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Abnormal Psychology

Phase 1: Introduction
Source: Barlow, Durand & Hofmann (2018), Comer & Comer (2017), DSM-V, DSM-V-TR
undetectable fluid found in all living organisms o Anna Freud – Ego Psychology (defensive
called animal magnetism Jean-Martin Charcot reactions of ego, determines our behavior)
o – demonstrated some techniques of mesmerism o Heinz Kohut – focused on a theory of formation of
were effective with a number of psychological self-concept and the crucial attributes of the self
disorders, and he did much to legitimize the that allow individual to progress toward health
fledgling practice of hypnosis (Self-Psychology)
o Object Relations – study of how children
o Freud partnered with Josef Breuer to incorporate the images, the memories, and
experiment different hypnotic procedure and sometimes the values of a person who was
discovered “Unconscious” mind important to them (introjection)
o Catharsis – release of emotional material Carl
o Jung – introduced the concept of collective
o Structure of Mind: unconscious, which is wisdom accumulated by
▪ society and culture that is stored deep in
Id - pleasure
▪ Ego - reality
Superego – morality individual memories and passed down from
▪ generation to generation
o Defense Mechanisms – unconscious protective o Alfred Adler – created the term Inferiority
processes that keep primitive emotions Complex Free Association – patients are
associated with conflicts in check so that the o instructed to say whatever comes to mind
ego can continue its coordinating function without the usual socially required censoring

o Dream Analysis – therapist interprets the

content of dreams
o Transference – patients come to relate to the
therapist much as they did to important figures in
their childhood
o Countertransference – therapist project some of
their own personal issues and feelings, usually
positive, onto the patient
o Self-Actualizing – highest potential, in all areas
of functioning
o Abraham Maslow – postulated Hierarchy of
o Carl Rogers – originated Person-Centered
o Unconditional Positive Regard – the complete
and almost unqualified acceptance of most of the
client’s feelings and actions
o Psychosocial Stages: Oral, Anal, Phallic, o Empathy – sympathetic understanding of the
o Latency, Genitals individual’s particular view of the world
o Fixation – if we did not receive appropriate o Thomas Szasz – societies invented the concept of
o gratification during a specific stage mental illness so that they can control people
Castration Anxiety – fear of losing penis whose unusual patterns of functioning upset or
Oedipus Complex – battle of lustful impulses threaten social order
towards his mother and castration anxiety on o Joseph Wolpe – Systematic Desensitization
other o Hans Selye – developed General Adaptation
o Electra Complex – young girl wanting to Syndrome (GAS)
replace her mother and possess her father ▪
three-stage process that describes the
(penis envy) physiological changes the body goes
o Neuroses – disorders of the nervous systems through when under stress

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