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Giới thiệu chung

- Phần 1 của kỹ năng viết VSTEP yêu cầu viết tương tác, viết 1 lá thư/thư điện tử có độ
dài ít nhất khoảng 120 từ (B1 nên viết khoảng 150 từ)
- Thời gian: 20 phút
- Bài viết thư chiếm 1/3 tổng số điểm bài thi viết (chấm theo thang điểm 10)
Phân loại các dạng viết thư
- Chia theo đối tượng người nhận thì có 2 loại thư trang trọng (Formal Letters) Viết
thư có lời nhận xét Feedback về nhà hàng; dịch vụ xe bus; trung tâm thể thao;
nhận xét về khóa học; Viết thư cho giáo viên giới thiệu về triển lãm lịch sử
(Historical exhibition);
và thư thân mật (Informal Letters) An English speaking friend
- Chia theo mục đích viết thư thì có nhiều loại thư:
1. Thank you letters (thư cảm ơn)
2. Advice letters (thư khuyên nhủ)
3. Request letters (thư yêu cầu)
4. Application letters (thư xin việc)
5. Complaint letters (thư phàn nàn)
6. Invitation letters (thư mời)
7. Apology letters (thư xin lỗi)
I. Bố cục 1 lá thư
Cấu trúc viết:
1. Lời chào: Dear + tên riêng, (viết cho ai thì phải dear người đó, nếu đề bài ghi rõ
yêu cầu là viết cho ai thì phải Dear người đó, nếu đề bài ko nêu rõ, chỉ nói chung
chung hãy viết thư cho 1 người bạn nước ngoài thì tên nào cũng được)
Ví dụ: Dear Mary, Dear + Mr. Smith, / Dear Ms. Smith,
Dear Sir/ Dear Madam, (nếu ko biết rõ tên người nhận)
2. Đoạn mở bài: xin lỗi vì ko viết thư sớm hoặc hỏi han tình hình sức khoẻ, rất vui
vì nhận được thư của cậu.
3. Thân bài: viết 1 hoặc 2,3 đoạn thân bài nêu ý chính đề bài yêu cầu, trả lời các
câu hỏi đề bài yêu cầu

4. Kết bài: Nêu lý do dừng bút và hy vọng được gặp lại bạn sớm hoặc nhắn bạn viết
lại cho mình.
5. Kết thúc: Sử dụng các cụm từ thân mật như Love, All the best, Best Wishes, Best
Regards, (Ký tên: ko được viết tên mình vì thế là đánh dấu bài, chỉ viết tên tiếng
Best Regards,
Mẫu viết thư
(Dùng được cho cả thân mật và trang trọng)


I was so delighted when receiving your letter and know that you are doing well. I am sorry I
haven’t written to you for so long because I have been really busy with my work/with my

Firstly, in your letter, you asked me about + Danh từ…….. , …(câu trả lời)……

Secondly, as your question about + danh từ……, I must say that ……

Next, related to your question about + danh từ……., I think that………

Finally, coming to the last question about + danh từ....., I suppose that………

Do not hesitate to write to me if you want further information. I am looking forward to

hearing from you.
Best Regards, (trân trọng)
Ký tên nước ngoài

Lưu ý: To be honest, I think that you should + Verb (nguyên thể)………..(chỉ dùng đưa
ra lời khuyên)

Một số lưu ý khi làm bài:

- Trước khi viết dành 3-5 phút đọc kỹ đề bài, xác định xem thư thuộc loại nào,
trang trọng hay thân mật, mục đích viết thư để làm gì (cảm ơn, cung cấp thông
tin, yêu cầu, ….) Xác định câu hỏi trong đề bài/ yêu cầu của đề bài để biết những
ý chính cần trả lời. Vạch ra dàn ý để bài viết bố cục rõ ràng và đủ ý.
- Trong khi viết dựa vào dàn ý để viết thành 1 lá thư hoàn chỉnh, lưu ý chia đoạn,
sử dụng từ nối liên kết ý (Firstly, Secondly, Finally)
- Trình độ B2: viết câu phức, sử dụng nhiều từ vựng hay
- Sau khi viết thì nên dành 1 chút thời gian đọc lại kiểm tra các lỗi về chính tả và
ngữ pháp nếu có.

Ví dụ 1: Thư thân mật

Topic: This is part of the letter you received from your English speaking friend.
“I am planning to visit you in September with my parents. Can you suggest some
activities in your area? What kinds of clothes should I pack?”.
Write a letter to your friend answer his questions.
Lập dàn ý (trước khi viết, dành 3-5 phút đọc kỹ đề bài, phân tích đề bài và lên dàn ý)
- Thư thuộc thể loại thân mật, viết cho 1 người bạn với mục đích cung cấp thông
tin về chuyến đi đến quê mình.
- Các ý sẽ viết trong lá thư:
1. Some activities
- spend time at the beach
- visit the city, the old town
- attend the music festival
2. Kinds of clothes (loại quần áo phụ thuộc vào thời tiết, thời tiết nào quần áo đó)
- light summer dresses, skirts, trousers, sweater or a jacket for the evenings
- swimming costumes
- Ngôn ngữ dùng: đưa ra lời khuyên: should, you will be fine

Bài viết:
Dear Tom,
I am sorry for not writing to you for so long because I have been really busy recently for
my exams. It was great to get your letter and hear all your news, especially the part about
you and your parents coming to visit me in September.

Firstly, I will suggest some activities you can do in my city. The weather is still fairly warm
then so we should be able to spend quite a bit of time at the beach. I think your parents will

really enjoy the city, particularly the old town. The music festival will be on then so we shall
take full advantage of that as well.

Next, you asked what clothes you should bring, you will be fine with light summer dresses,
skirts and trousers and a sweater or jacket for the evenings, which can be rather cool. Don’t
forget to pack your swimming costumes! It will still be warm enough to swim.

I’d better go and get on with my exam preparation. I hope your exams go well too and that
you have a lovely summer. I am really looking forward to seeing you in September.

All the best,


Ví dụ 2: Thư trang trọng

Question: This is part of an email you received from your university.
“Dear all students,
We are doing a survey on the Business course and would like to receive your feedback
on the course you have attended. Would you be so kind to give us your comments on
the following aspects:
- Course organization
- Course delivery (teaching)
- Materials and equipment”
Write an email responding to Mr. Jones. You should write at least 120 words. You do
not need to include your name or addresses. Your response will be evaluated in terms
of Task Fulfilment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.
1. Positive feedback (khen)
- really good
- organization: clear
- teaching: good (a lot of activities)

2. Negative feedback (chê)
- Easy at the beginning
- too much workload: assignments, essays
- materials: not enough copies of key texts
3. Recommendations (đề xuất)
- balanced work
- enough copies
Sample: Template 3
Dear Mr. Jones,
I am writing this email in response to your request for my feedback on the Business course
that I attended.
Firstly, I suppose that the course in general was really good in terms of organization,
teaching and materials. The organization was clear as the professor gave us the course
outline at the beginning, in the first section. The standard of teaching was really good. I
mean the professor was really helpful and professional. He organized a variety of activities
for us to take part in such as working in pairs, groups or making presentations.

On the other hand/ However, there are several things that I was not quite satisfied with and
that could be improved. Firstly, I thought the course was fairly easy at the beginning of the
course. Secondly, we got too much workload with plenty of assignments and essays. I
suggest that the work should be more evenly balanced. Finally, concerning materials of the
course, there were not enough copies of key texts.
I hope that the information I have noted down here is helpful to you. Please do not hesitate to
ask me if you need further information.
Yours sincerely,

Các loại thư khác

Thư cảm ơn
- Thư viết với mục đích cảm ơn
- Thư có thể thuộc loại formal hoặc informal
Một số cấu trúc dùng trong thư cảm ơn
- I am writing this letter to thank you for V-ing/ cụm danh từ …………….
- I am grateful to you for your help.
- I am writing this letter to express my sincere thanks to somebody for …….
- This letter is to express my thanks and appreciation for …………..
- This is to thank you for ……
- Please accept my thanks for …….
- Again with my thanks for your hospitality ……
- Please have no hesitation in writing to me should you want me to do something
for you in Vietnam.
- If you need anything in your study, please let me know
- I hope you will give me the chance to return your kindness
Sample letter
Question: You are a bus commuter. One morning on your way to work you suddenly fell
ill and lost of your consciousness. One gentleman on the same bus sent you to the
Write a letter to the company where the man works to express your gratefullness.

Dir Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to express my sincere thanks to Mr. Johny, the cashier of your

I am the commuter and everyday I take bus Route 120 to work. Last Wednesday morning
when the bus almost reached the stop where I had to got off, I suddenly felt dizzy and
then I lost my consciousness. When I came to, I found myself in the hospital, attended by
my wife. The doctor told me it was Mr. Johny who had sent me to the hospital and
informed my wife of condition. Mr. Johny happened to be on the same bus but I have
never met him.

My wife and I were very much grateful to him for his kindness. Please forward my
sincere thanks to him. We feel very much proud of your company for having such a good

I do hope that your company would reward Mr. Johny for his noble deeds.
Yours faithfully,

Thư yêu cầu

- Thư viết với mục đích yêu cầu, đề nghị một vấn đề gì đó
- Thuộc loại thư formal
Cấu trúc:
1. Greeting (lời chào)
2. Introduction (giới thiệu mục đích viết thư)
3. Body (lý do yêu cầu)
4. Conclusion (nêu yêu cầu và cảm ơn về việc xử lý yêu cầu)
5. Closing and signature ( kết thúc và ký tên)
Một số cấu trúc thường dùng:
- I would like to suggest that you should …….
- May I suggest that …………..
- Considering ……., I propose that ………………….
- Concerning this matter, my proposal is that ……….
- On behalf of …., I suggest ………
- My suggestion is that …………………
- In my opinion, I would say that ……………….
- I propose they should …………………..
Nêu lý do yêu cầu: Lý do tôi đề nghị như thế là bởi vì:
- The reason for this request is that ………..
- The reason why I am asking for this is that ………..

