1.Giới thiệu bài luận + Viết luận 1 - Argumentative essays

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Giới thiệu chung

- Phần 2 của kỹ năng viết VSTEP yêu cầu viết sản sinh – viết 1 bài luận có độ dài ít
nhất 250 từ về 1 chủ đề cho sẵn, sử dụng lý do và ví dụ cụ thể để minh họa cho các lập
luận. (B1 cố gắng 200 từ trở lên)
- Thời gian: 40 phút
- Bài viết luận chiếm 2/3 tổng số điểm của bài thi viết. Thang điểm chấm là 20 điểm

Trước khi viết, dành 5 phút phân tích đề bài và lên dàn ý chi tiết:
- Đọc kỹ đề bài để xác định xem bài luận thuộc thể loại nào:
1. Viết luận 1: opinion/ argumentative essays (bài luận trình bày quan điểm);
2. Viết luận 2: advantages/disadvantages (bài luận về ưu nhược điểm); cho 2
quan điểm và yêu cầu thảo luận 2 quan điểm đó và đưa ra quan điểm cá nhân
3. Viết luận 3: problems-solutions (bài luận vấn đề giải pháp); causes-effects (bài
luận nguyên nhân hệ quả)
- Tìm ý: nhận dạng được loại viết luận nào 1,2 hay 3 sau đó liệt kê các ý ra nháp sau
đó chọn lọc lấy 2-3 ý lớn, mỗi ý lớn sẽ dùng để viết 1 câu chủ đề cho đoạn văn. Các
ý khác có thể gộp lại làm câu hỗ trợ cho câu chủ đề hoặc làm ví dụ.

Bố cục của 1 bài luận:

I. Mở bài (3 hoặc 4 câu)
- Giới thiệu chung về chủ đề: general statements (2-3 câu)
- Câu thesis statement: (trả lời câu hỏi đề bài/ yêu cầu đề bài) (1 câu)
II. Thân bài (2-3 đoạn) Mỗi đoạn văn trong tiếng Anh phải có ít nhất 2 câu.
- Đưa ra các lập luận giải quyết yêu cầu đề bài. Mỗi lập luận viết thành một đoạn sử
dụng lý do và ví dụ cụ thể để minh hoạ. Nên viết từ 2-3 đoạn trong phần thân bài.
III. Kết luận
- Tóm tắt ý chính
- Đưa ra nhận xét hoặc ý kiến cá nhân


A. General statements (câu chung để giới thiệu chủ đề bài viết) 2-3 câu

• Khi đề bài chỉ cho 1 quan điểm

Câu 1: Giới thiệu chung chủ đề, câu này giới thiệu khái quát chủ đề, đưa chủ đề
chung vào là được:

- Nowadays, an increasing number of people have been concerned about (chủ

đề)……..(ngày nay ngày càng nhiều người quan tâm đến chủ đề này)

Ví dụ: Nowadays an increasing number of people have been concerned about

smoking/watching TV/public transport/air pollution/Internet

Câu 2: Mượn ý tưởng của người khác; đưa quan điểm vào, câu này chi tiết hơn:

Some people believe that/ Some people think that/ Some people hold the view that
Ví dụ 1: Some people believe that the government should ban smoking in public

• Khi đề bài đề cập 2 quan điểm:

Khi đề bài đề cập đến 2 quan điểm thì dùng mẫu mở bài sau:

- People hold different opinions about …… (chủ đề). Some argue that ………. (1 số
người cho rằng……) quan điểm 1 vào. Others, however, assert that …………(một
số người khác lại cho rằng…) chèn quan điểm 2 vào. I find the second/ first view
much better for the following reasons. (Mở bài đầy đủ 2 phần)

B. Thesis statement: câu nêu ý chính của bài luận, câu này trả lời câu hỏi nêu ra
trong đề bài.
- Nêu mục đích bài viết: The aim of this essay is to …..
- Nêu chủ đề của bài viết: This essay is about ……
- Thể hiện quan điểm cá nhân: In my view/ In my opinion, …..

Ví dụ:
- This essay will discuss (thảo luận) the advantages and disadvantages of
- This essay will discuss some possible solutions to/ some problems from ../ reasons
for/ effects of
- I totally agree with the opinion that (liệt kê quan điểm)………………
- I totally disagree with the statement that (liệt kê quan điểm)……….
- I totally agree (đồng ý)/disagree (không đồng ý) with this opinion because of the
following reasons.
- In my opinion, it is a positive development (tốt)
- In my opinion, it is a negative development (tiêu cực, không tốt)

Ví dụ một số đoạn mở bài mẫu

1. Some people believe that TV programs are of no real value (ko có giá trị) for
children. How far do you agree or disagree?
Topic: watching TV
Opinion/view: watching TV is not good for children

Nowadays watching TV is a very popular leisure activity. Some people say that it is
no use watching TV for children. I completely/totally disagree with the statement
because of the following reasons.

2. These days, more and more people are going to other countries for significant
periods of time, either to find a job or to study. There are clearly many benefits
to doing this, but people who live abroad can also face some difficulties. Discuss
the advantages and disadvantages of living and working in a foreign country.
Topic: living and working in a foreign country
View 1: There are clearly many benefits to doing this
View 2: People who live abroad can also face some difficulties

Nowadays, an increasing number of people have been concerned about living and
working in another country. For many people, especially young adults, the chance to
spend an extended period of time overseas is an attractive one. However, there are both
pros (thuận lợi) and cons (bất lợi) to decoding to do this. This essay will discuss the
benefits and drawbacks of living and working in a foreign country.


- Có cụm từ nối: In conclusion/ In short/ To sum up, ……
- Có 1 câu tóm tắt lại ý chung toàn bài
- Tóm tắt lại các ý chính của bài bằng từ ngữ khác, tránh lặp lại từ
- Chèn thêm ý kiến cá nhân hoặc lời khuyên

Ví dụ 1: In conclusion/ In short, it is clearly seen that children benefit much from

watching TV such as entertaining and educational benefits. In my opinion, parents
should control the time that their children spend on watching TV.

Ví dụ 2: In short, starting life in a foreign country is never easy. You need to weigh
up the pros (thuận lợi) of the better lifestyle, weather and the cons (bất lợi) of culture
shock and language barrier. Personally, I believe that the benefits outweigh/exceed
(nhiều hơn) the negatives./ = There are more benefits than drawbacks.

Cấu trúc của 1 đoạn văn

1. Câu chủ đề (topic sentence)

- Câu chủ đề là câu chứa ý chính của cả đoạn văn, đoạn văn viết về chủ đề gì
Ví dụ 1: There are some advantages to studying abroad.
Ví dụ 2: Watching TV has several educational benefits to children.
Ví dụ 3: Smoking affects people’s health.
Firstly, …… Secondly,

2. Các câu hỗ trợ cho câu chủ đề (supporting sentences)

- Câu hỗ trợ cho câu chủ đề thường chứa các ý ở dạng nêu định nghĩa, nêu lý do, nêu
ví dụ để giải thích, lập luận cho câu chủ đề.

- Dùng các từ nối để liên kết các ý với nhau ví dụ để cung cấp thêm thông tin có thể
dùng là Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, Next, Moreover, Besides, Finally, Last but not
least (cuối cùng nhưng ko kém phần quan trọng)…..

Ví dụ 1:
Chủ đề: Smoking should be banned in public places (Agree)
The first reason is that smoking is not good for people’s health. To begin with, cigarettes
contain toxic elements, so it causes a lot of diseases for smokers; for example, lung diseases,
lung cancer and even death. Besides, smoking affects non-smokers badly. For example,
people around smokers can get some diseases, especially children, the elderly people and
pregnant women are easily affected by smoke. Moreover, most people feel uncomfortable
when being near smokers.


