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Negotiation Skills

Arab Academy

Lecture 2
What is Communication?
● Communication Is the process of transferring information from one
person to another.
● Interpersonal communication occurs between people.
Why do we need Communication?
● Communication takes place in
○ Negotiations
○ Conversations
○ Meetings
○ Workshops
○ conferences
○ the exchange of
■ Messages,
■ Opinions
■ Reports.
The Communication Model
● The communication process involves a
○ sender encoding and transmitting a message
○ to a receiver
○ through various channels.
○ The receiver decodes the message
○ and gives feedback
○ to the sender to confirm the communication methods of business communication
Methods Of Information Exchange
● Encoding: is a method of putting the information into a format the receiver will understand (Text
vs Wording, Image vs Symbols, Audio, Video)
○ e.g. (Dear Agency, KFA the PO for the CI. Let’s GMeet ASAP as I will be OOO as of
● Transmitting: is the way the information gets from the sender to the receiver (Post, Email,
Written Note, Phone conversation, Face-to-face, WhatsApp, TikTok, YouTube, and the like)
● Decoding: is what the receiver does with the information when they get it
○ Kindly Find attached the Purchase order for the corporate identity. Let us have a google
meet (online) as soon as possible as I will be out of office (unreachable) starting Monday.
Principles Of Effective Communication
Attitudes and Perception:
are important behavioral process that can affect the communication process.
Principles Of Effective Communication - Perception
Principles Of Effective Communication - Perception
Principles Of Effective Communication
Keep in mind that receivers filter the information they receive through their knowledge of

● subject,
● culture,
● influences,
● language,
● emotions,
● attitudes, and
● geographic locations.

Gap between what is intended to

be said and what is understood
Principles Of Effective Communication
Principles Of Effective Communication
Forms Of Communication (5W & 1H)
Forms Of Interpersonal Communication
There are four basic forms of interpersonal communication: oral,
nonverbal, written, and listening…

1. Oral communication is easy and facilitates feedback; it

may also be inaccurate and provides no record.
2. Nonverbal communication involves setting body language,
and imagery.
3. Written communication is accurate band provides a
record , but it is slow and limits feedback.
4. Listening is the process of receiving encoded symbols from
a sender and decoding them into a message to be
Non-Verbal Communication (Body Language)
Note: it differs from country to country (i.e. Asians would feel intimidated when
you come closer than 1.5 meter towards their body)
Face-To-Face Communication
Methods Of Business Communication
One-way Methods Two-way Methods
● Videos ● Team meetings
● CDs ● Joint consultations
● Business reports ● Quality circles
● Seminars
● Telephone communications
Effective Listening Skills
It’s important to perform active listening when someone else is speaking.

You will spend the majority of your time communicating with

● team members,
● stakeholders,
● customers,
● vendors, and others.

This means you should be as good a listener as you are a communicator.

Listening Techniques
● Appear interested.
● Making eye contact with the speaker.
● Put your speaker at the ease.
● Nod your head, smile, or make comments.
● Ask clarifying questions.
● Recap what the speaker said in your own words and tell it back to them.
Barriers to Communication
● Status
● Perception
● Educational Background
● Poor listening
● Social Backgrounds
● Lack of time
● Age
● Distance
● Gender
● Self-esteem
● Culture
● Manner/tone
● Language
● Backgrounds knowledge
Barriers to Communication
Self-Esteem Distance

Culture Gender

Manner Poor Listening

Tone Background
Language Background

Status Background

Lack of Time

Communication Skills
Communications skills are used to exchange information.

The sender is responsible for making the information clear, unambiguous, and complete,
so that the receiver can receive it correctly, and for confirming that it is properly
Causes Of Poor Communication
No clear aim or purpose Inappropriate language
of communication
established ● Respect is always a Inappropriate Action
success factor
● Swearing / Offensive Consider the perception of body
making sure everyone
● Slang language among diversified
understands their role and
what's expected of them ● Comments about age nationalities…
or gender
● Pointing fingers in USA
Inappropriate terms
causes extreme discomfort
Inappropriate medium ● Coming closer than 1.5 m in
● Like using Jargon with
people out of field Asia is intimidating
● Technical terms with Like sending whatsapp / ● Thumb and Index is OK in
non technical people Emails instead of face- Egypt, but means threats
to-face meeting for other cultures.

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