
The Supreme Court also took note that, have repeatedly held that the law of
if the law of limitation in India would limitation, being procedural in nature,
have continued to be considered as ought to be applied with retrospective
procedural law, it would have effect. This understanding has been
continued to create incongruous applied even to cases under the IBC.
situations where parties which would
have lost their remedy to execute a However, in view of the Bank of
decree in the courts of the Cause Baroda case it remains to be seen
Country, due to expiry of the whether, in the honest attempt to bring
limitation period, would still be India at par with the international best
permitted to seek execution of the said practices, has the Supreme Court
decree in an Indian Court- which is a tipped the proverbial domino which
form of ‘forum shopping’. The may now require a re-look at
judgment now rectifies this error and innumerable decisions that have been
aims to rule out any such eventualities. based on the erstwhile position that
the law of limitation is procedural. In
INDUSLAW VIEW view thereof, it is likely that a larger
bench may need to clarify the position
There is a catena of decisions of the whether, under the general law, the
Supreme Court, including three Judge law of limitation is to be considered as
Bench decisions, which have a procedural or substantive.
consistently upheld the general
position that the law of limitation is Notwithstanding the above, it is
procedural and not substantive law. laudable that the Supreme Court has
While the Bank of Baroda case settles taken the commercial realities and
the position that in cases of global best practices into consideration
enforcement of foreign decrees, the and brought the Indian law in sync
law of limitation is substantive, it also with foreign jurisdictions. The intent of
proceeds to make observations that the the Supreme Court is evident that it is
aforesaid general position of law is due working towards creating a
for a change. The impact of this commercially sound and a globally
decision is far reaching as up until now friendly legal framework. Since India
the evolution of Indian jurisprudence is amongst the fastest growing
has been on the basis that the law of economies and a sought after FDI
limitation is procedural. destination, such steps are vital and
the legal ecosystem in India must
For instance, foreign awards are continue to evolve with other major
deemed to be enforced as decrees economies across the globe.
passed in India and therefore the
period of limitation to seek its Authors: Padmaja Kaul | Varun
enforcement is governed by Article 136 Khanna | Aman Chaudhary
of the Limitation Act. However, it
appears that the principles laid down Practice Area: Litigation and Dispute
in the Bank of Baroda case may extend Resolution

April 2020 – June 2020

11.2 POWERS OF THE COURT re-appreciating of evidence. This

TRANSCENDS WHAT MEETS implies that while entertaining appeals
THE EYE: SECTION 37 OF THE under Section 37 of the Act, the Court
ARBITRATION AND is not actually sitting as a court of
CONCILIATION ACT, 1996 appeal over the award of the arbitral
tribunal and would not re-appreciate
INTRODUCTION or re-assess the evidence.

As obvious as it is, one of the keys From a perusal of the judicial

objects behind enactment of the precedents, there remain no two
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 thoughts on the fact that a court
(“Arbitration Act”) was to minimize exercising appellate jurisdiction under
the supervisory role of courts in the Section 37 of the Arbitration Act
arbitral process. For the said reason, cannot undertake an independent
the scope of powers of a ‘Court’ under assessment of the merits of an award,
Sections 34 of the Act while dealing and must only ascertain that the
with challenges to an arbitral award exercise of power by the court under
were kept limited. Section 34 of the Act has not exceeded
the scope of the provision.140 Thus, it is
A party further aggrieved by an order natural that courts under Section 37 of
passed by a ‘Court’ under Section 34 the Arbitration Act are cautious and
has the right to appeal under Section vastly unwilling to disturb findings of
37 of the Arbitration Act. The Hon’ble the tribunal.
Delhi High Court, in a judgment titled
MMTC Ltd. v. Anglo American The reason behind such limited
Metallurgical Coal Pty. Ltd. (“MMTC interference from the court is also well
Case”) 139 decided on March 02, 2020, established – an arbitrator is
despite its restrictions, has taken a considered the ultimate master of
unique stand as to what may be quantity and quality of evidence to be
deemed perverse in law for setting relied upon when he delivers the
aside an arbitral award under Section award and once it is found that the
37 of the Arbitration Act. arbitrator’s approach is not arbitrary
or capricious, the arbitrator is the last
STANDARD OF REVIEW UNDER word on facts.141 If the courts, sitting in
SECTION 37 OF THE ACT appellate jurisdiction, were to interfere
with the merits of the awards as a
Section 34(2A) of the Arbitration Act matter of procedure, it would defeat
provides that in case of domestic the very purpose of having an
arbitrations, violation of Indian public alternative dispute resolution
policy also includes patent illegality mechanism.
appearing on the face of the award.
The proviso to the same also expressly BRIEF FACTS
states that an award shall not be set
aside merely on the ground of an In the case at hand, MMTC, a
erroneous application of the law or by Government of India enterprise,