Opinion/argumentative essays (hỏi quan điểm của bạn về một chủ đề, nhận định đồng ý hay
không đồng ý, đồng ý ở mức nào với nhận định mà đề bài cho) Agree (đồng ý), disagree
(không đồng ý); views; opinions?
Ví dụ:
1. Do you agree (đồng ý) or disagree (không đồng ý)?
2. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Đồng ý ở mức độ nào?
Totally agree (hoàn toàn đồng ý); partly agree (đồng ý 1 phần)
3. Is this a positive or negative development? Sự phát triển mang tính tích cực
hay tiêu cực? tốt hay ko tốt?
4. How far do you agree or disagree? (Đồng ý hay ko đồng ý ở mức độ nào)
5. What are your views? Quan điểm của bạn là gì?
6. What do you think (of the statement)? Bạn nghĩ gì về nhận định này?
7. What is your opinion about…? Quan điểm của bạn về chủ đề này là gì?
8. Which of the views do you agree with? Bạn đồng ý với quan điểm nào?
9. “Should” starting questions? (Câu hỏi bắt đầu bằng từ should)
Ví dụ 1: Should children be educated at home? (Chủ đề homeschooling/home
Ví dụ 2: Should smoking be banned in public places? Câu hỏi có từ should?
10. Discuss the extent which you agree or disagree with the given statement? Thảo
luận bạn đồng ý hay không đồng ý ở mức độ nào?
11. Explain your position: giải thích quan điểm của bạn
12. Justify your opinion: giải thích quan điểm của bạn
13. Discuss your opinions/views
Đề bài hay có cụm từ: Write an essay to an educated reader to (yêu cầu của đề bài)
discuss your opinions………………………………………………

Có 2 cách tiếp cận

Cách 1: Quan điểm nghiêng hẳn về 1 phía (đồng ý hoàn toàn hoặc phản đối hoàn toàn,
completely/totally agree hoặc completely/totally disagree). Mở bài cần nêu rõ quan
điểm và phần thân bài nêu 2-3 ý chính (chính là lý do đồng ý hoặc lý do ko đồng ý) để
chứng minh sử dụng các ví dụ và dẫn chứng.

Cách dễ nhất là trực tiếp nêu quan điểm: Thesis statement.

- I completely/totally agree with the statement because of the following reasons.
- I totally disagree with the statement because of the following reasons.
- In my opinion, it is a positive/negative development

Bố cục:
Đoạn 1: Mở bài (giới thiệu chủ đề chung, giới thiệu quan điểm, trả lời câu hỏi đề bài bằng
cách khẳng định hoàn toàn đồng ý hay hoàn toàn ko đồng ý)
Đoạn 2: Nêu lý do 1 và dẫn chứng, giải thích
Đoạn 3: Nêu lý do 2 và dẫn chứng, giải thích

Đoạn 4: Nêu lý do 3 (nếu có) dẫn chứng, giải thích
Đoạn 5: Kết bài (từ nối, tóm tắt lại ý chính, đưa ra quan điểm cá nhân)

Cách 2: Quan điểm trung lập: Khi bạn thấy có những điểm đồng ý nhưng cũng có những
mặt phản đối hoặc là có mặt tốt và có cả những mặt không tốt thì bạn viết theo cách 2 này,
vừa đồng ý vừa không đồng ý
Đoạn 1: Mở bài (khẳng định vừa đồng ý vừa ko đồng ý; có 2 mặt đối với chủ đề này)
Đoạn 2: Nêu lý do đồng ý (mặt tốt) và dẫn chứng, giải thích
Đoạn 3: Nêu lý do phản đối (mặt không tốt) và dẫn chứng, giải thích
Đoạn 4: Kết bài (từ nối, tóm tắt lại ý chính, đưa ra quan điểm cá nhân và lời khuyên)

Ví dụ: The Internet is a good source to collect information. Do you agree or disagree?
Phân tích đề: (chủ đề, quan điểm, dạng luận gì)
Topic: The Internet
View: Internet is a good source to collect information

Opinion Essays Templates

PLAN A (nghiêng hẳn về 1 phía) hoàn toàn đồng ý hoặc hoàn toàn ko đồng ý

Mở bài:

• Khi đề bài đề cập 1 quan điểm

Câu 1: Giới thiệu chủ đề chung (chọn 1 trong 3 câu này)

Nowadays/ In recent years, an increasing number of people have been concerned about
(chủ đề)________________ (trong những năm gần đây ngày càng nhiều người quan
tâm đến chủ đề này)

Câu 2: Giới thiệu quan điểm mà đề bài cho (chèn quan điểm mà đề bài cho vào)

Some people think/say/believe/hold the view that (quan điểm) smoking should be
prohibited/banned (cấm) in public places.

Câu 3: Thesis statement (trả lời câu hỏi đề bài: hoàn toàn đồng ý hay hoàn toàn ko
đồng ý)

B1: I totally agree/disagree with this opinion for the following reasons.

Tóm tắt lại cấu trúc đoạn mở bài khi đề bài cho 1 quan điểm:

In recent years, an increasing number of people have been concerned about (chủ
đề)….. Sau đó chép lại quan điểm mà đề bài cho. I totally agree/totally disagree with
this opinion for the following reasons.

Hoặc: Khi đề bài đề cập đến 2 quan điểm thì dùng mẫu mở bài sau

People hold different opinions about …… (chủ đề). Some argue that ………. (1 số
người cho rằng……) quan điểm 1 vào. Others, however, assert that …………(một
số người khác lại cho rằng…) chèn quan điểm 2 vào. I find the second/ first view
much better for the following reasons.

Ví dụ 1 mở bài 1 quan điểm: Nowadays, an increasing number of people have been

concerned about smoking. Many people think that smoking is bad for the health of both
smokers and people close by. I totally agree with this opinion for the following reasons.

Ví dụ 2 mở bài 2 quan điểm: Some people argue that video games are ruining (phá hoại) our
kids’ life. Others believe that they are providing good opportunities for children to grow and
advance. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinions?
Mở bài: People hold different opinions about video games. Some argue that video games
are ruining our kids’ life. Others, however, assert that they are providing good
opportunities for children to grow and advance. I find the second/ first view much better
for the following reasons.

Thân bài

Firstly, hoặc là The first reason is that, (nêu lý do thứ nhất, dẫn chứng, giải
__________________________________________ ______________________________

Secondly, hoặc là The second reason is that, (nêu lý do thứ 2, dẫn chứng, giải

Finally, hoặc là The final reason is that (lý do thứ 3 nếu có)

Ví dụ đoạn văn phần thân bài:

Ví dụ 1:
The first reason is that smoking is not good for people’s health. To begin with, cigarettes
contain toxic elements, so it causes a lot of diseases for smokers; for example, lung diseases,
lung cancer and even death. Besides, smoking affects non-smokers badly. For example,
people around smokers can get some diseases, especially children, the elderly people and
pregnant women are easily affected by smoke. Moreover, most people feel uncomfortable
when being near smokers.
Ví dụ 2:


Some people believe that unpaid community service (hoạt động công ích không được trả
tiền) should be compulsory (bắt buộc) part of high school programs (for example working
for a charity, improving the neighborhood or teaching sports to younger children). To
what extent do you agree or disagree?

Topic: Unpaid community service

View: compulsory part of high school programs

Answer: Totally agree

Sample 1:

Firstly/ The first reason is that, life skills are very important and by doing voluntary
work, students can learn not only how to communicate with others and work in a team
but also how to manage their time and improve their organizational skill. Nowadays,
unfortunately, teenagers do not have many after-school activities. After-school clubs are no
longer that popular and most students go home and sit in front of the TV, browse the Internet
or play video games.

Secondly, by giving them compulsory work activities with charitable or community

organizations, they will be encouraged to do something more creative/ develop creativity.
Skills gained through compulsory work will not only be an asset on their CV but also increase
their employability (khả năng xin được việc tốt). Students will also gain more respect towards
work and money as they will realize that it is not that easy to earn them and hopefully will
learn to spend them in a more practical way. This is an essential advantage for these children
over the others who do not have chance to do charity work.

Finally, any kind of spare time charity work is seen to help children develop a healthy
lifestyle and avoid making troubles. Getting involved in some kind of social and charity
work is a form of exercise, which is believed to strengthen their physical and mental health
(tốt cho thể chất và tinh thần). It could also possibly reduce the troubles in the high school age
group. If students have activities to do in their spare time, they will not be bored and come up
with silly ideas which can be dangerous for them or their surroundings.

Kết bài

In short, I strongly believe that (nêu lại quan điểm đã nêu ở câu 2 mở
bài)_________________________________________________________ Therefore, (lời

Ví dụ kết luận 1: In conclusion, I strongly believe that smoking should not be allowed in
public places because it has a lot of disadvantages. I think that people should not smoke to be
healthy and live in a clean environment.

Ví dụ 2: In conclusion, I strongly believe that this is a very good idea and I hope this program
will be put into action for high schools shortly. However, it is advisable for schools to organize
suitable activities for the children so that their study and health are not negatively affected by
too much unpaid charity work.

PLAN B (cả 2 mặt, cả đồng ý và không đồng ý)

Mở bài
Cách 1
Câu 1: giới thiệu chủ đề

In recent years, an increasing number of people have been concerned about (chủ

Câu 2: giới thiệu quan điểm đề bài cho (nếu đề bài cho 1 quan điểm thì chèn 1 quan điểm;
nếu đề bài cho 2 quan điểm thì chèn 2 quan điểm)

Many people believe that _(quan điểm 1)_____________________________________ .

