Heroic Tales Appendices v. 1.3.1

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Appendices Collection ‘’

Compiled, Edited, and Written by J. Michael St. Clair

Version 1.3.1
Why a Collection of Appendices?
The genesis of this project resulted from the combination of two things: first, a deep appreciation for the simplicity and
versatility of Heroic Tales; secondly, the desire to have information ready at my fingertips when playing. The contents collected
in these eight appendices combine the monsters, items, and skills found in both the “core” rulebook and Character Expansion
published by Squidhead Games along with several entries of my own creation; this collection also introduces conditions that can
affect both players and monsters alike as well as some new combat rules. In total, you will find 93 enemies, 102 magic items, 58
skills, 24 conditions, 13 new combat moves, 50 spells, 12 bard songs, and 9 new game mechanic options to use in your
campaign as you see fit. Feel free to pick and choose which parts you wish to use, and even to adapt them in any way to fit your
personal play style and world. The most important thing is for these appendices to enhance your gaming experience and the fun
while playing; I do NOT intend for them to introduce unnecessary complexity or to bog down play. My fondest hope is that you
enjoy using these appendices as much as I enjoyed writing them.

The word “creature” has been used throughout these appendices in case the facilitator choses to allow enemies to also use items,
skills, or any of the new combat rules in order to generalize both actor and target.

I am incredibly indebted to Squidhead Games for first publishing such a wonderfully elegant and adaptable system, and second
for being so ready with encouragement and advice.

APPENDIX A………………..……………..………………………..……………… EXPANDED BESTIARY page 2

APPENDIX B………………..……………..………………………..……………… EXPANDED MAGIC ITEMS page 24

APPENDIX C………………..……………..………………………..…..………… MAGIC SPELLS page 31

APPENDIX D………………..……………..………………………..…..………… EXPANDED SKILLS page 38

APPENDIX E………………..……………..………………………..….………… CONDITIONS page 42

APPENDIX F………………..……………..………………………..….………… NEW COMBAT MOVES page 44

APPENDIX G………………..……………..………………………..….………… ADDITIONAL MECHANICS page 46

APPENDIX H………………..……………..………………………..….………… BARD SONGS Page 50



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Appendix A: Expanded Bestiary surprise roll at disadvantage, and for the first round the
aghlorv attacks at advantage.
Note: When playing without facilitator rolls, it is possible to ignore
the skills of the monsters; these were intended to give certain
monsters a slightly higher edge in avoiding player attacks and AMOEBA, GIANT
more variability (i.e. specialized attacks) during combat. They can Size: Medium
even be ignored when playing with facilitator rolls, if desired. In Health: 5
addition, abilities may be ignored as well when playing with Attack: 2
player facing rolls. Weapon: Pseudopod
Armor: None
Weapons that state “OR” are alternative attacks, with the monster Skills: None
choosing only one of the available options on a round by round Abilities: Absorb (see description)
basis. Weapons with a slash indicate that both are options for the
monster, but that the monster will wield only one of them (at the
Giant amoebas are vastly oversized versions of their
facilitator’s choice). Weapons that state “AND” happen on the
primitive cousins. Possessing no real consciousness, they
same round are are normally reserved for giving a ranged attack to
are voracious eaters who will pounce on any source of food
certain creatures in addition to their mêlee attacks. Each attack by
they can find. Elastic and fluid, all attacks from blunt
a monster rolls the number of dice listed under “Attack”, plus any
weapons do half damage (rounding down), however due to
applicable skill dice.
their heat sensitive nature fire attacks have advantage and
do double damage.

AGHLORV A giant amoeba can completely cover a creature in an

attempt to absorb it. The creature must successfully save or
Size: Large be enveloped, at which point it is considered grappled and
Health: 7 cannot attack. At the beginning of each turn, the creature
Attack: 2 can attempt a save at disadvantage to escape, but as long as
Weapon: Claws the creature is inside the amoeba it takes 1 automatic
Armor: None damage at the start of its turn (a facilitator may allow a
Skills: Claws 1 / Claws 2 (see descrition) resilience save to avoid the damage at their discretion).
Abilities: Grappling (see description) Once the creature is at 0 health it is completely absorbed
into the amoeba and cannot be recovered, even by magical
An aghlorv resembles a six-legged, hairless cat with scaly means. An attack with fire will cause the amoeba to release
skin and two rows of barbed spines running down its back. its prey, but any other attacks to the amoeba will do half
Its skin is often a dull amber, and its eyes are generally a damage to the enveloped creature as well.
deep hazel. Although an aghlorv prefers to crawl on all six
legs, it is able to move comfortably on only four (freeing its Giant amoebas attack using pseudopods that have the
front paws for attacking) and can move at a reduced rate on ability to attack around corners or through sufficiently large
its two hind legs, enabling it to attack with the four upper holes.
paws. When attacking bipedally the aghlorv has the claws 2
skill, and on a successful hit an aghlorv may hold its target
with two of its attacking arms; this will give the target the ANT, GIANT
grappled condition and reduce the skill to claws 1 (as long
as the hold lasts). Additionally, it is able to climb reasonable Size: Large
terrain easily due to its number of arms and claws. Health: 8
Attack: 3
Aghlorvs are highly feared due to their quick speed and Weapon: Pincers
Armor: 2
ability to move silently. Most commonly, an aghlorv will
Skills: None
stalk its prey silently and surprise or else lie in wait, Abilities: Trample (see description)
hidden, and spring out to attack at the most opportune
time. Because of its lithe and agile nature, it is exceptionally Giant ants are formidable opponents, due in large part to
difficult to notice an aghlorv before it is upon you, and even their razor sharp pincers and armor-like carapace. They are
harder to surprise one due to its keen sense of hearing. As dedicated, coordinated fighters who will never back down
such, any creature that encounters an aghlorv has their from a battle, preferring to fight to the death to protect the
colony. Much like their far tinier cousins, their strength is
formidable, even for their large size. Typically a giant ant

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will range between the size of a horse and the size of an engage in negotiations with an enemy should it prove
elephant, although smaller and larger varieties have been opportune or should otherwise be at a disadvantage.
Typically grouping in bands of scavengers, barrodes will try
On 2 successes when attacking, the giant ant may trample to overwhelm their opponents with large numbers. A
its target. Trampled targets must succeed a check at particular tactic that is employed by bands of barrodes is to
disadvantage to avoid being trampled. If the check is failed,
surround an enemy and, with the enemy distracted,
the target takes an additional damage and is knocked
proceed to pull off armor and steal weapons in order to
prone; they are also at disadvantage on their next attack
after standing up. render them helpless; at least two barrodes are necessary
for this to be possible, roll one die per barrode. Equipment
will be removed on at least one success from a check roll,
BANDIT but requires action of all barrodes involved, meaning they
Size: Medium will all focus on this action and not be able to attack that
Health: 4 round. Once the group of barrodes is defeated, the stolen
Attack: 2 items will be unharmed and thus available for recovery.
Weapon: Short sword/dagger However, it is also common for a barrode pack to make off
Armor: 1
with their ill-gotten gains at the first opportunity,
Skills: Swords 1, Throwing 1
Abilities: None attempting to evade pursuit at all costs.

Bandits are found everywhere there are travelers, hoping to In large groups there is a chance of 1-2 on 1d6 that there
catch unaware those whose pockets are deep and security is will be a barrode shaman present, who can cast two
lax. Lacking any sort of true organization or formal training random easy to moderate effort level spells. Shamans are
in combat, bandits rely mostly on surprise and intimidation armed with spiked clubs.
to ensure their place in the world. Because there is no
assurance of great riches or reliability in their chosen way
of obtaining what they need, bandit packs tend to be small BASILISK
enough to remain sustainable through dry periods and
those times when they need to lay low. Size: Large
Health: 9
Bandits are desperate, but also believe that it is better to Attack: 3
live another day. If a bandit pack is reduced to half its Weapon: Bite OR Gaze
original size the facilitator should roll a check on 1d6; on a Armor: 1
success, the bandits will continue to fight in order to try Skills: None
and make some sort of gain, but on a failure the bandits Abilities: Stone Gaze (see description)
will flee for their lives. 9

The unholy union of cockerel and serpent, a basilisk is a

six-legged monstrosity that defies all nature. Some cultures
BARRODE view it as a king-like figure due to the crest on its head,
while others see it as a god of death or even a tool of
Size: Small
Health: 5
Attack: 2
A basilisk can turn a creature that meets its gaze to stone;
Weapon: Dagger/Club
any creature that does meet the basilisk’s gaze must
Armor: None
successfully save or be turned to stone immediately. Only
Skills: None
magic can restore a creature that has fallen victim to the
Abilities: Steal items (see description)
stone gaze. Creatures that have been turned to stone are
still susceptible to damage from blunt attacks, but ignore
A barrode is a humanoid creature standing roughly 5 feet all other damage.
tall, with squat legs, elongated torsos and arms, and large
ruffled ears. Its skin is typically orange and its eyes range Clever or cautious creatures may opt to avoid meeting the
from purple to light gray. With rare exception, the only hair basilisk’s gaze by keeping their focus centered away from it;
on a barrode’s body is found on the arms and legs. While in this case all attacks are done at disadvantage and at -1
determined and ruthless in battle, a barrode is not wholly skill die (if any). This will also give the basilisk +1 skill die
devoted to war or violence. This means that it is known to in its attacks.

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Size: Large Size: Large
Health: 6 Health: 7
Attack: 2 Attack: 2
Weapon: Claws (slashing) Weapon: Spear / Bow
Armor: None Armor: 2
Skills: Claws 1 Skills: Spears 1. Bows 1
Abilities: Bear hug (see description) Abilities: Charge (see description)

Bears are feared everywhere due to their ferocity and A centaur is a strange hybrid of horse and man: they consist
surprising strength. They are found mostly in wooded areas of the body of a horse, but where the head of the horse
where there is sufficient prey to provide food, although would normally be there is instead the body of a human
some have been spotted in plains. Normally, bears limit (including from the waist up of a human). They are proud
themselves to associating with their immediate clans only, creatures who are easily provoked and slow to calm down
being solitary and territorial creatures. once angered.

A bear can grapple a target instead of attacking with its Given enough of a clear and straight path, a centaur will
claws; the target must successfully save or be immobilized charge their enemy, bearing down on them with their
and unable to attack until a successful strength check at spear. For this attack they roll at advantage.
disadvantage or they are freed by an ally. A bear will bite a
grappled foe with advantage.

Size: Medium Size: Large
Health: 7 Health: 11
Attack: 3 Attack: 3
Weapon: Long Sword/Battle Axe Weapon: Claws OR tail OR fire breath
Armor: 2 Armor: 1
Skills: None Skills: Tail 1
Abilities: Rally troops (see description) Abilities: Breath 1

A larger, fiercer cousin of the goblin, bugbears are often Chimera are composed of the pieces of several disparate
viewed as bullies and tyrants in goblin society. Typically animals: a lion with the head of a body extending from its
standing another foot to foot and a half taller than a typical back and a snake for a tail. This bizarre hybrid possesses all
goblin, a bugbear is also recognizable by their increased of the natural ferocity of each animal and is able to attack
hairiness and higher intelligence. They have their own different targets (within range) with its claws and tail. This
clans and societies, but often venture out in order to enables a chimera that is surrounded by enemies to use
establish themselves as the leaders of less formidable different attacks for each one.
goblin groupings. Normally their rule is maintained by
force and intimidation, leading goblins to resent them A chinera’s fire breath attacks enemies in a 15 foot cone.
greatly. Enemies who are stuck by the fire breath take damage and
in addition gain the aflame condition. Any foe struck by the
If commanding a force of goblins, a bugbear can revive 1d3 tail must save or be poisoned.
fallen goblins on a roll of 6 on 1d6. The revived creature has
half of their original hit points.
Size: Medium (Bipedal) / Large (six-legged)
Health: 6 (Bipedal) / 8 (six-legged)
Attack: 2
Weapon: Pincers
Armor: None (Bipedal) / 1 (six-legged)
Skills: None
Abilities: None

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Ciligollid are a species of insect, both six legged and CULTIST
bipedal. The six legged kind stand on their rear four legs,
and both types have pincers at the ends of what would be Size: Medium
considered their arms. They are mainly concerned with the Health: 4
well-being of their colonies, which are sprawling structures Attack: 2
built up of a type of cement that the ciligollid secrete from Weapon: Ceremonial Dagger
their mouths AND Outside of the needs of the colony, they Armor: None
tend to ignore the rest of the world. When no food is readily Skills: Magic 1
available to the colony, however, ciligollid will venture out Abilities: 2 spells per encounter(see description)
in large masses to collect what is needed. If the colony is
ever threatened the ciligollid will respond with surprising Followers of a niche god or demon, cultists have dedicated
force, fighting until the threat has been neutralized; there themselves to their deity in exchange for promises of
are whispers that ciligollid take live prisoners to bring to wealth, extended life, or power. Fanatical in their devotion,
their colonies as food. cultists will attack anything that runs counter to their
beliefs and will never back down from a fight.

CRAB, GIANT Most cultists carry a ceremonial dagger to defend

themselves, but also know a limited amount of magic,
Size: Medium including the following:
Health: 5
Attack: 2 Create Energy (Ranged magic attack).
Weapon: Pincers Change Vision (Gives blinded condition).
Armor: 2 Create Fear (Gives the terrified condition).
Skills: Pincers 1
Abilities: None
Giant crabs are enormous versions of the common kind.
These aquatic creatures can be found almost anywhere Size: Medium
there is enough water to give them a home, most often in Health: 4
caves that have large enough pools or in underground lakes Attack: 2
and rivers. Since they also tolerate salt water they are Weapon: Scimitar
frequently seen on beaches as well. They are scavengers, Armor: 1
oftentimes hoarding what they can find in their lairs. Skills: None
Because of their independent eye-stalks that are always Abilities: None
sweeping the area, it is impossible to flank a giant crab.
Demon goats are lower level denizens of the underworld,
most often those who must toil and suffer to keep the
CUERO machinations of their overlords progressing. They are the
most common sort that are summoned by amateurs who
Size: Medium are inexperienced in demonology. Not exceptionally
Health: 5 intelligent or powerful, they are nevertheless ruthless and
Attack: 2 tenacious and love to terrorize villages simply to watch the
Weapon: Spines OR Bite chaos.
Armor: None
Skills: None
Abilities: Blood Drain (see description) DEMON, MAJOR
A cuero is an abomination created out of the splayed hide Size: Large
of an animal. Given horrible life, it travels by flapping its Health: 11
body to create a cushion of air that it can ride. Where the Attack: 3
head of the tanned animal would be, there are instead a Weapon: Flaming sword AND Firebolt
pair of stalks that are tipped by red, evil eyes. It’s body is Armor: 2
lined with spines which it can use to strike its prey, and at Skills: Magic 1
the center of its body is a gash of a mouth that it will use to Abilities: Summon minor demon (see description)
drain blood from its target. Every successful bite restores
one health to the cuero, much like a vampire. Typically the princes and dukes of the underworld, major
demons are endowed with terrible power, which they wield

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to further their own goals. Major demons come in a larger packs. Driven by the disease that rages inside them
staggering variety of sizes and designs, but nearly every one they will attack any and all that come near them with a
strikes terror into all who behold them. ferocity that is surprising; they have no fear left in them
and will fight to the death.
A major demon is able to summon two minor demons per
encounter to help them. These demons will be ready to A rabid dog can grapple a creature with its jaws after a
attack on the round in which they were summoned. successful attack, which immobilizes the foe and gives any
creature who attacks the grappled foe advantage until the
All demons are immune to all fire attacks, taking no grapple is broken.
damage from them. However, any blessed items have
advantage against a demon and do double damage.


