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Somatosensation and Pain
S.A. Prescott, S. Ratté
The Hospital for Sick Children and University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada

Our body continuously surveys its exter- and perceiving—are obviously linked, so much
nal environment and its internal state. This is so that we take the link for granted. Yet we do
referred to as exteroception and interoception, not always perceive a stimulus in the way one
respectively. Interoception is crucial for homeo- would expect. This is exemplified by illusions
static regulation of physiological processes like like the thermal grill in which interleaved warm
breathing, but this information is most often and cool bars are misperceived as burning hot,
used without us being aware of it. Similarly, and by clinical conditions such as ciguatera in
we are typically unaware of our joint position which innocuous thermal stimuli are mistakenly
or movement yet continuous proprioceptive perceived as burning hot. Pain is often described
feedback is critical for balance and coordinated in terms of the stimuli that would normally
locomotion. We are more aware of touch, tem- evoke that percept regardless of what the stimu-
perature, and pain. Pain is especially powerful lus really is. For instance, burning pain is often
in drawing our attention, although protective described as if one’s skin is on fire. Perceived as
reflexes are often initiated before we perceive the pressure, cardiac ischemia is often likened to
painful stimulus. Somatosensation is not unique an elephant sitting on one’s chest. Of course, the
in this regard; phenomena like blindsight—the proper medical responses do not involve fire
ability of cortically blind individuals to respond hoses or elephant removal.
to visual stimuli without conscious awareness This chapter focuses on somatosensory
of the stimulus—emphasize how much sensory modalities including proprioception, thermo-
processing occurs subconsciously even in the ception, touch, and nociception. Given the clini-
visual system. cal importance of chronic pain, later parts of
These issues highlight the distinction the chapter are dedicated to discussion of how
between sensing and perceiving. Sensation refers changes in somatosensory processing lead to
to the detection of stimuli of different modali- chronic pain and how understanding the mech-
ties. Perception refers to how our brain interprets anisms underlying those changes can be used
that sensory input, which can be shaped by situ- to help alleviate such pain. We begin with an
ational context, expectations, and a multitude introduction of concepts important for sensory
of other factors. The two processes—sensing physiology.

Conn’s Translational Neuroscience 517 Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

BASIC CONCEPTS IN SENSORY neurons in the spinal cord and brainstem receive
PHYSIOLOGY that information via synaptic connections and
relay signals to higher order sensory neurons
First-order sensory neurons—also known as deeper in the CNS. Fig. 23.1 illustrates the two
primary afferents—are responsible for sensing basic pathways. Although Fig. 23.1 depicts strict
stimuli on the skin or internal tissues and relay- feedforward pathways, local circuits and long-
ing that information to the central nervous sys- distance feedback loops play an important role
tem (CNS). Action potentials, or spikes, are used in processing the information and modulat-
to convey that information over long distances, ing its transmission to the cortex. Central pro-
more than 1 m in some human axons and much cessing is critically important for how a given
farther in other species. Second-order sensory stimulus will ultimately be perceived but what

FIGURE 23.1 Somatosensory information from the periphery is routed through the central nervous system via two main
pathways: the anterolateral pathway (left) and the dorsal column-medial lemniscal pathway (right). Fibers ascending in the
dorsal columns carry information about proprioception and fine touch, while those ascending in the anterolateral tract carry
information mostly about pain, temperature, and crude touch.
Basic Concepts in Sensory Physiology 519
distinguishes sensory modalities (and submo- Downstream neurons in the CNS can also be
dalities) from one another is the type of physi- said to have a receptive field but, in their case,
cal stimuli to which primary sensory neurons the receptive field reflects the sum of the recep-
respond. Accordingly, we dedicate a significant tive fields of upstream neurons converging
portion of this chapter to describing first-order onto the neuron of interest. Receptive fields can
sensory neurons. also be shaped by other aspects of the microcir-
Transduction is the process by which a cuitry, most notably synaptic inhibition (see sec-
physical stimulus is converted into a receptor tion: Central Pathways). The size of receptive
potential in the peripheral endings of primary fields affects tactile acuity: two points spaced
afferent neurons. This graded depolarization, closely together will be perceived as a single
also known as a generator potential, must be point if both points fall within the same recep-
converted to a spike train in order for the sen- tive field. Therefore, two-point discrimination
sory signal to reach the CNS. This second step will be less precise where receptive fields are
depends on the local excitability, which reflects large, like on the torso, and more precise where
the complement of ion channels present in the receptive fields are small, like on the hands or
axon terminal. The initial transduction step is lips. The smaller the receptive fields, the denser
mediated by the specific receptor molecules the innervation, implying that relatively more
present in the fiber terminals and the asso- sensory neurons are dedicated to parts of the
ciation of those terminals with specialized body with high acuity. The amount of somato-
end organs, that is, non-neural cells or cap- sensory cortex dedicated to various body parts
sules, such as Pacinian corpuscles (see section: reflects the acuity of those body parts (see sec-
Somatic Submodalities and Receptor Mecha- tion: Thalamic and Cortical Regions Involved
nisms). The adequate stimulus refers to the type in Somatosensation).
of stimulus to which a fiber is most sensitive.
This term has been largely replaced by the
concept of tuning. A neuronal tuning curve
shows the threshold stimulus intensity plotted
against the stimulus parameter of interest, as
illustrated for two different types of mecha-
noreceptors tested across a range of vibration
frequencies in Fig. 23.2. The x-value at the
minimum (trough) of the curve represents the
stimulus to which the neuron is most sensitive.
A narrow or broad tuning curve means that the
neuron is more or less selective, respectively,
for that stimulus parameter.
The receptive field of a neuron describes the
portion of sensory space in which stimula- FIGURE 23.2 Tuning curves show the minimum stimu-
tion will activate that neuron (Fig. 23.3). In the lus intensity required to activate a given receptor type (solid
somatosensory system, this typically refers to curves) or to be detected by a person (dashed curve) at a given
an area on the body surface, whereas in the stimulus frequency. Meissner corpuscle-RA1 afferents are
visual system, for example, it refers to an area tuned to vibrations near 50 Hz, whereas Pacinian corpuscle-
RA2 afferents are tuned to vibrations near 250 Hz. Vibrations
in visual space. The receptive field of a pri- <100 Hz are encoded by the former and are sensed as flutter.
mary somatosensory afferent is determined Vibrations >100 Hz are encoded by the latter and are sensed
by the area innervated by that particular fiber. as vibration.

FIGURE 23.3 Receptive fields. (A) The receptive fields of first-order sensory neurons reflect the area innervated by their
terminal branches. (B) For a second-order sensory neuron, its receptive field (black dashed oval) is the sum of the receptive
fields of upstream neurons. Convergence of more first-order neurons onto second-order neurons translates into a larger
receptive field. (C) Lateral inhibition evoked by first-order sensory neurons on the edge of the receptive field creates an inhibi-
tory surround (red shading) that sharpens the second-order sensory neuron’s receptive field.