Sample letter

Question: The English department has decided to hold a speech contest in late December
but your classmates find that it is too near the final examination.
Write to the Dean of the department to suggest a change of the time.
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are students of class 33. We are glad that the department is to hold an English speech
contest. We are sure it is of great help to your oral English and all of us want to take part
in it.
We have noticed that the time of contest is on the 27th of December. What troubles us is
the time of the contest. As you know, according to the school schedule of this term, the
final examination is to begin on January, 10th. We all wish to do excellently in both, we
are afraid that it will be difficult for us to prepare for the examination and the contest at
the same time. As a result, we should spend less time on the preparation of the contest.
Considering the outcome of the contest, we suggest that/our suggestion is that it be
postponed to the next term, preferably in the first few weeks. We suggest so because
generally speaking, we have more free time in that period of time.
Thank you for your attention.
Yours faithfully,

All of class 33

Thư phàn nàn

Cấu trúc bài thư phàn nàn
1. Miêu tả tình huống phàn nàn
2. Miêu tả vấn đề và kết quả mong muốn, nêu rõ ngày tháng: ví dụ ngày mua sản
phẩm, dịch vụ
3. Nêu hướng giải quyết
4. Cảnh báo (phần này tuỳ chọn) yêu cầu trả lời khoảng thời gian thích hợp và đính
kèm tài liệu, hoá đơn chứng từ liên quan)
Một số cấu trúc:
- I am sorry to inform you that …… (tôi rất tiếc phải thông báo là …)

- I am writing to make a complaint against …… (tôi viết thư này để phàn nàn về
- I have to say that ….
- I suggest that ….. tôi đề nghị
- I request that ……….. tôi yêu cầu
- I would much appreciate it if you …….
- I hope you will look into the matter and give me an immediate reply
- I look forward to …….
- I request that you refund the money in full (trả lại tiền)
- I think the best way to solve the problem is (to replace it with a better one). (Đổi
cho 1 cái tốt hơn)
- If our demand is not accepted and put in practice, we would resort to other
Sample letter 1
You recently bought a piece of equipment for your kitchen but it did not work. You
phoned the shop but no action was taken. Write a letter to the shop manager. In your
- Describe the problem with the equipment
- Explain what happened when you phoned the shop
- Say what you would like the manager to do
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing with regard to an appliance that I recently bought from your shop.
On the 10th of May I bought a new washing machine, and it was installed the following
day. However, when I tried to wash some clothes, I noticed that the machine failed to
spin during the washing cycle. Consequently, it leaves clothes wet but not clean.
When I phoned your shop to report the problem, I spoke to an assistant who did not know
the procedure for repairs or returns. He assured me that he would report this issue to the
store manager and that I would be contacted the same day. That was two days ago and I
am still waiting for your call.

As the appliance is under warranty, I am entitled to ask for it to be repaired or replaced. I
have decided that I would like a replacement washing machine. I would also like you to
phone me personally when you receive this letter.

I await your prompt response.

Yours faithfully,

Sample letter 2
There have been some problems with public transport in your area recently. Write a
letter to the manager of the transport company. In your letter:
- Describe the problems
- Explain how these problems are affecting the public
- Suggest some changes that could be made

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to bring to your attention some issues with my local bus service.
I take the bus Route 22 from Thanh Xuan to Gia Lam every morning. This week, my bus
has arrived at least 10 minutes late each day and I have been unable to find a seat due to
Passengers are becoming increasingly frustrated. I have seen several people complain to
members of your staff that the delays are making them late for work and the
overcrowding means that many of us are forced to stand in the central aisle of the train for
the duration of the journey. This is extremely uncomfortable.
I would like to suggest that you run a more regular service on this bus route.

I hope you will address these concerns as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,


Thư xin lỗi
Cấu trúc
1. Xin lỗi ngay từ đầu thư
2. Giải thích lý do
3. Nêu hành động bù đắp hoặc hứa hẹn không tái phạm lỗi
Một số cấu trúc hữu ích cho bài viết thư xin lỗi:
Cách nói lời xin lỗi
- I apologise for N Danh từ/ Ving
- Please accept my apologies
- I terribly regret that + S + V
- I am sorry that I shall not be able to …..
- I am sorry that S + V
- I am sorry for not -Ving
Giải thích lý do
- This is the reason why I ………..
- I could not ………. because
- This is one of the reasons I could not make it
- The only reason for the delay is that ……..
Nêu hành động bù đắp
- I really hope that you’ll forgive me for being so thoughtless
- I hope you will let me make it up to you.
- By way of an apology, I …………..
- To make up for …………..
Sample letter 1
You have received the invitation to take part in your friend’s wedding ceremony but you
will be in America on a business trip on that day with your boss. Write to friend to
apologize for not being able to take part in the wedding ceremony.
Dear ………….,
Thank you very much for inviting me to take part in your wedding ceremony on August, the

First of all, please accept my warmest and most sincere congratulations to you and Mary. But
I have to ask for your forgiveness of not being able to turn up at the ceremony because on
that day I will be in America with my boss on business. You know I have just come to this
company and I am the only secretary whose English is good enough to interpret for the boss.
Therefore, I just can not tell the boss that I will not go with him to America. What a pity it is
to miss your wedding ceremony! What makes me even uneasier is that you came to my
wedding last year! Well, to make up for the disappointment, I will visit you before I leave for
America to present my greetings to you. I will give you a call beforehand.
Say hello to Mary.
With love,


Sample letter 2
One of your friends recently had a birthday celebration but you missed it and you forgot to
tell your friend that you couldn’t attend. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:
- Apologize for missing the birthday celebration
- Explain why you missed and you did not tell your friend
- Say what you would like to do to show that you are sorry
Dear ……………,

I hope you are well and that you had a fantastic time on your birthday.
I am so sorry that I wasn’t there with you and for not letting you know beforehand that I
wouldn’t come. I feel terrible that I haven’t found the time to contact you until now.
The truth is that I have been under a lot of stress at work recently. I was in danger of losing
my job if I did not meet a sales target so I haven’t been able to think about anything else over
the last few weeks. This is why I couldn’t be at your party, and why I did not call to tell you
I wouldn’t be there.
I really hope that you will forgive me for being so thoughtless and I hope you’ll let me make
it up to you. By way of an apology, I have bought tickets for us both go to the football next

I hope you will come.
Speak to you soon.


Thư mời
Một số cấu trúc
- I would like to ask you to come ….
- I wonder if you would like to come …..
- I would like to invite you to …………….a dinner/ to V
- We are planning to …..
- We would be happy if you could come.
- I cordially/ sincerely invite you to join us
- Please accept my invitation
Sample letter
Your English friend who you met while you studied in the UK is coming to Hanoi for an
International conference. You want to invite him to Ho Chi Minh for a short visit.
Write a letter to him to invite him to Ho Chi Minh city.
Dear …………..,

I am very glad to know that you are going to take part in an international conference in
Hanoi. I sincerely invite you to come to HCM city to see us after the conference.
I have talked about you to me parents and they also want to see you. We have moved into a
big flat with 4 bedrooms. You can stay with us when you are in HCM city. I and my parents
are willing to be your guides. I will take you to visit famous places of interests in HCM city
such as the Reunification Palace, the Notre Dame Cathedral, Ben Thanh Market.
Before you come, please give us a call. My telephone number is …….. I will welcome you at
the airport.
Please do come, we look forward to your arrival.
All the best,


Một số đề luyện viết ( at least 150 words)

1. You received an email from your English friend.
“I am going to have 6 months in your country to study Vietnamese at Hanoi
University in Hanoi. I am very excited about this trip. I am wondering where I
can stay so that I can learn more Vietnamese besides class time. I am also
thinking about a part-time job I can do to have more practice of the language.
Can you give me some advice?”
Write a letter to give him/her some advice.
(bạn sắp sang Việt Nam 6 tháng để học tiếng Việt ở DH Hnoi, bạn hỏi về việc nên
ở đâu để học thêm tiếng Việt ngoài giờ học trên lớp; làm thêm công việc gì để
luyện tập tiếng Việt)
2. This is part of the letter you received from the manager of the local bus service
(Mr. Watson)
“Thank you for choosing Hanoi Bus. Please help us by taking a few minutes to
tell us about the service that you have received so far. Are you satisfied (hài lòng)
with our bus service? Is there anything you want to change (thay đổi)?”
Give your feedback (nhận xét) on the bus service.
3. This is part of an email you received from your English – speaking friend,
Anna. She asked you for some information for her next trip to your hometown.
“I am planning to visit your city next month and I am really excited about the
trip. Can you suggest somewhere to stay and tell me a little bit about What I can
do in your hometown? What clothes should I bring?”
(gợi ý nơi ở, làm gì; mang quần áo nào)
4. “I am travelling to your country during Tet holiday. Could you give me some
information about it? What do people often do? What do children receive? Can
you tell me some dishes (món ăn) for Tet?”
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You received an email from your English friend, Lily. She asked you for some
information about traditional festivals in your country. Read part of her email below.
I have just watched such a fantastic program about traditional
festivals in the world. There are not many festivals like these in my
country. Are there many traditional festivals in your country? Which
is the most popular one? Could you tell me about it? In what time of
the year does it happen? What do people often do in this occasion? Is
it widely known by international tourists (biết đến rộng rãi bởi du
khách quốc tế)? Do young people in your country still enjoy it?
I look forward to your reply.

Write an email responding to Lily. You should write at least 150 words. You do not need to
include your name or addresses.

5. You have just received an email from a friend of yours, Sarah from London. Read part
of her email below.
“This summer vacation, I intend to travel to your country. Can you suggest some places
that I can visit? And where should I stay during the journey? Besides, are there any part-
time jobs for foreign students? I’m really looking forward to meeting you.”
Write a reply to Sarah. In your email, you must
- ask her what she wants to do
- suggest places that she can visit
- give her some advice about the accommodation
- suggest a part-time job.

6. (Cung cấp thông tin về triển lãm lịch sử)

You are a school trip organizer of historical exhibition. You’ve received an email
from a teacher who will organize a trip for foreign student to the exhibition.
“I am organizing a trip for my foreign students to your exhibition. I am writing to
ask you more further detail information. Can you tell me about the dates and the
working hours of the exhibition? What are the benefits of the exhibition
giving for students? What are the activities in the exhibition? Finally, we’d
like you to inform us about the discounts available.”

