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Review Article

Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, and Mood Stabilizers in

Pregnancy: What Do We Know and How Should We Treat
Pregnant Women with Depression
Asher Ornoy *, Liza Weinstein-Fudim, and Zivanit Ergaz

Depression is generally treated with antidepressants, but may often need neurodevelopmental damage. Lithium may increase the rate of cardiac
antipsychotics and mood stabilizers. We discuss the updated data regarding anomalies, especially of Ebstein’s anomaly, and may warrant a mid-trimester
the safety in pregnancy of antidepressants and antipsychotics, except fetal echocardiography. Although data on the development of the offspring are
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and their possible impact on the long- reassuring, we should remember that most studies were carried out during
term development of the offspring. Several earlier studies demonstrated a early childhood, at a time when inattention, learning difficulties, behavioral
slight increase in the rate of major anomalies following maternal tricyclic and psychiatric problems are not yet identifiable. When considering medical
antidepressant treatment, but most current literature shows their relative treatment for depression in women at child-bearing age, we have to weigh the
safety in pregnancy. Data on the development of the offspring are also severity of the symptoms and their impact on the developing fetus and child.
reassuring. The antipsychotic drugs are also safe for the developing fetus and
do not seem to induce developmental delay. Both groups of drugs may cause Birth Defects Research 109:933–956, 2017.
perinatal withdrawal symptoms and difficulties in neonatal adaptation. The C 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
mood stabilizers, lithium, and several anti-epileptic drugs, may adversely
affect the developing embryo and fetus. While valproic acid, carbamazepine,
Key words: tricyclic antidepressant; antipsychotics; mood stabilizers; preg-
and topiramate are teratogenic and may also affect postnatal development, nancy; anomalies; development
the newer antiepileptic and mood stabilizers, lamotrigine and levetiracetam,
seem to be safe in pregnancy and apparently have no long-term

Introduction and also has neuro-teratogenic effects (Ornoy, 2009). Most

Psychotropic drugs are a large group of medications that neurotropic drugs might also cause neonatal withdrawal
affect the nervous system through different mechanisms. (adaptation) symptoms in the first few days after birth.
When taken during pregnancy, they are able to cross the Women with depression and bipolar disorder (BD) are
placenta and reach the fetal central nervous system (CNS). treated with a variety of psychopharmaceuticals, depend-
Hence, because they easily cross the fetal blood brain bar- ing on the severity of the symptoms and their clinical pre-
rier, they might not only modify the in utero function of the sentation. Among them are antidepressants, such as
fetal brain, but may also have long-term effects on brain selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin
functions. The measurable levels of most psychoactive norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), tricyclic anti-
drugs found in the amniotic fluid as a measure of trans- depressants (TCAs); mood stabilizers, such as VPA, lithium
placental passage raise concerns regarding their possible carbonate, carbamazepine, and lamotrigine; and a variety
teratogenic effects, and their possible impact on neonatal of antipsychotic drugs that are generally prescribed as
adaptation and on long-term neurodevelopmental outcome adjunct medical treatment. With the introduction of SSRIs,
(Schenker et al., 1999; Rahi et al., 2007; Ewing et al., 2015). there is a constant rise in their use for depression and a
In addition, they might affect non-CNS tissues and drop in the use of other antidepressants and antipsy-
organs, causing a variety of congenital anomalies. A typical chotics (Ban et al., 2014). Depressed women use antipsy-
example of such a drug is the anticonvulsant and mood sta- chotics mainly with SSRI failure, or when there is a need
bilizer, valproic acid (VPA), which is a well-known teratogen for combined therapy, and rarely as an exclusive drug
(Bulletins–Obstetrics, 2008).
It is difficult to isolate the net effect of each psycho-
Laboratory of Teratology, Department of Medical Neurobiology, Hebrew tropic drug, because women with psychiatric diseases tend
University Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel
to take a combination of medications, both psychiatric and
*Correspondence to: Asher Ornoy, Laboratory of Teratology, Department of others (Mehta et al., 2014). Additionally, women with psy-
Medical Neurobiology, Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, PO Box chiatric illness also tend to consume alcohol and tobacco
12272, Jerusalem 91120. E-mail:
(Bulletins–Obstetrics, 2008).
Published online in Wiley Online Library ( Doi: 10. Evaluation of the impact of the psychotropic medica-
1002/bdr2.1079 tions includes single drug data from animal studies, case

C 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


reports, case series, and cohort studies evaluating specific used for the treatment of depression, anxiety, and several
drugs used solely or in combination with other medica- other psychiatric disorders. TCAs affect the serotonergic
tions, as well as population registries and case–control and noradrenergic systems by blocking the serotonin and
studies. Much of the data regarding maternal psychotropic norepinephrine transporters, and thus increasing the syn-
medications is from studies evaluating medical prescrip- aptic concentrations of these neurotransmitters (Green
tions, which might not represent the exact situation, as and Maayani, 1977; Tatsumi et al., 1997). They also have
adherence to psychotropic medications may be low. In a some antagonistic action by binding to several serotonin
multinational study performed in 18 countries in Europe, receptors and act as agonists to the r serotonin receptor.
North America, and Australia, 78/160 women showed low TCAs and TeCAs also act as antihistamines and anticholi-
adherence to psychiatric medications, regardless of the tri- nergic agents (Green and Maayani, 1977). The TCA group
mester of pregnancy. Low adherence was significantly includes: amitriptyline, amoxapine, clomipramine, desipr-
associated with smoking during pregnancy, psychotropic amine, doxepin, imipramine, nortriptyline, and protripty-
monotherapy, elevated risk perception of antidepressants, line. Tetracyclic antidepressants include mirtazapine,
and depressive symptoms (Lupattelli et al., 2015). Cohort maprotiline, and mianserin. Other atypical antidepressants
studies, many of them using prospective data from Terato- used in clinical practice are: bupropion, duloxetine, and
gen Information Services, seem to be more accurate nefazodone.
regarding treatment adherence. While initial studies suggested that TCA exposure,
The psychotropic medications are classified according mainly imipramine, might be associated with congenital
to their main activity, with some medications being used anomalies, such as cleft palate, diaphragmatic hernia
for more than one indication. (Barson, 1972), and limb anomalies (McBride, 1972), later
The generic names of the main drugs used and their and larger studies were generally negative. Hence, it is
general mode of action are listed in the different sections generally quite clear that prenatal exposure to TCAs or
of this review. At the end of each section we draw final TeCAs does not increase the rate of major congenital
conclusions, based on the existing scientific data. anomalies (Table 1), nor does it increase the rate of neuro-
In this review, we discuss the possible effects of TCAs, developmental problems.
antipsychotic drugs, and mood stabilizers on the develop-
ing embryo and fetus, including neonatal adaptation prob-
McElhatton et al. (1996) collected data from the European
lems and possible effects on development. SSRIs and
Network of the Teratology Information Services and eval-
SNRIs are not discussed, as three reviews on these drugs
uated 746 exposures to antidepressants in 689 pregnan-
are published in this issue of the journal (see reviews in
cies. Of them, 109 used TCA monotherapy and 174 used
this issue by Gingrich et al., Ornoy and Koren, and Rotem-
TCA plus other, non-antidepressant drugs. Two-thirds of
Kohavi and Oberlander). Data on each one of the different
the mothers exposed to TCA were on multidrug therapy.
TCAs, antipsychotic medications, and mood stabilizers are
Of those on multidrug therapy, over 40% took a benzodia-
also given in the tables according to the year of publica-
zepine; 20% took neuroleptic drugs, and 40% took a wide
tion. Only studies with a sample size of more than 10
range of other drugs. Most women (74%) had short-term
pregnancies are cited in the tables. If a study reported on
exposure in the first trimester or early second trimester of
more than one drug of the same group, the study is cited
pregnancy. Seven of the infants born to women on multi-
in the table for each drug separately. In the tables, we gen- drug therapy suffered from withdrawal symptoms and
erally concentrated on congenital anomalies or neurodeve- only one from the group of TCA monotherapy. The inci-
lopmental outcome. Data were identified by searching dence of spontaneous abortions (11.5%) and late fetal
PubMed for studies related to the effects of these drugs in deaths (2%) were within the expected range in European
pregnancy. We mainly evaluated larger studies that also countries. Ninety-seven percent of the live-born babies
contain control groups, as well as meta-analyses, and our had no congenital malformations (McElhatton et al., 1996).
review includes only studies and meta-analyses published A collaboration of representatives from the American
in English language. Psychiatric Association, the American College of Obstetri-
cians and Gynecologists, and a consulting developmental
Tricyclic and Tetracyclic Antidepressants pediatrician reviewed the English literature on fetal and
TCAs were developed in the mid-1950s and have been neonatal outcomes associated with depression and antide-
used in clinical practice since then. Tetracylic antidepres- pressant treatment during child-bearing. They concluded
sants (TeCAs) were developed later and introduced in the that they did not identify studies that linked maternal
1970. They are used for similar clinical purposes and have depression to congenital anomalies in their infants, and
the same mechanisms of action. Before the introduction of that most studies have not shown an association between
SSRIs, TCAs and TeCAs were widely used by women dur- TCAs use in pregnancy and structural malformations
ing child-bearing age, pregnancy, and lactation. They are (Yonkers et al., 2009).
BIRTH DEFECTS RESEARCH 109:933–956 (2017) 935

TABLE 1. Summary of Studies on Fetal Effects of Tricyclic Antidepressants and Tetracyclic Antidepressants in Pregnancy

Drug Author No. of cases and study design Fetal outcome

AMITRIPTYLINE McElhatton 118 amitriptyiline/330 TCA cases, of them 32 as Monotherapy-1- ventricular septal defect

et al., 1996 monotherapy, prospective study

Reis and Kallen, 2010 537/2,446 TCA cases/14,821 on antidepressants, Increases rate of cardiac anomalies on TCA

retrospective cohort study evaluated as a group; OR, 1.33

Berard et al., 318/ 382 TCA cases, retrospective cohort study Slightly increased rate of anomalies, aOR, 1.16;

2017 95% CI, 0.86–1.56

CLOMIPRAMINE McElhatton 134 /330 TCA cases, of them 39 as monotherapy, No increase in congenital anomalies after exposure

et al., 1996 prospective study to mono or combined therapy; 4 exposed to

monotherapy had withdrawal symptoms

Reis and Kallen, 2010 1,800 clomipramine/ 2,446 TCA cases/ 14,821 on Increased rate of cardiac anomalies on TCA,

other antidepressants, retrospective cohort study evaluated as a group, OR, 1.33, as a drug only

clomipramine significant

DOXEPIN McElhatton 14/330 TCA cases, prospective study 4-elective terminations, 1-spontanous abortion,

et al., 1996 1-fetal death, 8-normal babies

IMIPRAMINE McElhatton et al., 30/330 TCA cases, prospective study 1-omphalocelle, 1-polydactily