FIRST-ORDER SOMATOSENSORY (soma) of each primary somatosensory neuron

NEURONS is located in a dorsal root ganglion (DRG) or tri-
geminal ganglion. Afferents from the trigeminal
Unlike the other senses in which sensors are ganglia innervate the face and other cranial tis-
concentrated in dedicated sensory organs—the sues like dura mater, and relay that information
eyes, ears, nose, or tongue—primary somato- to trigeminal nucleus in the brainstem, while
sensory neurons innervate the entire surface afferents from the DRG innervate the rest of the
of the body plus internal tissues. The cell body body and relay information into the dorsal horn
First-Order Somatosensory Neurons 521
of the spinal cord. Located close to but officially Aδ fibers are intermediate in their conduction
outside the CNS, both sets of ganglia contain velocity, consistent with their medium diameter
only sensory neurons. These neurons are pseu- and thin myelination. Different subsets of these
dounipolar, which means that a single fiber exits fibers are involved in light touch, thermosensa-
the cell body and splits at a T-junction, with one tion, and nociception. C fibers have the slowest
end innervating peripheral tissue and the other conduction velocity due to their small diameter
end connecting with second-order sensory neu- and lack of myelination. C fibers are involved
rons in the CNS (see Fig. 23.1). The peripherally in nociception, itch, thermosensation, and
projecting fibers innervate skin, muscle, joints, affective touch (which is distinct from discrimi-
and internal organs. The types of sensory neu- native touch). Most nociceptors are C fibers
rons innervating a given tissue dictate the sensi- but not all C fibers are nociceptors, contrary to
bility of that tissue: sensory neurons innervating what is commonly assumed. C fibers signifi-
the colon respond to stretch but not to tempera- cantly outnumber A fibers and are often subdi-
ture change, which is why burning the colon is vided based on whether they express peptide
not painful whereas stretching it is; in contrast, neurotransmitters. Fiber size has implications
the skin is innervated by diverse sensory neu- beyond conduction velocity (in part because
rons, hence the rich sensory experience associ- of the different voltage-gated ion channels
ated with cutaneous stimuli. expressed in different fiber types). For instance,
The peripheral terminals of primary afferent large fibers have the lowest threshold and are
fibers are specialized to detect certain stimuli. therefore the first to be recruited by electrical
This “tuning” is a direct reflection of the types stimulation of a nerve. The largest fibers are
of receptors they express and the specialized also the first blocked by ischemia (eg, when a
end organs with which they associate. But blood pressure cuff is applied) but the last to
different fibers are not specialized to produce be blocked by local anesthetics. The capacity to
certain percepts. For example, fibers known as differentially activate or block certain types of
nociceptors are specialized to detect noxious afferents has been used to help work out their
stimuli, and while their activation will typi- relative contributions.
cally evoke pain, this is not always the case: Before proceeding, it is important to reit-
in the heat of battle, injury may go completely erate that sensory input is transduced at the
unnoticed despite nociceptor activation until peripheral end of each primary afferent neuron.
the stress of the situation recedes; on the other Mechanical, thermal, or chemical activation of
hand, the thermal grill illusion demonstrates receptors generates a receptor potential that is
burning pain in the absence of any nociceptor- converted locally to a spike train, which is then
activating stimulus. These two examples illus- relayed past the cell body and into the CNS. This
trate, respectively, that nociceptor activation distribution of responsibilities—spike initiation
is neither sufficient nor necessary to produce in the distal end of the axon and spike propa-
pain. “Pain” fibers simply do not exist. The gation toward the cell body—is unlike what
neural code for pain and its relation to other occurs in most central neurons, where inputs
submodalities has been the focus of significant are received on the dendrites and integrated in
debate (see Box 23.1). the cell body, with spikes being generated in the
Primary afferent fibers are classified accord- axon initial segment (near the cell body) before
ing to several interrelated features (Fig. 23.4). being relayed down the axon. Spikes can origi-
Aα and Aβ fibers have the fastest conduction nate in the cell body, axon, or central terminals
velocities due to their large diameter and thick of primary somatosensory neurons, but this is
myelination. These fibers convey information atypical. Spikes originating from the “wrong”
important for proprioception and light touch. location are termed ectopic.

BOX 23.1

In 1840, Müller outlined the concept of specific on, contradict labeled lines and Specificity Theory,
nerve energies, according to which each sense and are the motivation behind pattern theories.
organ evokes a specific sensation regardless of The best known pattern theory is the gate control
how it is activated. Extending this, von Frey pro- theory of Melzack and Wall, which argues that low-
posed in the 1890s that there are four cutaneous threshold inputs normally inhibit high-threshold
modalities—touch, warmth, cold, and pain—each inputs and that the ratio of the two inputs, reflected
subserved by distinct skin receptors. This was in the output of the projection neuron, will dictate
the origin of specificity theory, which posits that whether a stimulus is perceived as painful. Many
each sensation arises from the activation of dis- of the original details of the gate control theory
tinct sensory neurons. According to this theory, have been disproven (after bitter debate) but the
primary sensory neurons must be specialized to core ideas survive and have been instrumental in
detect (ie, are tuned to) different types of stimuli. driving pain research since mid-1960s.
Those primary sensory neurons should connect to Primary sensory neurons are highly specialized,
equally specialized second-order neurons, and so but this means that they respond preferentially to
on, forming labeled lines. According to the theory, certain stimuli, not that they respond exclusively
the brain knows which type of sensory neuron got (ie, specifically) to those stimuli. Realistic stimuli
activated based on which brain area receives the co-activate differently tuned neurons; in fact,
resulting signal via its dedicated input line. meaningful co-activation patterns require hetero-
Notably, if differently tuned primary afferent geneously tuned neurons (otherwise all neurons
neurons converge onto a second-order neuron, would be equivalently activated). This is to say
the second-order neuron will have broader tun- that specialization is necessary for, not mutually
ing, which is to say that “labeling” is lost (or at exclusive of, most pattern-based codes. Accord-
least reconfigured). Although there is no denying ing to combinatorial coding theory, the richest and
that primary afferents are highly specialized, most most robust coding strategies would exploit
higher-order neurons ultimately receive input afferent co-activation patterns, consistent with
from more than one type of primary afferent. This the evidence available from other sensory sys-
is not to say that all projections become equiva- tems, like color vision, which boils down to the
lently tuned, but they are less specialized than the relative activation of three differently tuned—
primary afferents. Observations that touch modu- red, green, and blue—photoreceptors. This is still
lates pain, temperature modulates touch, and so very much an active area of research.

SOMATIC SUBMODALITIES AND balance and motor control. Innervated by fast-

RECEPTOR MECHANISMS conducting Aα fibers, muscles have receptors
involved in proprioception. Muscle spindles
comprise a bundle of thin muscle fibers that
are enclosed within a capsule. Mechanosensi-
Proprioception refers to the sense of limb tive afferents wrap around the muscle fibers
position and movement, where the latter is and are activated by stretching such that their
specifically referred to as kinesthesia. Pro- firing rate is proportional to muscle length.
prioceptive feedback is critical for proper Contraction of the thin (intrafusal) muscle
Somatic Submodalities and Receptor Mechanisms 523

FIGURE 23.4 Primary afferents are categorized by their size, myelination, and conduction velocity. Each fiber type is
associated with different somatic submodalities. After a noxious stimulus, the immediate (first) and delayed (second) pain
are linked with myelinated (A) and unmyelinated (C) fiber activation, respectively.

fibers, which are innervated by motoneurons, are endowed with joint-capsule receptors that
can effectively modulate the sensitivity of the sense tension but, interestingly, individuals
muscle spindles. Golgi tendon organs, which are with artificial joints can still sense the angle
located between muscle and tendons, sense and movement of their artificial joint reason-
muscle force rather than length, and are an ably well on the basis of input from muscle
important component of reflex circuits. Joints spindles.

