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International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change. www.ijicc.

Volume 9, Issue 2, 2019

Determinant Factors of Police

Kusni Ingsiha, Sih Darmi Astutib*, a,bBusiness and Economic Faculty,
Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Semarang, Indonesia, Email:
a b
kusniingsih@dsn.dinus.ac.id, astuti.sda@yahoo.com

The purpose of this study is to build a conceptual model for measuring

inequality. The police, as one of the state apparatus, is currently facing
increasingly difficult. Police management has faced particular
problems such as a waning reputation, internal conflict and poor
remuneration and reward schemes. This study is conducted in
Semarang Polrestabes - Indonesia. 100 police officers comprise the
sample by using a proportional random sampling technique. Data was
collected by a survey method using a questionnaire and responses
analysed using multiple linear regressions. The results of the study
reveal that police performance increases quickly when reputation,
monetary reward schemes and the management of risk mitigation
factors are in place.

Key words: compensation, conflict, reputation, motivation, job satisfaction, police



Polrestabes (district police station) is a community service centre engaged in law

enforcement. Its function is to serve and protect the community, particularly regional sectors.
Polrestabes Semarang was established after the Central Java Regional Police dissolved five
regional police stations (Polwil) and one major city police station (Polwiltabes). This was
under the auspices of the Decree of the Chief of the Indonesian National Police No. Pol: Kep
14/XII/2009 dated 31 December 2009. The Decree was subsequently followed by a warrant
of the Central Java Regional Police No Sprin/190-193/I/2010. The jurisdiction of Semarang
district police (Polrestabes) oversees 14 urban police stations and one harbor police station
and four sub-sector police stations with two upgraded to a sector police station totalling 2,974
members. Each division consists of operational and coaching functions and each function has
division units. With these functions, Polretabes are able to strategically monitor, manage and

International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change. www.ijicc.net
Volume 9, Issue 2, 2019

develop efficient and trustworthy human resources. In reality, however, are several issues
related to police performance exist.

The results of police performance can be reflected in the number of tasks and responsibilities
that have not been accomplished. This is reflected in the rate of crime or traffic violations in
regions, especially Central Java, which is still comparatively high. The Central Java Police
Chief, Police Inspector General Condro Kirono, said that is was not entirely the fault of the
police, but there were other factors, such as the level of public awareness of traffic
compliance that contributes to high accident rates. The number of accidents in Central Java in
2016 topped 521 cases, an increase of 4% compared to 517 cases in 2015. The Director of
Traffic (Dirlantas) of the Central Java Regional Police, Kombes Pol. Bakharuddin, also
stated that the number of traffic violations throughout 2016 touched 122,235 cases. Of those
cases, approximately 64%, or 78,662 cases, were resolved through trial, while the rest were
only with a reprimand.

Based on electronic daily news, several criminal cases committed by members of the
Semarang Polrestabes police was found that their performance was still low. For example, an
extortion case of driving licenses committed by 36 members of the Traffic Police (Sanlantas)
of Polrestabes Semarang was discovered in 2013; and two cases in 2014. It was revealed that
(i) there were two persons from Polrestabes Semarang who were exposed to criminal
extortion and; (ii) unscrupulous members of the Sabhara of Polrestabes Semarang were
involved in a shooting case that killed a security officer of an ATM filling service in
Semarang. In the following year, (i) two members of Polrestabes Semarang were caught in a
criminal act because they were involved in drug syndicates; (ii) one police officer was
involved in an affair case; (iii) three police officers committed extortion and; (iv) police
officers were involved in immoral acts.

The problems identified above are closely related to the reputation and credibility of the
police in public. For some employees, reputation is highly valued or preferred by superiors
rather than merely trust. Employees believe a good reputation equates to good performance.
Conversely, workers with a poor professional reputation usually perform badly. Therefore,
reputation, in this context, acts as a measure of trust. This study will focus on how current
police performance relates to public levels of trust and credibility.

Literature Review

Personal reputation does not change instantly but through a process of alteration that is
consistent, prominent and repeated over time (Zinko et al., 2010). Based on this, the
formation of personal reputations can be developed by direct observation or through
information from secondary sources. Anderson and Shirako (2008) state that social,

International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change. www.ijicc.net
Volume 9, Issue 2, 2019

interpersonal relationships make behaviour more prominent in the process of personal

reputation. In an organisation, personal reputation is often created by word of mouth. This
indicates that the longer a person is in an organisation, the more likely they will have a
personal reputation. Besides, the more time individuals spend in an organisation, the better
they will be to evaluate their environment. They will use this environment to develop an
image that is consistent with their behaviour in order to achieve the desired personal
reputation. Those with a strong personal reputation will be able to influence the external
appearance of an organisation. When an individual with a strong personal reputation joins an
organisation, the organisation will obtain additional resources that will strengthen the
organisation (Ferris et al., 2008).

