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Applied Food Research 3 (2023) 100355

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Applied Food Research

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Preservation of chicken egg quality using pectin derived from

water hyacinth
Nattha Jariyapamornkoon *, Chayaporn Phongthajitr , Niparat Sritharet , Wichai Sutthitham
Department of Agricultural Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Thammasat University, Pathum Thani 12120, Thailand


Keywords: This study investigates the potential of pectin derived from water hyacinth, an aquatic floating weed, as a coating
Chicken eggs material for chicken eggshells to preserve egg quality and extend shelf life. A total of 240 fresh chicken eggs were
Coating divided into four groups: 1) uncoated (control), 2) coated with a 2 % chitosan solution, 3) coated with a 1.5 %
Egg quality
solution of pectin from water hyacinth, and 4) coated with a 2.5 % solution of pectin from water hyacinth. The
Water hyacinth
eggs were stored at room temperature for 35 days before egg quality parameters, including weight loss, Haugh
unit, yolk index, and albumen pH, were measured on a weekly basis. The results showed that eggs coated with
water hyacinth pectin exhibited significantly lower weight loss and albumen pH (p < 0.05) compared to the
uncoated eggs. Furthermore, the water hyacinth pectin coating effectively maintained the Haugh unit at Grade A
levels for up to 28 days of storage. These findings suggest that the water hyacinth pectin coating acts as a
protective barrier, limiting the transfer of water and carbon dioxide through the eggshell, thereby preserving egg
quality and extending shelf life. In summary, water hyacinth pectin demonstrated promising potential as an
environmentally friendly coating material, offering an alternative approach to maintaining egg quality and
extending shelf life.

1. Introduction functional properties. Because of its diverse functional groups, structural

modifications, ease of accessibility, nontoxic characteristics, and
Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms) is a fast-growing, cost-effective production, pectin serves a wide range of applications
floating aquatic weed characterized by short, bulbous leaf petioles. It (Chandel et al., 2022; Freitas et al., 2021). In the food industry, pectin
thrives in various environmental conditions, causing challenges in acts as a gelling agent, stabilizer, emulsifier, and thickener (Belkheiri
agriculture, irrigation, and the ecological system, including public et al., 2021). It also plays a role in the development of edible food
health (Gaurav et al., 2020; Harun et al., 2021). The dense coverage of coatings and biodegradable films (Nastasi et al., 2022; Otoni et al.,
water hyacinth on the water’s surface reduces sunlight penetration and 2017). Abundant natural sources of pectin include water hyacinth. In its
diminishes dissolved oxygen levels (Datta et al., 2021). Controlling and dried form, this readily available plant contains pectin, constituting
eradicating this weed is challenging, but using water hyacinths for approximately 10–40 % of the leaves and 5–14 % of the float (Naohara &
value-added products offers an eco-friendly solution to the problem of Ishii, 1989). Therefore, water hyacinth serves as a cost-effective and
weed invasion. plentiful source of pectin.
Pectin, a natural polysaccharide found in plant tissues, often coexists Eggs begin to lose quality from the moment they are laid, and pro­
with cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin (Lopes da Silva & Rao, 2006; longed storage further deteriorates their quality (da Silva Pires et al.,
Valdés et al., 2015). The structure of pectin primarily consists of gal­ 2022; Saleh et al., 2020). The eggshell’s surface is covered in numerous
acturonic acid molecules forming the backbone, with a few rhamnose small, scattered pores that act as pathways for the escape of water and
molecules in the main chain, while arabinose, galactose, and xylose form carbon dioxide. This leads to moisture loss and an increase in pH levels.
the side chains (Kohli & Gupta, 2015). Galacturonic acid constitutes As a result, egg quality declines, leading to an overall decrease (Sta­
approximately 70 % of the pectin composition (Mohnen, 2008). Pectin is delman, 2017a; Stadelman, 2017b). Several factors, including temper­
derived from various plants, each offering pectin variants with distinct ature, humidity, and packaging type, can influence egg quality. Higher

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: jnattha@tu.ac.th (N. Jariyapamornkoon).