139 FAO (OS) 532/2015. 141NHAI v. Progressive Constructions Ltd., 2015(5) ArbLR
140 MMTC v. Vedanta Ltd., AIR 2019 SC 1168. 71 (Delhi).

April 2020 – June 2020

challenged a judgment dated July 10, the arbitrator if the view taken by the
2015 wherein the Ld. Single Judge, arbitrator is reasonable and plausible
whilst dismissing challenges to the even though there may be a differing
arbitral award under Section 34 of the view, the courts ordinarily cannot get
Act upheld the arbitral award dated into merits of an award by evaluating
May 12, 2014 (“Award”). evidence under Section 37 of the
Arbitration Act.142
By way of the Award, the claim filed
by Anglo American Metallurgical Coal DECISION
Pty. Ltd. (“AAMC”) for damages for
breach of contract on account of non- Upon perusal of the arbitral record and
lifting of coking coal by MMTC Ltd. the evidence, the Hon’ble High Court
was allowed and AAMC was held has in this case held that
entitled to recover damages in the sum notwithstanding the limitations of its
of USD 78,720,414.92 along with jurisdiction, the court shall not be
pendente lite and future interest and hesitant in correcting an inference of
costs. the tribunal, which is not supported by
a plain reading of the documents. It
Broadly, the challenge made by was also held that it is an overreach of
MMTC was based on the fact that powers by the arbitral tribunal to
despite unambiguity, the tribunal had mould the principles of interpretation
given its own interpretation to the and choosing to read into words that
communications between the parties do not exist while omitting to read
and hence, it was argued that the what is written in plain, simple
Award was perverse and irrational. English. Furthermore, it was held that
On the other hand, AAMC defended when such communication is purely
the challenge so made by contending commercial and exchanged between
that the arbitrators were entitled to educated, worldly-wise men of the
read the documents holistically, and relevant field, words that do not exist
that the duty of the court in these in the communications cannot be
circumstances is to see whether the inferred.
view taken by the arbitrator is a
plausible view on the facts, pleadings The Hon’ble High Court came down
and evidence before the arbitrator. heavily upon the Award passed by the
Even if on the assessment of material, arbitral tribunal observing that when
the court while considering the asked to interpret a document, a court
objections under Section 34 of the must focus at its language. Thereafter,
Arbitration Act is of the view that if the language is clear and
there are two views possible and the unambiguous, it shall accept the
Arbitral Tribunal has taken one of the ordinary meaning, for the duty of the
possible views which could have been court is not to delve deep into the
taken on the material before it, the intricacies of the human mind to
court would be reluctant to interfere. It ascertain one’s undisclosed intention,
was further argued that the court is not but only to take the meaning of the
to substitute its view with the view of words used by him, that is to say his

Jhang Cooperative Group Housing Society v. P.T Munshi


Ram & Associates Private Limited, 202(2013) DLT 218.

April 2020 – June 2020

expressed intentions. 143 Relying upon deemed ‘perverse’ and ‘irritational’

various judgments 144 , the Hon’ble under Section 37 of the Arbitration Act
High Court expressed a strong view to will be answered by court.
state that when imaginary
interpolations are allowed into the e- The Hon’ble High Court is fair in
mails/ correspondence of parties upholding the trite law that the
unnecessarily, then the inferences and intention and the conduct of the
conclusions derived therefrom must parties need only be adverted to in the
be held to be perverse in law and liable event there is ambiguity or the
to be set aside. language is capable of lending a
meaning which leads to ambiguity. 145
In furtherance to criticizing the claim While the said judgment on one hand
being allowed in the Award, the may be considered a welcome move as
Hon’ble High Court also noted that it shall help maintain better checks and
there was no basis on which the balances, it may also be considered to
amount of damages was granted by have opened a pandora’s box inviting
the arbitral tribunal. The Hon’ble High frivolous litigations challenging
Court was of the view that the tribunal awards on merits, thereby defeating
showcased perversity by relying upon the purpose of having an alternative
‘imaginary evidence’ which can under dispute resolution mechanism in
no circumstances be permitted. place.

