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The mdx mouse model as a surrogate for Duchenne

muscular dystrophy
Terence A. Partridge
Children’s National Medical Center, Center for Genetic Medicine, Washington, DC, USA

Keywords Research into fundamental principles and the testing of therapeutic

developmental differences; double mutants; hypotheses for treatment of human disease is commonly performed on
effects of scale; growth differences; inter-
mouse models of human diseases. Although this is often the only practica-
species translation; lifespan; murine disease
ble approach, it carries a number of caveats arising from differences
model; muscular dystrophy; pharmacological
variation; preclinical research between the two species. This review focuses on the example of skeletal
muscle disease, in particular muscular dystrophy, to identify some of the
Correspondence principal classes of obstacles to translation of data from mouse to humans.
T. A. Partridge, Children’s National Medical Of these, the difference in scale is one of the most commonly ignored, and
Center, Center for Genetic Medicine, 111 is of particular interest because it has quite major repercussions for evalua-
Michigan Avenue NW, Washington,
tion of some classes of intervention and of outcome criteria, while having
DC 20010, USA
comparatively little bearing on others. Likewise, inter-species differences
Fax: +1 202 476 6014
Tel: +1 202 476 2192 and similarities in cell and molecular biological mechanisms underlying
E-mail: development, growth and response to pathological processes should be
considered on an individual basis. An awareness of such distinctions is cru-
(Received 25 January 2013, revised 18 cial if we are to avoid misjudging the likely applicability to humans of
March 2013, accepted 19 March 2013) results obtained on mouse models.

Robert Burns’ deft analysis of the fundamental affini- pre-clinical experiments were reproducible in fully
ties and essential differences between the issues that powered reiterations [6]. This survey attributed the
afflict mice and men [1] gave an early indication of the blame predominantly to failure to distinguish signifi-
questions that have beset pre-clinical scientific research cant effects from experimental noise, with the implica-
up to the present. Failure to fully address these mat- tion that this problem had arisen from faults in design
ters is evident in the routinely casual use of mice as or conduct of the original experiments, leaving in
models for a variety of human conditions. Mice are abeyance the question of the extent to which the
not men and the converse is generally true too. Yet model itself provides an accurate simulation of the
pre-clinical validations of therapeutic strategies for human condition. Whether this is a more general issue
human muscle disease are based predominantly on is a matter of conjecture, but the strong predisposition
interventions in mouse models of homologous or anal- of journals towards publication of ‘positive’ results,
ogous human conditions. So far, the translational flow together with the associated difficulty of recording dis-
from mouse model systems to evidence of utility in senting findings, and further combined with the appe-
human trials has been sporadic and feeble [2–5]. A tite of funding organizations for therapeutic promises,
spectacular indication of the nature of this failure was are clear inducements to this and other forms of bias.
provided by a recent survey of pre-clinical studies to In the meantime, however, it relatively easy to iden-
identify agents to combat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, tify a number of more substantive sources of disjunc-
in which the results of none of 70 reports of published tion between experiments performed in murine disease

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Mdx mouse as surrogate for DMD T. A. Partridge

