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Fill the gaps. Give them life. Make them worth remembering. East of Lake Mnembau on the planet Lubau, sheltered by the sand- AN INSTANT ADVENTURE FOR
stone mountains of the Adawne Heights, lies the ancient Tayasuf
Ilm icon temple. Its greatest treasure is the legendary library, fos-
JEMINA HAMADANI. Reputable doctor of Fermal-Garoud’s
tered by the elder RAHMANA. Her life’s work is to categorise and
Mathematical Institute. Secret cell leader of Nazareem’s
digitise the ancient texts so that the old knowledge is not lost.
Sacrifice. Deceptive and manipulative.
S3, A3, W5, E3; HP6, MP8; REP6; CULTURE 4, MANIPULATION 4, She has recently received support from Fermal-Garoud’s Mathe-
SCIENCE 4; Dura knife (INIT +1, DMG 2, CRIT 1), Concussion matical Institute in this mammoth task. The prestigious scientific
grenade (BLAST 6, DMG 1, CRIT 2, close). institute of the Firstcomes has sent Doctor JEMINA HAMADANI
and two assistants to help the temple. The chance of exposing the
GOHAR KOBANI. Androgynous Vestï humanite from Zenithian Foundation with this support plays a role, too.
Khôban station. Jemina’s assistant and a follower of
No one suspects that the archaeologist and researcher JEMINA
Nazareem’s doctrine. Close-lipped.
and her assistant GOHAR are following the teachings of Naza-
5; Ritual dagger (INIT +1, DMG 2, CRIT 1), Vulcan pistol (+1, INIT
reem’s Sacrifice. They have come to Lubau to destroy the library
+1, DMG 2, CRIT 2). – to be “free from the burden of the past and attain the state of the
ultimate now”.
MANAL DAR-TEMIZ. Highborn scientist from Dabaran, During the preparations for the devastating act, the temple servant
Jemina’s other assistant. Curious, chatty, a bit naive. SABIRE discovers them by chance. Sabire must die! The cultists
S3, A2, W4, E3; HP5, MP7; REP5; SCIENCE 4.
use the murder to sow discord between the others as they continue
RAHMANA. The crooked old temple’s elder. Full of wisdom, to work towards their goal: the end of the Tayasuf Ilm library!
young at heart. Talkative, but also a good listener. Learn
more about Rahmana in The Mahanji Oasis.
S2, A2, W5, E4; HP4, MP9; REP7; CULTURE 5, SCIENCE 4.
The story takes place on the odd planet Lubau in the Kua system.
ALCONE EBEID. Temple servant like her aunt before her. The temple and library are part of the Mahanji oasis. Please feel
Secret member of Mahanji’s Guardians and secretly in free to extent the story and connect it to other characters, pla-
love with Phiron. Sombre, quiet, jealous. ces, and stories of the oasis! Is the scheming merchant Kehoni
S3, A4, W3, E3; HP7, MP6; REP4; Exp. baton (+1, DMG 1, CRIT 3).
interested in using the incident to weaken the Sharif’s position?
PHIRON AKOUB. 17-year-old son of Sharif Hector Akoub. Does the Institute’s presence arouse the curiosity of the secretive
Doesn’t like Zenithians. In a relationship with Sabire. Zenithian scientist Omar din Nimatallah? Do the PCs accidentally
S3, A3, W2, E2; HP6, MP4; REP5; relevant skills 2. discover a clue in the library that leads them to the mysterious
ruins nearby? The library of the Tayasuf Ilm temple on Lubau is one of the oldest
SABIRE MIFSUD. 19-year-old Xinghur humanite and hoards of knowledge in the entire Third Horizon. The wisdom of the
Rahmana’s pupil. Open-hearted. In a relationship with You can read more about all this in The Mahanji Oasis.
past is vast, but its future is uncertain. Just one spark is enough,
and a world’s wisdom is lost forever.
HECTOR AKOUB. Firstcome sharif and protector of the You can easily include this scenario in the Mercy of the Icons INSTANT ADVENTURE NOTES FOR THE GM
clans. Secret master of Mahanji’s Guardian. Firm and campaign, especially as part of the campaign’s second book, The
decisive. Learn more about Hektor in The Mahanji Oasis. d MINIMAL PREP: This is written with the goal of being accessible
Last Cyclade.
S3, A3, W4, E3; HP6, MP7; REP8; ARM6; OBSERVATION 5, rele- to use at the table with minimal preparation time beforehand.
vant skills 4; Accelerator pistol (+1, DMG 2, CRIT 1, silent), d BROAD STROKES: Fill the blanks and improvise around
Accelerator rifle (+1, DMG 3, CRIT 1, extrem range, ar- everything you find in this module.
mor-piercing, silent). d NPC STATS: We use simplified stats, mainly attributes. Add 2 or
3 dice for any skill that fits the profession. Extraordinary skills (4+)
are listed. Add talents, gear and other details as you like.
d DARKNESS POINTS: You start with a number of DP equal to the
number of PCs, but at least 4 DP.