In view of the above mentioned, the Authors: Mohit Chadha | Vaishnavi

Hon’ble High Court ultimately while Rao | Swati Mittal
setting aside the award on the grounds
of being arbitrary and capricious held Practice Area: Litigation & Dispute
that majority view therein is not a Resolution
possible view since it is not a question
of the ‘quantity’ or ‘quality’ but that 11.3 SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS
the inferences drawn are a non- COURT INTERVENTION TO
sequitur to the plain and simple words RECTIFY ERRONEOUS
of the e-mails/communications read CONTRACTUAL
in evidence, which were before the INTERPRETATION IN AN
tribunal and which do not support the ARBITRAL AWARD 146

inferences drawn.
A three-judge bench of the Supreme
The discussed judgment of the Court in its recent judgment in South
Hon’ble High Court is most likely to East Asia Marine Engineering and
go before the Hon’ble Supreme Court Constructions Limited v. Oil India
where the question as to what may be Limited 147 (“Judgment”) upheld an

143 Smt. Kamala Devi vs. Seth Takhatmal & Anr., (1964) 2 145 The Godhra Electricity Co. Ltd. & Anr. v. State of Gujarat
SCR 152. & Anr. (1975) 1 SCC 199.
144 Associate Builders v. DDA 2015 (3) SCC 49, Excise and 146 First published on Bar and Bench at
Taxation Officer-cum-Assessing Authority v. Gopi Nath &
Sons (1992) Supp. (2) SCC 312, Kuldeep Singh v. Commr. of court-upholds-court-intervention-to-rectify-erroneous-
Police, AIR 1999 SC 677. contractual-interpretation-in-an-arbitral-award.
147 Civil Appeal No. 673 of 2012.

April 2020 – June 2020

order passed by the Gauhati High reimbursements sought, the Appellant

Court under Section 37 of the invoked arbitration claiming
Arbitration Act, setting aside an reimbursements on account of rise in
arbitral award. The High Court price of HSD.
reversed the decision under Section 34
of the Arbitration Act (whereby the The arbitral tribunal passed an award
challenge to the award was rejected) dated December 19, 2003
on the ground that the interpretation (“Arbitration Award”) in favour of the
of the terms of the contract by the Appellant. It took a view that Clause
arbitral tribunal is erroneous and is 23 ought to be interpreted liberally, in
against the public policy of India. The as much as it held that “while an
Judgment (upholding the High increase in HSD price through a circular
Court’s decision) is an interesting issued under the authority of State or
development as it marks an important Union is not a “law” in the literal sense,
checkpoint on the principle that an but has the “force of law” and thus falls
error of interpretation of contract is within the ambit of Clause 23.” 148 The
considered to be an error within the tribunal held that this clause must be
arbitral tribunal’s domain and thus not construed as ‘Habendum Clause’,
a ground to set aside an award. Before thereby bringing price escalation of
analyzing the Judgment, it is necessary HSD within its purview.
to advert to a brief factual background,
as set out hereunder. The Respondent’s application under
Section 34 of the Arbitration Act for
FACTUAL BACKGROUND setting aside the award was dismissed
by the district judge who took the view
Pursuant to a tender floated by the that the award was neither without
Respondent, the parties entered into a basis nor against the public policy of
contract whereby the Appellant was India nor patently illegal and did not
engaged to carry out well drilling and warrant interference. The decision of
other ancillary operations in the state the district judge was further
of Assam. During the term of the challenged before the Gauhati High
contract, the price of high-speed diesel Court in an appeal under Section 37 of
(“HSD”), one of the essential materials the Arbitration Act which set aside the
for carrying out the operations award on the ground that it was
contemplated in the contract, was passed overlooking the terms of the
increased by the Government though a contract between the parties. In its
circular. On account of rise in price of reasoning, the High Court took a view
HSD, the Appellant sought certain that Clause 23 is akin to a force
reimbursements from the Respondent majeure clause. Aggrieved by the
by relying on Clause 23 of the contract decision of the High Court, the
(“Clause 23”) which provided for Appellant filed an appeal before the
reimbursement of cost in the event of Supreme Court.
change in prices of essential materials
due to enactment of a new law or The main grounds of challenge before
modification in an existing law. As the the Supreme Court were (a) that
Respondent denied the interpretation of contractual terms