Received 22 August 2023; Received in revised form 13 October 2023; Accepted 28 October 2023
Available online 2 November 2023
2772-5022/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
N. Jariyapamornkoon et al. Applied Food Research 3 (2023) 100355

temperatures can speed up egg spoilage, reducing their shelf life (de Codex (1981) (National Research Council, 1981).
Araújo et al., 2023; NarinÇ et al., 2022; Samli et al., 2005). The type of . A dried pectin sample weighing 0.2 g was placed in a flask con­
packaging used for egg storage affects egg quality. Plastic packaging taining 2 mL of 95 % ethanol, and 100 mL of deionized water was added.
maintains egg quality at room temperature, similar to refrigerated The mixture was stirred using a magnetic stirrer to dissolve the dried
cardboard boxes. This is possibly due to the lower permeability of plastic pectin. Subsequently, 5 drops of phenolphthalein were added, and the
containers compared to their cardboard counterparts (Drabik et al., sample solution was titrated with 0.5 M NaOH (QRëC, Chonburi,
2021). Additionally, microorganisms can impact egg quality by infil­ Thailand). The volume of NaOH solution consumed was noted as the
trating eggs through the pores in the eggshell and contaminating their initial titer, designated as titer NaOH 1 (mL). Next, 10 mL of 0.5 M NaOH
contents. One strategy to mitigate this risk involves managing the was vigorously mixed into the solution and left at room temperature for
eggshell (Chousalkar et al., 2021). The application of antimicrobial 15 min. Following this, 10 mL of 0.5 M HCl was added and shaken until
substances such as essential oils or propolis to the eggshell can help the pink color dissipated. Then, an additional 5 drops of phenolphtha­
reduce eggshell microorganisms (de Araújo et al., 2023; Oliveira et al., lein were added, and the sample solution was titrated with 0.5 M NaOH
2022a). until a color change occurred. The volume of NaOH consumed during
Coating agents provide an alternative method to extend the storage this step was recorded as the final titer, labeled as titer NaOH 2 (mL).
life of eggs while preserving their quality (da Silva Pires et al., 2022; The DE% of the pectin sample was calculated using the following
Guilbert et al., 1997; Oliveira et al., 2022b; Sharaf Eddin et al., 2019). equations:
These coatings seal the pores on the eggshell, slowing down moisture
titer NaOH 2
and carbon dioxide loss. Substances like edible oils (Nongtaodum et al., DE% = × 100 (2)
titer NaOH 1 + titer NaOH 2
2013), soy protein Xu et al., 2017, chitosan (Bhale et al., 2003; Caner
et al., 2022; Suresh et al., 2015) and pectin da et al., 2020; De Leo et al.,
2018; Didar, 2019; Yuan et al., 2022 have been studied for this purpose. 2.4. Determination of the galacturonic acid contents
Using biodegradable films made from water hyacinth pectin can be a
highly effective approach to preserving egg quality, allowing for the Galacturonic acid (GalA) content was determined using the high-
beneficial utilization and value enhancement of these weeds. This study performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique. Initially, 0.2 g
aims to assess the capacity of water hyacinth pectin coating to maintain of the extracted water hyacinth pectin was dissolved in 4 mL of distilled
egg quality and extend the shelf life of chicken eggs. water by placing it in an incubator shaker at 30 ◦ C and 150 rpm for 1 h.
Following this, the solution was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 120 min
at 4 ◦ C. The supernatant was then filtered through a 0.4 µm syringe filter
2. Materials and methods
before undergoing HPLC analysis (Shimadzu Prominence LC-20A,
Kyoto, Japan). For HPLC analysis, the separation of compounds was
2.1. Material preparation
conducted on a Shodex SUGAR SH1011 column (6 µm, 8.0 × 300 mm)
maintained at 40 ◦ C. The mobile phase consisted of 10 mM H2SO4 in
Water hyacinth waste was obtained from Thammasat University,
deionized water, with a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. A 10 µl sample was
Pathum Thani, Thailand. The plants were cleaned with water, roots and
injected into the HPLC system, and the analytes were detected using UV
leaves were removed, and the remaining stems or petioles were chopped
detectors set at 210 nm. GalA quantification was determined by
into pieces measuring 0.5–1.0 cm. The prepared plant material was then
measuring the peak height. A standard curve was generated using GalA
dried using a hot air oven (Binder FD 240, Binder GmbH, Tuttlingen,
at concentrations ranging from 1 to 100 mg/L.
Germany) at 60 ◦ C for 24 h and subsequently ground into a dry powder.
The water hyacinth powder was packed into sealable plastic bags and
stored in a desiccator for further testing. 2.5. Egg samples