However, some other people hold the view that (quan điểm 2)___________________.

Thesis statement:

In my opinion, there are both positive and negative sides to this. Discussions below are
several reasons supporting my perspective.

Hoặc cách 2 khi đề bài cho 2 quan điểm

= People hold different opinions about …… (chủ đề). Some argue that ………. (1 số
người cho rằng – chèn quan điểm 1). Others, however, assert that …………(một số người
khác lại cho rằng - chèn quan điểm 2). In my opinion, there are both positive and negative
sides to this. Discussions below are several reasons supporting my perspective.

Ví dụ Topic: Nowadays children spend a lot of time using the media such as TV, the
radio and the Internet. This has negative effects on children’s health and their
performance at school. Others believe that the media prepare children for the real
world. To what extent should children be encouraged to use the media?

Write an essay to express your opinion.

Ví dụ mở bài:
Topic: children’s use of media: TV, radio, Internet
View 1: negative effects on children’s health and their performance at school.
View 2: the media prepare children for the real world.
Nowadays children take more time to use some types of media such as TV, the Internet and
the radio. While many people claim that using the media brings children many benefits,
others argue that it is bad for them. In my opinion, there are both positive sides and negative
sides to this. Discussions below are several reasons supporting my perspective.

Thân bài

There are some advantages to + chủ đề/ There are some reasons why I agree with (quan điểm
đề bài cho)…children’s use of mass media… _________ Firstly,
Finally, ________________________________________________

Ví dụ đoạn thân bài 1: On the one hand, using the mass media has many advantages.
Firstly, the mass media help children open their knowledge. For example, they can get
information about many fields in life with a computer connected to the Internet. Besides,
there are many educational programs for them to watch and this is good for their study.
Secondly, using the mass media is a good way for children to relax after school. For
instance, they can watch comedies or interesting game shows on TV. It is also great to listen
to music or play games on the Internet.

However/On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to + chủ đề/ There are some
reasons why I disagree with children’s use of mass media (liệt kê quan điểm đề bài
cho)___________________________________________ Firstly,
_______________________. Secondly, ____________________ . Finally,

Ví dụ đoạn thân bài 2:

However/ On the other hand, the media also have several bad effects/ there are some
disadvantages to using the media. The first one is that they are harmful to children’s
health. When using the mass media too much, kids can get some eyesight problems and feel
tired. In the second place, the mass media contain unsuitable content (nội dung ko thích hợp)
for children. For example, there are some violent (bạo lực) and sexual images or content on
TV and the Internet, so children may easily learn bad things or bad behaviors. Lastly, the
media affect children’s study badly. When taking too much time to use the mass media,
children do not focus on study. Therefore, they may get bad marks.

Kết bài

In conclusion, I believe that there are both sides to this. (nêu lại thuận lợi bất
________________________________________.Therefore, (đưa ra lời


Ví dụ kết bài:
In conclusion, although the mass media make life easier, they bring some drawbacks to
children. In my opinion, the pros far outweigh their cons (thuận lợi vượt trội so với bất lợi).
Parents should limit the time children use the media to get their benefits.


1. Task 2: English is not only the global language but the good command of English is a
good way to get information from international sources. Do you agree or disagree with
this idea?

2. Task 2: The arts (môn mỹ thuật) is a waste of time, children should focus on maths and
language instead. Do you agree or disagree?
3. Task 2: In recent years, many parents have let their children use computers from
early ages. Some people say that it is good for children. However, some others hold the
view that it has negative effects on children. Do you agree or disagree with these

4. Task 2: The Internet is a good way of collecting information. Do you agree or


5. Task 2: English is the most important second language. What are your views?

6. Task 2: Deforestation is made by cutting trees for housing, agriculture, wood. It

causes air pollution. Human is facing the problem. Some people say that individuals are
not responsible for solving air pollution but the government will take responsibility for
solving this. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Đề bài: air pollution

7. Part 2: Sức khỏe của học sinh thừa cân (overweighed students) do đồ ăn nhanh và lối sống
thụ động. Bạn đồng ý hay không đồng ý với nhận định tăng thời gian học giáo dục thể chất?
(introduce more physical education lessons)

8. Part 2: Tương lai của các công cụ thông tin bằng giấy: printed media (sách, báo, tạp chí)
khi hiện nay Internet đang phát triển; e-books có thể thay thế sách báo tạp chí, công cụ thông
tin bằng giấy ko?

With the recent development in technology like e-books some people feel that the printed
media like books, newspapers and magazine will soon be a thing of the past. Others feel that
those forms of media will never disappear. What is your opinion?

9. Part 2: Đồng ý hay không đồng ý về việc CHỈ để Native English Teachers dạy tiếng Anh ở
VN để giúp nói tiếng Anh tốt, cải thiện chất lượng giảng dạy TA?

Some people believe that improving the situation of students with poor English
communication is by hiring native teachers to teach English. Do you agree or disagree?

10. Part 2: Ngày nay phụ nữ kiếm đủ tiền để thuê giúp việc và ăn ở ngoài (eat out). Có ý kiến
cho rằng các cô bé và thiếu nữ ngày nay k cần phải học nấu ăn và làm việc nhà. Bạn đồng ý
hay k đồng ý với quan điểm đó?
(Nowadays many families can earn enough money to have a house helper. Therefore, some
people believe that children especially girls do not need learn how to cook or do housework.
Others think that children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are
able to do so. Do you agree or disagree?)

11. Part 2: Some people think that learning only takes place in a particular place and at
a particular period of time. Others argue that learning should be a continuous process
rather than a stage in a person’s life. That is the reason why many people believe that it
is never too late to learn. Do you agree or disagree with these opinions?

12. Some people believe that watching TV promotes children's imagination than reading
picture books. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?



Some people believe that unpaid community service (hoạt động công ích không được trả
tiền) should be compulsory (bắt buộc) part of high school programs (for example working
for a charity, improving the neighborhood or teaching sports to younger children). To
what extent do you agree or disagree?


- Totally Agree
- Reason 1: Life skills (communication; teamwork; time management;
organizational skills)
- Reason 2: good for future job/ good CV
- Reason 3: develop a healthy lifestyle; avoid troubles


It has been suggested that high school students should be involved in (tham gia vào) unpaid
community services as a compulsory part of high school programs. Most of the colleges are
already providing opportunities to gain work experience, but these are not compulsory. I
totally agree with this opinion because of the following reasons.

Firstly, Life skills are very important and by doing voluntary work, students can learn
not only how to communicate with others and work in a team but also how to manage
their time and improve their organizational skill. Nowadays, unfortunately, teenagers do
not have many after-school activities. After-school clubs are no longer that popular and most
students go home and sit in front of the TV, browse the Internet or play video games.

Secondly, by giving them compulsory work activities with charitable or community

organizations, they will be encouraged to do something more creative/ develop creativity.
Skills gained through compulsory work will not only be an asset on their CV but also increase
their employability (khả năng xin được việc tốt). Students will also gain more respect towards
work and money as they will realize that it is not that easy to earn them and hopefully will
learn to spend them in a more practical way. This is an essential advantage for these children
over the others who do not have chance to do charity work.

Finally, any kind of spare time charity work is seen to help children develop a healthy
lifestyle and avoid making troubles. Getting involved in some kind of social and charity
work is a form of exercise, which is believed to strengthen their physical and mental health
(tốt cho thể chất và tinh thần). It could also possibly reduce the troubles in the high school age
group. If students have activities to do in their spare time, they will not be bored and come up
with silly ideas which can be dangerous for them or their surroundings.

In conclusion, I think this is a very good idea and I hope this program will be put into action
for high schools shortly. However, it is advisable for schools to organize suitable activities for
the children so that their study and health are not negatively affected by too much unpaid
charity work.

Medical studies have shown that smoking not only leads to health problems for smokers,
but also for people close by. For this reason, smoking should be banned in public places.
Opponents argue that banning smoking would possibly affect the freedom of choice or
lead to the closure of many bars and pubs. However, supporters of this ban place people’s
health problems at the top of the scale.
Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss your opinions about whether
public smoking should be banned or not. Include reasons and any relevant examples to
support your answer. You should write at least 250 words.
Reason 1 Smoking is not good for people’s health
- Cause a lot of serious diseases for smokers
- Affect people who are close by negatively
Reason 2 Smoking is bad for the environment
- Make the ground dirty
- Pollute the water and harm animals in the water
- Affect the air badly
Reason 3 Smokers is a bad example for children
- Learn a wrong thing
- Have a bad habit

Nowadays, more and more people especially young people prefer smoking. Many people
think that smoking is bad for the health of both smokers and people close by. I totally agree
that smoking should be banned in public places because of the following reasons.