148 Finding as noted in Para 4 of the Judgment.

April 2020 – June 2020

falls within the domain of the arbitral subscribe to either 150 and offered its
tribunal to decide and the High Court own reasoning to uphold the setting
is conferred with only a supervisory aside of the Arbitration Award.
role which cannot impart its own view
with regard to interpretation of The Supreme Court observed that the
contractual terms between parties; and interpretation of Clause 23 by the
(b) as there exists no patent illegality in arbitral tribunal is contrary to the
the Award, the questions of law thumb rule of interpretation of
decided by the arbitral tribunal were contract i.e., a written contract should be
beyond the judicial review of the High read as a whole and so far as possible as
Court under Section 34 of the mutually explanatory. On examining the
Arbitration Act. terms of the Letter of Intent and other
clause of the contract, it reached the
ISSUE FOR CONSIDERATION conclusion that as the contract was
BEFORE THE SUPREME COURT based on a fixed price, the Appellant
had taken into account the risk of price
The key issue before the Supreme variations before entering the tender
Court was the scope and ambit of the process. Therefore, the purpose of the
court’s jurisdiction to scrutinize the tender being to mitigate the risk of
award on matters of interpretation. price variations, the interpretation of
the arbitral tribunal that change in
The Supreme Court referred to and
price of HSD is akin to change in law
relied upon its earlier judgment in
cannot be said to be a possible
Dyna Technologies Pvt. Ltd. v. Crompton
interpretation of Clause 23. The court
Greaves Limited149 wherein it was held
also observed that the provision of
that if there are two plausible
change in law in Clause 23 cannot be
interpretations on fact and terms of
stretched so far so as to include price
contract, the court should defer to the
fluctuations, which if intended by the
view taken by the arbitral tribunal
parties, would have been specifically
unless such view taken by the arbitral
included in the contract.
tribunal portrays perversity which is
‘unpardonable’. The Supreme Court also laid emphasis
on certain terms of the contract which
In light of the judgment in Dyna
specifically provided that (a) rates,
Technologies (supra), the Supreme
terms and conditions under the
Court set out to determine – “Whether
contract were to continue in force until
the interpretation provided to the contract
the completion and abandonment of
in the award of the tribunal was reasonable
the contract; and (b) fuel was to be
and fair, so that the same passes muster
supplied by the contractor at his
under Section 34 of the Arbitration Act?”
expense as per the ‘Consolidated
Statement of Equipment and Services
COURT furnished by the Contractor’ as
provided in the contract. The court
The Supreme Court delved into the observed that such clauses clearly
reasons offered by both, the arbitral indicated that the prices stipulated in
tribunal and the High Court. It did not the contract were not open for

149 (2019) 15 SCC 131. 150 Paragraphs 25 and 26 of the Judgment.