Importantly, the temperature-sensitivity of TRP

channels can be significantly modulated by
Thermoception refers to temperature sensa- numerous factors including inflammation.
tion. The temperature of the air or contacting Hot receptors and high-threshold cold recep-
object is sensed relative to skin temperature, tors correspond to different sets of C fibers,
which is typically maintained around 32°C. whereas low-threshold cold receptors (ie, cool
Rapid temperature changes are more read- receptors) correspond to Aδ fibers. Contrary to
ily sensed than slower changes; in fact, slow simplistic notions of temperature coding, these
changes between 31°C and 36°C tend not to be fiber populations do not operate independently.
detected because they are compensated for by This is nicely illustrated by the fact that input
dilation/constriction of cutaneous blood ves- from C-cold fibers is inhibited by input from
sels. Slowly reducing the temperature will give Aδ-cool fibers; this “masking” can be revealed
a sensation of coolness near 31°C, with the sense by selectively blocking the Aδ-cool fibers (which
of cold increasing until pain is felt near 12°C. can be done with a blood pressure cuff), which
Moving temperature slowly in the other direc- results in a given temperature feeling colder
tion, warmth is first felt near 36°C and the feel- than it really is, often as burning cold. Anyone
ing of hot will increase until it is painful near who has felt burning pain after washing numb
45°C. These sensations are subserved by a num- hands in lukewarm water has experienced
ber of transient receptor potential (TRP) channels this unmasking phenomenon. This argues that
that are located in the membrane of primary temperature perception does not depend only
afferent terminals and are active across differ- on which type of TRP channel is activated at a
ent temperature ranges (Fig. 23.5). Notably, given temperature. Further to this point, cap-
many TRP channels are also activated by spe- saicin (the active ingredient of chilli peppers
cific chemicals, most notably food products like and an agonist of TRPV1 channels) can cause
chili peppers and mint that give characteristic burning pain or itch depending on whether it
burning and cooling sensations, respectively. is applied to the skin in a diffuse or punctate

FIGURE 23.5 Thermal stimuli are sensed by transient receptor potential (TRP) channels tuned to different temperature
ranges. Many of the channels also respond to chemicals. Temperature ranges associated with the sensation of noxious cold,
cool, warm, and noxious hot are indicated.
Somatic Submodalities and Receptor Mechanisms 525
manner, respectively. Unlike most other primary Rapid adapting type 2 (RA2) afferents are Aβ
afferents that are silent unless stimulated, many fibers associated with Pacinian corpuscles. Pacin-
thermosensitive afferents spike spontaneously ian corpuscles have an onion-like structure, with
and can modulate their firing rate up or down in layered Schwann cells encasing the terminal of
response to temperature changes. the sensory fiber. This layering is parallel to the
axis of the fiber, unlike in Meissner corpuscles,
and Pacinian corpuscles are also located much
Touch deeper in the skin. Pacinian corpuscles are most
Our sense of touch relies on low-threshold sensitive (ie, have the lowest threshold) to vibra-
mechanoreceptors (LTMRs). These LTMRs are tion at 250 Hz. Vibration is perceived as a continu-
subdivided into slow adapting (SA), which ous sort of buzzing in response to mechanical
spike repetitively during a sustained stimulus, stimuli repeating at rates >100 Hz, consistent
and rapid adapting (RA), which spike only tran- with the activation of RA2 afferents via Pacin-
siently during stimulus onset and offset; each ian corpuscles, whereas flutter is perceived as
of these classes is subdivided based on subtler discontinuous (albeit rapid) tapping in response
features like the regularity of spiking. Fig. 23.6 to mechanical stimuli repeating at rates <100 Hz,
summarizes the distinguishing physiological consistent with the activation of RA1 afferents via
and anatomical characteristics of the different Meissner corpuscles (see Fig. 23.2). Impressively,
fiber types and their associated end organs. RA2 afferents can fire at rates exceeding 500 Hz,
Glabrous skin, the non-hairy skin covering the thus allowing one spike per stimulus cycle such
palms and soles, is endowed with a high density that stimulus frequency can be encoded by firing
of end organs that underlie the discriminative rate. That said, downstream neurons cannot fire
capacity of this sort of skin. Hairy skin has the at such high rates, which implies that the neu-
same end organs with the exception of Meissner ral code for vibration must change as the signal
corpuscles but the hair follicles themselves are passes from primary afferents to higher-order,
also innervated by sensory fibers. central neurons. The receptive field of RA2 affer-
Rapid adapting type 1 (RA1) afferents are Aβ ents is large due to the deep placement of Pacin-
fibers associated with Meissner corpuscles. ian corpuscles within the dermis of the skin,
Meissner corpuscles are specialized end organs which is consistent with our rather poor ability to
formed from Schwann cells arranged as horizon- localize vibratory stimuli.
tal layers embedded into the connective tissue, Slow adapting type 1 (SA1) afferents are Aβ
perpendicular to the innervating fiber. Indenta- fibers associated with Merkel cells. Merkel cells
tion of the skin deforms the Meissner corpuscle, are located near the basal layer of the epider-
causing action potentials in its associated RA1 mis. In glabrous skin, Merkel cells are located on
fiber. RA1 afferents are most sensitive to light rete ridges (epidermal thickenings that extend
touch repeating at frequencies around 50 Hz, downward between the dermal papillae), while
which is perceived as flutter (see later). Whereas in the hairy skin, Merkel cells form touch domes.
RA2 afferents innervate a single Pacinian cor- Merkel cells communicate with SA1 afferents
puscle, a single RA1 afferent can innervate 30–80 through synapse-like contacts. Both Merkel
Meissner corpuscles. RA1 afferents are very sen- cells and their innervating fibers are mechano-
sitive to movement across their receptive field sensitive but Merkel cells are now known to
and are thus thought to play an important role be primarily responsible for transducing the
in sensing texture and detecting slip (which is sustained component of the signal (ie, pres-
an important feedback signal when grasping an sure), whereas SA1 afferents respond directly to
object). the dynamic component of the signal. In other

FIGURE 23.6 Skin is innervated by primary sensory fibers capable of detecting different aspects of mechanical stimu-
lation based on their association with distinct end organs. Spiking patterns fall in two broad categories: slow adapting in
which spikes occur throughout the stimulus and rapid adapting in which spikes occur at the stimulus onset and offset.
Stimulus waveform is shown below each spiking response. HTMR, high-threshold mechanoreceptor; LTMR, low-threshold