7.Write a letter about your last holiday/ your last summer holiday

8. Thank you very much for choosing to celebrate your birthday party at our restaurant.
As you and your family are regular customers, we would like to have your feedback on
our food, service, and atmosphere. Moreover, we would also want to know the things
that you are still unhappy with. Could you give us some suggestions so that we could
improve our service?

9.Write a letter to your English-speaking friend giving advice on choosing a

birthday present.
10. An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your
region and has written asking for information and advice.
Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, you should
- Offer to find somewhere to stay
- Give information about weather condition
- Give advice about what to do
11.Write a letter to an English-speaking friend to tell her/him about a course
that you are attending.
- What course
- Why you attend it
- What you like about the course
- What you don’t like about the course
Đề 12
You got a letter from Mary who asked you about plan for coming birthday. “How
are you? Do you have any plans for your birthday next Friday? Where do you
celebrate your birthday and who celebrates for your birthday? What presents do
you want me to give you?”

Đề 13
You got a letter from Jacob “I heard that you and your friends have just returned
home from a holiday abroad. It must have been an exciting trip because I saw lots
of amazing photos on your face book. I really want to know what country you and
your friends went to and what activities you enjoyed. I also saw many photos of
different types of food. Could you tell me about them? How did you feel about

Đề 14

I’m going to take a language test, and the most difficult skill is listening
- Give me advice on how to improve listening
- I feel nervous before exams and tell me what I should do to keep calm

Đề 15
A student has finished your training course. The Dean of the department writes
him a letter to get his feedback about the course. “Do you feel satisfied with the
course? What are you not satisfied with the course. What course are you doing?
What course do you want to change?” Write to thank the department.

Đề 16

I was feeling excited about the journey on a trip with my Dad. This was my first
journey on the sea. So I was a bit nervous and was very worried about being sea-
sick. Luckily, I was fine on the entire journey and there were some great moment
when I saw the sunrise, sunset. I also took a lot of photos with my dad and my new
friends on this journey. What about you? Tell me about your last holiday? Did you
enjoy it? What are you going to do after holiday?

Đề 17
Lá thư về feedback cho trung tâm thể thao mà mình đang tập
Email from the manager asking about sports centre service (wants to improve the
service quality)
- Anything unhappy and what do you want to change
- Anything new you want to see and use
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
A sports center manager wrote an email to you.
Thank you very much for using our sports center. As you visit our sports center so often,
I am writing to ask for your opinions so that we can improve the service quality. We
would be grateful if you could tell us the reasons why you chose our center and whether
you are satisfied using the sports facilities. We would also want to know if there is
anything you are unhappy with and things you would like to be changed. And is there
anything new you would like to see and use?

Đề 18
You are the school trip organizer. You received an email from students Ethan
asking for some information about next month’s trip.
“I’m really interested in the school trip you are going to organize next month to a
historical museum. I’m writing to ask information about the fee, the date and time
so that I can arrange my time to join you. How can we get there and what activities
are planned for the visit? Should I bring lunch along?”

Đề 19. You received an email from an English speaking friend. He is going

to hold a birthday party for his father but he hasn’t decided what present he
will give him. There are 2 options (a MP3 player or a bicycle).
Write a letter to him, give him some advice on how to hold a birthday party
for his father and which present he should choose and introduce the way to
use it.
Đề 20: You have moved to a new house which is near your school. Write a
letter to tell your friend (an English speaking friend) about your new house.
In your letter, you should write about:
- Your feelings when living in your new house/ how you feel in your new
- Describe your new house
- Describe your bedroom
Đề 21
Write a letter to an English-speaking friend who is going to visit your
hometown next month. In your letter, you should:
- Tell him what clothes he should bring
- Whether it is possible to hire a bike for him to travel around
- What activities he can do in your area
Đề 22
I’m studying different festivals from around the world for a project I’m doing. Can you
tell me which is the most important festival in your region and when it happens? Also,

I’d be very grateful for any information you could give me about the festival itself. If you
think it is worth it, perhaps I could come and see what it’s like. What do you think?
If I come, will you be free? I’d like to see you again and perhaps we could visit the
festival together.
Write a reply to Sam. In your letter, you have to
- give him some information about a festival (place, time, activities, food)
- suggest the time when he can come and join and festival

Đề 23: You have moved to a new house which is near your school. Write a letter to tell
your friend (an English speaking friend) about your new house. In your letter, you
should write about:
- Your feelings when living in your new house/ how you feel in your new house
- Describe your new house
- Describe your bedroom

Đề 24
Task 1: Write a letter about summer holiday

Đề 25
Part 1: I am writing an article for school newspaper so we would like to ask you some
information about your sports. What sports are you playing? Why do you choose it to
practice? What are the benefits and problems when playing that sport?

Đề 26
Part 1: viết mail feedback về dịch vụ xe bus công cộng,

Đề 27
Part 1: 1 ng bạn thân từ anh đg có bài presentation về the most important festival around the
world, bạn viết lá thư reply kể về the most important festival in your country, nêu rõ về time,
age of participants, main activities, về festival đó

Đề 28
Part 1: I know that you really love dogs so I am so excited to hear that you just have a
new puppy. Can you tell me a little more about your new pet? What’s its name? Who
gave it to you? Is it easy to take care of a dog? How many hours do you spend playing
with your puppy?

Đề 29
Part 1: Viết thư cho 1 bạn kể về cách học tiếng Anh

Đề 30
Part 1: Viết email về kế hoạch cụ thể thăm triển lãm lịch sử (historical exhibition) chủ đề
triển lãm là gì; sinh viên học được gì qua triển lãm

Đề 31 Part 1: Phần viết email cho bạn nước ngoài về công việc mới được nhận

Đề 32
Part 1: Viết thư trả lời 1 người bạn giới thiệu cho bạn ý các tiện ích ở trường, khu thể thao

Đề 33
Part 1: Viết thư trả lời 1 người bạn kể về school time and hobbies

Đề 34
Task 1: Write about what you are going to do this summer holiday (mùa hè này, dự định
đi nghỉ như nào, thì sẽ dùng thì tương lai hoặc be going to + V)

Đề 35
Task 1: Write about your last holiday (kể về kỳ nghỉ đã đi rồi, quá khứ đơn)

Đề 36
Task 1: You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You received an email from your friend.
Yesterday, I had a wonderful birthday party with my family and friends. When I came
home from school, I was surprised when I saw a huge birthday cake made by my
mother. My house was decorated for the party and all my close friends and relatives
were there. We sang birthday song and enjoyed delicious food. It was a great party.
How about your last birthday party? What did you do? How did you feel? Did you
enjoy it?
Write a reply to him/ her. You should write at least 120 words.

Đề 37
Task 1: Write about your next holiday (What you are going to do on your next holiday?)

Đề 38
Task 1: You have received a letter from your friend, Nam.
I have broken my arm and have to stay in the hospital for two weeks. However, the
English final exam is at the end of this month. I’m really worries. Can you give me
some advice.
Write a reply to Nam. In your letter, you have to
- ask him about his accident
- give him some advice on how to recover well
- tell him how you will help him review for the exam

Đề 39
Task 1: Write about Mid-autumn festival: activities; special food (trung thu)

Đề 40
Task 1: Write a letter to John to tell him about a film (introduce the film, what it is about,
main characters, the producer, what you like about the film; where to see the film and advise
John to see the film)

Đề 41
Task 1: You have received a letter from a foreign friend, Nick.
I have to write an article for the school newspaper about festivals. Can you give me
some information about a popular festival in your country? When and where is it
held? What activities are there in the festival? And is there any special food?
Write a reply to Nick

Đề 42

Task 1: You have just received a letter from your friend, Susan.

It has been a while since I received your letter. How are you doing? Are you still
fond of reading as you were in the past? I wish I were a passionate reader like you.
Have you finished reading “Lady Susanne” that you borrowed from me 6 months
ago? This book is very special to me.
Write a reply to Susan. In your letter, you have to
- apologize to her for not returning her book
- ask her the place and time that you could meet her and return her book
- answer her questions in her letter

Đề 43
Task 1: You have received a letter from your friend, Andy.
I’m going to a live concert this weekend. We have already bought the ticket. I’m
curious about the music in your country. Are there a lot of music genres in your
country? Which genre is the most popular? When is the last time you went to a live
Write a reply to Andy. In your letter you have to
tell him about the music genres in your country and which is the most popular
when and where you listen to music, the last time you went to a live concert

Đề 44
Task 1: Write a letter to an English-speaking friend about what you use the Internet for.

Đề 45
Task 1: Write a letter to thank your friend for inviting you and your family to his restaurant.
Give feedback about the services, the food and give advice on some changes that need to be
done to make it a better restaurant.

Đề 46
Part 1
Viết thư: bạn của bạn gửi cho bạn 1 lá thư nói về buổi tiệc sinh nhật của cô ấy, bạn hãy đọc
và trả lời câu hỏi cô ấy đề cập đến trong thư
"Tôi đã có 1 buổi tiệc rất thú vị voi ba mẹ và bạn bè sau ký thi ở trường. Họ tổ chức sinh
nhật cho tôi tại nhà. Và được trang trí rất đẹp. Cùng nhau ăn những món ăn ngon và tôi nhận
đc quà từ ba mẹ và bạn bè. Hãy kể tôi nghe sinh nhật gần nhất của bạn đã diễn ra như thế nào
nhé,và bạn có thích bữa tiệc đó không.”

Đề 47
Part 1: Viết thư cho Lisa kể cho bạn ý nghe về trung tâm tiếng anh mình đã học và đạt kết
quả tốt.