The first reason is that smoking is not good for people’s health. Cigarettes contain toxic
elements, so it causes a lot of diseases for smokers; for example, lung diseases, lung cancer
and even death. Besides, smoking affects non-smokers badly. For example, people around
smokers can get some diseases, especially children and pregnant women are easily affected
by smoke. Moreover, most people feel uncomfortable when being near smokers.

The second reason is that smoking is bad for the environment. Many smokers throw their
cigarettes on the ground when smoking in public places, so this makes the ground dirty.
Besides, cigarette waste pollutes the water and harms the animals in the water. Also, smoke
is toxic and polluted, so it affects the air badly.

The final reason is that smokers set a bad example for children. When children see an adult
smoke, they can learn this wrong thing very quickly, especially teenagers often learn to
smoke to show that they are cool. Therefore, they have a bad habit and it is not good for their

In conclusion, smoking should not be allowed in public places because it has a lot of
disadvantages. I think that people should not smoke to be healthy and live in a clean

Nowadays children spend a lot of time using the media such as TV, the radio and the
Internet. This has negative effects on children’s health and their performance at school.
Others believe that the media prepare children for the real world. To what extent
should children be encouraged to use the media? Write an essay to express your

Benefits 1. the mass media help children open their knowledge
- get information about many fields
- educational programs – good for their study
2. using the mass media is a good way for children to relax
- watch comedies/interesting gameshows
Drawbacks 1. the mass media are harmful to children’s health
- get eyesight problems
- feel tired
2. they contain unsuitable content for children
- violent and sexual images/content
- learn bad things or behaviours
3. they affect children’s study badly
- take much time
- not focus on study
- get bad marks

Nowadays children take more time to use to use some types of media such as TV, the
Internet and the radio. While many people claim that using the media brings children many
benefits, others argue that it is bad for them. In my opinion, children should use the media in
a controlled way.
On the one hand, using the mass media has many advantages. Firstly, the mass media
help children open their knowledge. For example, they can get information about many
fields in life with a computer connected to the Internet. Besides, there are many educational
programs for them to watch and this is good for their study. Secondly, using the mass media
is a good way for children to relax after school. For instance, they can watch comedies or
interesting game shows on TV. It is also great to listen to music or play games on the

On the other hand, the media also have several bad effects. The first one is that they are
harmful to children’s health. When using the mass media too much, kids can get some
eyesight problems and feel tired. In the second place, the mass media contain unsuitable
content for children. For example, there are some violent and sexual images or content on
TV and the Internet, so children may easily learn bad things or bad behaviors. Lastly, the
media affect children’s study badly. When taking too much time to use the mass media,
children do not focus on study. Therefore, they may get bad marks.

In conclusion, although the mass media make life easier, they bring some drawbacks to
children. In my opinion, the pros far outweigh their cons. Parents should limit the time
children use the media to get their benefits.

Deforestation is made by cutting trees for housing, agriculture, wood. It causes air
pollution. Human is facing the problem. Some people say that individuals are not
responsible for solving air pollution but the government will take responsibility for solving
this. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Make an outline (dựa vào bài tham khảo, viết ra dàn ý để học cho dễ)
Topic: Air pollution (ô nhiễm không khí)
Quan điểm: Cả chính phủ và cá nhân đều có vai trò trong việc giải quyết vấn đề ô
nhiễm không khí (disagree)

Sample 1
It is undeniable that air pollution has become a controversial issue that puts severe pressure
on our life such as deforestation made by cutting of trees for housing, agriculture, wood. In
my opinion, pollution on Earth has reached such an alarming level that immediate
involvement from governments and individuals’ collaboration now is of great importance.

On the one hand, the government could reduce air pollution in many ways. Firstly, it is
necessary for the government to encourage power stations and plants to use more
environmentally-friendly energy sources such as renewable energy including solar power,
wind power instead of fossil fuels. Secondly, stricter punishments should be imposed for
illegal logging and forest clearance to make sure that forests are managed and protected. It is
widely known that trees help absorb carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, thus reduce air
pollution and climate change.

On the other hand, individuals should be aware of minimizing the air pollution in their
surroundings. Firstly, they can use public transport such as bus, train to reduce the amount of
emission from vehicles. Second, the household wastes should be reduced as much as
possible. For example, instead of using plastic bags, people are encouraged to use cloth or
paper bags in order to decrease the plastic consumption. Besides, prioritizing the green
energy also take an important role in lowering the pollution level.

In conclusion, it is clear that both national governments and individuals must understand the
harmful effects they have on the environment and be responsible for easing the damage.

Sample 2:

In today’s modern life, it is thought by many people that Individual efforts will not have any
results, it is only the responsibility of the government. However, there are numerous
reasons why I strongly disagree with this opinion, and I would in here explain a few of the
most important ones. Discussed in the essay below will look at some main reasons as well
as any relevant examples for my choice.
The most important reason why disagree with this is to protect the environment and
reduce air pollution, each individual can do a lot of simple things in daily life. To show an
example, we can use public transport or electric vehicles instead of using too much private
transport. It helps us reduce toxic emissions, smoke, and dust in the air. It is a great way to
improve the environment. It is very useful and necessary.
Another reason that can be seen by everyone is that we can grow many trees to help the
air become fresher and cleaner. That is because trees can create oxygen and absorbs
carbon dioxide. For instance, we can plant trees in many places such as the park, the
schoolyard, the house yard, the garden, along the road, and other places. Besides the main
effect is to reduce air pollution as mentioned above, planting trees also makes views more
beautiful. Planting is very easy to do, so each individual, each family, and the whole
community can do it.
Although I can not deny that there are some reasons why some people disagree with the
above point of view because each person will have a different view and life experience. To
show an example, some people think that It is not suitable because they believe it does not
bring too many benefits and it is unnecessary to do it.
To sum up, from what has been discussed above, I can safely draw the conclusion that I
agree with that absolutely.

With the recent development in technology like e-books some people feel that the
printed media like books, newspapers and magazine will soon be a thing of the past.
Others feel that those forms of media will never disappear. What is your opinion?

Sample 1
It is certainly true that these days, as technology advances, we are definitely drifting further
towards the internet for our research needs. But I think that computer technology will never
ever be a replacement of books and written information because they are the main tools used
for our reference purposes and education.

It is true that as technology advances and the net becomes more and more efficient; it is
gaining a reputation for being the first and sometimes the only source to go when we need to
search a subject. However, as the web has a large base of information, locating exactly what
we need is sometimes quite a trying task. In some instances, we find that it probably would
have been easier to have gone to the library and used a book. Another problem we are faced
with while searching online is whether or not the information is correct. We sometimes can
be deceived by information on a website and be unaware that what we are writing down is

So books will never ever be replaced even if there are lots of people using the cyberspace.
This is due to the fact that books are the main tool of education and are commonly used for
our leisure time. In fact, books have been with us for many thousands of years and usually
used for our enjoyment purposes. For instance, reading stories in books is an ancient
pastime, and although the variety of activities can undertake in our spare time has increased
dramatically over the years, it is still quite common to read books. Of course, they are not
only used for our pastimes, but for our studies too. They play a major part in our primary,
secondary and in tertiary education.

In conclusion, I think that as computer age takes over, we may use books less, especially for
information purposes. However, books as we know them will not disappear; they will never
ever be replaced by the information in the screen because they are used in our leisure time
and the main tool for our education.

Sample 2
Printed media, such as books, newspapers, and magazines, are traditional forms of
communication and information that have been around for centuries. However, with the recent
development in technology, such as e-books, online news, and digital magazines, some people
feel that printed media will soon be a thing of the past. Others feel that those forms of media
will never disappear and will always have a place in society. In this essay, I will discuss the
future of printed media and argue that they will not become obsolete, but rather adapt and
coexist with digital media.
One reason why printed media will not become obsolete lỗi thời is that they have some
advantages over digital media that appeal to many consumers and users. For instance, printed
books offer a tactile and sensory experience that e-books cannot replicate, such as the smell of
paper, the feel of turning pages, and the satisfaction of holding a physical object. Printed books
also do not require batteries, chargers, or internet connections, which make them more
convenient and reliable in some situations.
Another reason why printed media will not become obsolete is that they have some cultural
and social values that digital media cannot replace. For example, printed newspapers and
magazines can serve as historical records and sources of collective memory that can be
preserved and archived for future generations. Printed newspapers and magazines can also
create a sense of community and identity among their readers, who share common interests,
opinions, and values.
In conclusion, I have discussed the future of printed media and argued that they will not
become obsolete, but rather adapt and coexist with digital media. I have explained that printed
media have some advantages over digital media that appeal to many consumers and users; and
that printed media have some cultural and social values that digital media cannot replace.
Therefore, I suggest that printed media should not be dismissed or neglected, but rather
recognized and appreciated for their contributions to society. I also recommend that printed
media should embrace innovation and collaboration with digital media to create more diverse
and engaging forms of communication and information.