words, chemical transmission from the Merkel acuity and tend to respond strongly to edges
cell to the sensory fiber encourages the fiber to and corners, which makes them a prime candi-
spike repetitively during sustained indentation, date to encode stimulus shape.
thus allowing that indentation to be encoded by Slow adapting type 2 (SA2) afferents are
the firing rate of SA1 afferents. Among the touch Aβ fibers associated with Ruffini endings
receptors, SA1 afferents have the highest spatial located deep in the skin. Ruffini endings are
Somatic Submodalities and Receptor Mechanisms 527
spindle-shaped cylinders that resemble Golgi fibers form longitudinal lanceolate endings, which
tendon organs. Compared with SA1 afferents, are fence-like structures involving Schwann
SA2 afferents are less sensitive to skin indenta- cells, that transduce hair deflection into an RA
tion but more sensitive to skin stretch, and their spiking response. In the case of Aδ fibers, their
receptive field is also several times larger. SA2 response to hair deflection is direction sensitive
afferents are also sensitive to hand shape, which because their longitudinal lanceolate endings are
suggests a role in proprioception. Skin stretch- not evenly distributed around the follicle. Each
ing normally results from shear force (ie, acting type of hair follicle is also innervated by fibers
parallel to the skin surface), whereas indenta- that form circumferential endings around the
tion results from compressive force (ie, acting hair follicle, but the response properties of such
perpendicular to the skin surface). Encoding fibers remain unknown. It should be empha-
shear force is distinct from detecting movement sized that the C fibers innervating hair follicles
across the skin (ie, slip), which is ascribed to are indeed LTMRs and are thought to under-
RA1 afferents, but both senses provide impor- lie tickle and affective or emotional touch (as
tant sensory feedback for modulating the grip opposed to discriminative touch). C-LTMRs are
when handling an object. absent from glabrous skin. In hairy skin, Merkel
This discussion of fiber types and their asso- cells are concentrated in touch domes located
ciation with certain sensations must be placed near the top of guard hair follicles, and serve to
in context. For experimental purposes, stimuli translate guard hair deflection into a sustained
can be designed to preferentially activate a cer- (SA1-like) spiking response in the associated Aβ
tain type of end organ and the associated sensa- fibers. An important point alluded to at the end
tion can be ascertained. However, under natural of the preceding paragraph is that stimulation
conditions, complex stimuli co-activate sets of of a single hair will necessarily co-activate the
differently tuned afferents and the resulting sen- multiple fiber types innervating that hair. More-
sation depends not on which one type of afferent over, a realistic stimulus that affects different
is activated but, instead, on which combination types of hairs will activate an even larger array
is activated. Textures—the smoothness of silk of fiber types, arguing that one’s perception of
or the roughness of wool—are good examples a somatosensory stimulus depends not on any
of complex stimuli whose encoding depends of one fiber type, but, rather, on an orchestra of dif-
multiple types of afferents. The fact that stimuli ferent fiber types.
co-activate different afferents becomes even The search for the ion channel(s) responsible
more obvious when considering the hairy skin, for transducing mechanical forces into a recep-
where each hair follicle is itself a specialized tor potential has been a difficult one. Certain
mechanosensory organ innervated by >1 type of channels like TRPA1 have been implicated in
afferent. mechanotransduction but turned out to be only
In mammals, there are three types of hairs: indirectly involved. There are several mechani-
guard (or tylotrich), awl/auchene, and zigzag. cally sensitive ion channels that could, in theory,
The distinction is important insofar as the fol- act as the transducer but recent evidence points
licle of each hair type is innervated by a differ- most convincingly to Piezo channels in the case
ent complement of sensory fibers, which can of mammalian touch. Piezo2 is expressed in
include Aβ, Aδ, and C fibers. Guard hair follicles mechanosensitive afferents and in Merkel cells,
are innervated by Aβ fibers; awl/auchene hair which, as explained, help shape the responses
follicles are innervated by Aβ, Aδ, and C fibers; of SA1 afferents. Piezo proteins oligomerize,
and zigzag hairs are innervated by Aδ and C forming a huge, mechanically activated channel
fibers. In each of the aforementioned cases, the complex estimated to have between 120 and 160

transmembrane segments. Mechanotransduc- the desire to scratch. This is distinct from pain,
tion in other tissues is critical for propriocep- which tends to elicit withdrawal, yet both are
tion, visceral sensations, such as bloating and protective. Itch originating in the skin is known
pain, and blood pressure regulation (by baro- as pruritoceptive itch and can be evoked by
receptors), not to mention transduction in the chemical, mechanical, thermal, or electrical
auditory and vestibular systems. The molecular stimulation. The sensation of itch relies on C
identity of the mechanotransducer in these other fibers terminating superficially within the skin.
cases remains uncertain. Histamine, whether injected intradermally or
released from mast cells (as occurs during an
allergic reaction), activates a subset of C fibers
Nociception that express histamine receptors. These par-
Nociceptive pain is pain originating from the ticular C fibers are mechanically insensitive but
activation of high-threshold afferents known as respond to chemicals like capsaicin and mus-
nociceptors. Pathological forms of pain can occur tard oil that normally elicit pain. Interestingly,
without nociceptor activation, but we will defer capsaicin elicits different sensations depending
discussion of those pathological conditions until on how it is applied to the skin, with punctate
later and focus here on high-threshold fibers acti- application evoking itch and diffuse applica-
vated by mechanical, thermal, and/or chemical tion evoking burning pain. This contradicts the
stimuli. By definition, nociceptors have a high simplistic notion that specific C fibers underlie
activation threshold, which is to say that they the sensation of each, and argues in favor of a
are activated only by intense (ie, noxious) stim- more sophisticated neural coding scheme that
uli that risk causing tissue damage. Nociceptors remains as yet unclear. Like with pain (see sec-
often correspond to C fibers, but can also be Aδ tion: Neuropathic Pain), abnormal neural pro-
or even Aβ fibers; it should be clear from previ- cessing can result in neuropathic itch, which
ous discussion that not all C fibers are nocicep- occurs in the absence of a pruritogenic stimu-
tors. The sharp pain felt almost instantaneously lus. The responsible changes can occur in the
upon stubbing your toe is mediated by A fibers, peripheral nervous system (PNS) or CNS. Unre-
whereas the slightly delayed but longer last- sponsive to interventions that would normally
ing pain is mediated by C fibers (see Fig. 23.4). soothe pruritoceptive itch, neuropathic itch can
Unlike LTMRs, which are associated with spe- be very difficult to treat and, undiminished by
cialized end organs, nociceptors have free nerve scratching, can lead to significant skin lesions
endings (see Fig. 23.6). Mechano-nociceptors and discomfort.
are activated uniquely by strong mechanical
stimulation, especially sharp edges or points.
Visceral Sensations
Thermo-nociceptors are activated uniquely by
noxious hot or cold (see section: Thermocep- Sensations originating from the viscera (ie,
tion). Polymodal nociceptors respond to noxious internal organs) differ from the skin, muscle,
mechanical, thermal, and chemical stimulation. and joints. For instance, we can identify the
Skin, muscles, joints, and many other tissues are location of cutaneous stimuli very precisely,
innervated by nociceptors. and although we are less precise in localizing
muscle or joint stimuli, visceral inputs are espe-
cially diffuse and poorly localizable. This results
Itch from a relatively small number of sensory neu-
Also known as pruritus, itch is best described rons (mostly C fibers with free nerve endings)
as an irritating cutaneous sensation that elicits innervating large areas of a given organ, and
Central Pathways 529
branching extensively within the spinal dor- (for afferents from the DRG). Upon entering
sal horn to connect with many second-order the CNS, different fiber types follow different
neurons. Convergence of visceral and somatic routes. Aα fibers from golgi tendon organs con-
inputs onto common second-order neurons can nect directly to motoneurons in the ventral horn
lead to referred pain (see section: Nociceptive of the spinal cord, creating a monosynaptic cir-
Pain). Beyond pain, visceral sensations include cuit responsible for stretch reflexes. A variety of
dyspnea (shortness of breath), nausea, and bloat- fibers enter the spinal dorsal horn, forming syn-
ing/distension, all of which function as warning apses on second-order, spinal neurons. Certain
signals yet are distinct from somatic sensations; fibers ascend ipsilaterally, forming synapses in
the viscera do not give rise to sensations of touch, the dorsal column nuclei located in the medulla.
vibration, hot, or cold. Most mechanosensitive Fig. 23.1 illustrates the major ascending path-
visceral afferents have low activation thresh- ways. The schematic in Fig. 23.7 highlights key
old but can encode (ie, continue to increase cortical areas and subcortical structures, the
their firing rate) into the noxious range. These organization and function of which are dis-
and other afferents that are normally unrespon- cussed further.
sive—referred to as “silent” nociceptors—can be
sensitized by inflammation and presumably by
Anterolateral Pathway
other factors. This sensitization plays a signifi-
cant role in dysfunctional pain syndromes, such Fibers branch upon entering into the spinal
as irritable bowel syndrome and painful blad- cord, sending collaterals a few spinal segments
der syndrome (interstitial cystitis). Parenchy- rostral and caudal to their entry level via Lis-
mous viscera like the liver and pancreas to not sauer’s tract. The dorsal (or posterior) horn
give rise to pain unless there is inflammation or is divided in six layers (laminae) of grey mat-
involvement of the organ capsule. Likewise, the ter, with numbering starting at the dorsal-most
brain is insensate; electrically stimulating sen- edge. Different fiber types terminate in differ-
sory areas can evoke sensations felt in the body ent lamina: fibers carrying noxious and thermal
part represented by stimulated neurons, but this information tend to terminate superficially, in
is not equivalent to sensing the electrical stimu- laminae 1 and 2, whereas fibers carrying low-
lus as an electric shock to the brain. On the other threshold mechanosensory information termi-
hand, stimulation of the dura mater is painful nate more deeply. All layers except lamina 2
and the sensitization of dural afferents contrib- (also known as the substantia gelatinosa) con-
utes to headache and migraine. tain projection neurons that take input from
primary sensory neurons, directly and via excit-
atory interneurons, and relay that information
CENTRAL PATHWAYS to the thalamus and other supraspinal targets.
Those project neurons cross to the other side of
As already explained, the cell body of each the spinal cord and then ascend in the antero-
first-order sensory neuron is located in a DRG lateral section of the spinal cord white matter.
or trigeminal ganglion. Those ganglia contain Notably, projection neurons constitute a rela-
only sensory neurons. One branch of each sen- tively small proportion of all neurons in the dor-
sory neuron projects peripherally via a periph- sal horn, the majority being local (segmental)
eral nerve, often joined by motor and autonomic excitatory or inhibitory interneurons. The vari-
fibers. The other branch projects centrally via ety of interneuron types and how they are syn-
a dorsal root, entering the brainstem (for affer- aptically interconnected are still an active area of
ents from the trigeminal ganglia) or spinal cord research. That said, it is important to appreciate