models and effective therapies in their human equiva- Such differential effects must be allowed for when
lents. Several of these arise from a failure to fully con- considering the implications of any data derived from
sider that differences between the two species, if the mouse that involve mechanical function. Perhaps
individually assessed, give valuable indications as to the most obvious issue is the extent to which physical
what findings are likely to be directly informative for stress may be regarded as equivalent between the two
translational purposes and what should be treated species. For instance, how does damage to mouse mus-
more circumspectly. The objective of this review is to cle induced by a given exercise regime relate to a simi-
identify some of the more obtrusive of these issues, lar exercise regime applied to humans; can we rely on
and to suggest potential ways of resolving them. As an the mechanisms of damage or the mechanisms
exemplar, the review considers the mdx mouse, which whereby putative therapeutic agents attenuate this
carries a null mutation of the dystrophin gene, as a damage being equivalent in the two species, especially
model of muscular dystrophy for which an instructive where the effects are subtle? It is true that there is a
history of use and abuse has accumulated since its first strong resemblance between the mdx mouse and boys
description in 1984 [7]. with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) in terms
of the histopathology of the muscle lesions themselves
and at least some of the disease-associated changes in
Effects of scale
the proteome [11]. However, it is probably safest to
Among the more obvious differences between mice use such data as indications of damage that permit
and humans is size; humans are ~ 2000–3000 times lar- comparison between therapeutic agents or regimes
ger than the mouse at birth, and this difference is rather than as direct indications of what to expect in
maintained into adulthood; however, the pattern of human trials.
growth by which this increase is achieved is very dif-
ferent between the two species. Both the absolute size
difference and the distinction between the two growth
patterns by which this difference is maintained in post- Another phenomenon that is acutely scale-dependent
natal life have their own implications. is molecular diffusion; the concentration of any
given agent in a freely diffusing environment falls
off rapidly with distance from the source. In most
Square/cube rule
biological systems, there are also structural barriers
For a mechanical tissue such as skeletal muscle, the to free diffusion. Of these, some, such as lipid mem-
square/cube rule is a major factor that impinges on branes, are invariant with scale, while others, such
mechanisms and relationships across the size difference as load-bearing partitions in muscles and some base-
between humans and mouse. It postulates that the ment membranes that cope with a heavier mechani-
major determinant of stress on this tissue is in direct cal load by virtue of increased thickness and perhaps
proportion to volume/weight, which is related to the denser structure, impose more severe restrictions on
cube of the linear size, while the mechanisms that cope diffusion in larger animals. It is important to note,
with this stress are dependent on area, which is related in this respect, that many human muscles are
to the square of the linear size [8,9]. Accordingly, in divided into major compartments by dense fascia
larger animals, the area-dependent mechanisms, such as that are not present in the equivalent muscles of the
the connective tissues that transmit and absorb force, mouse.
are less able to cope with mechanical stress imposed by The interplay between the constraints arising from
the extra mass via inertia and momentum. The result- scale differences at the whole-body level and the physi-
ing need to spread these forces is reflected in the ological limitations on cell size and intercellular spac-
thicker tendons and the presence of dense fibrous septa ing raises a range of questions whose pathological
within the muscles of larger mammals, including impact is specific to each individual situation.
humans, but not in the mouse. This change in relation- In skeletal muscle, the abundant microvasculature
ship also acts as a general size-related constraint on has the potential to provide rapid transport of nutri-
function, for example mice can fall from considerable ents and systemic signalling molecules, as well as effi-
heights with impunity and elephants cannot jump. A cient removal of waste products and of signalling
molecular correlate of this difference is the relative lack products generated endogenously within the muscle.
of expression in larger mammals, including humans, of This relationship is not very scale-dependent, as the
the ‘fast’ 2B myosin that is widely expressed in mice size of muscle fibres and thus the diffusion distance
and other small mammals with fast step-cycles [10]. between the centre of the fibre and the nearest capil-

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T. A. Partridge Mdx mouse as surrogate for DMD