Some people believe that watching TV promotes children's imagination than reading
picture books. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

In today's digital age, children are exposed to various forms of media, including television
and picture books. While some argue that watching TV can promote children's imagination
more than reading picture books, others disagree. In my opinion, reading picture books is a
better way to enhance children's imagination.
Firstly, reading picture books allows children to create their own mental images of the story's
characters, settings, and events. Unlike television, where everything is presented visually,
picture books offer a more interactive experience that engages the child's imagination. By
using their imagination, children can visualize the characters and settings in a unique way,
which enhances their creativity and critical thinking skills.
Secondly, picture books provide an opportunity for children to explore different genres,
styles, and perspectives. Reading diverse picture books can expose children to new ideas and
experiences that can broaden their understanding of the world. On the other hand, television
programs tend to be limited in their scope and are often designed for entertainment purposes
Thirdly, reading picture books allows children to develop their language skills, including
vocabulary, grammar, and syntax. When children read picture books, they are exposed to
different sentence structures, storytelling techniques, and literary devices. This exposure can
help children to become better readers and writers in the long run.

In contrast, watching TV may not necessarily have the same effect on children's language
development. Television programs are often designed to capture the viewer's attention
quickly, and the dialogue tends to be more straightforward and simplified. As a result,
children may not be exposed to complex language structures and may not develop their
language skills as effectively as they would by reading picture books. Furthermore, some
television programs may not be suitable for young children and may contain inappropriate
content. In contrast, picture books are carefully curated and designed to be age-appropriate,
ensuring that children are exposed to content that is suitable for their age and developmental

In conclusion, while some may argue that watching TV promotes children's imagination
more than reading picture books, I believe that reading picture books is a more effective way
to enhance children's creativity, critical thinking skills, and language development. Picture
books provide a more interactive and engaging experience that allows children to create their
own mental images of the story, explore different genres and perspectives, and develop their
language skills.

Overweight people = obesity => introduce more physical education lessons in

the school curriculum (tăng thời gian học giáo dục thể chất)
In today’s modern life, it is thought by many people that the best way to deal with this
problem is to introduce more physical education lessons in the school curriculum. There are
numerous reasons why I strongly disagree with this opinion, and I would in here explain a
few of the most important ones. Discussed in the essay below will look at some main
reasons as well as any relevant examples for my choice.

The most important reason why I disagree with this is that overweight people should have a
healthy diet. It is very important for them. To show an example, they should not eat food
that is not good for their health such as fast food, soft drink, milk tea, snacks, cakes, and so
on. That is because these foods contain a lot of fat, cholesterol, oil, sugar, and salt. It makes
them overweight. They only should eat vegetables, and fruits, and drink a lot of water every
day. It is very effective for obese people because it helps them lose weight. A good diet will
bring more benefits than physical education in school.
Another reason that can be seen by everyone is that obesity is not just excess weight, it has
become a dangerous disease. Therefore, they should special treatment from doctors. They
should meet doctors to have useful advice and know effective ways to lose weight. Besides,
time to learn physical education in school is not enough to improve their problems. It is
only suitable for stay people’s health and consumes excess energy. It is not necessary for
Although I can not deny that there are some reasons why some people agree with the
above point of view because each person will have a different view and life experience. To
show an example, some people think that it is suitable because they believe it can bring
many benefits and it is necessary to do it.
To sum up, from what has been discussed above, I can safely draw the conclusion that I
disagree with that absolutely.

Arts (môn mỹ thuật) is a waste of time, children should focus on Maths and
language instead? Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Sample 1
In today’s modern life, it is thought by many people that Art is a waste of time, and children
should focus on maths and languages instead. There are numerous reasons why I strongly
disagree with this opinion, and I would in here explain a few of the most important ones.
Discussed in the essay below will look at some main reasons as well as any relevant
examples for my choice.
The most important reason why I disagree with this is that Art helps children to relax and
reduce stress after stressful subjects such as math, chemistry, physics, languages, and other
subjects. They can learn music and drawing. It is very interesting and comfortable. That is
because they do not need to learn by heart a lot of content in lessons. They can sing a lot of
songs and draw many pictures that they like. The colors of the picture and melody as well
as lyrics will make them happier. It is very useful for them.
Another reason that can be seen by everyone is that Art is a great way for Children to can
develop their creations and imaginations. It means that when they learn music and
drawing, they need to imagine a lot of things in their head to can draw a beautiful picture.
Besides, each person will have a talent or will be good in a field. A child can also become a
musical genius or famous artist. Adults should not stop artistic talent and dream of

Although I can not deny that there are some reasons why some people agree with the
above point of view because each person will have a different view and life experience. To
show an example, some people think that it is suitable because they believe it does not
bring too many benefits and it is unnecessary to do it.
To sum up, from what has been discussed above, I can safely draw the conclusion that I
agree with that absolutely.

Sample 2
Bài viết 2
In recent years, the Arts has become a widespread issue for the general public. People
hold different opinions about children nowadays who study Arts less at schools. Some argue
that the Arts is important in our life. Others, however, assert that children need to learn Maths,
English, they do not need to study Arts. In my opinion, children should definitely learn art
because they can develop creativity and learn to express themselves in their art work but it
should not be taught to the detriment of other subjects.
In the first place, it is clear that there are many reasons for the first view, which is Arts
is important in our life. To be more detailed, firstly, the Arts is an essential subject which
children, especially young children, should learn in order to help promote their creativity and
imagination. Without the development of imagination and creative thinking, children will
struggle to grow into dynamic, individual thinkers when they reach adulthood. Furthermore,
some children are particularly gifted in their creative abilities and studying art can help them
nurture their talents.
Another important advantage for children when practicing art is that it provides a
medium through which they can express their emotions and feelings. In other words, young
children are not able to put their ideas into language and thus communicate directly. Therefore,
by using art, children are capable of conveying meaning through pictures and symbols. For
this reason, many psychologists often study the art work of children to gain an insight into
what they think and feel.
On the other hand, we can see that children need to learn Math, English, and the others.
To make this view much clearer, I think regardless of how useful the study of art is for children,
this should not result in more focus being placed on art rather than other subjects. Children
need to have a balance of all subjects so as to facilitate a healthy development both mentally
and physicially. Thus, ensuring that there is a healthy balance of Arts, Maths, English and
physical education in the school subjects is essential.
In conclusion, I think that the Arts is the place where that contains the potential spiritual
and material strength of people in realizing their dreams and ideals; it expands the soul's ability
to feel and enjoy. While the Arts certainly helps a child develop creativity as well as express
their thoughts, it should be taught equally alongside all other subjects. A school curriculum
should offer a balance of subjects. I hope everyone will promote this artistic value and
contribute to preserving the national cultural identity for a better life.
Physical education should be taught as a compulsory subject in primary school

Sample 1
In today’s modern life, it is thought by many people that physical education should be
taught as a compulsory subject at primary school. There are numerous reasons why I
strongly agree with this opinion, and I would in here explain a few of the most important
ones. Discussed in the essay below will look at some main reasons as well as any relevant
examples for my choice.
The most important reason why I agree with this is that physical education is very good for
children’s health. That is because when children take part in physical education, they can
move and run more. It helps them develop their height and consumes excess energy. To
show an example, children can learn some physical subjects in their school such as
swimming, running, playing sports, doing exercise, and other subjects. Besides, it can also
help them relax and reduce stress after stressful subjects. It is very useful for children.
Another reason that can be seen by everyone is that it helps children improve social
interaction. It means that when children take part in physical activities, they can meet many
people, talk with their friends, and make many new friends. Besides, physical education
also helps children spend time joining good activities and avoid unhealthy activities such as
playing games, watching films, reading comics, and so on.
Although I can not deny that there are some reasons why some people disagree with the
above point of view because each person will have a different view and life experience. To
show an example, some people think that it is not suitable because they believe it does not
bring too many benefits and it is unnecessary to do it.
To sum up, from what has been discussed above, I can safely draw the conclusion that I
agree with that absolutely.

