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File Test 11

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B


1 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple form of the verb in brackets.
Example: Louise stayed (stay) at home last night.
1 They __________________ (travel) by car yesterday.
2 We __________________ (get) a taxi to the train station.
3 James __________________ (have) a burger for dinner.
4 I __________________ (study) French and German at university.
5 Mika __________________ (go) to a concert last Saturday.

2 Underline the correct simple past form.

Example: We didn’t watch / watched the film last night.
1 It didn’t rained / rain last weekend.
2 Had you / Did you have breakfast this morning?
3 Where did you get / you got those shoes? They’re nice.
4 What time did you went / go to the airport?
5 Did Marion study / studied English at school?
Grammar total 10


3 Complete the sentences. Use the correct word or phrase.

Example: When do you usually ________ lunch?
A do B go C have
1 We ______ out Friday night.
A did B had C went
2 I love to do ________.
A a coffee B to bed C yoga
3 ________ a nice day!
A Do B Have C Get
4 David didn’t do his ________ after school.
A homework B lunch C shower
5 I usually ________ up really early.
A have B get C go

English File fourth edition Beginner Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 11
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B

4 Complete the sentences with a verb from the box. Use the past simple.
change cry miss arrive stop decide
Example: Rhiannon decided to stay at home.
1 We ____________ to look at the views of the mountains.
2 Maya ____________ at the end of the film.
3 I ____________ the bus yesterday.
4 They ____________ at the hotel last night.
5 Peter ____________ money at the bank last week.

Vocabulary total 10


5 Write the words in the correct column.

looked played rented travelled visited watched

carried /d/ worked /t/ needed /Id/


Pronunciation total 5

English File fourth edition Beginner Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 11
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B


6 Look at the map. Complete the two dialogues with the words in the box.

bank hotel cinema

supermarket museum

you are here gym


straight on turn right next to on the left


1 A Excuse me. Is there a hotel near here?

B Yes. It’s 1 ________. It’s 2 ________ the bank and the cinema.
A Thank you very much.
2 A Where’s the bookshop, please?
B Er...OK. Go 3 ________ then 4 ________. It’s 5 ________ the gym.
A Thanks.
Practical English total 5
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 30

English File fourth edition Beginner Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 11
Reading and Writing B


1 Read the text. Tick () True or False.

On This Day in History

23rd April is an important day in history around the world. Many people know it as the
birthday of the famous English writer, William Shakespeare, but this wasn’t the only thing in
history on 23rd April.

William Shakespeare lived from 1564 until he was 52 years old in 1616. He went to school in
Stratford-upon-Avon. In 1590 he went to live in London and worked as an actor in a theatre.
When he was in London he started to write plays for the theatre. There are 37 plays and
many students around the world know some like Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and Macbeth.

In 1972 thousands of miles away, on the same day, John Young and Charles Duke walked
on the moon. At the time they were two of only 12 men to do this. The first was Neil
Armstrong on 21st July 1969. John Young and Charles Duke were two of the astronauts on
Apollo 16.

Twenty years after this walk on the moon, on 23rd April, the American fast-food company
McDonald’s opened its first restaurant in China. On that first day 40,000 people visited this
new McDonald’s in Beijing and had something to eat! Today there are more than 2,500
McDonald’s restaurants in China.

On 23rd April in 2005 Jawed Karim watched the first video on YouTube. Jawed is from
Germany but he went to live in the United States with his family in 1992 when he was 13
years old. He studied computer science at university and started YouTube in 2005 with two

1 William Shakespeare went to school in London.

True  False 
2 He worked as an actor in Stratford-upon-Avon.
True  False 
3 There are 37 plays by Shakespeare.
True  False 
4 Neil Armstrong was the second man to walk on the moon.
True  False 
5 Charles Duke walked on the moon in 1972.
True  False 
6 McDonald’s opened a restaurant in China in 1992.
True  False 
7 40,000 people visited the McDonald’s restaurant on the first day.
True  False 
8 In 1992 Jawed Karim and his family went to live in the United States.
True  False 

English File fourth edition Beginner Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 11
Reading and Writing B

9 Jawed was 13 years old when he started YouTube.

True  False 
10 He started YouTube with his brothers.
True  False 

2 Read the text again. Tick () the correct option to complete the sentences.
Example: William Shakespeare lived until he was ________.
A 37  B 52   C 54 
1 Shakespeare went to live in London in ________.
A 1564  B 1590  C 1616 
2 Twelve men walked on the moon between ______ and 1972.
A 1966  B 1969  C 1970 
3 The first man to walk on the moon was ________.
A Neil Armstrong  B John Young  C Charles Duke 
4 There are more than ________ McDonald’s restaurants in China.
A 2,500  B 20,000  C 40,000 
5 The first YouTube video was in ________.
A 1979  B 1992  C 2005 
Reading total 15


Answer the questions about an important day that you remember.

1 When was the day?
2 What did you do on that day?
3 Who were you with?
4 Why was the day important?
5 How did you feel?
Writing total 10
Reading and Writing total 25

English File fourth edition Beginner Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 11
Listening and Speaking B


1 Listen to Luis talking to Ellen about her trip to New York. Underline the
correct information.
1 Ellen arrived back from New York last night / this morning.
2 Ellen was in New York on business / holiday.
3 Ellen was in New York for two days / three days.
4 Ellen had a meal at a restaurant that cost $18 / $80 for one person.
5 Ellen enjoyed / hated the flight home.

2 Listen to five conversations. Tick () True or False.

1 There’s a hotel on the left next to the bank.
True  False 
2 The woman did yoga on Sunday.
True  False 
3 The man watched the football match last night.
True  False 
4 The woman rented a car when she was in Vancouver.
True  False 
5 The Japanese restaurant is between the bank and the supermarket.
True  False 
Listening total 10

English File fourth edition Beginner Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 11
Listening and Speaking B


1 Answer your partner’s questions.

2 Now ask your partner these questions.

1 Where were you on your birthday last year?
2 Did you get any nice birthday presents? What did you get?
3 What did you like about the day or evening?
4 Who were you with?
5 How did you feel?

3 Maya wants to work in teaching. Read the information about her and answer
your partner’s questions.

Name: Maya Ellyas

Application for the position of: English Teacher


Education: Washington State University

Dates: From 3rd October 2012 to 9th June 2016

Subject: English Literature

First job: Receptionist in a hotel from August 2016 to May 2017

4 Your partner has information about Jamal.

Ask your partner questions and complete the form with the information.
Which university / Jamal study at?
When / start / university?
When / finish / university?
What / study?
What / first job?
When / get / first job?
When / finish / first job?

Name: Jamal Khan

Application for the position of: Tour Guide


Education: _______________ University

Dates: From _______________ to _______________

Subject: _______________

First job: _______________ from _______________ to _______________

Speaking total 15
Listening and Speaking total 25

English File fourth edition Beginner Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019

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