FIGURE 23.7 Schematic illustrating the key subcortical and cortical areas involved in processing ascending somatosen-
sory information and for mediating descending modulation. S1, primary somatosensory cortex; S2, secondary somatosen-
sory cortex.

the crucial role of synaptic inhibition in modu- receptors are present “presynaptically,” on the
lating the transmission of information through central terminals of primary sensory neurons.
dorsal horn circuits. Because primary sensory neurons maintain a
Both gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and high intracellular chloride concentration, acti-
glycine are used as inhibitory neurotransmitters vation of presynaptic GABAA receptors causes
in the spinal dorsal horn. In addition to being depolarization; in contrast, GABAA receptor
expressed on spinal neurons (see later), GABAA activation causes hyperpolarization in most
Central Pathways 531
central neurons because those neurons main- Dorsal Column–Medial Lemniscal
tain a lower intracellular chloride concentra-
tion. However, primary afferent depolarization
(PAD) is nonetheless inhibitory because it tends Many Aβ fibers ascend ipsilaterally in the dor-
to reduce the excitability of the central termi- sal columns, although they still give off collater-
nals (by inactivating sodium channels and oth- als that enter the spinal cord grey matter near
erwise impeding spike propagation) so that less the spinal segment where the fiber first enters.
transmitter is ultimately released. Activation The dorsal column on each side includes the
of the GABAA and glycine receptors on spinal gracile fascicle, which is located medially and
neurons hyperpolarizes those neurons, or at carries fibers from the lower limb and trunk, and
least it reduces the depolarization caused by the cuneate fascicle, which is located laterally
excitatory (ie, glutamatergic) input, which is and carries fibers from the upper limb and neck.
referred to as shunting. Pharmacological block- The fibers terminate in the gracile and cuneate
ade of synaptic inhibition in the spinal dorsal nuclei, respectively, which together constitute
horn causes severe pain and hypersensitiv- the dorsal column nuclei. Second-order neurons
ity, consistent with the Gate Control Theory of whose cell bodies are in the dorsal column nuclei
pain (see Box 23.1), and as one might expect, send axons across the midline and up the medial
inhibition is pathologically reduced in neuro- lemniscus pathway to the thalamus. Like for the
pathic pain conditions. Inhibition should not, first synaptic relay point in the spinal dorsal
however, be thought of as a simply gating the horn (for the anterolateral pathway), there are
transmission of information through the spinal interneurons in the dorsal column nuclei that
cord; instead, synaptic inhibition contributes process the incoming information before it is
to subtler yet important computations, such as conveyed to the thalamus.
shaping receptive fields by creating inhibitory The Aβ fibers ascending in the dorsal col-
surrounds (see Fig. 23.3). umns carry information about proprioception
Projection neuron axons ascend contralat- and touch. By comparison, the fibers ascend-
erally in the anterolateral quadrant of the spi- ing in the anterolateral tract carry information
nal cord. Some axons project to the thalamus, mostly about pain, temperature, and crude
whereas others terminate in the brainstem. touch. The separation is not complete but it is
These tracts are named according to their origin significant enough to be clinically recogniz-
and their target. The spinothalamic tract con- able in patients who experience hemisection of
nects to third-order neurons in thalamus that their spinal cord. The outcome, which is termed
project to the cerebral cortex, where continued Brown–Séquard syndrome, is characterized by
processing of the signal ultimately leads to per- loss of fine touch and vibration sensation as
ception. The spinoreticular tract ends in the retic- well as proprioception ipsilateral to the injury,
ular formation of the medulla and pons, from plus loss of pain, temperature, and crude touch
which information is relayed to thalamus and sensation contralaterally. This results from inter-
elsewhere. Located in the reticular formation, rupting the ascending pathways before or after
the parabrachial nucleus routes information to the cross-over point (ie, decussation) of the
the periaqueductal gray (PAG), amygdala, and ascending fibers—the dorsal column-medial
hypothalamus. The spinomesencephalic tract lemniscal pathway decussates at the level of
ends near the midbrain tectum and PAG, where the medulla, whereas the anterolateral pathway
descending pathways that modulate function in decussates near the spinal levels where the affer-
the spinal cord originate (see section: Descend- ent fibers arrive. Notably, pain and temperature
ing Modulation). sensation is often spared for the two or three