Reis and Kallen, 2010 13/2,446 TCA cases/14821 on antidepressants, Slightly increased rate of cardiac anomalies on

retrospective cohort study TCA, evaluated as a group, OR, 1.33

MAPROTILINE McElhatton et al., 107/330 TCA cases, prospective study 1-facial dysmorphology, 1-combined with

1996 mianserin- bilateral talipes & hypotonia,

1-hypoglycemia and macrosomia

MIRTAZAPINE Lennestat and Kallen, 145 infants, 9 cases Mirtazapine 1 venlafaxine, No increase in congenital anomalies rate compared

2007 retrospective cohort study to normal controls, 2-ventricular septal defects

type 2, 1-atrial septal defect, 1-cleft palate,


Winterfeld et al., 357 pregnancies, including multiple medications, No difference between mirtazapine-exposed,

2015 prospective cohort study SSRI-exposed, and general control pregnancies,

14 (18%) of 76 infants who exposed until

delivery had withdrawal symptoms

Smit et al., Meta-analysis of 31 studies, 390 cases including No increase in the rate of major anomalies – 9

2016 those reported by Lennestat et al., 2007 malformed infants

Data from the Swedish Medical Birth Register (MBR; 1608 women exposed to TCAs and 1875 women exposed
National Board of Health and Welfare, 2003), which eval- to SSRIs during early pregnancy was compared with the
uated 1686 early and 784 late TCA exposures (mainly clo- prevalence in the offspring of 6617 women with no expo-
mipramine), found a slight increase in the risk for sure to any antidepressants during pregnancy (Vasilakis-
cardiovascular defects (odds ratio [OR], 1.63; 95% confi- Scaramozza et al., 2013). TCAs and SSRIs were not associ-
dence interval [CI], 1.12–2.36), slightly higher for ventricu- ated with increased risk of any specific type of congenital
lar and atrial septal defects (OR, 1.84; 95% CI, 1.13–2.97) anomalies. The crude relative risks (RRs) for any anomaly
(Reis and Kallen, 2010). were 0.9 (95% CI, 0.6–1.2) for TCAs and 0.9 (95% CI, 0.7–
In a study by Vasilakis-Scaramozza et al. (2013), the 1.2) for SSRIs. Adjustment for confounders did not alter
prevalence of congenital anomalies in the offspring of the crude results.

In a U.K. population study, among a total of 349,127 A meta-analysis of the data on neonatal complication
singletons live born between 1990 and 2009 with over following exposure to antidepressants during late gesta-
2400 women prescribed TCA, 7600 prescribed SSRI and tion, which evaluated studies from 1966 to 2010, found
over 13,000 mothers with diagnosed unmedicated depres- that TCAs, mostly clomipramine, but also imipramine and
sion, the overall major congenital anomalies risk did not amitriptyline, were associated with poor neonatal adapta-
increase with maternal depression or with antidepressant tion, including an increased rate of respiratory distress,
prescriptions. There was no increased risk for major con- temperature instability, hypoglycemia, and convulsions
genital anomalies overall, associated with most SSRIs, (Gentile, 2010b).
TCAs, or combined exposures (Ban et al., 2014).
In a study reporting 5954 pregnancies exposed to
The use of TCAs, mostly clomipramine and amitriptyline in
TCAs in the United States compared with unexposed con-
pregnancy, increased laxative use among 76 children from
trols, there was no increase in the incidence of cardiac
72 pregnancies, compared with nonexposed children.
anomalies. Drugs included: amitriptyline, amoxapine, clo-
Combined exposure to TCAs and SSRIs in pregnancy was
mipramine, desipramine, doxepin, imipramine, maprotiline,
associated with a 10-fold increase in laxative use. Addi-
nortriptyline, protriptyline, and trimipramine. However,
tionally, anti-diarrheal medication use was significantly
there were no data regarding the number of pregnancies
higher in the TCAs-exposed children. The authors hypothe-
exposed to each drug. The unadjusted RR for cardiac
sized that TCA exposure during the first trimester led to
anomalies was 0.98 (95% CI, 0.72–1.32) and adjusted,
increased laxative use, probably through inhibition of the
0.77 (95% CI, 0.52–1.14) (Huybrechts et al., 2016).
norepinephrine transporter. Exposure of TCAs anytime in
The Quebec study (Berard et al., 2017) evaluated the
pregnancy led to increased anti-diarrheal use, possibly
association between first-trimester exposure to antidepres-
through down-regulation of a2-adrenoceptors or up-
sants and the risk of major congenital malformations
regulation of the pore forming a1c subunit (Nijenhuis et al.,
among 382 women that were exposed to TCAs: of them,
2012a, 2012b).
the 318 women treated with amitriptyline were at higher
risk of having a child with eye, ear, face, neck (adjusted NEURODEVELOPMENTAL OUTCOME (TABLE 2)
OR [aOR], 2.45; 95% CI, 1.05–5.72), and digestive system No difference in global IQ, language development, mood,
(adjusted OR, 2.55; 95% CI, 1.40–4.66) anomalies. The arousability, activity level, distractibility, or behavioral
strength of this study is the fact that women were exposed problems was found among 80 children exposed to TCAs
in the first trimester of pregnancy only to one type of anti- during pregnancy and compared with 55 children whose
depressants, while pregnancies with multiple different mothers had received fluoxetine during pregnancy, and 84
antidepressant exposures during organogenesis were children whose mothers had not been exposed during
excluded. The exposed women were compared with those pregnancy to any agent known to adversely affect the
with no exposure to antidepressants. fetus (Nulman et al., 1997). Forty of these women took
It is important to add that although several studies TCAs during the first trimester and 36 throughout preg-
showed a slight increase in the rate of congenital anoma- nancy. Twenty-nine women took amitriptyline, 20 imipr-
lies, the majority of studies did not show any increase. amine, 10 clomipramine, 9 desipramine, 8 nortriptyline,
and 4 other TCAs. The TCA group did not differ from the
fluoxetine and control group in perinatal complications
Preterm birth, but not intrauterine growth retardation,
and congenital malformations. The younger children were
was reported following TCA exposure. A significant
tested with the Bayley Scales of Infant Development and
decrease in pregnancy duration was reported in three
the older ones with the McCarthy Scales of Children’s Abil-
studies, including 266 cases among women exposed to
ities (Nulman et al., 1997).
mirtazapine (Smit et al., 2016). However, another previous
Similar results were found by the same group evaluat-
study on 746 exposures failed to demonstrate shorter
ing 46 children exposed to TCAs (36 of them were
pregnancy following TCAs exposure (McElhatton et al.,
included in the previous study) at 15 to 71 months. There
were no differences in the children’s global IQ measured
NEONATAL ADAPTATION DIFFICULTIES by either the Bayley or McCarthy test, compared with chil-
TCAs were reported to be associated with neonatal symp- dren with intrauterine fluoxetine exposure and controls
toms, such as tachypnea, tachycardia, cyanosis, irritability, (Nulman et al., 2002).
hypertonia, clonus, spasm, and transient withdrawal symp- Intrauterine exposure to TCAs was associated with
toms (Misri and Sivertz, 1991). Withdrawal symptoms increased rates of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) among
were described in cases exposed to desipramine (Webster, a Swedish cohort of children. In this study, 1679 offspring
1973), imipramine (Eggermont, 1973), and nortriptyline (743 with intellectual disability and 936 without) were
(Shearer et al., 1972). compared with 16,845 nonexposed controls. Maternal
BIRTH DEFECTS RESEARCH 109:933–956 (2017) 937

TABLE 2. Summary of Studies Evaluating Neurodevelopmental Outcome of Offspring Exposed to Antidepressants and Antipsychotics during Pregnancy

Author Study design and number of cases Neurodevelopmental outcome

Nulman et al., 1997 Prospective study, TCA-80, fluoxetine-55, unexposed-84. Similar normal global IQ score and language and behavioral

Assessment at 16-86 months development in all groups

Slone et al., 1997 Prospective cohort study, phenothiazines-1990, controls Adjusted IQ scores were similar in the exposed children com-

26,217 evaluated at 4 years pared to controls

Nulman et al., 2002 Prospective study, TCA-46, fluoxetine-40, unexposed-36. Normal global IQ score and language and behavioral develop-

Assessment at 15-71 months ment. Longer duration of maternal depression was associ-

ated with decreased global IQ,

Wichman et al., 2009 Retrospective antidepressants-16 out of 30,092 deliveries Two had behavioral problems initiated after 3 years
Johnson et al., 2012 Prospective controlled study, antipsychotics-22 typical-9, Lower scores on INFANIB composite score (RR 5 3.67; p

atypical-12, both-antidepressants-202, of them hypnotics-40, <0.03) for infants exposed to antipsychotics compared to

anxiolytics-18 and others, controls-85 of whom 28 with his- antidepressants and controls. No significant effect on num-

tory of psychiatric illness, evaluated at 6 months. ber of trials to habituate (p 5 0.19) or average looking

time during the habituation task (p 5 0.66)

Rai et al., 2013 Population based nested case–control study, antidepressants Maternal depression increased ASD risk (aOR, 1.49; 95% CI,

including SSRIs and TCAs: ASD found in 1,679, no ASD in 1.08–2.08), any antidepressants use (aOR, 3.34; 95% CI,

16,845 in a cohort of 589,114; age of 0-17 years. 1.50 to 7.47), evaluated for SSRIs and TCAs Significant for

ASD without intellectual disability - aOR, 2.93 (95% Cl,


Shao et al., 2015 Prospective study, clonazapine-33, risperidone, olanzapine or Evaluated by BSID-III including cognitive, language, motor,

quetiapine-30, antipsychotics; evaluated at 2, 6, and 12 social-emotional and adaptive behavior. Adaptive scores

months were lower in the clozapine exposed infants at 2 and 6

months. No difference in other subscales.

Gentile et al., 2016 Review of published data, 29 articles on antipsychotics; infants Three of 35 healthy infants exposed in utero to antipsychotics

evaluated when older than 4 months, including 35 cases had motor developmental delay and one had delayed

speech acquisition

Boukhris et al., 2016 Registry-based study of an ongoing population based cohort, Any antidepressant use increase ASD risk (aHR, SSRIs (aHR,
1054 ASD from a cohort of 145, 456 singleton full terms. 2.17; 95% CI, 1.20–3.93); the use of more than one class

Evaluated for maternal consumption of SSRIs, TCAs, MAOIs, of drugs (aHR, 4.39; 95% CI,1.44–13.32); TCAs (aOR,

SNRIs and other antidepressants 1.03; 95% CI, 0.23–4.61).

Grzeskowiak et al., 2016 Computer-assisted telephone interviews; antidepressants- 210 No association between maternal treatment and behavioral

including SSRIs-173, TCAs-12, others-19, combination problems including hyperactivity, inattention and peer

therapy-6; depression, no treatment-231, controls-48,737); problems. Untreated maternal depression increased risks

Danish parent-report version of the Strengths and Difficulties of behavioral outcomes

questionnaires at 7 years.