Đề 48
Part 1: Bạn của bạn định bỏ lớp học đàn vì ko có thời gian; Viết thư khuyên bạn học tiếp

Đề 49
Part 1: Viết thư cho bạn muốn tham gia English summer camp
- Cost
- Activities to improve English
- Food

Đề 50
You have received a letter from your friend, Jack.
I will give a speech in your English club. But I don’t know which topic your club
members are interested in. Can you suggest a suitable topic? By the way, can you tell
me how to get to your school?
Write a reply to Jack. In your letter you have to
- give a short description about your English club
- suggest a suitable topic
- show him how to get to school

Đề 51
You have just received an email from a friend of yours, Daisy. Read part of her email

My father has promised to let me keep a pet if I pass the final test this semester. I’m
wondering whether I should I keep a cat or a dog. Can you give me some advice? Have
you ever had a pet
before? Do you like having pets? What should I do to take care of my pets? Please
give me some advice.
Write a reply to Daisy. In your email, you have to
- give her advice about the pet she should keep
- give her some information about whether you have a pet or like having a pet
- advise her on how to take care of her pet
Đề 52
You are the landlord in London and I receive a letter from a foreigner.
We are going to visit London next month so we are really lucky when we found that
you have some rooms available for tourists like us. We would like to know more about
your accommodation. There are 10 members in my group so how many room we
should rent? Is your location near the shopping center? How do we commute to the
city center? And how much if we rent for 1 week?

Đề 53
You have borrowed my book “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain for a
really long time so I wonder if you have read it yet? You know what, I am a big fan of
Mark Twain so the book is really important to me. How about you? Do you still love
Write a letter reply you friend:
- Say sorry for not returning the book and tell the reason
- Confirm the time for returning
- Ask how to return
Đề 54
You are the staff in the human resources department in your company, in charging of
the accommodation. Read Sara’s email below:
Sub: Letter asking for Free Accommodation
Respected sir, ‘
I am writing this letter to inform you that I have joined your company last week and I
am very much satisfied with the environment and staff over here.
One issue I am facing is accommodation, as you know I had to move here just because of
this job opportunity which I definitely did not want to miss. I request you to kindly give
me accommodation. It is very hard for me to stay in hotels or hostels.
I shall be ready thankful to you if you provide me accommodation considering my issue.
I am looking forward to your positive response. Thank you.
Your sincerely,
Sara Lee Write an email 120 words to reply to Sara. In your email, you have to tell her
the place she is going to live, how far is it to the company and how she can travel between
two places.
Topic 19: Write a letter to an English-speaking friend to tell her/him about a course
that you are attending.
- What course
- Why you attend it
- What you like about the course
- What you don’t like about the course

Dear Linda,
I was so delighted when receiving your letter and know that you are doing well.
Unfortunately I was too busy with my job at that time so I had to delay responding until this
Firstly, I want to tell you that I just took an online English course at a center in Ha Noi. As
you know, I often have to communicate with foreigners and I feel that my listening,
speaking, reading and writing skills are not very good. I want to improve my English for my
work, therefore, I signed up for the class last week.
Secondly, when I took this course I feel satisfied with the English center here.
I think that What I like most about this center is that it is convenient for me to learn because
of the online teaching and learning in the evenings, I can arrange my time to study without
having to quit my job. The next reason is that the center has highly qualified teachers who
teach with enthusiasm.

Finally, about what I am not happy with and unsatisfied with this course, there are a couple
of things. Sometimes learning online with poor network connection makes my class stop.
Moreover, the tuition fee is quite high for me to study here. But anyway I will try to study
and try to improve my English skills.

I have to get back to work now. Don’t hesitate to contact me in person or via email if you
need further information.
Best Regards,

Topic 4: I am travelling to your country during Tet holiday. Could you give me some
information about it? What do people often do? What do children receive? Can you tell
me some dishes (món ăn) for Tet?
Dear Mary,

Thank you for your email. I hope you and your family are fine. I am very happy to know that
you are planning to travel to Vietnam during Tet holiday.

Firstly, you asked me some information about Tet holiday in Vietnam. You know, it is a
chance for family reunion. I mean on this special occasion, everyone tries their best to come
back home to celebrate the event with their families no matter how far or busy they are.
Before Tet, people make lots of preparations such as shopping for new clothes, furniture,
having their houses painted or decorating their homes with kumquat trees and peach flowers.
Secondly, on New Year’s Eve, we often make offerings to our ancestors and people often go
to watch the fireworks. After that, many of them go to pagodas to play for their good luck,
health and business for the upcoming year.

Finally, on the first days of Lunar New Year, people usually visit their grandparents, close
relatives and friends and give them the best wishes. Besides, children and the elderly people
often receive lucky money. Regarding several dishes, for example, Chung cakes or Spring
That’s all for now. Please write back to me and tell me about your plans.
Hope to see you soon.
All the best,
Topic 1:
“I am going to have 6 months in your country to study Vietnamese at Hanoi
University in Hanoi. I am very excited about this trip. I am wondering where Ican
stay so that I can learn more Vietnamese besides class time. I am also thinking
about a part-time job I can do to have more practice of the language. Can you
give me some advice?”
Write a letter to give him/her some advice.

Outline (dàn ý):

1) A place to stay:
- Homestay
- Experiencing family life in VN
- Practice Vietnamese with the host family’s members
2) A part-time job:
- English teacher
- English centers need native teachers
- More chances to practice Vietnamese

Bài viết:

Dear Tom,
I’m sorry I haven’t written to you for so long because I have been really busy
with my work. I was very glad to receive your letter and hear all your news,
especially the part about your going to study Vietnamese in Hanoi.
Firstly, in your letter, you wanted to know where you can stay. To be honest, I
think that you should choose homestay because you can experience family life
in Vietnam and practice Vietnamese with the host family’s members.

Next, regarding a part time job, I suppose that being an English teacher for
evening English classes is the best choice for you since many English centers
in Hanoi need English native teachers and you will have one more chance to
improve Vietnamese when communicating with numerous local people.
Do not hesitate to write to me if you want further information. I am looking
forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards,
Topic 2:
This is part of the letter you received from the manager of the local bus
service (Mr. Watson): “Thank you for choosing Hanoi Bus. Please help us by taking
a few minutes to tell us about the service that you have received so far. Are you
satisfied(hài lòng)with our bus service? Is there anything you want to change(thay
đổi)?”. Give your feedback(nhận xét) on the bus service.
1) Positive feedback:
- Convenience of city travelling
- Serving Attitude of bus staffs
2) Negative feedback:
- Untidiness
- Poor-quality facilities
- Sometimes break down on the way

Bài viết:
Dear Mr. Watson,
I am writing this letter in response to your request for my feedback on the bus
service I have received so far.
Firstly, I suppose that the bus service in general was really good in terms of
the convenience of travelling in the city and the serving attitude of the bus
staff. It was quite advantageous for those who went to work every day on the
fixed route. Moreover, the standard of service was really good as the bus staff
were really helpful and professional. They always communicated with
travellers in a friendly and polite attitude.
On the other hand, there are several things that I was not quite satisfied with
and that could be improved. Firstly, untidiness often occurred on busses
especially in the evening. Secondly, the chairs were quite old and some of
them were not tightened on the bus. Finally, I suggest that the busses should
be upgraded and repaired regularly to avoid the suddenly broken-down
I hope that the information I have noted down here is helpful for you. Please
do not hesitate to ask me if you need further information.
Yours sincerely,

Task 1: You recently received an email from your English-speaking friend, Tom, he said that
he is going to have a holiday.
Write a letter to Tom, and invite him to your city and stay with you during his holiday.

Dear Tom,
I was so delighted when receiving your letter and know that you are doing well. It was great to get
your letter and hear all your news, especially the part about you are going to have a holiday in Viet

I really want you to visit my city and stay with my family during your holiday.

Firstly, I’ll tell you about some activities you can do and visit in my city. The weather is hot in the
morning and in the afternoon but It’s cool at night. So we can visit some waterfalls where you can
take photos or swim in the waterfalls.

Secondly, There are many beautiful scenic places in my hometown such as: 26/3 square, Lam Vien
park, Truong Xuan resort, Quan Ba Quan Ba Twin Mountains. It looks from afar like two peaches or
two fairy peaches. It is Not only fascinated by the shape of the Twin Mountains, but the surrounding
space is also a masterpiece of nature.

Thirdly, I think you really enjoy food here because the food is delicious. You can enjoy specialties of
Ha Giang like: noodles Trang Kim, Au Tao soup, egg roll wrappers. All bring the breath of mountains
and forests, the sincerity in the way of life and also represent a special culture of upland peoples.

Finally, You should bring light summer clothes, shorts, T.shirt.

I hope to see you soon and give my regards to your family.

All the best,


Task 1: Write about your next holiday.

Dear Kate,

I am glad to receive your letter and I feel so happy to hear all your news and know that you
are in good health. I really want to talk about my next holiday.

Firstly, in your letter you mentioned that you want to know about where I am going to go on
holiday. Well, Viet Nam is a beautiful and peaceful country where I will see a lot of wonderful
sceneries. I will spend my holiday in Ha Long Bay which is one site of the world heritage.

Secondly, as your question about what I am going to do, I will tell you some main activities. I
can spend time touring round the island, eating seafood, and visiting some famous places. The
most famous are of interest such as Chai Village, Thien Cung Caves, Hon Trong Mai and Tuan
Chau Island. Moreover I really like swimming in the sea.

Finally, coming now to the last question about my transport I will use. Well, I must say that
it’s the happiest time I can travel by coach from Ha Noi to Ha Long. Then visiting around the
Island by boat. I will join in the fresh atmosphere here.

I am really happy to have a holiday with you. When you arrive here, just call me soon.
Best wishes,

Task 1: Write a letter to an English speaking friend about what you use the Internet for.

Dear Jam,

I was so delighted when receiving your letter and know that you are doing well. It was great to get
your letter and hear all your news, especially you had good exams. I am sorry I haven’t written to
you for so long because I have been really busy with my work.

You asked me what I use the Internet for. And I’m very glad to talk to you about that. All we know
that the Internet is great. I use the Internet to keep up with current events. The Internet has a lot of
quality news articles from many different sources. There is a world of knowledge right at our life. I
usually use the Internet for.

Firstly, I use Internet for my job for examples sending and checking email. and I also use it to read
local and national news headlines, to read my horoscope daily and to see what TV shows are worth
watching tonight or tomorrow. I listen to music, watch review films or playing games from time to

Secondly, I use it to get more information and communicate with my friends and relatives. I use it
to keep in touch with my family members and friends like: chat zalo or facebook. I use facebook
because I want to get information from my friend and then update status to send informations to

Thirdly, Learning online is one of my choice. I often watch livestream the lessons, learning through
zoom, Microsoft team, Youtube ect. Because there are several advantages of online learning shut
as: I don’t have to go to school and I can learning any time or any where.