Compensation and Job Satisfaction

Parvin & Kabir (2011) found that many factors contribute to job satisfaction. If they are
seeking to improve business operations, policymakers and managers must focus on those
factors that positively influence an employee's job satisfaction. Studies show that working
conditions, fairness, promotion, and remuneration are the key factors that influence employee
satisfaction in pharmaceutical companies. Money is a good motivator: all employees work for
money and a good salary is satisfying to employees.

In pharmaceutical companies, workers expect that they all receive the same treatment in
payment or promotion. Companies create a competitive environment such as fair treatment,
remuneration and hours of work; all designed to improve employees’ work attitudes. Justice
can also motivate employees to work hard. In light of this, it can be concluded that fairness
increases an employee's job satisfaction and, subsequently, satisfied employees deliver the
best service for an organisation. This condition impacts on refining and heightening
organisational performance. In pharmaceutical companies, job security, as an aspect of job
satisfaction, is more important for male employees compared to female employees. The same
condition also occurs for employees of medium to large-sized organisations. Thus, the
following hypothesis is proposed:

H1: That remuneration has a positive effect on job satisfaction.

Conflict and Job Satisfaction

Job dissatisfaction causes conflict and arises when employees are assigned tasks not suited to
their abilities, attitudes and expectations. This is also impacted by little to no opportunity to
demonstrate their capabilities and values and hinders growth and potential. Likewise,
employees who have to work in suitable teams usually become less effective in completing
their work tasks and are less productive as a result. Subsequently, this gives rise to low

International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change. www.ijicc.net
Volume 9, Issue 2, 2019

motivation for career development and promotional opportunities. These factors contribute
negatively to of job satisfaction (Belias et al., 2015). Other studies find this relationship
(Enika, 2015; Tunjungsari, 2011) has a positive effect on job satisfaction. Thus, the following
hypothesis is proposed:

H2: That conflict affects job satisfaction.

Reputation and Job Satisfaction

Weiss, Anderson & Maclnnis (1999) define reputation by as "global perceptions of the extent
to which organisations are held in high esteem or valued". Rapid performance improvement
will be achieved from the reputation of organisational factors because it creates trust from
assorted parties. This condition supports research findings from an analysis of small and
medium-sized companies in China (Yang et al., 2015). Clearly, reputation is perceived as the
extent to which an organisation is held in high esteem by its stakeholders. On the other hand,
different stakeholders use the same criteria in evaluating a reputation. Thus, the third
hypothesis is proposed:

H3: That reputation has a positive effect on job satisfaction.

Motivation and Job Satisfaction

Arifin (2015) found that work motivation has a positive effect on teacher job satisfaction.
This research affirms that work motivation contributes greatly to job satisfaction. The study
also reports that motivation influences job satisfaction and, this in turn, provides
opportunities for career advancement. Evidently, motivational factors such as these create
teacher job satisfaction. On the other hand, Sohail et al. (2014) also found that to create work
motivation can be achieved via monetary incentives to employees. This motivation is
believed to make employees feel that they are supported by the organisation. Panday (2011)
states that emotional attachment and employee loyalty are the most important factors in
employee motivation. On the downside, this condition can blind people to remain in the
organisation. Thus, the fourth hypothesis is proposed:

H4: That motivation has a positive effect on job satisfaction.

Remuneration and Performance

An organisation can increase employee's salaries in the form of monetary reward to motive
them. Renumeration reviews is one key factor affecting job satisfaction and, in this way, can
improve service quality and organisational performance (Parvin & Kabir, 2011). Providing

International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change. www.ijicc.net
Volume 9, Issue 2, 2019

competitive, monetary rewards will improve employee performance. Thus, the fifth
hypothesis is proposed:

H5: That monetary rewards have a positive effect on performance.

Conflict on Performance

Conflict is one factor that becomes problematic at work because it affects an employee's
performance (Belias et al., 2015). Conflict is defined as a mismatch of requirements and
expectations of roles and where role compatibility is assessed based on a set of conditions
that affect performance (Rizzo, House & Lirtzman, 1970). Thus, the sixth hypothesis is

H6: That conflict affects performance.

Reputation and Performance

Personal reputation affects the success of one’s career as measured by the organisation in the
form of performance. Research by Wade, Porac, Pollock & Graffin (2006) supports the view
that individuals who help others, and who are considered to have a good reputation, receive
greater appreciation than individuals with a bad professional and personal reputation
(Jhonson, Erez, Kiker & Motowidlo, 2002). When joining a new department of an
organisation, someone with a solid reputation will attract additional resources. Likewise, the
study of Zinko et al. (2012) affirms that a person's reputation will positively impact career
performance. Thus, the seventh hypothesis is proposed:

H7: That reputation has a positive effect on performance.