Peterson et al., 2016 Retrospective cohort study, antipsychotics-416, psychiatric ill- No difference in neurodevelopmental disorders (OR, 1.22;

ness who discontinues psychotherapy-670, no history of 95% CI, 0.80–1.84)

antipsychotics-318,434; infants evaluated for behavioral

records within the first 5 years.

BSID-III - Bayley Scales of Infant Development third edition; IMAOIs, monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

depression was also associated with ASD, adjusted odds the antipsychotics. Newport et al. (2007) found umbilical
ratio 1.40 (95% CI, 0.91–2.17). The association with pre- cord to maternal plasma ratio to be between 23.8% for
natal TCA exposure remained significant even after adjust- quetiapine and 72.1% for olanzapine.
ment for confounders, including maternal depression. For Typical anti psychotics include: chlorpromazine, fluphe-
all cases, adjusted odds ratio was 2.69 (95% CI, 1.04– nazine, haloperidol, loxapine, perphenazine, pimozide, thio-
6.96); for those with intellectual disability, it was 1.72 ridazine, thiothixene, trifluoperazine, and triflupromazine.
(95% CI, 0.20–15.03), and for those without intellectual The atypical antipsychotics include: aripiprazole, clozapine,
disability, it was 2.93 (95% CI, 0.98–8.82). Similar results olanzapine, quetiapine, and ziprasidone.
were found among a group following prenatal SSRI expo- We summarized all larger cohort and case–control
sure (Rai et al., 2013). studies on old and newer antipsychotics. Because typical
However, Boukhris et al. (2016) did not find any asso- antipsychotics have been widely used for approximately
ciation between intrauterine TCA exposure and ASD 50 years, there are cumulative available data that suggest
among a Canadian cohort of 1023 ASD cases, compared that the risks of using these agents during pregnancy are
with 142,924 controls. The adjusted odd ratio was 1.03 minimal, with respect to teratogenic or toxic effects on the
(95% CI, 0.23–4.61) (Boukhris et al., 2016). There was no fetus. In particular, the use of piperazine phenothiazines
association between prenatal antidepressant exposure and (e.g., trifluoperazine and perphenazine) was proven safe
scores for overall behavioral problems among offspring of (Bulletins–Obstetrics, 2008). However, for some of the
210 mothers who were exposed to antidepressants, most newer antipsychotic drugs, there seems to be very little
of them to SSRIs, but 12 were exposed to TCA and 6 were data. Generally, no increase in the rate of major anomalies
on combination therapy, including TCA. Adjusted RR from or of neurodevelopmental problems was reported.
the data of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
was as follows: for overall problem behavior 1.00 (95%
A prospective cohort study of 1309 pregnancies exposed
CI, 0.49–2.05), for hyperactivity/inattention 0.99 (95% CI,
to phenothiazines found no increase in the rate of congeni-
0.56–1.75), and for peer behavioral problems 1.04 (95%
tal malformations, intrauterine fetal death, and neonatal
CI, 0.57–1.91), (Grzeskowiak et al., 2016).
death, compared with 50,282 nonexposed control pregnan-
IN SUMMARY cies (Slone et al., 1977).
The use of TCAs during pregnancy does not seem to be In a study from the Massachusetts pregnancy registry
associated with significant negative effects on the embryo evaluating reproductive safety of second generation anti
and fetus. There is no increase in major congenital anoma- psychotics, 3 of 214 children of the treatment group and 1
lies nor significant long-term neurodevelopmental prob- of 89 control children had congenital malformations. Medi-
lems. There might be difficulties in neonatal adaptation, cations included aripiprazole, asenapine, clozapine, iloperi-
which warrants close follow-up of the neonate by the done, lurasidone, olanzapine, paliperidone, quetiapine,
medical team during the first postnatal days. The possible risperidone, and ziprasidone. The OR was 1.25, 95% CI,
long-term effects on gut motility need further 0.15–12.19. The difference was not statistically significant
investigation. (Cohen et al., 2016).
From a cohort of 1,360,101 pregnant women enrolled
Antipsychotic (Neuroleptic) Drugs in Medicaid during 2000 to 2010, a total of 9258 (0.69%)
Antipsychotic drugs (first generation, typical) were first filled at least one prescription for an atypical antipsychotic
introduced in the 1950s to manage psychosis. The second and 733 (0.05%) filled at least one prescription for a typi-
generation (atypical) antipsychotics that were developed cal antipsychotic during the first trimester. Mothers suf-
more recently are used for similar purposes, but have fered from schizophrenia, BD, psychosis, depression,
fewer side effects. These antipsychotic drugs are currently anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and other
used for the treatment of psychosis and as adjunct treat- psychiatric disorders. There was no increase in the risk
ment for depression (mainly BD, often in conjunction with for congenital malformations following prenatal exposure
mood stabilizers) and anxiety. Their mechanism of action to typical or atypical antipsychotics, with a possible excep-
is generally on the dopaminergic system of the brain, tion for risperidone. After adjustment for possible consid-
blocking D2 dopamine receptor, and thus reducing the ered confounders, the RR was 1.05 (95% CI, 0.96–1.16)
effects of dopamine mainly in the mesolimbic system and for atypical anti psychotics and 0.90 (95% CI, 0.62–1.31)
prefrontal cortex (Stahl, 2003; Liemburg et al., 2012). for typical anti psychotics.
The atypical antipsychotics have replaced the typical The findings for cardiac malformations were similar. In
agents as first-line medications for psychotic disorders. the evaluation of individual agents, a small increased risk
They are also used increasingly for the treatment of BD, in overall malformations (RR, 1.26; 95% CI, 1.02–1.56)
obsessive–compulsive disorder, and treatment-resistant and cardiac malformations (RR, 1.26; 95% CI, 0.88–1.81)
depression (Stahl, 2003). Placental transfer varies between was found for risperidone that was independent of
BIRTH DEFECTS RESEARCH 109:933–956 (2017) 939

TABLE 3. Summary of Studies on Fetal Effects of Typical Antipsychotic Drugs in Pregnancy

Drug Author No. of patients, study design Fetal outcome

CHLORPROMAZINE Rumeau-Rouquette 57 clorpromazine/304 other phenothiazines; Rate of congenital malformations increased

et al., 1977 prospective cohort study from 1.6% to 3.5% syndactyly-1, multiple

anomalies-1, endocardial fibroelastosis-1,


FLUPHENAZINE Reis and Kallen, 2010 17/582 antipsychotics exposure, retrospective study 1 ventricular septal defects

HALOPERIDOL Van Waes and 100, retrospective and prospective data collection 4 miscarriages, no increase in congenital

Van de Velde, 1969 compared to 1,732 controls anomalies

Diav-Citrin et al., 2005 188/631 (ENTIS controls), multicenter prospective No increase in congenital anomalies; 1 lung
study hypoplasia, 1 hand malformation, 1 cystic

hygroma, 1 congenital heart defect, 1

ventricular septal defect. 3/4 had also

exposure to other psychotropic drugs

PERPHENAZINE Reis and Kallena, 2010 90/582 antipsychotics exposure, retrospective study 1 spina bifida, 1 ventricular septal defect

THIORIDAZIDE Reis and Kallena, 2010 35/582 antipsychotics exposure, retrospective study Teratology of Fallot

TRIFLUOPERAZINE Moriarity and Nance, 480 cases, retrospective cohort No increase in congenital malformations 1.%

1963 vs. 1.5% in non-exposed controls

Schrire, 1963, from Smith 478, retrospective cohort, report from 20 investigators 2 miscarriages, all normal babies

Kline & French

Laboratories Ltd.

ENTIS, European Network of Teratology Information Services.

confounders (Huybrechts et al., 2016). A similar slight medications treatment. Symptoms, including agitation, hypoto-
increase in the rate of congenital anomalies following pre- nicity, hypertonicity, somnolence, respiratory distress, and
natal risperidone was also observed in other much smaller feeding difficulties, were reported; however, concomitant use
studies, with a total of 79 pregnancies (Habermann et al., of other drugs was also reported (Gentile, 2010a).
2013; Kulkarni et al., 2015). The Australian national register of antipsychotic drugs
In a cohort of pregnant women enrolled in the United King- in pregnancy reported respiratory distress among 37% of
dom from 1995 to 2012, a total of 416 Women that were pre- 142 neonates exposed to antipsychotics. However, respira-
scribed antipsychotic medication in pregnancy were not at tory symptoms were six times more common than in con-
higher risk of giving birth to a child with major congenital mal- trols following concomitant exposure to mood stabilizers
formations, compared with women without prescribed anti- (Kulkarni et al., 2015). Poor birth outcomes were found in
psychotics, including 670 women with psychotropic treatment 31 of 290 (10.7%) pregnancies in a U.K. cohort, which
before pregnancy and 318,434 controls. Of 290 women pre- was double the rate (24/492 [4.9%]) in women with anti-
scribed antipsychotics up to day 105 of pregnancy, 10 (3.4%) psychotic therapy only before pregnancy and nearly triple
gave birth to a child with a major congenital malformation in the rate (9244/210,966 [4.4%]) of controls, with no his-
comparison to 11 of 492 (2.2%) in the cohort of women who tory of antipsychotic therapy. After adjustment for con-
discontinued treatment before pregnancy, and 4162 of comitant medication, health, and lifestyle factors, the RRs
210,966 (2.0%) in the controls. The differences were nonsigni- were elevated in comparison with controls (RR, 2.62; 95%
ficant after adjustments for concomitant medications, health, CI, 1.52–4.52). Obesity, smoking, alcohol consumption, and
and lifestyle characteristics (Petersen et al., 2016). illicit drug use, as well as concomitant medications, all
remained independently associated with poor birth out-
NEONATAL ADAPTATION DIFFICULTIES comes (Petersen et al., 2016).
In a literature review on the impact of exposure to antipsy-
chotics in pregnancy there was increased rate of fetal distress, LONG-TERM NEURODEVELOPMENTAL OUTCOME (TABLE 2)
low Apgar score, and hypoglycemia among infants born to Data regarding outcome of offspring exposed to antipsy-
women with schizophrenia, regardless of antipsychotic chotics generally come from case reports, case series, or

TABLE 4. Summary of Studies on Fetal Effects of Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs in Pregnancy

Drug Author No. of cases and study design Fetal outcome

ARIPIPRAZOLE Habermann et al., 2013 60/561/1,122 aripripazole/561 atypicals/ 1,122 3 malformations; rate increased compared to

controls, prospective study controls (OR, 2.13; 95% CI, 1.19–3.83); 23%

withdrawal syndrome.

Kulkarni et al., 2015 19/147 exposed to atypicals, prospective study No congenital anomalies.

Huybrechts et al., 2016 1756/9,258 exposed to atypical, retrospective study After adjustment, no increased risk of congenital


CLOZAPINE Habermann et al., 2013 73 clozapine/561 atypicals/1122 controls prospective Increased risk compared to controls (aOR, 2.13;

study 95% CI, 1.19–3.83)

Kulkarni et al., 2015 11/147 exposed to atypicals, prospective study 2 congenital anomalies: 1 craniosynosthosis, 1


OLANZAPINE McKenna et al., 2005 60/151 exposed to atypicals, prospective study 1 cleft lip, encephalocelle and aqueductal stenosis.