2.2. Pectin extraction A total of 240 AA-grade chicken eggs, with weights ranging between
55 and 59 g, were purchased from a local commercial farm (Chonburi,
Thailand) which adheres to animal welfare criteria. These egg samples
Pectin extraction from water hyacinth was conducted following a
were carefully inspected to ensure they had no cracks and featured clean
modified method based on Méndez et al. (2021) and Hasem et al.
eggshells, determined through visual observation. Any broken eggs were
(2019). The dried water hyacinth powder was mixed with an aqueous
excluded from the study. All the eggs were tested within 24 h of being
solution of hydrochloric acid (Sigma-Aldrich, Steinheim, Germany) in a
laid by the hens. The study consisted of four treatments: 1) uncoated
ratio of 1:12 (w/v) and adjusted to pH 2 using a 1 M HCl solution. The
eggs, serving as the control group, 2) eggs coated with a 2 % chitosan
resulting solution was extracted at 80 ◦ C for 60 min, followed by
solution, 3) eggs coated with a 1.5 % solution of water hyacinth pectin,
filtration through muslin cloth. It was then allowed to cool to room
and 4) eggs coated with a 2.5 % solution of water hyacinth pectin. Egg
temperature. To precipitate the pectin, the pectin-based solution was
quality analyses were performed on days 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, and 35 of the
mixed with 95 % ethanol (Duksan pure chemicals, Ansan, South Korea)
storage periods. For each treatment, there were 10 replicates, with each
at a ratio of 1:2 (v/v). The precipitated pectin underwent multiple
individual egg considered a replicate. Thus, each group consisted of 60
washings (approximately 3–5 times) using 95 % ethanol and acetone
eggs in total.
(Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany) to remove water and polar com­
pounds. The moist pectin was dried in a hot air oven at 40 ◦ C until a
constant weight was achieved. Subsequently, it was ground and stored 2.6. Preparation of coating solutions and egg coating
in a desiccator for further analysis. The percentage of pectin yield (PY%)
was determined using the following equation: The dried water hyacinth pectin was dissolved in distilled water to
reach final concentrations of 1.5 % and 2.5 % (w/v). Glycerol was then
PY% =
Weight of dry pectin (g)
× 100 (1) added to the pectin solution, reaching a concentration of 0.9 % (w/v) in
Weight of dry water hyacinth (g) the total solution. Sodium alginate and calcium chloride were subse­
quently introduced to the solution to attain concentrations of 1.0 % (w/
2.3. Determination of degree of esterification v) and 3.0 % (w/v), respectively. The coating solution was continuously
mixed at 70 ◦ C using a magnetic stirrer until all compounds dissolved
The degree of esterification (DE %) of the extracted water hyacinth completely.
pectin was determined using the titrimetric method from Food Chemical To serve as a positive control group, eggs coated with chitosan were