Size: Medium Size: Huge
Health: 8 Health: 10
Attack: 3 Attack: 3
Weapon: Claws OR Firebolt Weapon: Horn
Armor: 1 Armor: 2
Skills: Magic 1 Skills: Charge 1
Abilities: Summon skeleton (see description) Abilities: Charge, Trample (see description)

Minor demons are upper-status members of the common Four footed and as large as a trio of carriages, dorrum can
class of demons. They typically carry out the orders of be detected by the rumbling of the ground as they
major demons when the task is deemed not worth their approach. Their hides are incredibly thick, and they
time. Like major demons the form, color, and size of minor possess a pair of large horns on the tip of their nose which
demons is not entirely consistent; what is consistent is the they use to gouge, crush, and smash whatever obstacles or
sense of unease and dread that accompanies them all. enemies lay in their path. Hunted to near extinction
because of the value of these horns, dorrum are not
A minor demon can summon a skeleton warrior to aid it in altogether common; notwithstanding, they are formidable
battle. This can be done up to three times per encounter. foes and each victory over them is a tale that is told with
The skeletons can be summoned within ten feet of the awe and wonder.
demon and will be able to attack any adjacent foes, but
must wait to move until the next round after they were Dorrum are rather slow and lumbering in close quarters,
summoned. but given enough space they can build up adequate speed to
completely overrun any tiny to large sized enemies that are
All demons are immune to all fire attacks, taking no in their path, so long as they maintain a straight course.
damage from them. However, any blessed items have Any and all creatures that are unfortunate enough to be in
advantage against a demon and do double damage. the path of a rushing dorrum must roll a save and will, in
addition to receiving damage from the attack, be in danger
of being trampled; a struck creature who fails a save will
DOG, RABID take three damage and be knocked ten feet away, making
them prone, and causing them to have disadvantage on
Size: Small
their next attack.
Health: 2
Attack: 1
Weapon: Bite
Armor: None
Skills: None
Abilities: Grapple (see description)

Rabid dogs are known to roam nearly every corner of the

world, but usually as solitary creatures or in very small
groups. Rarely do rabid dogs cooperate well enough to for

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DRAGON medium packs so that they can coordinate creating cover
and attacking.
Size: Huge
Health: 16
Attack: 4 DWARF, DARK
Weapon: Claws OR Bite OR Tail OR Breath attack.
Armor: 3 Size: Medium
Skills: Claws 1, Bite 2, Ranged 1 Health: 5
Abilities: Flight (see description) Attack: 2
Weapon: War Hammer / Axe
Creatures of legend, dragons are the source attributed to Armor: 2
countless cataclysms that have left entire cities leveled. Skills: Hammers 1, Axe 1
With an armor hide that is near impossible to pierce, Abilities: None
razor-sharp claws and teeth, and the propensity to breath
fire, lightning, or other fearsome elements, most creatures At some point in time there was a schism between a royal
flee in terror when they catch sight of a dragon rather than family of dwarfs. This resulted in a bloody war that lasted
attempt to face them. generations. Finally in desperation, one side delved ever
deeper into the ground in an attempt to distance
A dragon’s breath attack type is dependent on the color of themselves from their former kin and preserve their
the dragon; some have tried to determine a connection bloodline. These dwarfs adapted to the pitch blackness in
between the color of a dragon and susceptibility to a form the depths, biding their time while holding on to their
of attack, but none have been found. Their tail can attack resentment until the day they could reemerge and exact
any number of targets that are adjacent to it with one revenge on the side of the family that had wronged them.
sweeping movement.
Dark dwarfs are fearsome warriors with both war hammer
Dragons can often fly, bringing them out of range for melee and axe. They are also keen engineers, developing all
attacks but staying in range for ranged attacks; all ranged manner of contraptions to use in their battles. Most would
attacks when a dragon is flying, however, suffer rather die an “honorable” death in battle than back down
disadvantage. from a fight and will lay their own life on the line to help a

Size: Small
Health: 4 Size: Medium
Attack: 2 Health: 8
Weapon: Bite Attack: 3
Armor: None Weapon: Wind Blast
Skills: None Armor: 1
Abilities: Smoke Breath (see description) Skills: None
Abilities: Hurricane Blast (see description)
Raptor drakes are small dragons, about the size of a large
dog, who rely on their quick running speed to take down Air elementals are physical manifestations of the power of
their enemies. Their usual mode of attack is snapping with the wind. To some they can seem to appear to be
their relatively large jaws although they would be able to whirlwinds or small tornados with branching limb-like
levy an attack with their forearms should the need arise. appendages. Air elementals can change their size at will
While raptor drakes cannot breathe fire like their larger between small, medium, and large, but receive no bonuses
cousins, they are able to produce prodigious amounts of or penalties to their health as a result of the change in size.
smoke from their mouths; so much is produced and so Normally they hurl battering blasts of wind at their
thickly that they can render a twenty five foot by twenty five enemies, but an air elemental can opt to knock down all
foot area completely obscured within seconds. Any creature adjacent enemies who have been foolish enough to
that is caught in the smoke is unable to see to attack. surround it with a concussive blast that spreads out rapidly
Normally the smoke dissipates after one combat round, but in all directions; any creature who cannot save against this
by this time the raptor drakes will have normally attacked attack receives 1 damage and is knocked down, also
from an angle that their prey could not see due to the receiving the prone condition.
smoke. Accordinglyraptor drakes tend to attack in small to

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Air elementals receive double damage from earth based
Size: Medium
Attack: 3
Size: Medium Weapon: Water shot
Health: 8 Armor: 1
Attack: 3 Skills: Ranged 1
Weapon: Fists Abilities: None
Armor: 1
Skills: None The least defined of elementals, water elementals leverage
Abilities: Alter Earth (see description) their fluid structure to enter hard-to-reach places and wash
over their enemies. They hurl water at their enemies from a
Built up from the earth itself, earth elementals are distance normally, but can spend an entire turn to send out
creatures that somewhat resemble humanoids; however a rush of water that strikes every enemy in a twenty five
their individual shape is heavily informed from the foot radius. Each creature that is struck must save
materials - both earth and rock - from which each is successfully or receive the exhausted condition from the
composed. To summon an elemental, one must be in effort of withstanding the aquatic assault.
possession of a powerful enough wand, staff, or scroll and
must also be able to successfully cast the magic. Because of Water elementals receive double damage from wind based
their susceptibility to air-based magic, earth elementals attacks.
receive double damage from fire based attacks.

An earth elemental can sacrifice one attack die to cast alter EUFLARON
earth; if the target does not save successfully they will be
trapped by a mound of earth that springs up and engulfs Size: Medium
their legs, giving them the immobilized condition. The Health: 5
trapped creature can attempt one save at disadvantage at Attack: 2
the beginning of each of their turns to attempt to break out. Weapon: Vine
If they are successful (or if the elemental is defeated) they Armor: None
are freed and lose the immobilized condition. If the Skills: Vines 2
creature escapes before the elemental is defeated the Abilities: Blend in to environment (see description)
elemental will gain back the spent attack die.
The difference between flora and fauna is greatly blurred in
the case of euflaron: through some quirk of genetics a
ELEMENTAL, FIRE genus of plant evolved the ability to assume humanoid form
and become motile. These creatures tend to resent both
Size: Medium animals for their constant destruction of plants and their
Health: 8 habitats as well as plants for their inability to prevent the
Attack: 3 destruction. Typically in order to ambush any creature they
Weapon: Firebolt wish to attack, euflaron will retain their “natural” state
Armor: 1 which resembles nothing so much as a large tuft of grass; at
Skills: None the right time, however, they will spring from the ground
Abilities: Conflagration (see description) and assume their humanoid form. When they are
humanoid, a euflaron can grow out a pair of vines that it
A fire elemental has the appearance of a humanoid figure uses as whips.
that is composed entirely of flame. There is, in truth, a
physical essence at the core, but it is heavily buried inside
and guarded by the surrounding flames. They are
summoned by staff, scroll, or wand, requiring a
considerable amount of magical talent. Being largely
fire-based, fire elementals receive double damage from
water based attacks. However, again due to their
composition, anyone hit by an elemental or who is within 5
feet of the elemental must save successfully or receive the
aflame condition.

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FAEOL risk to any who find themselves in combat with it. In battle
they are quick, cruel, and merciless.
Size: Small
Health: 4 A gargoyle’s “hard skin” represents the natural defense
Attack: 2 offered by its stony skin which must be worn down before
Weapon: Claws OR Spines any harm can befall it; a gargoyle must use its hard skin to
Armor: 1 negate the first three successful strikes against it, regardless
Skills: Claws 1 of how much damage would be dealt.
Abilities: Pin down (see description)

Some say that faeol resemble reptilian headed porcupines GEBBOLETH

that walk on their hind two legs. Others say that they
resemble small, squat bipedal drakes covered in long Size: Huge
spines rather than scales. Whatever the case, these devious Health: 12
creatures can be found throughout the land. A threatened Attack: 3
faeol will normally use the claws on their strong front limbs Weapon: Tentacles OR Energy Gaze
as a primary form of offense and defense, but if necessity Armor: 1
arises they will fire the spines from their body at their Skills: Tentacles 2, Ranged 1
enemy from a distance. Not only will these sharp spines Abilities: Cause fear (see description)
injure their target, if the creature does not successfully save
they will be immobilized for 2 rounds. Many an adventurer has been driven to near insanity by the
sight of a mass of fetid flesh with python-like tentacles
whipping about and topped by an enormous head
FROG, GIANT containing a gaping maw. Those that were able to overcome
their fear found that they might have preferred madness to
Size: Medium the horror of fighting a gebboleth. These ancient creatures
Health: 4 are driven by malice, spite, and an insatiable desire to
Attack: 1 consume all life before them to fuel their rampage.
Weapon: Tongue
Armor: None The first time a creature sees a gebboleth it must
Skills: None successfully save or receive the frightened condition. A
Abilities: Swallow (see description). gebboleth can use its turn to rear up to its full height and let
out a tremendous roar, at which point all creatures within
Giant frogs resemble normal frogs except for their hearing range must save or receive the frightened
significantly larger size. Typically a giant frog will first condition.
attempt to swallow its target’s weapons, and then proceed
to lash out with their tongues to do damage. A swallowed A gebboleth’s energy gaze bypasses all armor and shields,
item digests in six rounds; When the frogs are slain, any making them unable to block any energy gaze attacks.
undigested items they swallowed will be recovered.

Size: Medium
Size: Medium Health: 5
Health: 6 Attack: 2
Attack: 2 Weapon: Shriek OR Chill touch
Weapon: Claws OR Bite Armor: None
Armor: 1 Skills: None
Skills: Claws 1 Abilities: Incorporeal (see below)
Abilities: Hard Skin 3
Sad remnants of the once-living, ghosts haunt the spot
The skin of a gargoyle has much the same color and texture where their mortal form met its demise in futile attempts to
as stone. This, combined with their complete lack of ease the eternal pain they are doomed to endure. Their
reliance on air, water, or food and ability to remain non-corporeal nature allows them to pass through all
motionless, has resulted in them often being mistaken for manner of materials and to hide or flee when necessary. A
statues. Once in motion, however, a gargoyle poses a real ghost cannot normally interact with physical objects except
through intense focus and effort on their part. Normal

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weapons are at disadvantage and receive no no skill dice GIANT, GEMINI
when attacking a ghost; blessed weapons act as normal.
Size: Large
A ghost's shriek attacks all enemies in a 20 foot radius. Health: 9
Their chill touch gives the chilled condition in addition to Attack: 2
any damage unless the struck creature successfully saves. Weapon: Clubs
Armor: 2
Skills: Clubs 2
GHOUL Abilities: Multiple target attack (see description)

Size: Medium Through some happenstance of fate, gemini giants are born
Health: 6 conjoined, with one set of legs but a body that branches out
Attack: 2 to a pair of independent arms and heads. Not truly a single
Weapon: Claws entity but a merged pair, each head controls the one arm on
Armor: None its side. Because of this the arms can act independently and
Skills: Claws 1 attack one foe twice or two foes at once. Gemini giants are
Abilities: Paralysis (see description). known to bicker between themselves, which a wise
adventurer will use to their advantage.
Ghouls are repulsive creatures who feast on the bodies of
the dead. For this reason they are often found in crypts and
graveyards, where their nourishment is most plentiful; this GNOLL
does not preclude them, however, from venturing out to
find a source of living beings to kill for future meals. Size: Medium
Health: 4
The scratch of a ghoul can infect a wounded creature, Attack: 2
resulting in paralysis: any creature who is struck by a ghoul Weapon: Sword
must save successfully or be paralyzed for 1d3 rounds. Armor: 1
Skills: None
Abilities: None
Gnoll are humanoids with the head of a wild beast. Due to
Size: Huge this, they are often most concerned with their own self
Health: 10 preservation and will stop at little to ensure their own
Attack: 3 continued survival. There are loose societies of gnolls that
Weapon: Strike OR firebolt spring up, but these are usually little more than a pack with
Armor: None a tense agreement to cooperate for a modicum of shared
Skills: None benefit between the members. Lacking the ability to engage
Abilities: Flaming strike (see below) in agriculture, gnolls tend to raid livestock from farms to
supply themselves with needed nourishment. They have
Giants are towering beings who see themselves as above practiced enough warfare over the years to employ
most other life (both literally and metaphorically). To them, meaningful tactics, although they are not overly well
most creatures that they encounter are little more than organized. It is especially noteworthy that a gnoll’s true
bugs, and they view them as such: insignificant, pesky, and concern is with its own safety and they will not put their
expendable. They are fearsome in war, and each reflects the lives on the line for their companions, but would prefer to
nature of where they grew up. flee to live another day when their force is reduced enough.

Fire giants are immune to fire attacks, including Firebolt. A

creature who is struck by the attack of a giant must save GOBLIN
successfully or receive an additional point of fire damage. A
fire giant cannot use its firebolt attack on every turn, but Size: Small
must spend an entire round to build up the needed strength Health: 4
and power. Attack: 2
Weapon: Short Sword OR Bow
Armor: None
Skills: Dodge 1
Abilities: None

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Clever, mischievous and cunning, goblins have overcome HOUND, SHIFT
their small size to become a significant society of their own.
While goblins do practice their own industry and means of Size: Medium
self sustaining, their inherent love of trickery has made Health: 5
them a scourge to many towns and villages; many a soldier Attack: 2
has been filled with dread when they see the tide of small, Weapon: Bite
grey-green bodies marching their way. Goblins are able to Armor: None
coordinate well in battle, especially when they are led by Skills: None
their larger cousins, the bugbear. They prefer hit and run Abilities: Phase (see description)
tactics, but will fight to the death with great determination
if needed. Shift hounds are canines that have descended from a
former pet of a careless sorcerer. This sorcerer had taken it
upon himself to experiment with his dog in matters of
GOLEM, BONE teleportation, and even succeeded in gifting his pet with the
ability to shift small distances; unfortunately, he forgot to
Size: Medium account for the puppy’s natural inclination towards
Health: 7 exploration and failed to set up a proper kennel to contain
Attack: 2 the beast. It soon teleported away and was never seen by
Weapon: Swords the sorcerer again.
Armor: 1
Skills: Swords 2 These wild descendants can phase in and out of existence,
Abilities: None disappearing from one location to appear a short distance
away. When a phase hound is attacked, it will shift up to
A bone golem somewhat resembles an animated skeleton fifteen feet away and avoid damage on a successful check.
due to their nature of being composed of bones; however,
they are constructed with more bones than would normally
be found in a humanoid of comparable size, resulting in an HRUUL
increased durability and extra limbs. They typically wield a
sword in one arm on each side of their body, using both to Size: Huge
hack away at their enemies. Health: 12
Attack: 3
Attacks with edged weapons are at disadvantage against Weapon: Stone axe OR stone scimitar OR fist
bone golems, but blunt attacks are at advantage. Armor: None
Skills: Scimitar 1, Brawling 1
Abilities: Ground slam (see description).
A hulking creature with four legs and three arms, a Hruul is
Size: Large a formidable foe. Standing 18 feet tall on average, muscles
Health: 9 standing out like fleshy boulders, and wielding a giant
Attack: 2 scimitar in one hand with a club in another, there are few
Weapon: Fists who would dare to stand their ground when attacked. It is
Armor: 3 not known if it possesses the faculty of language, but a
Skills: Fists 2 hruul is known to shake saplings with the terrible roars that
Abilities: None emit from its sharp-toothed mouth. There seems to be a
crude form of hierarchy among groups of hrūl, though
An iron golem is a large figure in the form of a humanoid, exactly how it functions is not known; however, it is clear
although usually with elongated arms. Often they are that the larger the hruul, the more deference it is given by
instructed to guard areas that are wanted to be kept secret its kind and that they are sometimes seen cooperating in
or secure, and they patrol without ever tiring. They do not coordinated ways.
advance at high speed, but rather with a slow, deliberate
plod. Normally a hruul will attack with both weapons that it
carries, but if one is surrounded or facing large numbers it
Owing to their composition, attacks with edged weapons
are at a disadvantage and an iron golem is immune to any will pound the ground with its oversized third arm, sending
fire-based attacks; however, they receive the sluggish a concussive blast that will damage all enemies within a 15
condition if attacked by any lightning-based attacks. foot radius with flying debris; additionally all affected
enemies must save successfully or be knocked prone.

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HARPY bond between the actual organisms making up the large
Size: Small
Health: 4
Attack: 2
Weapon: Claws
Armor: None Size: Small
Skills: None Health: 4
Abilities: Speed, Drop Prey (see description) Attack: 2
Weapon: Tongue
Harpies are a cross between a large vulture and an old Armor: 1
crone. These abominations thrill in the misery of others, Skills: None
swooping down from above to rake at hapless travelers with Abilities: Blinding Lash (see description)
their terrible claws. Swift flyers, they are also able to cover
great distances in a single round due to their astounding A jorrenfar walks on three spindly legs, possesses no arms,
speed and attack from afar without warning. Harpies are and has a squat head without any eyes, ears, or nose. It
also able to grapple a creature and carry it to a great height, interacts with the world by means of an elongated tongue,
only to drop it to its doom (usually to prepare as a later which proceeds out of a tooth-rimmed aperture in its head.
meal). This tongue is highly dexterous, able to manipulate objects
with fine subtlety; it is also strong enough to be employed
as a whip. A special toxin coats the tongue, which enables
ISSUV the jorrenfar to blind its prey if they fail to save when
Size: Medium struck. The blindness lasts for 1d6 rounds.
Health: 4
Attack: 2 A jorrenfar’s main weakness is its voracious appetite, and it
Weapon: Fists will pounce on any raw meat that it can sense, abandoning
Armor: 2 all caution and focusing on nothing else.
Skills: None
Abilities: Envelop (see description)
What might at first appear to be a hazily-defined bipedal Size: Small
creature, the issuv is in fact a colony of small insect-like Health: 3
creatures that work together as a single, larger body. The Attack: 2
Weapon: Short Sword / Spear OR Sling*
colony can reshape at will because it is made of a
Armor: None
conglomeration of smaller beings working as a unit, which Skills: Slings 1
also makes it harder to hit (due to their ability to scatter and Abilities: None
reform). In addition, this imparts the ability to get into
small, tight, or difficult to access spaces. It is not A race of dog-like humanoids with scaly skin, kobolds tend
uncommon for an issuv to wait in a crevice for prey to pass, to live in small family pockets as scavengers or
and then come pouring out to attack. opportunists. They are not a truly warfaring group of
creatures, preferring to take advantage of the aftermath of
wars to pick at what they can find. This is not to say that
An issuv has the ability, if it is sufficiently large or the
they are completely helpless or cowardly, but a kobold
enemy is sufficiently small, to envelop an enemy. They will would sooner flee to save its own hide than remain in the
then attempt to suffocate an enemy, who must succeed at a peril of armed conflict. The only situation in which a
survival save to break out of the covering mass. If not kobold will actively pursue combat is to protect its village.
successful after three attempts, the issuv will suffocate its
enemy. Any prey who is enveloped will also be victim to any Kobolds employ short swords and crude spears in battle as
well as slings for ranged attack; due to the fact that they are
attacks levied towards an issuv, taking half damage rounded
not highly trained in combat, whenever a kobold uses a
sling to attack it rolls at disadvantage.