Sample 2

In today’s world, physical education programs have been a common component of school
curriculums for many years. These programs are designed to promote physical fitness, improve
health outcomes, and develop critical thinkings among students. Nowadays, students are obese
because they have consumed too much fast food and focus on playing games. Some people
suggest that the duration of physical education should be increased in schools to address this
problem. However, others disagree and argue that physical education is not effective or
necessary for students. In my opinion, I partly agree with this idea. Discussed belows are
several reasons in favor of my perspective.
First and foremost, people should recognize that ever-increasing the time of studying physical
education has a numerous benefits. A very important point to consider is that it can improve
students’ physical health. It means that gym class can help students develop their fitness,
flexibility, strength, balance, posture (tư thế), and joint (khớp) health. These physical skills
can prevent or reduce obesity, hypertension(tăng huyết áp), diabetes, and other chronic (mãn
tính) diseases. In addition, it can enhance students’ mental health. Physical education can help
students relax, relieve stress, enhance mood, and increase self-confidence. These mental
benefits can improve students’ well-being, happiness, and self-esteem. Furthermore, gym
classes can help learners develop important life skills, such as teamwork, leadership, and

communication. Physical activities require students to work together towards a common goal,
which can help develop social skills that can be applied outside the classroom.
On the other hand, there are several arguments against the statement that increasing the period
of gym class is unnecessary. In fact, people have this opinion because it can take away time
and resources from other subjects or activities that may be more crucial or relevant for
students’ education and future. Gymnastic education can require more teachers, equipment,
facilities, and funding that may not be available or affordable for some schools. Physical
education can also reduce the time allocated (phân bổ) for academic subjects, such as math,
science, or language arts (ngữ văn), that may have more impact on students’ learning
performances and career opportunities.
In summary, the above mentioned facts have created a dilemma when people evaluate the
impact of this issue, and it is still a controversial problem. As fas as I am concerned, it could
have both positive and negative impacts. People should have further consideration on this

To improve English teaching quality, we only need native teachers. Do you

agree or disagree with this opinion?
In today’s modern life, it is thought by many people that to improve English teaching
quality, we only need native teachers. There are numerous reasons why I strongly disagree
with this opinion, and I would in here explain a few of the most important ones. Discussed in
the essay below will look at some main reasons as well as any relevant examples for my
The most important reason why I disagree with this is instead of choosing a native teacher,
we can need a lot of things to improve English teaching quality. It means that the
experience teaching of teachers is the most important. That is because when a teacher
works for many years, they have a lot o experience teaching, so they will know ways how to
help their students understand lessons more, especially, students with bad results. On the
other hand, a teacher with low experience teaching will feel difficult to deal with problems
in the classroom.
Another reason that can be seen by everyone is Differences in culture, as well as mother
tongue, make learning English more difficult. Take my brother as an example, he does not
like to learn English with nature teachers because they do not know speak Vietnamese or
they speak very hard to hear. He can not understand lessons because his English listening
skill is not good. There are not many native teachers who can speak Vietnamese well. It is
not suitable for students with poor English. Besides, modern equipment, effective material,
and the efforts of students are factors to improve English teaching quality. If students do
not try to learn English, nature teachers also can not help them.
Although I can not deny that there are some reasons why some people agree with the
above point of view because each person will have a different view and life experience. To
show an example, some people think that it is suitable because they believe it can bring
many benefits and it is necessary to do it.

To sum up, from what has been discussed above, I can safely draw the conclusion that I
disagree with that absolutely.

Some people think that learning only takes place in a particular place and at a
particular period of time. Others argue that learning should be a continuous process
rather than a stage in a person’s life. That is the reason why many people believe that it
is never too late to learn. Do you agree or disagree with these opinions?

Sample 1

In today’s modern life, it is thought by many people that it is never too late to learn. There
are numerous reasons why I strongly agree with this opinion, and I would in here explain a
few of the most important ones. Discussed in the essay below will look at some main
reasons as well as any relevant examples for my choice.
The most important reason why I agree with this is that with each person, knowledge is
unlimited. It means that there are a lot of various fields in the world. To show an example,
we have to learn science, math, chemistry, geography, literature, and even life field like
cooking, raising children, managing money, culture, travel, and so on. Besides, we can not
only knowledge in our country but also in many places of the world. Therefore, we can not
learn all in a short time, we can learn for a long time. It is a long process and needs effort.
We can learn in many different ways and learn anywhen we have free time.
Another reason that can be seen by everyone is that besides the knowledge existing in the
present (available knowledge), every day, science and technology same develop. It leads to
there are a lot of new things and new inventions will appear. That is because we have to
learn every day. It helps us can keep up with the modern world. We will know a lot of new
things about our country and the world. It is very necessary and useful. On the other hand,
learning is necessary for any age. Each person needs to learn and improve their knowledge
to can bring benefits to society.
Although I can not deny that there are some reasons why some people disagree with the
above point of view because each person will have a different view and life experience. To
show an example, some people think that It is not suitable because they believe it does not
bring too many benefits and it is unnecessary to do it.
To sum up, from what has been discussed above, I can safely draw the conclusion that I
agree with that absolutely.

Sample 2
Study is an essential activity for personal and professional development. However, there are
different opinions on how and when to study effectively. Some people believe that study is a
continuous process that requires constant learning and updating of knowledge and skills.
Others think that study is in a particular time and in a period of time, such as during school or
college years, or before an exam or a project. In this essay, I will argue that study is a
continuous process that has many benefits for individuals and society.
One reason why study is a continuous process is that it helps people to adapt to the changing
world and stay competitive in the global marketplace. According to Valamis, a learning
solutions company, "Staying competitive in today’s global marketplace means that
organizations need to be innovative, adaptive, and ever-changing. Achieving this depends on
the skill and knowledge of the workforce."2 Therefore, continuous learning is important for
organizations and employees to keep up with the latest trends, technologies, and opportunities
in their fields. Continuous learning also enables people to discover new interests, passions,
and potentials that can enrich their lives and careers.
Another reason why study is a continuous process is that it enhances cognitive health and well-
being. Research has shown that learning new skills and knowledge can improve memory,
creativity, problem-solving, and mental flexibility. For example, a longitudinal study by
Yurkofsky et al. (2020) found that "engaging in iteration, which involves a cyclical process of
action, assessment, reflection, and adjustment" can help learners to cope with complexity and
ambiguity in educational settings.1 Moreover, continuous learning can also increase self-
confidence, self-esteem, and happiness by providing a sense of achievement, purpose, and
In conclusion, I have argued that study is a continuous process that has many benefits for
individuals and society. Continuous learning can help people to adapt to the changing world,
stay competitive in the global marketplace, discover new interests and potentials, and enhance
cognitive health and well-being. Therefore, I suggest that people should embrace continuous
learning as a lifelong habit and seek opportunities to learn new things every day. I also
recommend that educators and policymakers should support continuous learning by providing
flexible, accessible, and relevant learning resources and environments for learners of all ages.

Some people think that mobile phones should be banned in elementary

schools. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Phones are ubiquitous devices that have many functions and uses, such as communication,
entertainment, education, and safety. However, there is an opinion that phones should be
banned in elementary schools, meaning that students should not be allowed to bring or use
their phones during school hours. In this essay, I will agree with this opinion and explain why
phones should be banned in elementary schools.
One reason why phones should be banned in elementary schools is that they can distract
students from learning and disrupt the classroom environment. Phones can tempt students to
check messages, play games, watch videos, or browse social media instead of paying attention
to the teacher or the lesson. Phones can also cause noise, interruptions, or conflicts when they
ring, vibrate, or are used by students without permission. suggesting that banning phones can
improve students’ academic outcomes.
Another reason why phones should be banned in elementary schools is that they can expose
students to inappropriate or harmful content and behaviors, such as cyberbullying, sexting, or
online predators. Phones can give students access to the internet, which can contain violent,
sexual, or offensive material that is not suitable for their age or development. Phones can also
enable students to send or receive messages, photos, or videos that are mean, threatening, or

explicit, which can affect their mental health and well-being which can have negative
consequences for their self-esteem, confidence, and happiness.
In conclusion, I have agreed with the opinion that phones should be banned in elementary
schools. I have explained that phones can distract students from learning and disrupt the
classroom environment; and that phones can expose students to inappropriate or harmful
content and behaviors. Therefore, I suggest that elementary schools should enforce a strict
policy of banning phones from the premises or requiring them to be turned off and stored away
during school hours. I also recommend that parents and teachers should educate students about
the responsible and safe use of phones and the internet outside of school.