N. Jariyapamornkoon et al. Applied Food Research 3 (2023) 100355

selected due to their known ability to preserve egg quality, as reported in Table 1
several publications (Bhale et al., 2003; Caner et al., 2022; Suresh et al., The pectin yield and the chemical substances present in water hyacinth pectin.
2015). The chitosan coating formulation was modified based on the Substances Unit Amount
research publication by Bhale et al. (Bhale et al., 2003). The chitosan
Pectin yield % 5.42 ± 0.73
coating solution was prepared by dissolving chitosan powder (S.A.P. Galacturonic acid g/100 g 21.27 ± 0.18
chitosan, Surat Thani, Thailand) in 2 % (v/v) acetic acid, resulting in a Degree of esterification % 62.26 ± 1.32
final concentration of 2 % (w/v). The pH of the chitosan solutions was
then adjusted to 5.6 using NaOH.
Three distinct coating solutions, consisting of a 2 % chitosan solution chemical substances. The obtained water hyacinth pectin exhibited a
and 1.5 % and 2.5 % water hyacinth pectin solutions, were used to coat high methoxyl content, indicated by a degree of esterification exceeding
chicken eggs. The eggs were immersed in the prepared coating solutions 50 %. The pectin’s quality was evident from the presence of galacturonic
for 2 min. After coating, the eggs were air-dried at room temperature for acid, constituting 21 g/100 g of the pectin composition.
approximately 1 h. Subsequently, all the eggs were placed in plastic egg
racks and stored at room temperature (around 25 - 29 ◦ C) for duration of 3.2. Weight loss
35 days (5 weeks). Ten eggs from each treatment were selected at
weekly intervals to assess parameters related to egg quality. The weight loss percentages of control (uncoated), chitosan-coated
(2 % concentration), and water hyacinth pectin-coated (1.5 % and
2.5 % concentration) eggs during a 35-day storage period are depicted in
2.7. Eggs quality parameters
Fig. 1. Over the storage duration, weight loss gradually increased,
ranging from 1.21 % to 9.09 %. Uncoated eggs showed significantly
2.7.1. Weight loss
higher weight loss compared to coated eggs. Chitosan-coated eggs dis­
The percentage of weight loss (%) of whole eggs during storage was
played the lowest weight loss, and there was no significant difference
determined by calculating the difference between the initial weight on
between the 1.5 % and 2.5 % water hyacinth pectin-coated eggs.
day 0 (g) and the weight on the designated storage day (g), using the
following equation:
3.3. Haugh unit
weight at day 0 − weight at storage day
Weight loss (%) = × 100 (3)
weight at day 0 The Haugh unit (HU) values of uncoated (control) and three different
coated eggs during a 35-day storage period are summarized in Table 2.
2.7.2. Haugh unit As the storage duration increased, the HU showed a gradual decline,
The Haugh unit (HU), a measure of albumen quality, was determined with uncoated eggs experiencing a more rapid decrease compared to
using the Digital Egg Tester DET6500 (Nabel, Kyoto, Japan). HU was coated eggs. On days 28 and 35 of storage, uncoated eggs had signifi­
calculated using the albumen height (H) (mm) and the egg weight (W) cantly lower HU values than the coated eggs. However, there was no
(g) with the formula: HU = 100 log (H - 1.7W0.37 + 7.6) (Haugh, 1937). significant difference in HU between the chitosan-coated eggs and the
1.5 % and 2.5 % water hyacinth pectin-coated eggs.
2.7.3. Yolk index According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
The yolk index (YI), an indicator of yolk quality, was determined standards, eggs are classified into four grades based on HU: AA (≥ 72), A
using the yolk height (H) (mm) and the yolk diameter (D) (mm) with the (71 to 60), B (59 to 31), and C (< 30) (USDA, 2000). Both water hyacinth
formula: YI = H/D (Funk, 1948). This parameter was measured using pectin-coated and chitosan-coated eggs maintained HU at Grade A from
the Digital Egg Tester (DET 6500, Nabel, Kyoto, Japan). day 7 to 28 before dropping to Grade B by day 35. In contrast, uncoated
eggs had already reached Grade B by day 7.
2.7.4. Albumen pH
After separation from the yolk, the albumen was homogenized using 3.4. Yolk index
a blender to achieve a uniform consistency. Subsequently, the pH level
of the albumen was measured using a pH meter (SI Analytics Lab 855, The yolk index (YI) data for control or uncoated eggs, 2 % chitosan-
Washington, DC, USA). coated eggs, and 1.5 % and 2.5 % water hyacinth pectin-coated eggs are
provided in Table 3. Over the storage period, all treatments
2.8. Statistical analysis

