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File Test 7

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A


1 Complete the sentences with me, you, him, her, it, us, or them.
Example: A Do you know Susie’s mother?
B No, I don’t know her.
1 A Please call ________ tomorrow. I want to talk to you.
B OK. Is 10 o’clock a good time?
2 A Do people in your family eat a lot of cheese?
B Yes, they do. They like ________ a lot.
3 A You love your husband a lot, right?
B Yes, I really love ________.
4 A What’s that? Is it for ________?
B Yes, coffee for you and me.
5 A Are the children in the garden?
B I don’t see ________.

2 Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

Example: do you lunch where have
Where do you have lunch?
1 favourite is your day what of part the
2 you on up what Saturday time do get
3 go out Friday you on nights do
4 relax you at how weekend do the
5 Marcus does Sundays when on have breakfast
Grammar total 10


3 Choose a verb from the box to complete the phrases.

do go go out meet play stay
Example: play computer games
1 ________ at night
2 ________ friends
3 ________ to the beach
4 ________ sport
5 ________ at home

English File fourth edition Beginner Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 7
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A

4 Complete the sentences. Write one word in each gap.

The words are all related to kinds of films.
Example: It was a very funny comedy.
1 In a we__________, there are men on horses and they have guns.
2 Do you like dr__________?
3 Lots of sc_______ f_______ films are set in space.
4 My brother doesn’t watch ho__________ films; they are too scary.
5 Tomb Raider and Mission Impossible are ac__________ films.
Vocabulary total 10


5 Match the words with the same sound.

always home how Thursday town where
Example: husband home
1 who ________
2 sixth ________
3 chair ________
4 what ________
5 out ________
Pronunciation total 5


6 Look at the dates and write them in words.

Example: 18/04 the eighteenth of April
1 22/07 _______________________________________
2 12/12 _______________________________________
3 31/08 _______________________________________
4 05/11 _______________________________________
5 23/02 _______________________________________
Practical English total 5
Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, and Practical English total 30

English File fourth edition Beginner Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 7
Reading and Writing A


1 Read the report. Underline the correct word(s).

Your Free Time

How do 18- to 24-year-olds in the UK spend their free time? A new study shows that a lot of
young people stay at home in their free time.

So, what do they do in their free time at home? 55% play computer games and some of them
spend time online. A lot of young people also watch films, but not on TV. In fact, 47% of
people in the age group never watch TV!

When young people go out they do different activities. Friends are very important to them
and they meet friends for 24% of their free time. The cinema is a favourite place and 72% of
18- to 24-year-olds go to the cinema to watch films. People like different kinds of films –
science fiction, comedies, horror – but 47% of them love animation films!

People also do sport or exercise. A lot of young people are healthy because they go for
walks or swim, but 40% of teenagers in the UK don’t know how to swim!

Young people also travel a lot and they usually buy their tickets online. 41% of all young
people go to the beach on their holiday and 40% go on holiday with their family. Young
people usually stay in a hotel when they are on holiday.

Example: A lot of 18- to 24-year-olds go out / stay at home in their free time.
1 55% of young people play computer games / stay at home.
2 Young people don’t watch / watch films on TV.
3 47% / 72% of people love animation films.
4 A lot of teenagers in the UK don’t know how to swim / don’t go for walks.
5 40% / 41% of young people go to the beach for their holiday.

2 Read the report again. Tick () True or False.

Example: A new study looks at what young people do in their free time.
True 
 False 
1 A lot of young people stay at home in their free time.
True  False 
2 47% of young people never watch TV.
True  False 
3 24% of people meet with their friends.
True  False 
4 47% of young people go to the cinema.
True  False 
5 Young people like all kinds of films.
True  False 
6 Young people aren’t healthy.
True  False 
English File fourth edition Beginner Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 7
Reading and Writing A

7 47% of young people can’t swim.

True  False 
8 Young people like to travel.
True  False 
9 Young people never go on holiday with their family.
True  False 
10 Young people always stay in a hotel when they are on holiday.
True  False 

Reading total 15


1 Answer the questions about your free time.

1 Do you go out at the weekend?
2 What time do you get up at the weekend?
3 What do you do in your free time?
4 What’s your favourite part of the weekend?
5 How do you relax?
6 What sport or exercise do you do?
7 What do you do on Saturday nights?
8 Where do you meet your friends?
9 What kind of films do you like?
10 What’s your favourite film and why?

Writing total 10
Reading and Writing total 25

English File fourth edition Beginner Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 7
Listening and Speaking A


1 Listen to an interview with where two people talk about their weekends. Tick
() True or False.
1 The man and woman are married.
True  False 
2 The man usually works at the weekend.
True  False 
3 The woman never goes out at the weekend.
True  False 
4 Her favourite part of the weekend is Saturday night.
True  False 
5 The man usually gets up at 8 o’clock on Sunday mornings.
True  False 

2 Listen to five conversations. Tick () the correct answer.

1 What kind of film do the two people go to see?
A an action film 
B a western 
C a science-fiction film 
2 What does the director ask the actor to say?
A Don’t talk to her! 
B Don’t talk to him! 
C Don’t talk to me! 
3 What does Juan usually do on Saturday?
A he plays tennis 
B he works 
C he goes to the mountains with his family 
4 What kind of films does the man like?
A American films 
B French and Spanish films 
C Chinese films 
5 When is Ben’s birthday?
A July 26th 
B August 5 
C August 6th 
Listening total 10

English File fourth edition Beginner Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 7
Listening and Speaking A


1 Ask your partner these questions.

1 When is your birthday?
2 What sport or exercise do you do?
3 What do you usually do in your free time?
4 How do you relax at the weekend?
5 What kind of films do you like?

2 Now answer your partner’s questions.

3 Your partner has information about Hannah.

Ask questions and complete the information.
When / birthday?
What / do in the afternoons?
What / films like?
What / do at weekends?

Birthday: ___________________________________
Afternoons: ___________________________________
Films: ___________________________________
Weekend activities: ___________________________________

4 Read the information about Gregor and answer your partner’s questions.
Birthday: 16th April
Afternoons: walk the dog, play tennis
Films: horror and science fiction
Weekend activities: meet friends, go to the beach
Speaking total 15
Listening and Speaking total 25

English File fourth edition Beginner Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019

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