segments immediately below (ie, caudal to) the other areas outside cortex. Neurons with simi-
lesion because primary afferents send collaterals lar response properties (eg, rapid-adapting vs.
this number of segments rostral, thus bypassing slow-adapting) tend to be organized as col-
damage to the anterolateral tract on the contra- umns that span across the layers.
lateral side. Ipsilateral paralysis also occurs due Primary somatosensory cortex (S1) is located
to interruption of descending motor fibers. in the postcentral gyrus. It comprises four areas
known as Brodmann’s areas 1, 2, 3a, and 3b.
Each area is somatotopically organized, mean-
Thalamic and Cortical Regions Involved
ing that the (contralateral) body surface maps
in Somatosensation in a spatially organized way to the cortex. This
The ascending fibers in the medial lemnis- is often represented as a homunculus (little
cus terminate mostly in the ventral posterior man) reclined across the cortex, with his foot
nuclei of the thalamus, with inputs from the positioned medially and his face more lateral.
face in the medial division (ie, ventral posterior Notably, the amount of cortex dedicated to a
medial) and inputs from the rest of the body certain body region is not proportional to the
arriving in the lateral division (ie, ventral pos- surface area of that region but, instead, is pro-
terior lateral). Ascending fibers in the spinotha- portional to its innervation density and tactile
lamic tract of the anterolateral system terminate acuity. Hence, the hands and face, which are
mostly in ventral posterior nuclei, intralaminar densely innervated, are allotted more corti-
nuclei, and posterior nuclei. Fibers from ventral cal real estate than the torso. This somatotopic
posterior nuclei project to primary somatosen- organization is hinted at by the sequence of
sory cortex (S1), fibers from the posterior nuclei body regions affected during a Jacksonian sei-
project to secondary somatosensory cortex (S2), zure, with numbness progressing across one
while those from the intralaminar nuclei proj- half of the body, from the fingers to the toes, as
ect elsewhere in cortex and to the basal ganglia. epileptiform activity shifts medially across the
Somatosensory information can arrive in the contralateral somatosensory cortex. Yet another
cortex after crossing as few as two synapses but, complete representation of the body surface is
as already explained, significant processing present in the secondary somatosensory cortex
occurs prior to the signal arriving in cortex and (S2), which is located just posterior and lateral
the information is, evidently, broadcast to mul- to S1. It should be noted that other areas of cor-
tiple cortical (and subcortical) areas. Moreover, tex, such as the insula and anterior cingulate
despite ascending signals being partitioned are particularly important for pain, especially
between the dorsal column-medial lemniscus the affective/motivational aspects of pain.
and anteroloateral pathways, to some extent, Lesioning connections to the frontal lobes (ie,
these signals re-converge in thalamus and cor- lobotomy) was very effective in relieving the
tex. The processing that occurs within the cor- suffering caused by chronic pain (but had other
tex is remarkably complex and not yet fully significant negative effects). To be clear, loboto-
understood. Neocortex is organized into six mized patients could still sense pain but did
layers, with thalamic input arriving primarily not perceive it as something unpleasant. The
in layer 4 before being sent up to layer 3 and affective component of the pain experience—
down to layer 5. In addition to processing the its unpleasantness—is ultimately what makes
information with local microcircuits, neurons pain “pain.” These sorts of clinical observations
in superficial layers communicate directly with point to the importance of cortical processing
other areas of cortex while neurons in deeper for ultimately generating what we think of as
layers send information back to thalamus and true pain.
Types of Pain 533
and, paradoxically, can exacerbate pain under
Descending Modulation
certain conditions. These changes seriously
The PAG receives bottom-up signals from compromise our ability to treat neuropathic
the spinal cord and top-down signals from pain.
the cortex. The PAG in turn connects to the
rostroventral medulla (RVM), which sends
fibers down the spinal dorsal horn, thus form- TYPES OF PAIN
ing a feedback loop. Releasing serotonin,
noradrenaline, and GABA, these descending Pain is defined as an unpleasant sensory and
fibers modulate the activity of spinal neurons, emotional experience associated with actual or
thereby modulating the ascending signals car- potential tissue damage, or described in terms of
ried by spinal projection neurons. Neurons of such damage. Pain is a subjective experience that
the PAG and RVM both express opioid recep- depends on sensory input and how that input
tors, the activation of which by opiates like is processed by the nervous system—from the
morphine produces analgesia by engaging transduction step in primary afferent neurons to
the descending modulatory pathways. Opi- complex distributed processing within neocorti-
oid receptors are also present on certain spinal cal networks. Pain can serve as a diagnostic tool,
neurons. The endogenous opioids enkephalin providing critical information about underlying
and dynorphin are expressed by neurons in diseases or injury, but pain can also be a diffi-
the RVM, PAG, and spinal cord. This provides cult clinical problem in its own right. We distin-
for powerful endogenous modulation that can guish between three types of pain on the basis
be engaged during fight-or-flight situations, of mechanistic differences—nociceptive pain,
such as in the heat of battle. This modulatory inflammatory pain, and neuropathic pain. Pain
system is also important for the placebo effect, can be described in many other ways, including
and for the emotional and attentional modula- its duration—acute vs. chronic—and anatomi-
tion of pain based on top-down signals from cal origin—somatic vs. visceral. Many of these
cortex. The direct engagement of descending descriptors are relatively self-explanatory but a
modulation by bottom-up signals is illustrated number of noteworthy concepts will be intro-
by the phenomenon known as diffuse nox- duced in the following text.
ious inhibitory control (DNIC): if a painful test
stimulus is applied in the presence of a sec-
ond painful (conditioning) stimulus applied
Nociceptive Pain
elsewhere on the body, the test stimulus will Nociceptive pain is the normal response to nox-
feel less painful than if the test stimulus were ious (intense) stimulation. This type of pain can
applied alone. This spatially diffuse form of range from sharp, pricking, or shock-like to dull,
counter-irritation, whereby pain inhibits pain, aching, or burning depending on the respon-
involves the descending modulatory path- sible stimulus. Nociceptive pain is predictably
ways described before. Although the activa- initiated by the activation of nociceptors, which
tion of opioid receptors (by endogenous or as explained in section “Nociception,” are pri-
exogenous ligands) causes powerful analge- mary afferent neurons with a high activation
sia under normal conditions, this modula- threshold. Sharp pain is due to the activation
tion becomes less effective under neuropathic of myelinated (mostly Aδ) nociceptors, whereas
conditions, for example, DNIC is reduced in dull, aching pain is due to activation of unmy-
patients with neuropathic pain. Opioids tend elinated (C) nociceptors (see Fig. 23.4). Nocicep-
to be less effective against neuropathic pain tor activation initiates protective withdrawal