The experiment for egg quality analysis was conducted using a

completely randomized design. Egg samples were examined with 10
replicates per treatment. The results of the egg quality tests for each
experimental group were reported as mean ± standard deviation (SD).
To assess the differences in egg quality among the experimental groups,
an analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) was performed. Post-hoc
multiple comparisons were conducted using Duncan’s Multiple Range
Test at a 95 % confidence level (p < 0.05). All statistical analyses were
carried out using the SPSS program (IBM SPSS Statistics V22.0, Chicago,
IL, USA). Graphs depicting weight loss and albumen pH were created
using GraphPad Prism 8.0 (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA, USA).

3. Results
Fig. 1. Mean (±SD) weight loss (%) of eggs over a 35-day storage period.
3.1. Pectin extraction Control or uncoated eggs (⬤ circle symbols), 2 % chitosan-coated eggs (■
square symbols), 1.5 % water hyacinth pectin-coated eggs (▴ triangle symbols),
Pectin extracted from water hyacinth using hydrochloric acid pro­ and 2.5 % water hyacinth pectin-coated eggs (◆ rhombus symbols). Different
vided the results presented in Table 1, which includes associated letters (a, b, and c) within a column indicate significant differences (p < 0.05).

N. Jariyapamornkoon et al. Applied Food Research 3 (2023) 100355

Table 2
Haugh units over a 35-day storage period with different treatments.
Storage time Haugh unit

control 2 % chitosan 1.5 % pectin 2.5 % pectin

Day 0 83.32 ± 6.91 85.42 ± 5.75 83.12 ± 7.67 82.06 ± 6.45

Day 7 56.63 ± 6.06a 69.94 ± 6.84b 64.09 ± 7.25ab 65.82 ± 7.32ab
Day 14 56.62 ± 8.4aa 64.58 ± 7.11b 61.24 ± 0.32ab 62.23 ± 6.19b
Day 21 53.03 ± 6.33a 62.95 ± 8.00b 60.40 ± 2.37ab 61.55 ± 3.98b
Day 28 51.78 ± 7.63a 61.08 ± 5.46b 62.77 ± 8.14b 61.03 ± 6.96b
Day 35 47.23 ± 5.26a 59.01 ± 6.34b 57.74 ± 6.13b 57.99 ± 5.41b

Mean (±SD) Haugh unit of eggs over a 35-day storage period. Different letters within each row indicate statistically significant differences (p < 0.05).

Table 3
Yolk index over a 35-day storage period with different treatments.
Storage time Yolk index

control 2 % chitosan 1.5 % pectin 2.5 % pectin

Day 0 0.43 ± 0.05 0.44 ± 0.05 0.43 ± 0.04 0.44 ± 0.05

Day 7 0.29 ± 0.02a 0.37 ± 0.02c 0.32 ± 0.03b 0.33 ± 0.03b
Day 14 0.22 ± 0.03a 0.32 ± 0.04c 0.25 ± 0.03b 0.27 ± 0.03b
Day 21 0.17 ± 0.03a 0.29 ± 0.03c 0.21 ± 0.02b 0.22 ± 0.03b
Day 28 0.15 ± 0.06a 0.25 ± 0.03b 0.18 ± 0.03a 0.25 ± 0.08b
Day 35 0.13 ± 0.02a 0.23 ± 0.03c 0.14 ± 0.03a 0.19 ± 0.01b

Mean (±SD) yolk index of eggs over a 35-day storage period. Different letters within each row indicate statistically significant differences (p < 0.05).