April 2020 – June 2020

modification and the interpretation of the interpretation of the contractual

Clause 23 given by the arbitral tribunal terms and did not agree with the same.
was not possible. Hence, it was well It also did not subscribe to the High
within the scope of Section 34 of the Court’s reasoning and in fact, replaced
Arbitration Act to set aside the it with its own view on the
Arbitration Award. interpretation of the contract in
question and upheld the operative part
To sum up, it held that the contractual of the High Court’s decision i.e., to set
interpretation of Clause 23 of the aside the Arbitration Award. The
contract was not a possible Judgment is a reminder that the ‘hands
interpretation of contract as (a) the off’ approach of courts on errors of
arbitral tribunal ignored the thumb construction in the award does have its
rule of contractual interpretation i.e., limits and in appropriate cases the
the contract shall be read as a whole, courts may intervene and rectify the
and ignored express terms in the fallacious and impossible
contract which provided that rates interpretation of the contract by the
agreed in the contract were not open to arbitral tribunal.
modification till completion or
abandonment of the contract; and (b) The Judgment does not provide a carte
price fluctuations of essential materials blanche mandate to courts to enter into
required for performance of the issues of interpretation or sit in appeal
contract had been reasonably over findings of the arbitral tribunals
considered by the Appellant at the on matters of contractual
time of placing its bid for the contract interpretation, however, it does tend to
and entering into the contract. widen the scope of scrutiny of awards
on such matters. The ruling may have
INDUSLAW VIEW a bearing on the approach adopted by
the courts in applying settled legal
As elucidated in Associate Builders v.
principles for considering challenge to
Delhi Development Authority 151 and
arbitral awards.
McDermott International, Inc. v. Burn
Standard Co. Ltd. 152 , it is a settled law Authors: Mayank Mishra | Yugank
that matters of construction of contract Goel | Aman Chaudhary
primarily fall within the domain of the
arbitrator and an error in Practice Area: Litigation & Dispute
interpretation does not warrant Resolution
interference with the award. The
Judgment does not deviate from that 12. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
settled position, but is an example
where the court, as a matter of 12.1 WIPO INTRODUCES WIPO
exception, intervenes when the error of PROOF – NEW TOOL TO
interpretation in the award is PROVIDE EVIDENCE OF
unpardonable and perverse. INTELLECTUAL ASSETS
It is pertinent to take note that the EXISTENCE
Supreme Court delved into the
reasoning of the arbitral tribunal on

151 (2015) 3 SCC 49. 152 (2006) 11 SCC 181.

April 2020 – June 2020

The World Intellectual Property they eventually become formal IP

Organization (“WIPO”), a specialized rights. The intellectual assets
UN agency assisting almost 195 qualifying for WIPO PROOF token
countries of the world in developing could be anything like AI-based
an international intellectual property algorithms, large data sets, incomplete
legal framework, has launched WIPO manuscripts, musical
PROOF, a new online service that (re)arrangements, innovations,
provides tamper-proof evidence of the product designs, business records and
existence at a point in time of any strategies, R&D results and any form
intellectual asset contained in a digital of trade secrets, but stored in a digital
file format.153 file. For receiving WIPO PROOF
token, the creator of the intellectual
This tool aims to protect the creative asset need not share his digital file
and innovative content which when with the WIPO authorities.
created in today’s highly digitalized
setup, results in the creation of a This token can be purchased one at a
multitude of data files, each carrying time for a modest fee, or in bundles of
valuable content. Unless every data multiple tokens at reduced rates valid
generated is watermarked or in some during a 2-year period.
manner earmarked, they could fall
prey to misuse or misappropriation by INDUSLAW VIEW
third parties.
WIPO PROOF as a tool is a welcome
step of the WIPO and appears
promising as it will aid and assist
WIPO PROOF primarily aims at parties in dating their digital
preventing misuse or intellectual asset and claiming prior
misappropriation of any intellectual rights or priority over the same.
asset by creating tamper-proof
However, as a word of caution, WIPO
evidence which proves that a digital
PROOF must be viewed as a service
file existed at a specific point in time,
which will assist parties in claiming
and that it has not been altered since
prior rights over their intellectual
that time. In essence, this feature
property assets during different stages
creates WIPO PROOF token which
of the development and lifecycle of the
serves as a date and time stamp of a
asset. It should not be compared or
digital file, which would be like a
confused with the formal registration
digital fingerprint of the file. It can be
of an intellectual property with IP
used by parties in actions relating to
Offices around the world. Registration
misuse or misappropriation to
of an intellectual property is a stronger
establish that the particular intellectual
form of protection, as it is granted after
asset was prior in time.
a detailed examination of the
The WIPO PROOF token intends to protectable subject-matter under
safeguard intellectual assets at every relevant intellectual property laws and
stage of development from concept to has more weightage in intellectual
commercialization, whether or not

153 Available at:


April 2020 – June 2020

property enforcement or defense Practice Area: Intellectual Property

Authors: Aditi Verma Thakur | Pooja

April 2020 – June 2020


(Refer to Paragraph 3.2)

Item Existing Requirement Relaxations granted by Key Implications/ Comments

the Circulars

Dispensations towards all Stipulated Offerings (i.e. IPO, FPO, Rights Issues)

Validity of SEBI A Stipulated Offering For issuers whose Issuers whose SEBI final
Observations must open within 12 observations have expired observations expired/ were
(twelve) months from or will expire between going to expire within March 01,
the date of issuance of March 01, 2020 and 2020 and September 30, 2020 can
SEBI’s final September 30, 2020: launch their Stipulated Offerings
observations. 154 validity of SEBI’s final between August 31, 2020 and
observations extended by 6 March 31, 2021.

