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English • Mood – feeling created by the words, sounds and images in a

Adventure Stories
• Genre – it is a way of different stories of categories of literary
❖ The types of characters in adventure stories work.
• Main characters in adventure stories can recognize.
• They are ordinary people with a special talent or a skill. ❖ Narrative Structure of a Story.
• They heroes, villains, mentors (people who set examples) or • How the story starts
Protagonist (who assist on the main character). • How the information is lined up.
• They go on a journey in searching for a quest while facing • How the story ends.
• The types of setting in an adventure story. Fiction and Non-fiction.
• They are more domestic.
• They are mysterious, full of curiosity such as thick dark Fiction Non-fiction
jungles, abandoned castles, mysterious islands etc. A plot, settings and character It’s a real story that are based
created from the imagination. on real people.
❖ What happened in Adventure Stories.
• Central character goes on a journey for a quest. Eg: A story about a pumpkin Eg: A book about how to grow
• It is a challenge for the main character. turn into a carriage. big pumpkin at home.
• They face lot of problems along the way.
• They have to fight against the enemy (villain/antagonizes) What is Genre.
• Genre – it is a way of different stories of categories of literary
❖ How does stories usually ends. work.
• The protagonist (main character) succeeds or wins the battle o Drama – comedy, tragedy
against the villain. o Fiction – science fiction, fantasy, mystery, thriller
• The quest is completed by the main character. o Non-fiction – biography, autography
• The villain (antagonist) is defeated. o Poetry – Narrative, Dramatic
 Meanings.
• Fierce – strong, hard, dangerous.
• Confetti – small bits of paper falling down (feathers of birds
falling down)
• Irate – angry, annoyed, irritated
• Bundled – tied together, gathered up, packed together
• Quest – a difficult journey in search of a person or
Literary Devices. 5. Rhyme and Rhythm
• Techniques that are used by the writers to create a deep meaning
• Rhyme – A pattern of words that contains similar sounds.
in their writing.
• Rhythm – The beat of the songs would make when you
• When a writer uses such language, it us known as figurative
read it aloud.
• Hyperbole – A great exaggeration to create emphasis or
1. Similes and Metaphors. Eg: - I saw ten thousand flowers at a glance.
Similes and metaphors are two forms of comparison.
6. Imagery
• Simile - is an indirect comparison. • Visual Imagery: The golden sun shown in the sky
Eg: You were as brave as a lion. They fought like cats and • Auditory imagery: The booming thunder road.
dogs. • Gustatory Imagery: literary technique that can make
you experience the taste of food and drink through the
• Metaphor - is a direct comparison. power of words.
Eg: The snow is a white blanket, she like an angel.

2. Alliteration 7. Sequence.
Repetition of the first consonant sound at the beginning of When planning a sequence of a story, it can help to start by
closely connected word in a line. considering how a story will end and then work backwards.
Eg:- come and clean the chaos in your closet.

3. Onomatapia
The formation of a word sound. Sound words.
• A click of a gun.
• A bang of a drum.
• A boom of a firework.

4. Personification
Giving animate (living) qualities to inanimate (non-living)
Eg:- *The wind howled in the night.
*Rita heard the last piece of pizza calling her name.
Adventure Story
The Adventure of Elena
Structure / Plan
Characters: Princess Elena is an 18-year-old girl who stucked her self
in an amulet for 50 years and got released by princess
Princess Elena
Sofia. Now she is about to find what has happened to her
Grand Parents
Isabela (younger sister)
Mateo (little wizard)
When she has returned to her palace in Avalor she saw a
Shuriki (Powerful Which)
powerful witch called Shuriki, who has invaded her palace
Jagwins (Flying chaeta’s)
and turned her family into a portrait on the wall.
She wanted to retrieve her kingdom and save her family
Flying Jagwins
from Shuriki.
Powerful wand
Elena has special power of talking to animals and she is
having a magical amulet gifted by her mother.
To free Elena’s family
Firstly. Elena with the help of Mateo, the little wizard and
To retrieve kingdom
the Jagwins, she sheaked into the castle and free her

Then Elena with the help of princess Sofia’s family and

all the people of Avalor, Elena retrieve her kingdom.

In the end Princess Elena was crowned as the “Queen of

❖ Standard English and Non – Standard English ❖ Language features of newspaper article.