demonstrated a gradual decrease in YI. Among these treatments, control 4. Discussion

eggs exhibited the lowest YI values, whereas chitosan-coated eggs dis­
played the highest YI values during the 35-day storage period. The 2.5 % The extraction of pectin from plant materials, such as mango peel
water hyacinth pectin-coated eggs showed significantly higher YI values (Chaiwarit et al., 2018), lime peel (Dash et al., 2019), and citrus pomace
than the 1.5 % water hyacinth pectin-coated eggs on both day 28 and (Go & Song, 2020), has become increasingly popular as a natural
day 35 of storage. coating. Pectin from plants can be used to create water-soluble, low-­
opacity food coatings that are both edible and biodegradable (Espitia
3.5. Albumen pH et al., 2014). These pectin coatings have versatile applications and can
be utilized on a variety of food products, including beef (Bermúdez-Oria
Albumen pH results for the four different treatments during the 35- et al., 2017), pork (Xiong et al., 2020), fruits, and vegetables (Alvarez
day storage period are displayed in Fig. 2. Over time, all treatments et al., 2014; Ben-Fadhel et al., 2020; Radi et al., 2018), effectively
exhibited a gradual increase in albumen pH. Among the four treatments, extending their shelf life. Another advantage of these coatings is their
uncoated eggs demonstrated the highest pH levels, starting at 8.49 on flexibility when combined with plant extracts (Nastasi et al., 2022). This
day 0 and reaching 9.11 by day 35. In contrast, chitosan-coated eggs adaptability allows for enhancements such as mixing with essential oils
consistently maintained significantly lower pH levels throughout the to provide antimicrobial properties (Alvarez et al., 2014; Chaiwarit
storage period, beginning at 8.42 on day 0 and rising to 8.67 by day 35. et al., 2018) or blending with phenolic compounds to enhance antioxi­
As for the 1.5 % and 2.5 % water hyacinth pectin-coated eggs, their dant capacity (Go & Song, 2020; Kurek et al., 2021), ultimately pre­
albumen pH levels increased from 8.58 to 8.59 to 8.92 and 8.94, serving the quality of food products. Pectin extraction from raw
respectively, over the storage period. No significant difference in materials can be accomplished through methods such as acid extraction,
albumen pH was observed between the 1.5 % and 2.5 % water hyacinth microwave-assisted extraction (MAE), ultrasound-assisted extraction
pectin-coated eggs. (UAE), and enzymatic techniques (Chandel et al., 2022). The quality and
yield of extracted pectin depend on factors such as temperature,
extraction time, pH levels, and raw material characteristics (Munarin
et al., 2012).
In this study, we utilized a hydrochloric acid-mediated hot extraction
method for pectin extraction from water hyacinth. This method offers
several advantages, including a high pectin yield and reduced extraction
time (Chandel et al., 2022). Our choice of the stem or petiole part of
water hyacinth was based on pilot experiments, which indicated a
higher pectin yield (%) compared to the stem with leaves. Our study’s
pectin yield of 5.4 % closely aligns with the findings of a previous
investigation (Naohara & Ishii, 1989), which reported pectin yields
ranging from 2.1 % to 8.6 % from water hyacinth float extracted with
hydrochloric acid. However, pectin extraction using acid methods can
pose environmental challenges, the disposal of acidic wastewater. While
food-grade organic acids like acetic and citric acids offer alternative
options, their milder acidity may lead to lower hydrolyzing abilities,
Fig. 2. Mean (±SD) albumen pH of eggs over a 35-day storage period. Control potentially affecting pectin yield (Roy et al., 2023). Therefore, further
or uncoated eggs (⬤ circle symbols), 2 % chitosan-coated eggs (■ square research is needed to identify the optimal pectin extraction method from
symbols), 1.5 % water hyacinth pectin-coated eggs (▴ triangle symbols), and
water hyacinth, considering both maximizing yield and environmental
2.5 % water hyacinth pectin-coated eggs (◆ rhombus symbols). Different let­
ters (a, b, and c) within a column indicate significant differences (p < 0.05).