Habermann et al., 2013 284/561 exposed typical/atypical/1,122 controls; Rate of congenital malformations was increased

prospective study compared to controls (aOR, 2.13; 95% CI,

1.19–3.83); 15% withdrawal symptoms

Kulkarni et al., 2015 24/147 exposed to atypicals, prospective study 1 DDH

Huybrechts et al., 2016 1,394/9,258 exposed to atypicals, retrospective study After adjustment, no increased risk of congenital


QUETIAPINE McKenna et al., 2005 36/151 exposed to atypicals, prospective study No congenital anomalies.

Habermann et al., 2013 185/561 exposed to atypicals, prospective study Increased compared to controls (OR, 2.13; 95% CI,

1.19–3.83). 25% withdrawal syndrome

Kulkarni et al., 2015 74/147 exposed to atypicals, prospective study 3 congenital anomalies: 1 atrial septal defect,

1-cleft lip and palate and hydrocephalus,

1-pulmonic atresia

Huybrechts et al., 2016 4,221/9,258 exposed to atypicals, retrospective study After adjustment, no increased risk of congenital


RISPERIDONE McKenna et al., 2005 49/151 exposed to atypicals, prospective study No congenital anomalies.
Habermann et al., 2013 64/561/1122 exposed to atypicals/controls, Rate of anomalies increased compared to controls

prospective study (OR, 2.13; 95% CI, 1.19–3.83)

Kulkarni et al., 2015 15/147 exposed to atypicals, prospective study 2 congenital anomalies: 1-abnormal renal collecting

tubules and bilateral talipes, 1 CHARGE


Huybrechts et al., 2016 1,566/9,258 exposed to atypicals, retrospective study After adjustment, increased risk of congenital

anomalies (RR, 1.26; 95% CI, 1.02–1.56) and of

cardiac anomalies (RR, 1.26; 95% CI,


ZIPRASIDONE Habermann et al., 2013 37/561/1122 exposed to atypicals, prospective study Increased risk compared to controls (OR, 2.13;

95% CI, 1.1–3.83)

Huybrechts et al., 2016 697/9,258 exposed to atypicals, prospective study After adjustment no increased risk of congenital

malformations or cardiac anomalies

DDH, developmental dysplasia of the hip joint; CHARGE, coloboma, heart defects, choanal atresia, growth retardation, genital abnormalities,
and ear abnormalities.
BIRTH DEFECTS RESEARCH 109:933–956 (2017) 941

small cohort studies. In case reports and case series, there infants had early delayed development (defined as the
is no possibility to evaluate the impact of the maternal ill- subscale score of <85) for adaptive behavior at 2 and 6
ness and of the postnatal environment. months of age. There was no difference between the two
Slone et al. (1977) found similar adjusted mean IQ groups for cognitive, language, motor, social, and emotional
score at 4 years in a cohort of 1990 children exposed to at 2, 6, and 12 months of age (Shao et al., 2015).
phenothiazines, compared with 26217 nonexposed con- Gentile and Fusco (2017) searched the English litera-
trols (Slone et al., 1977). From 16 infants born to mothers ture for neurodevelopmental studies in children exposed
using antipsychotic drugs enrolled in the Mayo clinic, two in utero to second generation antipsychotic drugs
infants (12.5%) were suspected to have behavioral prob- between1954 and 2016, and found mainly case reports
lems that initiated after the age of 3 years (Wichman, and small case series. They performed a meta-analysis, on
2009). long-term outcomes of 35 healthy infants exposed in utero
Offspring of women enrolled from December 1999 to antipsychotics. Of these cases, three had motor develop-
through June 2008 in Atlanta, Georgia, were evaluated at 6 mental delays and one had delayed speech acquisition
months by The Infant Neurological International Battery (Gentile and Fusco, 2017).
(INFANIB) for Habituation by measuring response In a cohort of women treated for psychiatric illness in
intensity after repeated administration of a stimulus. the United Kingdom, children were identified with neuro-
Twenty-two offspring of mothers that were treated by anti- developmental and/or behavioral disorders by searching
psychotics were included: first generation: haloperidol (n 5 for relevant data in the medical records of the exposed
9); second-generation antipsychotic (n 5 12), exposed to
children up to 5 years of age. There was an increased pat-
aripiprazole, olanzapine, quetiapine fumarate, risperidone,
tern for neurodevelopmental and behavioral disorders that
and ziprasidone hydrochloride; 12 were exposed to antipsy-
was significant in the unadjusted analysis (RR, 1.58 (95%
chotic medication during the first trimester, 14 during the
CI, 1.04–2.40), but after adjustment, the RR estimates
second, and 16 during the third. Concomitant treatment
attenuated and were no longer statistically significant
included antidepressants, n 5 17; anxiolytics, n 5 9; and
(RR 5 1.22; 95% CI, 0.80–1.84) (Petersen et al., 2016).
hypnotics, n 5 6. Infants were compared with a group of
In summary, it seems obvious that prenatal exposure
children exposed to other antidepressants (202) and con-
to antipsychotic drugs does not seem to increase the rate
trols (85). Antipsychotic-exposed infants had lower INFA-
of major congenital anomalies or other fetal problems.
NIB scores, compared with antidepressant-exposed and
nonexposed infants after controlling for relevant covariates However, additional studies are needed for individual anti-
(RR 5 3.67; p < 0.03). Analyses of the habituation task psychotics, especially risperidone. There seems to be a sig-
revealed no significant effect of prenatal medication expo- nificant increased rate of poor neonatal adaptation. Data
sure group on number of trials to habituate (p 5 0.19) or evaluating the long-term developmental outcome of the
average looking time during the habituation task (p 5 exposed children are insufficient. Most studies demon-
0.66) (Johnson et al., 2012). strated that, apart from some short-term developmental
The developmental progress of 76 infants prenatally delay, there is no evidence of long-term problems. How-
exposed to atypical antipsychotics in China was compared ever, most of these studies did not fully consider the possi-
with that of 76 matched control infants who had no pre- ble effects of maternal mental illness.
natal exposure to antipsychotics by Bayley Scales of Infant
and Toddler Development, third edition. Mothers had the
diagnosis of schizophrenia and were taking antipsychotic
Mood Stabilizers
agents, including clozapine (n 5 33), risperidone (n 5 Mood stabilizers are a group of drugs with different phar-
16), olanzapine (n 5 8), sulpiride (n 5 13), and quetia- macological actions. Many of them are used primarily as
pine (n 5 6). Controls were born to mothers with no men- antiepileptic drugs. They generally reduce the spread of
tal illness without psychotropic drugs. At 2 and 6 months, action potentials by either affecting the voltage-gated
more antipsychotic-exposed infants met the criteria for sodium channels influencing brain glutamate, or by
delayed development (score was <85) at 2 months in the increasing the function of the GABAergic system. Several
cognitive, motor, social-emotional, and adaptive behavior, of these drugs seem to affect the arachidonic acid system
and at 6 months for the mean social-emotional behavior. in the brain (Rao et al., 2008). For some drugs (i.e.,
At 12 months, there was no significant difference between lithium), the mechanism of action is yet unknown. Most of
the two groups in the mean composite scores of all sub- these drugs (i.e., VPA, carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine,
measures. The percentage of infants with delayed develop- lamotrigine) are also weak folic acid antagonists and
ment in any of these domains in all groups was similar women at child-bearing age taking these drugs should,
(Peng et al., 2013). When the children exposed to cloza- therefore, receive folic acid supplementation. Moreover,
pine were compared with those exposed to risperidone, folic acid deficiency might aggravate the depressive symp-
olanzapine, and quetiapine, more clozapine-exposed toms (Mula and Sander, 2007).

The more commonly used drugs in this group are: lith- also observed in prospective cohort studies, but not in all
ium, VPA, carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, lamotrigine, top- studies. Kallen and Tandberg (1983) found 4 cases of car-
iramate, and levetiracetam. Each of these drugs will be diac anomalies (7%) in a prospective cohort of 59 children
discussed separately. exposed to lithium in utero. However, other studies have
It appears that approximately half of antiepileptic demonstrated a much lower risk for cardiac anomalies
drugs (AEDs) are used for pain management and for psy- (Kallen and Tandberg, 1983).
chiatric indications. Hence, AEDs are among the most com- In an uncontrolled prospective study, Cunniff et al.
mon teratogens prescribed to women of child-bearing age. (1988) identified 72 lithium-treated women with 50 live-
Exposure to AEDs during pregnancy is associated with an born infants; only 2 of them were malformed (Cunniff
increased risk of major congenital malformations, from a et al., 1988).
background risk of 2 to 3% to between 4% and 9% Czeizel and Racz (1990) studied 10,698 children with
(Kaneko et al., 1999; Morrow et al., 2006). In addition to congenital anomalies between the years 1980 and 1987.
congenital anomalies, cognitive developmental delays have Their case–control study included all malformed still-born
been described in the offspring exposed to some of the and live-born cases diagnosed from birth until the age of
AEDs, in a dose dependent manner (Meador et al., 2007; 1 year, as well as prenatally diagnosed and electively ter-
Tomson et al., 2011). Older AEDs which are also mood sta- minated malformed fetuses. They observed no association
bilizers, such as valproate and carbamazepine, are associ- with maternal lithium use during pregnancy, as only six
ated with a higher risk of congenital malformations and infants were exposed to lithium (Czeizel and Racz, 1990).
developmental delay than newer AEDs, such as lamotri- Similarly, several studies on children with Ebstein’s anom-
gine and levetiracetam. These issues should be properly aly showed that none of these were exposed in utero to
considered if there is a need to use a mood stabilizer in lithium (Kallen and Tandberg, 1983; Sipek, 1989;
women of child-bearing age. Edmonds and Oakley, 1990).
Jacobson et al. (1992) found, in a controlled prospec-
tive study among 138 lithium treated women, that the rate
Lithium salts, mainly lithium carbonate and lithium citrate, of major congenital anomalies among the offspring was
are used as effective mood stabilizers, especially in the not different from controls (2.8% vs. 2.4%, respectively),
treatment of BD. Lithium ions equilibrate across the pla- and there was one case of Ebstein’s anomaly. The newborn
centa and, therefore, the concentrations in maternal and infants were significantly heavier in the lithium-exposed
fetal blood are almost equal. This might lead to fetal toxic- group (Jacobson et al., 1992). In a record linkage study of
ity, including low Apgar score, hypotonicity, heart failure, Michigan Medicaid recipients (Rosa, 2005), only 2 (3.2%)
and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (Simard et al., 1989; of 62 infants of women treated with lithium during the
Zegers and Andriessen, 2003; Yacobi and Ornoy, 2008). first trimester of pregnancy were reported to have major
In this review, we summarized most published studies congenital anomalies, and none of them was cardiac.
in English on the effects of lithium in pregnancy. Several The results of an American Expert Scientific Committee
studies, both retrospective and prospective, have demon- on lithium in pregnancy were published by Moore in
strated lithium teratogenicity, especially affecting the heart. 1995. They concluded that there is sufficient evidence that
In general, there appears to be an increase in the rate of lithium in therapeutic doses may increase the rate of car-
cardiac anomalies, but not of other major congenital diac anomalies in human, but apparently not in animals
anomalies. Of special concern is Ebstein’s anomaly (Moore, 1995).
(defined as downward displacement and malformation of In the controlled prospective study from our Israeli
the tricuspid valve, often together with atrial septal defect Teratogen Information Service, (Diav-Citrin et al., 2014),
[ASD] and right ventricular hypoplasia), and the second, we observed among 183 pregnant women exposed in
patent ductus arteriosus (Park et al., 1980). The few stud- pregnancy to lithium (90% were exposed from the first
ies on neurodevelopmental outcome showed that lithium trimester), a higher rate of spontaneous abortions, but the
does not cause neurodevelopmental problems in the pre- rate of congenital anomalies (6.5%) was not significantly
natally exposed children. different from that in 711 controls (2.7%) or from 72
In the voluntary registry of
Congenital malformations (Table 5). women with BD without lithium treatment (3.3%). Cardio-
retrospective cases established in Denmark in 1968, there vascular anomalies occurred more frequently in the
were 8% (25 infants) with cardiovascular anomalies lithium-exposed group when compared with the controls
among 225 lithium treated women (Weinstein, 1976). Not (5/123 [4.1%], compared with 4/711 [0.6%]). Ebstein’s
only was this rate almost 10 times higher compared with anomaly was diagnosed in one lithium-exposed fetus and
the general population, but there were 6 children (2.7%) in two additional retrospective lithium cases that were not
with Ebstein’s anomaly, which is regularly found in only included, because contact with the teratogen information
one of 20,000 children. The registry was criticized because service was made after the prenatal diagnosis by
of data collection. A higher rate of cardiac anomalies was ultrasound.
BIRTH DEFECTS RESEARCH 109:933–956 (2017) 943