Motivation and Performance

Employee motivation is one of the most difficult and important tasks in conducting business
because it has a significant impact on employee performance (Belias et al., 2015). Jeffrey &
Soleman (2017) find that high employee motivation improves employee performance. The
results of this theory also support the research conducted by Le Tran and Chiou-shu (2015)
which states that employee performance is influenced by motivation. Zameer et al. (2014)
also found that the role of work motivation is important in improving employee performance.
Likewise, William (2005) found that motivation improves the quality of human resources,
particularly for teachers. Thus, the eighth hypothesis is proposed:

H8: That motivation has a positive effect on performance.

International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change. www.ijicc.net
Volume 9, Issue 2, 2019

Job Satisfaction and Performance

Parvin & Kabir (2011) found that the physical design of a workplace, as a measure of job
satisfaction, has a clear impact on jab satisfaction. Working conditions in pharmaceutical
companies, which consist of employee relations and work environment, are positively related
to employee job satisfaction. This means that a good work environment and working
conditions increase job satisfaction. Satisfied employees provide the best they can to improve
work performance. Low level job satisfaction impedes the achievement of goals and
organisational performance. A conducted at the autonomous health department in Pakistan
sought to identify determinants of job satisfaction and their impact on employee performance.
The results show that several factors of job satisfaction positively influence employee
performance: salary, promotion, work safety and security, working conditions, work
autonomy and relationships with colleagues and supervisors. With reference to these
findings, the Pakistani government must always pay attention to these factors in order to
foster job satisfaction. Khan et al. (2012) specifically recommended that employee
performance in autonomous medical institutions could be improved if the government
focused on all aspects of job satisfaction and not only on one factor alone. Thus, the final
hypothesis is proposed:

H9: That job satisfaction has a positive effect on performance.

Research Methods

The populations of this study are all Polrestabes police officers serving in Semarang,
totalling 2.454 people who work in 17 work units and sector police stations. 100 police
officers comprise the sample and were chosen using a proportional random sampling
technique. The instrument validity test uses factor analysis and reliability testing, Cronbach
alpha. The data is analysed using multiple linear regressions. The measurement of
performance uses five items; Job satisfaction uses Robbins & Judge (2008) with five items;
remuneration uses Hamid (2014) with five items; conflict uses Tanjungsari (2011) with four
items; reputation uses Bread (2001) with four items and; motivation uses Hariandja (2002)
with four items.


The results of the study found that the majority of respondents were male (94%) while female
police officers (6%). Most of those who work at the Satlantas (the Traffic Police) of
Polrestabes Semarang had the last education of Academy (D3) were six people or 5,8%; the

International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change. www.ijicc.net
Volume 9, Issue 2, 2019

respondents with Bachelor Degree (S1) were 17 people or 16,3% and the respondents with
the last education of Master Degree (S2) were two people or 1,9%.

The variable descriptions are shown in Table 1 below as follows:

Table 1: Standard Deviation, Means, Alpha Cronbach, and Correlations

Variables Means SD 1 2 3 4 5 6
Remuneration 6.06 0.68 0.92
Conflict 6.02 0.68 0.52 0.94
Reputation 3.91 0.90 0.06 0.22 0.87
Motivation 3.89 0.88 0.04 0.10 0.54 0.93
Job Satisfaction 5.97 0.67 0.65 0.45 0.13 0.11 0.92
Police Performance 4.02 0.93 0.11 0.18 0.68 0.64 0.08 0.94
Note: reliability is on the main diagonal

With regard to Table 2 below, data analysis of the two regression models show a good fit.
Not all of the proposed hypotheses in this study were confimred. Three out of nine
hypotheses were unverified in the study and only six hypotheses supported.

The results of the analysis are presented in Table 2 below:

Table 2: Regression Analysis

Dependent Independent Coefficient Probability Adjusted F test
Variables Variables R2
Job Satisfaction Compensation 0.645 0.000 0.852 75.903
Conflict 0.110 0.089
Reputation 0.271 0.032
Motivation 0.227 0.043
Police Performance Compensation 0.022 0.267 0.788 74.800
Conflict 0.275 0.019
Reputation 0.551 0.000
Motivation 0.221 0.076
Job Satisfaction 0.335 0.001


An analysis of results demonstrated that only six of nine proposed hypotheses were
supported. Monetary reward is a factor that influences police job satisfaction because officers
receive monetary recognition as a result of their hard work. This means that when there is no
monetary reward for hard work, morale decreases. Justine, T. Sirait (2007) states that
International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change. www.ijicc.net
Volume 9, Issue 2, 2019

payment is what is received by employees in the form of money or non-money remuneration

for employee's performance contributions in an organisation. Such recognition has a
significant effect on job satisfaction and aligns with research conducted by Yusron Rozzaid et
al. (2015) who examined the relationship between monetary reward and job satisfaction.
Conversely, Pioh et al. (2016), research results indicate that there is no effect of monetary
benefit on job satisfaction.