lary is very similar in mice and humans. Likewise, of 60–90 kg. This 30-fold increase in mass is achieved
within the muscle fibre, the volume of sarcoplasm in quite different ways in the two species, with a major
maintained by each myonucleus, the nuclear domain, impact on the interaction of growth processes with
shows a less than twofold difference across mammals those associated with development and with disease,
of a range of sizes [12]. each of which manifests over quite different time
courses in the two species.
The C57Bl/6 mouse, which is among the more com-
monly used mouse strains, establishes its full comple-
Skeletal muscle is capable of very rapid and complete ment of muscle fibres in its limb muscles at around
regeneration in response to injury [13], a feat that is birth, a state that is achieved during early fetal devel-
accomplished largely, and perhaps entirely, by the opment in humans [35]. After birth, the mouse, like
satellite cells [14–16], which, in the absence of injury, many other laboratory animals, grows continuously,
lie dormant between the surface of the muscle fibres tailing off to a plateau by ~ 12 weeks [36], whereas
and the surrounding basement membrane. The dynam- humans grows in distinct phases: rapidly in the perina-
ics of this process are influenced by the rate of prolif- tal period, slowing down during childhood, and rap-
eration of the satellite cells, their capacity to move idly again during adolescence up to ~ 15 years of age
into sites of muscle damage, and the size of the region in girls and 18 in boys [37]. In both species, this post-
of damage. Rates of both myoblast proliferation and natal growth involves two distinct mechanisms: an
motility are very similar in humans and mouse, but increase in the numbers of nuclei per fibre and an
the tasks to be accomplished are highly scale-depen- increase in the size of the domain around each nucleus.
dent. The muscle most commonly used for studies of However, the pattern of engagement of these two
regeneration and for transplantation of myogenic cells mechanisms across the growth period is quite different
in the mouse, the tibialis anterior, has a maximum in humans and mouse.
cross-sectional profile of ~ 2 9 4 mm. Under the best In the mouse, addition of new myonuclei to fibres
conditions used for cell transplantation so far, it is by proliferation and fusion of satellite cells is limited
possible to populate about 70% of this area with largely to the first three postnatal weeks [38]. Thereaf-
regenerated muscle fibres of predominantly donor cell ter, further increase in muscle mass is achieved mainly
origin from a single injection of half a million myo- by progressive enlargement of the domain of each
genic cells [17]. This looks very impressive in the tiny nucleus. The short phase of postnatal growth involving
mouse muscle, but, in absolute terms, would be trivial an increase in myonuclear number in the mouse is the
in humans. In some ways, the small size of the mouse only time during which expression of the Pax7 gene is
limits its value as a species in which to explore the required for proliferation of the satellite cells [39]. It
spread of cells from a punctate graft site. However, also involves a distinct pattern of proliferation
similarly limited yields and dispersion, as measured in whereby each cell division is asymmetric, with one
absolute terms, have been observed for grafts in non- daughter cell fusing rapidly with the adjacent muscle
human primates and humans [18,19]. fibre and the second going on to further rounds of cell
These limitations do not apply so markedly to thera- division [40,41]. Only in this way can one account for
peutic agents that are delivered via the blood vascular the addition of ~ 100 nuclei per fibre per week in the
system, such as oligonucleotides to promote skipping mouse extensor digitorum longus muscle by the activi-
of frame-disrupting exons [20–23], expression plasmids ties of some 8–16 satellite cells [38].
encoding dystrophin [24,25] or exon-skipping con- In humans, we have no accurate quantitative info-
structs [26–28]. For this same reason, the best hope of mation on the pattern of growth, but what we have
a cell-based therapy for diffusely distributed myone- indicates that both mechanisms (an increase in myonu-
crotic diseases such as DMD is offered by a number clear number and an increase in myonuclear domain)
of classes of myogenic cells of various origins that may operate simultaneously across the entire 15–18 year
be delivered via the blood vascular system [29–34]. growth period [42]. We have no evidence as to the
involvement of Pax7 gene expression in humans, but
attrition of telomere length, an indication of the num-
Mouse and humans grow in different
ber of divisions undergone by a cell, provides some
evidence regarding the pattern of cell proliferation dur-
Between birth and adulthood at ~ 12 weeks, the mouse ing postnatal muscle growth. The minimum telomere
increases in weight from 1 to 30 g; the human new- repeat length decreases continuously from ~ 12 to ~ 8
born weighs at 2–3 kg and grows to an adult weight telomere restriction fragments (equivalent to some 45

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Mdx mouse as surrogate for DMD T. A. Partridge