TABLE 5. Summary of Studies on Fetal Effects of Lithium in Pregnancy

Author & year No. of cases and study design Fetal outcome

Schou, 1976 60 non-malformed lithium babies; prospective neurode- No increased the of developmental disorders

velopmental study follow-up study compared to


Weinstein, 1976 225 lithium treated women; retrospective study 25 infants (8%) had cardiovascular anomalies,

6 children (2.7%) had Ebstein’s anomaly

Kallen & Tandberg, 1983 59 cases; prospective cohort study 4 cases of cardiac anomalies (7%)

Cunniff et al., 1988 72 lithium-treated women with 50 liveborn infants; 2 malformed infants

prospective cohort study

Czeizel & Racz., 1990 case control study of 10,698 children with congenital Only six of the infants were exposed to lithium, no

anomalies association with maternal lithium use during


Jacobson et al., 1992 105 lithium/148 controls; prospective study One case of Ebstein’s anomaly. No differences in major

congenital anomalies. Birth weight was higher in the

lithium group

Rosa 2005 62 cases; record linkage study 2 (3.2%) cases of major congenital anomalies, none of

them was cardiac

van der Lugt et al., 2012 15 cases; retrospective neurodevelopmental cohort study Cognitive tests within normal limits. Growth, behavior

and general development within the normal range

Diav-Citrin et al., 2014 183 cases, 711 controls; prospective study Higher rate of spontaneous abortions, the rate of

congenital anomalies (6.5%) was not significantly

different from controls (2.7%). High rate of

cardiovascular anomalies in the lithium exposed

when compared to controls (5/123 [4.1%] versus

4/711 [0.6%]). One case of Ebstein’s anomaly

In summary, despite several negative studies of in abnormally developed, in 6 developmental delay was tran-
utero lithium exposure and congenital malformations, the sitory, and in 4 it was permanent. In this group, three chil-
overall risk for Ebstein’s anomaly apparently mounts to dren were exposed to lithium only in the first trimester,
1:1500 births in infants exposed in utero to lithium, being and the seven others throughout pregnancy. In the 57 con-
approximately 10 times higher than in the general popula- trol siblings, 6 children were identified with persistent
tion. Other cardiac anomalies, although more prevalent, abnormal development. These data indicate that in utero
are probably mild. There is no increase in other major exposure to lithium does not increase the risk of develop-
anomalies. mental disorders (Schou, 1976). In a more recent study on
15 children exposed to lithium in utero, using the WISC III
Neurodevelopmental studies. Several human case reports have
and WPPSI-R psychological tests, the researchers did not
demonstrated transient neurodevelopmental deficits in find any difference with the normal population. Weight,
infants born to lithium-exposed mothers. However, long- height, and head circumference were also normal (van der
term developmental studies on lithium-exposed children Lugt et al., 2012). These studies are reassuring, but more
are generally lacking. In a single prospective follow-up data are needed for a conclusive statement.
study, Schou (1976) compared the motor and mental
development of 60 nonmalformed lithium babies to their Lithium has the potential for perinatal tox-
Perinatal Toxicity.
own 57 siblings, who were not exposed to lithium in utero icity as reported in a relatively large number of pregnan-
by using questionnaires and letters sent to doctors (psy- cies, especially among the case reports (Moore, 1995). A
chiatrists/general practitioners) who primarily reported higher rate of prematurity and macrosomia (large for ges-
the children. Out of 60 lithium-exposed children, 10 were tational age) were also reported. Most of the toxic effects

reported in newborn infants of lithium treated mothers above 1100 mg/day in the first trimester of pregnancy
were transient and self-limited. The complications was associated with a significantly higher incidence of
included: goiter that was higher in cases of polytherapy, fetal malformation, when compared with all other AEDs
respiratory distress, apnea, cyanosis and asphyxia, cardio- (carbamazepine, lamotrigine, and phenytoin) (OR, 7.3; p <
megaly, atrioventricular block, atrial flutter, supra- 0.0001) (Vajda et al., 2006).
ventricular tachycardia, poor reflexes, and hypotonicity. In In a study published by Diav-Citrin et al. (2008), based
several cases of toxicity, the lithium concentration in the on data from the Israeli Teratogen Information Service, the
newborn infants was higher than that in the maternal outcome of 154 valproate-exposed pregnancies (96.1% at
blood (Wilbanks et al., 1970; Nars and Girard, 1977; least in the first trimester) were compared with those of
Zegers and Andriessen, 2003). 1315 pregnancies of women exposed to nonteratogenic
drugs. The rate of major anomalies in the valproate group
In summary. Evaluation of the studies on lithium in preg-
exposed in the first trimester was 8 of 120 (6.7%), com-
nancy shows that lithium therapy throughout pregnancy
pared with 31 of 1236 (2.5%) in the control group (p 5
apparently adds a small risk for cardiovascular defects,
0.018; RR, 2.66; 95% CI, 1.25–5.65). Five of the eight
notably Ebstein’s anomaly. There seems to be no other
major anomalies in the VPA group were cardiovascular,
effects on pregnancy outcome. However, if it is decided to
two had mental retardation, two of five male infants with
discontinue lithium in pregnancy, we should remember
major anomalies had hypospadias, and three of eight were
that discontinuation might cause a high rate of relapse,
suspected of having fetal valproate syndrome. A daily dose
and tapering off should be slow (Cohen et al., 1994; Vig-
of 1000 mg or more was associated with the highest tera-
uera et al., 2002). We can, therefore, conclude that, when-
togenic risk (RR, 8.72; 95% CI, 4.16–18.30) (Diav-Citrin
ever lithium is the drug of choice, it may be continued in et al., 2008).
pregnancy. Monitoring during pregnancy has to include Tomson et al. (2011) assessed the rates of major con-
fetal echocardiography, and studies of serum lithium levels genital malformations in pregnancies exposed to carbama-
throughout pregnancy. The risks of lithium exposure in zepine, lamotrigine, VPA, or phenobarbital, based on data
pregnancy need to be weighed against the risks of from the EURAP epilepsy and pregnancy registry. They
untreated BD. It is, therefore, important to consider the reported an increase in malformation rates with increasing
pros and cons when planning lithium treatment in women dose at the time of conception for all drugs. Doses of VPA
of child-bearing age. over 1500 mg daily were associated with a congenital mal-
VPA formation rate of 24.2% (OR, 5.8), compared with doses of
VPA is a commonly used antiepileptic drug and a popular 700 mg and lower (Tomson et al., 2011).
mood stabilizer that is also used for the treatment of BDs Werler et al. (2011) used data from the National Birth
and migraine headaches (Duenas-Gonzalez et al., 2008; Defects Prevention Study, an ongoing, multistate case–con-
Ornoy, 2009). Exposure to VPA during the first trimester trol study in the United States, to assess the use of AEDs
of pregnancy is associated with significantly increased during the first trimester of pregnancy among 172 women,
risks of major and minor congenital malformations, includ- of which 49 were exposed to VPA monotherapy (compared
with 17,899 controls) and the risk of various major con-
ing a 20-fold increase in neural tube defects (NTDs),
genital malformations. They found an increased risk for a
mainly with lumbosacral meningomyelocele (Robert and
variety of congenital anomalies: NTDs (aOR, 9.7; 95% CI,
Guibaud, 1982; Weinbaum et al., 1986; Omtzigt et al.,
3.4–27.5), oral clefts (aOR, 4.4; 95% CI, 1.6–12.2), heart
1992), increased cleft palate (Jackson et al., 2016), cardio-
defects (aOR, 2.0; 95% CI, 0.78–5.3), and hypospadias
vascular anomalies, skeletal and limb malformations, geni-
(aOR. 2.4; 95% CI, 0.62–9.0) (Werler et al., 2011).
tourinary defects, developmental delay, endocrine
In a prospective observational study from 1996 until
disorders, reduced cognitive functioning including lower
2012 in the United Kingdom, Campbell et al. (2014) com-
IQ, increased special education needs, and high risk for
pared between the exposure to VPA, carbamazepine, or
ASD (Moore et al., 2000; Williams et al., 2001; Rasalam
lamotrigine during pregnancy and the risk of congenital
et al., 2005; Bromley et al., 2008; Ornoy, 2009). In animals,
malformation. They reported a significantly higher risk for
VPA causes dose-related teratogenic effects in all species
malformations with valproate monotherapy 6.7% (95% CI,
investigated including rodents, rabbits, and monkeys; these
5.5% to 8.3%), compared with 2.6% (95% CI, 1.9% to
include skeletal malformations, cardiac and craniofacial 3.5%) and 2.3% (95% CI, 1.8% to 3.1%) with carbamaze-
defects (Hendrickx et al., 1988; Narotsky et al., 1994; Mssa pine and lamotrigine, respectively. VPA exposure was asso-
et al., 2005; Ornoy, 2009; Wu et al., 2010). ciated with significantly higher occurrence of NTDs, facial
In a prospective study that
Congenital malformations (Table 6a). clefts, hypospadias, and genitourinary anomalies. Skeletal
used data from the Australian Pregnancy Registry, Vajda defects were also more common in VPA-exposed, com-
et al. (2006) presented data on 630 women exposed to pared with carbamazepine or lamotrigine, and cardiac
AEDs during pregnancy with 565 fetal outcomes. VPA use anomalies were significantly more likely to occur with
BIRTH DEFECTS RESEARCH 109:933–956 (2017) 945