The results of this study do not support the second hypothesis: work conflict has a positive
effect on job satisfaction. Where a person is unable to overcome the demands and pressures
of a job, their physical, mental and behavioural abilities are impeded. This negatively
impacts satisfaction at work and prevents potential achievement. The results of this study do
not align with Enika (2015) and Tnjungsari (2011) who outline that work conflict has a
positive effect on job satisfaction. The results show that the demands of tasks at work are
very difficult and challenging. This case indicates that, even though the demands of carrying
out police duties and superiors’ orders are heavy to obey, the entrusted tasks can still be
performed quickly and swiftly.

The study found that reputation has a positive effect on job satisfaction. Rapid performance
improvement is achieved from the reputation of the organisation. This condition supports the
findings conducted on small and medium-sized companies in China (Yang et al., 2015). This
is reflected in compliance to organisational rules on ethical principles, fairness in determining
decisions and the appointment of personnel on merit.

Work motivation has a positive significant effect on the job satisfaction of police. The study
reports high motivation when superiors recognise achievements. This, in turn, fosters ongoing
achievement and an opportunity to further progress. Such motivation can be a consideration
for realising the work satisfaction of police. This study supports the findings of Sohail et al.
(2014) and Panday (2011) who describe emotional attachment and employee loyalty as
important features in work motivation. This motivation binds people to remain in an
organisation and, clearly, has a positive effect on police’s job satisfaction.

Organisational decisions on salary and promotion, collegial relations, the type and nature of
remuneration and ongoing reviews of such schemes are key factors that affect performance.
However, it is the case that this was not proven in the police agencies. This finding does not
support the studies conducted by Parvin & Kabir (2011). The salary bonus given to police did
not improve their overall performance, but it provided job satisfaction which influenced
performance. In other words, it can be said that salary bonuses influence police performance
through job satisfaction.

International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change. www.ijicc.net
Volume 9, Issue 2, 2019

The conflict identified in this study had a positive effect on police performance. The conflict
was functional and considered as a work challenge; yet it could be managed by police in
carrying out their duties. Conflict was seen as problematic as it was brought to the job and
influenced employee performance. This finding validates a study conducted by Belias et al.
(2015). The functional conflict in police institutions directly affected the performance of
police but not their job satisfaction.

Reputation is defined as the results of what you do, what you say, and what others say about
yourself (Bread, 2001). With regard to Bread (2001), it is concluded that reputation is how
individuals view us. Reputation is used as a benchmark to determine performance, so
employees held in great regard because of their reputation, must achieve highly. The results
demonstrate a positive and significant effect of reputation on police performance and affirm
research conducted by Babaeinesami (2016).

According to Hariandja (2002), motivation is a factor that directs and encourages an

individual’s behaviour or desire to carry out an activity. It is characterised by hard or weak
effort. Given this definition, it can be said that motivation is a reflection of an individual’s
spirit. Employees with low enthusiasm are not motivated to perform at an exemplary level.
Subsequently, individual motivation is one factor that improves performance. However, this
study found that motivation did not directly influence police performance. The fact is that
motivation influences performance by mediating job satisfaction. The results of this study do
not align with research conducted by Belias et al. (2015), Jeffrey & Soleman (2017), Le Tran
and Chiou-shu (2015), Zameer et al. (2014), William (2005), and Babaeinesani (2016) which
demonstrate that motivation has a positive effect on performance.

This study also found that incentives for the police, promotion opportunities, relations with
colleagues, and the type and nature of work significantly influenced the level of job
satisfaction in police institutions. This condition supports previous studies conducted by
Djastuti, Perdhana & Udin (2019), Khan et al. (2012), Parvin & Kabir (2011), Putri, Udin &
Djastuti (2019), and Wikaningrum, Udin & Yuniawan (2018).

Conclusion and Recommendations

This study concludes that police performance, especially in the Mapolresta of Semarang City,
improves because of reputation, functional conflict and monetary reward:

1. Reputation is the strongest factor that improves police performance. This is

reasonable considering their current reputation is in the community spotlight. This
is in light of the many facts easily obtained directly or derived from the media;
2. Functional conflict directly affects police performance and;

International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change. www.ijicc.net
Volume 9, Issue 2, 2019

3. Monetary reward and motivation are found to affect police performance through
job satisfaction.

International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change. www.ijicc.net
Volume 9, Issue 2, 2019


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