Besides, I can buy and sell things like clothes, food, drink, shoes on facebook, shopee, lazada because
I have a lot of choices.

Finally, I found I was using the Internet almost every day on my own.

I hope that what I have noted down is useful for you. Do not hesitate to write to me if you want
further information. I am looking forward to hearing from you

Best Wishes,


Topic: 28 Write a letter to tell your friend about your new house

Bài làm:

Dear ……..,
I was very happy to receive your letter and I know that you are in good health. I am sorry I
haven’t written to you for so long because I have been really busy with my work.

Firstly, in your letter you mentioned that I tell you about my house and my feelings when
living in my new house. Well I live in a big house with modern facilities, so I feel happy and
relaxed after a hard working day.

Secondly, I describe my new house to you. It was built about 2 years ago and painted bright
blue. There are 6 rooms in my house including 3 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a
bedroom. My favourite room is a kitchen because this is a place where I can meet all my
family member to chat and tall, and about all thing in life during the meal. It is also a good
time for all members of my family to share the feelings and improve the better
understanding among us.
Finally, coming now to the last question about describing my bedroom. It’s about 20 square
meter and painted yellow wall. There is a desk, a chair and a bed. on the wall there is a
picture and a TV . Sometimes my children watch cartoon.
Please come to my house and see it. I am looking forward to meeting you in my new house
Best wishes,

Topic 4 : Write a letter to your friend, tell him/her about Tet holiday.( some
information about it, what do people often do? What do children receive? some dishes
for Tet.)

Dear Daisy,

I am sorry for not writing to you for so long because i have been really busy recently for my
exam. It was great to get your letter and hear all your news, especially the part about your
travelling to my country during Tet holiday.

Firstly, I will tell you some information about Tet holiday. Tet is one of the biggest festivals
in Vietnam. This is the time for everyone to have some days-off to reunite with their family
after a working hard year. It takes place from the first day of January of the lunar
calendar until at least the third day. During Tet, Most of the streets and houses also are
decorated beautifully with colorful lights , stars , flowers, ect.

Secondly, you asked me about what activities people often do for Tet. Well, Before
Tet,people clean the house, the altar , repaint the wall and decorate them with many things
such as peach flower or apricot blossom or mandarin,...On Tet holiday, people have so many
activities. One of them that I love is enjoying the lunar new year’s Eve. This is an important
moment of the year. People wait for this time, see fireworks and have a big meal. And on
New Year's day, people visit relatives, friends or colleagues to give the best wishes. Adults
give lucky money to children. Some people go to the pagoda to wish good things to their

Thirdly, related to the next question about presents that children receive for Tet. Children are
very happy because they are given a lot of lucky money and new clothes from their relatives.

Finally, coming now to the last question about dishes for Tet. When Tet comes, all families
make lots of traditional food like Chung Cake, spring roll, sticky rice, coconut jam, ect.

I’d better go and get on with my exam preparation. I hope you will like Tet holiday. I am
really looking forward to seeing you this Tet in Vietnam.

Best wishes,


Task 1: Write about what you are going to do this summer holiday.

Dear Jely,

I am very pleased to receive your letter and I know that you are in good health. I'm sorry I
haven't written to you for so long as I've been really busy with my work. I am writing to tell you
a little bit about my family's upcoming travel plans.

In the summer, I plan to travel with my family after the epidemic is over. At the weekend, my
family will go to Sam Son beach for 2 days and 1 night.

First, on the first day, we will move to the hotel, have lunch and then rest, at noon we will go to
the beach. Then my family will have dinner and play games on the beach.

Monday, the next day, we woke up early to watch the sunrise. After that, we will have breakfast
and prepare to visit some places such as: Doc Cuoc Temple, Co Tien Temple, ............

Finally, on the last day, we went to the beach, had breakfast, went to the market to buy seafood
as gifts. After that, we will have lunch and return to pack up to check out of the hotel.

I think this will be an enjoyable and comfortable trip for everyone in my family. Although the
trip was short, it was enough for everyone to gather together after a long time working. It helps
people get closer to each other, understand each other and love each other more.

If you have time, go to Vietnam to travel with your family.

Do not hesitate to write to me if you want further information. I am looking forward to hearing
from you.

All the best,


I am travelling to your country during Tet holiday. Could you give me some
information about it? What do people often do? What do children receive? Can you tell
me some dishes (món ăn) for Tet?
Bài viết: word count

Dear Lisa,

I was so delighted when receiving your letter and know that you are travelling to my country
during Tet holiday. I’m so sorry I haven’t written to you for so long because I have been
really busy with my work.

Firstly, in your letter you mentioned the Tet. It’s my pleasure to give you some information
about it. Tet Nguyen Dan, more commonly known by Tet, is one of the most popular
holidays in my country. It is the Vietnamese Traditional New Year based on the Lunar
calendar and often takes place around late January or February.

Secondly, as your question about what people do, I must say that in Tet holiday, family
members usually return home and get together after a year of hard-working. During Tet,
Vietnamese spend time wishing for all the best things to come on new year, go to pagodas
and temples, clean their house and send gifts to each other. On the other hand, children can
receive lucky money or new clothes from everyone.

Finally, coming to the last question about dishes for Tet, I suppose that you must try Chung
cake, the main food for Tet holiday. Also some traditional food like gio,cha (Vietnamese
sausage), xoi (sticky rice) are delicious too. For me, my favorite food is Tet jam. It’s more
like a snack with so many flavors to welcome guests in this special period.

Do not hesitate to write to me if you want further information. I am looking forward to

hearing from you.

Best Regards,

Đề 9

This is part of a letter you received from the manager of a mobile phone company (Mr.

“Our company would like to receive your feedback on our product and services. Are you
satisfied with our products and services? Is there anything you want to change?”

Write an email to the manager to give your feedback on their products and services.

Bài viết:
Dear Mr. John,

I received your letter last week, requesting my feedback regarding the mobile phone your
company provided. Unfortunately I was too busy with my work so I couldn’t answer until

Firstly, for your first question about what I feel satisfied about your phone, I’m very happy
to say that your phone has a good quality and gentle design. It’s not only a phone but also
like an accessory for me when I go out. Besides, the operation worked smoothly and without
lagging when I used it.

Secondly, about what I am not happy with your phone, I believe that the price is not easy to
buy. My friend has the same quality phone but when compared his phone is cheaper than
50$. Also your mobile phone doesn't have many colors so I can only buy in black or white
color. One more thing is that the box did not include an ear phone and I had to buy it from
another brand.

Finally, coming to the last question about what I want to change in your phone, I believe that
you can add some color so I can have more choices. With the price, try to create a sale event
or give a discount voucher. I think if you can do it, you will have more customers and sell
many products day by day.

I hope that what I have noted down is useful for you. Don’t hesitate to contact me in person
or via email if you need further information.

Best Regards,

Đề Hanu - Test 6
Write a letter to an English speaking friend about what you use the Internet for
Dàn ý:
- In life: keep in touch with family/friends (past -> waste a lot of money for call,text >< now
-> save money) ; playing video games to relax in freetime
- In study: online study/class ( especially in Covid 19) ; gain more knowledge
Bài làm:

Dear Sarah,

I am so sorry for not writing for you so long because I have been really busy with my exams.
During the last talk, you asked me about what I used the internet for. In my view, using the
internet gives me many advantages.

Firstly, in life I can keep in touch with my family or my friends easily when using the
Internet through social networks like zalo or facebook. In the past, calling and texting wastes
a lot of money but now, I can save money for other things. And I can get responses
immediately. Moreover, playing games with my friends via the Internet helps me reduce
stress after a hard-working day.

Next, using the Internet not only has many benefits in life but it also gives me a huge
advantage for my studies. Nowaday I usually study online because of Covid 19 and I feel
more safe. Furthermore, it is easier to get information on the Internet so I can get a better
score with my exams, homeworks and so on. And I can increase my knowledge too.

Do not hesitate to write for me if you want further information. I am looking forward to
hearing from you soon.

Best Regards,
Topic 1

“I am going to have 6 months in your country to study Vietnamese at Hanoi University

in Hanoi. I am very excited about this trip. I am wondering where I can stay so that I
can learn more Vietnamese besides class time. I am also thinking about a part-time job
I can do to have more practice of the language. Can you give me some advice?”


Dear Stack,

I’ve just received your letter, I'm so happy to hear that you’ll be going to my country and
stay there for 6 month and I'm so glad we can meet again.

Firstly, I want to say to you that people in my country are very friendly and kind. You can be
anywhere in Hanoi city with help from anyone. But, to learn Vietnamese the best, you
should stay in Hoan Kiem district because this is the place where most people gather in the

Secondly, I think you should work in a cafe restaurant for practice of the language. There are
many young students working here and they are always ready to teach you Vietnamese.
Private tutor

Finally, I hope to see you soon and give my regards to your family.

Best wishes,

Topic 2,
This is part of the letter you received from the manager of the local bus service (Mr.
“Thank you for choosing Hanoi Bus. Please help us by taking a few minutes to tell us
about the service that you have received so far. Are you satisfied (hài lòng) with our
bus service? Is there anything you want to change?”
Give your feedback on the bus service.


Dear Mr. Watson,

I’m writing this letter to comment about the bus service that i have been using.

Firstly, I'm satisfied with some services such as: The driver is always careful on drive, the
bus is pretty punctual with the allotted time and it is always clean. There are many bus on the
same trip, which makes it possible for me to spend more time comfortably without worrying
about missing the trip

Secondly, I'm not satisfied with some services: The bus is narrow and very few seats. There
are too many people on the same trip, I usually have to stand. Sometimes, it doesn't have
enough seats for the elderly.

Finally, I suggest you should add more seats in the bus and you should replace the old bus to
ensure safety for passengers. I hope on the next trip, I can see bus services are better.