reflexes and draws our immediate attention, and umbilicus are innervated by sensory affer-
which helps us learn which stimuli are dan- ents entering the spinal cord as the T10 level; it
gerous and should, in future, be avoided—the is only when the adjacent peritoneum becomes
motivation to avoid pain is a strong one. In other inflamed that pain becomes more clearly local-
words, nociceptive pain acts as an important ized to the right lower quadrant of the abdomen.
alarm system, alerting us to danger and help- It goes without saying that efficiently diagnos-
ing teach us what to avoid in the future. Such ing a variety of conditions relies on learning
pain also warns us about internal problems, the patterns of referral, which is facilitated by
from cardiac ischemia to a burst appendix. The understanding the underlying anatomy.
importance of this alarm system is illustrated by
individuals with congenital insensitivity to pain
who, in the absence of pain, sustain repeated Inflammatory Pain
injury and fail to seek medical attention, oblivi- Inflammatory pain refers to increased sensitiv-
ous to infection and other conditions that would ity due to the inflammatory response associated
normally manifest pain. with tissue damage. Under these sensitized con-
Nociceptive pain continues only as long as ditions, an innocuous stimulus can be perceived
the noxious stimulus is maintained. That said, as painful—this is known as allodynia—and the
sustained or recurrent noxious stimulation can pain evoked by a noxious stimulus is exagger-
occur in certain disease states like osteoarthri- ated in both amplitude and duration—this is
tis, where changes in the joint can allow nor- known as hyperalgesia. These two forms of hyper-
mal weight bearing to produce forces sufficient sensitivity do not necessarily reflect changes in
to activate nociceptors. While nociceptive pain the same neurons and, moreover, can apply to
originating from the skin can usually be well mechanical or thermal stimulation. After a bad
localized, enabling you to escape from or remove sunburn, for example, clothes brushing lightly
the noxious stimulus, nociceptive pain originat- against your skin or a lukewarm shower can be
ing from deeper structures, including muscle painful, while a slap or hot shower can be down-
and viscera, tends to be more diffuse and may right excruciating. Inflammatory pain serves not
in fact be very difficult to localize. Referred pain so much as an alarm, but more as a reminder of
is pain attributed to somewhere on the body sur- recent injury, discouraging activities that risk re-
face despite the noxious stimulus originating in injury so that recovery can proceed quickly.
a deep structure. In cardiac ischemia, for exam- Primary hyperalgesia refers to hypersensitiv-
ple, the noxious input (ie, ischemia) is detected ity at the site of injury, within the area of inflam-
by fibers innervating the heart but the tightness mation, whereas secondary hyperalgesia refers
and crushing pain is felt in the chest and down to hypersensitivity extending outside the area
the left arm. This pattern is no coincidence, as of injury. Primary hyperalgesia is a direct con-
the sensory input from these regions of the body sequence of peripheral sensitization, the process
surface and sensory input from the heart both whereby inflammatory mediators and other local
arriving in the lower cervical and upper thoracic factors—prostaglandin, bradykinin, cytokines
levels of the spinal cord (Fig. 23.8). Certain pro- (eg, interleukin), histamine, serotonin, protons,
jection neurons receive convergent input from potassium, ATP, glutamate, and so on—trigger
skin and deep structures, but their activation is intracellular signaling pathways in the periph-
perceived as if stimulation originated from the eral terminals of primary afferents, leading to
skin (which is where most stimulation occurs). changes in the function and/or expression of
In the case of appendicitis, pain is initially felt receptor molecules and voltage-gated ion chan-
near the umbilicus because both the appendix nels, which ultimately causes those afferents to
Types of Pain 535

FIGURE 23.8 Each dermatome represents the body surface area innervated by primary afferents originating from a given
pair of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and projecting to the corresponding spinal segment. The face and other cranial tissues are
innervated by afferents from the trigeminal ganglia. Primary afferents innervating internal organs often converge onto spinal
neurons that also receive input from the body surface. This can result in pain that is referred (sensed in) the dermatomes cor-
responding to the spinal segments in which convergence occurs. C, cervical; L, lumbar; S, sacral; T, thoracic.

become hyperresponsive to stimulation. Nota- of function (positive symptoms). Spontaneous

bly, peptidergic C fibers can release substance pain, allodynia, and hyperalgesia are all positive
P and calcitonin gene–related peptide (CGRP) symptoms. But in fact, quantitative sensory test-
from their peripheral terminals, causing neuro- ing has clearly established that many patients
genic inflammation, thus forming a nasty positive with neuropathic pain also experience nega-
feedback loop. Through a phenomenon known tive symptoms evidenced by sensory deficits.
as an axon reflex, in which spikes initiated in one In other words, those with neuropathic pain are
fiber branch propagate antidromically down often less able to detect a light touch or subtle
neighboring fiber branches, neurogenic inflam- temperature change, but when the stimulus is
mation can extend throughout the receptive field detected, it is more likely to be mistakenly per-
of a peptidergic C fiber. The hypersensitivity can ceived as painful. Another notable feature of
spread even further through the effects of central neuropathic pain is that it often takes days, or
sensitization, which involves synaptic plasticity even weeks or months, to manifest following
and other changes in the downstream central the injury or exposure responsible for the neural
circuits. Synaptic plasticity and numerous other damage, although this long latency is less obvi-
changes contribute to making the pain persistent ous when the underlying pathology is subtle
but, generally speaking, inflammatory pain per- and more protracted. The timescale suggests
sists only as long as the inflammation. Reduc- that neuropathic pain really represents the mal-
ing the inflammation is therefore a logical way adaptive response of the nervous system to dam-
to reduce the pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflamma- age, as opposed to the immediate consequence
tory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin block the of that damage. The result is a difficult-to-treat
synthesis of prostaglandins and thromboxanes mix of varied symptoms. It should also be rec-
via the enzyme cyclooxygenase. ognized that many chronic pain conditions can
involve more than one type of pain (eg, a neu-
ropathic component and an inflammatory com-
Neuropathic Pain ponent); each component is liable to respond to
Neuropathic pain refers to pain arising from different therapeutic interventions.
damage to or dysfunction of the nervous sys- Dysfunctional pain refers to chronic pain con-
tem. The pathological changes responsible for ditions in which there is no noxious stimulus,
this type of pain can occur in the PNS or in the no inflammation, and no damage to the ner-
CNS, originating from any one of a number of vous system; in other words, nociceptive pain,
etiologies including trauma (eg, nerve compres- inflammatory pain, and neuropathic pain are
sion and spinal cord injury), disease (eg, diabe- all excluded. The caveat here is that ruling out
tes and multiple sclerosis), infection (eg, HIV, inflammation and neural damage is difficult,
varicella zoster/shingles), and neurotoxic chem- especially since neural “damage” might occur
icals (eg, chemotherapeutic and antiretroviral in different ways and at many different spots
agents). The pain occurs spontaneously, either throughout the nervous system. Indeed, dys-
as a persistent burning sensation or as a parox- functional pain syndromes, such as irritable
ysm (sudden burst); the intense electric shooting bowel syndrome, painful bladder syndrome
pains associated with trigeminal neuralgia and (interstitial cystitis), and fibromyalgia share
sciatica are two examples of paroxysmal pain. certain features with neuropathic pain. Primary
Neuropathic pain is also associated with hyper- erythromelalgia and paroxysmal extreme pain
sensitivity—allodynia and hyperalgesia—to disorder might be considered dysfunctional pain
mechanical and/or thermal stimuli. Ironically, syndromes but, in both these cases, the cause of
the most obvious consequence of nerve damage the pain has been traced back to mutations in
is loss of function (negative symptoms), not gain NaV1.7 sodium channels, which are expressed in
Neuropathic Pain: An Unmet Clinical Challenge 537
primary sensory neurons. Although there is no changes occurring in both the PNS and CNS.
damage per se, the channel mutation evidently In many cases, damage to primary afferents
alters how sensory information is processed causes the surviving afferents to become hyper-
and how it is ultimately perceived, which is the excitable, spiking spontaneously and producing
same problem as in neuropathic pain. Intrigu- exaggerated responses to stimulation. Interest-
ingly, other mutations in the NaV1.7 channel are ingly, Aβ fibers have been shown to underlie
responsible for congenital insensitivity to pain. injury-induced mechanical allodynia. Whereas
reducing the activation threshold of nocicep-
tors would be a straightforward way to cause
NEUROPATHIC PAIN: AN UNMET allodynia (by allowing innocuous input to pro-
CLINICAL CHALLENGE duce a signal normally interpreted as pain), one
would predict that enhancing the activation of
For a given injury or disease, only a subset Aβ fibers should evoke a sense of more intense
of unfortunate individuals will go on to develop touch, not burning pain. Furthermore, according
chronic neuropathic pain. A person’s genetic to the gate control theory (see Box 23.1), touch
background is evidently very important but, is supposed to inhibit pain, not evoke it. This
with the exception of a few monogenic disor- confusing situation points to changes in cen-
ders, such as the channelopathies mentioned tral processing. It is now firmly established that
before, one’s susceptibility to develop chronic low-threshold afferents connect via polysyn-
neuropathic pain depends on numerous genes aptic pathways (ie, excitatory interneurons) to
and environmental factors that interact in com- projection neurons that are normally activated
plex ways. Notably, sex is an important factor, only by high-threshold input. Those polysynap-
with many chronic pain conditions being more tic pathways are typically ineffective because of
prevalent in women than in men. The hope is synaptic inhibition but, if that inhibition is com-
to develop personalized, precise interventions promised, the polysynaptic pathways can be
that can alleviate neuropathic pain while leav- opened and the resulting activation of ascend-
ing other sensations, including (beneficial) noci- ing pathways causes the low-threshold input to
ceptive pain, intact. We have a long way to go. be misperceived as painful. Notably, inhibition
Many patients, despite receiving the best avail- is reduced in many neuropathic pain conditions;
able treatment, continue to experience unremit- however, inhibition can be reduced through dif-
ting pain and have significantly reduced quality ferent mechanisms, including reduced trans-
of life because of it. According to a 2011 report mitter release and altered chloride regulation
from the Institute of Medicine, approximately in the postsynaptic neuron. Correcting differ-
100 million adults in the United States suffer ent disinhibitory mechanisms requires differ-
from chronic pain (much of which has a neuro- ent therapeutic interventions, but it is not trivial
pathic component). Between the direct costs of to identify which disinhibitory mechanism is
treatment and lost productivity, chronic pain is at play and which therapy to apply. Moreover,
estimated to cost $560–635 billion annually. This many other forms of plasticity occur at synapses
is a huge burden on the economy. The personal and within individual neurons. That plasticity
toll on those with chronic pain is incalculable. is driven (or at least accompanied) by a pro-
The reality is that despite intense research and nounced neuroimmune response. Reversing
the identification of many promising drug tar- these changes has proven extremely difficult.
gets, development of new, more efficacious anal- There is good evidence that abnormal input
gesics has been disappointingly slow. from hyperexcitable afferents initiates and helps
Neuropathic pain is difficult to treat in part maintain the downstream changes occurring in
because it involves diverse pathophysiological the spinal cord. Indeed, blocking this afferent