Buses should be chosen as the main transportation because it is the cheapest

and buses travel will be safer than using private cars. What are your views?
In today’s modern life, it is thought by many people that Buses should be chosen as the main
transportation because it is the cheapest and buses travel will be safer than using private cars.
There are numerous reasons why I strongly agree with this opinion, and I would in here
explain a few of the most important ones. Discussed in the essay below will look at some
main reasons as well as any relevant examples for my choice.
The most important reason why I agree with this is that buses are the cheapest transport
that I used to go. That is because the cost of ticket buses is very cheap. To show an
example, with 20 kilometers, If we choose to travel by bus, we just take a lot of 10
thousand Vietnam dongs. It is cheaper than other transport such as motorbikes, cars,
flights, trains, taxis, and so on. It helps us save a lot of money when we go to school or go to
work by bus. It is very suitable for students or low-income people.
Another reason that can be seen by everyone is that using buses will safer than private t. It
means that buses driver are very careful when they drive buses. Because they know, the
safety of passengers will depend on them. Besides, they have been driving for many years,
so they have a lot of experience to avoid dangerous situations. On the other hand, buses
are very big and often bring many people so buses will move slower than other transport. It
helps to reduce traffic jams on the road. It is very useful and necessary.
Although I can not deny that there are some reasons why some people disagree with the
above point of view because each person will have a different view and life experience. To
show an example, some people think that It is not suitable because they believe it does not
bring too many benefits and it is unnecessary to do it.
To sum up, from what has been discussed above, I can safely draw the conclusion that I
agree with that absolutely.
Further/higher education is necessary for university students
In today’s modern life, it is thought by many people that Further/higher education is
necessary for university students. There are numerous reasons why I strongly agree/disagree
with this opinion, and I would in here explain a few of the most important ones. Discussed in
the essay below will look at some main reasons as well as any relevant examples for my
The most important reason why I agree with this is Students get a good job after they
graduate from higher university education. That is because, nowadays, in many places,
especially, big cities, almost good jobs need a higher University education degree. Therefore,
students who graduate from higher university education will apply for a job easily. Besides,
they will get a higher salary and have the opportunity to promote their career. It is very
necessary and useful for students.
Another reason that can also be seen by everyone is that we have more deep knowledge of
their major. That is because they have 4 to 6 years to learn at University and add 2 years to
learn higher. It is a long process to student widen their knowledge and learn various skills
such as communication skills, English skills, managing time skills, reducing stress skills, life
skills, and so on. Besides, they can meet many people and can learn best teachers in higher
university education. They will widen more relationships and learn many life experiences
from other people. Even, they can study abroad if they give the opportunity. They will grow
and become a better version of themselves in the future. It helps students widen their deep
knowledge about their major. It is very good for jobs of their in the future.
Although I can not deny that there are some reasons why some people disagree with the
above point of view because each person will have a different view and life experience. To
show an example, some people think that it is not suitable/suitable because they believe it
does not bring too many benefits and it is unnecessary to do it.
To sum up, from what has been discussed above, I can safely draw the conclusion that I
agree with that absolutely.
Extracurricular activities should be included in the teaching program at high
school (chủ đề unpaid community service)
Sample 1
In today’s modern life, it is thought by many people that Extracurricularlar activities should
be included in the teaching program at high school. There are numerous reasons why I
strongly agree with this opinion, and I would in here explain a few of the most important
ones. Discussed in the essay below will look at some main reasons as well as any relevant
examples for my choice.
The most important reason why I agree with this is that it helps students improve their
social skills. That is because when students take part in extracurricular activities, they can
meet many people and make a lot of new friends. They can take part in activities and talk
with new friends. So, they can widen their relationships and learn many things from many
people. It is very useful.
Another reason that can be seen by everyone is that it is a good solution for students to
stay heathy. To show an example, there are many extracurricular activities such as
swimming, football, volleyball, basketball, and so on. It helps them spend time joining good
activities and avoid unhealthy activities. For example, they will not have time to play games,
read comics, and watch films. It is a great way to prevent some serious diseases, especially,
obesity. Besides, It also helps students relax and reduce after school. It is very useful.
Although I can not deny that there are some reasons why some people disagree with the
above point of view because each person will have a different view and life experience. To
show an example, some people think that it is not suitable because they believe it does not
bring too many benefits and it is unnecessary to do it.
To sum up, from what has been discussed above, I can safely draw the conclusion that I
agree with that absolutely.

Sample 2
Community service is a voluntary activity that involves helping the local community, such as
working for charity, improving the neighborhood, or teaching sports to younger children. In
many countries, young people are encouraged to take part in unpaid community service in
their free time to help the local community. It is widely believed that this would benefit both
individual teenagers and society as well. In this essay, I will agree with this opinion and explain
why community service is beneficial for young people and society.
One reason why community service is beneficial for young people is that it can help them
develop various skills and qualities that are useful for their personal and professional growth.
For instance, community service can teach young people how to communicate, cooperate, and
lead effectively with different people and groups. Community service can also foster young
people’s creativity, initiative sáng kiến, and problem-solving abilities by exposing them to
various challenges and needs in the community. Moreover, community service can also
enhance young people’s self-esteem, confidence, and responsibility by giving them a sense of
purpose, achievement, and contribution.
Another reason why community service is beneficial for society is that it can address various
social and environmental issues that affect the quality of life of the community. For example,
community service can help reduce poverty, hunger, homelessness, illiteracy, violence, or
pollution by providing direct assistance, awareness, or advocacy biện hộ to those in need.
Community service can also promote social cohesion sự gắn kết, diversity, and inclusion hòa
nhập by bringing together people from different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives to
work towards a common goal.
In conclusion, I have agreed with the opinion that young people should take part in unpaid
community service in their free time. I have explained that community service can help
young people develop various skills and qualities that are useful for their personal and
professional growth; and that community service can address various social and
environmental issues that affect the quality of life of the community. Therefore, I suggest
that young people should be encouraged and supported to participate in community service
by their parents, teachers, peers, and organizations. I also recommend that more research
should be done on the impact and outcomes of community service for young people and

Nowadays many families can earn enough money to have a house helper. Therefore,
some people believe that children especially girls do not need learn how to cook or do
housework. Others think that children should be required to help with household tasks
as soon as they are able to do so. Do you agree or disagree?

Whether children should share housework with their parents or not is a controversial topic.
Some people suppose that children do not need to deal with household tasks. However, I
believe that children should be forced to involve in these tasks because of some reasons as

To begin with, doing housework allows children to play their role in the family. It is obvious
that every family member needs to perform their own duty. For instance, when doing some
tasks such as cleaning the house and washing dishes, they can take pride in completing
something and being part of their family. In addition, they become more responsible at an
early age, which is beneficial to their future life. When they grow up, they will learn how to
take responsibility for every task they do.

In the second place, children are equipped with essential skills to make a good preparation
for their future life. To illustrate, they have chances to learn how to take good care of
themselves and their family by preparing meals and cleaning the house, which makes them
become more mature and independent. These skills are advantageous for their adult life
when they leave home to live on their own or have their own family. Additionally, taking
part in doing household chores with family members enhances children’s interpersonal skills
such as communication skills and teamwork skills.

Last but not least, children assisting their parents in doing household chores creates a happier
family. Apparently, most parents have to face a lot of pressure and exhaustion after a hard-
working day; as a result; they will stay in a good mood if children complete some household
tasks to ease their burden. Furthermore, sharing housework enables parents and children to
enjoy great life moments together as well as save time to spend on doing other relaxing

In conclusion, doing housework has numerous positive impacts on children and their family.
It is advisable that parents assign children to do tasks which are appropriate for their age and
ability and give them instructions for these tasks.

Some people think that learning only takes place in a particular place and at a particular
period of time. Others argue that learning should be a continuous process rather than a
stage in a person’s life. That is the reason why many people believe that it is never too
late to learn. Do you agree or disagree with these opinions?

1. learning at school
2. learning at working environment
3. the more the world develops the more learning compulses to adapt

When the question of learning comes into view, different opinions are heard. Some people
suppose that learning only happens in a specific place and at a distinct time period. Others,
however assert that learning is an incessant process rather than a stage in the life of a person.
That is an explanation for people to never be too late to learn. I find the second view much
better for the following reasons.
The first reason is that children have plans to learn at school. They come to school to get
basic knowledge in calculators, language, music, arts, and so on for primary school. Nextly,
at the junior high school and high school, students broaden their awareness based on their
knowledge at primary school. After finishing the program at high school, students can choose
a job for them or get higher plans at university to get a good job in the future. Even Though,
they study for a master 's degree and more to enlarge their expertise.
The second reason is that the employers enhance their skills in the working environment.
Employees take their comprehens to apply for the job. After having a position at work, they
need to learn more to adapt and improve their skills in the field which they are chasing. For
instance, in the tourism industry, employers are not only required to speak an excellent
language like English, but also another language which the hotel welcomes the most of guests
from that country such as Chinese or Korean.
The last but not least reason is that learning is continuous to adapt in modern life. The more
the world develops, the more learning is to fit to the change continuously of 5.0 revolution.
For example, in the past, people learned how to use a telephone with a wire, nowaday, they
study how to use a smartphone. The fact that most people know how to use a smartphone
In conclusion, I strongly believe that learning is a non-stop activity in a whole life because
of the advantages which learning brings for people. It is advisable that we learn and learn more
to not be out of date in the continuous development of the world.