While an issuv can conceivably separate at will into smaller

entities, it will rarely do so because of the acquired social

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KRAUHAN These large lizards make their homes in the hottest of
environments, including around volcanoes and in pockets
Size: Large of magma in the earth. They are so adapted to these
Health: 8 conditions that their bodies are continually wreathed in
Attack: 3 flame and they can breathe out short bursts of fire. Their
Weapon: Claws and Bite flame belch can attack from 20 feet away and explodes on
Armor: None impact, attacking all creatures near the target. All of a
Skills: Claws 1 flame lizard’s attacks give the aflame condition and any
Abilities: Bypass armor (see description) player who touches a flame lizard receives the aflame
condition as well. In addition, all wood-based weapons
Krauhan are large creatures that are nevertheless very fleet. used against a flame lizard (polearms, clubs, staves, axes,
In appearance, they resemble an oversized bear, although etc.) will burst to flame unless the wielder rolls a successful
their heads are broader and rounder, with a long muzzle save.
filled with dagger-sharp teeth. Covered in a matted fur coat
with featherlike protrusions ringing the neck, their
sickle-like claws can tear through even the toughest of LIZARDMAN
materials. When a krauhan scores a hit with their claws,
upon activation armor will not block the entirety of the Size: Medium
attack but reduce it to half (rounding up) instead. Health: 4
Attack: 2
A krauhan’s bite has a chance to inflict the sluggish Weapon: Spear and Tail (see abilities)
condition upon activation due to an enzyme that is found in Armor: 2
their saliva. This condition will last for 1d3 rounds. Skills: None
Abilities: Tail bash (see description)

Lizardmen resemble humans but with tough, scaly skin and

LEKNOR a large lizard head. Most are voracious eaters and take
every opportunity to hunt prey in an attempt to sate their
Size: Small never-ending hunger. They are known to wield both a spear
Health: 5 and shield, and to wear armor for further protection. In
Attack: 2 battle a lizardman can use their tail as a club to knock their
Weapon: Sonic Screech opponent prone, and will do so on a successful check.
Armor: None
Skills: None
Abilities: Scream (see description) LLORANA
Leknor have developed the ability to emit short bursts of Size: Medium
highly focused sound as if they were projectiles. These Health: 3
otherwise adorable looking long-eared mammals tend to Attack: None (see description)
forage in wooded areas, stunning creatures with their sonic Weapon: None (see description)
weapons to facilitate a quick getaway when threatened. If Armor: None
they are attacked, they react with a shriek that is Skills: None
generalized and loud enough to strike all other creatures in Abilities: Lamentation (see description)
a 30 foot radius. This makes hunting leknor in groups a very
risky and even foolhardy business. A llorana is the ghostly apparition of a woman who lost her
children through tragic means. They are often
unremarkable in their appearance (other than being a
LIZARD, FLAME ghost), dressed in flowing gowns that trail behind them.
Llorana typically accompany other groups of monsters, and
Size: Small only single llorana have ever been seen at any given time.
Health: 4
Attack: 2 While they will not openly attack anyone, the cries of a
Weapon: Bite OR Flame Belch llorana are known to cause so much fear and despair that
Armor: None any targeted creatures within hearing distance must
Skills: None successfully save or receive the frightened condition for 2
Abilities: Flamed attacks (see description) rounds. After these rounds are done the creature must
attempt another save or become frightened again. If all

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creatures in the party fail, the llorana considers her work A minotaur will normally attack with its hammer; if the
done and disappears likewise. Any creatures who are circumstances are right, however, the minotaur will charge
frightened will lose the condition once their two rounds are at its foes and run them down with its horns. Any creatures
through. hit by a minotaur charge are immediately knocked prone in
addition to whatever damage they take. The effort of the
Once a llorana is killed, any and all creatures who have the charge means that the minotaur will take one round
frightened condition because of it will be immediately afterwards to reorient itself for further battle.
heartened and lose the frightened condition.

If a creature has successfully saved they will be immune to MORULTIH

the effects of the llorana for the rest of the encounter. If all
Size: Large
creatures successfully save, the llorana disappears in
Health: 5
Attack: 2
Weapon: Fist Pound
MEDUSA Armor: 1
Skills: None
Size: Medium Abilities: Decompose (see description)
Health: 9
Attack: 3 Morultih are shambling masses of rot that are constantly
Weapon: Claws OR bow OR stone gaze looking for material to decompose and integrate into
Armor: None themselves. Their touch is enough to break down most
Skills: Bows 1 organic material and decomposition occurs startlingly
Abilities: Stone gaze, constrict, and speed (see description) rapidly, aided by powerful enzymes that form a strong
symbiotic relationship with them. As such, it is extremely
Most often, a méduse takes the form of a half-woman dangerous to battle a morultih in mêlee battle due to the
half-snake abomination with a tangle of snakes wreathing danger of contact.
their head. As they are related to constrictors, a medusa can
constrict an opponent, incapacitating it and dealing 1d3 If a morultih comes across any dead body it can
damage each round until the creature is freed. Medusa’s are immediately assimilate it, gaining 3 health in the process.
superhuman archers, preferring to pick their opponents off There is no limit to the amount of health that a morultih
from afar when they can. They are also inhumanly fast, can gain in this way, and they grow larger the more health
covering large distances in little time and attacking twice a they have.
round with their claws. Their most feared feature, however,
is their stone-gaze: if a creature looks a medusa in the eyes,
they must save at disadvantage or be turned to stone. Only MUMMY
magic can restore a creature that has been turned to stone.
Size: Medium
Health: 6
MINOTAUR Attack: 2
Weapon: Fists
Size: Large Armor: None
Health: 8 Skills: None
Attack: 2 Abilities: Grave rot (see description)
Weapon: Giant Hammer OR Horns
Armor: 2 An ancient culture’s attempts at preserving their dead,
Skills: Hammer 1, Horns 1 mummies are bodies that have been wrapped in prepared
Abilities: Charge (see description) cloth in the hopes that the dead would endure. Sometimes
the deceased made evil pacts with demons to continue life
A minotaur is hard to miss: they stand eight or more feet after death, and these living dead are the result.
tall, have a heavily muscled human body and bull’s head,
and tend to bellow to make themselves known. More often Any creature who is hit by a mummy must save against
than not they are found in the winding passageways of grave rot. If the save is failed, the afflicted creature
subterranean dungeons, but will certainly venture outside immediately loses 2 max health and rolls at disadvantage
should they feel the need. for all attack checks, plus any attacks towards that creature
are at advantage; each day the creature also loses 1 health
until they are at 1 health (grave rot is debilitating, rather

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than fatal). Magic and potions can cure grave rot, as well as OHBEREN
1 week spent at a hospital or other medical location that
possesses adequate supplies. Size: Medium
Health: 8
Because they are wrapped in old, dry strips of cloth, Attack: 2
mummies are vulnerable to fire attacks, taking twice the Weapon: Lash OR bite
rolled damage when hit by anything that involves fire or Armor: 2
flame. Skills: Lash 1
Abilities: Neurotoxin and leap (see description)

NAGA With an ovoid body covered in a segmented carapace, a

wide mouth that all but splits the body in two, and multiple
Size: Large barbed limbs ringing the entire creature, an ohberen is the
Health: 7 stuff of nightmares to many an adventurer. Even worse is
Attack: 2 the deadly neurotoxin that is injected via dozens of tubular,
Weapon: Fangs pointed teeth crammed into the over-sized mouth of this
Armor: None monster. Anything bitten by an ohberen must save
Skills: Fangs 1 successfully or be injected with the neurotoxin which
Abilities: Constrict (see description) weakens its prey; the victim rolls armor rolls at +1 and has
disadvantage for attack and saving rolls for 1d3 + 1 rounds if
Some travelers have spoken of having met women who kept he or she fails the save.
enormous snakes as pets, but swear to have never seen the
keeper and the pets in the same place. Nagas are able to Because of its agile nature, an ohberen is more than
present themselves in human form as beautiful women, but capable of jumping over an enemy and attacking from
are in truth giant serpents who try to allay the suspicions of
behind in a single round (rolling the attack at advantage),
their targets through shape shifting. A naga can, in snake
form, constrict a creature who must try to succeed at a save something it loves to do at each opportunity.
check. Creatures who are constricted by a naga are
grappled and automatically suffer 2 damage per round until
they escape or are freed. OGRE
Size: Large
Health: 8
NIXIE Attack: 3
Size: Medium Weapon: Club
Health: 5 Armor: None
Attack: 2 Skills: None
Weapon: Water Spouts Abilities: Sweep, Reach (see description)
Armor: None
Skills: Ranged 1 Ogres are very large, man eating humanoids. They are
Abilities: Entice (see description) known to rampage across the land when angered or in great
need of food, but are otherwise more apt to laze around in
Nixie are water spirits who inhabit pools of water found their lair. Still, these brutish creatures are formidable foes
anywhere across the land. Most prefer lakes, but they will in battle and can pose a threat to even a group of well
inhabit ponds when given no other option. A nixie’s favored trained warriors.
method of attack is to fire jets of water at their opponents.
Their seductive voice can entice a creature to enter their On a double success on an attack an ogre will “sweep”,
pool through song: affected creatures must save inflicting 1 damage to any adjacent heroes to the target. Due
successfully or find themselves drawn to the water and to their long arms, ogres have reach and can attack one
subsequently in danger of drowning. additional space away.

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Size: Medium Size: Tiny
Health: 5 Health: 3
Attack: 2 Attack: 1
Weapon: Pseudopod Weapon: Short Bow / Rapier (both pixie sized)
Armor: None Armor: None
Skills: None Skills: Bow 1, Magic 2
Abilities: Corrosion Abilities: Illusion, Charm (see description)

Oozes are viscous masses of plasma that have developed Small, winged creatures known for their mischief as much
motility and a dull sense of purpose. An ooze’s attack is as their magic, pixies inhabit areas in forests where the
corrosive enough to damage most organic material, but also mushrooms are plentiful and the hiding places are
can degrade metals and cloths. If using item durability, abundant. They prefer to attack from afar with their bows,
each successful hit from an ooze removes one durability but can engage in melee combat if necessary.
from an item in the possession of the stricken creature. If
not using item durability, roll 1d6: on a roll of a 1, an item Pixies can cast illusions that confuse their foes, who will
belonging to the stricken creature is destroyed. attack the illusion instead of them. Once the creature
attacks the illusion, the spell will end and the creature will
Cold attacks are especially effective against oozes, doing realize they have been fooled. Pixies are also capable of
double damage. charming a foe for 1d3 rounds.

Size: Medium Size: Medium
Health: 6 Health: 5
Attack: 2 Attack: 3
Weapon: Long sword / Battleaxe / Spear / Short Bow Weapon: Claws
Armor: 1 Armor: 1
Skills: Swords 1, Axe 1, Spear 1 Skills: None
Abilities: Knockback (see description) Abilities: None

Orcs are vile humanoids with vaguely piglike features, Pontianak take the form of thin, pale women with long
blue-green skin, and a taste for conquest and warfare. With black hair and red eyes. The ghosts of women who have
imposing physiques seemingly bred for battle, orcs can endured great tragedy, they roam the countryside searching
sweep across large territories, bringing destruction in their for others to make suffer as much as they have. Their mere
wake. They are capable fighters with almost any weapon, presence is so terrifying that anyone who comes within ten
including using bows for long-ranged attacks. Most orcs feet of them must save successfully or receive the terrified
prefer to move in the cover of darkness, although they are condition. Pontianak attack with their extended fingernails
able to venture out in the sunlight without any real that are essentially six inch claws, slashing at the bodies of
repercussions. their victims.

On a double success when an orc attacks, a player must

save against the ferocity of the attack or be knocked PUEHAY
backwards 5 feet. On a critical fail they will also be knocked
Size: Small
Health: 3
Attack: 1
Weapon: Fist OR Clay Shot
Armor: None
Skills: Ranged 1
Abilities: None

Puehay are quaint creatures made of clay. Roughly

humanoid shaped, with oversized heads whose only
features are two shallow pits for eyes and a slit for a mouth,

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they possess a somewhat comical appearance and one tinkering he finally came up with the design for what he
might be forgiven for having to stifle a smile when being called a “quelt”. He gave his inventions 6 arms in order to
attacked by them. That is, until the size of the force that has maximize their efficiency, a round sturdy body to protect
come marching up becomes apparent: While puehay are them in case of dangerous tasks, and a head with
rather weak and fragile, it is in the vast numbers that they mechanical eyes and brain to give them the ability for some
levy where the danger lies. Many an adventuring party has autonomy. Unfortunately, he ended up providing them with
found themselves overrun by the sheer size of a puehay too much autonomy and they rebelled, killing their creator
army, barely able to limp home to tell the tale. and setting in motion the automated factory that produced
them. Now they roam at random, searching for some sense
of meaning in their mechanical lives.
Quelt attack as many times as their attack rating. For every
Size: Medium
two health lost, a quelt loses a pair of arms and thus 1
Health: 4
attack rating.
Attack: 2
Weapon: Claws
Armor: None RAT, GIANT
Skills: None
Abilities: Paralyze, shapeshift (see description) Size: Small
Health: 2
Covered in slimy scales, lying in wait near the shore of a Attack: 1
favorite river or other body of water, qallupilluit are Weapon: Bite
creatures of legend that watch for those who wander too Armor: None
close to the water only to grab them with their long claws Skills: None
and drag them underneath. Often their long hair is Abilities: Infection (see description)
mistaken for seaweed or algae as it floats on the surface of
the water while they patiently bide their time, hoping for Enlarged vermin that attack in decently sized packs. Giant
their next victim. Although the earliest legends are from rats tend to swarm in sewers or any other place in which
colder regions, qallupilluit can be found in warmer areas sanitation and cleanliness has not been made a priority.
should they become somewhat desperate for prey. Some wounds from a giant rat may become infected,
causing 1 damage per round for 1d3 rounds.
With one of its fins, a qallupilluit can emit a shrill noise that
will paralyze its victim. The target of the sonic attack must
save successfully or be paralyzed for 1d3 rounds. The RHEK
qallupilluit will then attempt to drag its paralyzed victim
Size: Medium
towards the closest body of water to submerge and drown
Health: 3
Attack: 1
Weapon: Acid shot OR acid blast
Qallupilluit are also capable of taking on the form of a
Armor: None
common human as a means of blending in. While in this
Skills: Ranged 1
form they are unable to breathe underwater or use their
Abilities: Acid blast (see description)
claws or paralyzing attack. They must also regularly
consume an amount of human hair to maintain this form.
A rhek resembles a large slug or maggot, its plump rubbery
body covered in mucus and with no discernible front or
QUELT back end. Until, that is, it spews highly-corrosive acid (50’
range) from its mouth (which is little more than a small
Size: Small hole that is covered by a retractable flap of flesh) as a
Health: 6 means of self-defense. It normally uses this ability to spew
Attack: 3 acid as a means of a ranged attack, but when surrounded by
Weapon: Arm Lash at least two enemies it is able to leverage this talent to
Armor: 1 create a burst of acid on the ground and hurtle themselves
Skills: None up to 50 feet away. Due to the acid burst, any creatures
Abilities: None within a 5-foot radius are dealt acid damage. The rhek (and
any other rhek) is, of course, immune to this acid due to the
There was once an inventor who needed automations to mucus covering on its skin.
help him with the menial tasks in his life. After years of

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Size: Large Size: Medium
Health: 9 Health: 3
Attack: 3 Attack: 1
Weapon: Pincers OR stinger Weapon: Sword OR Short Bow
Armor: 2 Armor: None
Skills: None Skills: Bows 1
Abilities: Poison, grab (see description) Abilities: Undying (see description)

Typically giant scorpions are created by dark magic. These Sometimes a particularly daring sorcerer will dabble in the
unnatural and unholy hunters roam the countryside in arts of necromancy, rearing up the skeletons of fallen
pursuit of a meal, snapping with their claws and striking warriors to do their fighting for them. These mindless,
with their poisonous stingers. shambling horrors do not fear death since they have
already tasted it and will fight until they can no longer
Any creature stung by the tail of a giant scorpion must function. Due to the fact that they no longer possess any
successfully save or be poisoned. A giant scorpion can also flesh or organs, ranged weapons have disadvantage, as do
grab a creature in one of its pincers while continuing to edged weapons. Whenever a skeleton is defeated in battle, a
attack with the other. If the save is failed, the creature is successful save will revive them.
considered grappled and may attempt a strength save at
disadvantage at the start of each of their turns to try and
break free. SKERRAXIS
Size: Medium
Health: 3
Weapon: Strike
Size: Medium Armor: 3
Health: 6 Skills: None
Attack: 2 Abilities: Enrage (see description)
Weapon: Bite
Armor: None A skerraxis is the embodiment of the rage, hatred, and
Skills: None malice of a conjurer, given form as a shadowy figure. Its
Abilities: Neck reach (see description) ethereal nature makes it both delicate and difficult to strike.
It tends to focus on those who are the weakest in a party,
In some strange or unholy manner, lost in the darkness of picking off the easier targets before overwhelming the
forgotten history, there was a crossing between a leopard more powerful foes.
and a serpent. The resulting creature has the body of a
leopard, a long serpent-like neck, and a leopard’s head. This If a skerraxis’ attack has 3 or more successes, the target
gives them the speed and agility of a leopard along with an must successfully save or become possessed momentarily
extended reach due to their long and lithe neck.
by the anger of the skerraxis, and will attack the nearest
ally (moving towards that ally if necessary) immediately on
Because of the length of their neck, serpopards can attacks
from ten feet away and the speed of their neck is such that their next turn.
any creature defending against them rolls at disadvantage
as long as they cannot close this distance; once they have
taken a position that is adjacent to the serpopard they will SNAKE, GIANT
attack as normal. The serpopard, of course, will do Size: Large
everything it can to maintain this distance. Health: 7
Attack: 2
Weapon: Bite
Armor: None
Skills: None
Abilities: Poison, constrict (see description)

