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Rom. 8.15 G.B.p.175 pe 1.11.1 G.B. p.175 John 1. 34 £17b Pp. asa G.3. p.175 John 3. 34 John 1.16 28 MATTHEW Ml, 17—IV. 1 the Sonship, or that now He was well pleased in Him; but that it might be known that in thy baptism thou also partakest of the adoption, and the Spirit now comes down to signify to thee that in thy baptism thou hast received the Spirit of adoption. One of the theologians says’ that our Lord also as the Archetype was thrice baptized in the water, according as He delivered at last, and in the name of the Trinity, the Spirit that descends, the Son who is baptized, and the Father who cries, “This is My Son.” Three names, it is said, baptized the second Adam, etc. Again, the Spirit comes down that the prophecy may be confirmed, There shall come a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a branch shall sprout from his root, and the Spirit of God shall rest and dwell upon him, and the rest of the section’; but the /n/erpreter says that to John alone was revealed the vision of the Spirit, as he says, that I saw and bear witness, etc, yet all of them heard the voice; but /ohn Chrysostom says that both were seen by both. And if not, it would have been supposed that the voice, This is My beloved Son, came concerning John, for the Spirit was seen in the form of @ dove, first, because of His gentleness, and for a sign of the goodness of the Spirit. Harmless is this species among birds, the tamed, and the untamed; and when her young are robbed, she produces new ones after the former ones, that is, that like her, the baptized person must be spiritual, quiet, good, and simple, without guile and without envy; secondly, just as a dove first announced about the termination of the material Flood ; thus even now she announced the termination of the intellectual destroying Flood ; thirdly, because she is commanded along with turtle-doves for the legal sacrifices, because of the gentleness, and because of the purity of the turtle-doves ; fourthly, for a sign of the reconciliation and mercy of God, and His abolition of the winter of griefs, ete.; fifthly, in the likeness of the body of a dove, that He might indicate by the per- fection of the body, the perfection of grace, that God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto His Son, but in all its fulness; of His fulness have we all received, but in part nevertheless, as much as the tongue is less than the body, as also on account of this the Spirit came down upon the Apostles in tongues, as a sign of their being less than our Lord. Then was Jesus led by the Holy Ghost into the wilderness, to be tempted of the Devil. That He was led, he says, because He went not in the usual manner, but was suddenly transported, like Philip; and thus also He went to Galilee, and He came to the Jordan; for not immediately is gregh! i” mare) add Mar Narsai in the sermon on the Epiphany (beginning) “The wonder is great.”

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