TABLE 6a. Summary of Studies on Fetal Effects of VPA in Pregnancy: Congenital Malformations

Author & year Number of cases and study design Fetal outcome

Vajda et al., 2006 113 VPA monotherapy; 56 polytherapy cases; VPA > 1100 mg/day was associated with a high incidence of mal-

prospective and retrospective study formations (in comparison to carbamazepine, lamotrigine and


Diav-Citrin et al., 2008 154 VPA, 1,236 controls; prospective study High rate of major anomalies (8 of 120 [6.7%] vs 31 of 1,236

[2.5%], p 5 0.018, (RR, 2.66; 95% CI, 1.25–5.65), most were


Werler et al., 2011 49 VPA, 17,899 controls; case-control study VPA exposure increased the risk for NTDs (aOR, 9.7; 95% CI, 3.4–

27.5), oral clefts (aOR, 4.4; 95% CI, 1.6–12.2), heart defects

(aOR, 2.0; 95% CI, 0.78–5.3), and hypospadias (aOR, 2.4; 95%

CI, 0.62–9.0)

Tomson et al., 2011 1,010 VPA, observational cohort study VPA > 1500mg daily were associated with a congenital malforma-

tion rate of 24.2% (OR, 5.8) compared with doses of 700 mg

and lower

Campbell et al., 2014 1,290 cases, prospective observational study VPA monotherapy; malformation rate of 6.7% (95% CI, 5.5%–8.3%)

compared with 2.6% with carbamazepine (95% CI, 1.9%–3.5%)

and 2.3% with lamotrigine (95% CI, 1.8%–3.1%).

Weston et al., 2016 467 VPA, literature meta-analysis Malformations risk with VPA monotherapy was 6.7% (95% CI,

5.5%–8.3%) compared with 2.6% with carbamazepine (95% CI,

1.9%–3.5%) and 2.3% with lamotrigine (95% CI, 1.8%–3.1%)

TABLE 6b. Summary of Studies Evaluating Neurodevelopmental Outcome of Offspring Exposed to VPA during Pregnancy

Author & year No. of cases and study design Fetal outcome

Bromley et al., 2010 42 VPA, 257 controls (230 born to women without VPA exposed had a significant increased risk of

epilepsy and 27 to women with untreated epi- delayed early development compared to controls.

lepsy); prospective study

Rihtman et al, 2013 30 VPA monotherapy, 42 lamotrigine, 52 controls. Prenatal VPA reduced non-verbal IQ and impaired

Prospective cohort study motor and sensory scores compared to controls.

Meador et al., 2013 97 VPA; prospective cohort study High doses of valproate were negatively associated

with IQ (r 5 -056, p < 00001), verbal ability

(r 5 -040, p 5 00045), non-verbal ability

(r 5 -042, p 5 00028), memory (r 5 -030,

p 5 0.0434), and executive function (r 5 -042,

p 5 0.0004)

Baker et al., 2015 25 VPA 800 mg, 34 VPA cases  800 mg; con- Adjusted mean IQ was 9.7 points lower (95% CI,

trolled cohort study 4.9–-14.6; p < 0.001) for children exposed to

high-dose (VPA > 800 mg daily) with a similar

effect observed for the verbal, nonverbal, and

spatial subscales.

TABLE 7. Summary of Studies on Fetal Effects of Carbamazepine in Pregnancy

Author & year No. of cases and study design Fetal outcome

Jones et al., 1989 48 cases; prospective study including Craniofacial abnormalities (11%), fingernail hypoplasia

neurodevelopment (26%); 7/35 (20%) children exposed to carbamazepine

monotherapy had developmental delay

Ornoy and Cohen, 1996 47 cases, 47 controls; prospective Carbamazepine exposed children had lower average

neurodevelopmental study cognitive scores, 6 of them also had typical facial

features of ‘carbamazepine syndrome’

Diav-Citrin et al, 2001 210 cases, 210 controls, prospective study A twofold increase in the rate of major congenital

malformations in the carbamazepine-exposed group.

Matalon et al, 2002 1,255 cases, 3,756 controls. Prospective and 85 carbamazepine exposed infants (6.7%) had congenital

retrospective literature meta-analysis anomalies compared with 88 (2.34%) controls.

Bromley et al., 2010 48 cases, 257 controls; prospective Carbamazepine exposed children did not differ

neurodevelopmental study significantly in their overall developmental ability

Cummings et al., 2011 49 cases, 44 controls; observational cohort study Carbamazepine monotherapy increased the risk of

impaired neurodevelopment (OR, 7.7; 95% CI,

1.4–43.1; p < 0.01)

Baker et al., 2015 50 cases; 287 controls prospective Exposure to carbamazepine was associated with reduced

neurodevelopmental cohort study verbal abilities (24.2; 95% CI, 0.6–27.8; p 5 0.02)

and increased frequency of IQ < 85

Vajda et al., 2016 Prospective and retrospective study, 528 cases, Carbamazepine monotherapy was associated with a two-

515 controls fold increase of fetal malformations

Weston et al., 2016 1,367 cases, 2,146 controls literature Higher risk of malformations compared to those born to

meta-analysis women without epilepsy (RR, 2.01; 95% CI, 1.20–3.36)

or with untreated epilepsy (3,058; RR, 1.50; 95% CI,


exposure to valproate than lamotrigine, with a significant especially speech and language delay have been described
dose effect of VPA (P 5 0.0006) (Campbell et al., 2014). by many investigators (Bromley et al., 2008, 2010; Riht-
In a recently published meta-analysis that included 50 man et al., 2013). Most of the children with developmental
studies published from the 1970s to 2015, Weston et al. delays also had the typical facial dysmorphic features of
(2016) reported that children exposed to VPA, carbamaze- “VPA syndrome” and other major congenital anomalies.
pine, phenobarbital, phenytoin, and topiramate were at a An association between prenatal VPA exposure and
higher risk for malformations than children born to ASD has been observed in many neurodevelopmental stud-
women without epilepsy or with untreated epilepsy. Chil- ies, the rate of ASD ranging between 4 and 10 times that
dren exposed to VPA (467) were at the highest risk of in the general population of children. This association, first
malformations, compared with children born to women described by Christianson et al. in 1994 (Christianson
without epilepsy (N 5 1936; RR, 5.69, 95% CI, 3.33 to et al., 1994) then by Moore et al. (2000) and by Williams
9.73) and to women with untreated epilepsy (N 5 1923; et al. (2001), prompted many investigators to assess the
RR, 3.13, 95% CI, 2.16 to 4.54) (Weston et al., 2016). ASD-like inducing effect of VPA in rodents, and prenatal
VPA administration is now one of the most popular mod-
Neurodevelopmental effects (Table 6b). There are many studies els of ASD in rodents (Ergaz et al., 2016).
demonstrating the neuro-teratogenic effects of VPA in ani- The most extensive developmental studies on the
mal models and in man. The intellectual abilities of hun- developmental outcome of children exposed prenatally to
dreds of children born to mothers exposed to VPA during VPA were apparently carried out by the group of investiga-
pregnancy have been studied in the past 20 years. Devel- tors in the United Kingdom (Liverpool and Manchester
opmental delay, learning difficulties, inattention, and Neurodevelopment Group). They studied the development
BIRTH DEFECTS RESEARCH 109:933–956 (2017) 947

of a group of children prenatally exposed to VPA at 2, 3, growth retardation, and cardiac anomalies (Thomas et al.,
and 6 years of age. Their development was compared with 2008; Weston et al., 2016). Jones et al. (1989) found an
that of control children, as well as to children prenatally increase in craniofacial defects (11 percent), fingernail
exposed to carbamazepine or lamotrigine (Meador et al., hypoplasia (26 percent), and typical facial dysmorphic fea-
2007; Bromley et al., 2010; Baker et al., 2015) The VPA- tures (“carbamazepine syndrome”) in 20%, as observed in
exposed children performed worse on all developmental a cohort of 35 children who were exposed prenatally to
measures studied in a dose-response manner. The control carbamazepine monotherapy (25) or polytherapy (10)
group of nonepileptic nonexposed consisted of 230 to 287 (Jones et al., 1989). Diav-Citrin et al. (2001) found in a
pregnant women, while the VPA-exposed group consisted cohort of 210 pregnant women treated with carbamaze-
of 38 to 44 children. Children prenatally exposed to daily pine during the first trimester, a twofold increase in the
VPA doses of 800 mg or more exhibited at all ages a very rate of major congenital malformations. The authors
significant delay in many cognitive and language measures. reported a lack of NTDs, apparently due to sample size
It is interesting to note that, with higher age of the chil- limitation (Diav-Citrin et al., 2001).
dren, the difference compared to the controls was reduced, Matalon et al. (2002) in a meta-analysis of 1255 cases
but was still significantly different from controls at all of all studies published on the effects of carbamazepine in
ages. pregnancy until 2001, in relation to major congenital
We studied (2013) the developmental outcome of 30 anomalies that also had comparative controls, found an
children at 3 to 7 years of age prenatally exposed to VPA increase in the rate of cardiovascular, renal, and oral cleft
monotherapy, compared with 42 children exposed to lamo- malformations, as well as an increase in NTD. The overall
trigine and 52 controls. The children prenatally exposed to rate of major anomalies was 6.7%, compared with 2.34%
VPA had reduced nonverbal IQ on the Stanford Binet in controls and 2.75% in untreated epileptic women. The
scales and impaired motor and sensory scores, as evi- rate for anomalies following carbamazepine monotherapy
denced from various tests (Rihtman et al., 2013). was 5.52% (44/797 children), while the addition of
There are many additional studies demonstrating the another anticonvulsant raised it to 8.57% (18/210 chil-
significant neurodevelopmental damage of prenatal VPA dren). The combination of carbamazepine with VPA and
on the developing embryo and fetus, which make VPA the phenobarbital raised it to 38.4% (10/26 children) (Mata-
most teratogenic drug of all mood stabilizers. lon et al., 2002).
In summary, there appears to be no doubt that VPA is In the meta-analysis by Weston et al. (2016) that
the most teratogenic antiepileptic and mood stabilizer included 50 studies published until 2015, it was found
drug. It is also causing increased neurodevelopmental that children exposed to carbamazepine (1367) were at a
problems, as well as increased rates of ASD. If possible, higher risk of malformations than children born to women
VPA should not be used in women of child-bearing age, as without epilepsy (2146, RR, 2.01, 95% CI, 1.20 to 3.36)
long as there are other possibilities for effective drug and from women with untreated epilepsy (3058, RR, 1.50,
treatment. 95% CI, 1.03 to 2.19) (Weston et al., 2016).
CARBAMAZEPINE Vajda et al. (2016) found in a cohort study of 528
Carbamazepine is an iminostilbene used in the treatment pregnancies with carbamazapine monotherapy, a malfor-
of epilepsy, neuropathic pain, BD, and trigeminal neuralgia. mation rate of 6.25% (RR, 2.30 95% CI, 1.25–4.25), twice
While several studies have failed to find any statistically the rate in the general population (Vajda et al., 2016).
increased risk of malformations following carbamazepine Neurodevelopmental outcome. Many studies have found no effect
exposure (Morrow et al., 2006; Harden et al., 2009), other of carbamazepine on cognitive development, compared
studies and meta-analyses have shown that carbamazepine with the general population (Scolnik et al., 1994; Wide
had a statistically significant teratogenic capacity (Matalon et al., 2002; Gaily et al., 2004). Other studies reported
et al., 2002; Campbell et al., 2014; Weston et al., 2016). increased rates of developmental delay in children
Despite these findings, it remains more widely used than exposed to carbamazepine in utero. Jones et al. (1989)
other “old” antiepileptic drugs in managing epilepsy in found, in a prospective study on 25 children prenatally
pregnant women. In this review, we summarize all studies exposed to carbamazepine alone, developmental delay
published in English regarding the effects of carbamaze- among 5 (20%) of the children, and in 2 of 4 children pre-
pine in pregnancy. While there seems to be an agreement natally exposed to carbamazepine, phenobarbital, and VPA
regarding the increased rate of congenital anomalies, the (Jones et al., 1989).
literature differs as to the possible effects of carbamaze- Ornoy and Cohen (1996) assessed the physical and
pine on development. neurological development of 47 children aged from 6
Congenital malformations (Table 7). Carbamazapine has been asso- months to 6 years, born to epileptic mothers on carbama-
ciated with an increased risk of fetal malformations, which zepine monotherapy. They reported general developmental
include NTDs, microcephaly, craniofacial skeletal defects, delays and lower intelligence scores, following exposure to