English is not only the global language but the good command of English is a good way
to get information from international sources. Do you agree or disagree with this idea?

In recent years, an increasing number of people have been concerned about English. Some
people believe that English is both the international language and the good command of
English is a great way to collect information from international courses. I totally agree with
this opinion. Discussions below are severl reasons supporting my perspective.

The first reason is that English is one of the most popular languages in the world. People see
English being used almost everywhere such as on the food menus, books, banners,
technological appliances, medicine. If we are going to read documents of something that has
just been mentioned, we will probably have to read them in English. However, being fluent
in English is essential when traveling abroad because nearly all people are able to speak
English. We can not know all the languages of the countries we have or are going to come.
Hence, English is helpful a lot.

Secondly, there are huge information sources in English. Many famous foreign books about
technology, science, and economy are translated into English rather than other languages.
And most of the content on the Internet is in English as well.

Finally, English will open up better job opportunities for you. The fact is that being able to
communicate with foreign clients or business partners in s English helps you climb the
career ladder.

In conclusion, from my point of view, understanding English is vitally necessary these days.
I believe that English is a good tool to broaden and light up people’s outlook on the world.

The Internet is a good way of collecting information. Do you agree or disagree?

1. advantages:
• It contains a variety of information
• It is convenient and fast.
• It save time and money
2. Disadvantages:
• unofficial sites
• Negative issues by the internet: online cheating, scam money online

In recent years, an increasing number of people have been concerned about the Internet. It is
said that the Internet is a useful method to get information. I suppose that there are both
positive and negative sides to this. Discussions below are several reasons supporting my
Collecting the information on the Internet has many advantages. Firstly, the Internet has a
variety of information. It contains not only education material such as books, essays, lesson
plans, learning methods but also entertainment data like sports, music, beauty, and so on. For
example, if you want to look for an expert technique in learning English, you search it on the
internet and a list of materials given for you to get. Secondly, getting information on the
Internet is fast and convenient. By a device which is connected to Wifi, you can get data in
any field which you are finding. Thirdly, gathering data on the Internet saves time and money
compared with getting data in a traditional way like a book, newspaper. For instance, you
would not need to take vehicles to the library to read a lot of books and materials to get
information or go to the bookstore to buy newspapers to get the News. Instead of that you can
search on the Internet, you can know News in the world even the latest News just happened in
hours before.
On the other hand, there are some disadvantages in getting information on the internet. The
first one is that it contains unofficial sites. There are some websites that post untrue
information, or deformed content. For instance, some websites deform governmental policies
or give comments untruthfully about sensitive topics. The second place is the negative issues
caused by using the Internet such as scamming money and private information online. For
example, by getting information from some websites, they ask you to create a user. They cheat
to get your private information to take a loan from the bank or they can take your money from
the bank. Another case, they ask you to supply money to buy the information which you are
searching for. In fact, it was not useful when taking much money to buy it.
In conclusion, although using the internet to collect information makes life easier, they bring
some drawbacks to users. In my opinion, the pros far outweigh their cons. The users should
consider getting information from the internet.

Topic: Some people argue that video games are ruining our kids’ life. Others believe
that they are providing good opportunities for children to grow and advance. To what
extent do you agree or disagree with the opinions?

Nowadays playing video games is becoming a serious problem among teenagers/children.

Some people argue that video games are ruining/damaging our kid’s life. Others believe that
they are providing good opportunities for children to grow and advance. I agree with the idea
that video games are ruining our kid’s life.

Firstly, spending too much time on video games can pose a huge threat to children’s health.
When they spend long hours playing games, their eyes will be forced to work continuously,
causing them to get tired and overloaded. As a result, their eyesight can be gradually

Secondly, they tend to lack interest in participating in outdoor activities, less exercising and
having an unbalanced diet. Some gamers are so addicted that they have no time for taking
part in outdoor activities and meeting friends. No longer going camping together or talking
with each other for hours, what they bear in mind now is how to reach the next levels.

Thirdly, video games have influence on the nervous system, make the mind become fuzzy,
confused between the real world and the virtual. A lot of people thus lose the ability to
control themselves, become violent, fight as if they are in the game to prove themselves
talent. Moreover, Playing games also costs a lot of time and money, some parents do not
give their children money to play games. As a result, they arise the habit of stealing, which is
very bad.

In short, I strongly believe that video games are running our kid’s life.We should therefore
make the alarm bell, point out to young people the right perception of video games.

Topic: Some people argue that video games are ruining our kids’ life. Others believe
that they are providing good opportunities for children to grow and advance. To what
extent do you agree or disagree with the opinions?

In recent years, playing video games is becoming a serious problem among

teenagers/children. Some people argue that video games are ruining/damaging our kid’s life.
Others believe that they are providing good opportunities for children to grow and advance. I
totally agree with the opinion that video games are ruining our kid’s life.

Firstly, playing computer games too much can extremely harm children’s health. Playing
computer games has negative effects on their eyes and back as they have to sit at the table
for a long time and concentrate on the screen.

Secondly, they tend to lack interest in participating in outdoor activities. Some children even
skip their meals just because they do not want to stop the games or they just have something
quickly. As a result, many children become overweight and their eyes are shortsighted. Some
even have problems with their stomach.

Thirdly, concerns have been raised about the prolific use of computer games by children,
much of this related to the violence they contain. The problem is that in many of the games
children are rewarded for being more violent, and this violence is repeated again and
again. For instance, many games involve children helping their character to kill, kick, stab
and shoot. This may lead to increased aggressive feelings, thoughts, and behaviors.
Moreover, Playing games also costs a lot of time and money, some parents do not give
their children money to play games. As a result, they develop the habit of stealing, which
is very bad.

In short, I strongly believe that video games are running our kid’s life.We should therefore
make the alarm bell, point out to young people the right perception of video games.

Recently, the role of men and women in the family has changed. Men tend to spend more time
taking care of their family. Women go to work and pursue their careers. Is it a positive or
negative development? Give your opinion.

In recent years, there have been some changes in the role of men and women in the family. Men spend
more time on family work. Women care about social work and their career. However, whether
changing about the role of men and women in the family is positive development or not is a
controversial issue. In my opinion I totally agree with the idea that it is a positive trend. Discussions
below are several reasons supporting my point of view.

Firstly, this is a trend which fits for the development and progression of humans. Women learn and
get a high level of academics, a lot of women are doctors, engineers, scientists or politicians. There
are some women who are Prime Minister and governors. In contrast, a lot of men are responsible for
taking care of the children, doing housework, preparing the meal,... and they do their work very well,
they certainly share the housework with their wifes.

Secondly, the husband and the wife will have a better relationship. If the men care about family work
and the women go to work, they will understand and share with each other easily. The husband will
do house work and take care of the children with his wife, they will cook and have the meal together,
so their life is lovely and sweeter. Besides, when the wife goes to work, knows clearly the difficulty
and hard of work then she understands her husband and she will love her man more.

In short, I strongly believe that changing the role of men and women in the family is a positive
development. We should therefore support that trend.

Some people think that teachers are essential to the learning process. Others argue that students
at schools and universities learn far more from other sources such as the Internet and TV than
from lessons with teachers. What are your views on this? Giáo viên cần thiết cho việc học; ngoài
ra học sinh còn học từ nguồn khác nữa: TV, Internet. Quan điểm của bạn là gì?

In recent years, there are new views about education methods. Although some people still think that
the role of teachers is important, others mention that studying by other sources is better than teacher's
lectures. In my opinion, the role of teachers is always the most important to the learning process. In
addition, the other sources are the role which support the teachers and students in the learning process.
Discussions below are several reasons supporting my own view.

Firstly, teachers are the most important in the schools universities because they directly give
knowledge to students. The teacher is very necessary because the teacher is the one who inspires the
students. They encourage students to learn, research or work in groups. Teachers are the mirrors and
the live lessons for students seeing and following. Besides, the teacher is the person who assesses the
student's learning results through tests and exams. That result determines whether the student can

Secondly, the other sources are the role which support the teachers and students in the learning
process. In recent years, information technology is developing fast. If you have a computer connected
to the Internet or smartphone you will access a huge data source with many kinds of information. You
can find more reference documents which help your lessons in the class. The information on TV or
other sources has the role as the Internet. Besides, the Internet also helps teachers and students
organize online classes, it is very useful when covid-19 disease is booming.

In short, I strongly believe that teachers are essential to the learning process and the other sources are
the role which support the teachers and students in the learning process.


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