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Slithering silently and striking with lightning speed, giant a creature wanders into their vicinity and awakens them to
snakes have held entire villages hostage with their action.
fearsome might.
Usually an animated statue will recognize its master and
Any creature bitten by most species of giant snake must any permitted guests by way of a keyword or will wait for
successfully save or be poisoned. some other mechanical means of alerting them to
intruders. If one knew the keyword or placement of the
Certain snakes can instead constrict a creature. The mechanical alert, it would be entirely possible to bypass the
constricted creature is considered grappled and may animated statues entirely; it may even be possible to give
attempt a strength save at disadvantage at the start of each the keyword after they are awakened in order to pacify
of their turns to try and break free. For every turn that a them and avoid a fight.
creature does not escape the constriction they take 1
damage. A constricting snake can still attack other
creatures, although it can no longer move. TAGMELLUM
Size: Large
Attack: 2
Size: Large Weapon: Tentacles
Health: 6 Armor: None
Attack: 2 Skills: None
Weapon: Bite Abilities: Grapple (see description)
Armor: None
Skills: None Riding on the wind and lazily flapping their blanket-like
Abilities: Poison and entangle (see description) wings keep their enormous bodies aloft, tagmellum might
be beautiful to watch or even inspire wonder were it not for
These enormous cousins of common spiders are enough to the mass of tentacles that spreads from their chest.
strike fear in even the most hardened of warriors. They Tagmellum use these tentacles to trap prey and bring any
seem to live to feed on other life, often spreading vast hapless creature that is caught up to their enormous maw,
networks of webs to entrap their prey. great pincers clacking in anticipation. Their segmented
jewel eyes can see the smallest detail from up high, even in
Targets must save vs. poison when hit. Spiders can also near-perfect dark, making them predators of the most
entangle their enemies in webbing, which immobilizes a fearsome ilk. Some say that tagmellum never cease to fly;
target and renders them unable to attack until freed. In truly, no living being has even seen one not in flight.
addition, any creature that attacks the entangled target has
advantage. During a battle, tagmellum can use their tentacles as whips,
buffeting enemies to wear them down. Some tagmellum are
also known to capture an enemy and then fly to a higher
STATUE, ANIMATED altitude to drop the grappled creature to their doom. They
will then collect this tenderized meat for a meal.
Size: Large
Health: 6
Weapon: Fists
Armor: None Size: Small
Skills: None Health: 4
Abilities: Blunt weapons have advantage, sharp weapons Attack: 2
have disadvantage Weapon: Club
Armor: None
Through some form of magic, some statues are animated Skills: Clubs 1
and employed as a sort of guardian or sentry. While it is Abilities: Invisibilty (see description)
possible that an especially potent enchanter can animate a
statue on the spot as a defensive move, this is rarely the Tikoloshe are small gremlins that are sent on behalf of a
case: the process takes time and focus to ensure that the shaman. While their given orders are at times somewhat
statue knows foe from friend, so most statues are animated benign, they often are deployed with the intent to wound or
and then commanded to be dormant until needed. They kill. These short, hairy humanoids are endowed with an
will lie in wait indefinitely, making no move or sound until especially frustrating ability: if they swallow a stone they

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are invisible for 1d3 + 1 rounds. Prior to becoming invisible USHI-ONI
a tikoloshe must spend one round searching for an
appropriate pebble to swallow. Size: Large
Health: 7
An opponent with any points in the perceptive skill can Attack: 2
spend their entire round rolling a perception check at Weapon: Spike Foot OR Poison Spit
disadvantage; if successful they will remove the invisible Armor: None
condition from the tikoloshe. Skills: Ranged 2, Brawling 1
Abilities: None

TROLL Strange beasts with a bull’s head, six legs, and spikes for
feet, ushi-oni prey on those they find wandering on beaches
Size: Large or in other sandy areas. There are also whispers that they
Health: 9 can take human form, waiting at temple gates or in
Attack: 3 mountain paths to find unsuspecting victims. In any case,
Weapon: Club they relish killing and eating their victims by impaling
Armor: None them with their spiked feet and tearing them to shreds with
Skills: None their terrible teeth.
Abilities: Sweep (see description)
The poison that is spit by an ushi-oni affects all creatures in
While a troll usually prefers to live in rocky terrain, keeping a ten by ten foot area, who must save or receive the
solitude with its family, they are also known to venture out poisoned condition.
for reasons only they can fathom. Trolls are large, strong,
and surprisingly agile. A troll’s sweep attack can hit up to
three adjacent targets, making ganging up on one a VALLAX
dangerous gambit.
Size: Tiny
Trolls also regenerate 1d3 health each round, and must be Health: 3
attacked with flame based magic or weaponry to be fully Attack: 1
defeated. Weapon: Bite
Armor: None
Skills: Bite 1
UGULIK Abilities: Blood drain (see description)

Size: Small Vallax are foul, winged creatures that swarm their enemies
Health: 4 and proceed to peck at them with their sharp, needle-like
Attack: 2 proboscises. Every time a Vallax does damage to a creature
Weapon: Dagger / Hand Axe it is healed for the amount of damage it dealt, up to its
Armor: None maximum amount of health. A vallax may also revive a
Skills: None fallen comrade with the blood it has removed from a target,
Abilities: Tunneling (see description) although this would require its entire turn to do so and it
would need to be at full health itself in order to do so.
Ugulik are small, subterranean humanoid creatures that
can tunnel with lightning speed underground through earth While vallax are not dangerous on their own, it is because
or stone. Thin, shriveled, and grey skinned with comically of the vast size of their swarms that they pose a threat.
pointed ears and oversized eyes, their humorous
appearance belies their treachery and will to mete out
harm to others. VAMPIRE
As they are so adept at tunneling, ugulik tend to make very Size: Medium
little noise as they carve their path, suddenly pouring out of Health: 15
a hole that has seemed to pop into existence in order to Attack: 3
waylay their target. A favorite tactic during battle is to Weapon: Long sword OR bite
tunnel underground, going from one spot to another and Armor: None
leaving pockets underground to collapse when enemies Skills: Swords 1
walk over them; this has the result of knocking the enemies Abilities: Blood drain, transform, and hypnotize (see
prone, thus open to attack. description)

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Terrible creatures who depend on the blood of living WEREWOLF
animals for sustenance, vampires terrorize all who are
around them into fearing the night. They use pointed fangs Size: Medium
to puncture the skin of their victims, draining the life out of Health: 8
them as they drink blood and rejuvenate themselves. Attack: 3
Vampires are strong adversaries who will not go down Weapon: Claws OR Bite
without a tremendous fight. Armor: None
Skills: None
Any time a creature is bit by a vampire, the vampire is Abilities: None
healed by whatever damage is dealt to that creature.
Vampires have the power to transform into a giant bat in Cursed to live as a human by day but a monster at night,
order to fly. They also possess the ability to hypnotize a werewolves are truly unfortunate individuals. They tend to
creature, who must save or be controlled for 1d3 rounds. wreak havoc not far from where they reside and work
extremely hard to keep their identities secret.

VINE, KILLER Weapons not composed of silver can do a maximum of 1

damage to a werewolf and must be a double success at the
Size: Variable least in order to do any damage at all. Silver weapons
Health: 3 (per vine) damage a werewolf normally.
Attack: 2
Weapon: Vines/Thorns Any creature reduced to 2 health by a werewolf must save
Armor: None successfully or be turned into a werewolf within 1d3 days. A
Skills: Grapple 1 blessing from a priest or a cure disease spell/scroll will halt
Abilities: Grapple and Constrict (see description) the turning entirely.

Killer vines are semi-sentient plants that have evolved

autonomous movement in order to hunt prey; they are still WIGHT
rooted to the spot in which they have sprouted but are able
to twist, turn, and extend themselves not unlike tentacles or Size: Medium
serpents in order to batter or wrap around their intended Health: 9
victim. Most often they will remain still in an attempt to Attack: 2
trick their prey into believing that they are normal flora. Weapon: Fist
When an unwitting victim wanders into range, however, Armor: None
they will spring into life and begin their attack. Skills: None
Abilities: Energy drain (see description)
More often than not the vines act in “colonies” with large
numbers of independent vines working together to kill Wights are hideous undead, wizened parodies of what they
prey, after which they will share the spoils amongst each would have looked like in life. While they do not cause any
other. direct damage when they strike, any creature who comes
into contact with a wight must save or suffer 1 level of
A killer vine can wrap around a creature, grappling it. At energy drain, which gives them disadvantage on ALL
the start of each turn the creature can attempt a strength checks and reduces their maximum health by 1. This effect
save in order to break free, or companions can also kill the is cumulative with all successive contacts that are made
vine that has grappled them in order to free them. Until the with or by the wight. Attacking a wight with a weapon or
creature is freed, the vine will constrict it for two automatic spell does not count as contact.
Creatures who have suffered energy drain will regain their
Being flora, killer vines are especially susceptible to lost maximum health at a rate of 1 per night of
fire-based attacks and are thus attacked at advantage uninterrupted rest.
whenever a fire-based attack is levied their way.

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WILL-O-THE-WISP If a woodling is attacked by any creatures who are clustered
together, they will topple over, crushing all creatures in a
Size: Medium fifteen foot cone area. They must spend their next turn
Health: 4 standing back up.
Attack: 2
Weapon: Flare Any fire attacks that hit a woodling do double damage.
Armor: None
Skills: Ranged 1
Abilities: Enchant (see description) WORM, GIANT
A will-o-the-wisp takes on the appearance of a floating ball Size: Giant
of light. These spirits tend to be seen most often in swampy Health: 9
or damp areas, but are not strictly relegated to such places. Attack: 3
They attack their enemies by flaring the natural energy that Weapon: Bite
is around them, striking all in a ten foot radius. Armor: None
Skills: None
Additionally, a will-o-the-wisp can enchant creatures, who Abilities: Swallow, Crush (see description)
must successfully save or receive the obsessed condition
with the will-o-the-wisp as the focus of their obsession. These burrowing creatures can tunnel through earth as fast
Once the will-o-the-wisp is destroyed the obsesses as if they were swimming. They try to emerge just beneath
condition will end. a target and swallow it whole. Any creature who is attacked
this way must save successfully or be swallowed; every turn
they are in the belly of the worm they are unable to act and
WOLF are burned by the stomach acid for 1 damage. They must be
freed by their companions or be eventually digested by the
Size: Medium worm.
Health: 5 Giant worms can also roll over multiple enemies in close
Attack: 2 proximity, causing damage by crushing.
Weapon: Bite
Armor: None
Skills: None WYVERN
Abilities: Howl (see description)
Size: Large
Wolves prowl everywhere there is food to be had. A Health: 10
longtime nightmare for any traveler, wolves move in packs, Attack: 3
using well honed tactics to surround their intended prey Weapon: Talons OR Stinger
and wear them down. If a wolf attack force is reduced to at Armor: 2
least half during a battle, the wolves will howl to call for Skills: Talons 1
backup. This backup will take 1d3 rounds to arrive in the Abilities: Flight (see description)
form of 1d3 + 1 wolves and attack from all sides.
To most, a wyvern may resemble a dragon, but they do
possess some key differences from their draconian cousins:
WOODLING aside from their reduced size, a wyvern has only two legs
and wings rather than four. In addition, they do not possess
Size: Large any form of breath attack such as fire or lightning. This
Health: 10 does not stop wyvern from being deadly and destructive,
Attack: 2 however. They will pursue anything smaller than them and
Weapon: Fists fight to the death. A wyvern can only attack with its talons
Armor: None while flying, and when on ground will use its stinger. The
Skills: Fists 1 sting of a wyvern will give the dazed condition unless the
Abilities: Timber Crush (see description) target successfully saves.

Woodlings are trees that have been animated by a sorcerer

who has carved an incantation into their bark. They feel no
pain and will fight to the end without ever stopping or
backing down.

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Size: Medium to Large Size: Medium
Health: 6 Health: 5
Attack: 2 Attack: 2
Weapon: Stalks Weapon: Electricity Bolt
Armor: 2 Armor: None
Skills: None Skills: Magic 2
Abilities: Spore Cloud, Offspring Dispersal (see description) Abilities: Revive (see description)

Xanb are a strain of mushroom that has somehow Zithmari have the appearance of corpses due to their
developed consciousness and motility. Over time they have deathly pallor, utterly black eyes, and silver hair; however
also evolved the ability to defend themselves by swinging they move with blinding speed and have developed the
the two large thalluses that branch off from the main ability to bend electricity to their will. They are a proud
thallus. Due to their overall structure, the movement of a people and while not overtly hostile, will readily attack any
xanb is slow and deliberate, resulting in them staying in a who do not show them what they feel to be their due
relatively small territory over their lifetime. obeisance. Zithmari typically dress in white robes and little
Xanb naturally release a cloud of spores to reproduce.
Because the spores cause a reaction in other creatures A zithmari can revive a fallen comrade by shocking their
when inhaled xanb have adopted the tactic of releasing the system back into health. The revived zithmari will have half
cloud when threatened. Instead of attacking, a xanb can of their original health.
spend its full turn releasing spores; any creature within a
ten foot radius must successfully save or be nauseated and
also be sluggish for 1d3 + 1 rounds. ZOMBIE
Size: Medium
If a xanb has released its spores, 1d3 + 3 tiny xanb (health 2
Health: 4
and attack 1) will spring up the next round in the area
Attack: 1
where the spores were released.
Weapon: Claw OR Bite
Armor: None
YANE Shield: None
Skills: Claw 1, Bite 1
Size: Medium Abilities: None
Health: 6
Attack: 2 Corpses raised by evil sorcerers as either protection or
Weapon: Claws OR Short Sword/Mace servants, zombies are relentless in their hatred of the
Armor: 1 living. Their creators’ spells have granted them additional
Skills: Sword 1, Mace 1 strength in their undeath, which they levy towards all who
Abilities: None stand in their way. They attack with slashing claws and bite
with sharpened teeth, trying desperately to satiate their
Lithe and graceful, yanes have the appearance of humans unquenchable hunger for flesh.
with a feline head. Typically covered in black and white fur,
there are others who possess all varieties of colors and A creature who has been killed by a zombie has a 1 in 6
patterns. Yanes tend to form small social groupings on chance of returning as a zombie within 24 hours.
which they rely for safety and security, but there are indeed
larger groups that form and create thriving communities.

In war, yanes exploit their innate swiftness and agility.

Preferring to stalk their targets, yanes will often hide in the
shadows or under cover, sprinting out when the moment is
right. But in a face-to-face confrontation, yanes are also
formidable opponents.

While they are skilled enough with weapons, a yane is not

helpless when unarmed: they are able to strike with the
retractable claws in both hands with lightning speed.

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Appendix B: Magic Items Amulet of Aur
Active, Accessory, Trinket
Many of these items can and should be tailored by a facilitator
On activation while casting a spell, adds 1 pip to a magic skill
when handed out. The names are merely suggestions or for
flavor; if you have a better name, use it!

Items marked as tools must be held in the hand in order to be Armorbane Hammer
used (sometimes two, if indicated). Items marked consumable Active, Weapon, Two Handed
have a limited number of uses (usually only 1 unless stated Should a creature use their armor or shield when attacked
otherwise). Items marked with a part of the body must be with this weapon and should the weapon activate, there is one
worn on that part or held in that part; a creature can only additional point cost to block the attack. If the armor has only
have one item on the head, shoulders, body, feet, and on the one point left or if a shield is used, it is bypassed completely
hands, but may wear as many trinkets as is reasonable. (while still losing the point).
Additionally they may hold one tool or weapon per hand;
weapons and tools are assumed to be single handed unless Bone Flute
noted otherwise.
Active, Tool, Two Handed
If not using facilitator rolls, any item that would put an enemy If activated while playing, this flute will summon 1d2
at disadvantage for attacks will reduce their attack rating by 1 skeletons who will fight for the creature that summoned them
to a minimum of 1; if an enemy was already at 1, reroll 1 until they are dead. The skeletons cannot be healed and will
failed die and if it comes up as a success, no hits were scored not revive if killed. The flute will only successfully activate
by that enemy. If it remains a failure then the enemy was able once per day.
to hit.
Bracelet of Reach
The descriptor tags beyond active/passive can largely be Passive, Accessory, Trinket
ignored with few consequences in order to keep the game While wearing this bracelet, the user can use telekinesis to
simple, but they may introduce some interesting limitations pull small, light objects into their grasp. It does not affect
on players, and thus encourage creativity. anything further away than a yard or heavier than a dagger.

Brutal Hammer
Antidote Passive, Weapon, Two Handed
Add 1, 2, or 3 skill dice, depending on quality, when using the
Passive, Tool, Consumable brutal hammer for an attack.
When drunk, this immediately removes poison from the
imbiber’s system.
Bythax’s Coat of Pelts
Passive, Armor, Body
Attuned Sword Add 1 skill die when attacking any beast type monsters.
Passive, Weapon
Pick a specific enemy. This is now the enemy to which the Charm Bracelet
sword is attuned. When attacking that specific enemy add 1 to
Passive, Accessory, Trinket
3 additional skill dice, according to the quality of the sword, to
Adds 1 pip to a single skill die on any rolls that involve
the attack roll.

Accurate Mace
Climbing Gloves
Passive, Weapon
Passive, Accessory, Hands
Add 1 pip to 1 strength or mace skill die when using the
adds 1 to 3 skill dice, depending on quality, for a check that
accurate mace for an attack.
involves climbing.

Amber Eyeglasses
Cutlass of Krumora
Active, Accessory, Head
Passive, Weapon
On activation while searching or tracking, adds 1 pip to a skill
When the owner of this weapon is rendered unconscious in
battle the cutlass will magically levitate and continue to
defend them until they are revived; at that point it will cease

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to levitate and fall to the floor. Attack rolls are done by the Drakescale Armor
owner as normal check rolls, although none of their skill dice
Active, Armor, Body
will apply.
In addition to having advanced armor protection, this armor
reduces the damage done by fire-based attacks by 1 to 3 dice
Changeling Cloak when activated, depending on quality.
Active, Accessory, Body
This cloak can activate once per day. When it does, the wearer Drakescale Gloves
will be transformed into any tiny to small sized beast creature
Passive, Accessory, Hands
they choose and will retain their normal mental capabilities
When wearing these gloves a creature can hold an item that is
and knowledge, although none of the skills they know. With
either very hot or very cold without feeling the temperature in
the facilitator’s approval, they can choose one non-combat
the slightest; because of their bulk, while wearing these
skill that the animal would conceivably have. The effects last
gloves all attacks and any other action that requires dexterity
for a maximum of one hour, at which point the wearer will
of the hands is rolled at disadvantage.
involuntarily change back to their normal form. The wearer
can, at any time before the hour is up, voluntarily choose to
revert back to their normal form. Dragonhunter’s Spear
Passive, Weapon
Dante’s Wand Provides two skill dice against dragons or other draconian
Passive, Weapon, Consumable
A magic user can spend three caster points to pre-load 2 of
the same easy to moderate effort spells onto the want (eg. Emerald of True Sight
Fireball, not Create Fire). Using the wand does not require a Passive, Tool
cost roll, but does require a successful magic test. Each Gives +1 pip to skill checks for insight or recalling
successful use removes 1 charge.
Endless Cup
Delver’s Goggles
Passive, Tool
Passive, Accessory, Head This cup is always full of water, no matter how much is drunk
Give dark vision to a creature who wears them. out of it; when tipped, a steady stream of water will continue
to pour out.
Devil’s Dagger
Passive, Weapon Enchanted Heavy Armor
Twice per encounter, you can attack two times in one turn. Passive, Armor, Body
This armor gives all the benefit of advanced level armor but
Displacement Wand does not impose any kind of penalty for wearing it.
Active, Tool
When activated can swap the position of two targets. Starts Enhanced Thieves Tools
with 1d3 charges. Active, Tool
When the tools activate during use, move 1 pip between skill
Donkey Bone Brooch dice.
Passive, Trinket
When a pair is worn between creatures, allows for Evenhardt’s Dagger
communication between them over a distance of up to 1,000 Passive, Weapon
feet. They need only speak as loud as a whisper, but will hear This dagger adds 1 skill die when used; in addition, if it is
each other clearly and intelligibly. thrown it will return to the thrower’s hand the next round.