carbamazepine in utero (Ornoy and Cohen, 1996). The fol- stabilizers. Six of the women were maintained on lamotri-
lowing studies reported continuous neurodevelopmental gine therapy during pregnancy. They reported that two
studies on children exposed prenatally to various AEDs babies had low birth weight and required neonatal inten-
including carbamazepine. Bromley et al. (2010) assessed sive care unit admissions, and one infant was noted to
cognitive development of children younger than 2 years have a tracheoesophageal fistula that required surgical
born to women with epilepsy. Children exposed to carba- repair in the immediate postpartum period. Other growth
mazepine in utero (N 5 48) differed significantly from parameters, which included length at birth, head circum-
control children in their early locomotor abilities, showing ference, and Apgar scores were within normal limits in all
an increased risk of motor delay and hand–eye coordina- infants (Prakash et al., 2016).
tion problems. These differences from controls tended to Congenital malformations (Table 8). Most of the cohort studies
disappear after controlling for confounding factors and the that examined the association between AEDs exposure
total developmental score was similar to that of controls. during pregnancy and the risk of congenital malformations
The authors concluded that the differences seen within did not find any increase in the malformation risk among
the group comparisons may be due to confounding varia- infants born to mothers who used lamotrigine, with over-
bles or that the magnitude of difference is small, requiring all risk between 2% and 4.6% close to the background
a larger cohort (Bromley et al., 2010). At 3 years of age, expectation (Cunnington et al., 2005; Molgaard-Nielsen
there were only slight, insignificant differences between and Hviid, 2011; Hernandez-Diaz et al., 2012; Campbell
the carbamazepine-exposed and controls (IQ of 98 vs. 101 et al., 2014; Vajda et al., 2014).
in controls) (Meador et al., 2009). At 6 years, the IQ of the Holmes et al. (2008) found among 684 infants exposed
carbamazepine-exposed children was still insignificantly to lamotrigine that 16 (2.3%) had major malformations;
lower than that in children exposed prenatally to lamotri- five of them had isolated cleft palate or cleft lip deformity,
gine (105 vs. 108), phenytoin (108), or controls (108) an increase of 10.4-fold (95% CI, 4.3–24.9), when com-
(Meador et al., 2013). However, carbamazepine was associ- pared with the reference population (Holmes et al., 2008).
ated with significantly decreased verbal abilities at 6 years In the International Lamotrigine Pregnancy Registry estab-
(Baker et al., 2015). lished in 1992, among 1558 first trimester lamotrigine
Oxcarbazepine is not discussed, because it is similar to monotherapy exposures, there were 35 malformed infants,
carbamazepine and in many countries is not approved as suggesting a rate of 2.2%. Lamotrigine polytherapy with-
a mood stabilizer. out valproate resulted in a similar rate of 2.8% (12/430).
In summary, carbamazepine has relatively low terato- However, lamotrigine polytherapy with valproate, a well-
genic effects, mainly raising the rate of cardiovascular, known human teratogen, has been associated with 10.7%
renal, and facial anomalies and of NTDs. As to its possible of major congenital anomalies (16/150). Combining all
neuro-teratogenic effects, it generally seems to cause only these studies, lamotrigine does not seem to be a human
a low rate of neurodevelopmental delay. However, because teratogen (Cunnington et al., 2011).
there are less teratogenic effective mood stabilizers, it is A recently published, large population-based case-mal-
advisable not to use this drug as a mood stabilizer during formed study covering 10.1 million births with 226,806
child-bearing age. malformed infants, classified according to EUROCAT classi-
LAMOTRIGINE fication from 1995 to 2011, reported no significant associ-
Lamotrigine is an anti-epileptic drug also used to treat BD. ation between lamotrigine use during pregnancy and
Lamotrigine has a good safety profile compared with other congenital malformations (OR, 1.31; 95% CI, 0.73–2.33) or
AEDs, therefore, it is the preferred treatment option for specifically all cases of isolated cleft palate (OR, 1.69; 95%
women of child-bearing age. Most data on its effects on CI, 0.70–3.65) (Dolk et al., 2016).
pregnancy outcome are from studies on epileptic women In our Teratogen Information Center, we studied a
and most studies showed no increase in the rate of major cohort of 218 lamotrigine-exposed pregnancies (208 in the
congenital anomalies. We summarized most studies in first trimester) compared with 865 controls, and observed
English, especially those published from the different AED no increase in the rate of congenital anomalies and no
registries that also have control groups. case of oral clefts (Diav-Citrin, 2017).
The data related to treatment of pregnant women with Neurodevelopmental outcome. The data regarding maternal use
BD are relatively limited. Wakil et al. (2009) reported of lamotrigine and neurodevelopmental outcome are lim-
three cases of women with BD exposed to lamotrigine dur- ited. Bromley et al. (2010) reported that children exposed
ing pregnancy with normal outcome (Wakil et al., 2009). A to lamotrigine in utero did not differ significantly in their
recent retrospective study by Prakash et al. (2016) fol- overall developmental ability from children who were not
lowed women who presented to the urban maternal men- exposed to AEDs when younger than the age of 2 years
tal health center in New Zealand between 2012 and 2014 (Bromley et al., 2010). The same children were reex-
and were treated with antipsychotics and/or mood amined at 3 and 6 years, and still there were no
BIRTH DEFECTS RESEARCH 109:933–956 (2017) 949

TABLE 8. Summary of Studies on Fetal Effects of Lamotrigine in Pregnancy

Author & year No. of cases and study design Fetal outcome

Holmes et al., 2008 684 cases; prospective study 16 (2.3%) lamotrigine exposed infants were malformed.

Five infants had oral clefts.

Bromley et al., 2010 34 cases, 257 controls prospective study Lamotrigine exposed infants did not differ significantly in

their overall developmental ability.

Cunnington et al., 2011 1,558 lamotrigine monotherapy cases; prospective study 35 infants with major congenital malformations: 2.2%

(95% CI, 1.6%–3.1%).

Cummings et al., 2011 35 lamotrigine cases; observational cohort study One lamotrigine exposed infant (2/9%)had evidence of

mild or significant developmental delay.

Rihtman et al., 2013 42 lamotrigine cases, 52 controls; prospective, observa- Lamotrigine exposed infants were poorer on motor and

tional study sensory integration. No cognitive differences between

these children and unexposed children.

Meador et al., 2013 99 lamotrigine cases; prospective study Lamotrigine exposed infants were not different from

controls in their IQ and other developmental measures

at 6 years of age.

Baker et al., 2015 30 cases; controlled cohort study In utero exposure to lamotrigine did not have a significant

effect on IQ.

Dolk et al., 2016 Population-based case-malformed control study of For all congenital anomalies, aOR was 1.31 (95% CI,

226,806 birth with congenital anomalies of which 147 0.73–2.33), isolated oral clefts 1.45 (95% CI,

malformed on lamotrigine monotherapy 0.80–2.63), isolated cleft palate 1.69 (95% CI,


Diav-Citrin et al, 2017 Prospective cohort study on 218 exposed compared to No increase in major congenital anomalies in exposed

865 controls compared to controls.

IQ – intelligence quotient

differences from controls in their IQ and other develop- TOPIRAMATE

mental measurements (Meador et al., 2009, 2013). Topiramate is increasingly used as an AED, as a mood sta-
Cummings et al. (2011) reported that exposure to bilizer, for the treatment of several psychiatric conditions,
lamotrigine in utero did not affect child development, as and for migraine headaches. Topiramate is known to cross
studied at the age of 5 years (Cummings et al., 2011). the human placenta (Ohman et al., 2002). It appears that
Baker et al (2015) found no significant effect on IQ among topiramate is teratogenic and might also cause increased
the children exposed to lamotrigine in utero at 6 years of rate of developmental problems.
age (Baker et al., 2015).
Rihtman et al. (2013) assessed the development of 42 Congenital anomalies (Table 9). In a study on the outcome of 52

preschool children aged 3 to 7 years after in utero expo- pregnancies where the mothers used topiramate at least
sure to lamotrigine compared with 52 unexposed children. during the first trimester, there was no increase in the
Children exposed to lamotrigine were found to be poorer rate of structural abnormalities (Ornoy et al., 2008). There
on motor and sensory integration type tasks, but there was an increased rate of spontaneous abortions, appa-
were no differences in the cognitive scores between these rently not related to the drug effects, but to the fact that
children and unexposed children (Rihtman et al., 2013). these women approached for advice earlier than the
In summary, current evidence suggests that lamotri- controls.
gine seems is a relatively safe drug. Thus, if a mood stabi- Several studies reported increased risk for major con-
lizer should be used, this belongs to the drugs of choice, if genital malformation among infants exposed to topiramate
it is effective. We should, however, remember that the data in utero: Hernandez-Diaz et al. (2012) reported a risk of
regarding neurodevelopmental outcome are rather limited. major congenital malformation of 4.2% (15/359) for

TABLE 9. Summary of Studies on the Effects of Topiramate in Pregnancy

Author & year No. of cases and study design Fetal outcome

Morrow et al., 2006 35 topiramate cases; prospective study 2 children had major congenital anomalies (7.1%), one

had cleft lip and palate and one had hypospadias.