N. Jariyapamornkoon et al. Applied Food Research 3 (2023) 100355

Pectin, a polysaccharide composed of galacturonic acid (GalA), studies have demonstrated that coating substances (Drabik et al., 2018;
forms the structural foundation of the pectin chain Kohli and Gupta Ezazi et al., 2021; Xu et al., 2017) are effective in preserving Haugh unit
(2015). The GalA content serves as a key indicator of pectin quality. In levels.
our study, we found that the GalA content in water hyacinth pectin was In this study, water hyacinth pectin-coated eggs consistently main­
approximately 21 %, a figure comparable to the content obtained from tained their Haugh Unit (HU) above 60 for a 28-day storage period,
previous studies on soy hull (approximately 19 %) and passion fruit peel retaining a Grade A rating. In contrast, uncoated eggs saw their HU drop
(approximately 23 %) (de Moura et al., 2017). The degree of esterifi­ below 60 starting from day 7 of storage. These findings are consistent
cation (DE) measures the carboxyl groups on the galacturonic acid main with a previous study that reported significantly higher HU values
chain, which can be esterified with methyl or acetyl groups (Farris et al., (71.27 ± 10.78) for pectin-coated eggs compared to uncoated eggs
2009). Pectin is classified into two main groups based on its DE: 1) (59.11 ± 15.97) after 35 days of storage at room temperature (da et al.,
pectin with DE > 50 % is termed high methoxyl pectin (HMP), and 2) 2020). The utilization of the water hyacinth pectin coating effectively
pectin with DE < 50 % is known as low methoxyl pectin (LMP). In our reduced water and carbon dioxide loss, subsequently slowing the in­
study, the pectin extracted from water hyacinth was identified as HMP, crease in albumen pH and protein structure changes. Furthermore, our
with a DE of 62.26 %. HMP is typically naturally occurring, while LMP is study indicated that HU values for water hyacinth pectin-coated eggs
generated through demethylation processes involving enzymatic or closely resembled those of chitosan-coated eggs, implying that water
alkaline treatments of HMP (Belkheiri et al., 2021). The addition of hyacinth pectin could serve as a promising alternative to chitosan for
calcium has been observed to influence the gelation, gelling speed, and preserving HU.
gel strength of HMP (Yang et al., 2013). Sodium alginate, with its ver­ The Yolk Index (YI) is a measure of egg freshness, reflecting yolk
satile thickening and gelling capabilities, can form heat-stable gels when quality. As storage progresses, yolk changes occur, characterized by the
combined with calcium chloride (CaCl2), making it a favored option for deterioration of the vitelline membrane and the liquefaction of the yolk
edible films and coatings (Rojas-Graü et al., 2008). The polysaccharide due to the release of water from the hydrolysis of amino acids in the
coating, comprising pectin and sodium alginate, demonstrates the ca­ albumen. This leads to an increased yolk mass and a decreased Yolk
pacity to control gas transmission (De Leo et al., 2018). To improve the Index (YI) value (Menezes, Lima, Medeiros, Oliveira, & Evêncio-Neto,
flexibility and performance of the pectin coating, glycerol was intro­ 2012; Oliveira & Oliveira, 2013). Fresh eggs typically have a YI falling
duced as a plasticizer (da et al., 2020). In this study, we created a within the range of 0.30 to 0.45 (Santo et al., 2017).
composite coating formulation by blending water hyacinth pectin, so­ Our study found that water hyacinth pectin-coated eggs maintained
dium alginate, glycerol, and calcium chloride with the aim of enhancing a YI above 0.3 for the first 7 days of storage, while uncoated eggs
the coating material’s performance through synergistic effects in film dropped below 0.3 by day 7. Chitosan-coated eggs consistently main­
formation. tained a YI above 0.3 for the initial 14 days, consistent with previous
In this study, we compared chitosan and water hyacinth pectin so­ research that used a combination of whey protein-pectin
lutions to assess their effectiveness in preserving egg quality. Chitosan, a (Dávalos-Saucedo et al., 2018), and chitosan (Xu et al., 2018) coating.
well-known material used in edible films and coatings, with documented These findings indicate that the water hyacinth pectin coating reduced