Doppelganger’s Bracelet Exquisite Medical Kit

Active, Accessory, Trinket Passive, Tool
When activated, this bracelet creates an image that is a Adds skill dice when attempting a medicine check.
complete copy of the wearer for 1d3 rounds and will be
mistaken by any creature as the wearer themself. It can do
any action the wearer desires, but attacks will have no effect.

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Flame Bow Grit Gloves
Active, Weapon Active, Accessory, Hands
If this bow activates when an enemy is hit, the struck creature These enchanted gloves increase the wearer’s maximum grit
gains the aflame condition. by 2.

Flame Sword Halfor’s Helm

Active, Weapon Active, Accessory, Head
When sword activates during a successful attack, add 1 to 3 If the helm activates when a player is attacked, it reflects one
skill dice depending on quality of the sword: each success is successful hit back at the attacker.
another hit of flame damage.
Healer’s Staff
Fabric of Magic Portal Active, Tool, Two Handed , Consumable
Active, Tool, Consumable Has a limited number of charges. When the staff is activated,
The user flings the fabric square at a surface, which becomes heals 1d3 + 1 health.
a portal to any location the user can envision in their mind
through personal experience. The portal will allow up to large Heart Pendant
creatures through and remains open for 1 minute. The fabric
Passive, Accessory, Trinket
is consumed in usage.
If the wearer of the pendant receives enough wounds to
render them unconscious, the pendant will absorb the
Finely Honed Sword damage that would have put them unconscious and break
Passive, Weapon instead.
Adds 1, 2, or 3 skill dice, depending on quality, when using.
Honesty Seed
Force Cloak Passive, Tool, Consumable
Active, Accessory, Body When a creature swallows this seed (either voluntarily or
As long as the cloak is worn, a player can roll to activate involuntarily) they must answer the next question that is
should any object or substance fall towards them. If the item asked them completely honestly. They will not volunteer any
successfully activates they are completely shielded from the information other than whatever directly pertains to what has
object or substance as well as any damage or effects it would been asked, but they cannot lie, deceive, or give half-truths.
cause. Does not protect against weapon attacks or spells, but
does protect against any debris or splash effects. Hooked Staff
Active, Weapon, Two Handed
Fool’s Parchment When the staff activates during attacking, knocks enemy
Active, Tool, Consumable prone.
Has 3 uses. When activated, the parchment will appear to
have a note granting whatever authorization from whichever Hunter’s Bow
authority is needed at that moment. A creature with a high
Passive, Weapon, Two Handed
amount of acumen may roll a perception check to see through
Adds 1 skill die when attacking beast enemies.
the ruse.

Gadol’s Lucky Topaz Ilonus’s Symbol of Faith

Passive, Tool
Passive, Accessory, Tool
Limits the cost of religion spells to only 1 point, no matter the
When held, this gem will allow the holder to raise a roll of a
five on up to two check dice to a six.

Gilman’s Tome of Spells Invigorating Drink

Passive, Consumable
Passive, Tool, Two Handed
When drunk, bestows the hastened condition for two rounds.
Adds 2 skill dice to all magic attempts, but must be held in
both hands meaning the holder cannot wield weapons or
shields while using the tome.

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Jewel of Berendell Merfold’s Silk
Active, tool Passive, Accessory, Head
When activated, gives the obsessed condition to a creature for If stretched across the mouth of a creature, the creature can
1d2 rounds. The creature is allowed a save to see if they can breathe underwater as easily as they breathe air. Must be held
avoid becoming obsessed. in place, and if the silk is moved away from the creature’s
mouth they will immediately be left with only the breath they
Jorsha’s Cape had in their lungs at the time the silk was removed.
Passive, Accessory, Shoulders
The cape of a famous sorcerer and tumbler, the wearer of this Melissa’s Basket
cape will take no damage from falls, but will float to the Passive, Tool
ground instead. They can also jump longer distances, since This basket is tied shut with a bow; once per day the bow can
the cape slows their descent. be untied, and inside will be enough food to sustain four
people for a complete meal. The bow must be tied again for
Kicking Boots the basket to work the next day.
Active, Accessory, Feet
When activated, these boots will kick open any non-magical Miséricorde Dagger
padlock. Can only attempt once per padlock. Active, Weapon
If an enemy is reduced to 1 hit point after an attack, roll 2d6;
Koltan’s Lute on a success the enemy takes another hit.
Active, Tool, Two Handed
If a creature activates this lute, all of their allies who can hear Ohlfar’s Magic Tent
the music gain advantage on their attacks until the creature Passive, Tool
stops playing. Although only the size of a single-person tent on the outside,
this tent has enough room inside to comfortably
Lifting Chalk accommodate a dozen medium sized creatures.
Passive, Tool, Consumable
Has 3 uses. When someone uses the chalk to trace a circle in a Padfoot Shoes
five square foot space on the ground, the next creature to step Passive, Tool, Consumable
in the circle will be immediately yanked aloft and held upside Grants 1 to 2 skill dice, depending on quality, to any stealth
down. The creature will have the grappled condition for 1d2 rolls.
Phantom Ring
Light Javelin Passive, Accessory, Trinket
Passive, Weapon When activated, this ring makes the wearer incorporeal for
This javelin has the power to pass through enemies on it’s 1d6 minutes. The incorporeal creature can pass through walls
path when thrown. For a range of 25 feet, roll an attack for and doors, but not pick up any objects. Unfortunately, since
each enemy that is in a straight line in the direction the the ring was cursed, each time the ring activates it causes 1d3
javelin was thrown. At the end of its trajectory and upon + 1 damage to the wearer.
striking the ground the light javelin will magically return to its
owner’s hand. Potion of Determination
Passive, Tool, Consumable
Lightning Staff When drunk, this potion restores the imbiber’s grit to full
Active, Tool, Two Handed maximum.
When the staff activates, all enemies in a 20 foot radius must
save vs. two hits. Potion of Healing
Passive, Tool, Consumable
Linguists’s Earring When drunk, heals 1d3 + 2 health.
Active, Accessory, Trinket
When activated, allows the wearer to communicate with other Potion of Healing
creatures who speak a language other than the one spoken by
Passive, Tool, Consumable
the wearer. Does not teach the wearer the language
When drunk, restores the drinker’s magic points up to full.
permanently, but the effect lasts for the entire conversation.

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Potion of Restoration Attacks involving heat are at a disadvantage towards the
Passive, Consumable
When drunk, removes the effects of any conditions that
currently impact the drinker.
Ring of Strength
Potion of Vitality
Passive, Accessory, Trinket
Passive, Consumable
Adds 1 pip to a skill die when strength is important.
When drunk, immediately revives a creature who has the
unconscious condition. This does not remove the wound that
caused the unconscious condition, but does put them back at Riposte Blade
full health. Active, Weapon
When attacked, roll a check. On a success, the attack is
Purifying Gem blocked and the defending character has 1 additional skill die
on their next attack towards the enemy that attacked them.
Active, Tool
When activated, this gem will purify any liquid or food of
whatever toxins or impurities it may contain. Roc’s Boots
Passive, Accessory, Feet
Quickening Belt With a feather from a roc woven into them, these boots give 1
to 2 skill dice (depending on quality) when attempting any
Active, Accessory, Trinket
action that involves jumping or acrobatic skills.
Upon activation, endows the Hastened condition to the
wearer for 1 round. Will only activate successfully twice per
encounter. Rogue’s Cloak
Passive, Accessory, Shoulders
Quill of Secrets Grants 1 to 2 skill dice, depending on quality, to any hiding
Passive, Tool
This enchanted quill can be used to write an invisible message
on any surface; a keyword is chosen when writing the Ruby of Attan
message, and when any creature speaks the keyword within Passive, Accessory, Shoulders
10 feet of the writing it will become visible for five minutes Fixed to a golden necklace, this jewel has been enchanted
before disappearing again. with a perpetual light spell and gives off the equivalent light of
a lantern.
Reflex Armor
Passive, Armor, Body Saint Emiry’s Hammer
Has an armor rating of 1, but upon use will reflect the total Passive, Weapon
number of damage it has absorbed back at an enemy. Adds 2 skill dice against undead undead or evil enemies.

Ring of Agility Scatter Arrows

Passive, Accessory, Trinket Active, Weapon, Consumable
Adds 1 pip to a skill die when agility is important. A quiver comes with 1d6 + 5 arrows. If these arrows activate
when used to shoot at enemies they will break in to pieces
Ring of Lorindra’s Luck and attack all enemies within a ten foot radius of the target.
The same attack roll applies to each enemy. A bow is required
Passive, Accessory, Trinket
to use these arrows.
Once per encounter, allows the wearer to move 1 pip between
skill dice.
Scroll of Phasing
Ring of Resist Cold Active, Tool, Consumle
When read, the caster will be instantly transported up to 100
Passive, Accessory, Trinket
feet away. The movement can pass through solid objects,
Attacks involving cold are at a disadvantage towards the
although the reader must be either able to see the other side
or have been on the other side and be familiar enough with it
to hold a strong image of it in their mind.
Ring of Resist Flame
Passive, Accessory, Trinket Scroll of Refinement

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Active, Tool, Consumable
When read, grants 2 skill dice to a weapon that can be used at
any time the weapon wielder wishes. The dice can be used at
the same time or one at a time. Once used, the skill dice are Sword of Sharpness
depleted and cannot be used again.
Active, Weapon
When the sword activates while hitting an armor wearing
Scroll of Stone to Flesh target, the wearer’s armor becomes one level weaker when
Active, Tool, Consumable rolling to absorb damage.
Upon activation when read, this scroll will cure a creature
who has been turned to stone by a Medusa or a basilisk. Stone of Gravitation
Active, Tool
Serpent Rope Starts with 1d3 + 1 charges. A creature can toss this stone to a
Passive, Tool point in front of them; on activation, this fist-sized stone will
This rope can be commanded what to affix itself to and it will, demonstrate an attractive force in a 20 foot radius that can
of its own volition, magically travel to that item and tie itself pull up to 500 lbs worth of objects to it. The item(s) will be
into a secure knot around it. Normally the rope has a length of stuck to the stone for 1d3 rounds; the stone itself will remain
50 feet. fixed to spot it landed on and cannot be moved until the effect
is done.
Shield of Protection
Active, Armor, Hand , Consumable Telania’s Medallion
Has 1d3 + 1, 2, or 3 uses, depending on quality. If an ally Active, Accessory, Trinket
within 5 feet is hit, block for them if desired. Starts with 1d3 + 1 charges. This medallion, when activated,
completely negates a condition that would otherwise be
Shock Hammer inflicted on the creature who is wearing it.
Active, Weapon, Two Handed
When the hammer activates on a successful strike the target is Trick Crossbow

flung back 15 feet. Enemies who hit a solid object take 1 Passive, Weapon
additional damage. This crossbow can shoot around objects and corners OR will
add 1 skill die if the target is directly in view and in range of
Spiked Shield the wielder.
Active, Armor, Consumable
Begins with 3 uses. When a creature uses this shield to block Vambraces of Ogre Strength

damage, roll a standard check; any successes count as damage Active, Accessory, Arms
to the attacking enemy (the shield still loses a point of These vambraces will, when activated, triple the amount of
durability). weight that the wearer can lift for five minutes. The strength
leaves immediately at the end of the five minutes, meaning
Splintering Axe that the wearer may be injured if they are still carrying a
significantly heavy load and the effect of the vambraces stops.
Passive, Weapon, Consumable (special)
Begins with 3 charges and the ability to grant 2 skill dice when
used. When this axe kills a creature the wielder can use one Vial for Holding Precious Things
charge to cause the axe to splinter and distribute any excess Passive, Tool
damage between up to two nearby enemies. Once the charges When opened and pointed at any object, that object will be
have been depleted the axe acts as a normal weapon (now absorbed into the vial and held until the vial is opened again
with a 1 skill die bonus). at which point the object will spill out and regain its original
shape and size. Held objects possess no weight while in the
Staff of Evil’s Bane vial. The vial can hold a maximum of one object.
Active, Weapon, Two Handed
Once per day, if activated, will attack all undead and evil Vial of Noxious Gas
enemies who can see the holy light that emanates from the Passive, Tool, Consumable
staff. Can otherwise be used as a regular bludgeoning weapon. When thrown on the ground, this vial will shatter and spread
a cloud with a 20 foot radius; any creature who enters or
begins their turn in the cloud must save at disadvantage or
receive the nauseated condition.

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Wand of Slowness
Active, Tool, Consumable
Has 3 charges of an affect movement spell. Requires a
Viceroy’s Mirror
successful magic test to use, each successful use removes 1
Active, Tool charge. An affected creature forgoes every other turn 1d3 + 2
This mirror will, when activated, reflect the effect(s) of an times.
easy to moderate effort spell back on the caster.
Wand of Grasping Vines
Wand of Darkness
Active, Tool, Consumable
Active, Tool, Consumable Has 3 charges of a create vines spell. Requires a successful
Has 3 charges of a create blindness spell. Requires a magic test to use, each successful use removes 1 charge.
successful magic test to use, each successful use removes 1 Creates a 25 by 25 foot area of dense and thorny vines that
charge. Attacks with this wand give the blinded condition for stretch out to entangle whatever creature they can reach in
1d3 + 1 rounds. the affected area; any creature who enters this area or begins
their tun in this area must spend their entire turn exiting it,
Wand of Ice and can perform no other action except to attack an adjacent
Active, Tool, Consumable enemy at disadvantage.
Has 3 charges of a create ice spell. Requires a successful
magic test to use, each successful use removes 1 charge. Winged Helm
Attacks with this wand give the chilled condition in addition Passive, Accessory, Head
to any damage. Adds two skill dice to initiative rolls.

Wand of Fetching
Active, Tool, Consumable
Has 3 charges. When used this want will fire a magic rope that
wraps around the enemy, giving them the grappled condition,
and pulls the enemy adjacent to the wielder.

Wand of Flames
Active, Tool, Consumable
Has 3 charges of a create flame spell. Requires a successful
magic test to use, each successful use removes 1 charge.
Attacks with this spell give the aflame condition in addition to
any damage.

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Appendix C: Magic Spells Enhancement Cost Code
This list of spells can be used as a sample guide in case
players are having trouble coming up with spells of their own. Increase the area of 1 level per each A
All descriptions outline the type, effort, range, and details of a effect of the spell. increment.
spell, along with available enhancements. Bear in mind,
however, that this list is not intended in any way to be A special case as 1 level. C
exhaustive or prescriptive; encourage players to invent their explained in the spell
own spells as much as they can. description.

Touch means that the caster must be adjacent to the target in Addition of 1 skill die to 1 level per skill die, D
order to hit. Otherwise, the maximum range of the spell’s the cast check. not to exceed the
target area is given in its description. Unless otherwise normal 3 skill die
specified, the area of effect can be considered to be a single limit.
5x5 square and any damage that is inflicted by a spell is
calculated as if a normal attack were performed. Increase the range of the 1 level per each R
spell by the specified increment.
If the concept of enhancements (area of effect,range, etc.) or amount. This can be
the restrictions of spells become too cumbersome or added to a touch spell to
frustrating, just throw it all away and use the spells in the give it range.
most fun way possible. The only consideration should be to
Sustain an effect of the 1 level per round. S
not let things get out of hand, but as long as spell points go
spell by the specified
down from time to time this shouldn’t be a real problem.
If using this list, there should typically be a limit to the Add a point of damage 1 level. W
amount of spells the caster can have prepared at any one upon a successful attack.
time; a suggestion might be 2 spells per level in magic or This enhancement can
religion. It is up to the facilitator to rule if spells can be only be taken once.
switched out at will after long rests or if they must be
collected by study or apprenticeship. It is entirely possible for
one-time use scrolls to be found with spells inscribed on them
during the course of an adventure, or even to be purchased Spell List
from appropriate shops or shrines.
Magic Religion
Additionally, while the spells are listed as either being
“magic” or “religion”, this should not be taken as an absolute Arc Touch Bless Meal
statement that a character with points in religion could not
learn, for instance, molten blood. If that works for your table Conceal Bolt of Right
or story, let it happen!
Create Flame Clarified Sight
Spell Enhancements
Create Frost Compel
A caster may increase the difficulty of the spells in order to Crystal Chamber Cure Disease
enhance the spell in various ways. The spell increases by 1
level of difficulty (effort) per enhancement, not to exceed an Dampen Noise Cure Wounds
effort cost of 6; thus, if the spell is already at very hard
difficulty, a maximum of 1 enhancement may be done. It Forceful Gale Discern Truth
should be understood, however, that no matter how many
enhancements are added to a spell, only the effort level goes Form Illusion Divine Fear
up. Thus, if the optional cast point mechanic is being used,
the cost of the spell is unaffected by adding enhancements. Grease Spray Encourage

Jelly Bones Gift of Tongues

The following is a clarification of enhancements that may be
added along with the accompanying letter code that appears Illuminate Guiding Spirit
in the spell descriptions (it should be noted that nearly every
spell can have skill dice added):

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increased in ten foot increments, and additional rounds can
Levitate Hammer of Wrath
be added at 1 round increments.
Mind Toss Heavenly Warrior
Molten Blood Holy Pressure
Religion Hard Visible C/D/S
Power Ball Inspire Compassion After casting this spell on a creature within sight of the caster,
they will have the ability to compel the creature to perform
Psychic Dart Light From on High subtle tasks for them. The caster must be able to speak the
language of the creature they wish to compel, and they cannot
Remote Hearing Quicken compel the creature to perform any act that would run
contrary to their normal and strongly held codes, morals, or
Sense Enchantment Resuscitate ethics. The effects of the spell will last for 10 minutes per level
in the religion skill. The spell can be cast on a non-speaking
Shape Element Righteous Thunderclap creature, although there is a slight chance that the creature
will ignore the command; after issuing the command the
Summon Helper Sanctifj y Weapon
caster must roll 1d6. On a roll of a 1, the creature will not obey
Thicken Air Sense Character that particular command and cannot be compelled to do the
same action on the same cast. Enhancement will increase the
Vump Shield of Faith duration of the spell for 10 minutes.