Best regards,

Topic 1

Dear Tom,

I’m sorry for not writing to you for so long because i have been really busy recently for my
work. It was great to get your letter and hear all your news, Especially the part about you
coming to study Vietnamese in Hanoi

Firstly, i will tell you about the place where you can stay. My sister has just moved out so my
house has a room for you to stay. Besides, my house is just far from Hanoi University 3
kilometers and takes 15 minutes to get there by bus. So stay with me and we’re going to speak
Vietnamese all the time.

Next, you asked what part-time job you should do, it will be easy to get a job as a English
teacher in Hanoi, you can meet a lot of Vietnamese people. Hang out with them after class to
practice of Vietnamese. I believe you will learn so fast

I’d better go and get on with my work, I’m really looking forward to seeing you soon

All the best,



Dear Anna,
I am very glad to hear you said you wanted to visit my hometown next month, the last time
we met was in France last year, I miss you so much.

As you know, my hometown is the capital of Viet Nam, Ha Noi is a peaceful city and there
are many beautiful places to explore. When you arrive you can stay at my house, the children
will be happy or if you want you can choose a hotel on the old quarter such as: Peridot Grand
hotel, Metropole Ha Noi hotel, the Oriental hotel…there are 5 stars hotels with the best service.
However, I still hope you will stay with us because we can tell memories together.

Ha Noi is very beautiful, you can discover the city by walking a long the ancient streets
because is in spring so the weather very nice. If not, you can hire a motorbike to get more visit
palaces. You should enjoy local food, especially Pho Ha Noi, it is great. Moreover, you can
visit to Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum and Museum, Mot Cot pagoda, Quan Thanh temple…The
weather is still a bit chilly, I’m thinking you should bring jackets and scarfs.

I hope you’ll have a good time in Viet Nam and I’m looking forward to seeing you.

Best wishes,


1. You received an email from your English friend.

“I am going to have 6 months in your country to study Vietnamese at Hanoi University
in Hanoi. I am very excited about this trip. I am wondering where I can stay so that I
can learn more Vietnamese besides class time. I am also thinking about a part-time job
I can do to have more practice of the language. Can you give me some advice?”

Dear Anna,
Many thanks for your last letter. It was good to hear from you recently.
I’m sorry I haven’t written in touch for such a long time.

I am so happy to hear that you are going to have 6 months in my country to study
Vietnamese at Hanoi University in Hanoi. I think you can stay in Hanoi university dormitory
so that you can learn more Vietnamese besides class time. It is convenient to live in the
hostel because it is near Hanoi university. You do not have to travel for long distance.
Besides, you can practice Vietnamese with many students of this university.

Next, You can get a part time job as a tutor. I think being a tutor is a challenging job but you
will gain a lot from that.

See you soon. Once again, thank you for all your help.


Đề 3:
This is part of an email your received form your English – speaking friend, Anna .She
asked you for some information for her next trip to your hometown.
“I am planning to visit your city next month and I am really excited about the
trip. Can you suggest somewhere to stay and tell me a little bit about What I can
do in your hometown? What clothes should I bring?”

Dear Anna,
I am so happy to hear that you are coming to Vietnam this summer, so I will tell you
something about my country.

There are many things you can do in my hometown. The first thing to mention is that
Vietnames dishes are very tasty and I think you should start saving so that you can try a lot
of food. Besides, the scenery in Vietnam is also very beautiful.
If you want to go to those places, I will help you book some domestic tours so that you can
freely explore them. You can visit Chinese inspired pagodas, isolated highland villages, or
learn about the Khmer lifestyle.

Next, The weather at that time will be hot, so I think you should wear sports clothes and a

See you soon in my hometown this summer.


Topic: You received from your English friend

“I am going to have 6 month in your country to study Vietnamese at Ha Noi University
in Ha Noi. I am excited about trip. I am wondering where i can stay so that i can learn
more Vietnamese beside class time. I am also thingking about a parttime job i can do to
have more prative of the language. Can you give me some advice?

Dear Jane,
I am sorry for not writing to you for so long because I have been really busy. It was great to
your letter and hear all your news, especially the news that you have 6 months in my
country to study Vietnamese at Ha Noi University in Ha Noi. I will give you some useful
advice before you go to my country.

Firstly, I think you can stay at dormitory of Ha Noi University where you can learn more
Vietnamese, because this is the place where there are many Vietnam students who are
speaking Vietnamese everyday. Sometimes, you and I, and some of my friends are going to
have a group study beside class time.

Next, you can apply for a part-time job at the school library, because you can read
Vietnamese books. It helps you learn more Vietnamese words. Especially, I will help you to
study Vietnamese.

I look forward to meeting you in Ha Noi.

All the best,

Topic: This is part of the letter you received from manager of local bus service (Mr.
“Thank you for choosing HaNoi Bus. Please help us by taking a few minutes to tell us
about the service that you have received so far. Are you satisfice with our bus service?
Is there any think want to change?
Give your feedback on the bus service.

Dear Mr. Watson,

I am writing this letter to feedback on the bus service of HaNoi Bus.

Firstly, I would like to say thank you for your letter to me,. This makes me think that your
service is good/ you really want to hear from your customers. I usually take bus number 105
from Ha Đong to Thanh Xuan, and I am satisfied with our bus service. So this 105 bus has
very good service, the driver drives very carefully, the conductor is friendly, he helps
pregnant women and young children and the elderly people. Next, there are very convenient
directions of the routes on the bus.

However, there are still some negative issues, such as early in the morning, the bus carries
too many people, this leads to difficulty in moving inside the car. I think you should think of
the solutions to this problem. If so, it would be great.

Thanks for your attention.

Yours faithfully,

Topic 4.

Dear Kenny,

I am very glad to receive your letter. I hope you and your family are fine. I am happy to
know that you are travelling to my country during Tet holiday.

You asked me some information about Tet holiday in VietNam. You know, Tet is the special
occasion for family reunion. Before Tet, everyone often spends their time to clean and
decorate their house . It’s the busiest time of the year. People will go shopping for new
clothes, furniture, and others decorate the house with peach blossoms or apricot blossoms
and some pictures. On New Year Eve, we often make offerings to our ancestors and watch
the fireworks together. Besides that, many people go to pagodas to pray for their good luck,
their health, ects…On the first days of Lunar New Year, we often go to visit the relatives,
friends and give the best wishes. The children and the elderly people often receive the lucky
money. There are some traditional dishes such as Chung cake or Spring rolls.

I would like to invite you to come to my country on Tet holiday to welcome a new year with
us. I think you will a great time in my country.

Hope to see you soon.

Best Wishes,


Topic: I am traveling to your country during Tet holiday. Could you give me some
information about it? What do people often do? What do children receive? Can you tell
me some dishes for Tet?

Dear Tom,

I am sorry for not writing to you for so long because I have been really busy recently for my
exams. It was great to get your letter and hear all your news, especially the part you are
traveling to my country during Tet holiday.

Firstly, I will tell you some information about Tet holiday in my country. Tet is a National
holiday and it is an opportunity for all Vietnamese to have a good time thinking about the old
year and welcome the new year. Tet is not just an ordinary holiday, it is a Vietnamese
culture and lifestyle because its profound meaning is sacred and important.

Secondly, people have cozy atmosphere and enjoy joyful time with their family members. It
is also a great time for people living in different parts country gathering and spending time
together. (hoat dong chao don nam moi, tham ho hang, di le chua, ….)

Thirdly, in terms of customs, children receive red envelopes from the elder. Giving lucky
money is thought to bring children luck and health.

Finally, there are many special foods made on this occasion such as: some traditional dishes,
Chung cake, Vietnamese sausage, sticky rice, jam and candies.

I’d better go and get on with my exam preparation. I hope your exams go well too and that
you have a lovely Tet holiday. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
All the best,

Topic: “It is our pleasure to help you organize your friend’s birthday party. In order to
prepare for it, we would like to ask you about the number of guests and their age
group. What activities do you think would be suitable for them? Also please let us know
if you have chosen the food and drinks for the party.”

Dear Mr. John,

Thank you for your email. It was good to receive your email.
I am writing this letter to tell you some information about my friend’s birthday party.
Firstly, there will be about 30 people joining the party. The visitor age group that I invited
are 19-22 years old and have a small number of 16-17 year olds.
Secondly, about the food at the party, I hope it will be special and fresh. We will have 3-
course meal (starters, main dishes and desserts). I can’t think of any food for the main dishes.
So can you advise and send me the menu? As for the desserts, the birthday cake is
indispensable and a few more snacks. For the drinks, well, I choose coke, soda, soft drinks ,
mineral water, because we have teenagers.
Finally, the problem with party games gave me a lot of headache. I think there will be
karaoke and dance. Do you have any suggestions for me?
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
All the best,

This is part of a letter you received from your English friend.

“In your last letter, you told me that you moved to a new city. How is everything now?
Tell me about your new place of living. How about new school, friends and teacher
Write a letter to you friend.
Letter :
Dear Tom,

I’m sorry for not writing to you for a long time because I have been really busy moving to a
new city. Living in a new city is very difficult to adapt to everything in here but i think i can
do it. I will tell you a bout my new place of living.
Firstly , my new place is located in the center of city so I can go anywhere easily . I can
save a lot of time to go to school and i very am excited about that . The city has many new
things I have never seen before (những thứ mới đó là gì e liệt kê ra), i wish you can try with
me now .
Secondly, my new school , my teachers , and my friends in there are friendly and funny so
i can adapt this school very easily and don’t have any problem . The school has a big
basketball pitch , a swimming pool , a big library , and i think what i like the most is football
pitches . Friends in here play football very well and they teach me new skills. I wish i could
show you that skill . I hope that you could come here as soon as you can and I will introduce
you directly to the new city .
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon . Give my regards to your family.

Best Wishes,
Đề 17: An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region and
has written asking for information and advice.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, you should

- Offer to find somewhere to stay

- Give information about weather condition

- Give advice about what to do

Bài làm:

Dear Jenny,

I was so delighted when receiving your letter and know that you are doing well. I am sorry I
haven’t written to you for so long because I have been really busy. I am also very excited that
you have decided to visit my country on a two-week holiday and I won’t miss the opportunity
to meet you during that time.

Firstly, about where to stay, I would be very happy if you stay in my house. There are so many
rooms in my house and you will have your complete privacy during your stay here. My parents
would also be glad to see you. But in case you want to stay at a hotel, that would not be a
problem as there are two, three very nice hotels in my area where I can book for you.