capabilities in extending the shelf life of eggs (Bhale et al., 2003), was water and carbon dioxide loss, which slowed down yolk deterioration.
chosen for assessment. Shell pores can significantly impact egg dura­ However, its effectiveness was found to be lower compared to the chi­
bility by increasing water permeability, resulting in higher egg weight tosan coating.
loss through evaporation, ultimately affecting shelf life (da Silva Pires Water hyacinth pectin coating effectively forms a protective barrier,
et al., 2022; Stadelman, 2017a; Stadelman, 2017b). As carbon dioxide is preventing the transfer of water and carbon dioxide through the
released from the egg through carbonic acid dissociation, it leads to an eggshell. The 1.5 % and 2.5 % water hyacinth pectin-coated eggs
increase in albumen pH, creating an alkaline environment (Yuceer & exhibited no significant differences in weight loss, Haugh unit, and
Caner, 2014). To address these issues, various coating substances, such albumen pH. However, the 2.5 % coated eggs showed a significantly
as edible oil (Nongtaodum et al., 2013), glycerol (Drabik et al., 2018), higher yolk index. Therefore, the choice of the appropriate concentra­
and chitosan-propolis (Ezazi et al., 2021) have been utilized to seal these tion depends on the specific purpose: 1.5 % for economical options to
pores. maintain overall egg quality or 2.5 % for focusing on yolk quality.
Our findings suggest that a water hyacinth pectin coating effectively Furthermore, chitosan coating surpasses water hyacinth pectin coating
reduces weight loss. Additionally, the significantly lower albumen pH in various aspects, including lower weight loss, lower albumen pH, and a
compared to uncoated eggs suggests its capability to minimize carbon higher yolk index. These findings suggest that water hyacinth pectin
dioxide leakage. These results are consistent with a previous study, coating may not be as potent as chitosan in preserving egg quality by
which demonstrated that a pectin film can decrease gas permeability delaying water and carbon dioxide leakage. Chitosan’s ability to main­
and weight loss during a 35-day storage period at both ambient and tain egg weight, albumen pH, and yolk index can be attributed to its
refrigerated conditions (da et al., 2020). The findings of our study sug­ films’ good mechanical strength, gas barrier properties, and antimicro­
gest that the application of a water hyacinth pectin coating establishes bial effects, making it highly beneficial for food preservation (Jovanović
an effective barrier, blocking the passage of water and carbon dioxide et al., 2021), while pectin can create films with varying degrees of
through the eggshell. mechanical strength and barrier properties (Chandel et al., 2022). Thus,
The Haugh unit (HU) serves as a crucial indicator of egg freshness additional research should focus on devising an improved pectin coating
and quality, primarily determined by albumen proteins (Sheng et al., formulation with the aim of achieving optimal effectiveness in preser­
2016). As eggs are stored for longer periods, their HU tends to decrease ving water and carbon dioxide within eggs.
due to the breakdown of ovalbumin’s structure (Sheng et al., 2018),
resulting in a higher proportion of liquid albumen and a reduction in its 5. Conclusions
denser component. This transition to a more fluid state is caused by the
breakdown of amino acid chains, releasing water that was previously The application of water hyacinth pectin coating at concentrations of
bound to large protein molecules (da Silva Pires et al., 2022). These 1.5 % and 2.5 % effectively forms a protective barrier, preventing the
protein changes are linked to the proteolysis of dense proteins and an passage of water and carbon dioxide through the eggshell. This pectin
increase in albumen pH, influenced by water and carbon dioxide losses coating demonstrates its value in maintaining egg quality by minimizing
during storage (Omana et al., 2011). The application of shell coating has weight loss, preserving albumen pH, and sustaining the yolk index,
been shown to effectively delay carbon dioxide leakage, internal content including a Grade A Haugh unit, for up to 28 days of storage.
alkalization, and mitigate adverse changes in albumen quality. Previous

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