Unlock Smite Conceal

Whisper Spiritual Steed Magic Easy Touch C/D/S
By using this spell, a magic user can render a tiny to small
Whisk Turn Undead sized item or creature invisible for 5 times their level in magic
minutes. By using enhancements, they can increase the size
of the object they are able to affect in 1 size increments. They
can also increase the duration of the spell in 5 minute
Arc Touch increments. The concealed item or creature will still maintain
Magic Moderate Touch A/C/D its physical presence, meaning that if any creature touches it
The caster reaches out and grasps a target. That target is either by searching or by accidentally stumbling into it, they
struck by an electric charge that branches out and hits an will then know its location. In addition, concealed creatures
additional enemy within ten feet. Enhancement can add an still make noise and impact their surroundings.
additional target per level of difficulty and increase the
distance between targets in ten foot increments. Create Flame
Magic Easy 10 feet A/D/R/W
Bless Meal The caster is able to bring a small burst of flame into
Religion Easy Touch D/S existence anywhere within range. This burst of flame will not
A simple meal can be blessed by a practitioner of religion; cause any harm to a living creature, but is sufficient to ignite
after being blessed the meal will provide 1 temporary health flammable materials or heat materials to a very hot
point for 10 minutes per level in the religion skill to anyone temperature. Enhancement can increase the range in 10 foot
who eats it. A creature can only consume one such meal per increments, or increase the size of the flame in 5 square foot
day, however. The duration of the effect can be extended via increments, beginning with filling a single 5 square foot area;
enhancement in 5 minute intervals. these larger flames will give the aflame condition to any
creature caught in the area of effect. Additionally,
Bolt of Right enhancement can be used to add 1 point of damage to any
creature caught in a flame that is at least 5 square feet.
Religion Moderate 15 feet D/R
A concentrated bolt of divine power strikes a target within
range. Enhancement can increase the range in 15 foot
Create Frost
increments. Magic Easy 10 feet A/D/R/W
The caster is able to bring a small burst of frost into existence
Clarified Sight anywhere within range. This burst of frost will not cause any
harm to a living creature, but is sufficient to significantly drop
Religion Moderate Touch D/R/S the temperature of objects or materials. Enhancement can
When given clarified sight, the target creature gains increase the range in 10 foot increments, or increase the size
advantage on their next attack. The range of the target can be of the frost in 5 square foot increments, beginning with filling

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a single 5 square foot area; these larger areas of frost will give Channeling the wrath of their chosen deity, the caster inflicts
the chilled condition for 1 round to any creature caught in the the frightened condition on a target creature for 1d2 rounds.
area of effect. Additionally, enhancement can be used to add 1 Enhancements can be used to increase the duration of the
point of damage to any creature that is caught in an area of condition by 1 round increments, to increase the range of the
frost that is at least 5 square feet. spell in 15 foot increments, or to increase the radius of the
spell in 10 foot increments. If the spell is used against undead
Crystal Chamber targets, an enhancement can be used to add 1 point of
Magic Moderate 25 feet D/R/S
The target creature is encased in a crystal, sealing them off for
1 round per level in the magic skill. While they are in the Encourage
crystal, the creature cannot act, nor can they be harmed. Religion Moderate Touch C
Once the duration has passed the creature will be released A simple touch grants an additional skill die for the touched
with no perception that any time has elapsed. Enhancement creature’s next roll. Enhancement can increase the number of
can be used to increase the range of the spell in 10 foot skill dice granted in 1 die increments, obeying the 3 dice limit.
increments and the duration in 1 round increments.
Forceful Gale
Cure Disease Magic Moderate 30 feet A/C/D/R/W
Religion Moderate Touch C/D/R The caster picks a spot within 30 feet: all creatures within a
A known disease or affliction is cured upon being touched by 30x40 rectangle are immediately knocked prone by force of a
the caster. Enhancement can be added to add range in ten drastic wind. If desired, a spell caster can enhance the spell to
foot increments. If the disease or affliction caused any harm, avoid specific targets at 1 target increments. They may also
an enhancement can be added to cure one (1) point of extend the range in 15 foot increments and the length of the
damage. spell effect in 10 foot increments, or add 1 point of damage to
each creature who is knocked prone.
Cure Wounds
Religion Moderate Touch C/D Form Illusion
With a prayer to their deity, the caster can heal wounds that Magic Moderate 20 feet C/D/S
the target has sustained. The healing is calculated the same A somewhat convincing illusion will spring into existence for
way that damage is rolled, and enhancements can be done to 2 minutes per level in the magic skill. This illusion must stay
increase the healing by 1 point per enhancement or to add within 20 feet of the caster, or else it will cease to exist. The
additional targets within five feet of the original target. quality or believability of the illusion can be increased by
enhancement (maximum 1), and a further enhancement can
If used against undead targets, this spell causes harm rather be done to endow the illusion with auditory capability. The
than healing it. duration of the illusion can also be increased with
enhancement in 2 minute increments, while the range can be
Dampen Noise extended in 10 foot increments..
Magic Moderate Self C/D/S
This spell is useful for reducing the strength of a noise; it will Gift of Tongues
make loud noises quiet and quiet noises nearly imperceptible Religion Moderate Self D/S
for 5 minutes per level in the magic skill. Enhancement can Should the need arise, this spell will allow the caste to
be used to select another target in 1 target increments, the communicate with a creature whose language they do not
duration in 5 minute increments, or to further reduce noises naturally speak. The effects of the spell will last for 15
in 1 level increments. minutes per level in the religion skill, and they will speak as
easily as if they were conversing in their native tongue.
Discern Truth Enhancement can be used to extend the duration of the spell
in 15 minute increments.
Religion Easy Self D
With this spell the caster can tell if a creature is lying to them.
They will not be able to know what the truth is, but merely Grease Spray
that what they have been told is false. Magic East 10 feet A/D
This spell is used to spray a 15 foot cone of grease that will
Divine Fear cover anything and everything in its path in a coating of
grease. This will render everything that is coated extremely
Religion Easy 15 feet A/C/D/R/S/W
slippery, meaning that creatures may lose their footing if they
walk over a patch of coated terrain or may have trouble

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grasping objects that have been sprayed. Additionally, the that the column of pressure comes from the caster’s deity,
grease is highly flammable and can be ignited by most any their allies will be immune to the effects.
source of flame. Enhancements can increase the range to a 25
foot cone, and then to a 35 foot cone. There is no way to Illuminate
decide what is and is not coated, so friend and foe alike will
Magic Easy Touch A/C/D/R/S
be subject to the spray if they are in its range.
Any touched object will begin to glow and illuminate a 15’
radius around it. The light will last for thirty minutes per level
Guiding Spirit in magic or Enhancements can be done to increase the radius
Religion Easy 15 feet A/D in fifteen foot increments or the duration in thirty minute
A small, incorporeal being springs into existence which gives increments, and the spell can have range added to it in order
off a light that illuminates a 10 foot radius. The creature can to target a distant object. If illuminate is cast sufficiently close
travel to any distance within 15 feet of the caster, but will to a creature’s eyes, they may receive the dazzled condition.
cease to exist if it goes any further. It will last for 30 minutes
per level in the religion skill. Enhancements will increase the Inspire Compassion
range of the spell in 15 foot increments, the radius of effect in
Religion Hard Line of Sight C/D
10 foot increments, and the duration in 30 minute increments.
A group of creatures that can be seen will be more inclined to
be receptive to the request of the caster or another single
Hammer of Wrath creature of their choice. If used when attempting to parlay or
Religion Hard Self C/D/S sway a creature or group of creatures, this grants advantage to
A ghostly hammer will appear near the shoulder of the caster. the check roll; enhancement can add skill dice to the check in
This hammer will strike out at an adjacent enemy once per 1 die increments.
round at disadvantage and last for 1 round per level in the
religion skill. Enhancement can be used to increase the roll to Jelly Bones
advantage or to extend the duration of the hammer in 1 round
Magic Hard Touch C/D/R
Jelly bones causes the bones of the touched creature to
immediately become as soft as jelly, inflicting the
Heavenly Warrior immobilized, unarmed, and weakened conditions. This lasts
Religion Very Hard 15 feet D/R/S for 1 round per level in the magic skill. The duration of the
Summons a heavenly warrior who will make standard attacks spell can be increased by enhancements in 1 round
during the summoner’s turn for 1 round per level in the increments.
religion skill. Enhancement can extend the range of the
summoning by 15 feet or the duration of the summoning for 1 Levitate
Magic Variable Effort Touch C/D/S
Touching an object or creature while using this incantation
Herald will cause the target to float three feet in the air for a duration
Religion Easy 50 feet D/R of five minutes per level in magic. Enhancements can
The sound of a loud trumpet is heard emanating from the spot increase the height of the levitation in three foot increments
chosen by the caster. Any enemies within hearing range must or increase the duration of the levitation in five minute
save successfully or else turn their attention to the direction increments. While floating, the object or creature possesses
of the sound. Enhancement can increase the range of the no power of locomotion on its own, but can very easily be
spell in 50 foot increments. pushed and set in motion.

Holy Pressure Once the spell duration ends, anything that was levitating will
immediately fall to earth and be subject to falling damage if
Religion Moderate 15 Feet A/C/D
A practitioner of religion can call forth a column of
supernatural weight with a ten foot radius that will impart the
The difficulty of the spell is according to the following chart:
exhausted condition to all creatures so long as they are within
the column. The column lasts for 2 rounds per level of
religion. Enhancements can be used to increase the range in Size of Difficulty
15 foot increments, the radius of effect in 5 foot increments, Object
and the duration in one round increments; additionally, one
enhancement can be used to make the exhaustion last for one Tiny Easy
round after any creature leaves the column. Due to the fact
Small to Moderate

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Religion Easy Touch D/R/S
This blessing invigorates the target and bestows the hastened
Large Hard condition for 1 round per level in religion. It can be enhanced
to extend its range in 10 foot increments or lengthen the
Giant + Very Hard duration in 1 round increments.

Light From on High Remote Hearing

Magic Easy 60 feet C/D/R/S
Religion Moderate 15 feet A/D/R/S
From time to time it is advantageous to listen in to
A pillar of light with a 5 foot radius suddenly appears and lasts
conversations without being noticed. Remote hearing allows
for 1 round per level of the religion skill. This light will
the caster to hear with perfect clarity any noises, including
illuminate a darkened area just as natural light would at
whispers or otherwise muted sounds, from a remote distance.
double the radius of the pillar. All creatures inside the pillar
This effect lasts for ten minutes per level in the magic skill.
will receive the dazed condition for 1d2 rounds, or as long as
Enhancements can be used to increase the distance of
they remain in the pillar. Enhancement can increase the
hearing in 60 foot increments, the duration in 10 minute
radius in 5 foot increments, the range in 15 foot increments,
increments, and additional creatures can be included in the
and the duration in 1 round increments.
eavesdropping with enhancement at 1 creature increments.

Mind Toss Resuscitate

Magic Moderate 20 feet D/R/W
Religion Very Hard Touch A/C/D/R
Through sheer mental effort, a nearby object can be hurled at
If a comrade falls in battle, this spell will revive the fallen
a target as if it were a projectile weapon. The damage can be
person with 1 health, although they will retain the injury they
either blunt or piercing, according to the nature of the object
incurred when being knocked out; if in combat, the raised
that is selected. Enhancement can increase the range of the
creature will act at the end of the current round.
attack in 10 foot increments or add an additional point of
Enhancement can add range in 10 foot increments or add 1
health to be healed when revived.

Molten Blood Righteous Thunderclap

Magic Hard Touch C/D/R
Religion Moderate 30 feet A/C/D/R/W
With a word, the caster causes the blood of the creature they
Righteous thunderclap brings a sudden and localized
touch to instantly become infused with a hot, molten liquid
thunderous noise into existence which inflicts the deafened
that will cause damage from within. Enhancement can be
condition on any creature within a ten foot radius.
done to give range in five foot increments or to inflict the
Enhancement can increase the range of the spell in 10 foot
unarmed condition from the shock of the infusion.
increments, and the radius can be increased in 5 foot
increments via enhancement. If desired, a point of damage
Power Ball can be added with an enhancement as well.
Magic Hard 30 feet C/D/R/W
A concentrated ball of powerful energy streaks forward and Sanctify Weapon
slams into an enemy before rebounding and striking another
Religion Moderate Touch D/S
enemy within 10 feet of the initial target. Enhancement can
A weapon can be set apart to be more effective against
increase the range of the initial attack in 15 foot increments,
undead; for 1 round per level in the religion skill the weapon
the range of the rebound in 10 foot increments, and also add 1
will gain advantage against any undead creature.
Enhancement can be used to increase the duration of the
spell in 1 round increments.
Psychic Dart
Magic Moderate 20 feet C/D/R/W Sense Character
The caster shoots out a dart that strikes the target for piercing
Religion Easy Self C/D/S
damage. Due to the incorporeal nature of the damage, armor
This spell will sense the presence of any sentient being within
and shields are useless against this spell. The range can be
a 30 foot radius of the caster. This spell does not give away the
increased in 20 foot increments, additional targets can be
location of the sensed creature, but merely alerts the caster of
added in 1 target increments, and 1 point of damage can be
the presence of one or more creatures. Enhancement can
extend the radius in 30 foot increments or add the ability to
tell whether the sensed creature is good or bad. If cast at very
Quicken hard difficulty with no other enhancements, the caster can

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approximate the location of the sensed creature and get an existence in 5 minute increments, or they can endow the
approximate idea of how many there are. steed with the power of either flight or sea travel.

Sense Enchantment Summon Helper

Magic Easy Self C/D/S Magic Moderate 15 feet D/R/S
This spell will sense the presence of magically enhanced This spell will summon a tiny to small sized creature which
items or enchantments within a 30 foot radius of the caster. reflects the nature of the person that summoned it and that
The exact location and nature of the item or enchantment are will perform simple tasks for the caster (although not attack).
not known. Enhancement can extend the radius in 30 foot While the creature can be conjured anywhere within the
increments or add the ability to approximate the nature of the given range, the spot where it appears must be within sight
sensed item or enchantment. If cast at very hard difficulty and reasonably clear of obstacles or other blockage. Typically,
with no other enhancements, the caster can gain an the summoned creature will last for ten minutes per level in
approximate idea of the location of the item or enchantment. magic or religion. Added enhancements can increase the
range of where the creature is summoned in 15 foot
Shape Element increments and increase the duration of their presence in 10
minute increments.
Magic Moderate Touch C/D/S
When learning this spell, the caster must designate an
element that they are adept at shaping. This element cannot Thicken Air
be changed, and if they wish to shape another element they Magic Moderate 15 feet A/D/R/S
must learn this spell again and designate that element at that Creates an 10 square foot area which causes creatures to
time. struggle to move, giving them the sluggish condition as long
as they are inside the area. The spell will last for one round
The caster has the ability to shape a 1 foot cube of the per level in the magic skill. Enhancement can be used to
designated element into whatever shape they desire. The extend the range in 15 foot increments, the area of effect in 10
material will maintain that shape for 10 minutes per level in foot increments, or the duration of the spell in one round
the magic skill. Enhancement will increase the size of the increments.
area of effect in 1 foot increments, increase the range of the
spell in 15 foot increments, or the duration of the spell in 10 Turn Undead
minute increments.
Religion Moderate 30 feet A/C/D/R/W
By grasping their holy symbol and supplicating their deity, a
Shield of Faith creature can call forth the power to turn the undead. This
Religion Moderate Touch C/D spell targets two undead creatures per level in the religion
A slight glow surrounds the touched creature, who is granted skill within a fifteen foot radius and inflicts the frightened
a temporary shield for the duration of the encounter in which condition on them. Additional targets can be added in 1 target
this spell was cast. An enhancement may be added that adds increments via enhancement, the range can be extended with
one (1) damage to the resistance of the shield, meaning that if enhancement in 30 foot increments, and enhancement can
a hit only deals one damage the shield will continue for one increase the radius of effect in 15 foot increments.
more hit. Once used, the shield disappears. Additionally, 1 point of damage can be added to the effect of
the spell with an enhancement.
Religion Hard Touch D/S Vump
For 1 round per level in the religion skill the touched creature Magic Moderate Self A/C/D
must make a standard check roll and take damage equal to the The caster sends out a sonic blast that knocks any creatures in
number of successes. Enhancement can add 1 round to the a 10 foot radius around them prone. Creatures in the area of
duration of the spell. effect are allowed to save to try and avoid being knocked
prone. Enhancement can increase the area of effect in 10 foot
Spiritual Steed increments and add knock back to the spell in 10 foot
Magic Hard 5 feet C/D/R
A caster who uses this spell brings a magical steed into
existence that can transport a number of passengers equal to Unlock
their level in the magic skill. It will last for five minutes before Magic Easy Touch D/R
suddenly disappearing. With enhancement, the caster can Should there be a mundane lock that stands in the party’s way,
increase the number of passengers that the steed can carry in unlock will open it by magical means. The range of the spell
1 passenger increments, extend the duration of the steed’s

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can be increased in 10 foot increments, and the spell can be
enhanced by two levels to unlock magic locks.