The lead manager of the

Stipulated Offering must
submit an undertaking
confirming the compliance
of the offering with the
issue size requirements
(discussed below) under the
SEBI ICDR Regulations
while submitting the
updated offer document to

Change in Fresh If an issuer seeks to For Stipulated Offerings • In December 2018, SEBI
Issue size change the size of the opening before December granted a similar, but
Fresh Issue by more 31, 2020, issuers may permanent dispensation for
than 20%, it must re-file change (i.e., decrease or change in the size of the
its draft offer increase) the size of their “offer for sale” component
document.155 Fresh Issues size by up to of an IPO/ FPO after filing of
50%, subject to: a draft offer document
keeping in mind that such
• No change in the change is unlikely to have an
underlying objects of impact on the business or the
the Stipulated Offering; results of the issuer. The
Circulars render the 50%
• If the Fresh Issue requirement uniform, given
proceeds were to be the market exigency.
utilized to partly fund a
specific project, the

154 Regulation 44(1), 85 and 140 of SEBI ICDR Regulations.

155 Para (1)(f)(i) of Schedule XVI of SEBI ICDR Regulations.

April 2020 – June 2020

Item Existing Requirement Relaxations granted by Key Implications/ Comments

the Circulars

issuer must continue to • An issuer undertaking an

show firm tie-up of at IPO may, depending on
least 75% of the balance post-IPO valuations dilute
amounts required for between 10% (ten percent) of
the project; and its post-IPO capital (“10%
Deal”, for valuations above
• The merchant bankers INR 4,000 Crore) to 25% of
should ensure that all its post-IPO capital (“25%
“appropriate” changes Deal” for valuations below
in “relevant” sections of INR 1,600Crores). Note that
the draft offer the Circulars do not help an
document are made, issuer of a 10% (ten percent)
and that an addendum Deal convert to a 25% Deal,
to this effect is filed since this change may be in
publicly. excess of 50%. Accordingly,
if IPO valuations of INR
4,000 Crores or higher at the
draft stage have, on account
of COVID-19, depleted to
INR 1,600 Crore or less, an
issuer has no choice but to
file afresh.

• In case of a change in Fresh

Issue size, the Circulars do
not specify what
information is required to be
made public through the
addendum. However, it
would be reasonable to
assume that the addendum
should inform the public
only of the changes in the
size of the Fresh Issue, and
related changes. All other
factual updates may be
gleaned from the final offer
document, once filed.

Dispensations towards eligibility conditions for a fast-track rights issues (of equity shares and convertibles)
launched before March 31, 2021

April 2020 – June 2020

Item Existing Requirement Relaxations granted by Key Implications/ Comments

the Circulars

Period of listing Issuer must be listed on Reduced to 18 months. Note that the SEBI ICDR
a recognised stock Regulations allow issuers to
exchange for 3 years. undertake rights issues with an
abridged set of disclosures (than
Compliance with Issuer must be in Reduced to 18 months. that required for an IPO)156 if it
LODR compliance with then satisfies certain eligibility
LODR Regulations for conditions. One of them
the last 3 years. requires the issuer to be
compliant with periodic filing
requirements under the LODR
for at least 3 years.

Accordingly, an issuer who

avails of these timing
relaxations will be unable to
undertake an Eligible Rights
Issue utilizing the abridged
disclosure framework under
Part B, Schedule VI of the SEBI
ICDR Regulations.

Average market Average market Reduced to INR 100 This will help smaller-cap
capitalization capitalization of public Crores. companies to go fast-track as
shareholding to be at well.
least INR 250 Crores.

Audit An issuer cannot If an issuer has audit This is a well-thought out

qualifications undertake a fast-track qualifications, it can restate stipulation, making the
rights issue if it has any its underlying financial disclosure standard for an
audit qualifications in statements in its LOF after Eligible Rights Issue similar to
any of the years in adjusting the impact of the that of an IPO. An audit
respect of which qualifications 157 . Further, qualification in the issuer’s
financial statements are even if the impact of the financial statements should
disclosed in its DLOF. qualifications cannot be trigger restatement of its
ascertained, the issuer may financial statements, and not
proceed with a fast-track debarment from the offering per
rights issue after making se.
appropriate disclosures in
the LOF.