Secondly, there are lots of things to do in my city. If I were you, I’d spend some days on the
beach, one or two days sightseeing in the city. There are several interesting museums and
temples, I’m sure that you will enjoy. One place you really should visit is an excellent theme
park calles Asia Park Sun World, you’ll want to spend the whole day. Also, you ought to go
to the upside down house. All are “overturned” bringing you a completely new world.

Finally, You don’t need to bring a lot of clothes because the weather is normally warm and
sunny. Don’t forget to pack your swimming suit. However, in the evening, it’s a bit cooler,
you may need a jacket and jersey.

Please let me know exactly when you’re coming. I can meet you at the airport. I am really
looking forward to seeing you.

All the best,


Topic 28: You have moved to a new house which is near your school. Write a letter to
tell your friend (an English speaking friend) about your new house. In your letter, you
should write about:
- Your feelings when living in your new house/ how you feel in your new house
- Describe your new house
- Describe your bedroom

Dear Tom,

I'm very glad when I received your letter. I moved to my new house near my school last
week. And now, I am writing to you to tell about my new house in Hanoi capital.
Firstly, I will describe my house. My house is on a small and quiet street in Nam Tu Liem
District and the neighbors are really kind. It takes about half an hour to go to the city center
and 10 minutes to go to my school. It isn't a big house that was built 2 years ago and painted
in green.There is also a small garden where I can grow flowers. Next to the garden, there is a
small yard where I often play after school. There are 3 floors and four main rooms in my
house: a living room, a dining room, two bedrooms. Besides, we have a kitchen, a bathroom
and two toilets.

Secondly, I will tell you about my bedroom. My bedroom was painted in light green. In this
room, I have a television, a small table and there are a couple of oil paintings on the wall.
Last week, I decided to buy a new bed at a furniture shop. I put it in my bedroom. It’s very
large and very smooth. I feel relaxed when I lie down.

Finally, about my feelings, I love my new house so much. Every day, when I come back
home from school, I have a warm feeling of being together with my whole family.
I would like to invite you to my new house. Hope to see you in this summer!

Best regards,

Topic 15: Write a letter to the manager of a restaurant giving feedback about your
birthday party which was held in that restaurant.

Dear Sir,

I received your letter last week, requesting my feedback regarding the service you offered on
30th March when I visited your restaurant along with my family to celebrate my birthday.
Unfortunately, I was too busy with my job at that time so I couldn’t answer until now.

Firstly, for your first question, I feel satisfied that the atmosphere inside the restaurant was
very soothing and relaxing, with a beautiful interior and wonderful lighting system. I was also
quite impressed with the system of trees planted on the recycled brick wall inside the
restaurant, creating a cool feeling.

Secondly, the food is very good to my taste. The decoration of the food is very impressive,
there is a wide variety of dishes. In my opinion, your restaurant’s food is as delicious as the
food that my mother cooks for me at home.

Finally, Coming the last question, I have a suggestion to make. You may think of introducing
some discount cards or offer some discounts to the people of the nearby area. I believe this
will make our dinner become more friendly with pockets and will attract more customers.

I hope that what I have noted down is useful for you. Don’t hesitate to contact me in person or
via email if you need further information.

Best regards,


Topic: You received an email from your English friend, Jane. She asked you for some

information about the way to keep fit.

Dear Jane,

I am sorry for not writing to you for so long because I have been really busy for my exams. It

was great to get your letter and hear all your news, especially the part about you asked me for

some information about the way to keep fit. In order to keep fit and stay healthy, you should

follow some following advice.

Firstly, you had better have a healthy diet. Don’t eat too much meat, sugar or drink too much

soda because these make you fatter and increase cholesterol in your blood. You should eat

more vegetables and drink enough 2.5 liters of water a day so that you have a nice body.

Secondly, playing sports and exercising regularly are also the good ways to keep fit. Don’t

stay up too late. Try to get up early to enjoy fresh air and have time for exercising.

Finally, remember to spend time relaxing. You should not work too much. If I were you, I

would take part in some activities such as travelling, hanging out with friends.

I believe that if you follow my advice, you will have a nice shape and be healthier. I am looking

forward to you.

Yours faithfully,

Đề 2: Write a letter my feedback on the bus service

Dear Mr. Waston,

I am sorry I have not written to you immediately because I have been really busy. Today, I
am writing in reply to your email regarding the bus service that I have received recently.

Firstly, I would like to let you know that, I am quite satisfied with your bus service. It is
really professional and comfortable. In fact, I have used the bus as my main transport for
about one year to go to my school and I have never been late for work. The most satisfying
thing which is that it always arrive on time. It helps me feel really pleased.

Moreover, the bus stops are pretty clean and large in case I get there soon and have to wait
for the bus. Another reason that I like about your bus service is that the cost is not expensive.
It is much cheaper than other transports and it gets even cheaper If I buy a monthly ticket.

However, there are some things I want to change which could be improved to make your bus
service better. The first one is that sometimes I find the bus air conditioner system not work,
so I feel very hot. If you could have a good air conditioner which can run smoothly, It would
be great.

The above mentioned information is based on my own experience. I hope that what I have
noted down is useful for you.
Do not hesitate to contact me If you need further information.

Best regards.

TOPIC 4: I am traveling to your country during Tet holiday. Could you give me some information
about it? What do people often do? What do children receive? Can you tell me some dishes for

Dear Lisa,

I was very happy to receive your letter, and I know you are in good health. I am sorry I have not
written to you for so long because I have been really busy.

Firstly, in your letter you mentioned that you are traveling to my country during Tet holiday. Also,
you wanted to know Tet Holiday. The Lunar New Year is a traditional Vietnam holiday, an opportunity
for everyone to return home and together in a warm atmosphere. It takes place from the first day of
the first month of the lunar calendar until at least the third day. Although occurring for a short period
of time, it is believed to be the most important and popular holiday in Vietnam.

Second, you asked me about activities in Tet holiday. On the first day of the year, everyone will
come to each other’s house and give each other the most meaningful wishes. Children will receive
lucky money from adults. On the first days of the year, people also go to the temple and pagodas to
pray for peace and luck in the new year.

Finally, I can tell you some traditional dishes for Tet such as banh chung, steamed momordica
glutinous, rice, pickled onion, Lean pork rice, boiled chicken, fried spring rolls. In which, banh chung
is a traditional dish that almost everyone has.

Please do write to me again if you need more information. I am always happy to hear from you, so
please write again soon!

Best Wishes,


Đề 27. You received an email from an English speaking friend. He is going to hold a birthday
party for his father but he hasn’t decided what present he will give him. There are 2 options (a
MP3 player or a bicycle).

Write a letter to him, give him some advice on how to hold a birthday party for his father and
which present he should choose and introduce the way to use it.

Bài viết

Dear Peter,

I was very happy to receive your letter and know that you and your family are in good health.
I am sorry I haven’t written to you for so long because I have been really busy. Anyway, the
reason I'm writing this letter to you to answer some questions that you raised in your letter.

Firstly, In your letter you mentioned that you are going to hold a birthday party for your father
and you will give him a present. Also, you wanted to know about the way you should hold a
birthday party. In my opinion, you should prepare some dishes which your father and the other
family members like, such as fried chicken, fish and some vegetables. You don't forget a bottle
of wine for him. You can prepare the party with your mom and your sister. Your father will
have a warm party with members in his family and he certainly will be very happy.

Secondly, as to your second question about a present, I really think that a bicycle is the best
choice because it is good for your father's health. He can ride a bicycle after a hard working

Finally, related to the next question about introducing the way to use the bicycle, I think that
you know clearly about it. However, my advice is you should do exercise with your father. I
remember that you also have a red bicycle, a gift your parents gave you when you were 15
years old.

Please do write to me again if you need more information. I am always happy to hear from
you, I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best wishes,


Đề 29

Write a letter to an English-speaking friend who is going to visit your hometown next month.
In your letter, you should:

- Tell him what clothes he should bring

- Whether it is possible to hire a bike for him to travel around

- What activities he can do in your area

Dear Peter,

I was very happy to receive your letter and know that you are going to visit my hometown
next month. In relation to things you raised in your letter, I would give some following

Firstly, in your letter you mentioned clothes. I think you should bring some T-shirts, jeans and
shorts because it is cool here and you will be comfortable when you wear those clothes.

Secondly, it is impossible to hire a bike for you to travel around the town. But don't worry,
you can take my bike to travel alone or I will take you to every place where you want because
I will have a long holiday next month.

Finally, I can suggest some activities which you should do. You will visit some historical
places. Those are The Mother temple, The Tran temple, The gold bell pagoda. Which are the
famous places in Hung Yen. Moreover, you should go and watch Cheo, it is a classical music
of Vietnam. Of course, you will have many yummy fruits and dishes, such as longan, Dong
Tao chicken and many kinds of fish in Red river.

Please do write to me again if you need more information. I am always happy to hear from
you, I am looking forward to seeing you soon.

Best wishes,


Đề bài 1: This is part of a letter you received from your English friend.

“In your last letter, you told me that you moved to a new city. How is everything now? Tell
me about your new place of living. How about new school, friends and teachers there?” .
Write a letter to you friend.

Bài viết:

Dear Peter,

I am sorry for not writing to you for so long as I have been really busy for my exams lately.
It was a pleasure to receive your letter and I would like to tell you about my new place.

Firstly, I will tell you about my life in my new place. As you know, I moved to a new city
almost a year ago. Everything is quite good. I often come to study every day then come
home to help my parents with the housework. On weekends or holidays, my parents often let
me go out and visit some places in the city such as going to the movies, shopping, ...

Secondly, My new place is very nice, right in the city center, close to market, hospital and
school. The house I live in has 3 floors with 4 rooms and a small garden. My room is on the
third floor. From my room, I can see a small lake. I love watching the sunrise. My parents
and I are happy here because we have new neighbors. They are kind and friendly. On the day
we were here, they helped us move our belongings.