Magic Easy 50 feet D/R/S
By picturing a person clearly in their mind who is within
range of the spell, the caster can subvocalize and have that
person hear them clearly as if they were standing next to
them. That same person can respond by also subvocalizing
and be heard by the caster equally as clearly. Should the
caster desire, they can at any point picture another recipient
in their mind and converse with them in the same manner.
This spell lasts for 10 minutes per level in the magic skill.
Enhancement can increase the range in 50 foot increments or
extend the duration of the spell in 10 minute increments.

Magic Moderate 30 feet D/R
By using this spell a caster can instantaneously transport a
creature from one place to another, so long as it is within
range. If the creature is hostile, it can attempt a save to avoid
being transported. Enhancements can increase the range in
30 foot increments.

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Appendix D: Expanded Skills Bows
Applies when wielding bows in combat or to perform some
sort of task that would require a bow.
All skills add additional skill dice (up to a maximum of 3)
depending on the level of the skill when attempting an
applicable test. A facilitator will always have final say which
skill applies for which situations, or whether a player can
combine multiple skills into a single check; it is also advised Brawling
to give priority to player description and creativity over rigid
A creature skilled in brawling performs all unarmed attacks at
adherence to rules. The descriptions in this appendix are for
advantage; there is no need to invest any additional levels in
help only, and are not to be taken as absolute law.
this skill once it has been acquired.

Acrobatics Charisma
Applies to actions that involve jumping over obstacles,
Used when trying to get in another creature’s good graces or
tumbling, balance, or other similar movement. May also be
to change a creature’s attitude towards the skill holder.
included when rolling saves that would be considered
acrobatic, such as to avoid being knocked prone.
Applies when wielding claws in combat or to perform some
sort of task that would require using claws.
For use when attempting to mix ingredients together to form
a new chemical or compound. May also apply when trying to
ascertain the makeup of a chemical or compound. Climbing
Used when attempting to scale or climb walls or other
climbable features. A check should be made every other
Animal Knowledge
round to make sure that the creature can maintain their hold.
Applies when trying to understand the behavior of or recall
A facilitator can decide if an athletics skill would also apply in
information of a particular animal. It is up to the facilitator to
this case to help the creature avoid falling.
decide how broadly or narrowly to require specialization in
this skill; a good reasoning from a player, however, should
usually be enough to convince a facilitator that it would apply Cooking
to a particular field or subject. Applies when performing any action that relates to the
culinary world.
Used for actions that require endurance or stamina. Does not Crafting
apply to acrobatics, climbing, or attacking. Used to create items that would not require a forge or other
such tools, such as decorations, tools, clothing, etc. Can be
used to improvise a needed item or tool on the spot, provided
the necessary materials are available.
Applies when wielding axes in combat or to perform some
sort of task that would require an axe.
Used to distract or otherwise mislead a creature. Might be
Bard Performance
able to cause a creature to do something slightly out of
Bards must choose their primary area of performance (such
character, but never anything that would run contrary to their
as stringed instruments, wind instruments, percussion, etc.)
core held beliefs.
so that they can use bard songs. They should add an
instrument in their area of choice to their inventory so that
they can perform music. Detect Traps
Used when attempting to detect the presence of traps in an
area. Does not improve the ability to disarm discovered traps.
Used when working with metal to form either weaponry,
armor, or utility items. Requires the appropriate tools and Diplomacy
workplace to perform the task, although not necessarily a Necessary to deal with leaders or nobility where mere
forge; if the facilitator decides that the right conditions have persuasion or deception would be futile; this can turn hard to
been met, that is all that is needed. convince figures of stature to help the skill holder, and may
even avoid a fight if done correctly.

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Disarm Traps Helps a magic user to cast spells, or to do anything else that
Used when attempting to disarm a discovered trap. Does not involves magic.
improve the ability to detect traps.

Dodge Medicine
A useful skill when attempting to distance oneself from an Used when attempting to treat another creature’s wounds,
enemy without receiving a parting shot, for getting out of the treat medicine, stabilize a creature, or apply medicine. At the
way of ranged attacks, etc. facilitators discretion can be used in conjunction with the
alchemy skill when attempting to concoct a healing potion.
Used when trying to navigate or understand a dungeon Monster Knowledge
environment. Can give insight, assist in locating traps, or Helps a character to recall information about a monster they
recall a path if the party is lost. are facing, At the facilitator’s discretion may include
weaknesses, habits, or histories.
Used to work on or maintain devices of a highly technical or Navigation
large scale nature. May even assist in helping to disarm traps. Applies when attempting to ascertain directions in the
wilderness or trying to locate a destination without a map.
For use when playing games of chance to either cheat, Negotiating
succeed on skill alone, or otherwise push the outcome to the Used when haggling over prices or bartering. If agreed to by
desired results. Helpful when trying to gather information in the facilitator, may be used in conjunction with diplomacy or
a situation where gambling is taking place. persuasion for specific situations.

Hale Performance
Adds an additional health for each point in this skill. Used when attempting actions that would entertain or distract
Applies when attempting to avoid discovery while remaining Perception
still. Applies when attempting to assess the situation in one’s
surroundings, including noticing hidden or secret items. Does
not apply when attempting to gain insight into another
For situations when a creature cannot be convinced by guile
or reason.
Used when trying to convince another creature of some fact
or idea. Will never convince a creature to perform an act that
Applies when wielding knives in combat or to perform some
runs contrary to their core beliefs or values, and will not
sort of task that would require a knife.
convince a creature to harm another creature they would
otherwise not harm. Can apply in or out of combat.
Applies when attempting communication with a creature that Picking Locks
speaks a language other than the one that the player character
Used when trying to open any lock without the proper key.
would normally know.
Requires a set of lock picks or thieve’s tools.

Maces Polearms
Applies when wielding maces in combat or to perform some
Applies when wielding polearms in combat or to perform
sort of task that would require a mace.
some sort of task that would require a polearm.

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Ranged Slings
Normally reserved for monsters, this covers when attacking Applies when wielding slings in combat or to perform some
from a range using any form of attack that is not otherwise sort of task that would require a sling.
specified in the skills list.

Read Person Applies when wielding staves in combat or to perform some
Applies when attempting to gain insight into another sort of task that would require a staff.
creature’s motives, feelings, or emotions. Can also be applied
to larger groups of individuals to get a general idea of the
overall attitude of the group.
Applies when attempting to avoid notice while moving.

Recall Information
For use when attempting to recall information in the
Used when performing any task in which strength would
applicable field. It is up to the facilitator to decide how
provide a measurable advantage such as lifting, holding,
broadly or narrowly to require specialization in this skill; a
pushing, pulling, etc. Does not apply to attacks or dodges.
good reasoning from a player, however, should usually be
enough to convince a facilitator that it would apply to a
particular field or subject. Survival
Used when trying to overcome situations that immediately
Reflexes threaten a creature’s life.
Used for any action that would require a quick reaction such
as dodging a hazard, grabbing a falling object, or otherwise Swimming
moving with speed; the facilitator can decide if reflexes would Applies when swimming or performing another task in water.
be applied when trying to dodge an attack. Does not increase
athletic or acrobatic ability.
Applies when wielding swords in combat or to perform some
Religion sort of task that would require a sword.
The specific skill used by a cleric to call upon their god’s
powers for influence in the form of spells or priestly magic.
The skill of those who interact with the seedier inhabitants of
Repair cities. Can be used to help convince members of the criminal
Applies when repairing items, weapons, or armor that has world or underground societies to cooperate with the player
had its durability depleted. If agreed to by the facilitator, character, or to know information that would be considered
forging or crafting may be combined with this skill for criminal.
appropriate repairs.
Resilient For swinging on ropes, vaulting over obstacles, or other such
Applies when rolling a save against conditions such as poison, actions reminiscent of sword fighting in classic Hollywood
weakened, unconscious, etc. films.

Riding Thaumaturgy
Used when riding on horseback to help drive or navigate the When a player has this skill, they may attempt to recharge a
horse. May also apply to actions that are attempted while on consumable wand or staff that still has at least 1 charge left.
horseback, such as attacking or otherwise interacting with the They may only make one attempt per day, and may never
environment. bring the staff or wand above its initial charges. A character
without this skill may not make the check.
Sleight of Hand
Used when attempting to perform any task where subtlety or Throwing
deception is involved using the hands. Does not apply when Applies when throwing an object whether weapon or not. Can
attempting to pick locks or disarm traps. be used in or out of combat, and is subject to facilitator

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discretion for the weight of the object (may require a certain
level in strength skill).

Used when trying to find the trail of a target or follow a fleeing
target. The facilitator can decide if the tracking trait would
help a creature find a hidden or even invisible creature. Can
also apply when trying to find game in the wild.

Unarmed Combat
Applies when attacking with bare fists or feet. When used in
conjunction with the brawling skill gives particular advantage
to fighting unarmed.

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disadvantage and move at half speed until the chilled
Appendix E: Conditions condition is removed. Being wrapped in warm blankets /
clothing, warmed at a fire, or the recipient of a magic spell
These conditions can arise from monster attacks or other that removes conditions will remove the chilled condition. It
situational reasons. A facilitator should tailor the specifics of will also be removed after ten minutes if no other action is
each condition to the specific situation, remembering that taken.
these are merely guidelines.
No creature can suffer the same condition multiple times
A dazed creature can move but perform no other actions until
simultaneously, although they may suffer from multiple
the dazed condition is removed. With a few rounds of rest a
simultaneous conditions that are all different.
creature will naturally come out of the dazed condition,
assuming they are not struck again.
If not using facilitator rolls, any condition that would put an
enemy at disadvantage for attacks will reduce their attack
rating by 1 to a minimum of 1; if an enemy was already at 1, Dazzled
reroll 1 failed die and if it comes up as a success, no hits were Dazzled is a temporary form of blindness; until the condition
scored by that enemy. If it remains a failure then the enemy ends the creature is at disadvantage in addition to losing all
was able to hit. skill dice for any act that requires sight, including attacking
and avoiding or saving. Dazzled creatures also move at half
their normal speed because they must move cautiously. They
are immune, however, to anything that requires visual means
in order to be effective. At the end of each of their turns a
Aflame creature may attempt a standard check to see if they are able
When a creature is aflame, it takes 2 damage per round until to shake the dazzled condition.
the flames are put out. At the end of each of the creature’s
turns they may attempt a standard check to see if the flames Deafened
have gone out on their own.
A deafened creature cannot hear any sounds, giving them
disadvantage as well as removing all skill dice for any action
Bleeding that requires communication or hearing. They are, however,
A bleeding character loses 1 health at the end of every round immune to any spell or effect that relies on hearing or
and must subtract 1 pip from their highest die for any rolls; at auditory means in order to be effective. Magical means are
the start of each of their turns they can roll a standard check required to heal deafness.
and remove the bleeding condition on a success.
Blinded An enraged creature will attack the closest creature to it,
A blinded creature cannot see at all, and thus is at regardless if it is an ally. If there are both allies and enemies
disadvantage in addition to losing all skill dice for any act that nearby, an enraged creature will attack their ally on 3+ on a
requires sight, including attacking and avoiding or saving. 1d6 roll.
Blinded creatures also move at half their normal speed
because they must move cautiously. They are immune, Exhausted
however, to anything that requires visual means in order to be
An exhausted creature moves half as far as they normally
effective against them. Magical means are required to heal
would and has disadvantage at any checks that require
physical effort. A full night’s rest ends the exhausted
A charmed creature must obey the command of the entity Grappled
that charmed it, including actions that would run counter to
A grappled creature cannot move and performs any
their normal nature; however, if a command is severe or
attacks/save rolls at disadvantage. At the start of each of their
drastic enough it may be sufficient to shock the charmed
turns the creature can roll a check to get out of the grappling
creature out of its state and back to its senses.

A chilled creature must successfully save or drop any items
they have in their hands; in addition they will attack with

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Hardened Prone
Hardened creatures have an additional layer of protection The prone creature must spend their entire turn standing up.
given to them, taking half damage from all attacks (rounding Until then they cannot move or attack/react and are at
down). disadvantage on any save rolls.

Hastened Sluggish
When a creature is hastened they are able to perform one A sluggish creature can only perform one action per turn. The
additional action per turn. sluggish condition can be removed through magical means or
an uninterrupted period of rest.
An immobilized creature cannot move until they remove the Terrified
immobilized condition, whether through escaping the A terrified creature can only cower in fear during their turn.
immobilizing cause or through healing of an immobilizing They are unable to attack or otherwise interact with their
injury. They are still able to perform an attack action, immediate environment. If a terrified creature is able to keep
although save rolls are done at disadvantage. the object of their terror out of their view for two rounds they
will lose the terrified condition.
When invisible, all attacks towards the creature are rolled at Unarmed
disadvantage and without any skill dice. In addition, a When a creature is unarmed they must make all strikes with
maximum of 1 health may be received. their bare hands or with their feet. They are unable to use any
skills for any weapons , plus they do no more than 1 damage
Nauseated on a successful hit, no matter how many successes they roll
A nauseated creature is at disadvantage for all rolls as long as (unless they have the brawling and/or unarmed combat skill).
they remain nauseous. In order to remove the condition they B. Any creature who has natural weapons, such as claws,
must spend their turn heaving in order to get their stomach teeth, spikes, etc. cannot be unarmed.
back under control. A creature who is engaged in active
combat cannot clear their stomach, but must wait until they Unconscious
are not being actively attacked. An unconscious creature can perform no actions on their
turn, including save rolls. They are unaware of anything that
Obsessed happens around them and will remain unconscious until
When a creature is obsessed, they must only focus on the revived either by magic or other practical means as agreed by
designated item for 1d3 + 2 rounds and will ignore everything the facilitator.
else around them; they will not move or attack, but instead
remain fixated and staring at the object of their obsession. Weakened
Removing the object of obsession or covering their view for A weakened creature is at disadvantage for all attack and
two rounds will immediately end the obsessed condition. strength checks. The weakened status will end if cured by
magic or after a full day’s rest.
A poisoned creature makes all attacks/save rolls at
disadvantage and loses 1 health per round. At the beginning
of each of their turns they are allowed to roll a save check at
disadvantage; a success means the end of the poisoned
condition. Magic or items that would heal poison will end the
poisoned condition. Poisoned will also end once the creature
is at 1 health.

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Appendix F: New Combat Moves A creature may choose to disarm a foe: the disarmed
opponent will receive no damage but will receive the
These additional combat rules are intended to give players unarmed condition. They must instead spend their entire
more options in their approach to battle, rather than simply next turn recovering their weapon if they wish to become
focusing on spamming attacks. If being used, players should armed again.
always be required to specify if they are using any of these
options BEFORE rolling their attack.
Focus Magic / Faith
These additional rules also assume that facilitator rolls are For each round that a magic user or cleric spends focusing
being used, but can be adapted to a player facing style of play their magic or faith before casting a spell they will gain one
without too much effort: for instance, if an enemy has skill die for that spell (respecting the 3 skill dice limit).
disadvantage because of an action, remove 1 from their attack
value (to a minimum of 1) and if they have advantage, add 1. Flanking
Flanking involves outnumbering and surrounding an enemy.
Any time a creature is flanked, its attackers gain 1 skill die for
each ally that is engaged with the same enemy, respecting the
maximum of 3 for non-equipment skill dice, on their attack
Aggressive Approach rolls.
A creature who takes an aggressive approach is putting all of
their effort into the attack, which has the result of leaving
their defenses open because of their focus. As a result, they Knockback
will have advantage on their next attack; however, this will A creature may attempt to add a “knockback” to their attack;
cause any attacks against them to be at advantage until their they must succeed at a check by rolling 1d6 after their attack
next turn. succeeds in order to do so. If they succeed then their enemy is
pushed back up to five feet, plus an additional five feet for
every other level (1st and 3rd) in the strength skill; should an
Blood Pact enemy strike any solid physical obstacle before they finish the
Oftentimes a magic user will run out of magic points in the distance they have been knocked back, they take 1 additional
middle of an adventure. If things get truly desperate, they can damage or are knocked prone, at the facilitator’s discretion.
sacrifice health equal to the effort level of a spell in order to
cast it. They do not need to roll a magic check to see if the If the creature who is attempting the knockback fails, they
spell is successful because of the great sacrifice involved. This leave themself open as a result of the extra effort put into the
is not an option for religion-based casting. swing and any attacks towards them until their next turn are
done at advantage.
Called Shot
A called shot is done when a creature specifies a specific Parting Shot
target on the body of their attack. Called shots are done at If all players agree, parting shots apply when any creature
disadvantage and one less skill die (minimum of 1), but the moves away from an adjacent enemy without disengaging.
shot will do double damage on a successful hit. These are a free attack by the adjacent enemy towards the
moving creature and are done at disadvantage and with 1 less
Disengage skill die than normal.
If playing with parting shots, a creature must disengage in
order to be able to move away from an enemy and avoid Prepared Action
suffering a parting shot. Disengaging causes the creature to A creature may spend their turn preparing an action. This will
move at half their normal speed and to suffer disadvantage on give them advantage on their next turn for that action only,
any attacks they perform that round. but without any penalty to other actions. The action must be
taken the next round and cannot be saved for a later round.
Defensive Approach
A creature who takes a defensive approach is focused on Ruse Attack
avoiding hits and blocking, and this does not allow them to When a creature performs a ruse attack, they are attempting
put full effort into their own attacks. This will cause any to trick their enemy through fancy weapon play into opening
attacks to them until their next turn to be at disadvantage; up an opportunity for greater damage; however if the enemy
however, any attacks they themselves make will be at sees through the ruse, the creature will leave themselves open
disadvantage until their next turn. for greater damage. To do a ruse attack, a creature must

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succeed at a check before rolling for the attack: if they
succeed the enemy will take an additional damage in the
subsequent attack (resulting in a minimum of 1, even if the
attack roll completely misses after the ruse succeeds). If not,
they will automatically take one damage themself as a result
of failing the risk.