cell divisions) between birth and adulthood [43]. This proliferation and differentiation; in order for a satellite
is fully consistent with the operation of serial asym- cell population of 2–4% of muscle fibre nuclei to
metric cell divisions to account for the 10–15-fold reconstitute the mass of muscle from which they were
increase in muscle nuclear content between birth and derived within the 3 days or so of proliferation as
adulthood [42,44]. observed in acutely damaged muscle [45], they must
We must take these differences into account when enter a transit-amplifying phase of geometric expan-
comparing the effects of any agent that affects muscle sion followed by mass cell fusion. In the mdx mouse,
growth in the two species. Similarly, superimposition the growth phase and the subsequent period of
of any pathological activity would have different regeneration, each based on its own regulatory mecha-
effects in the context of the two quite different growth nisms, run consecutively and do not clash with one
patterns in mouse and humans. In the specific case of another (see Fig. 1). By contrast, in boys with DMD,
dystrophin deficiency, for example, there has been the two mechanisms operate concomitantly, and inter-
much debate about the value of the mdx mouse as a ference between two such different mechanisms operat-
model of DMD in humans. These include observations ing in close juxtaposition to one another appears likely
that ‘the mdx mouse dystrophy is milder’ or that it is to prevent either or both from operating normally.
‘more severe’ than DMD. As we have no objective This helps to explain the difference in consequences
measures of pathological severity in either species from of dystrophinopathy in the two species, and is a likely
which to draw such conclusions, neither view is ratio- contributor to the rapid decline in structure and func-
nally justifiable. tion associated with this disease in humans. Such dif-
Nor, for similar reasons, is there any sensible basis ferences should be taken into account in any
for comparing clinical severity. What is the justifica- translation to human trials of data gathered on the
tion for comparing rates of clinical decline as a pro- mdx mouse. It would be instructive, for instance,
portion of lifespan, as has often been done? Many when considering how to boost the regenerative
processes, such as cell-cycle duration or rate of cell response in DMD, to determine which of the two
movement, are very similar in absolute terms in the myogenic programs would be best targeted; whether a
two species. Thus, the duration of a period of develop- strategy should aim to augment the growth program
ment and resolution of a necrotic focus, together with or the regeneration program in DMD muscle. To the
associated features of these processes, such as the extent that the two processes are temporally separated
build-up of fibrous tissue, are also likely to be compa- in the mdx mouse, this model is likely to provide the
rable in absolute terms; it is unsurprising, therefore, most useful information as to the potential utility of
that the pathology in a 2-year-old mdx mouse resem- the mechanisms available for intervention, and
bles, in many respects, that in a 2-year-old boy. Other whether there is likely to be interference or synergy
aspects of pathology are heavily influenced by develop- between the two under the influence of any given
mental stages, which are not equivalently proportioned agent.
across lifespan in the two species. Each individual Similarly, for cell-transplantation therapies, the
aspect of the pathology is therefore subject to a sepa- choice of cell type would be dictated by which myo-
rate basis of comparison, and, pending detailed investi- genic process, growth or regeneration, is most effec-
gation, there is no particular reason to favour lifespan tively targeted; again, a question that would be more
as the denominator over absolute time or developmen- readily addressed at the pre-clinical level in the mdx
tal stage. mouse than in the course of clinical trials in man.
However, within the bounds of what we do know, it Strictly, the square/cube rule operates on the
is possible to speculate sensibly on the likely effects of assumption of identical proportionality between the
the different growth patterns on pathological processes two species under consideration, but this too varies, in
in the two species. In the mouse, the Pax7-dependent a partially size-dependent manner, between species.
program of fibre enlargement by satellite cell prolifera- For example, it has been observed that the pattern of
tion and fusion ends at 3 weeks; this is coincident, in growth, especially in terms of increased length of the
the mdx mouse, with the onset of myonecrosis and muscle fibres, varies between muscles and between spe-
repair. Whether this timing is more than a matter of cies, due to differences in the proportionate growth of
coincidence has yet to be determined, but, in any the skeleton with consequent differences in stress on
event, it represents a distinct switch in operation of the the sarcolemma and its relationship with the adjacent
underlying myogenic mechanism. Not only is regenera- connective tissue elements. This issue deserves special
tion beyond this time independent of Pax7 expression, consideration in limb muscles, which are the objects of
but it is accomplished by a quite different pattern of most function studies [46].

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T. A. Partridge Mdx mouse as surrogate for DMD

Mdx Mouse
21 days Pax 7-dependent Regeneration by geometric expansion of transit-amplifying
growth by serial asymmetric myoblasts from stem-cell like precursors
division of satellite cells

18 years growth by satellite cell proliferation and simultaneous regeneration by geometric expansion
DMD boy