This product was created under license. Coriolis and its logo, are trademarks of Fria Ligan AB. This work Writing, translation & layout: Michael Masberg
contains material that is copyright Fria Ligan AB and/or other authors. Such material is used with permis-
Cover Art: Midjourney AI | Proofreading: Lektu
sion under the Community Content Agreement for Free League Workshop. All other original material in this
work is copyright 2023 by Michael Masberg and published under the Community Content Agreement for Original material © 2023 by Pig of Spades, a label of Michael Masberg
Free League Workshop.
A library is always a good destination for those who seek know-
ledge! This is especially true for an ancient place of wisdom as
MURDER IN THE LIBRARY The dagger is well-made and exquisitely engraved. The engrav-
ings are archaic, a prayer of grace in the ancient Miri dialect;
the Tayasuf Ilm temple. The crew could also come to the temple The upper part of the library is a labyrinth of winding corridors and perhaps from the Odacon system. RAHMANA and ALCONE
on behalf of the Fermal-Garoud’s Mathematical Institute to sup- narrow chambers, with clay jars, scrolls, and books piled up every- claim never to have seen it before, but the elder can’t guarantee it
port Doctor JEMINA or the Foundation to sabotage her, depend- where. A tormented groan comes from one of the rooms. wasn’t hidden somewhere in the library.
ing on their chosen patron and nemesis. Next to SABIRE’s body lies JEMINA, her robe soaked in blood
Give the PCs room to follow their agenda before things escalate! and a dagger in her side.
THE WOUND: JEMINA suffered a critical wound (bleeding gut, POTENTIAL FINALE
fatal in d6 minutes). Helping PCs need to remove THE DAGGER
first. The blood on her robe is not just hers but also the victim’s. THE FATE OF THE TEMPLE
THE BODY: The temple servant SABIRE had her throat cut by the
COMPLICATIONS same dagger used against JEMINA (MEDICURGY).
While everyone is busy with the murder, JEMINA and GOHAR
speed up their efforts. Even if they cannot be as thorough as they
WHAT HAPPENED (ACCORDING TO JEMINA): The doctor had hoped, a partial success would still be devastating. Now they
heard something and found SABIRE on the floor. She was bleed- are holed up in the upper library, strategically placing explosives
ing but still alive, and she tried to save her. Then, she sensed and waiting for their enemies. For JEMINA – with a dead man’s
RAHMANA and HECTOR have agendas they want to protect. someone behind her and turned around. There was a hooded switch in her hand – wants not only to destroy the library but to
Use their authority to interrupt or delay investigations and con- figure in RED ROBES, and suddendly a sharp pain in her gut. The let everyone know who freed them from “the burden of the past”.
versations if the PCs threaten to reveal something they want to figure flet.
keep secret about the Guardians and/or the temple. WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED: SABIRE surprised Jemina while
COST: 1-3 DP she was examining the room, looking for the best spot for explo-
sives. In a mix of affect and cruelty, JEMINA cut her throat. She
watched her die while taking action to make it look like she had The scientists have erected a tent in front of the temple where
tried to help her. Then she injured herself with her dagger. they store and catalogue digitised texts. During a routine inspec-
If the PCs are looking for a particular piece of information, they tion, MANAL discovers that some have been deleted. She sus-
could have a difficult time finding it. Perhaps it was just mis- pects a system error and wants to restore the lost data. When
placed in the chaotic collection (1 DP). If it is dangerous secret she approaches GOHAR about it, the humanite breaks her neck.
knowledge, someone could have falsified it (2 DP, especially by REACTIONS The PCs can discover her body.
JEMINA if it points towards Nazareem’s Sacrifice or their mas- LOOKING AROUND: A supply box has a false bottom and stored
Ask for MANIPULATION rolls when the PCs want to judge a
ters), or the Guardians removed it (3 DP). explosives – the holders are now empty.
character or are uncertain about a statement’s validity.
COST: 1-3 DP DATA DJINN: MANAL worked with the backup system. Some-
THE SCIENTISTS: JEMINA made it barely and needs rest. GO-
HAR is very protective. Both women know this condition will give one manipulated the data and deleted all texts mentioning Na-
TAKING THE WRONG ACTION them time to cover things up. MANAL is shocked. She liked SA- zareem’s Sacrifice.

ALCONE is not the most patient person. After a while, she will BIRE.
attack someone she holds responsible, but without having any RAHMANA is deeply affected: She had seen SABIRE as her po-
proof. She could even pick the right person (JEMINA or GO- tential successor. Yet she acts in a controlled and conscientious PRIME SUSPECT
HAR), but the attack makes her even more suspicious. manner. It is her task as an elder to inform THE SHARIF and the
You can use the following clues to make ALCONE the prime sus-
COST: 1 DP family. If she already trusts the PCs, she asks for their support.
pect of the investigation.
ALCONE is quiet and can act suspiciously. Indeed, she has much
to hide: her envy and anger at Sabire, her role as Guardian, and
THE BLOOD DJINN belongs to the Beri tribe – and fosters a deep aversion against
the fact that the dagger evokes memories of ancient lore. Use
Old legends are told in the Mahanji oasis about the blood djinn this to make her a potential PRIME SUSPECT!
and their red robes. You don’t have to search long before you find UNANSWERED LOVE: ALCONE has loved PHIRON for years
someone willing to tell a “true story”. In truth, they are the secret without ever having confessed it to him. Then PHIRON fell in love
order of the Guardians, led by Sharif HECTOR. You can use the with SABIRE, for which ALCONE blames her. Attentive observers
legends as another false trail to lure the PCs away from the li- THE SHARIF do not miss the longing with which ALCONE looks at the Sharif’s
brary. When details of the murder reach HECTOR, he will put the son.
Sharif HECTOR arrives soon with PHIRON, who is devastated
temple under surveillance and try to talk to ALCONE. over SABIRE’s death. HECTOR seems to be worried about the RED ROBES: In ALCONE’s quarters, a red robe can be found, as
COST: 1 DP red-dressed figure. PHIRON vows revenge and quickly blames Jemina described it. Without explicit permission from her master
any Zenithian, while ALCONE is very interested in his well-being. (Sharif HECTOR), she will keep quiet about it.
ALCONE is impetuous and could be TAKING THE WRONG AC-

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