Ornoy et al., 2008 52 topiramate pregnancies with 41 liveborn infants, prospective Two infants were malformed; no increase in the risk for

study congenital anomalies

Hunt et al., 2008 70 topiramate cases; prospective, observational study Three infants had major congenital malformation (4.8%;

95% CI, 1.7%–13.3%)

Hernandez-Diaz 359 topiramate cases; prospective study 15 (4.2%) topiromate exposed children had major con-

et al., 2012 genital malformation

Rihtman et al., 2012 9 cases, 18 controls; prospective neurodevelopmental study Topiramate exposed children performed significantly worse

than controls for almost all of developmental measures.

Margulis et al., 2012 785 cleft palate cases, 6,986 controls; national registry study ORs for the association between topiramate use and cleft

palate was 10.1 (95% CI, 1.1–129.2) in the Slone Epi-

demiology Center Birth Defects Study

Margulis et al., 2012 2,283 cleft palate cases, 8,494 controls; national registry study The odds ratios for the association between topiramate

use and cleft palate was 3.6 (95% CI, 0.7–20.0) in the

National Birth Defects Prevention Study

Weston et al., 2016 359 topiramate exposed cases, 442 untreated healthy controls; Topiramate exposed infants were at an increased risk of

literature meta-analysis malformations compared with children born to women

without epilepsy (N 5 359 vs 442; RR, 3.69; 95% CI,


Bromley et al., 2016 27 cases, 55 controls; cross-sectional neurodevelopmental Prenatal exposure to topiramate was not associated with

observational study reductions in child cognitive abilities

topiramate exposure during pregnancy, compared with anomalies (7.1%). One of these infants had cleft lip and
only 2% for lamotrigine, with a RR of 2.2 (95% CI, 1.2– palate and 1 had hypospadias (Morrow et al., 2006).
4.0) (Hernandez-Diaz et al., 2012). Hunt et al. (2006) found three major congenital mal-
Weston et al. (2016) found in their meta-analysis that formations among 70 infants exposed to topiramate mono-
children exposed prenatally to topiramate were at an therapy (4.8%; 95% CI, 1.7%–13.3%) and 13 in cases
increased risk of malformations compared with children exposed to topiramate as part of a polytherapy regimen
born to women without epilepsy (N 5 359 vs. 442; RR, (11.2%; 95% CI, 6.7%–18.2%). Four of them were oral
3.69; 95% CI, 1.36–10.07), but not when compared with clefts (2.2%; 95% CI, 0.9%–5.6%), with three infants hav-
children of women with untreated epilepsy (N 5 668). They ing both cleft lip and cleft palate (Hunt et al., 2008).
were also at a higher risk of malformations in comparison to Margulis et al. (2012) used data from two large con-
children exposed to levetiracetam (N 5 473 vs. 817; RR, genital malformations case–control studies in North Amer-
2.00; 95% CI, 1.03–3.85) or lamotrigine (N 5 473 vs. 3975; ica: The Slone Epidemiology Center Birth Defects Study,
RR, 1.79; 95% CI, 1.06–2.94) (Weston et al., 2016). with 785 cleft palate cases and 6986 controls, and the
National Birth Defects Prevention Study that had 2283
Several studies reported a
Topiramate and oral clefts (Table 9). cleft palate cases and 8494 controls. They reported that
possible association between first trimester intrauterine following topiramate treatment, the ORs for cleft palate
exposure to topiramate and oral clefts. The RR ranged were 10.1 (95% CI, 1.1–129.2) and 3.6 (0.7–20.0), respec-
from 2.5 to 6.26. tively. In the pooled data, the OR was 5.4 (95% CI, 1.5–
Morrow et al. (2006) reported that in the United 20.1) (Margulis et al., 2012).
Kingdom epilepsy and pregnancy register of 35 Taken together, most studies suggest that first-trimester
topiramate-exposed pregnancies prospectively ascertained, topiramate exposure is associated with an elevated risk of
there were 28 livebirths, with 2 major congenital major congenital anomalies, especially of oral clefts.
BIRTH DEFECTS RESEARCH 109:933–956 (2017) 951

TABLE 10. Summary of Studies on the Effects of Levetiracetam in Pregnancy

Author & year No. of cases and study design Fetal outcome

Hunt et al., 2006 39 levetiracetam monotheraphy cases; prospective study No major congenital malformations

Hernandez-Diaz 450 levetiracetam cases, 442 controls; prospective study 11 levetiracetam exposed infants (2.4%) had major

et al., 2012 malformations; no increased rate

Mawhinney et al., 2013 304 levetiracetam monotheraphy cases; prospective 2 major congenital malformations (OR, 0.70%;

study 95% CI, 0.19%–2.51%)

Shallcross et al., 2014 53 cases, 131 controls; observational prospective neuro- Levetiracetam exposed did not differ from controls

developmental study on any behavioral scale at 3 years of age

Bromley et al., 2016 42 cases, 55 controls; neurodevelopmental observational Prenatal exposure to levetiracetam was not associ-

study ated with reductions in cognitive abilities

NEURODEVELOPMENTAL OUTCOME congenital malformations among 39 pregnancies that had

Developmental effects of topiramate have been assessed been exposed to levetiracetam monotherapy, and three
only in two studies. In a small preliminary study, Rihtman major congenital malformations among 78 pregnancies
et al. (2012) compared between the developmental out- exposed to levetiracetam as part of AEDs polytherapy
comes of nine children of preschool age (3–6 years, 11 (2.7%; 95% CI, 0.9% to 7.7%) (Hunt et al., 2006).
months) exposed in utero to topiramate monotherapy to In a larger prospective study based on data from the
18 sex- and age-matched controls. They reported that the North American AED Pregnancy Registry between 1997
topiramate-exposed children had lower IQ scores across and 2011, Hernandez-Diaz et al. (2012) found 11 major
several domains, as well as poorer motor and visual spa- congenital malformations among 450 children exposed to
tial skills. Over half of the exposed children received levetiracetam monotherapy during pregnancy; a risk of
speech, occupational, or physical therapy (Rihtman et al., 2.4% (95% CI, 1.2–4.3) (Hernandez-Diaz et al., 2012).
2012). In a recently published study, Bromley et al. (2016) Mawhinney et al. (2013) examined the safety of first-
compared the cognitive functioning of children exposed to trimester exposures to levetiracetam also, using data from
levetiracetam (n 5 42), topiramate (n 5 27), or valproate the U.K. and Ireland Epilepsy and Pregnancy Registers.
(n 5 47), and control children (n 5 55). They reported no They detected 2 major congenital malformations among
association between the IQ, memory, language, or atten- 304 pregnancies that had been exposed to levetiracetam
tional abilities, and prenatal exposure to levetiracetam or monotherapy (0.70%; 95% CI, 0.19%–2.51%), and 19
topiramate, although the children born to VPA-treated when levetiracetam was taken as part of a polytherapy
mothers had developmental delays (Bromley et al., 2016). regimen (6.47%; 95% CI, 4.31%–9.60%), confirming that
In summary, topiramate appears to be teratogenic, there is no additional risk for malformations with levetira-
especially increasing the rate of oral clefts. The data on cetam monotherapy (Mawhinney et al., 2013).
the long-term neurodevelopmental outcome are contradic- Taken together, these data suggest that levetiracetam
tory and inadequate. Hence, if possible, topiramate should as monotherapy can be considered a safer alternative to
not be used as a mood stabilizer in women of child- other AEDs for women with epilepsy of child-bearing age.
bearing age. Development outcome. Shallcross et al. (2014) compared the
cognitive and language development of children exposed
in utero to levetiracetam (N 5 53) or VPA (N 5 44) and
Levetiracetam, marketed under the trade name Keppra, is
control children (N 5 131), aged between 36 and 54
licensed as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of partial
months. They found no difference between the develop-
onset seizures with or without secondary generalization.
mental scores of levetiracetam prenatally exposed children
Recently, it is also used in some countries as a mood stabi-
and controls, while VPA-exposed children scored, on
lizer, and this indication might increase its use in women average, 15.8 points below that of children exposed to lev-
of child-bearing age. Most studies published in English on etiracetam on measures of gross motor skills (95% CI,
the possible effects of this agent in pregnancy seem to be 24.5–27.1; p < 0.001), 6.4 points below on comprehen-
reassuring. sion language abilities (95% CI, 11.0–21.8; p 5 0.005),
Congenital malformations (Table 10). Hunt et al. (2006) collected and 9.5 points below on expressive language abilities
outcomes data from the U.K. Epilepsy and Pregnancy (95% CI, 14.7–24.4; p < 0.001) (Shallcross et al., 2014).
Register through July 31, 2005. They detected no major Bromley et al. (2016) also found that 42 children born to

levetiracetam treated mothers had similar developmental Bromley RL, Mawer G, Clayton-Smith J, et al. 2008. Autism spec-
scores to 55 control children (Bromley et al., 2016). trum disorders following in utero exposure to antiepileptic
drugs. Neurology 71:1923–1924.
In summary, levetiracetam seems to be a relatively safe
drug in pregnancy. It did not increase the rate of major Bromley RL, Mawer G, Love J, et al. 2010. Early cognitive devel-
congenital anomalies in the offspring and did not induce opment in children born to women with epilepsy: a prospective
significant neurodevelopmental problems. report. Epilepsia 51:2058–2065.

Bulletins–Obstetrics ACoP. 2008. ACOG Practice Bulletin: Clinical

management guidelines for obstetrician-gynecologists number
General Conclusions 92, April 2008 (replaces practice bulletin number 87, November
Managing depression and other comorbidities during pregnancy 2007). Use of psychiatric medications during pregnancy and lac-
is important. The need to balance between maternal well-being tation. Obstet Gynecol 111:1001–1020.
and the risk of adverse fetal outcome due to drug exposure
Campbell E, Kennedy F, Russell A, et al. 2014. Malformation risks
needs to rely on evidence-based medicine that will show the of antiepileptic drug monotherapies in pregnancy: updated
risk difference between medications. It seems that TCAs, anti- results from the UK and Ireland Epilepsy and Pregnancy Regis-
psychotics, and atypical antidepressants do not carry increased ters. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 85:1029–1034.
risk of congenital anomalies or other significant pregnancy com-
plications. However, the long-term neurodevelopmental and Christianson AL, Chesler N, Kromberg JG. 1994. Fetal valproate
syndrome: clinical and neuro-developmental features in two sib-
psychiatric outcome following the treatment with antidepres- ling pairs. Dev Med Child Neurol 36:361–369.
sants and antipsychotics is still not completely known.
Although most studies did not demonstrate neurodeve- Cohen LS, Friedman JM, Jefferson JW, et al. 1994. A reevaluation
lopmental damage, we should remember that they were of risk of in utero exposure to lithium. JAMA 271:146–150.
mostly carried out on young children, at a time when the
Cohen LS, Viguera AC, McInerney KA, et al. 2016. Reproductive
effects on attention span, learning abilities, and behavior
safety of second-generation antipsychotics: current data from the
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