Fig. 1. Contrasting temporal relationships between the two myogenic programs underlying postnatal growth and muscle repair in mouse (A)
and boys with DMD (B). (A) The dystrophic mouse completes the phase of postnatal growth that adds new myonuclei to muscle fibres by
21 days. This phase is dependent on expression of the Pax7 gene, and involves serial asymmetric division by the satellite cells, with one
daughter cell of each mitosis leaving the cell cycle and fusing rapidly with the adjacent muscle fibre, while the second remains proliferative
and progresses to further asymmetric divisions. In the mdx mouse, a period of florid myonecrosis begins as the three-week growth period
ends. Repair of necrotic lesions is not dependent on Pax7 expression, and entails a quite different mode of cell proliferation, whereby, after
an early asymmetric division, a rapid phase of symmetric division ensues within a transit-amplifying population of myogenic cells that are
largely committed to terminal differentiation, although a few may remain as myogenic precursors. (B) In humans, the increase in
myonuclear number occurs throughout the childhood, juvenile and pubertal growth periods, and reduces telomere length at a rate
consistent with serial asymmetric cell division. Whether this requires Pax7 expression is unknown. In boys with DMD, this period of growth
is coincident with the chronic repair of myonecrotic muscle fibres by the regenerative mode of cell division, in which rare asymmetric
divisions maintain a stem-like sub-population but the majority of cell divisions are devoted to a geometric, transit-amplifying pattern of
expansion. It is suggested that these two mechanisms interfere with one another in boys with DMD but not in mdx mice.

mechanisms between species. An illustrative example

Differences in cell biology and
with particular relevance to myonecrotic disease is
osteopontin: a multi-functional component of the
For pre-clinical research into DMD, the convenience interstitium that is secreted by a variety of cells,
and cost-effectiveness of the mdx mouse mean that it including myogenic cells and inflammatory cells. The
is the predominant model. This convenience is partly splice isoforms of this protein have been reported
countered by the fact that the mdx myopathy is plainly to have a range of effects on inflammation [47,48],
not an exact reproduction of DMD. This is not so fibrosis [49] and fusion of myogenic cells [50]. More-
great an inconvenience if one is aware of the nature of over, in the mdx mouse, knockout of the osteopontin
the differences, and so can make allowance for them gene is associated with a milder phenotype [49].
in the design and interpretation of any pre-clinical Puzzlingly, in boys with DMD, a polymorphism in the
study. Indeed, the differences are themselves a source promoter of osteopontin that is associated with a
of information as to which characteristics are funda- lower level of transcription of the osteopontin gene is
mental features of the pathological consequences of predictive of a more severe course of disease. Still
lack of dystrophin and which are attributable to inter- more puzzlingly, this same polymorphism is associated,
species differences. in healthy women, with a greater than normal muscle
Among the more widely important questions is that growth in response to exercise [51], and, in the same
of differences in pharmacological and inflammatory vein, the osteopontin null mutation is associated with

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Mdx mouse as surrogate for DMD T. A. Partridge