Show cause An issuer cannot SCNs issued under Reasonable disclosure-based

notices undertake a fast-track adjudication proceedings stipulation, giving flexibility if
rights issue if there are are not included in this

156 Part B of Schedule VI of the SEBI ICDR Regulations.

157 Regulation 99(m) of SEBI ICDR Regulations.

April 2020 – June 2020

Item Existing Requirement Relaxations granted by Key Implications/ Comments

the Circulars

any show cause notices condition. Accordingly, adjudication related SCNs are
(“SCN”) issued or issuers who have received suitably disclosed.
prosecution proceeding SCNs from SEBI under
initiated by SEBI against adjudication proceedings The main body of Regulation
it, or its promoters or (i.e., in respect of certain 99(h) (as revised by the
whole-time directors.158 categories of offences Circulars) only carves out SCNs
under the SEBI Act 159 ) or for adjudication proceedings.
have prosecution However, in the following line,
proceedings initiated the Circular suggests that even
against them by SEBI, or matters where prosecution
whose directors, promoters proceedings are initiated by
or promoter group have SEBI will not disqualify the
outstanding SCNs for issuer from fast-track eligibility.
adjudication proceedings
While the general tone of the
or have prosecution
Circulars is to ease eligibility
proceedings initiated
and compliance requirements, it
against them by SEBI, are
adds the requirement to disclose
not barred from
SCNs for adjudication
undertaking a fast-track
proceedings involving group
Eligible Rights Issue,
companies as well. Issuers
subject to adequate
looking to raise capital through
disclosures of the notices in
fast track rights issue with
the LOF.
abridged disclosures160, were till
now not required to consider
outstanding SCNs involving
group companies as relevant for
either eligibility or disclosure

Suspension from The equity shares of an Compliance period -

trading eligible issuer should reduced to 18 months.
not be suspended for
trading as a disciplinary
measure in the last 3

Settlement of If an issuer or its If an issuer, its promoter, -

securities laws promoter, promoter promoter group or any
violations group or directors had director has settled any
settled any violation of securities laws violations, it
securities laws in the can still undertake a fast-

158 Regulation 99(h) of SEBI ICDR Regulations.

159 Such categories include contraventions under Sections 15A, 15B, 15C, 15D, 15E, 15F, 15G, 15HA and 15HB of
the SEBI Act.
160 Part B of Schedule VI of the SEBI ICDR Regulations.

April 2020 – June 2020

Item Existing Requirement Relaxations granted by Key Implications/ Comments

the Circulars

last 3 years, it is track Eligible Rights Issue if

prohibited from the settlement terms and
undertaking a fast track other directions have been
rights issue. fulfilled.

Other dispensations in respect of Eligible Rights Issues

Minimum The minimum For Eligible Rights Issue, This relaxation has only been
subscription subscription for a rights reduced to is 75% of the granted in respect of Eligible
issue is 90% of the issue issue size. Rights Issues. Similar
size. dispensations in minimum
If the Eligible Rights Issue subscription conditions for IPOs
is subscribed between 75% and FPOs would also have been
to 90%, at least 75% of the welcome. Since IPOs and FPOs
issue size should be are significantly market driven
utilized for the objects (as opposed to rights issues,
other than general which are subscribed primarily
corporate purposes. by promoters/ promoter
group), pegging minimum
subscription to 75% would have
significantly buoyed such

Threshold limits A listed company Threshold increased to INR The SEBI review period has
for filing draft raising over INR 10 25 Crores. been dispensed with for lower
letters of offer Crores through a rights value offerings.
issue is required to file a

April 2020 – June 2020

(Refer to Paragraph 3.3)

Name of the Date of Amount Variation in object Amount of Type of change

company notice raised in variation
IPO (in (in Rs.
Rs. crores and
crores) % of
change over
fresh issue

Inox Wind July 31, 1,000 (700 Transfer funds from 171.5 Changing the
Limited 2017 fresh expansion and upgradation amount to be
issue) of existing manufacturing (24.5%) spent for the
facilities, investment in objects
subsidiaries and issue
related expenses to meet the
long-term working capital