Standard English Non – Standard English Alliteration Using the same first letter for several words.
Most widely accepted form of Informal version of the Pun A joke using a single word that has more than
English that as the usual correct Language. one meaning.
form. Barbaric – not civilised Rhetorical question A question that does not expect an answer
Courtesy – Politeness and respect. Crude – basic Ellipsis Three dotted line that shows the statement is
unfinished or test is missing,
❖ Formal Language and Informal Language To create suspense or encourage the reader to
finish the sentence.
Formal Language Informal Language Colloquial Exaggeration To present something worse or better than it is.
Language Rhyme Two or more words that have the same sound.
Form of English More relaxed form Type of informal Informal language Words and phrases that are relaxed and less
used in more serious of English used language people use serious.
text and situations. when speaking o in in everyday speech Exclamation mark ! to express surprise or excitement.
Eg:- News report more casual witting when addressing
Official speech tests. people, they knew
❖ Structural features of film review.
Eg:- Emails. well.
Title Film title
Cast List of actors or voiceovers in an animation.
❖ Figurative Language. Producer / Director Director of the film.
Words and phrases with a more imaginative meaning to create a Plot Information about the story’s event and its
special effect. settings and key characters.
1. Simile - An Indirect comparison. Backstory Fictional history or background created for
Eg: You were as brave as a lion. a character in a story or film.
They fought like cats and dogs. Reviewer’s Name
➢ Metaphor - A direct comparison.
Eg: The snow is a white blanket, she like an angel.
❖ Structural features of newspaper article.
➢ Personification - Giving Animate (living) qualities to 1. Headline
Ananimate (non-living) objects. 2. Lead – a paragraph at the start that states the overall focus
Eg:- The wind howled in the night. of the story – who, what, when, where, why
Rita heard the last piece of pizza calling her name. 3. By line – name or department of the journalist.
4. Paragraphs
** Blog – A web page where someone writes and posts regular 5. Concluding statement
articles, like an online journal.
❖ Structural features of Informative Article 2. Compound sentence
Compound sentences have two independent clauses.
Title Heading of the Article
Introduction Opening paragraph of an Article F A N B O Y S
Questions and answers Questions followed by answers from the For And Nor But Or Yet So
Images Use to illustrate text. Eg:- The netball champions came home and they were given a
Captions Information about each image. grand welcome.
I want to loose weight yet I eat chocolate daily.
They wanted to go to Paris but I wanted to see London.
❖ Clause Mary was out of milk so she went to the store.
A clause is a group of words with a verb and a subject. It can be
a complete sentence or a part of sentence.
Eg:- He found his laptop on the floor. When he came home 3. Complex sentence
A complex sentence has an Independent clause and a
Independent Clause Dependent Clause Dependent clause.
(Main clause) The Dependent clause and the Independent clause are
combined with a subordinate conjunction.
Eg:- Kate ate pasta because she was hungry
❖ Sentence Patterns.
1. Simple sentence ➢ Subordinate Conjunction.
2. Compound sentence A white bus
3. Complex sentence As what, how, if
4. Compound complex sentence After when, where, who
Although that, though
1. Simple sentence Even though
Simple sentence is a main clause (independent clause) which
gives a complete meaning. It has a subject and a verb and it can Some subordinate conjunctions are relative pronounce such as
stand alone. who, which, where, when, that.
Sentence that has only a verb.
Eg:- Kate ate Pasta Eg:- I will buy a car if I win a lottery.
Saman wore the shirt that he bought in the fair.
Subject Verb Object This is the house which belongs to my uncle.
I went to school while it was raining.
This is the village where Shakespeare was born.
4. Compound complex sentence ❖
A compound complex sentence is a sentence containing one or
more dependent clause joined by a semicolon.
Eg:- I really don’t care if you don’t like me; for I don’t spend my
energy on things I can’t control.

❖ Phrase
Phrase is a small group of words.
▪ A Noun Phrase
A phrase which a noun is the main word.
Eg:- My best friend
Old granny
The box

✓ An Expanded Noun Phrase

A phrase that adds information and details to describe a
Eg:- My good best friend • Syllable – A word or part of a word that has one vowel
The trusty old box sound.
• Synonym – A word or phrase with the same or similar
▪ A Verb Phrase meaning to another word or phrase.
Consisting of a main verb and a helping verb
✓ An Expanded Verb Phrase
A phrase that adds information and details to describe a
Eg:- The trusty old box sat alone on the shelf.

❖ Direct Speech.
Mother said “Do your homework”
Father said “Do you know where the remote is”

❖ Reporting Verb
The verb that conveys the action of speaking – used with both
direct and reported speech.
Eg:- ‘what time do you call this’ yelled the teacher.
‘I’m sorry, sir I slept in,’ whispered Chen.

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