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Short Techniques on Prepositions

wKQz msL¨K Noun Gi ci memgq 'to' e‡m, †m¸‡jv n‡jv -

Answer to (DËi) Obstacle to (evav/weNœZv)
Solution to (mgvav) Hindrance to (evav/weNœZv)
Clue to (Z‡_¨i Drm) Impediment to (evav/weNœZv)
Exception to (e¨vwZµg) Obstruction to (evav/weNœZv)
Alternative to (weKí)

wKQz msL¨K Verb Gi ci memgq 'On/ Upon' e‡m, †m¸‡jv n‡jv -

Depend on/upon Hinge on/upon
Rely on/upon Count on/upon
Repose on/upon

Affection for Craving for Motive for
Ambition for Desire for Opportunity for
Anxiety for Dislike for Partiality for
Apology for Esteem for Passion for
Appetite for Fitness for Pretext for
Aptitude for Fondness for Remedy for
Blame for Greed for Reputation for
Candidate for Guarantee for Shame for
Capacity for Hunger for Taste for
Compassion for Leisure for Zeal for
Compensation for Linking for Zest for
Contempt for Match for


Anxious for Eager for Penitent for
Bound for Eligible for Prepared for
Celebrated for Eminent for Proper for
Conspicuous for Famous for Qualified for
Customary for Fit for Read for
Designed for Favorable for Remarkable for
Distinguished for (something) Good for Sorry for
Distinguished by (some action) Grateful for Sufficient for
Notorious for Necessary for Useful for
Zealous for

Verbs: [for]
Beg for Hope for Mourn for
Care for Long for Pine for
Clamour for Lament for Pray for
Feel for Make for Stipulate for
Start for Wish for Yearn for
Wait for

The following words take the Preposition "from" after them:
Abstinence from Escape from
Digression from Inference from
Descent from Respite from


Absent from Distinct from
Alienated from Different from
Apart from, Precluded from
Disqualified from Remote from

Abstain from Differ from Prevent from
Alight from Digress from Prohibit from
Avert from Dissent from Protect from
Cease from Dissuade from Quote from
Debar from Elicit from Recoil from
Derive from Emerge from Recover from
Derogate from Escape from Refrain from
Desist from Exclude from Result from
Detract from Excuse from Retire from
Deviate from Preserve from Vary from

The following words take the Preposition 'in' after them:
NOUNS: Confidence in (a person)
Delight in (something) Laxity in (morals)
Experience in (doing something) Readiness in answering (a question)
Faith in (a person or thing) Temperance in diet.
Jurisdiction in (a law suit)


Absorbed in (study etc.) Deficient in (energy)
Accomplished In (art etc.) Diligent in (business)
Accurate in (statistics etc.) Engaged in (business)
Apt in (Mathematics etc.) Entangled in (a plot)
Assiduous in (studies) Enveloped in (mist)
Backward in (something) Experienced in (something)
Bigoted in (opinion) Fertile in (resources)
Confirmed in (a habit) Foiled in (an attempt)
Correct in (a statement) Fruitful in (resources)
Defective in (point of style) Held in (esteem)
Honest in (dealings) Poor in (spirit)
Impressed in (thought) Proficient in (any subject)
Implicated in (a crime) Profuse in (offers)
Indebted in (a large sum) Remiss in (duties)
Interested in (a person or thing) Rich in (property)
Invested in (govt. paper) Skilful/slothful in (business)
Involved in (difficulties) Slow in (doing something)
Late in (doing something) Temperate in (habits)
Lavish in (expenditure) Veiled in (mystery)
Lack in (morals) Versed in (any subject)
Obstinate in (resistance) Weak in (head)
Polite in (manners) Zealous in (a cause)

VERBS: [IN] Abound in (fish etc.)

Arrive in (a country) Glory in (success)
Believe in (one's honesty) Increase in (wisdom)
Consist in (facts or results) Indulge in (wine)
Dabble in (politics) Involve in (debt)
Deal in (cloth etc.) Join in (a game)
Delight in (music etc.) Labour in (a good cause)
Employ in (a work) Originate in (a thing or place)
Enlist in (the army etc.) Preserve in (an effort)
Excel in (languages etc.) Persist in (doing something)
Fail in (an attempt) Rejoice in (own success)
Fall in (love)