Orient Green April 5, 900 Transfer unutilised amount 0.42 Changing the
Power 2014 from repayment of loans amount to be
Company availed by subsidiaries to (0.05%) spent for the
Limited funding of a subsidiary objects

Dilip Buildcon August 2, 654 (430 Transfer funds from 0.26 Changing the
Limited 2017 fresh prepayment of loans to amount to be
issue) GCP. (0.06%) spent for the

PC Jeweller July 28, 563 (net a) Change in location of 288 a) Change in the
Limited 2014 issue) store opening. object
b) Extend the timeline for b) Change in
opening stores. schedule of

Newgen May 15, 424 (95 Transfer unutilized funds 12.8 Changing the
Software 2019 fresh from purchase and amount to be
Technologies issue) furnishing of office (13.4%) spent for the
Limited premises to GCP. objects

PNC Infratech May 27, 488.44 a) Transfer of unutilized a) 3.36 a) Changing the
Limited 2016 fund from issue expenses amount to be
and on capital expenditure (0.6%) spent for the
to GCP objects
b) 12.23
b) Changing the
amount for a sub

April 2020 – June 2020

Name of the Date of Amount Variation in object Amount of Type of change

company notice raised in variation
IPO (in (in Rs.
Rs. crores and
crores) % of
change over
fresh issue

b) Change in the equipment head within an

under the head “investment object
in capital equipment”.

Speciality August 12, 176 Transfer unutilized funds 57.85 Transfer of funds
Restaurant 2015 from development of new to new object with
Limited restaurants to development (32.8%) change in
of new restaurants/ schedule of
conversion of existing deployment

February Extension of timeline for 23.9 Change in

14, 2018 development of new schedule of
restaurants/ conversion of (13.5%) deployment
existing restaurants.

TeamLease August 8, 150 Transfer unutilised amount 49 Changing the

2017 from working capital amount to be
requirements, IT (32.6%) spent for the
infrastructure and GCP to objects
acquisition and other
strategic initiatives.

Nitin Fire August 14, 64.41 Delay of one year in project - Change in
Protection 2014 implementation. schedule of
Industries deployment

All Companies mentioned below are SMEs

Amrapali February 42.48 Transfer funds from 38.11 Transfer of funds

Fincap Limited 27, 2016 purchase and set up of to new object
office space, investment in (89.7%)
NBFC and leftover issue
expenses to deposit in a

April 2020 – June 2020

Name of the Date of Amount Variation in object Amount of Type of change

company notice raised in variation
IPO (in (in Rs.
Rs. crores and
crores) % of
change over
fresh issue

Steel City November 27 Transfer unutilised funds 6.8 Changing the

Securities 24, 2017 from investment in amount to be
Limited technology upgradation (25.1%) spent for the
etc., to working capital objects

Aarvi Encon - 21.24 Transfer unutilized 4 Changing the

Limited amounts from acquisition amount to be
and other strategic (18.8%) spent for the
initiatives to working objects
capital requirements.

Ushanti October 23, 11.55 Use unutilized funds from 2.48 Transfer of funds
Colour Chem 2019 setting up of manufacturing to new object
Limited facility to setting up a (21.4%)
different manufacturing

Ciensys Tech June 29, 9.60 Variations within 0.84 Change in object
Limited 2015 “Purchase Technical and schedule of
(formerly equipment, software and (8.7%) deployment
ADCC Infocad hardware” object for
Limited) increasing or decreasing
quantity as well as changing
the vendor etc.

Touchwood July 11, 4.21 Transfer unutilised amount 1.61 Transfer of funds
Entertainment 2019 from capital expenditure for to new object
Limited business expansions, (38.2%)
repayment of loan and issue
expenses to business
expansion, IP development,
working capital, business
promotions, marketing and

April 2020 – June 2020


Suneeth Katarki,
Bangalore Office
Admitted to practice in India
B.A., LL.B. (Hons.), National Law School of India University,
Bangalore (1996)

Srinivas Katta,
Bangalore Office
B.A. LL.B. (Hons.), National Law School of India University,
Bangalore (1996)

Akhoury Winnie Shekhar,

Bangalore Office
Admitted to practice in India
LL.B. (Law), Gujarat National Law University


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