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Let x = Number of units of x produced in the current week

Y = Number of units of y produced in the current week

Then the constraints are:

50x + 24y <= 40(60) machine A time
30x + 33y <= 35(60) machine B time

x >= 75 – 30
x >= 45
So production of X >= demand (75) - initial stock (30), which ensures we meet demand

y >= 95 - 90
y >= 5
So production of Y >= demand (95) - initial stock (90), which ensures we meet demand

The objective is: maximise (x+30-75) + (y+90-95) = (x+y-50)

i.e. to maximise the number of units left in stock at the end of the week

It is plain from the diagram below that the maximum occurs at the intersection of x=45 and 50x + 24y = 2400

Solving simultaneously, rather than by reading values off the graph, we have that x=45 and y=6.25 with the
value of the objective function being 1.25
09. Let x1 be the number of units of product 1 produced
x2 be the number of units of product 2 produced
where x1, x2>=0

The constraints are:

15x1 + 7x2 <= 20(60) machine X
25x1 + 45x2 <= 15(60) machine Y

x1 <= 37 demand for product 1

x2 <= 14 demand for product 2

The objective is to maximise profit, i.e.

Maximise 10x1 + 4x2 - 3(37- x1) - 1(14-x2)
Maximise 13x1 + 5x2 - 125

The graph is shown below, from the graph we have that the solution occurs on the horizontal axis (x2=0) at
x1=36 at which point the maximum profit is 13(36) + 5(0) - 125 = £343
10. Let x be the number of items of X
y be the number of items of Y

then the LP is: maximise 20x + 30y - 10(machine time worked) - 2(craftsman time worked)
subject to:
13x + 19y <= 40(60) machine time
20x + 29y <= 35(60) craftsman time
x >= 10 contract
x,y >= 0
so that the objective function becomes
maximise 20x + 30y - 10(13x + 19y)/60 - 2(20x + 29y)/60
maximise 17.1667x + 25.8667y
subject to:
13x + 19y <= 2400
20x + 29y <= 2100
x >= 10
x,y >= 0

It is plain from the diagram below that the maximum occurs at the intersection of x=10 and 20x
+ 29y <= 2100
Solving simultaneously, rather than by reading values off the graph, we have that x=10 and y=65.52 with the
value of the objective function being £1866.5

07. 𝑋 = fraction of each gallon that is type A

𝑌 = fraction of each gallon that is type B

Minimise , Total cost = 0.83𝑋 + 0.98𝑌

S.T 80𝑋 + 92𝑌 ≥ 90

𝑋 +𝑌 ≤ 1 ( Water can be added )

𝑋 ≤ 1

𝑌 ≤ 1

𝑋, 𝑌 ≥ 0

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