Subduing Damage
If a creature wishes to take an enemy captive, rather than kill
them, they must do final damage to the enemy as subduing
damage. This is typically with a blunt weapon, the flat of a
blade, or with fists or feet. Subduing damage is done without
skill dice and does half of the rolled damage (rounded up). It
may be necessary for a creature to perform many subduing
attacks in succession in order to avoid unintentionally killing
their intended prisoner. Any creature who is subdued
immediately receives the unconscious condition and will
awaken in 5d6 minutes (unless other measures are taken to
stir them awake).

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and Strength 1, so 1 success would be subtracted from
Appendix G: Additional Mechanics whatever the player rolls when they attempt to do an action
that the orc could oppose with strength). If the player has any
These additional mechanics can be implemented in play to successes left, they have won the contest, but if they do not
add further crunch/variety. Facilitators should feel free to they have lost the contest.
pick and choose what they want, although all players should
be made aware before starting a session which additional
mechanics will be used. Critical Hits and Misses

When a creature rolls a 6 on more than half of their dice, this

is considered a critical success; conversely, when they roll a 1
Assisting on more than half of their dice, this is considered a critical
failure. During role-play the result of the critical success or
A player may attempt to help another player when they are failure is left largely to the facilitator’s discretion. When in
attempting an action. In order to see if the assist is successful, combat, however, the facilitator and players may find it
the helping player first rolls a standard check, adding enjoyable to roll results from the following 2d6 tables. This
applicable skill dice. The level of success determines the should be done with the consent of all players, and also with
result according to the chart below: the understanding that these apply to both player AND enemy
Critical Fail: The player who attempted to help got in the way
in some slight manner. After the check roll is done, subtract 1 As always, if the results are not enjoyable they should be
pip from the highest check die rolled for that check. modified, adapted, or skipped entirely.
Normal Fail: Despite their best efforts, the assisting player
was of no help; no benefit is added to the check roll. Any creature who gains a condition that lasts more than one
Normal Success: In some small way, the assisting player was round as a result of a critical hit or miss may attempt a check
able to be a bit of a benefit. After the check roll is done, add 1 at disadvantage at the end of their next turn to see if they can
pip to the highest check die rolled for that check (excluding end the condition early.
any 6s).
Critical Success: The assisting player was such a great help Results from the critical miss table affect the creature that
that the assisted creature has advantage for the check roll. rolled, unless otherwise stated, and all results for critical hits
or misses are in addition to damage (or lack of damage); even
if a creature uses armor or shields to block the damage from
Contested Rolls the attack, the listed results still apply.

Sometimes two creatures may want to do the same action at To roll a 1d2, roll 1d6 and count 1-3 as 1, 4-6 as 2.
the same time (such as both trying to grab for the same
object), or else they might be both attempting action as that
are in direct opposition to each other (i.e. one holding a door
shut while the other attempts to open it, one creature -Critical Hits Table-
attempting to sneak past another who is actively looking for
unwanted intruders, or 1-2 on first die:

Add additional damage equal to the amount that was

For facilitator rolls, both the player and the facilitator roll: the 1
rolled for the attack.
player rolls the number of check dice according to
disadvantage/standard/advantage situations plus any Encouraged by their fantastic success, the attacking
applicable skill dice, and the monster rolls a number of dice 2 creature has advantage on all attack rolls for the next
equal to their attack rating plus any applicable skills they may 1d2 rounds.
possess. After the roll is completed, the creature with the
most successes is the victor in the contest, and the results are Because of an especially deep wound, the target
described accordingly. 3
creature gains the bleeding condition.

For player facing roles, roll a check as necessary, and subtract Due to the force of the attack, the target creature is
one success for half of the creature’s attack value - rounding knocked prone.
down - plus one additional die for every level the opposing
creature has in an applicable skill that might oppose the Receiving the attack is so draining that the target
desired action (for instance, an orc has an attack rating of 2 creature gains the sluggish condition for 1d2 rounds.

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Thanks to a well placed attack the target creature gains -Critical Misses Table-
the unarmed condition (if the creature has no
weapons, they have the terrified condition for the next 1-2 on first die:
1d2 rounds).
Due to overexertion, the creature drops their weapon,
3-4 on first die: 1
gaining the unarmed condition.

With a rush of adrenaline, the attacking creature gains Missing wildly, the creature strikes themself with their
1 an additional attack for this round, but without any 2 own weapon; roll for damage normally and take half
skill dice. of the number of successes (for a minimum of 1)

Their target creature is so demoralized that any Because of some tricky terrain, the creature sprains an
2 attacks towards the attacking creature by the current 3 ankle (or other approximate body part), becoming
target are done at disadvantage. immobilized for 1d2 rounds.

Due to the speed of the attack, neither armor nor The creature’s attack bounces off their target and
shield can be used against this attack. If the target 4
3 strikes themself for 1d2 damage.
creature has no armor or shield then they take an
additional 1d2 damage. This attack fails so spectacularly that the next attack
5 on the creature has advantage due to their utter
This blow strikes the target creature’s eyes, giving the embarrassment.
4 target creature the blinded condition for the next 1d2
rounds. Images of their teacher or mentor frowning in
6 disappointment haunt the creature; they have
The force of this attack knocks the target creature disadvantage on the next 1d2 attacks.
back 10 feet; if the target creature hits ANY physical
object (including other creatures), they stop and take 3-4 on first die:
an additional 1 damage.
In the heat of battle the creature’s shield becomes
This blow lands to the head, giving the target creature 1 damaged and loses one durability. If they have no
the dazed condition for the next 1d2 rounds. shield they simply take 1 additional damage.

5-6 on first die: As a result of battle fatigue, the creature gains the
exhausted condition for 1d2 rounds.
In utter fear of their attacker, the target creature is
1 immobilized for 1d2 rounds and cannot perform any A bug flies up the creature’s nose; they have the
parting shots for those rounds. nauseated condition for 1d2 rounds.

The attacking creature gains 1 grit (not to exceed the Extreme muscle fatigue sets in: the creature’s next
2 4
limit of grit they can have). attack does half damage.

Feeling that the attack is totally unfair, the target The creature receives a blow to the head and they have
3 5
creature gains the enraged condition for 1d2 rounds. the dazed condition for the next 1d2 rounds.

Exhausted, the target creature gains the weakened Some kicked-up dirt gets into the creature’s eyes,
condition for 1d2 rounds. 6 giving them the blinded condition for the next 1d2
5 The target creature takes an additional 1d2 damage.
5-6 on first die:
The attacking creature is energized by their success;
6 roll a standard check, and on a success the attacking Thanks to a misstep, the creature falls and gains the
creature heals 1 damage. prone condition.

Lost in thought about a past fallen comrade, the

2 creature is automatically hit for 1d2 damage on the
next attack against them.

An old injury suddenly flares up, giving the creature

the sluggish condition for the next 1d2 rounds.

Ver. 1.3.1 2023 Rocket Dog Games CC BY-SA v4.0 Page 47

acrobatics they will then roll a standard check IN ADDITION
The noise of battle disturbs a small monster that
to the applicable skill dice.
4 attacks the creature in annoyance; this new monster
has 3 health and an attack rating of 1.

A random item drops out of the creature’s pack or Magic Spell Costs
In order to make the use of magic a bit more costly (and thus
The creature hallucinates an image of their greatest
6 more precious), the following chart can be used for cast point
fear, gaining the frightened condition for 1d2 rounds.
costs when appropriate, in lieu of only going down one point.

Effort Easy Moderate Hard Very

Enemy Morale Rolls Hard

When a fight is going particularly bad for an enemy or group Spell 1 2 2 3

of enemies, it is sometimes in their best interest to turn tail
and run in order to live for at least another day. Generally,
“going particularly bad” would mean when a force has been
reduced to half its original size or - in the case of a single, Monster Reactions
stronger foe - when a creature has been reduced to half of its
original hit points. It is ultimately up to the facilitator, When a party crosses paths with other creatures, the result
however, to make the call as to when a morale check would be does not necessarily have to be an immediate battle: instead,
necessary. a party member may roll a check in an attempt to “parlay”
with the creatures, adding any skill dice for levels in
It is important to remember that not all creatures need to charisma, persuasion, or streetwise (or any other skill that the
make a morale check, since some aren’t necessarily facilitator deems applicable). Obviously, the encountered
“thinking” creatures but are instead driven by outside creatures must be capable of communication - obviously, the
commands that compel them to fight to the death. A good party member must be able to speak their language - and of a
example of this might be skeletons, zombies, or automations reasonable intelligence to even accept the offer of parlay. The
(animated statues, etc.). Especially driven, confident, or possible results are outlined in the table below:
powerful creatures may also be immune to morale checks,
such as higher demons or dragons.
0 Successes Hostile reaction, or immediate battle.
Whenever it is deemed appropriate, a morale roll can be 1 Success Unfavorable reaction.
made. To do this, roll a number of dice equal to the creature’s
attack rating. If there are no successes, the creatures have 2 Successes Neutral reaction.
decided to cut their losses and flee rather than continue
fighting; if there is at least one success, the monsters will 3+ Successes Favorable reaction.
continue to fight. Generally, it is not recommended to roll
another morale check after a successful roll, but if a facilitator
A hostile reaction will lead immediately to battle, with the
decides that there is another point at which the enemies
party rolling at disadvantage for initiative.
might become convinced to flee, then they are free to roll
An unfavorable reaction does not imply hostility, but can
certainly very quickly turn that way should the parlay not go
well after the initial contact. Creatures that react unfavorably
Falling Damage might try to extort or otherwise intimidate the party. In fact,
even if the party cooperates with the enemy’s demands, a
Most creatures can survive a fall of 6 feet without suffering conflict is still a possibility if the creatures are in the right
any damage (assuming they have not landed on any sharp or mood.
dangerous items). Beyond this, creatures suffer 1d3 + 1
damage for every additional 6 foot interval, up to a maximum A neutral reaction is a situation where the enemies are not
of 24 feet (4d3 + 4); beyond this distance, the creature will die eager to engage in combat but are still wary. They may try to
upon impact. work out some sort of arrangement in order to forgo conflict
as long as the party goes along with their demands and the
Any creature who falls can attempt a save at disadvantage to negotiations proceed without any problems.
halve the rolled damage. If the creature has any skill with

Ver. 1.3.1 2023 Rocket Dog Games CC BY-SA v4.0 Page 48

A favorable reaction isn’t necessarily one where the enemies
will do a favor for the party, but they will be highly disinclined
to begin a conflict; still, given the proper turn of events (and a
highly skilled or charismatic negotiator), the enemies just
might decide to do a favor for the party in addition to leaving
them alone.

Simultaneous Combat Rolls

Simultaneous combat rolls are somewhat of a hybrid

approach between player facing rolls and having the
facilitator take turns to roll for enemy or monster attacks. In
this method, each time there is an attack, both the player and
the facilitator roll their dice pool (the player and the
facilitator create their dice pools using all applicable check
and skill dice. This means that the skills that are given to
enemies in the bestiary will be quite useful). The side that has
the most successes wins the combat and damage is dealt
according to the difference in successes; in case of a tie, there
is no damage dealt to either side. It is up to the facilitator to
determine how to handle ranged vs. ranged (i.e. whether or
not to allow the defending player to inflict damage if they roll
more successes than the attacker), but melee vs. ranged and
vise-versa should not inflict damage to the attacker if they
have fewer successes .

The intent of this method is to maintain the speed of player

facing rolls and at the same time allow for some further
granularity (and to let the facilitator chuck a few dice from
time to time).


Given the proper conditions, a creature might be surprised

when beginning combat. To test for surprise, each creature
who can be surprised rolls a standard check; if allowed by the
facilitator, skill dice may be added for levels in skills such as
perception or reflexes. Any creature who fails the check is
unable to act for the first round of combat.

Ver. 1.3.1 2023 Rocket Dog Games CC BY-SA v4.0 Page 49

A number of unfriendly or hostile creatures equal to the
Appendix H: Bard Songs performer’s level in bard performance who hear this song
must make a morale save this round.
Bards are able to use the innate power of sound to subtly
shape and manipulate the world around them. Their primary Clever Motive
method of doing this is through song or music, and as such A number of friendly creatures equal to the performer’s level
they must pick a skill in a performance style as their means of in bard performance who hear this song gain advantage for
using bard song at character creation. saving rolls against status conditions (including rolls to end
conditions) this round.
When a bard chooses to perform in combat, they must first
have their instrument ready (it is up to the facilitator to decide
Contemplative Tune
how long it would take a bard to stow their weapon and draw
their instrument of choice should they not already be A number of friendly creatures equal to the performer’s level
prepared), and they must then spend one round on their in bard performance who hear this song (including the bard
performance. The benefits of their song will last for the rest of themself) regain up to 2 cast points that were used during a
that round only, but in order to extend the benefits they can prior encounter. In order to do so, they must spend at least
roll a standard check (including any skill dice gained through one uninterrupted hour listening to this tune.
their skill in bard performance). The number of results, if any,
is the number of rounds past the current one that the benefits Downbeat Melody
of the performance will linger. This gives the bard an A number of unfriendly or hostile creatures equal to the
opportunity to benefit themselves from their performance on performer’s level in bard performance who hear this song will
subsequent turns. Again, it is up to the facilitator to decide move at half speed for the duration of the round.
how long it would take a bard to stow their instrument and
draw a weapon.
Enchanting Chorale
A number of friendly creatures equal to the performer’s level
A bard is always free to choose the target or targets (when
in bard performance who hear this song can add 1 pip to a
applicable) of their performance.
single die each time they roll a magic spell that round.
It should be noted that any attacks towards a bard who is
performing cannot be countered (since they are obviously Healer’s Hymn
preoccupied with their music), meaning that they will inflict A number of friendly creatures equal to the performer’s level
no damage regardless of the result of the roll for any combat in bard performance who hear this song will gain advantage
they are engaged in while performing; additionally they must when attempting to use a healing spell.
roll at disadvantage to reflect their lack of a weapon (or their
need to concentrate should they choose singing as their Inspiring Anthem
primary performance method).
A number of friendly creatures equal to the performer’s level
in bard performance who hear this song can add 1 pip to a
Should multiple bards perform the same tune, the effects will
single die each time they roll a mêlée or ranged attack that
not accumulate or “stack”.
Bards start out knowing a number of songs equal to two times
their level in the bard performance skill taken from the Insulting Lyric
following lists (or created whole cloth by the player and/or A number of unfriendly or hostile creatures equal to the
facilitator). Additional songs can be learned during the bard’s performer’s level in bard performance who hear this song
travels, whether it be from other bards, written collections of must subtract 1 pip from a single die each time they roll a
songs, or even through their own creative invention (pending mêlée or ranged attack that round.
facilitator approval).
Mystical Theme
A number of friendly creatures equal to the performer’s level
Aggressive Tune in bard performance who hear this song subtract 1 from the
A single friendly creature who hears this song will inflict one cast difficulty of any spell they cast that round.
additional damage on successful attacks that round.
Nonsense Limerick
Bombastic Round A number of unfriendly or hostile creatures equal to the
performer’s level in bard performance who hear this song
must roll at disadvantage for any spells they cast that round.

Ver. 1.3.1 2023 Rocket Dog Games CC BY-SA v4.0 Page 50

Soothing Ballad
A number of friendly creatures equal to the performer’s level
in bard performance who hear this song and have damage
more than half their total health will heal 1 damage that

Ver. 1.3.1 2023 Rocket Dog Games CC BY-SA v4.0 Page 51

The following monster stats, items, and skills were taken
from the Heroic Tales Core Rules and Character Expansion
published by Squidhead Games:

Animated Statue • Fire Giant • Giant Snake • Goat Demon • Gnoll •

Lizardman • Skeleton • Troll • Zombie

Amulet of Aur • Bracelet of Reach • Brutal Warhammer • Cloak of

Hiding • Dagger of Quickness (renamed Devil’s Dagger) • Dante’s
Wand • Enhanced Thieves Tools • Fire Bow • Lightning Staff •
Sword of Sharpness • Ring of Agility • Ring of Strength

Acrobatics • Alchemy • Animal Knowledge • Blacksmith • Brawling

• Charismatic • Climbing • Crafting • Deception • Diplomacy •
Dungeoneering • Engineering • Gambling • Intimidation •
Languages • Magic • Medicine • Melee • Navigation • Negotiating •
Picking Locks • Performer • Reading People • Religion • Repair •
Riding • Shooting • Sleight of Hand • Stamina • Stealth • Streetwise
• Survival • Throwing • Tracking • Traps

The following monsters and their stats are the creations and
property of Rocket Dog Games:

Aghlorv • Barrode • Ciligollid • Dorrum • Euflaron • Faeol •

Gebboleth • Hruul • Issuv • Jorrenfar • Krauhan • Leknor • Morultih
• Ohberen • Puehay • Quelt • Rhek • Skerraxis • Tagmellum • Ugulik
• Vallax • Xanb • Yane • Zithmari

The following monsters are sourced/inspired from various

folklores (with complete respect and appreciation for their
respective cultures):

Cuero (Latin America) • Llorana (Mexico) • Pontianak (Indonesia)

• Qallupilluit (Inuit Peoples) • Serpopard (Egypt) • Tikoloshe
(Africa) • Ushi-Oni (Japan)

All monster descriptions and other materials are the

creations and property of Rocket Dog Games.

You may play this game as-is or customize it to suit your

Icons From: https://game-icons.net
Based on Heroic Tales:

Ver. 1.3.1 2023 Rocket Dog Games CC BY-SA v4.0 Page 52


-Version 1.3.0-

Cover Art

Various Typos

-Version 1.3.0-

1 Skill (Bard Performance)
1 Item (Potion of Magic)
*Bard Songs*

1 Item (Armorbane Hammer=

-Version 1.2.1-

1 Condition (Dazed)

Multiple attacks for monsters

Various monster skills
1 item (Melissa’s Basket)
Knockback details

-Version 1.2.0-

3 Creatures (Llorana, Qallupilluit, Serpopard)
*Magic Spells*

Monster shield stats

Various monster health values
Order of appendices

-Version 1.1.0-

*Additional Mechanics*

-Version 1.0.1-

1 Magic Item (Gadol’s Lucky Topaz)
2 Combat Moves (Disengage, Parting Shot)

Ver. 1.3.1 2023 Rocket Dog Games CC BY-SA v4.0 Page 53

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