Finally, my school is about 2 kilometers from my house, I usually cycle to school every day.
The school has 3 high-rise buildings divided into many different rooms, in the middle is a
courtyard with many shady trees for students to play. The classrooms are fully equipped with
modern equipment for our learning. The teachers and friends here are very good, always
helping and creating conditions for me in the learning process as well as in life. People are
friendly, sociable and united.

I really look forward to seeing you in my new house one day. I look forward to hearing from
you soon.

Best Regards,

Topic: You received an email from your English friend.

“I am going to have 6 months in your country to study Vietnamese at Hanoi University in Hanoi. I
am very excited about this trip. I am wondering where I can stay so that I can learn more Vietnamese
besides class time. I am also thinking about a part-time job I can do to have more practice of the
language. Can you give me some advice?”
Bài Viết:

Dear Peter,

I am sorry I haven’t written to you for so long because I have been really busy with my
work. I was very glad to receive your letter and hear all your news, especially the part that
you have 6 months in Hanoi to study Vietnamese at Hanoi University.

Firstly, you asked me about the place where you can stay to learn more Vietnamese besides
class time. To be honest, I think that the best choice to live is homestay. This is because the
price is cheaper than hotel or apartment. If you live in hotel or apartment you will pay lots of
money for staying, so instead of that you will save money for many other things such as
food, books, tuition fee. In addition, when you stay at homestay, you will live with local
person and it’s really wonderful for foreigners like you. You can gain more knowledge about
Vietnam’s culture and improve your Vietnamese.

Next, coming now to the last question about a part time job. In Vietnam, there are many jobs
for foreign students working while studying, but working in a Vietnamese Restaurant is
suitable for your ability. You are an extrovert person and like the active things so I think this
job is the best option for you. The best reason is that this job can help you have more
practice of the language because you must talk with customers on a daily basis, so your
Vietnamese will improve a lot.

Please do write to me again if you need more information. I am looking forward to hearing
from you soon.

Best Wishes,

Topic: This is part of the letter you received from the manager of the local bus
service (Mr. Watson) “Thank you for choosing Hanoi Bus. Please help us by taking a
few minutes to tell us about the service that you have received so far. Are you
satisfied (hài lòng) with our bus service? Is there anything you want to change (thay
đổi)?” Give your feedback (nhận xét) on the bus service

Bài viết:

Dear Mr.Watson,

I received your letter last week, requesting my feedback regarding the bus service you provided.
Unfortunately I was too busy with my job at the time so I couldn’t answer until now.
Firstly, for your first question about what I feel satisfied about your bus service, I think that is a
service attitude. The driver and assistant are very friendly and helpful. They greeted and smiled
with guests while they got on the bus. One thing special that impressed me is how they treat the
elderly, children and pregnant women. When they got on the bus, the assistant helped them to sit
on the chair. I am very satisfied and appreciated it and this is the thing that made me want to come
to Hanoi Bus again.

Secondly, Coming to the last question about the thing that I want to change. All services are
good but in my opinion to further enhance the customer experience you should provide some
things free like water, wet wipes. Besides here, you can have a blanket in the winter for the guest
wants. If you can add the above things I have mentioned, customers will really feel great and
definitely come back.

I hope that what I have noted down is useful for you. Don’t hesitate to contact me in person or via
email if you need further information.

Best regards,

Topic: This is part of an email your received form your English – speaking friend, Anna. She
asked you for some information for her next trip to your hometown.
“I am planning to visit your city next month and I am really excited about the trip. Can you
suggest somewhere to stay and tell me a little bit about What I can do in your hometown?
What clothes should I bring?”
Bài viết:

Dear Anna,

I am sorry I haven’t written to you for so long because I have been really busy with my job.
I was very pleased to receive your letter and know that you are in good health, especially
the part about you coming to my hometown for the next trip next month.

Firstly, I will tell you about the place you can stay. Foreigners coming to my hometown have
always lived in a homestay or apartment for a period of time, but you stay here for a few
days to travel. In my opinion, living in a hotel is the best choice because of some main
reasons. The Hotel has fully modern equipment so it makes you feel comfortable like your
house. Besides, in here the Security in the hotel works very well so that is the safety place
for you. Last but not least, In my hometown the hotel’s price is pretty cheap and I have some
websites to book a room online such as agoda,booking.com,traveloka which are very
convenient and easy to make a booking.

Secondly, related to the next question about activities you can do in my city. Ha Long Bay
is famous for its beautiful sea and mountain, and now the weather is still fairly warm then so
you should be able to spend quite a bit of time at the beach. One place that I think you and
your friend really like is the entertainment area. There are adventure games and water parks.
(thêm hoạt động ở biển)

Finally, coming to the last question about the clothes you should bring. Now,the weather in
my hometown is summer so it’s very hot. You should bring a T-shirt, jeans, dresses… and
some important items to bring such as an umbrella, sunscreen.

Please do write to me again if you need more information. I am always happy to hear from
you, so please write again soon!

Best Wishes,

Đề bài 1: This is part of a letter you received from your English friend.

“In your last letter, you told me that you moved to a new city. How is everything now? Tell
me about your new place of living. How about new school, friends and teachers there?” .
Write a letter to you friend.

Bài viết:

Dear Peter,

I am sorry for not writing to you for so long as I have been really busy for my exams lately.
It was a pleasure to receive your letter and I would like to tell you about my new place.

Firstly, I will tell you about my life in my new place. As you know, I moved to a new city
almost a year ago. Everything is quite good. I often come to study every day then come
home to help my parents with the housework. On weekends or holidays, my parents often let
me go out and visit some places in the city such as going to the movies, shopping, ...

Secondly, My new place is very nice, right in the city center, close to market, hospital and
school. The house I live in has 3 floors with 4 rooms and a small garden. My room is on the
third floor. From my room, I can see a small lake. I love watching the sunrise. My parents
and I are happy here because we have new neighbors. They are kind and friendly. On the day
we were here, they helped us move our belongings.

Finally, my school is about 2 kilometers from my house, I usually cycle to school every day.
The school has 3 high-rise buildings divided into many different rooms, in the middle is a
courtyard with many shady trees for students to play. The classrooms are fully equipped with
modern equipment for our learning. The teachers and friends here are very good, always
helping and creating conditions for me in the learning process as well as in life. People are
friendly, sociable and united.

I really look forward to seeing you in my new house one day. I look forward to hearing from
you soon.

Best Regards,


Đề bài 2: Write about what you are going to do this summer holiday. (thì tương lai)

Bài viết:

Dear Tom,

I apologize for not replying in time as I was busy preparing for my final exam. I am writing
to tell you a little bit about my family's upcoming travel plans.

In the summer, I plan to travel with my family after the end of the school year. At the
weekend, my family will go to Quan Lan beach for 3 days and 2 nights.

First, the first day we will move to the hotel near the beach, have lunch and then rest, in the
afternoon we will go swimming. Then my family will have dinner and play games on the

Second, the next day, we get up early in the morning to go to the sea to watch the sunrise.
When the sun rises, we will have breakfast and prepare to visit some islands in the sea.

Finally, on the last day, we will go to the beach, have breakfast, go to the market to buy
some seafood as gifts and eat. After that, we will go for lunch and then return to pack up to
check out of the hotel.

I think this will be a very meaningful, beautiful and memorable trip for everyone in my
family. The trip is not short but long enough for everyone in my family to gather together
after a long tiring day of work. It helps people get closer to each other, understand each other
and love each other more.

If you have time, go with your family.

Hope to see you soon.

All the best,


Task 1: Write about Mid-autumn festival: activities; special food

Dear Lisa,

I am very pleased to receive your letter, and I know you are in good health. I'm sorry I
haven't written to you for so long as I've been really busy. Today, I will introduce to you
about the activities and special dishes in the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival in my

Firstly, the Mid-Autumn Festival also known as Children's New Year, and Lantern
Festival, is a very meaningful custom, taking place on the full moon day of the 8th lunar
month every year. The weather in autumn is usually very beautiful, cool and fresh. This
is considered as a Tet holiday for children, they eagerly look forward to it and also an
opportunity for adults to show their love to children.

Secondly, during the Mid-Autumn Festival there will often be a number of traditional
activities such as: lion dance, dragon dance, lantern parade; Mid-autumn festival tray
display contest and making Mid-autumn festival toys.... Folk games are indispensable
activities in every Mid-Autumn Festival, physical movement games such as tug of war,
sack dance, etc. There are also poetry activities, comedy performances from children
expressed through songs such as: the star lamp, the fairy moon, the Mid-autumn
night... Finally, the dishes that will be indispensable in the Mid-Autumn Festival must
include: moon cake, sticky rice, pomelo salad, taro soup and dishes made from lotus
root. in which, the most typical dish of Vietnam on the occasion of the Mid-Autumn
Festival that probably everyone will think of first is the moon cake.

Mid-Autumn Festival is the most beautiful memory of everyone's childhood. I hope you
have a warm, joyful and happy Mid-Autumn Festival with your loved ones. I am looking
forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Wishes,


Topic: This is part of the letter you received from the manager of the local bus
service (Mr. Watson) “Thank you for choosing Hanoi Bus. Please help us by taking a
few minutes to tell us about the service that you have received so far. Are you
satisfied (hài lòng) with our bus service? Is there anything you want to change (thay
đổi)?” Give your feedback (nhận xét) on the bus service

Bài viết:

Dear Mr.Watson,

I received your letter last week, requesting my feedback regarding the bus service you provided.
Unfortunately I was too busy with my job at the time so I couldn’t answer until now.
Firstly, for your first question about what I feel satisfied about your bus service, I think that is a
service attitude. The driver and assistant are very friendly and helpful. They greeted and smiled
with guests while they got on the bus. One thing special that impressed me is how they treat the
elderly, children and pregnant women. When they got on the bus, the assistant helped them to sit
on the chair. I am very satisfied and appreciated it and this is the thing that made me want to come
to Hanoi Bus again.

Secondly, Coming to the last question about the thing that I want to change. All services are
good but in my opinion to further enhance the customer experience you should provide some
things free like water, wet wipes. Besides here, you can have a blanket in the winter for the guest
wants. If you can add the above things I have mentioned, customers will really feel great and
definitely come back.

I hope that what I have noted down is useful for you. Don’t hesitate to contact me in person or via
email if you need further information.

Best regards,


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