larger muscles in female mice. This complexity is ual variation, which makes it both time-consuming
exacerbated by the functional variation associated with and expensive to generate sufficient numbers to per-
the variety of osteopontin isoforms arising from differ- form a pre-clinical trial. Up to now, it has been used
ential splicing and post-translational modifications primarily as a reference species in which to test puta-
[52–56]. Our current lack of detailed information on tive therapeutic agents and protocols that have previ-
the various isoform expression profiles or their roles in ously been shown to be of interest by virtue of
the inflammatory and muscle repair processes in either demonstrations of efficacy with regard to standard
humans or mouse suggest caution when translating outcome measures in the mdx mouse [21,61].
data derived from the mouse to clinical trials in Improvements in the usefulness of the mdx mouse
humans. have been attempted by breeding it onto other genetic
backgrounds. When first attempting grafts of myo-
genic cells into dystrophic muscle, we bred the muta-
Is there a perfect animal model?
tion onto a nude background to minimize immune
Animal rights activists are fond of pointing out that rejection problems [62]. While useful, we later discov-
animal models do not respond to potential therapeutic ered that the nude background also had profound
agents in the same way as humans; they are quite cor- effects on the deposition of collagen, both during
rect. The nearest we have to a perfect model of a development in non-myopathic and mdx mice, and, in
human disease is humans, but even humans are not the latter, over the course of the disease [63], raising
perfect, as demonstrated by the not infrequent with- questions as to the suitability of this double mutant
drawal of drugs or their limitation to restricted patient for investigations of long-term pathogenesis.
subsets; these are reflections of the inter-individual var- Similarly, with the discovery of the autosomal
iability within the human population. For the purposes homologue of dystrophin, i.e. utrophin, it was found
of pre-clinical development, the main problem with that animals null for both the dystrophin and utrophin
humans, at a practical level, apart from the interven- genes displayed a much more severe pathology than
tion of ethical regulators, is the limitation on the inva- the single mdx mutant [64]. This double dystrophin/
siveness of investigative techniques that may be utrophin-null mouse has been employed as a sensitive
contemplated. In the case of DMD, for example, tak- indicator of replacement of dystrophin function by
ing multiple serial muscle biopsies for evaluation dystrophin itself or utrophin or other surrogates in
would not pass ethical consideration as part of any number of studies [27,65,66], but, again, the extent to
practical experimental plan, and, as yet, non-invasive which defects in this animal parallel DMD in terms of
imaging techniques lack the resolution to be ade- the pathogenic mechanisms has yet to be ascertained.
quately informative. We are therefore left with animal More recently, another issue, the very long telo-
models by which to explore pathogenic mechanisms meres in mice, which confer an almost unlimited pro-
and to test potential therapies up to the point of estab- liferative lifespan to their stem cells by comparison
lishing basic principles. with humans [67–69], has been tackled by breeding a
As a pre-clinical model of DMD, clinicians tend to null telomerase mutation into the mdx mouse [70],
favour the Golden Retriever muscular dystropy model, with the finding of a worsened pathology that is attrib-
which carries a splice-site mutation in exon 7 of the uted to a decline in the proliferation potential of stem
dystrophin gene that causes omission of exon 7 from cells, but with clear indications, such as increased fra-
the dystrophin transcript, altering the open reading gility of mature myofibres, that this is not the entire
frame and preventing translation into a protein, story.
because it shows a severe clinical phenotype that Each of these modifications of the mdx genotype
results in premature death [57,58]. However, the extent indicates a molecular biological complexity that coun-
to which these resemblances to DMD in humans sels caution in evaluating the applicability to humans
reflect basic similarities in pathology requires individ- of data obtained from these animals. Perhaps the most
ual evaluation. One notable difference is that a pro- instructive example is the double MyoD-null mdx
portion of Golden Retriever muscular dystropy pups mouse, in which the pathology in both skeletal and
are severely affected at birth and die as neonates. In cardiac muscle is greatly exacerbated compared with
addition, dogs with Golden Retriever muscular dystro- the single mdx mutants. Activation of JNK–1/P38
py that live beyond the first year often survive, in an pathways is implicated in both skeletal and cardiac
ambulant state, into canine middle age [59,60]. Neither muscle of the double mutants, and, but for the lack of
phenomenon is reported in boys with DMD. The dogs MyoD expression in the heart, we would have no
also pose the practical problem of large inter-individ- a priori reason to separate the pathological mecha-

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T. A. Partridge Mdx mouse as surrogate for DMD

nisms in the two tissues. The poor condition of the ferable information, and those that are likely to be
skeletal muscle is relatively simply explained in terms peculiar to mouse or humans. Even this last category,
of disturbance of regeneration due to lack of MyoD in perhaps especially this category of species-specific
satellite cells, but, as MyoD is never expressed in the effects arising from lack of dystrophin, may give new
heart, the very severe cardiac pathology cannot entail and unexpected insights.
any direct interaction of the two molecular pathways,
forcing invocation of indirect, systemic pathogenic
mechanisms, presumably triggered by the regenerative Acknowledgements
disturbances in the skeletal muscle [71]. It is salutary The author is grateful for the support of the Founda-
to speculate on what we would conclude if MyoD tion to Eradicate Duchenne, the Muscular Dystrophy
were expressed in the heart; application of the purely Association, the US Department of Defense, and the
procedural principle of Occam’s razor would content National Institutes of Health.
us with a hypothesis that directly implicated the lack
of MyoD function in the cardiac dystrophy, and the
more complex possibilities of systemic interplay would References
remain unexplored. How often does a predisposition
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