The following words take the Preposition 'of after them:
Abatement of (the fever) Hatred of or for (a person)
Abhorrence of (ingratitude) Heir of (a person)
Assurance of (help) Hope of or for (better luck)
Betrayal of (a secret) Cause of (troubles) Imputation of (guilt)
Charge of (murder etc.) Infliction of (punishment)
Consciousness of (guilt) Judge of (a matter)
Consideration of (a thing) Proof of (guilt)
Conviction of (guilt) (In) pursuance of (an object) Relation of (one thing)
Decision of (some dispute) to (another)
Distrust of (a person or thing) Result of (a proceeding)
Doubt of or about t(a thing) (In) search of (wealth)
Economy of (time) Tenacity of (purpose)
Endurance of (pain) Want of (memory)
Evasion of (a rule) Witness of (an event)
Experience of (a thing)
Failure of (a plan)
Freedom of (action)
Adjective and Participle - of
Accused of (a crime) Dull of (understanding) Informed of (a fact)
Acquitted of (a charge) Defrauded of (earnings) Innocent of (a charge)
Afraid of (death) Depleted of (strength) Irrespective (consequences)
Ambitious of (distinction) Deprived of (something) Lame of (one leg)
Apprehensive of (danger) Easy of (access) Lavish of (money)
Apprised of (a fact) Empty of (contents) Neglectful if (interests)
Ashamed of (dullness) Envious of (another's success) Negligent of (duties)
Cautious of (anything) Fearful of (something) Productive of (wealth)
Certain of (success) Fond of (something) Proud of (position)
Cognisant of (a truth) Full of (persons or things) Quick of (understanding)
Commemorative of (a victory) Greedy of (riches) Receptive of (advice) Reckless of
Convinced of (a fact) Guilty of (theft) (expenditure) Regardless of
Covetous of (goods) Healed of (a disease) (consequences) Repentant of (sin)
Cured of (a disease) Assure of (the truth) Sanguine of (success)
Composed of (a material) Aware of (intentions) Sensible of (kindness)
Confident of (success) Bereft of (a child) Sick of (waiting)
Conscious of (a fault) Blind of (one eye) Slow of (hearing) Subversive of
Convicted of (a crime) Born of (rich parents) (discipline)
Defeated of (purpose) Capable of (improvement) Sure of (success) Suspicious of
Deserving of (praise) Careful of (money) (meaning)
Desirous of (success) Heedless (consequences) Thankful of (favors)
Despondent of (success) Hopeful of (success) Tired of (doing something) Vain of
Destitute of (money) Ignorant of (any subject) (fine dress etc..)
Devoid of (common sense) Impatient of (reproof) Weary of (doing
Diffident of (success) Inclusive of (extras) something)
Disappointed of (anything) Independent of (parents) Worthy of (praise)
Distrustful of (a man's motives) Indicative of (motives)

Verbs: [of]
Accuse of (some misdeed) Inform a person of (a thing) Dispose of (property)
Acquit of (blame) Inquire of (a person) Judge of or by (something)
Admit of (an excuse) Consist of (materials) Purge the mind of (false notions)
Beware of (something) Convict a person of (a crime) Repent of (misdeed)
Boast of (something) Convince a person of (a fact) Smell of (fish)
Complain of (something) Cure a man of (a disease) Suspect of (treachery)
Fail of (a purpose) Die of (a disease) Taste of (salt)
Dream of (strange things) Heal of (a disease) Hear of (an event)

The following words take the Preposition 'on' after them:
Nouns: [On]
Assault on (a person or thing) Authority on (a subject)
Attack on (a place) Controversy on (a point)
Decision on (some case) Influence n (a man's action)
Dependence on (a person or thing) Lecture on (a subject)
Imposition on (the guilty)


Based on (something) Consequent on (some cause)
Bent on (doing something) Determined on (doing a thing)
Conditional on (something) Engraved on (the memory)
Entailed on (a person) Incumbent on (a person)
Founded on (fact) Resolved on (doing a thing)
Imperative on (a person) Silent on (a point)

Calculate on (success) Insist on (something being done)
Decide on (something) Intrude on (one's leisure)
Err on (the side of leniency) Lean on (a staff)
Encroach on (one's authority) Mediate on (some subject)
Expatiate on (a subject) Operate on (a patient)
Fall on (the enemy) Ponder on (a subject)
Fire on (a city) Pounce on (a thing)
Gain on (someone in a race) Prevail on (a person) to do something
Harp on (something) Pride oneself on (a thing)
Hinge on (an event) Smile on (a person)
Impose on (a person) Speak on (a subject)
Infringe on (a man's rights) Trample on (justice)

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