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COARSE grains

Feature Jowar (Sorghum) Bajra Maize

%5.3 of total cropped
Area area %5.2 of total cropped area %3.6 of total cropped area
Climate Semi-arid Hot and dry Semi-arid
Season (South India) Kharif and Rabi Kharif Kharif and Rabi
Season (North India) Kharif (fodder) Kharif Kharif
Central and southern
India (Maharashtra Northwestern and western All over India (except Punjab and
Distribution leads) India (Rajasthan leads) eastern/northeast)
Water Requirement Rainfed (low yield) Rainfed (hardy drought resistant)
Increased in recent years (drought-
Yield Low (rainfed) higher (irrigated) resistant varieties)
Main food crop
Importance (semi-arid areas) Hardy crop for dry regions Food and fodder crop
South India: sown in
both Kharif and Rabi.
North India: primarily
Kharif crop (fodder).
Yield lower south of
Vindhyachal Cultivation not concentrated in any
Additional Notes (rainfed). specific region.

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