input can relieve or significantly attenuate many but that paresthesia can itself be unpleasant and
instances of neuropathic pain. This provides the analgesic effects of SCS often decrease over
significant motivation to try to therapeutically time. New variations of SCS avoid causing pares-
modulate afferent excitability. Nerve blocks using thesia by applying short electrical pulses at very
local anesthetics can provide relief but ideally high frequency, but the mechanism by which this
one would reverse hyperexcitability rather than reduces pain remains unclear. Other therapies,
block all activity. It should be mentioned that the from acupuncture to relaxation, are also beneficial.
antiepileptic drug Carbamazepine, which acts by A comprehensive treatment plan will consider all
stabilizing the inactivated state of voltage-gated of these options, combining interventions in ways
sodium channels, is effective against trigeminal that maximize benefit (ideally through synergistic
neuralgia and is also used for other forms of neu- interactions) while minimizing adverse effects.
ropathic pain. There has been a major push to The problem is that without more effective treat-
identify more selective blockers of ion channels, ment options, even the best treatment plans tend
such as NaV1.7, but there is also reason to sus- to fall short of providing adequate pain relief.
pect that the therapeutic effects of very selective Despite the emphasis on pathological
drugs will be circumvented by pathophysiologi- changes occurring in the peripheral and spinal
cal changes that involve up- or downregulation cord, one must bear in mind that chronic pain
of several different ion channels. Some of the is associated with changes through the somato-
more recently developed drugs that are effective sensory system. In fact, structural changes in
in reducing neuropathic pain—namely gabapen- the neocortex of chronic pain sufferers are well
tin, pregabalin, and ω-conotoxin—act via calcium documented and are correlated with psycholog-
channels involved in synaptic transmission. ical changes. Descending modulatory systems
Other commonly used pharmacological inter- are also compromised. With so many different
ventions include tricyclic antidepressants, SNRIs changes occurring, it is difficult to disentangle
(serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors), which contribute to the abnormal perception of
and opioids. As mentioned earlier, opioids tend the pain and which are simply correlated with
to be less effective against neuropathic pain than that abnormal perception.
they are against nociceptive or inflammatory
pain; moreover, opioids have significant adverse
effects and abuse potential that complicate their SUMMARY
long-term use. There are also neuromodulation
techniques, such as transcutaneous electrical Humans rely heavily on their visual and audi-
nerve stimulation (TENS) and spinal cord stimu- tory systems to communicate and to interact with
lation (SCS). Both approaches involve stimulating the world. Although less appreciated, somato-
primary afferents in order to engage inhibitory sensation is also critical in many ways. Proprio-
mechanisms in the spinal dorsal horn. In SCS, ception and touch are used subconsciously to
electrodes are placed over the dorsal columns in coordinate movement and to manipulate objects.
order to selectively activate myelinated sensory Our very survival relies on nociceptive pain to
fibers (since those are the only fibers present in the alert us to danger. But the perception of somato-
dorsal columns). The spikes are conducted anti- sensory input is not as simple as receiving a signal
dromically reaching caudal segments of the spinal generated through activation of a certain recep-
cord via collaterals. The SCS-evoked paresthesia tor; instead, incoming signals are processed at
(sensation of “pins and needles”) is used to help multiple points within the circuit, which includes
position the stimulating electrodes so that inhibi- modulation by top-down signals (reflecting our
tion is engaged in the correct spinal segments, expectations, mood, and so on) before it gives
Further Reading 539
rise to perception. If that processing goes awry, [2] Bushnell MC, Ceko M, Low LA. Cognitive and emotional
as in neuropathic pain, we can misperceive the control of pain and its disruption in chronic pain. Nat
Rev Neurosci 2013;14:502–11.
lightest touch as excruciating pain. Our inabil- [3] Costigan M, Scholz J, Woolf CJ. Neuropathic pain: a
ity to alleviate such pain reveals the gaps in our maladaptive response of the nervous system to damage.
current understanding of how somatosensory Annu Rev Neurosci 2009;32:1–32.
information is normally processed and how that [4] Melzack P, Wall PD. Pain mechanisms: a new theory. Sci-
processing becomes pathologically altered. These ence 1965;150:971–9.
[5] Prescott SA, Ma Q, De Koninck Y. Normal and abnormal
are intriguing basic scientific questions whose coding of somatosensory stimuli causing pain. Nat Neu-
answers will have huge clinical implications for rosci 2014;17:183–91.
countless people suffering from chronic pain. [6] Relieving pain in America: a blueprint for transforming
prevention, care, education, and research. The National
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Further Reading [7] Saal HP, Bensmaia SJ. Touch is a team effort: interplay of
submodalities in cutaneous sensibility. Trends Neurosci
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