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MATTHEW VI. 10-13 39 things, like this, that the kingdom of Heaven is like so and so. Again, to the doctrine of the Trinity, like this, that the kingdom of God cometh not with observation, and the kingdom of God is within you, that is to say, it is not outside of the mind and the intelligent impulses of the soul; but here the kingdom, according to the Juterpreter, is the grace of the Holy Spirit which we have received as a pledge, and secretly in baptism. Now He commands us to ask that we may openly seize its fruits in ourselves, and that it may be given to us completely in the new world, etc. Thy will be done, as in Heaven, namely, as in Heaven there is no opposition in all rational beings, because all rule and power are brought to nought, ete. ; thus also among these mortal lives, as much as is possible, may Thy will be fulfilled and perfected in us. Give us this day the bread that we need; for in one form, bread, He includes all kinds that nourish the body. And in ¢hés day He includes all the time of our life, and this is according to the custom of the Scrip- tures, which from a part assumes the whole. And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors. He binds pardon wisely with pardon; for because he who now misses it from others, injures himself first either with others or with God. But any formed by nature pure from pollution, according to Job, there is not even one; by the chain of ordered necessity He brings debtors towards this, that they must pay their debts either to one another or to Him. Thou sayest to Me, Forgive my debts, I also say to thee, Forgive thy brother his debt to thee; and if thou sayest, It is forgiven by me, behold, thou art also forgiven by Me, But if it is otherwise, and if anyone says, God alone forgives all sins ; who is able to forgive sins, but God alone? why now does He send malefactors to those who are sinned against to be pardoned? By this the Advocate of our peace seeks our tranquillity, by this He negotiates our concord; as He says somewhere that if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father which is in ‘Heaven forgive you your trespasses. And lead us not into temptation, and how is it said somewhere, Blessed is the man that endureth temptation, for when he is tried, he shall receive, etc.; and Fear not them which kill the body; and Whoso- ever taketh not up his cross, etc.; and in general in all His teaching, the entrance to temptations is spread; and He says, that without temptations the kingdom is not found. Nevertheless He commands us not to enter into itual and Satanic temptations, that is to say, into carelessness, and into blasphemy, and pride, and vainglory, ete.; but for those of the body, ‘Matt.13.24 Luxe17.20, aL f.23b 1 Cor. 18. 24 Job &. 17, 18 Luke 5. 21, Jamesi.12 Matt.20.28, 38 p. Acts 14.23 faga

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